Lesson Plan On Personal Pronoun

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The lesson taught Year 4 students about personal pronouns through various activities like a video, worksheet, and group writing activity.

Personal pronouns are words used instead of nouns that identify people or things like I, you, he, she, it, we and they.

The teacher introduced personal pronouns through a video, presentation and worksheet. Then the students practiced writing sentences in groups using word cues.

Day/ Date Thursday/ 15th October 2009

Time/ Duration 10.05-11.05/ 60 minutes

Year 4 Brilliant
Enrolment 30/30 pupils
Unit/ Themes/ Topics Pronouns: Personal Pronouns
Skills Listening
1.7.1 Listen to and understand the concept of personal
2.3.1 Responding to questions.
3.3.3 Read and understand the concept of personal pronouns
4.4.3 Form simple sentences independently.
Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. identify personal pronouns orally.
2. answer 8 out of 10 questions on personal pronouns
correctly on the worksheet.
3. write a postcard using word cues given on a spreadsheet.
CCTS 1. Identifying
2. Making decisions
Moral Values 1. Love
2. Appreciative
Teaching Resources/ Aids 1. A video clip on personal pronouns
2. PowerPoint Presentation on personal pronouns
3. Authorware (Focused practice)
4. Worksheet 1 (Focused practice)
5. PowerPoint Presentation on word cues (communicative
6. Example of postcard (communicative practice)
7. Worksheet 2
Prior Knowledge/ Skills Pupils have been exposed to nouns in Year 3.
Steps Teaching Strategy Language Content Notes
Set Induction 1. Teacher shows a video 1. I will show you a Teaching Aids:
(5 minutes) clip on video. -Video clip on

personal pronouns. Let’s watch the personal pronouns
2. Teacher invites video and listen to the
the pupils to sing song.
together. 2. I will replay the
and you can sing along.

Presentation 1. Teacher shows a short 1. Look at this CCTS:

(15 minutes) paragraph to the paragraph carefully. Identifying
pupils. 2. Can someone come Moral Value:
2. Teacher asks for a to the front and circle - Love
volunteer to come to the words you have Teaching Aids:
the front and circle the listened to and saw in -PowerPoint
words they have the video clip? Presentation on
listened to in the video 3. These words are personal pronouns.
clip. called personal ( Objective 1)
3. Teacher shows pronouns.
PowerPoint 4. Do you know what
presentation on is personal pronoun?
personal pronouns. 5. Now, I’m going to
4. Teacher explains explain to you about
the concept of personal pronouns.
personal pronouns. You have to listen
5. Teacher gives some carefully to my
examples on personal explanation because
pronouns. you are going to use
6. Teacher reminds the personal pronouns
pupils to love and to in our next activity.
be good to their 6. Look, their family is
parents. so happy. To have a
7. Teacher poses happy family, you

questions to test have to love and be
pupils’ understanding good to your parents.
on personal pronouns. 7. Can you give me
some examples of

Focused Practice 1. Teacher distributes 1. Now, I will give a CCTS:

(15 minutes) Worksheet 1 to the worksheet to each of Identifying
pupils and gives them you. I will give you Decision making
seven minutes to seven minutes to
complete the exercises. answer al the Teaching Aids:
2. Teacher discusses the questions. -Authorware
answer by showing the 2. Now, let’s discuss the -Worksheet 1
authorware to the answer together. Look (Objective 2)
pupils. at the screen.
3. Teacher calls the 3. I want a volunteer to
pupils one by one to come to the front and
press the correct press the correct
answer on the answer on the
keyboard. keyboard.
4. Teacher asks the 4. Now, count the correct
number of correct answers you have got.
answers the pupils get. How many of you
answer all the
questions correctly?
Communicative 1. Teacher explains that 1. Now, we are going to Moral Value:
Practice they are going to do do the next activity. - Appreciative
(20 minutes) another interesting Last week, you went Teaching Aids:
activity. for a holiday at an -Power Point
2. Teacher divides the interesting place in Presentation
pupils into five Malaysia. Your friend (example of a
groups and asks each wanted to know about postcard)

group to appoint a your holiday. You - PowerPoint
leader. need to write a Presentation on word
3. Teacher tells the postcard to your friend cues
pupils that they will telling him/her about - Spreadsheets
have to write a your holiday. ( Objective 3)
postcard to their 2. You can use the word
friend telling him/her cues given to help you
about their holiday. to write the postcard.
4. Teacher tells the 3. Write five sentences
pupils to use the word using the word cues
cues provided to help given and underline
them to write the the personal pronouns.
postcard. 4. I have an example of a
5. Teacher tells each postcard that I wrote to
group to write five my friend in Kuala
sentences in a short Lumpur during my
paragraph and holiday in Melaka.
underline the 5. You have ten minutes
personal pronouns to complete the task.
used. 6. After you have
6. Teacher shows an finished, one person
example of a postcard from each group will
to the pupils. read the postcard in
7. Teacher gives pupils front of the class. Each
ten minutes to write group has one minute
their postcard. to present their
8. Teacher tells the postcard.
pupils that a person
from each group will
present their postcard
in front of the class.

Each group is given
one minute to present
their postcard.
9. Teacher asks them
whether they had
enjoyed their holiday.
Teacher tells them
that they have to
appreciate the beauty
of the interesting
Closure 1. Teacher replays the 1. Let’s sing the song Teaching Aids:
(5 minutes) song and asks the again. You can also -Video clip on
pupils to sing along. sing along. personal pronouns
2. Teacher asks pupils 2. What are the - Worksheet 2
another type of personal pronouns that
personal pronoun you can find in the
they have learnt in song?
the lesson. 3. Can you give me
the examples of the
object pronouns?

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