Noteflight Level 3

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– Level 3

Category Steps Examples

Instrumentation Step 1: Choose an instrument to write for and use the Violin – treble clef
right clef. Viola – alto clef
Cello/bass – bass clef
Time and Key Signatures Step 2: Choose a time signature and a key signature for Time signatures: 4/4; 3/4; 2/4; 6/8
your piece. Key signatures: D major, G major, C major, F major, A
major, b minor, e minor, a minor, d minor
Tempo Step 3: Choose a tempo, and maybe some tempo Slower tempos – Grave (less than 45 bpm), Largo (45-
changes. 54 bpm), Adagio (55-74 bpm)
Medium tempos – Andante (75-84 bpm), Moderato (85-
109 bpm)
Faster tempos – Allegro (110-134 bpm), Vivace (135-
169 bpm), Presto (170 or higher bpm)
Tempo changes – ritardando, accelerando, a tempo
Rhythm Step 4: Choose which rhythm patterns you would like to Half notes/half rests
use. After this step, you’ve written a song! But you can Quarter notes/quarter rests
keep adding more things if you want to. 8th notes, 16th notes
Dotted half notes
Dotted quarter note + 8th note
Articulations Step 5: You can try choosing some different bowings Arco (bowed); pizzicato (plucked)
and articulations. Legato; Marcato; Staccato; Spiccato
Slurs; Hooked bowings
Col legno
Dynamics Step 6: Consider adding some dynamics to your piece. Pianissimo (pp), Piano (p), Mezzo piano (mp), Mezzo
forte (mf), Forte (f), Fortissimo (ff)
Crescendo, Diminuendo (Decrescendo)
Extras Step 7: Feel free to add some other extras to finish of Bowings – down bow, up bow, bow lift
your composition! Fingerings – 4th finger!
Repeats, Fermatas, D.C. al Fine, etc.
Double stops on open strings
Divisi parts

You are not limited to examples on this list! These are just some guidelines to help you come up with ideas. If you have an idea to write something that is not on this list, that’s

great! If you get stuck and can’t think of what to write, try using Roll-a-Composition to help you! (You will need dice for Roll-a-Composition. If you don’t have dice to use at

home, you can try this Google Dice Roller, or you can just pick your favorite from the list without rolling any dice).

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