Thermal Conduction in Solids: R. Bermanpaul G. Klemens

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Thermal Conduction in Solids

R. BermanPaul G. Klemens,

Citation: 31, (1978); doi: 10.1063/1.2994996

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Applied Physics Letters I also found the treatment of the optical
properties of cholesterics to be an in-
sightful and humane approach to a
subject with potential for mathematical
complexity. I especially enjoyed the
discussion of light scattering from cho-
The following is the Table of Contents from a lestrics and comparison with C. G. Dar-
recent issue of APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS: win's dynamical theory of x-ray diffrac-
tion and the anomalous increase in x-ray
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 32, No. 7, 1 April 1978 transmission near Bragg reflections (the
Borrmann effect). The chapter on
C.C. Sung
399 Scattering of light from Rayieigh waves
smectics contains even less than de Gen-
401 The significance of the distribution of hot spots on the interpretation B Arad, S. Eliezer
of laser produced plasma experiments
nes's chapter in spite of being written
403 Measurements of the electronic and nuclear contributions to the M.J.Weber, O F . Cline.W.L Smith, three years later; however, this is an area
nonlinear refractive index of beryllium fluoride glasses D. Milam, D. Heiman, of relatively little understanding and
R.W. Hellwarth
rapid progress so it is perhaps better
406 Continuous room-temperature operation of Ga( , , ,AI,As-GaAs double- R D. Dupuis, P.D. Dapkus
heterostructure lasers grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
saved for a second edition of the book.
408 Active fail-safe terminal for fiber-optical data bus R A Soref, A R. Nelson, Overall, Chandrasekhar's monograph
D.H. McMahon, W.B. Spillman, Jr ,
L.E. Sheppard
is well written, remarkably free of typo-
410 GaAs-GaAlAs injection lasers on semi-insulating substrates using laterally C P Lee, S. Margalit, I Ury,
graphical errors, and especially for the
diffused lunctions A Yanv uninitiated, often easier to follow than de
41 3 Collisionless production of C : la l ~u ) in an intense infrared laser field J D Campbell, M.H Yu, C Wittig Gennes. I recommend that both books
415 AIGaAs-GaAs double heterostructure small-area light-emitting diodes by T.P Lee, W.S. Holden, A Y Cho should be in institutional collections and
molecular-beam epitaxy the personal libraries of researchers in-
H.J J. Segum, A.K. Nam, J Tulip
418 The photomitiated impulse enhanced electrically excited (PIE) discharge terested in the fundamental physics of
for high-power cw laser applications
421 BOXCARS: Crossed-beam phase-matched CARS generation in gases Alan C. Eckbreth this interesting state of matter.
424 Influence of molecular dissociation and degree of ionization on rare William L. Nighan

gas-halide laser properties

H. Pummer, J. Eggleston,
427 Ultraviolet absorption of CF ,1 induced by excitation of the / , vibrational
W.K. Bischel, C.K Rhodes
mode at 9.6 pm
B.S. Kawasaki, D.C. Johnson, J. David Litster has been involved in light
429 Bandwidth-limited operation of a mode-locked Bnllouin parametric Y Fujii, K.O. Hill scattering and x-ray scattering studies of
oscillator I F Chang, P.Y. Yu liquid crystals for about eight years. He is a
432 Laser modulation of electroluminescence in thin film ZnS:Mn devices R.A. Chapman, M A . Kinch, professor of physics at the Massachusetts
434 Hg,, -Cd,, ,Te charge-coupled device shift registers A. Simmons. S.R. Borrello. Institute of Technology.
H.B. Morris, J.S. Wrobel, D D. Buss
436 Instabilities in thin tunnel junctions M.K. Konkin.J.G. Adler
437 A high-resolution electron micioscopy study of the Si-SiO, interface O.L. Krivanek, T.T. Sheng,
D.C. Tsui
439 Hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of amorphous and crystalline silicon Jl Pankove, M A. Lampert, Thermal Conduction in Solids
M.L. Tarng
441 Low pressure rf annealing: A new technique to remove charge centers in T P Ma. W H L Ma
MIS dielectrics R. Berman
444 Nonequilibnum response of MOS devices to linearly varying voltages A.G Nassibian. L Faraoni.', 193 pp. Oxford U.P., New York, 1976.
J.G Simmons
446 An InGaAs detector for the 1.0-1.7-um wavelength range K J . Bachmann, J.L Shay

449 CUMULATIVE AUTHOR INDEX Soon after World War II, the late Pro-
fessor Sir Francis Simon initiated re-
search at Oxford on the low-temperature
thermal conductivity of insulators, in the
Order your subscription today with order form below. hope that this property would yield in-
formation about defects in non-metals in
the same way that electrical conductivity
was being used to study defects in metals.
Robert Berman has carried out such
measurements at the Clarendon Labora-
tory for three decades. His studies and
those of other groups, as well as the the-
oretical work to interpret these mea-
surements, have yielded a rich harvest.
Berman, in this rather compact book,
has described the microscopic physical
processes involved and discussed the es-
sential experimental results and their
interpretation. A large part of the book
is devoted to heat conduction by phonons
in insulators, with special attention given
to the role of normal three-phonon pro-
cesses, and to the important defects that
reduce the thermal conductivity. An
extensive section on amorphous solids
discusses this difficult subject in depth, as
well as can be done at present. Electronic
thermal conduction in metals is treated,
including the role of electron-phonon


Umklapp processes and the low-temper- analytical continuation of the order-pa- wide range of topics and applications,
ature Lorenz ratio. The lattice compo- rameter dimensionality to the value n = including discussions of the dimension-
nent of thermal conduction in metals and —2 and considered the systematic varia- ality n of the order parameter and its
alloys is discussed, but there is only the tion of exponents in the (n, d) plane. relation to the excluded-volume problem,
briefest treatment of superconductors, Although the field has produced a percolation and the spherical model,
and semiconductors are covered mainly number of review articles, so far only a derivation and discussion of the Ginzburg
with respect to some low-temperature relatively small number of books has been criterion, and the characteristic dimen-
properties. published. Therefore one can only wel- sionality (above which exponents become
Although ordinary and high tempera- come the appearance of "a truly intro- classical) for various models. A brief and
tures are certainly mentioned, the em- ductory book . . . as thin as possible" clear presentation of covariance under
phasis is on low-temperature properties, containing a "clear outline of the simplest dilatations and its relation to scaling and
and on the special solids that have played ideas." homogeneity is followed by introduction
a large role as models to illustrate physical The book is thin indeed. Its brevity, of the renormalization-group ideas, with
principles (solid helium, lithium fluoride together with the clear and concise style, a strong emphasis on the topology of re-
and other alkali halides, monovalent make for enjoyable reading. It covers a normalization group trajectories, and a
metals, but diamond is surprisingly
omitted). The technically important
materials and higher temperatures receive
less attention, and this is perhaps as it
should be in this small volume, which
emphasizes the basic interaction pro-
Fast, on-the-spot FFT analysis of
cesses and their illustrations. The book
would therefore be a good companion text
in a basic solid-state physics course, cov-
spectra from 0.25 Hz to 20kHz,
ering in depth a field that requires a
knowledge of many solid-state principles.
Those interested in thermal conduction Thefirsttruly portable, complete FFT shooting. Its simplicity, its versatility
per se would find J. E. Parrott and Audrey Spectrum Analyzer—our new SD340—is —plus being the lowest priced FFT
D. Stuckes's Thermal Conductivity of a "smart" instrument that does a lot of Spectrum Analyzer on the market—
Solids (Pion, London 1975) more rele- your work for you. It's microprocessor- makes the spectrum analyzer as practi-
based, but you don't have to be a com- cal and indispensable a measuring tool
vant, since it covers more materials, par- puter expert to use it effectively in de- as the universally used oscilloscope.
ticularly semiconductors and magnetic signing, testing and trouble-shooting. Check these hard facts...
materials. Even though these books have You can read out broadband and nar- y/ 400-line resolution
much in common, a serious student of the rowband (analyzed) levels in engineer- y/ 0.25 Hz to 20 kHz analysis
field could read them both with profit, ing units—volts, dBV, dBM, Hz. The flick y/ 0-100 Hz to 0-20 kHz analysis
Berman's book will be of special value for of one toggle expands any spectrum ranges
his skillful exposition of the basic physical area five times to full CRT width for de- \f 60 dB dynamic range
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Critical Phenomena

P. Pfeuty, G. Toulouse
190 pp. Wiley-lnterscience, New York,

1977. $19.95

During the last seven years renormaliza-

tion-group theory has made a strong im-
pact on the thinking and methodology of
theoretical physics. The area of most
extensive applications of renormaliza-
tion-group ideas is that of critical phe-
nomena. This field witnessed quite an
outburst of research activity, with many
workers making original and innovative
Pierre Pfeuty and Gerard Toulouse,
professors of physics at the Universite de
Paris Sud, Centre d'Orsay, have both
done significant work in the field. Pfe-
uty's main contributions concern studies
of quadratic anisotropy and mapping of
classical models to quantum ones at lower
dimensionality. Toulouse studied the Circle No. 28 on Reader Service Card


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