42 - Proteus XRa - BR ENG
42 - Proteus XRa - BR ENG
42 - Proteus XRa - BR ENG
Proteus XR/a
General purpose
radiographic system
Flexibility, productivity and performance
The Proteus XR/a ™ is a full-featured radiographic system What’s more, the value of Proteus XR/a extends to its size
designed to meet almost any facility’s radiographic imaging and capabilities. Designed for a wide range of configurations,
and throughput requirements, without compromising your it’s compact enough to fit into the smallest rooms. Even its
capital-equipment budget. generator electronics and power unit are integrated in a
space-saving cabinet. And it requires just minimal room
The Proteus XR/a is truly an extraordinary value, engineered to preparation, so it can be installed in just a few days.
meet your need for:
Elevating table
helps ensure patient
comfort when getting
on and off table.
A high-resolution
touch screen offers
simultaneous display
of all technique factors.
Proteus XR/a achieves this level of
image quality, procedure after procedure
GE Healthcare
P.O. Box 414
Milwaukee, WI 53201
imagination at work