202-Financial Management
202-Financial Management
202-Financial Management
1. All assignments are compulsory
2. Write your answers with proper justifications
3. Assignments should be written on A4 assignment sheets and to be submitted in a plastic
file along with index
4. All assignments carry 25 marks (each question carrying 05 marks)
5. Final submission date is 06.04.2020
Assignment 1 – Business Finance
1. Why is shareholders wealth maximization a more appropriate goal than profit maximization?
2. What is difference between profit maximization and wealth maximization
3. Discuss Traditional and Modern Approaches of Financial Management
4. Discuss different roles of finance manger
5. Discuss finance functions and other related disciplines
Assignment 2 - Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis
1. Differentiate between Flow Statement & Cash Flow Statement
2. Explain different Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis
3. From the following information, prepare a Common size Income Statement for the year ended
March 31, 2014 and 2015:
Particulars 2014-15 Rs. 2013-14 Rs.
Net sales 18,00,000 25,00,000
Cost of good sold 10,00,000 12,00,000
Operating expenses 80,000 1,20,000
Non-operating expenses 12,000 15,000
Depreciation 20,000 40,000
Wages 10,000 20,000
4. From the following Balance Sheets of Amrit Limited as at March 31, 2014 and 2015, prepare
a comparative balance sheet:
Particulars March 31,2015 (Rs.) March 31,2014 (Rs.)
I. Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholders’ Funds
a) Share capital 20,00,000 15,00,000
b) Reserve and surplus 13,00,000 14,00,000
2. Non-current Liabilities
Long-term borrowings 19,00,000 16,00,000
3. Current liabilities
Trade payables 3,00,000 2,00,000
Total 55,00,000 47,00,000
II. Assets
1. Non-current assets
a) Fixed assets
- Tangible assets 20,00,000 15,00,000
- Intangible assets 19,00,000 16,00,000
2. Current assets
- Inventories 13,00,000 14,00,000
- Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,00,000 2,00,000
Total 55,00,000 47,00,000
5. From the data calculate :
(i) Gross Profit Ratio (ii) Net Profit Ratio (iii) Return on Total Assets
(iv) Inventory Turnover (v) Working Capital Turnover (vi) Net worth to Debt
Sales 25,20,000 Other Current Assets 7,60,000
Cost of sale 19,20,000 Fixed Assets 14, 40,000
Net profit 3,60,000 Net worth 15,00,000
Inventory 8,00,000 Debt. 9,00,000
Current Liabilities 6,00,000
5. XYZ Ltd. has currently an ordinary share capital of Rs.250 lakhs consisting of equity shares
of RS.100 each. The company is planning to raise another Rs.200 lakhs for financing a major
expansion program. The following four options are available
i) Entirely through ordinary shares
ii) Rs.100 lakhs through ordinary shares and the balance by 15 % term loan
iii) Rs.50 lakh through ordinary shares,Rs.150 lakhs through long-term borrowings at
15% rate of interest.
iv) Rs.100 lakhs through ordinary shares, and Rs.100 lakhs through preference shares
with 14 % dividend
Expected EBIT of the company is Rs.80 Lakhs. Calculate EPS under each
alternative and advise the company about the most beneficial alternative
Income-tax rate can be taken 50 %
The company has a target return on capital of 10% and on this basis, you are required to compare
the profitability of the machines and state which alternative you consider financially on the basis of'
NPV and Profitability Index P. V. Factors@ 10% (1styr -0.91, 2ndyr -0.83, 3rdyr -0.75, 4thyr
-0.68, 5thyr -0.62)
4. Company is considering the replacement of its existing machine which is obsolete. The
company has two alternatives. 1
a) To buy machine A which is similar to the existing machine or.
b) To go in for machine B which is more expensive and has much greater capacity.
The cash flow at the present level of operations under the two alternatives is as follows.
Cash flow (in lack of Rs) at the end of the year
Machine 0 1 2 3 4 5
Machine A −25 − 5 20 14 14
Machine B −40 10 14 16 17 15
P/V factor @l0% .909 .826 .751 .683 .621
The company’s cost of capital is10%. The finance manager tries to evaluate the
machines by calculating
PBP Discounted PBP.
At the end of his calculations, however, the finance manager is unable to make up his
mind as to which machine to recommend.
You are required to make these calculations and in the light there of to advise the finance
manager about the proposed investment.
The estimated cash flows before depreciation and income tax in different years as
Year Amount (Rs.)
1 7,50,000
2 8,00,000
3 8,50,000
4 10,00,000
5 12,00,000
6 14,00,000
Tota1 60,00,000
The corporate tax rate is 30%. You are required to calculate the cash flows after tax but
before depreciation and comment on the suitability of the machine bases on pay-back
period, NPV,PI and ARR