Windey Times, March 2020
Windey Times, March 2020
Windey Times, March 2020
March 2020
[email protected]
Organic Farming
Healthy Smile. Healthy Child.
Artworks Kasinathan A
Left & Right Brain
Are Exams The Real Enemy? Anbazhagan (Anbu)
Fibonacci Sequence And Golden Ratio
The Gully Boys and Girls
Are You BS-6 Ready?
Shruthi Manojkumar
Quiz (D3-704)
Usha Jayakumar
Udaya Sathyamurthy
(D4 -706)
Astha Khabya
Radhu Raghavan
Divya Kaushik
Vijayaraghavan J
(A6 -103)
A. Kasinathan,
Office-Bearer, PWAOA
Writing from this desk always Major initiatives have seen the light by common vendors with effect
entails a high risk of sounding of the day. The Waste Segregation from 1st March.
effusively appreciatory. steered by our Green Brigade has
However, I shall earnestly been such a great collective effort. At the backend, there are any
try to avoid this trap. The Commissioner of Chennai number of people paid and unpaid
With this caveat in place, Corporation has repeatedly putting enormous efforts often
let me proceed. commended the citizens sacrificing their personal and even
and the leadership for its progress professional lives. I would urge the
PW today is a steadily growing readers to spare a thought for all
and success. The source segregation
diverse community. The scale those who strive to constantly and
will soon cover the entire campus.
and diversity of the populace added consistently make our lives in PW
As a community, we stand to benefit
to some of the legacy issues from better. Given the scale of operations,
immensely from the Commissioner’s
the builder have contributed no less than a company itself, we
approval for deepening and
to the complexity of managing have invested considerable thought
beautification of the adjoining
the campus. Fire-fighting is endemic and time in modifying and
Anai eri. Your Association is
to facility management especially improving the organisation
following up with the authorities
given that we are today easily a 1200+ structure in the FMS and
concerned for a road from the PW
occupancy –add to this the families, implementing review systems.
Main gate to the Pallikaranai main
the facility service personnel, daily It is genuinely believed that this
road circumventing the present long
visitors in the form of car cleaners, will yield highly positive results
stretch. With merger of Phase 2
domestic help, vendors etc. and one reflected across several functions
and 2A with Phase 1, the services
gets a sense of the magnitude and in the months to come.
across the campus will be managed
what its management involves.
The intercom solution that is being implemented is a fully scalable model which
is not limited to voice intercom. It is scalable to allow the community to integrate
emergency and safety infrastructure, automated access control, video door phone
apart from video conferencing within Windermere residents.
residents. Visitors, guests and SHORTENING PIPELINES key points:
residents who do not have RFID The delivery pipelines in 5th ● Seepage issues across the
tags enabled, may have a little and 1st floors are extended to community
longer wait time. We expect store solid particles from the ● Dampness - specifically on
cooperation from all residents water. This also causes walls & columns of Phase 2A
on enabling smooth navigation. generation of worms even blocks.
though the tanks are regularly
PILLAR MAINTENANCE cleaned. Association has takena During the meeting, association
Pillar maintenance was carried firm step to complete this has also registered its strong
out in the month of Jan to avoid activity on its own and claim the opposition on allocating car
any electricity supply issues expenses from the builder. parking slots on top of the
from the transformer. They keep wells, particularly on top
the fuses and other connectors of the operating manholes.
intact and avoid failure during
Top layer of Vadakkupattu Road
ADDITIONAL has been laid in the month of
TRANSFORMERS IN Feb. An arch is being
E BLOCKS constructed at the start of the
As additional blocks are being boundary of Windermere,
opened for possession, more adjoining additional blocks are
transformers are being installed planned to be constructed by the
in the E Block area to support builder.
the capacity. This will improve
the power condition in E Blocks. OTHER ACTIVITIES
Further to resolve the issue We have received 10 new
faced by E1 and E2 blocks, we benches in the new area for the
are working on replacing the comfort of residents. Additional
sensing cable to transfer the lights are installed in extra arms
power supply from EB to DG GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS to improve illuminations.
seamlessly. VISIT Another 6 benches were added
Greater Chennai Corporation in the Swimming Pool.
POWER SUPPLY ISSUES IN Commissioner Mr G Prakash IAS Jaguar Fittings were serviced
PHASE 2A visited Purva Windermere to for more than 50 residents
The power supply line initiate the lake restoration through service camps. These
connecting the transformer and project by the Corporation. service camps were specifically
with the EB room located in arranged for residents to resolve
some of the blocks had issues. In addition to this, their flush related issues.
The issue is being addressed by Sholinganallur Constituency Additional complaints are being
the builder directly so as not to MLA Mr Aravind Ramesh addressed in batches. If your
cause inconvenience to visited the campus on 29th Feb. turn is missed, kindly wait for
residents. Association has presented a subsequent camp.
letter to him to extend the Purva Windermere is being
OVERHEAD TANK Bhavani Amman Koil Street till credited as the most valued
CLEANING the Velachery Main Road (closer customer for implementing
Drain pipes in over head tanks to the Ward 190 Office). process automation in
were not properly fixed in some maintaining the Sewage
blocks. These blocks get worms MEETING WITH THE Treatment Plant in Phase 1.
in their flush water due to BUILDER We are soon entering into
stagnation of water and growth Association held multiple automation of STP #2.
of bio organisms. rounds of discussions with the Reliance Jio has officially
To avoid stagnation of water, builder on the recurring issues started their services in
OHT floors are being corrected and takeover points. Windermere starting from the
with slope. This will smoothen Mr. Premchand Naidu, SVP, end of February.
the process of cleaning Puravankara Limited was
the tanks by letting the present on 18th Jan 2020 and
water drain on its own. agreed to execute the following
Ms. Sowntharam Subramani (C4-306)
As among the first movers into the community, I, along with the other new movers, had trouble
for information with respect to basic necessities and amenities in and around the community.
It was at this point, I decided to collate basic information and share with other new residents.
For this purpose, I started a WhatsApp group PWRLG for resident ladies.This also prompted me
to represent my block as a Block Representative.
Along with my Co-BR have been instrumental in the following:
1. Identifying and listing snags in common area for handover to Purva through PWAOA.
2. Follow up on completion of points in the snag list.
3. Created Database of owners/tenants in the block as part of know your neighbor initiative.
4. Basic amenity and vendor list shared with residents of the block.
5. Ensuring all residents of the block receive communication sent by the association.
6. Identifying and addressing issues pertaining to common area general up keep, pest control,
security, electrical and plumbing through the association.
7. Escalating unresolved major issues of a flat to the association.
I am from Thoonga nagaram Madurai and a mechatronics engineering graduate passed out
of Thiagarajar college of Engineering. I am passionate about reading, ardent Indian cinema
follower, sports enthusiast, die hard Raja music fan.
I love to socialize and meet new people. I am actively involved in community events like
Waste Management task force, Jumpin January etc.
My strong beliefs are sustainable living and preserving the environment.
Association [email protected]
Ambulance 108/1066
Cities in NCR like Noida, Gurugram, Ghaziabad and Faridabad as well as other 13
major cities, including Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Pune have
already rolled out BS VI grade fuel and the rest of the country will have it by April
2020. By switching to BS -VI, India will join the league of U.S., Japan and
European Union, which follow Euro Stage VI Emission norms.
I believe - Change is the only thing • The workshop was highly • The ACT - The Sexual Harassment
Constant and it should begin with appreciated by the President of women at workplace (prohibition,
each one of us! and the association members. Prevention and Redressal) Act, 2013.
It was well-received interactive The purpose of this act is, protection
A survey shows, in India for every workshop were employees were of women against sexual harassment
12 minutes a women employee able to connect and understand
is harassed at her workplace. through case studies and activities,
In order to create a safe and zero the necessity of a harmonious
tolerance of sexual harassment work environment.
at work place our association
had organised “The Prevention of It’s all about how we respect each
Sexual Harassment at work place – other at workplace irrespective of
POSH” workshop for all employees. gender, while acknowledging our
differences. Its been a long fight over
“AWARENESS IS THE this issue not only in our countrybut
KEY TO SUCCESS” all over the world.
at work place. The IMPACT and
• This workshop was to create INTENT is all that matters.
an awareness about the POSH Act • This Law is for any women
and the Redressal mechanism for at workplace irrespective of their
women and a word of caution hierarchy or position
to the male employees on activities in the organisation.
that fall under sexual harassment
and other harassment. Rekha Hariprawin
Personal Excellence & Lifestyle
Coach/POSH Trainer/Behavioural Trainer
Organic Farming
Organic shops have come all over and 5ml /litre for leaves – your 1st (Agni-green chillies-ginger-garlic-
Chennai. A small intro on organic dose of nutrition ( PK - Cow dung, tobacco-few leaves that cows and
farming for our understanding. Cow urine, Ghee, milk, curd, banana goats do not eat-crush and boil all
Our ancestors did Natural Farming in proportions) these in cow urine till 85 degrees)
using raw materials from natural herbs 3. Agni – after 20th day spray Agni Irrigate as per crop schedule and our
– that cows and goats do not eat and organic farming is over.
cow’s urine, cow dung etc. and today Organically grown products may cost
we renamed it as organic farming. you 20-30% more - since their crop
Organic Farming involves simple 3 yield will be 70% lower comparing
steps (chemical free): chemical farming.
1. Land preparation- plough the land Caution on chemical farming : We use
well, mix 5 tons of Vermi-compost per 47 banned chemicals in TN and they
acre (from cow dung) and irrigate well all are carcinogenic, which may trigger
and sow the seeds / cuttings. serious ailments to our body.
We will spend Rs. 510 for iron tablets
2. Panchagavya (PK) - After 15 days same dose like PK – and repeat this till but not Rs. 15 for drumstick leaves!
spray – 10 ml / litre of water to roots crop life cycle ( 70 -110 days)
N Ram (A1-301)
Dr. Anuradha
Left vs Right
தீராத மாமைழ,
வானில் ஈரம் தீ�ம் வைர
மண்ணின் தாகம் தீ�ம் வைர
யா�ம் காணாத ேபரன்பாய்..
�தல் �ளிைய �கர்ந்த மலர்கள்,
சாரல் ஓய்ந்த�ம்
மீண்�ம் வானில் இ�ள் �ழ
அங்� சிப்பிக்�ள்
ந�விச் ெசன்ற மைழ �ளி
ெவண்ணிலைவ �மந்த
�த்தாக சிாித்தேத!
மண்ைண �ட்�ய �ளிேயா..
விைதக்� உயிாிட்�..
காற்ைற காதல் ெசய்ய
�தாய் மாறியேத!
எண்ண�ம் எ�த்�ம்,
Malathi Ravisankar
Laughter Corner
The hate grows stronger everyday
Anaesthetist: Mam you said you are 27 yrs old
thousands killed and dead they lay
and if I give lower dose , you may wake up
no breath,no beat of their heart,lifeless
in the middle of the operation.
are we all slowly becoming heartless?
No one dares to stop this violence
Lady patient: Ok. My age is 38.
no matter how loud they hear the sirens.
All we do is voice our anger on our phones,
Anaesthetist: Again lower dose, you may wake up
But in real life we're all silent as gnomes
Why don't we speak up and put a stop to this? after 80% of operation and you may get paralysed.
put a permanent halt to this injustice.
Children are scared to go to school Lady patient: Ok - My age is 49 - beyond this I am
Our leaders are quiet,did we elect fools? not going to increase even my dead body
goes out of this hospital.
Ruhi Fathima, 15yrs (E2-105) N Ram (A1-301)
Vidyaskandan S (C4-201)
The Fibonacci number sequence was For e.g., two numbers (987, and 610)
well known to Hindu can give this sacred ratio (1.61803) if
mathematicians as early as in the 6th the ratio between their sum (1597-A)
century. In this sequence each and the larger number (987-B) is
number is the sum of two preceding equal to the ratio between 987(B)
numbers, starting with 0 and 1. and 610(C). As the sequence
It begins as 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, progresses further, they will settle
34, 55, 89, 144, 233, … down at 1.61803398874989484820...
According to this the face of a
beautiful person is about 11/2 times
longer than it is wide.
Emergency services like SOS can be made possible with IP Intercom solution with
simultaneous ringing and call hunting. Improves the safety of elders at home.
empathy from the society. It is not Although the numbers are widely
just a task but an co-operative effort debated, the World Health
from various individuals to bring Organization estimates that rabies
about a safe and changed kills about 20,000 people a year in
environment. Winning community India. That's 36 percent of rabies
support for ABC projects where deaths worldwide. Clearly,
none have existed before can be an controlling rabies is key to winning
uphill battle. To increase the odds of hearts and minds, not to mention
success, rescuers always make sure saving lives. The publicly very
the ABC projects are managed by visible anti-rabies vaccination (ARV) to ensure that they don't bring more
qualified people who are up to the component of ABC programs helps puppies into a world that's already
challenge. To give an example of the build community support. When short of good homes.
resistance they sometimes encounter, people have less reason to be fearful
Buddhists typically regard of dogs, they're less likely to want to Community dogs make wonderful,
sterilization as tantamount to taking destroy them. loyal companions, and there are
life. As a result, many Buddhist People and street dogs can get along. many of them — along with
communities in India are very With the generous support of abandoned pedigrees — waiting for
resistant to ABC programs. But residents, ABC and ARV programs good homes at animal shelters across
thanks to skilful community are slowly making that dream come the country.
education by ABC project true for which every rescuer works Indian dogs are highly adaptable,
coordinators, attitudes are changing in India. quick learners, and protective of
and ABC is gaining ground within their guardians. They also tend
different communities, making their SECOND INNINGS to be free from many of the health
communities safer for dogs – and The public can also help end the and behavioural problems that
people, because anti-rabies cycle of animal homelessness and plague their pedigree cousins.
vaccination is also part of every ABC save lives by opening our hearts and Best of all, when you make
program. homes to loyal, loving Indian dogs an Indian dog a part of your
instead of buying animals from family, you not only save a life
Rabies is a genuine problem when breeders or pet shops. It is also but also make a best friend for life.
it comes to India's street dogs. crucial that we have our canine Gauri Gopinath (C20-403)
companions sterilised in order
It is quiz time. Here are some interesting questions with multiple choice answers to bond over with
your kids and grandkids!! The names of the first 3 entries will be featured in the next issue alongwith the answers.
Please mail your answers to [email protected]. Enjoy!!