Dance Lessons For Beginners AGES: High School Description

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AGES: High School

Starting from scratch & teaching the basics with non-dancers for a High School
Musical Production. Only brief/informal instructions.

Good music that's upbeat and consistent in tempo. Plus one song for use of a


Our school offers a variety of fine arts programs, but not dance. Typically in a
large cast of about 45, there are usually about 5 kids who seriously dance, and
then a smattering of students who danced "when they were young" and many
who have never danced at all. So, in our first choreography rehearsal, I don't
even touch actual choreography. I'm also working in a large room with about 40
kids at once in a 2 hour span. I teach the basics from 1st position to push
turns to pique turns. We go over the steps a few times, especially steps I know I
will be using in the choreography. If you do have dancers in the mix, scatter
them throughout the crowd to help. I will try to use proper terminology; however,
sometimes it's easier to use a description eg. pas de bourree- sometimes just
doesn't stick with the non-dancers right away.

Then I will teach them a mini-combination as a large group. I would use about 8
dance steps that combines basics, traveling steps and at least one turn and one
jump. Then they get into groups of about 5 and have time to practice. Then
each group will perform the combination and I mark it using a rubric I found on
the web - alack I can not find the website again. There are many many
resources on the web, and of course the rubric needs to match your purpose.
Our students are registered in Musical Theatre Course, so they do receive marks
(for a variety of assessments). I will enter three dance marks over the course of
the semesters - one from this lesson, one half way, and one for the performance
week. When you put together the combination, use sets of 8's this time - it's
easier on the students who have never danced.

The students become really supportive of one another in this one lesson alone,
and the boys especially become willing to take risks and perform in front of their
peers. At the end of the mini-performances, if there is time, I will slip in some
more difficult steps (eg. Barrel turns - we did Oklahoma! this past year) so they
can practice them on their own.

Some basics I teach day one:

1st position, 2nd postion
Step Touch, step point, step heel
hitch kicks
jazz runs
push turn
"turning grapevine"
chasse ball change
ball change (stamp together)
kick ball change
"going nowhere's"
pique (turns)
stag leaps
basic jumps (eg. tuck jumps)

Obviously, if the theatre production isn't for marks, the rubric isn't necessary.
Another aside, we used to have a daytime class, and this allowed for a dance
section where students were able to choreograph their own dance number to a
song in a musical.

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