Design and Fabrication of ARDCM

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Journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machining

Volume 1 Issue 1

Design and Fabrication of Automatic River/Drainage Cleaning


Pratik R. Dhote1, Swapanil Ambadare2, Shubham Bawane3, Vishnu Neware4, Shubham Bhoyar5,
Shubham Meshram6, Prof. Yogesh S. Kapnichor7
Students1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Assistant Porfessor7
Department of Mechanical Engineering
DBACER, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Corresponding Authors’ email id: [email protected]

India is holy country & during lots of festival like ganesh visarjan, navratri
durga puja & mainly Siahnsth kumbhmela there is lots of water pollution of
Godavari River at Nashik. The water pollution is very important problem in
rivers, ponds and water bodies near Godavari River at Nashik. Due to
increase in water pollution in the form to waste debris; it is hampering the
life of aquatic animal and make their life in danger. Similarly sometimes
the aquatic animal tends to eats surface waste debris considering it as a
food; which ultimately cause the death of animals. Due to polluted water
is are many skin deices to human kind are observed. So that to reduce the
water pollution we are trying to make river cleanup machine. “River
cleanup machine'' a machine which involves the removing the waste debris
from water surface and safely dispose from the water body. The river
cleanup machine works on hydropower to extract waste water debris,
plastics & garbage from Godavari River at Nashik.

Keywords: Water debris, Plastic, Garbage, Pollution, Hydro power, River

cleanup machine

I. INTRODUCTION water body which are to be removed. This

The “River cleanup machine” used in that machine is consists of waterwheel driven
places where there is waste debris in the conveyer mechanism which collect &

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Journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machining
Volume 1 Issue 1

remove the wastage, garbage & plastic bodies for cleaning upper water waste
wastages from water bodies. This also debris. From this project we hope to clean
reduce the difficulties which we face when the surface water debris from bodies.
collection of debris take place. A machine Similarly they are lots of problems of
will lift the waste surface debris from the water pollution under Godavari River,
water bodies, this will ultimately result in Nashik which affect the acoustic, human
reduction of water pollution and lastly the life & beauty of Godavari River. The some
aquatic animal's death to these problems photo graphs are shows the water pollution
will be reduced. It consists of Belt drive near Godavari River, Nashik. Drives are
mechanism which lifts the debris from the ergonomic and a great source of low-
water. The use of this project will be made impact cardio exercise.
in rivers, ponds, lakes and other water

Fig Water pollution of Godavari River at Gandhi Talav Nashik

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Journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machining
Volume 1 Issue 1


2. PROBLEM STATEMENT 3) To maintain the automation during

1) The statement of the project is working towards cleaning River.
“Design & Fabrication of River
Cleaning System” to remove the 4) To perform the fast & reliable
waste debris, plastic waste & operation during cleaning River.
garbage from Godavari River,
Nashik. This causes harm to 5) Improve the water quality of a
acoustic & human life. Godavari stream or river.

2) To achieve clean water body for 6) To work for society for clean up a
reduction of river pollution & to section of a stream or river.
achieve the beauty of Godavari
River by clean water bodies 7) To record the amount of garbage
removed from the waterway & give
3. OBJECTIVE solutions to local Nashik Municipal
1) To reduce the pollution in water Corporation, reduce the pollution of
bodies. Godavari.

2) To overcome the difficulty of 4. ADVANTAGES

removing waste particulate floating 1) It is a non-conventional river
on water surface. cleaning system.

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Journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machining
Volume 1 Issue 1

2) It’s initial & maintenance cost is pollution in up to is around 6.4 million

low. daily (Disability Adjusted Life
Year).According to the CPCB survey
3) Skill Worker not required to drive report, the total municipal sewage
the system. generated in the identified 25 towns in
1985 was of the order of1340 million liters
4) Environment friendly system. per day (mld). Apart from this sewage, 260
mld of industrial wastewater, runoff from
5) Easy in operation. 6 million tons of fertilizers and 9,000
tonnes of pesticides used in agriculture
FUTURE SCOPE within the basin, large quantities of solid
In future this project can be improved to waste, including thousands of animal
sort more categories of waste. In this carcasses and human corpses were being
system we can use advance conveyor released into the river every day. Out of
system and conveyor material for this, works corresponding to 873 mld only
increasing the efficiency of collection of (65%) were taken up under the first phase
garbage. We can use the solar panel for of GAP. The remaining sewage was to be
providing power to the boat instead of taken up under the 2nd phase of GAP
battery operation. which is already in progress. The Action
Plan primarily addressed itself to the
6. LITERATURE REVIEW interception and diversion for treatment of
Basant Rai Pollution and Conservation the targeted municipal sewage of 873 mld.
of Ganga River in modern India According to report of Water Resources
According to a World Bank Sponsored Planning Commission (May, 2009), the
Study (State of Environment Report- U.P.) programme GAP and NRCP has been
(In: Mallikarjun, 2003), pollution levels in positive. Water quality monitoring done by
the Ganga are contributing 9-12% of total reputed independent institutions indicates
disease burden in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.). some improvement in the water quality
The coliform bacteria levels are in excess over pre-GAP period. The water quality
of 2 lakh MPN as against the national analysis of samples collected at 16 stations
water quality standard of 5000 on River Ganga during 1986 and 2008
(Mallikarjun, 2003). The report estimated shows improvement in Dissolved Oxygen
total health damage on account of water (DO) levels at 4 locations namely up and

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Journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machining
Volume 1 Issue 1

down streams of Allahabad and Varanasi. waste water debris, plastics & garbage
All the 16 stations except Patna from Godavari river at Nashik.
downstream and Rajmahal show reduction
in Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) Emaad Mohamed H. Zahugi, Mohamed
values. M. Shanta and T. V. Prasad Design of
Multi-Robot System For Cleaning Up
Mr.Abhijeet. M.Ballade, Mr. Marine Oil Spill Oil or “black gold” is still
Vishal.S.Garde, Mr. Akash S.Lahane and the largest source of power used by the
Mr.Pranav.V.Boob Design & Fabrication industry sector. The demand for oil is
of river cleaning system India is holy increasing day-by-day and is substantiated
country & during lots of festival like by expanding submarine oil pipelines,
ganesh visarjan, navratri durga puja & distribution of oil and its derivatives by
mainly Siahnsth kumbhmela there is lots using tankers to carry it to many
of water pollution of Godavari River at destinations. This leads to increased
Nashik. The water pollution is very chances of oil leakage in the sea either by
important problem in rivers, ponds and leakage from submarine oil pipelines or
water bodies near Godavari River at accidents with the tankers. In the past,
Nashik. Due to increase in water pollution such mis-happenings lead to major
in the form to waste debris; it is hampering disasters of oil leakage in the high seas.
the life of aquatic animal and make their Oil spills threaten the wildlife in the sea
life in danger. Similarly sometimes the and hence, there is necessity for research
aquatic animal tends to eats surface waste on cleaning up oil spill quickly and
debris considering it as a food; which efficiently has become very important
ultimately cause the death of animals. Due issue by researchers and companies
to polluted water many skin diseases to concerned. Last such disaster was the
human kind are observed. So that to British Petroleum (BP) oil disaster in the
reduce the water pollution we are trying to Gulf of Mexico in USA during April 2010.
make river cleanup machine. “River
cleanup machine'' a machine which Osiany Nurlansa, Dewi Anisa Istiqomah,
involves the removing the waste debris and Mahendra Astu Sanggha Pawitra
from water surface and safely dispose AGATOR (Automatic Garbage Collector)
from the water body. The river cleanup as Automatic Garbage Collector Robot
machine works on hydropower to extract Model

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Journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machining
Volume 1 Issue 1

Nowadays, the environment problems Support devices of the robot are

arise in many towns in Indonesia. These mechanical robot, robot control system,
problems come along by developing sensor system, and actuator robot. The
activities such as construction of houses, maximum load drives the garbage
offices, and other business areas. The receptacle until 5 kg. The average speed of
Environment problems occur due to robot when take out the garbage is 0.26
several reasons; they are the low budget m/s.
allocation on environment management
and public awareness in protecting the Pankaj Singh Sirohi, Rahul Dev, Shubham
environment. The Environment issue Gautam, Vinay Kumar Singh, Saroj
which comes up from year to year and still Kumar Review on Advance River Cleaner
cannot be solved is about garbage and River water is used for irrigation which in
waste from various places dispose into return gives food to the people. They also
rivers. Those garbages can clog water maintain the ecology of region and bring
flow, induce the water become dirty, prosperity. We made this project to clean
smelly, and often over flow so then give the river. After implementing this project
effect floods. This research aims to design we can control the pollution of river it is
and make AGATOR (Automatic Garbage very beneficial for our society. In this
Collector), a rotor robot model as project turbine rotates by flow of river
automatic garbage collector to counter water and through the mechanical gear
accumulation of garbage in the river which arrangement we arrange two conveyor
has no flow effectively and efficiently. The belts. The first conveyor belt is used to
method of implementation is design and pick solid waste from river and the second
construction. This method includes the conveyor belt is used to draw solid waste
identification of needs, analysis of the out of river for solid waste management.
components required specifically, Water is the source of life. It covers 70%
hardware and software engineering, of the Earth. But only a small portion of
developing, and testing. The test results this precious natural resource is fit for
obtain data by specification of AGATOR human consumption. Out of the earth’s
includes IC ATMega16 with 5 Volt total water 97% is stored in oceans which
voltage and 1,1 ampere current, IC Driver are not fit for human consumption. The
with 12 Volt voltage and 1,2 Ampere further 3% is stored in various sources like
current, and Limit switch as the controller. glaciers, rivers, lakes and under-ground

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Journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machining
Volume 1 Issue 1

aquifers. Rivers have a special place in the Machine” is designed with the hope that it
lives of the Indians. They also maintain the is very much economical and helpful to
ecology of the region and bring prosperity. river and drain cleaning. On the basis of it
An area without a river is considered to be design and estimating cost and availability
poor. it is very cheap and very useful for the
society. On the basis of these result we can
Unfortunately, during the past two decades conclude that it is an innovative method of
water quality has deteriorated at a rapid minimizing manual stress and thus very
pace. One of the major reasons for this is much reliably stabilizing the in the drain
the solid waste being thrown to the rivers, and river. The objective of the project was
turning them to be a dirty drain. The successfully achieved.
Ganga and the Yamuna, the two most
sacred rivers of our country are no REFERENCES
exception to it. I. Ndubuisi c. Daniels, “Drainage
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plans. Now days we can see river pollution Volume3, Issue 3(March 2014)
is biggest problem for our planet so we
introduce our society with an advance II. Osiany Nurlansa, Dewi Anisa
river cleaner. This is an advance river Istiqomah, and Mahendra Astu
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34 Page 28-35 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2018. All Rights Reserved

Journal of Modern Mechanical Systems and Machining
Volume 1 Issue 1

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