Lattice-XVL A Compact and Qualified 3D Representation With Lattice Mesh and Surface For The Internet
Lattice-XVL A Compact and Qualified 3D Representation With Lattice Mesh and Surface For The Internet
Lattice-XVL A Compact and Qualified 3D Representation With Lattice Mesh and Surface For The Internet
Akira Wakita 1 Makoto Yajima 2 Tsuyoshi Harada 2 Hiroshi Toriya 2 Hiroaki Chiyokura 1
Keio University Lattice Technology Lattice Technology Lattice Technology Keio University
Figure 1: Lattice structure. Left model is the Lattice Mesh and right model is the corresponding Lattice Surface. Topologies of these
models have one to one correspondence.
P0 = å K iVi
V0 = å l j Pj
Step 3
In the last step, using Chiyokura’s method[3], the regions
surrounded with cubic Bézier curves are interpolated by bicubic
Gregory Patches. Generated Lattice Surface has the same
topology as Lattice Mesh, as shown in Figure 1.
Rounding Weight
A wide range of surface shapes can be represented by specifying a
weighting parameter to each edge and vertex. The main idea is to
move the face points(P0 and P3) calculated in Step1. We can
move these points by changing the filter of subdivision. This
information is stored as weighting properties.
Figure 5: Calculation of vertices on Lattice Surface. Initial Base 4.1 Lattice Designer
mesh M0(a). For each faces of M0, connect face point and edge Lattice Designer(Figure 7) is a 3D design system which offers
points(b). For each faces made in (b), calculate face points(c). intuitive user interface based on Lattice Mesh and XVL
Connect these face points and generate new Mesh M1. For each input/output. By transmitting 3D-Data with XVL, users can design
faces of M1, calculate face points P1(d). collaboratively by sharing the same model on each screen.
The realistic human body model and MTB model, shown in
Figure 8, are transferred as only 44KB and 39KB XVL data,
4.2 Surface Modeling with a Polygon Modeling- 4.5 Data Exchange with CAD/CAM Systems
like Operation Because Lattice Designer is a solid based modeling system, the
Because Lattice Surface and Lattice Mesh are closely related, the data exported from Lattice Designer can be directly used in
user can create surface shapes by manipulating Lattice Mesh. This CAD/CAM systems. Moreover, XVL can be converted to STL
indicates that the user can create free-form surface shapes with a format used in rapid prototyping (RP) systems. Generally, STL
polygon modeling-like operation. Figure 9 shows an example of files are huge, therefore XVL offers a network solution to RP
this practical modeling style. systems. Figure 11 shows a demon model made by a CAM system.
6. Conclusions and Future Works
We have presented a framework of XVL as a compact 3D-Data
format with high quality surface representation. The data structure
can be migrated to VRML to use the Internet environment.
Because XVL is based on a free-form surface, transferred XVL
data can be directly utilized in CAD/CAM systems. This enables
rapid transmission of practical data through the Internet. Lattice
structure is composed of free-form surface and simple polygon
mesh. These two data have the same topology and are
interchangeable. A wide range of surface shapes can be generated
using weighting factors. The rounding algorithm is so simple that
rapid surface generation can be accomplished. Because of the
compactness and ease of surface manipulation, XVL application
fields are vast. Now we are extending XVL to migrate X3D. XVL
Figure 11: Demon model made by CAM system. is an extension of VRML, and therefore the same extension is
easily accomplished in the framework of X3D. In order to
completely exchange CAD/CAM data with Lattice Kernel, a
4.6 Lattice Kernel future task is the support of trimmed-surface.
In short, Lattice Kernel is developed as a scalable solid modeling
toolkit transmitted in the XVL format. The application field may
vary from CAD/CAM, to amusement, to 3D browsers. This type 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of singular toolkit was virtually impossible before. However, The authors would like to thank Kazuhiro Taihei for modeling
thanks to the scalability of the Lattice Kernel, users are now able various sample data. Kunihiko Iijima, Hiroki Shibato and Seiji
to select only the required geometry and/or topology libraries of Takase for developing Lattice Designer. Souji Yamakawa for
the kernel, thus minimizing the data size of the application developing VRML toolkit.
program, as well as optimizing its function. Take a video game,
for example. An application of the Lattice Kernel can be 8. REFERENCES
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