Lesson Plan On Personal Pronoun
Lesson Plan On Personal Pronoun
Lesson Plan On Personal Pronoun
personal pronouns. Let’s watch the personal pronouns
2. Teacher invites video and listen to the
the pupils to sing song.
together. 2. I will replay the
and you can sing along.
questions to test have to love and be
pupils’ understanding good to your parents.
on personal pronouns. 7. Can you give me
some examples of
group to appoint a your holiday. You - PowerPoint
leader. need to write a Presentation on word
3. Teacher tells the postcard to your friend cues
pupils that they will telling him/her about - Spreadsheets
have to write a your holiday. ( Objective 3)
postcard to their 2. You can use the word
friend telling him/her cues given to help you
about their holiday. to write the postcard.
4. Teacher tells the 3. Write five sentences
pupils to use the word using the word cues
cues provided to help given and underline
them to write the the personal pronouns.
postcard. 4. I have an example of a
5. Teacher tells each postcard that I wrote to
group to write five my friend in Kuala
sentences in a short Lumpur during my
paragraph and holiday in Melaka.
underline the 5. You have ten minutes
personal pronouns to complete the task.
used. 6. After you have
6. Teacher shows an finished, one person
example of a postcard from each group will
to the pupils. read the postcard in
7. Teacher gives pupils front of the class. Each
ten minutes to write group has one minute
their postcard. to present their
8. Teacher tells the postcard.
pupils that a person
from each group will
present their postcard
in front of the class.
Each group is given
one minute to present
their postcard.
9. Teacher asks them
whether they had
enjoyed their holiday.
Teacher tells them
that they have to
appreciate the beauty
of the interesting
Closure 1. Teacher replays the 1. Let’s sing the song Teaching Aids:
(5 minutes) song and asks the again. You can also -Video clip on
pupils to sing along. sing along. personal pronouns
2. Teacher asks pupils 2. What are the - Worksheet 2
another type of personal pronouns that
personal pronoun you can find in the
they have learnt in song?
the lesson. 3. Can you give me
the examples of the
object pronouns?