UNIT 8 Producers & Consumers: SPEAKING Recognizing Question Types
UNIT 8 Producers & Consumers: SPEAKING Recognizing Question Types
UNIT 8 Producers & Consumers: SPEAKING Recognizing Question Types
LISTENING Choosing options
1 impulse buys 2 branded goods 3 gifts from lists page 80
4 Electronic goods 5 services 6 white goods Vocabulary
5 3
impulse buys magazine, soft drink Products only: priceless, worthless
electronic goods TV, printer Products or experiences: good value, valuable, a waste of
branded goods sunglasses, clothes money, pricey
white goods fridge, microwave oven People: wealthy, rich, wasteful, poor
services insurance
gifts flowers, tie
Exam skills 1 priceless 6 wealthy
8 2 pricey 7 good value
3 worthless 8 valuable
1 c – comparison (which is better: X or X) 4 wasteful 9 a waste of money
2 d – evaluation (what are / is the most important X) 5 rich 10 poor
3 b – speculation (why do you think some people) Exam skills
4 a – prediction (will we X in the future)
Note that question 1 also requires students to evaluate,
but it is important that they recognize opportunities to ANSWERS
demonstrate comparative language and so, for the purposes 1 letters 2 three 3 No
of the exam training, they should regard this as a comparison
question. 7
A happy, important
ANSWER B possessions
Practise listening for certain types of question and prepare C meaning, ‘materialism’
phrases that you could use for each type. D human motivation
E objects, unhappy
9 F how long, researchers, materialism
ANSWERS G evolution
1 prediction
2 evaluation / comparison
3 comparison / speculation ANSWERS
4 speculation Because the answers may not be mentioned in order.
5 comparison
6 evaluation / comparison
7 prediction
8 speculation
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8 9
B, C, and F 2 Some people think shopping online will probably
continue to become more popular.
Exam practice However, others believe (that) people are likely to
9 continue going to shops.
ANSWERS 3 To some extent, electricity has transformed our lives.
A, D, and G However, electricity has also had negative effects.
10 Exam practice
1 envious 4 trusting POSSIBLE ANSWERS
2 happy 5 experiences 1 On the one hand, high levels of consumption bring many
3 worried benefits. Firstly, they create a range of jobs. For example,
opportunities are created in retail and in factories.
Secondly, they increase levels of tax. For instance, in the
WRITING Connecting ideas page 82 UK 20% of a product’s price goes to the government in
Value Added Tax and this is one of the government’s
Exam skills
biggest sources of income. Lastly, trade makes the world
3 more peaceful. For example, Europe has been peaceful
ANSWERS since the establishment of the Common Market and trade
No, it doesn’t require you to give your opinion; you should interests often dominate diplomacy.
present two (both) points of view On the other hand, consuming too much can have
negative effects. To begin with, it uses up limited
resources, particularly oil and wood, which cannot easily
ANSWER be replaced. Furthermore, shopping isn’t healthy. For
Because they require different approaches. instance, some people become addicted to it and end
up spending far too much money and going into debt.
4 Finally, not everyone has money to shop. Consequently,
ANSWERS poor people are excluded and they may resent those who
b, c, and e have more.
2 Some people think there are many reasons why the
5 internet could replace shops. To begin with, it is argued
ANSWERS that the internet is more convenient. For example, you
1 c 2 b 3 e 4 f 5 d 6 a don’t have to leave the house to shop and things can
easily be delivered. Secondly, it is cheaper to shop online.
Key phrases For instance, you can compare prices more easily and as
6 online companies don’t need to run shops, they can offer
goods at lower prices. Finally, there is a greater variety of
goods to choose from and customers can choose from a
1 Finally greater range of colours or brands.
2 Secondly However, others believe there are also several reasons
3 Firstly why the internet is unlikely to replace shops. To begin
4 On the other hand with, it’s not as much fun. For example, you cannot try
5 For example, For instance on clothes or enjoy the bright and stimulating shop
7 environments when shopping online. Furthermore, you
cannot inspect items. In particular, you cannot touch
POSSIBLE ANSWERS them to see their weight or check them for faults and
1 However 4 Finally this may result in many goods having to be returned to
2 To begin with 5 For example suppliers. Finally, it is unsociable; for instance, you do not
3 Furthermore usually talk to, or interact with, anyone when shopping
online but when you go out you can have breaks in cafés
Exam skills
with friends.
8 3 To some extent, electricity may be considered the
ANSWERS greatest discovery. Firstly, it has made possible the
… there are several reasons why choice can be beneficial emergence of modern factories. For example, without
… being able to choose can also have many negative it we would not have car plants or robotic assembly
consequences lines. Secondly, it has made digital technology possible.
Computer technology in the office or home is the most
obvious example of this but we should not forget all
the equipment in hospitals that also relies on digital
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technology. Lastly, it has made our lives more convenient. Exam practice
For instance, we no longer have to rely on fires for light as 9
we can use electric lighting.
However, there are also several reasons why electricity ANSWERS
may not be not the greatest discovery. To begin with, 1 (large) factory 5 jobs
the age of digital and electronic machines has brought 2 costs 6 regulate
problems, too. For example, as we can now work until late 3 industrial pollution 7 illegal
using electric light, or at home with a laptop, people work 4 equipment
too much. Furthermore, there have been negative effects Grammar
on health. For instance, television and computer gaming
has led to problems with sleep and mental health issues.
Finally, other major discoveries have been important, too. ANSWERS
For example, car or plane engines have also transformed 1 can 3 could
our modern world, making travel easier than ever before. 2 won’t be able to 4 will be able to
Exam skills
Questions where you choose the best heading or questions
where you complete a summary
Yes, the answer should be the same. The rest of the
paragraph develops the idea in the topic sentence.
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