Thermal Properties of Matter PDF
Thermal Properties of Matter PDF
Thermal Properties of Matter PDF
Level 2
Section 1: Thermometry
1. A constant pressure air thermometer gave a reading of
47.5 units of volume when immersed in ice cold water,
and 67 units in a boiling liquid. The boiling point of the
liquid is
(1) 135 °C (2) 125 °C
(3) 112 °C (4) 100 °C
2. If a thermometer reads freezing point of water as 20 °C
and boiling point as 150 °C, how much the thermometer
reads when the actual temperature is 60 °C?
(1) 98 °C (2) 110 °C
(3) 40 °C (4) 60 °C
3. A constant volume gas thermometer shows pressure
reading of 50 cm and 90 cm of mercury at 0 °C and 100 °C,
respectively. When the pressure reading is 60 cm of mer-
cury, the temperature is
(1) 25 °C (2) 40 °C
(3) 15 °C (4) 12.5 °C
(1) 1 (2) 2 24. A lead bullet of 10 g travelling at 300 m/s strikes against a
(3) 3 (4) 4 block of wood and comes to rest. Assuming 50% of heat
is absorbed by the bullet, the increase in its temperature
18. If two rods of length L and 2L having coefficients of linear is (specific heat of lead = 150 J kg−1 K−1)
expansion a and 2a, respectively, are connected so that
(1) 100 °C (2) 125 °C
total length becomes 3L, the average coefficient of linear
(3) 150 °C (4) 200 °C
expansion of the composition of rod equals
(1) (3/2)a (2) (5/2)a 25. A substance of mass m kg requires a power input of P W to
(3) (5/3)a (4) None of these remain in the molten state at its melting point. When the
power is turned off, the sample completely solidifies in
19. A rod of length 20 cm is made of metal A. It expands time t s. What is the latent heat of fusion of the substance?
by 0.075 cm when its temperature is raised from 0 °C Pm Pt
(1) (2)
to 100 °C. Another rod of a different metal B having the t m
same length expands by 0.045 cm for the same change m t
in temperature. A third rod of the same length is com- (3) (4)
Pt Pm
posed of two parts, one of metal A and the other of met-
al B. This rod expands by 0.060 cm for the same change 26. Steam at 100 °C is passed into 1.1 kg of water contained
in temperature. The portion made of metal A has the in a calorimeter of water equivalent 0.02 kg at 15 °C till
length the temperature of the calorimeter and its contents rises
to 80 °C. The mass of the steam condensed (in kg) is
(1) 20 cm (2) 10 cm
(3) 15 cm (4) 18 cm (1) 0.130 (2) 0.065
(3) 0.260 (4) 0.135
20. If a cylinder of diameter 1.0 cm at 30 °C is to be solid into
27. 2 kg of ice at –20 °C is mixed with 5 kg of water at 20 °C
a hole of diameter 0.9997 cm in a steel plate at the same
in an insulating vessel having a negligible heat c apacity.
temperature, then minimum required rise in the tem-
Calculate the final mass of water remaining in the con-
perature of the plate is (coefficient of linear expansion of
tainer. It is given that the specific heat of water and ice
steel = 12 × 10 −6 °C −1 )
are 1 kcal kg−1 °C−1 and 0.5 kcal kg−1 °C−1, respectively,
(1) 25 °C (2) 35 °C while the latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 kcal kg−1.
(3) 45 °C (4) 55 °C
(1) 7 kg (2) 6 kg
(3) 4 kg (4) 2 kg
Section 3: Calorimetry 28. Water of volume 2 L in a container is heated with a coil
21. Two liquids A and B are at 32 °C and 24 °C. When mixed of 1 kW at 27 °C. The lid of the container is open and
in equal masses the temperature of the mixture is found energy dissipates at rate of 160 Js −1. In how much time
to be 28 °C. Their specific heats are in the ratio of temperature will rise from 27 °C to 77 °C ? (Given specif-
ic heat of water is 4.2 kJ kg −1 )
(1) 3 : 2 (2) 2 : 3
(3) 1 : 1 (4) 4 : 3 (1) 8 min 20 s (2) 6 min 2 s
(3) 7 min (4) 14 min
22. A beaker contains 200 g of water. The heat capacity of 29.
The temperature of equal masses of three different
the beaker is equal to that of 20 g of water. The initial liquids A, B and C are 12 °C, 19 °C and 28 °C, respectively.
temperature of water in the beaker is 20 °C. If 440 g of The temperature when A and B are mixed is 16 °C and
hot water at 92 °C is poured in it, the final temperature when B and C are mixed is 23 °C. The temperature when
(neglecting radiation loss) is closer to A and C are mixed is
(1) 58 °C (2) 68 °C (1) 18.2 °C (2) 22 °C
(3) 73 °C (4) 78 °C (3) 20.2 °C (4) 25.2 °C
23. Hailstone at 0 °C falls from a height of 1 km on an insu- 30. An amount of 10 g of ice at –20 °C is dropped into a cal-
lating surface converting whole of its kinetic energy into orimeter containing 10 g of water at 10 °C; the specific
heat. What part of it will melt? ( g = 10 m s −2 ) heat of water is twice that of ice. When equilibrium is
reached, the calorimeter will contain
1 1
(1) (2) (1) 20 g of water.
33 8
(2) 20 g of ice.
1 (3) 10 g ice and 10 g water.
(3) × 10 −4 (4) All of it will melt
33 (4) 5 g ice and 15 g water.
31. A lead bullet at 27 °C just melts when stopped by an 34. Three bodies A, B and C of masses m, m and 3 m,
obstacle. Assuming that 25% of heat is absorbed by respectively, are supplied heat at a constant rate. The
the obstacle, then the velocity of the bullet at the time change in temperature q versus time t graph for A, B and
of striking was (melting point of lead = 327 °C, specific C are shown by I, II and III, respectively. If their specific
heat of lead = 0.03 cal g−1 °C−1, latent heat of fusion of heat capacities are cA, cB and cC, respectively, then which
lead = 6 cal g−1 and J = 4.2 J cal−1) of the following relation is correct? (Take initial temper-
(1) 410 m s−1 (2) 1230 m s−1 ature of each body as 0 °C.)
(3) 307.5 m s−1 (4) None of these (1) cA > cB > cC (2) cB = cC < cA
32. An ice cube of mass 0.1 kg at 0 °C is placed in an isolated (3) cA = cB = cC (4) cB = cC > cA
container which is at 227 °C. The specific heat c of the I
container varies with temperature T according the II
empirical relations = A + BT, where A = 100 cal kg−1 K−1 III
and B = 2 × 10−2 cal kg−1 K−2. If the final temperature of the
container is 27 °C, determine the mass of the container. π /6
(Latent heat of fusion for water = 8 × 104 cal kg−1. Specific π/3 π/4
heat of water = 103 cal kg−1 K−1)
(1) 0.5 kg (2) 1 kg 35. An amount of 1000 drops of a liquid of surface tension s
(3) 1.5 kg (4) 2 kg and radius r join together to form a big single drop. The
energy released raises the temperature of the drop. If r
33. Ten grams of ice at 0 °C is kept in a calorimeter of w
be the density of the liquid and c be the specific heat,
equivalent 10 g. How much heat should be supplied
the rise in temperature of the drop would be (J = Joule’s
to the apparatus to evaporate the water thus formed?
equivalent of heat)
(Neglect loss of heat.)
s 10s 100s 27s
(1) 6200 cal (2) 7200 cal (1) (2) (3) (4)
Jrc r Jrc r Jrc r 10 Jrc r
(3) 13600 cal (4) 8200 cal