Green Chemistry The Economic Impact Perspective

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Green Chemistry: The Economic Impact

Dini Hariyati Adam, Elvina, Mila Nirmala Sari Hasibuan, Rizki Syahputra, Laili Habibah Pasaribu, Suriyani

Abstract: Green chemistry is known as a study that aims to reduce or eliminate the adverse effects of the use of hazardous chemicals that can damage
the environment and health. Environmental damage and poor health as caused by hazardous chemicals will affect the issuance of costs. This present
study aims to discuss green chemistry and its impact on the economy through a literature review. This study is a review article that explains the concept
of green chemistry and its impact on the economy. Based on the results of the study showed that the implementation of green chemistry will reduce the
cost of recovery, prevention, and also reduce health costs. It is recommended that the firms in conducting manufacturing activities adopt green chemistry
in their manufacturing activities.

Index Terms: Green Chemistry, Economic Impact

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1. INTRODUCTION This concept focuses more on the perspective of a researcher

Environmental problems have becomes very serious problems to place environmental aspects on top priority. This area of
and need attention from the government. In 2018, the budget research in the field of green chemistry includes the
allocation for environmental protection is planned to be Rp development of more environmentally friendly ways of
15,428.4 billion in Indonesia [1]. The diversity of industries that synthesis, the use of renewable raw materials, designing
are growing is a demand for a more diverse lifestyle and green chemicals, and the use of biotechnology as an
consumption patterns of the people. In addition to increasing alternative in the industry. Green chemistry also aims to
the amount of waste, the diversity of consumption patterns replace non-renewable raw materials with renewable with the
affects the composition of the material content of the waste aim of avoiding negative effects on health [3]. The same
becomes increasingly difficult to decompose naturally, pollute opinion was expressed by [4] said that green chemistry
the environment and endanger human health [1]. The reduces or eliminates the need for and generation of
implementation of green chemistry is very important to reduce hazardous materials during the manufacture, design, and
or prevent environmental damage. The lack of application of application of chemistry. This present study aims to explore
green chemistry will have an impact on environmental damage the economic impact of the implementation of green chemistry.
such as chemicals that are harmful to the environment and
also to a humans health. Environmental damage or pollution 2 METHODOLOGY
caused by the lack of application of green chemistry will have This research is a review article describing green chemistry
an impact on the costs by the government or firms in and its impact on the economy. According to [5] literature
overcoming environmental problems. The declining quality of review is a method of collecting data in a way looking for
the environment will also have an impact on economic growth information through books, newspapers, magazines, and other
and lead to various social conflicts that are sustainable and literature. The review articles in the research sourced from
involve various elements of society, entrepreneurs and several journal studies related to green chemistry and its
government.Green chemistry is known as a study that aims to economic impact.
reduce or eliminate the danger of adverse effects of chemicals
on the environment, including humans. According to [2] Green 3 FINDING
chemistry is a very effective approach to prevent pollution
because it can be used directly by scientists in the current 3.1. The Concept of Green Chemistry
situation. Green chemistry is a new paradigm providing solutions for
contemporary, ecological, and sustainable challenges. The
term green chemistry is often used to conserve resources and
_______________________ the environment [6] and also redesign of chemical products to
eliminate toxicological and environmental impact [7]. Green
 Dini Hariyati Adam, Universitas Labuhanbatu, Rantauprapat, chemistry strives to minimize waste production, to promote the
Indonesia, use of renewable and recycled resources, and to achieve the
E-mail: [email protected]
 Elvina, Universitas Labuhanbatu, Rantauprapat, Indonesia,
highest possible energy efficiency[8]. In paper [9] cited that
E-mail: [email protected] green chemistry often described as an ‘innovative,
 Mila Nirmalasari Hasibuan, Universitas Labuhanbatu, Rantauprapat, nonregulatory, economically driven approach toward
Indonesia, E-mail: [email protected] sustainability. In paper [10] cited that green chemistry provides
 Rizki Syahputra, Universitas Labuhanbatu, Rantauprapat, Indonesia, an excellent framework for creating systems that are
E-mail: [email protected] consistent with the circular economy (consider especially the
 Laili Habibah Pasaribu, Universitas Labuhanbatu, Rantauprapat,
principles of waste prevention, optimize atom economy, use
E-mail: [email protected] harmless components, the using of renewable raw materials,
 Suriyani, Universitas Labuhanbatu, Rantauprapat, Indonesia, and also design for degradation). The concern of green
E-mail: [email protected] chemistry is to eliminate or minimize the generation of toxic
waste has become greater than treating the waste already

According to [12], said that there are twelve principles of of green chemistry, as stated by [11] that the economic benefit
green chemistry namely : of green chemistry such as the less need for investment in
1. Avoid pollution: chemical syntheses, processes, and waste storage and treatment, as well as compensation
reactors need to be designed to avoid dirt and payments for environmental damage. [11], and also economic
contamination; efficiency [15].
2. Design safer chemical products: this principles If the company does not apply green chemistry, it will
emphasize effective products that use less toxic than cause environmental pollution. According to [16] some of
comparable materials; the losses caused by environmental pollution are as
3. Produce less hazardous&substances: create and use follows:
substances that pose no risk to humans and the 1. Disaster Relief Cost
environment; When environmental pollution and / or damage happens,
4. Use renewable$raw materials as much as possible; immediate action needs to be taken to tackle
5. Use of catalysts instead of stoichiometric reagents by environmental pollution and / or damage that occurs so that
minimization of the reaction partners; environmental pollution and / or damage can be stopped
6. Avoid unnecessary&intermediate steps in chemical and not become worse. This action can be carried out by
processes; business actors and / or activities, and / or by the
7. Maximize the atom#efficiency: designksyntheses and government.
reactions so that no, or only a few atoms or molecules 2. Recovery Cost
of the initial reagents remain, or, so that no unwanted The environment which is polluted and / or damaged must
dangerous substances remain; be restored and as far back as possible, before pollution
8. Use safe2solvents&and safe reaction conditions: if and / or environmental damage occurs. This action to
possible, avoid the use of adjuvants; restore the environment applies to the public environment
9. Increase energy efficiency: if possible manage which is the right and authority of the government and the
reactions and processes at room temperature; community that includes the rights and authority of
10. Produce&chemicals and side products: these can be individuals and groups of people. However, not all
degraded without harming the environment; environments can be returned to conditions such as before
11. Control all operations by real time management to pollution and / or environmental damage occurred,
prevent7pollution and contamination, which will help to however the party responsible for a business and / or
avoid waste; activity and / or individual that causes pollution and / or
12. Minimize the risk of accidents environmental damage is obliged to restore environmental
conditions. With the restoration of environmental
3.2. Economic Impact conditions, it is expected that environmental functions that
Green chemistry has a role not only to protect the environment were present before the damage could return to normal.
issue by preventing pollution before its creation; green But it must be realized that there are various kinds of
chemistry is also a way of the firm to increase efficiency and ecosystems, and each ecosystem has different benefits
reduce the costs of production, an opportunity for businesses and functions, so the recovery effort also requires different
to lighten their environmental burdens and make money [8]. technologies. Efforts to restore the condition and function
The same opinion also states that the application of green of the environment require the cost of environmental
chemistry can improve economic performance [3]. In paper recovery.
[11] said that the benefits of economic on the implementation 3. Ecosystem loss
of green chemistry such as the less need for investment in When the environment becomes polluted and / or
waste storage and treatment by the firms, as well as damaged, various impacts will emerge as a result of
compensation payments for environmental damage. Recycling pollution and / or damage to the ecosystem. Pollution and /
is one of the concepts in green chemistry and very or damage to the environment includes the public
fundamental in promoting a circular economy, which is a new (government) environment. All impacts of pollution and / or
paradigm of sustainability that is able to reduce environmental environmental damage must be calculated for its economic
implications, and in creating new business opportunities[13]. value so that a complete environmental loss value is
Environmental chemistry is not only important to humans and obtained. For example if there is an oil leak from a tanker,
the environment but is also crucial for business and economy. the marine ecosystem becomes polluted. The next impact
It helps in finding methods and techniques to speed up the can be damage to coral reefs, damage to mangrove forests
chemical reactions using small amounts of reactants to deliver or damage to seagrass beds, so that the productivity of all
the same results and the same price of the product. It also types of these ecosystems in producing fish is reduced.
helps in reducing the number of synthetic steps that enable Generating of environmental pollution in modern societies
increased production, increase in the plant capacity while is unavoidable and industrial nations will always produce a
saving energy and water consumption. Using fewer chemicals certain level of pollutants. Some of the pollutants, even
for manufacturing the products results in reduced waste which potentially very harmful to the environment are at the same
results in reduced cost for disposing of chemical waste and time very beneficial for individuals and communities. The good
toxic waste treatments [14] The economic benefits of green examples are the pesticides, which besides their potential
chemistry are central drivers in its advancement. The industry harmful effects, at the same time, have greatly contributed to
is adopting green chemistry methodologies because they the increase of overall food production in the world; the
improve the corporate bottom line. A wide array of operating pharmaceuticals, which require potentially dangerous organic
costs is decreased through the use of green chemistry[2]. chemicals for their manufacture, at the same time
Other economic benefits can be obtained from the application considerably have extended human lives; plastics, one of the


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