The Representation of Nobita Weakness in Doraemon Stand by Me Film

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Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra

Volume 12 No. 1 Maret 2020

P-ISSN 2086-6151 E-ISSN 2579-3438

The Representation Of Nobita Weakness In Doraemon Stand By Me Film

Rima Novia Ulfa1,Rr.Astri Indriana Octavita2,Sugianti Somba3

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

Diterima Direvisi Disetujui

22-01-2020 13-03-2020 16-03-2020

Abstract- The development of animated films in the world has created various animated characteristics of the
results that have been made. The results that have been made are from several animated film studios, namely,
animated films from America, Europe to Asia, especially Japanese animated film Based on that, the researcher
intends to examine the representations of Nobita, Doraemon's best friend. Literature intended for children is a
literary work that contains the world of children, which is much related to the system of language and signs,
which are used in accordance with the level of intellectual and emotional development of children. Anime 2112
Nen Doraemon Stand by Me is the work of director Yonetani Yoshimoto with duration of about 1.5 hours.
Doraemon is a cat robot that was mass produced by a factory in 2112. This research aims to obtain information
about: portrayal of manga characters Doraemon's special story, namely Doraemon Stand by Me. The story in
this anime is interesting to the writer because the author found a sign in the form of a marker (signifier) from
the figure of Nobita. Nobita which shows the existence of several signs that refers to his representation. By using
qualitative methods and accompanied by semiotic theory and representation of Barthes, as a research scalpel.
The limitation of the problem in this study focused on the sign of Nobita's figure by analyzing the building
elements, namely the element of narrative. In this research, researchers used the theory of semiotics, to interpret
hidden meaning in the film Doraemon. The method used in this research is qualitative method. As for the desired
results, researchers can show a representation of Nobita in the Doraemon film.

Keywords: representation, semiotic, sign, film, doraemon

Abstrak- Perkembangan film animasi di dunia telah menciptakan beragam karakteristik animasi dari hasil yang
sudah ada sebelumnya. Hasil yang sudah ada dibuat dari beberapa studio film animasi, yaitu, film animasi dari
Amerika, Eropa ke Asia, terutama film animasi Jepang. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti bermaksud untuk
meneliti representasi Nobita, sahabat Doraemon. Literatur yang ditujukan untuk anak-anak adalah sebuah
karya sastra yang berisi tentang dunia anak-anak, yang banyak terkait dengan sistem bahasa dan tanda-tanda,
yang digunakan sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangan intelektual dan emosional anak-anak. Anime 2112 Nen
Doraemon Stand By Me adalah karya sutradara Yonetani Yoshimoto dengan durasi sekitar 1,5 jam. Doraemon
adalah robot kucing yang diproduksi massal oleh sebuah pabrik pada tahun 2112. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
memperoleh informasi tentang: penggambaran karakter manga pada kisah Doraemon, dalam fim Doraemon
Stand By Me. Kisah dalam anime ini menarik bagi penulis karena penulis menemukan tanda berupa penanda
(penanda) dari sosok Nobita. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan disertai dengan teori
semiotik dan representasi Barthes.. Keterbatasan masalah dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada tanda sosok
Nobita dengan menganalisis unsur yang dibangun, yaitu unsur narasi. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti
menggunakan teori semiotika, untuk menafsirkan makna tersembunyi dalam film Doraemon. Metode yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Adapun hasil yang diinginkan, peneliti dapat
menunjukkan representasi Nobita dalam film Doraemon.

Kata Kunci:: represntasi, semiotik, tanda, film, doraemon

INTRODUCTION mass communication is radio, newspapers,

magazines, television and films. Without emotion,
Mass media is a part of communication, mass media will also be very boring. Emotion is
Mass media in terms; it is the understanding of one important aspect of life. Related to the problem 97
Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 12 No. 1 Maret 2020
P-ISSN 2086-6151 E-ISSN 2579-3438

above, Sobur (2009: 14) explained that: "Film has built from dreams. "High imagination is needed for
the ability to play space and time and develop and directors in filmmaking to serve as a form of
shorten freely within the boundaries of a fairly communication in delivering messages to interpret
spacious area". signs.

The mass media is actually in the middle Film, including animation film has its own
of social reality which is loaded with various kinds artistic value, because the film is created as a work
of interests, conflicts, and complex and diverse of creative personnel who are professionals in their
facts. The mass media is called as one of the fields. Film as an art object should be judged
foundations in social, economic and political life. artistically not rationally. Film is not new to society
As a tool to convey news, assessments, or a general anymore. Common reasons, film means a part of
picture of many things, the mass media has the modern life and is available in various forms, such
ability to act as an institution that can develop into as in cinemas, television shows, in video tapes, and
a pressure group on an idea or an idea, and even an laser discs. Film not only provides an exciting
interest or representation, which is represented to experience, but also everyday life experiences that
be placed in the context of life that is more are attractively packaged
empirical. Despite the many negative effects
produced by mass media products. But the mass Children's literary works usually contain
media has played an important role in providing educational themes, the plot is straight and not
information knowledge to entertainment for a wide complicated, using settings that are around or in the
audience. Besides the mass media also open up jobs world of children, characters and characterizations
for many people. Through organizations engaged in using good examples, language styles are easy to
the business of the media industry. understand, able to develop children's language,
and imagination is still within the reach of children.
The development of animated films in the With the media of children's literature, in addition
world has created a various animated characteristics to imitating good deeds, children become more
of the results that have been made. The results that advanced in their imagination. One medium of
have been made are from several animated film children's literature is anime. Anime is a term used
studios, namely, animated films from America, to refer to Japanese animated films, like doraemon.
Europe to Asia, especially Japanese animated films, The word anime is an absorption language from
which have their own characteristics. These English "animation" and is pronounced as "anime-
characteristics become a differentiator between shon". According to Hernadi, (2013:1) "Anime
Japanese animated films, American and European memiliki berbagai macam genre sesuai jenis
animated films. According to Donald Richie (1961: penontonnya, mulai dari kodomo yang ditujukan
1) in his book Japanese Cinema is: "If the American untuk anak-anak, shoujo untuk anak perempuan,
film is strongest in action, and if the European is shounen untuk anak laki-laki, mecha untuk
strongest in character, then the Japanese film is penggemar robot, dan seinen untuk penonton
richest in mood or atmosphere, in presenting dewasa".
characters in their own surroundings".
An animated or anime film is generally
Film studies can be said to be a relatively built with signs. These signs include various sign
new field of study and not comparable to the systems that work well together to achieve the
process of technological evolution. The exploitation expected effect by using iconic signs, namely signs
of film studies, which occurred in the 60-70s in that describe something (Zoest in Sobur, 2009:
Europe and America, did not bring much change. 128). In an anime usually have signs that have an
Desire to produce a holistic approach in implicit meaning. The meaning contained in the
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary film studies, anime is related to the relationship between
which still seems to be wishful thinking. Film is characters and relationships between events that are
seen in the context of Communication Science. built in the anime. This meaning can be seen from
Although film is an integral part in the field of the use of signs studied in semiotics.
Language and Communication, however, over time,
the animation film industry helped expand the Japan is one country that has
space for animation films both in terms of developments in the world of film, especially
storytelling, images (visuals), and themes so that developments in Japanese animated films. Japanese
the audience segment expanded which was not only animation films are very famous in Indonesia.
for children who were the main goal. (Biagi, 2010: Japanese animated films, which are very well
169) "The nature of imaginative and creative films known in Indonesia and are still remembered today,
can make the film industry as" Industry, which is namely, Naruto, Shin Chan, Conan, Doraemon and 98
Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 12 No. 1 Maret 2020
P-ISSN 2086-6151 E-ISSN 2579-3438

many more. This film is a legendary Japanese series itself were increasingly emphasized. This
animated film that is very famous in Indonesia. A Doraemon Stand By Me film looks really real, so
culture is a benchmark for the level of progress of a the core of the film can be conveyed well to the
nation. In this case, Japan is one of the many audience. The movie Doraemon Stand by Me, has a
nations that have a high level of culture, where they very visible character, one of them is Nobita. In this
created the most spectacular and longest-lived film, Nobita that we know from Doraemon comics
manga figure in history, namely Doraemon. or movie series, has very standard display
Fictional story, which is set up in Japanese culture characteristics, now in the Doraemon Stand by Me
neatly and carefully by its author, Fujiko F. Fujio movie the display characteristics can look really
and able to compete with the world-famous cartoon real with their representation
films industry such as Mikey Mouse, Donald Duck
from America and others. The appearance of In acting, although the actor is cartoons,
Doraemon with his magic bag is able to provide language is indeed the main element. In Language
different touches in this film, where Doraemon is Science stated that the communication process in
told is not a robot or a super hero who is completely primary is the process of conveying one's thoughts
perfect, and so is his friend, Nobita or feelings to others by using symbols (symbols) as
media. Symbols as primary media, in the process of
The legendary Japanese animated film that communication are language, cues, images, etc.,
is very popular today is the Doraemon Serial film. which are directly capable of translating the
The characteristics of Japanese animation have communicator's thoughts and feelings to
many good sides, because it only contains one idea. communication. That the most widely used
Characteristics of cartoons using caricature, language in communication is clear because it is
exaggerated satire, symbolism and choice of only capable language translate someone's thoughts
humor. Humor often and often makes people laugh, to others, whether is in the form of ideas,
especially in animated films, which contain information or opinions, both concerning things
political opposition to newspaper readers. The that are concrete and abstract.
power of film animation to influence public opinion
lies in its cohesiveness, simplification of issues, and The presence of imaging elements of a
attention, which can really be raised sharply character is presented at the film made a visual sign
through humorous images. Cartoons are a source of on Nobita's character. Danesi, (2011: 75) was told,
information that is digested through strong visual "Visual sign can be defined simply as a sign
impact. constructed with a visual marker, which means with
a marker, which can be seen (not heard, touched,
Doraemon's film series as Indonesia's tasted, or kissed)." Visual sign of Nobita's character
legendary animated film has created a good in the film Doraemon Stand by Me is the beginning
appreciation for Indonesian children. Doraemon's of the form of identity transformation that was
film series is one of the concrete proofs of the presented. In the process of forming a text, meaning
development of Japanese animated films. Japanese is not only imposed on external objects.
people recognize the term Japanese animation as an Interpretation activity is also a process of self-
anime. Anime is a term used to refer to animated discovery and the understanding of each
films. The word comes from the word animation, interpretation of a symbol is an interpretation and
which in Japanese pronunciation becomes an self-transformation that is imagined. The meaning
animeshon. The word was later shortened to anime. never just happens, because making meaning is an
Although basically anime is not intended activity that takes time. Thus the formation of
specifically for Japanese comics, most people use meaning is something that is creative, widespread,
the word to distinguish between Japanese and non- and very subjective. So the meaning is diverse and
Japanese animated films. varied

In middle of 2014, the latest was released From the discussion above, the theory is
from the Doraemon film series, which showed the obtained for the assessment process. Then an
development of characters from the Doraemon assessment was made that the visual transformation
movie series itself to its 3-dimensional version. of Nobita's characters included form, costume, and
Right on August 8, 2014 the 3-dimensional version personality. The visual transformation of characters
of Doraemon film was released by Trick Block Co referred to here is by the division of visual elements
Animation Studio entitled Doraemon Stand by Me. of characters using the Manga Matrix method. In
This Doraemon Stand By Me film made the the distribution of visual elements, it was identified
audience amazed by the animation that was made, that, given the change in the character of Nobita's
because the characteristics of the Doraemon film children, Nobita became an adult in the content of 99
Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 12 No. 1 Maret 2020
P-ISSN 2086-6151 E-ISSN 2579-3438

the story. This is what makes Nobita experience a ideas, emotions, facts, and so on. Representations
transformation of visual identity. Then in the study depend on existing signs and images. By using
of the visual identity of Nobita characters, cultural semiotic analysis and being restricted to the
researchers used Pierce's semiotics to obtain the area of non-verbal communication studies,
visual identity of Nobita's character, which was researchers tried to interpret what the author wanted
read through the study of representamen, object and to convey through this cartoon media.
interpretants in the film Doraemon Stand by Me
The scope of this aim is that the research
From the discussion above, a theory is that the author does can focus on a problem. This
obtained for the assessment process. Then a study is research is a library research, because the material
carried out, character transformation Nobita studied is library material in the form of serial
includes form, costume, and personality. For this films, various journals, articles and also books that
reason, the researcher intends to use Semiotics as a support this research. The scope of this research is
tool to dissect meaning and identity. The reason the about studying Nobita's character as the main
author chose visual characters from Nobita because character in the Doraemon comics by using a
of the visual character itself there is a development semiotic approach, which discusses the sign
of identity in inside, then departing from the above elements in the animated film Doraemon the series,
problems raises questions as a statement of by Fujiko F. Fujio.
problem. The first problem would be How Nobita's
character is a very influential figure in the film Interpreting signs is the main goal of
Doraemon Stand by Me. The second question semiotics, however although semiotics observes
would be: What is the visual identity of Nobita's that something can be used to symbolize anything
character in the Doraemon film Stand by Me? The else, Roland Barthes sees signs as a means of
purpose of this research is to understand the visual communication of an ideology, has connotation
image of Nobita's character in the movie Doraemon meaning to reinforce the dominant value in society.
Stand by Me. In addition, to understand the visual Barthes means that the connotation is a label
identity of Nobita's character in the movie containing a sign device that is always carried at
Doraemon Stand By Me. any time. In the process of sign meaning, Barthes
saw that there must be signifier, and signified who
Words or languages, in linguistic vehicles, work together to combine signs. Signifier is mind
are given a meaning as a system of sound symbols while signified are hidden thoughts because when
meaningful and actualizing, which is arbiter or the process of meaning is carried out, individuals
changeable and conventional, which is used as a already have a variety of backgrounds and
communication tool by a group of humans to give experiences that indirectly, will be the basis for
birth to feelings and thoughts. Language is a interpreting something. As illustrated by Saussure,
combination of words arranged systematically, so who said that, the sign is like a paper that is
that they can be used as communication tools. The significant on one side while the other side is
word itself is an integral part of the symbol, which signified. If it is cut in the middle, it will get both of
is used by community groups. First of all it will be them.
difficult to imagine something that is not open to
various interpretations and uses; it will be very This problem is in lined with what
difficult to find the intended meaning. Symbols can Kurniawan said, 200 1: 50), which says "Narratives
give other meanings to other people too, and can need special attention because according to
even mean different things to the same person. At Aristotle, narratives are speech words that are signs
different times or different circumstances a text can of affection of the soul, and written words are signs
be interpreted by the same person differently. from utterances, just as all humans do not have the
same writing, so all humans do not have the same
By using Roland Barthes's semiotic voice of speech, but affections if those marked by
analysis that focuses on the sign, the researcher speech are the same for everything, as well as
tries to analyze and answer the question of how the things from experience -our experience is images
child's identity is represented in the animation According to Barthes in Lyons, Pateda, (2001: 98).
Doraemon Stand by Me. In the theory of semiotics, "Denotation is the relationship used in the first level
the process of interpreting ideas, knowledge, or to a word that freely plays an important role in
messages physically is called representation. speech. (The denotation meaning is direct, that is,
Representation means using language to express the special meaning contained in a sign, and can
something meaningfully, or to present it to others. basically be called as an illustration of a sign So, it
Representations can be in the form of words, can be said that denotation as the meaning of a
images, sequences, stories, etc. that represent ide word or group of words is based on the 100
Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 12 No. 1 Maret 2020
P-ISSN 2086-6151 E-ISSN 2579-3438

appointment, which is straightforward on Asa Berger (2000: 15). Which states that
something outside the language or which is based "connotation words involve symbols, history, and
on certain conventions that are objective. things related to emotional"

Examining the meaning of representation,

Chris Barker "mentions that representation is the
main study in cultural studies." Representation FINDING AND RESULT
itself is defined as how the world is constructed
socially and presented to us and by us in certain Doraemon can be categorized as children's
meanings. Cultural Studies focuses on how the literature. Kurniawan, (2000, 22) argues:
process of meaning representation itself "Children's literature is a literary work that contains
.Representation means using language to express about the world of children and language, which is
something meaningfully, or to present it to others. used in accordance with the level of intellectual and
Representations can be in the form of words, emotional development of children". Children's
images, sequences, stories, etc. that represent ideas, literary works usually contain themes that educate,
emotions, facts, and so on. According to Hartley, the path is straight and not convoluted, using
(2010: 265), Tang said that "Representation existing settings around or in the world of children,
depends on signs and images that already exist and characters and characterizations use good examples,
are understood culturally, in language learning and the language style is easy to understand, able to
various markings or textual systems reciprocally. develop children's language, and imagination is still
This is through a sign function ' representing who within the reach of children
we know and study about reality" Relating to
Nabota's representation, the researcher would like Based on all the above explanations, the
to investigate, if Nobita might not do anything, author became interested in making Nobita's
without Doraemon. character as the object of research. The purpose of
this study, to find out the figure of Nobita in depth,
in the sense that there will be a study focusing on
the visual of Nobita's character, where the visual
RESEACRH METHODOLOGY character brings a development of identity and
meaning, found in the character Nobita in
To support this research, the authors use Doraemon: Stand By Me. Animation is a collection
qualitative research methods. According to Yusuf of images that are processed in such a way as to
(2014: 328) "Qualitative research seeks meaning, produce movement. "Multimedia animation is the
understanding, and verstehen about a phenomenon, process of forming motion from various media or
event, or human life by being directly and / or objects that are varied with effects - effects and
indirectly involved in the researched, contextual filters, transition movements, sounds - sounds that
and comprehensive settings". In this study, are in harmony with the animation movement.
researchers finally used qualitative research Because this type of show is very popular in their
methods to explain, step by step and meaning, environment, not even a few adults like this
which was concluded during the research process, animated show.
starting from the beginning to the end, which is
narrative. Then the researcher uses a cultural Doraemon is the title of a popular comic or
studies approach, which focuses on an identity. The manga written by Fujiko. Fujio since 1969 and tells
researcher tried to understand the meaning of an about the life of a lazy fifth grade elementary
event or event brought by Nobita's character in the school child, named Nobita who was visited by a
movie Doraemon Stand by Me from mise-en-scene cat robot named Doraemon who came from the
in order to get a visual identity that the researcher 22nd century. Doraemon was sent to help Nobita so
wanted to look for. that Nobita's descendants could enjoy his success.

While the connotation meaning is

interpreted as an aspect of a meaning or group of
words based on feelings or thoughts that arise or are
generated on the speaker or writer and listener or
reader. This is reinforced by Barthes in Mulyana,
(1997: 125) "If the denotation of a word is the
objective definition of the word, then the
connotation of a word is its subjective or emotional
meaning". This is in line with the opinion of Arthur 101
Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 12 No. 1 Maret 2020
P-ISSN 2086-6151 E-ISSN 2579-3438

Table 1. Sign manga work resembling the work of Fujiko F,

Fujio. It's so cool, the picture is very similar. In
Framer Form fact, many people think that the manga is the final
story of Nobita's official life.

In the film Doaemon, since the initial

Sign: Expression: episode, Nobita is always portrayed as a weak anal
expression Nobita as a figure. In 'Stand by me', we will look back at the
field child who amazing, legendary items that Doraemon has in his
is weak and magical pockets such as "the door to anywhere" and
stupid "behind the bamboo". Takashi Yamazaki who also
wrote the screenplay also gave us a familiar picture
of the pathetic nature of Nobita who always
depends on Doraemon, her obsession with Shizuka
and how patiently Doraemon always helped
Sign: Sad face when Form: Nobita.Things that we have never seen before in
Doraemon lives him Doraemon 'Stand By Me' are the motivation for Doraemon's
alone as the Myth presence in Nobita's life. We are told that the
of a helper beginning of Doraemon came to Nobita's life, how
god Doraemon felt before knowing Nobita and how he
felt after getting to know the boy. Also interesting
in 'Stand by Me' is a deadline about how long
Doraemon will stay and be a helper for Nobita at
Rather than having to suffer from debt any time. Things we never knew before in the
financial situation that will occur in the future animated series. In this table, we would see how
caused by Nobita's stupidity. Therefore Nobita is Nobita might show:
the main character in the Doraemon animated film.
From table, we would see that things that
Doraemon. The magic cat robot that is we have never seen before in 'Stand by Me' are the
told, he was 'born in 2112, with having round shape motivation for Doraemon's presence in Nobita's life
from head to toe is very popular with various as the representation. . We are told that the
groups, children, teenagers or parents. His expertise beginning of Doraemon came to Nobita's life, how
in removing sophisticated objects of future creation Doraemon felt before knowing Nobita and how he
is useful to help Nobita Nobi, a lazy man, careless felt after getting to know the boy. Also interesting
and likes to take a nap, when in trouble (which in 'Stand by Me' is a deadline about how long
Nobita usually brings his own problems). Doraemon will stay and be a helper for Nobita at
Doraemon was created by Fujiko. F. Fujio, as a any time. Things we never knew before in the
good-minded robot, a loyal friend of man, Nobita, animated series. The weakness of Nobita is also
Dorayaki lovers and likes to help anyone who shown in the picture below:
needs it. Doraemon's daily comics bring his readers
to joy because the substance of the story is full of Picture 1. Expression
imaginations and imaginations about the
sophisticated gadgets, friendship & delinquency
Nobita and his friends, humorous while introducing
the distinctive style of Japanese culture.

Doraemon animation can survive in

Indonesia because of the number of enthusiasts
from this show. Starts from children to adults. This
is because the animated shows Doraemon and
Nobita contain many positive values for children,
such as values of honesty, the value of character
education, and others. Looking at the current
phenomenon, what has happened in Indonesia is
that there is very little quality spectacle for
children. Many theories have emerged about the
Based on the perspective expressed by
origin and end of this series of stories. One of them
Barthes, Giant and Suneo are part of the sign of
emerged from the theory of fans as outlined in the
Nobita's weakness, in the signification system. 102
Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 12 No. 1 Maret 2020
P-ISSN 2086-6151 E-ISSN 2579-3438

Giant in the film represents humans, who are Symbolic is identified with what is
arrogant and who assume, that he is the one who realized from the Imaginary order, whereas in
holds control over what is in nature, the Symbolic embedded values there is Signification
environment, and its surroundings. In the picture, and Signified. The symbolic here is the anime
Nobita surrenders to the force of the Giant, this can figure Nobita. Meanwhile, Doraemon is not only an
be included in the significance of stage 2 of the elementary school child, but also has its own
process, and the sign that appears is Nobita who meanings for those who see it. Nobita is signi
stands up with her knees resigned to her, which ficant, and meaning, which is generated when
illustrates weakness. The object is Giant which looking at Nobita is signified. Nobita can be said to
forces Nobita. be significant, because it is indeed the creation of a
weak child. Whereas, the meaning is said to be
The interpretation is that Nobita signified.
surrendered to Giant's compulsion. They consider
themselves to be human beings the most important The researcher has also been able to
aspect on earth, while nature is its supporter,Nobita represent the concept of coercion and weakness
and Doraemon's farewell became the main with the role of Giant who represents the concept of
attraction of the film "Stand by Me Doraemon". the main actor, and the role of Nobita represents the
Plus, the film's visual appearance is so lively that concept of the victim. In researching a cultural
the various expressions of Nobita and other product produced in a particular culture, it is
characters can be clearly illustrated. Many valuable necessary to understand that the content represented
moral messages also color Nobita's struggle to is an adaptation of the culture in which the cultural
change the course of her life. Unfortunately, some product is produced. In this study, researchers
shortcomings are still present in the film. examined Doraemon cartoon series originating
from Japan, which were later dubbed into
By looking at tables and images, the Indonesian, so that there is a possibility of biased
researchers see that this is in line with what Barthes meaning of non-verbal texts that have been
in Zaimar (2014, 23) says, "the sign can be translated. Therefore, the researcher recommends
interpreted openly, but limited by context, both the researchers who are interested in conducting a
text itself and the socio-cultural context, as well as representation study of a phenomenon in visual
knowledge / the experience of the reader or viewer media to also examine cultural differences where
". Signs do not have a stable meaning. Barthes's the text originates when there is a reduction or
theory shows similarities and differences in terms strengthening of the meaning of the text.
of details of meaning. Barthes clearly divides
meaning into denotation and context. It is in the
name of both as a sign concept connected to the
film, Coercion to Nobita was strengthened by Giant CONCLUSIONS
gesture. At the level of the nonverbal text, it can be
seen how Giant leaned toward Nobita. Gesture The animated film Doraemon & Nobita
illustrates a form of force by force. In addition, and the Green Giant Legend by Ayumu Watanabe
there is also a giant pointing at Nobita's face. released in 2018 is a film that raises issues about
Gesture illustrates certain firmness. So that it is friendship, and can be studied using representation.
reflected that Giant's coercion to Nobita is Speech someone, in this case nonverbal speech acts
inevitable. has a communicative function in each delivery. One
of the communicative functions in speech acts is
In this sequence, Nobita did not dare to expressive. The function of expressive speech acts
resist or surrender to the coercion carried out by aims to provide an evaluation or assessment of the
Giant. Reflected from the Nobita gesture that stands things mentioned in the speech. Expressive speech
with the knees bent, open mouth with closed teeth can be determined by looking at the context when
illustrates shakiness or weakness and fear. The the speech occurs as representation.
verbal and nonverbal signs in this sequence
represent the concept of coercion accompanied by The lesson we can learn in this Doraemon
physical threats with the role of the Giant "stand by me" film is "who we are coming to,
representing the concept of the perpetrator, and the depending on what we do now". What we are trying
role of Nobita representing the concept of the to do now for our lives in the future is what we will
victim. Finally, in this study, researchers succeeded learn. When we stimulate ourselves that if at the
in revealing representations through nonverbal moment I don't work hard and pursue every dream I
sequences in Doraemon Stand by Me. have. So in the future I will not be anything. I will
only be mediocre. My presence is considered as a 103
Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 12 No. 1 Maret 2020
P-ISSN 2086-6151 E-ISSN 2579-3438

human being (there is or is not our presence, there REFERENCES

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