Annex 1 General Declaration by The Lead Beneficiary-Beneficiary1
Annex 1 General Declaration by The Lead Beneficiary-Beneficiary1
Annex 1 General Declaration by The Lead Beneficiary-Beneficiary1
eMS Code:
Our organisation has not benefited from financing support from public funds
(national, EU or other international donors budget) before the start of the
implementation of project activities, for the same project in terms of objectives,
activities and results, etc.;
Please choose :
a) Our organisation is not entitled to recover any paid VAT (Value Added Tax) by
whatever means.
b) Our organisation is entitled to recover any paid VAT (Value Added Tax).
c) Our organisation is entitled to partially recover the paid VAT (Value Added Tax).
The activities implemented during the reporting period have generated (any)
revenue. I am aware that in case the project generates revenue, this may be used
for covering project expenditure and that if at the final balance there is a surplus of
the revenue, this shall be reduced from the total eligible costs of the project.
In accordance with Article 12.3 of the ENI CBC Implementing Rules, funds granted to
this project still complies with the applicable Union rules on State aid within the
meaning of Article 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and
the conditions stipulated in the grant contract.
The project still complies with equivalent national legislation and with the contents
on the matter of any bilateral agreement (Association, Framework or Partnership
agreements) signed between the EU and the CBC Partner Country(ies) participating
in the project and the conditions stipulated in the grant contract.
The project activities shall not harm on the environment. Our organisation is in the
position to provide additional information or documents to support this statement,
at any moment, if required.
The project adequately considers gender related issues – such as equality of
opportunity, rights, distribution of benefits, responsibilities for men and women.