From Autism To Autisms: October 2019

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From Autism to Autisms

Article · October 2019

DOI: 10.29011/2642-3227.000026

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1 author:

Diego Iacono
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences


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International Journal of
Autism & Related Disabilities
Iacono D. Int J Autism & Relat Disabil 2: 126.

Editorial DOI: 10.29011/2642-3227.000026

From Autism to Autisms

Diego Iacono*
Neurodevelopmental Research Lab, Biomedical Research Institute of New Jersey (BRINJ) And Midatlantic Neonatology Associates
(MANA), Morristown, Atlantic Health System (AHS), Morristown, New Jersey, USA
Corresponding author: Diego Iacono, Neurodevelopmental Research Lab, Biomedical Research Institute of New Jersey (BRINJ),
Cedar Knolls, Neuropathology Research, Biomedical Research Institute of New Jersey (BRINJ) And Midatlantic Neonatology
Associates (MANA), Morristown, Atlantic Health System (AHS), Morristown, New Jersey, USA. Email(s): [email protected];
[email protected]
Citation: Iacono D (2019) From Autism to Autisms. Int J Autism & Relat Disabil 2: 126. DOI: 10.29011/2642-3227.000026
Received Date: 24 September, 2019; Accepted Date: 01 October, 2019; Published Date: 04 October, 2019

After more than 75 years since Leo Kanner - the first child for a wider and more detailed understanding of the relationship
psychiatrist that used the term autism to describe the “Autistic between human brain and human behavior during development.
Disturbance of Affective Contact” in his classic paper of the In order to do so, we would like to emphasize that the editorial
1943 [1] - this unique neurodevelopmental disorder remains, board and publisher of this journal will work hard to present to all
roughly, a mystery in terms of both etiology and neuropathology folks interested in autism research, or people directly involved in
features, and more importantly, in terms of effective treatments. the autism issues that is, doctors/researchers and families, a new
Moreover, since the very first formal definition of this disorder and reliable repository of data on the autism, or autisms, jointly
in 1980 (DSM III) [2], other three major changes of definition with any type of biological and non-biological factor confirmed to
have been proposed during the last three decades [3-6]. These be tightly related to different forms of autism and autism-related
multiple changes of the operational definition of autism generated, disabilities. In fact, we strongly believe that autism is not a single
actually, a series of ripple effects concerning the proper (clinical disease, but rather a cluster of different diseases, and possibly
criteria-based) definition of the epidemiological features, clinical different pathobiological mechanisms, with a central core of
measurements, behavioral and emotional assessments, clinico- symptomatology in common across different individuals but with
pathological correlations, genetic studies, neuroimaging analyses, a wide set of different types of cognitive-behavioral declines in
etiopathogenetic hypotheses and animal modeling, as well as for each single subject that is, with a vast and different gamma of
the identification of preventive or protective factors for the autism behavioral and prognostic outcomes different in each affected
and, ultimately, determined issues on how to measure the economic individual. Also, we would like to emphasize, peer-reviewing
impact of this disorder across different health systems, or for process of the articles published in this journal, the medical and
establishing specific public health policies to provide guidelines to social urgency for the production of more and more scientific and
take the best possible care of individuals affected by this pervasive robust data on the following aspects:
illness and their families. • Personalized-medicine based tools to tune the current
While honored and privileged to have been proposed as diagnostic tools on a more accurate definition of the different
the new Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Autism & types of sub-types of autism;
Related Disabilities, it is my strongest wish and intention to put • Advancement of neuroimaging longitudinal studies focusing
major efforts in making sure that the readership of this specialized on specific autism aspects across all ages;
journal will consider our publications as new and updated tools of
• Define obvious and subtle neuropathological aspects from
knowledge and scientific acquisition in the field. brains of subjects across the entire autistic spectrum disorder
Our editorial goal is indeed to provide and share the most and correlate neuropathological age-related features with
valuable experimental and evidence-based findings in the field of clinical aspects in each individual (personalized medicine in
autism and autism-related conditions as well as one of the main the context of neurodevelopmental disorders);
sources of robust new findings, both for clinicians and researchers, • Detailed criteria-based description of all clinical measures
interested in the effective advancement of the autism field and that mostly disable autistic individuals with different types of

1 Volume 2019; Issue 01

Citation: Iacono D (2019) From Autism to Autisms. Int J Autism & Relat Disabil 2: 126. DOI: 10.29011/2642-3227.000026

co-morbidities also as provided by caregivers, families and rigor and data reproducibility, ethically-reviewed procedures
patients as well; attention, clarity and web-openness. Also, we will pay attention
• Provide unifying theories (biologically-based) on genetic, to any new possible editorial initiative that could take advantage
environmental, and behavioral aspects in primary of technological innovations (including digital tools, videos,
autistic disorders vs. autism-trait characteristics in other webinars, etc.) that could definitively represent an operative tool
neurodevelopmental non-primarily autistic disorders; of knowledge and scientific education in the autism field and
neurodevelopmental disorders in general.
• Specific studies on the autisms across different sexes, races
and cultures; References
• Autisms and aging; 1. Kanner L (1943) Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nervous
Child 2: 217-250.
• New technologies and autisms: how high-tech tools can
improve the life of autistic individuals; 2. APA (1980) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
DSM–III. American Psychiatric Association, Washington DC.
• “The family corner”: this journal will be open to accept
letters of opinions from families, educational communities or 3. APA (1987) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
autism-related institutions that deal, on a daily basis, with any DSM–III–R. American Psychiatric Association, Washington DC.
medical, social or any other aspects of autism; 4. APA (1994) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
• New and effective pharmacological and non-pharmacological DSM–IV. American Psychiatric Association, Washington DC.
treatments. 5. APA (2000) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
DSM–IV–TR. American Psychiatric Association, Washington DC.
Finally, the editorial board and I would like to emphasize the
following strict policy points for any type of article published in 6. APA (2013) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th
ed.), DSM 5. American Psychiatric Association, Washington DC.
International Journal of Autism & Related Disabilities: scientific

2 Volume 2019; Issue 01

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