Balance Sheet at 31st December 2017: Engropower Gen Qaridpur 2017 Financial Report

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Balance Sheet At 31st December 2017

Note Rupees
Amount in Thousands 2017


Non-Current Assets

Property plant & Equipment 4 13,169,212

Intangible Assets 5 77,044

Long term loans and Advances 7 39,243

Long Term Deposits 2,491


Current Assets

Inventories 8 881,182

Trade Debts 9 5,571,570

Short Term Investment 10 50,000

Loans, advances, deposits, prepayments, and other receivables 11 1,427,680

Taxes receivables 64,731

Balances with Banks 12 7409


Total Assets 21,290,562

Engropower Gen Qaridpur 2017 Financial Report

Ratios in Times not Percentage Rupees

Liquidity/Current Ratios Return on Assets
% 2017 2016 2017 2016 %
0.9242456826 0.9171646441 0.1122866085 0.08897486206

Liquidity/Acid Ratio Return on Equity

2017 2016 2017 2016
61.85469 0.8224748195 0.7971935279 0.2436262306 0.2114443031 13,524,720 67.31376

0.361869 Average Collection Period Inventory Turnover ratio 80,740 0.40185

2017 2016 2017 2016
0.184321 44.34740652 48.81752028 10.07496068 10.92432338 39,412 0.196157

0.0117 Fixed Asset Turnover Total Asset Turnover 2,491 0.012398

2017 2016 2017 2016
62.41258 0.8800459739 0.846729692 0.5443497452 0.5699656337 13,647,363 67.92417

Debt to Asset ratio Debt to Equity ratio

2017 2016 2017 2016
0.5391029603 0.5792042597 1.169681976 1.376449912
4.138839 843,008 4.195728

26.1692 3,896,828 19.39487

0.234846 50,000 0.248855

6.705694 1,552,910 7.728975

0.304036 62,325 0.310197

0.034799 39,623 0.197207

37.58742 6,444,694 32.07583

100 20,092,057 100


Amounts in thousands
Equity and Liabilities

Share Capital

Share Premium

Maintenance Reserve

Holding Reserve

Unappropirated Profit

Remeasurement of retirement benefit obligation-Actuarial Loss

Total Equity


Non-current liabilities


Current Liabilities

Trade and other payables

Accrued Interest/markup

Short Term Borrowings

Current portion of long term borrowing

Total Liabilities

Contingencies and commitments

Total Equity and Liabilities

Note Rupees Rupees
2017 2016
% %

13 3,238,000 15.20862 3,238,000 16.11582

80,777 0.379403 80,777 0.402034

14 227,182 1.067055 227,182 1.130706

15 -49,606 0.232995 -69,416 0.34549

6,316,404 29.66762 4,979,272 24.78229

- 0 -1,163 0.005788

9,812,757 46.0897 8,454,652 42.07957

16 2,819,315 13.24209 4,610,647 22.94761

17 3,366,958 15.81432 2,290,697 11.40101

30,942 0.145332 24,708 0.122974

18 3,208,672 15.07087 2,919,000 14.52813

16 2,051,918 9.637688 1,792,353 8.920704

8,658,490 40.66821 7,026,758 34.97282

11,477,805 53.9103 11,637,405 57.92043

21,290,562 100 20,092,057 100

Income Statement Engro PowerGen Qaridpur for the yea

(Amounts in thousands except for dividends per share) Rupees

Note % Ratios in Times not Percentage
Net Profit Margin
Sales 20 11,589,512 100 2017
Cost of Sales 21 -8,877,874 76.60266

Gross Profit 2,711,638 23.39734 Times Interest Earned Ratio

Administrative expenses 22 -158,674 1.369117 9.881706851

Other expenses 23 -2825 0.024375 Earnings per Share ratio

Other income 24 110,224 0.951067 7.383091414
Price Earnings Ratio
Profit from Operations 2,660,363 22.95492 2017
Finance Cost 25 -269,221 2.322971
Book Value per share
Workers Participation fund and workers welfare fund 26 - 0 2017
Profit before Taxation 2,391,142 20.63195
M/B ratio
Taxation 27 -497 0.004288 2017
Profiit for the Year 2,390,645 20.62766
Earnings per share-basic and diluted 7.38
owerGen Qaridpur for the year ending December 31, 2017

os in Times not Percentage %
Net Profit Margin
2016 11,451,782 100
-9,209,292 80.41798

mes Interest Earned Ratio 2,242,490 19.58202

5.95265697 -188,016 1.641806

Earnings per Share ratio -3802 0.0332

5.520963558 98,761 0.862407
Price Earnings Ratio
2016 2,149,433 18.76942
-361,088 3.153116
Book Value per share
2016 - 0
1,788,345 15.6163
M/B ratio
2016 -657 0.005737
1,787,688 15.61057

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