Motion Cueing Algorithms: A Review Algorithms, Evaluation and Tuning

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Motion Cueing Algorithms: A Review Algorithms, Evaluation and


Article · October 2016

DOI: 10.4018/IJVAR.2017010107


8 956

3 authors:

Sergio Casas-Yrurzum Ricardo Olanda

University of Valencia University of Valencia


Nilanjan Dey
Techno India


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International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality
Volume 1 • Issue 1 • January-June 2017

Motion Cueing Algorithms: A Review

Algorithms, Evaluation and Tuning
Sergio Casas, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Ricardo Olanda, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Nilanjan Dey, Techno India College of Technology, West Bengal, India


Robotic motion platforms are commonly used in motion-based vehicle simulation. However, the
reproduction of realistic accelerations within a reduced workspace is a major challenge. Thus, high-
level control strategies commonly referred to as motion cueing algorithms (MCA) are required to
convert the simulated vehicle physical state into actual motion for the motion platform. This paper
reviews the most important strategies for the generation of motion cues in simulators, listing the
advantages and drawbacks of the different solutions. The motion cueing problem, a general scheme and
the four most common approaches – classical washout, adaptive washout, optimal control and model
predictive control – are presented. The existing surveys of the state-of-the-art on motion cueing are
usually limited to list the MCA or to a particular vehicle application. In this work, a comprehensive
vehicle-agnostic review is presented. Moreover, evaluation and tuning of MCA are also considered,
classifying the different methods, and providing examples of each class.

Algorithm, Evaluation, Motion Cueing, Review, Tuning, Vehicle Simulation, Virtual Reality


Brief History
Modern vehicle simulation history dates back to the era of the World Wars, when massive pilot training
started to be a necessity. Link Trainer (Page, 2000) was one of the first electro-mechanic vehicle
simulators of all time. It was created in 1927 by simulation pioneer Edwin A. Link. This simulator
was used for around 20 years and about 500.000 allied air force pilots were trained using Link Trainer
(Allerton, 2009). Unfortunately, Link’s device did not correctly simulate the forces experienced in
flight. Therefore, most of the simulators designed in the early years of the post Second World War
era were ground-fixed. Boeing 377 Stratocruiser, manufactured in 1947 for Pan American Airways
(SimUser, 2016), was the first commercial airliner simulator. However, it had several drawbacks as
it did not move and had no visual system. Afterward, video-based visual systems (prerecorded or
mockup-based) were developed and used until digital computers allowed creating synthetic images in
the 1970s. Nevertheless, realistic visual systems were not designed until the 1990s. Due to the difficulty
of generating motion cues, motion-based simulators were not seriously considered until late 1950s or
early 1960s, when the necessity of solving this problem was finally established. Comet IV simulator
(Royal-Aeronautical-Society, 1979) was developed in 1958, allowing only pitch motion – 1 degree
of freedom (DoF). Later, the 6-DoF Stewart-Gough design (Stewart, 1965) was proposed and was

DOI: 10.4018/IJVAR.2017010107

Copyright © 2017, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality
Volume 1 • Issue 1 • January-June 2017

gradually adopted in vehicle simulators. Thus, the problem of finding suitable algorithms for motion-
based vehicle simulators was raised. In the following years, costs reduction and the microprocessor
era, allowed motion-based vehicle simulation to be available for the automotive industry (Slob, 2008)
and other areas. Nowadays, motion-based systems are used for all kinds of vehicles other than aircraft
(Nehaoua, Arioui, Espie, & Mohellebi, 2006), (Avizzano, Barbagli, & Bergamasco, 2000), (Casas,
Rueda, Riera, & Fernández, 2012) and applications, even in entertainment and gaming.

Problem Description
Several elements are required for the generation of motion cues in vehicle simulators, including: a
physics model, a motion platform, and a motion cueing algorithm. The physics model is responsible
for the vehicle dynamics calculation through reading the operator (pilot/driver) actions on the vehicle
controls. It calculates the simulated physical state of the vehicle by solving the differential equations
of motion (Witkin & Baraff, 1997). This physical state is (partially) reproduced on the operator’s
position in the simulator by moving a motion platform usually placed under the vehicle operator’s
seat. To perform this operation, high level control strategies commonly referred to as motion cueing
algorithms (MCA) are necessary to convert the simulated physical state into actual motion for the
motion platform, whenever possible. The process is summarized in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Motion cueing generation in vehicle simulators

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