Syllabus: PG Diploma in Yoga For HRM and Holistic Health

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The philosophy and the science of yoga for HRM and Holistic Health

The concept, scope, meaning and definition of Yoga. Schools of Yoga -

bakthi yoga, karma yoga, jnana yoga, Hatha yoga, and kundalini yoga. Yoga for
health and peace. The yogic physiology; a- koshas;- b-nadis; c-chakras


Astanga Yoga – Iyama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana,

Dhyana, Samadhi. Sage Patanjali and Yoga sutras (selected versus). Aphorisms of
Saint Thirumoolar in Thirumandiram.


Quotient; 1- Physical ,2-Emotional, 3-Inteligent, 4-Spiritual; 4-States of

consciousness, 3 gunas, 4 waves of brain (mind). 5 Senses, 6 & 7 , the state I-
God consciousness.


Human values and resources management by Self empowerment. Analysis

and thought. Resources for the mind power. Affirmations and self hypnosis
mental imaging. Self esteem; self assessment. Memory power. Types of memory.
Concentration, cognition, retention, recalling positive thoughts and virtues. The
influences of thoughts in ones character and life.


The positive and negative thought reacts in behavior, attitude, and habits. Goal
setting, planning, will power, effective up streaming. The mental development in
our life- healthy mind in healthy body. The power of prayer and meditation. Face,
deal solve all the adverse, negative conditions. Feel of inner joy and abundance.
Leadership qualities

Applied anatomy and physiology

Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology. Definition. Importance of
knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga practices. Structure and function
of cells and tissues. Structure and function of Bones, Joints and Muscles-Muscles-
Musculoskeletal system and Yogic Practices.


Digestive system –Mouth ,Salivary glants, Pharynx ,Esophagus Stomach Small

Intestines, Large Intestine, Pancreas, Liver, Gall Bladder –Structure and function-
Yogic application.

Respiratory System Respiratory tract, Nose, Pharynx, Larynx Trachea,
Bronchi Alveoli, structure and function – Respiratory system and Yogic Practices-
Mechanism of Respiration. Cardiovascular structure and function of system-Heart,
Blood vessels, Blood. Types of Circulation, Blood pressure. Lymphatic system and
-Yogic application.

Structure and function- Nervous system-Central Nervous system, Peripheral
nervous system. Study of nervous system in Yogic view point. Structure and
function of Endocrine gland – Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid,
parathyroid, Thymus, Pancreas, adrenal, Gonads-Yogic application on Endocrine
glands The body and mind relationship. Anatomy and functions of the brain
system. The Latent and potential power hidden in the mind and brain. Do’s and
don’ts with the brain. Brain and thought pollution. Perception with 5 senses
getting more co operation and co ordination.

Structure and function of sense organs-Ear, Nose, Tongue, Skin, Eyes, and
Yogic application. Structure and function of Reproductive organs. And Yogic
application. Structure and function of Urinary system- kidney, Ureter, Bladder,
Urethra, Prostrate, Mechanism of urination Yogic application in Urinary system.

Theory / paper -3
Yogic management of diseases

Unit-1 : Diseases in skeleton / muscular system; diseases in digestive


Unit -2: Diseases in respiratory cardiac/vascular system

Unit-3 : Diseases in nervous system, endocrine system

Unit-4 : Reproductive system , excretory system

Unit -5 - Psycho somatic problems. Satwic balanced diet.


Unit -1

Classification of Asanas- meditation, Relaxative, Cultural asanas – Types,

Standing, sitting, Prone Lying and supine lying- Safety measures- Benefits and
precautions for practice of asanas.

Loosening exercises.


Standing asanas (Cultual asanas)

 Tadasana
 Konasana
 Utkatasana
 Trikonasana with variations
 Ardha chandrasana (pirai asana)
 Padha hastasana
 Eka pada asana
 Garudasana
 Veerabadrasana

Sitting asanas (Meditative Asanas)

 Siddhasana
 Padmasana
 Siddhayoni asana
 Dhyana veerasana(Gomukasana)
 Vajrasana

Sitting asanas (Cultural asanas)

 Pachimottanasana
 Janusirshasana
 Baddha Konasana
 Vakrasana
 Ardha mastsyendrasana
 Ustrasana
 Sasangasana
 Marjari asana
 Yogamudrasana
 Maha mudrasana

Unit -3

Supine asanas (Cultural asanas)

 Uttana padasana
 Machasana
 Navasana
 Sedhubandhasana
 Chakrasana
 Pavana Muktasana
 Prone asanas
 Bujangasana
 Salabasana
 Dhanurasana
 Hamsasana

Unit- 4

Inverted asanas

 Vipareetha karani asana

 Sarvanga asana
 Halasana
 Sirasasana

Realxative asanas

 Makarasana with variations

 Savasana (Shantiasana)

Unit: 5

Surya namaskara (12 steps)

Suryanamaskara-steps, procedure, precautions, preparatory practice,
benefits and application.

Paper: 2 /

Unit- 1

Pranayama practices

4 Phases of breath

 Pooraka, antara kumbaka, rechka, Bahya kumbaka (soonyaha)

 Samacheer Pranayama
 Yogic full breathing
 Prana Dharana
 Nadi suddhi pranayama
 Ujjai pranayama
 Basthirika panayama
 Brahmari pranayama


Cooling pranayamas

a. Seethali
b. Seethkari
c. Sadhanta


Bandha Practices

Bandhas –Principles, values, types – moola, Uddiyana, jalandara,

Mahabandha benefits

1. Moola Bandha
2. Uddiyana bandha
3. Jalandhara bandha
4. Maha bandha


Mudra practices

Mudras – Principles, Values, Types (Prana mudra, Dharana mudra,

Bandha Mudra, Asana mudra). Benefits and precautions

 Prana mudras
 Chin mudra
 Gnana mudra

Dharana Mudras

 Kesari mudra
 Shanmuki mudra
 Shambavi mudra
Bandha mudras

 Aswini mudra
 Vajroli mudra
 Sahajoli mudra

Unit: 5
Kriya practices

Kriyas-Principles, Values, Types (Neti, Dhauti, Basti, Nauli, Kapalabathi, Trataka),

Precaution and benefits

Neti - jalaneti,Sutraneti

Dhauti - Vaman Dhauti(Kunjal kriya)

Nauli - Vamana,Dhakshina,Madhyama,and

Nauli kriya

Basti - Natural enema



Paper: 3 /

Unit: 1
Mind power management and memory techniques

Techniques for thought analysis and improving the mind. The mental
development in our life- healthy mind in healthy body.

Memory power. Types of memory. Concentration, cognition, retention, recalling

positive thoughts and virtues. The influences of thoughts in ones character and
life. Memory power improving techniques,

Meditation-Definition, Meaning, types and benefits.
Kundalini meditation, pranava meditation, visualization, mind imaging, chakra
meditation, relaxation techniques.

Unit -3

Divine Healing Therapy : Level -1


Divine Healing Therapy : level 2 (color therapy).

Unit- 5

Relaxative techniques:
1. SwamikuvalayanandhaDr.SL.Vinekar,Asanas,Pranayama,
2. Dr.ML.Gharote,Applied Yoga,- Kaivalyakama,Lonavala,PUNE
3. Swamin Kuvalayanandha &Dr.SL.Vineka- YogicTherapy, Kaivalyakama,
Lonavala, PUNE.
4. Sami Sathyananda Saraswathi –Asana, Pranayama, mudra & Banda -Bihar
school of Yoga
5. Swami Karmanandha, Yogic Management of common diseases, Bihar
school of Yoga

6. Banglore Sundaram,Yoga Sikitchai,The Yoga publication House

7. Dr.Krishna Ramon,A Mater of Health, East West Books / Chennai.
8. Pa.Ramanatha pillai,Thirumandharam,saiva siddanthaPathipagam.
9. Dr.Moni,Anatony and physiology.
10. Dr.K.Chandra sekar,Sound health through yoga, Prem Kalyan Publication
11. Maha Maharishi Paranjothiar-Yoga –Asanas, Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras
and Kriyas . Universal peace Foundation.
12. Maha Maharishi Paranjothiar-Yoga-Surya Namaskara, Universal peace
13. Maha Maharishi Paranjothiar-The science and practice of Kundalini and the
Spiritual Healing. Universal Peace Foundation.
14. Gnanavallal Paranjothi Mahan, I –GOD, Universal Peace Sanctuary


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