Model-Based Approach To Automated Calculation of Key Performance Indicators For Industrial Turbines
Model-Based Approach To Automated Calculation of Key Performance Indicators For Industrial Turbines
Model-Based Approach To Automated Calculation of Key Performance Indicators For Industrial Turbines
statistical methods. Whereas Márquez et al (2012) describes 3. It is important to note that the interaction and
various state-of-the-art techniques including qualitative fault dependences of components within one level as well as
tree analysis for performance monitoring of established between levels may be quite complex and hence
thermodynamic models. These reported techniques require creating the model requires greater expertise.
greater engineering expertise to build a system model, is 4. Available off-the-shelf statistical approaches as
less transparent and lacks usability. Nevertheless, the discussed by Ceschini (2002) and Márquez et al (2012)
application of KPIs for industrial turbines still has its are based entirely on manual data gathering and manual
challenges. Some of the prominent features that introduce assessment of scenarios for asset downtime. Such data
substantial complexity to the computation of KPIs are as is often contaminated by human factors and potentially
follows: by forced business incentives. Even today, service
1. Forsthoffer (2011) shows that industrial turbines may engineers still need to spend considerable time and
have many different sets of configurations and effort calculating KPIs for a single site.
topologies depending on design and applications. For Considering all the challenges described above in terms of
example, twin-shaft turbines versus single-shaft and complexity, diverse configurations, interdependences of the
applications for mechanical drive versus power plant model and data acquisition, the key idea is to simplify
generation. As an example Fig. 1 shows a sample list of the computation of KPIs in two steps. Firstly, rather than
various configurations occurring in the industry. addressing the KPIs of a plant at each level of its hierarchy
in isolation, we introduce dedicated level-oriented rules that
re-use KPIs already computed on one level for the
computation of related KPIs on another. Secondly, in order
to avoid re-phrasing KPI computation rules for each of the
numerous different turbine configurations, we introduce an
abstraction layer hiding the different configurations and
define our KPI computation rules against the abstraction
layer rather than the actual machine configurations. The
Figure 1. Samples of different designs and abstraction layer will be based on a domain ontology
applications of industrial gas turbines. describing turbines, their components and functions. The
2. In addition to the complexity of diverse plant level-based KPI computation rules mentioned above will
descriptions, there is also another dimension of the equally make use of the ontology providing the abstraction
“level” in the plant model. The plant model gives an layer but will be encoded as Complex Event Processing
overview of the main components of the plant in a (CEP) rules.
hierarchical fashion and comprises many levels. Each
level consists of number of individual components and For a given specific plant the computation of actual KPIs
supports level-specific information. Within one level, does not utilize the abstract CEP rules expressed in terms of
each component contains its physical parameters the ontology-based abstraction layer but rather depends on
relevant to computations. Fig. 2 gives an overview of a an instantiation step in which the abstract rule-base is
generic plant model at site level, plant level, system instantiated for the specific plant and its configuration. This
level and so on. instantiation step is based on mappings between the
concrete plants and the abstraction layer. The key
observation here is that maintaining these mappings for a
variety of different plants and configurations is a small task
in comparison to maintaining the entire rule base for each
plant and configuration. The paper follows with Section 2
describing the basic standards and KPI definitions used in
the model for Industrial Turbines. Section 3 presents our
case study and the proposed model-based solution
architecture Section 4 introduces the basic concepts and
application of ontology and complex event processing
technology used for KPI computations. Section 5 presents
results and serves for the evaluation and future
developments. Finally, we conclude in Section 6.
Figure 2. Hierarchical structure of a plant model. Performance measurement is important to the management
of industrial turbines. It identifies performance gaps
operating condition based on the past experience: In Fig. 5 we present the overall solution architecture: a
domain ontology is used to represent turbine configurations
SF = [SH / (PH*)] x 100% and the relationships between different physical components
in the plant and their function and performance variables
Forced Outage Factor (FOF) – Probability that the unit (such as speed, main flame, active power, etc.). The
will be in a forced outage condition based on past performance parameters describe the primary behavior of
experience: the plant at different levels. We store these configurations in
a separate database (turbine configuration database) for easy
FOF = [FOH / (PH*)] x 100% access. In the next step, we model complex events and
formulate abstract state indicators rules and update rules for
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) – Average time each node. These rules are abstract in that they are defined
between failures initiating a forced outage based on the past w.r.t. the ontology-based vocabulary from the configuration
experience. Here, FON is the number of forced outages: database rather than data specific to any individual plant
coming from the remote monitoring service database.
In order to actually compute KPIs for a specific plant
however, i.e., apply the rules, we instantiate the abstract set
For simplicity, we also use N/A for indicating the case
of CEP rules with the concrete plant information using a
where the KPI value cannot be correctly computed, e.g.,
semantic mapping mechanism. Once the instantiation is
PH == 0, PH == NoData or FON == 0.
completed, we proceed with the KPI computation
The proposed approach has been applied to a fleet of
Siemens industrial gas turbines located at different sites
around the globe.
conceptualization”. They usually represent the core notions Train Ontology: This describes the internal structure of
of a domain of discourse and the relations existing among the plant i.e. its components and sub-components. For
them. A key advantage of ontologies over many other KR example: Burner is a component of a combustor in a
formalisms is their formally well-defined semantics. These Gas Turbine. In addition to this, the ontology also
enable so-called reasoners to derive implicit knowledge specifies the functional purpose of each component. For
from the explicit ontology statements, detect redundancies example: Main flame is in hot gas path. The ontology is
and inconsistencies, and discover relationships that may not expressed in OWL 2 DL.
have been clear to the author of the ontology in the first Sensor Ontology: This ontology lists the sensor
place. Currently, the most commonly used ontology information, its measured values, sensor type and its
formalism is OWL1 and its sublanguages. location. For example: GT speed sensor measures the
Some additional characteristics of Ontology, which address shaft rotor speed of the turbine. It also accompanies the
the key challenges in the turbo-machinery domain, are as observational characteristics (such as measurement
follows as stated by Ming and Jie (2002): range etc.) and measurement characteristics (such as
measurement unit etc.) of each sensor. Sensor ontology
Ontologies clarify the structure of knowledge and is also expressed in OWL 2 DL.
devices for an effective KR system.
In this way, we developed a comprehensive model of the
They separate factual knowledge about the domain domain by combining the above mentioned ontologies. Fig.
from problem-solving knowledge. 7 depicts the consolidated ontology used for accessing data
based solely on the domain model and use them in the rule
They facilitate sharing and re-using knowledge as based component as a knowledge-base.
well as interoperability of information resources
between humans and software agents.
For the purpose of computing KPIs we have developed a
domain ontology of turbines, their components and
functions. Note that multiple kinds of relationships different
from ‘is-a’ can easily be expressed in OWL. Fig. 6
illustrates a basic example with Driver and Driven
equipment as classes, Gas turbine as a subclass and SGT-
800 as an object, called ‘individual’ in OWL. Object
properties, such as ‘provides power’ in the example,
establish links between classes or individuals. The
combination of object properties and subclass relationships
now give rise to additional implicit relationships, for
example: “If SGT-800 provides power” then this implies Figure 7. Train ontology design
“Generator requires power”. A key advantage of OWL is
that all implicit knowledge is fully automatically taken into
account by the reasoner. Hence, redundancies and inherent
contradictions are detected automatically, leading ultimately Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a paradigm of choice
to smaller and more easily maintainable models. for many monitoring and reactive applications. It supports
decentralized information sources by deploying tagging and
sensing technology along with integration to real-world
objects. CEP helps to build highly scalable and dynamic
systems by decoupling the provider and receiver of the
information and mediates in form of events. Temporal
relations can also be specified by using correlation rules
(often called Event Patterns) as mentioned by Robins
(2010). CEP also benefits the scalability of the system by
Figure 6. Ontology example to Turbines reducing the massive event load through stepwise
correlation of events.
4.1. Domain Ontology Design
In general, CEP is used to generate new set of complex
Our domain ontology comprises several ontology modules events by aggregation and composition. Its processing
of which the largest two are the following: promotes detection of a plant-significant situation, which
typically involves a collection of evaluation conditions and
constraints over an event set as founded by Wasserkrug, S.,
1 Gal, A., Etzion, O., & Turchin, Y. (2008). Another
characteristic of CEP is event transformation, filtering, Figure 10 gives an overview of the states required for
enrichment, pattern recognition, routing, validation etc. computation. For outage hours (OH), we can define more
Figure 5. serves as an example of constructing new signal specifiers. For example: reserve shut down (RSH), forced
event processing rules for speed and load of turbines by outage (FOH), and planned outage (POH). For our
using sensor data and events. implementation, we do not go into the details of the outage
hours at the moment. Though the solution is flexible enough
to identify these states based on the manual entries by the
service engineers.
and unit as identified by state CEP rules and its updated Another visualization of results is with respect to a specific
version as specified manually by the engineer. drive train and its respective units within the hierarchy.
Most of the recent methodologies do not consider the
component and system level setup. Whereas our approach
facilitates the engineers and managers to look up for indices
at any given hierarchy and package level. Another highlight
is the use of sensor data and events together to detect the
state of the machine. Therefore, our results are more
accurate, reliable and justifiable than any other traditional
The first set of results using our KPI application provide an
availability and reliability comparisons between three
design model of gas turbine by year. These indicators play
an important role in decision making and put a real
challenge when the system model is complex and involves
large set of engineering rules. In comparison to the manual
calculations, our results are more reliable and accurate Figure 14. KPIs per drive train and its units.
because of the adoption of ontology based configurations
and reusable rule production system. Here we incorporate the high level performance indices at
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unavailability, availability and no data states for a specific
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