Mindsphere Analyze and Predict: Solution Brief
Mindsphere Analyze and Predict: Solution Brief
Mindsphere Analyze and Predict: Solution Brief
take suboptimal approaches to main- Both approaches are expensive, usually Visual Flow Creator
taining asset health and performance: fail to deliver their intended results and Use this browser-based workflow editor
require devoted resources, diverting to build your workflow to create rules,
• Reactive maintenance approaches
team members from core competen- define KPIs and trigger actions, such as
consist of manufacturers running
cies. The Analyze and Predict packaged email notifications, if defined threshold
assets until they fail and only then
solution provides manufacturers with values are exceeded.
performing maintenance. As a result,
the necessary capabilities to predict and
these manufacturers incur significant Visual Explorer
prevent unplanned asset downtime.
maintenance costs and experience This browser-based solution uses
productivity losses due to downtime Tableau® to create customized,
Analyze and Predict advanced data visualizations and dash-
• Scheduled maintenance
approaches are when manufacturers Key solutions and capabilities boards from complex data sets.
schedule routine, calendar-based ser- Predictive Learning Visualizations can be shared internally
vices, regardless of asset health or Increase product performance, and externally to expedite data-driven
performance. These manufacturers perceived product performance and the decision-making that will improve the
are more vulnerable to wasting overall customer experience. Predictive overall health of connected assets.
resources by servicing healthy Learning enables you to build models Using Visual Explorer empowers every
machines. They also run the risk of using machine-learning techniques to user in your company, regardless of
missing urgent maintenance tasks help you predict future asset perfor- their skill set, to easily access, analyze
that are key to preventing larger, mance and optimize product quality. As and quickly interpret large amounts of
more expensive equipment failures a result, you can reduce performance data. With creator and viewer accounts
issues and prevent potential asset available, Visual Explorer enables you to
failures. build visualizations or use predefined
libraries to create visualizations that suit
your needs.
MindConnect Integration
Combine existing databases, enterprise
systems and cloud data sources with
data collected on the shop floor to
enable full contextual analysis of critical
assets on MindSphere.
Basic enablement
Learn about MindSphere essentials such
as tenancy and connectivity options.
Be able to work with MindSphere core
components like Asset Manager and
Fleet Manager and additional compo-
nents like Visual Flow Creator.
Success management
Ongoing support and consultation to
guide you through your digitalization
journey and help you get the most out
of your MindSphere implementation.
Receive support for building powerful
workflows in Visual Flow Creator and Use cases Begin your journey
gaining valuable insights from dash- Predictive maintenance MindSphere enables you to gain
boards in Visual Explorer. Continuously collect and analyze real- complete, real-time transparency into
time asset health and performance data asset health and performance in order
Analytics consulting to better predict and prevent unplanned
to determine the root cause of produc-
Maximize data insights by working with downtime. As a result, you are better
tion and quality issues. By doing so, you
consultants to improve your analytics equipped to maximize profitability
can predict the best time to service
workflows in Visual Flow Creator, and and meet production goals. As an
assets at the right frequency and with
optimize your dashboards in Visual end-to-end Industrial Internet of Things
minimal cost before unplanned down-
Explorer. (IIoT) solution, using MindSphere also
time occurs.
creates opportunities to further digi-
Data science consulting
Optimized predictive maintenance talize your business.
Consulting available for the Predictive
Enhance predictive maintenance prac-
Learning environment. After an initial
tices by scheduling asset maintenance
on-site consultation, receive support in
in a manner that creates efficiencies in
defining data sets and developing
asset availability and time and resource
models using the MindSphere toolset.
allocation. This enables you to maintain
assets while still making sure you have
the resources to meet production goals.