PHD Thesis PDF
PHD Thesis PDF
PHD Thesis PDF
The Himalaya has been a perennial source of attraction, curiosity and
challenge to human intellect throughout the ages. Amongst several assets the
vegetation provides an everlasting and interesting field of investigation. The
diversity, copiousness as well as uniqueness of the plant components in
various habitats retained sound and aesthetic environment of the study area.
However in the recent past a couple of decades excessive exploitation of
vegetation, unplanned land use, natural disasters and several developmental
processes, accelerated deterioration of biodiversity and harmonious ecosystem
of the Himalaya.
The entire work is compiled into four chapters, Chapter one present general
introduction, aims, objectives description and climatic feature of the study
area. Chapter two describes the soil characteristics of the research site.
Chapter three, the quantitative response of vegetation, its floral composition,
information about the ecological niche, niche-overlap and degree of
competition among species occupying in the same habitat. Chapter four
explains the socio-economic study of studied villages in Chamoli and Almora
district of Uttarakhand.
In the last few decades the impact of human activities in forest lands has
become more accelerated and pronounced. Heavy biotic pressures have started
to exert tremendous stress on natural resources and hence many of the plant
species are under various degree of threat. So human beings need to be
educated for understanding, solution and preventing of these problems.
Bisht, Shri Girish Chandra Pant, Smt. Sonali Bisht and all INHERE staff for
their cooperation during my study.
raw materials and several non-timbers forest products (Singh and Singh,
1992; Ram et al., 2004). In addition, environmental problems are
particularly noticeable in this region as a form of degradation and depletion
of the forest resources (Sati, 2005).
various bio-geochemical processes active during soil development and
genesis (Bhatet al., 2009). Soil Carbon (both soil organic carbon (SOC) and
soil inorganic carbon (SIC) is important as it determines ecosystem and
agro-ecosystem functions, influencing soil fertility, water holding capacity
and other soil parameters (Bhattaracharyya et al., 2008). Soil is practically a
living and dynamic ecosystem which functions as a foundation for the food
ecosystem and serves as a natural medium for the growth of the land plants
(Bot and Benites, 2005). Soil plays a key role in the global carbon budget and
greenhouse effect (Jha et al., 2003). Soils that have developed by the means of
various processes differ greatly from place to place. Topography, climate,
physical weathering processes, microbial activities with several other biotic
and abiotic components determine the physiochemical properties of the forest
soil (Liebig et al., 2004). Similarly, vegetation pattern of a particular forest
stands also plays an important role in the formation of soil (Chapman and
Reiss, 1992; Paudel and Sah, 2003). Physico-chemical properties of soil varies
with space to space due to the variation in topography, vegetation cover,
weathering processes, microbial and other biotic and abiotic variables
(Chapman and Reiss, 1992). Out of all the soil attributes, soil moisture, soil
temperature, organic matter and mineral matter are the main components of the
soil. Soil moisture is responsible for movement of nutrients in soil, while soil
temperature plays an important role in seed germination and establishment of
seedlings whereas, organic and mineral matter present in soil is a major factor
regulating nutrient cycling and is the reservoir of nitrogen, phosphorus and
other minerals.
latitude, aspect, rainfall and humidity play a vital role in the formation of
plant communities and their composition (Kharkwal et al., 2005).
60% of the total fuel in the rural areas (Pandey, 2002). In the mountainous
regions of the Uttarakhand hills of Garhwal and Kumaun Himalaya, people
are fully dependent on forest resources especially for food, fodder, fuel,
shelter and other daily needs. With increasing altitude, different
compositions of forests are found, and so different plant species are used in
different altitudes for fuel in the household sector. In the household sectors
of mountain areas fuel wood is required for cooking, lighting, boiling of
water, and space heating (Bhatt and Todaria, 1990). Due to daily use of fuel
wood for energy from the forests and irrational uses of natural resources;
fuel wood has become acutely scarce, while there is substantial increase in
human and bovine population on the one hand, and decreasing forest areas
on the other. This has resulted in all kinds of plant species being used as
fuel wood (Badoni and Bhatt, 1980). Land and water resources are limited
and their wide utilization is imperative, especially for countries like India,
where population pressure is increasingly continuous (Vittala et al., 2008).
In India, habitat destruction, over exploitation, pollution and species
introduction are identified as major causes of biodiversity loss (UNEP,
2001). The anthropogenic disturbances greatly affect the biodiversity and
structural characteristics of a community. The disturbances created by these
factors determine forest dynamics and tree diversity at the local and also at
regional scales (Burslem and Whitmore, 1999; Hubbell et al., 1999). These
disturbances have been considered as an important factor structuring
communities (Sumina, 1994). Although many studies on fuel wood
consumption have been carried out in the hills of Uttarakhand, but the study
in respect of village dependence on different forest types along altitudinal
gradient and the rate of fuel wood consumption pattern has not been studied
so far in Uttarakhand. Therefore, this study assessed the actual fuel wood
consumption pattern by the villagers with increasing altitude and
availability of different forest composition.
studied. To achieve these following objectives were set forth for present
A watershed of Western Ramganga of Kumaon Himalaya is
proposed for the present study. The total area of the watershed is 49 sq km
and located between 290 49‟ to 300 03‟ N latituds and 0790 16‟ to 0790 12‟ E
Longitudes.This watershed is marked with wide altitudinal range from 1000
m asl (subtropical) to ending with a summit at 3100m asl (high altitude
forests dominated by Quercus semecarpifolia and conifers) of districts
Almora, Chamoli (small part lies in the Kedarnath forest division) and
Pauri border areas of Central Himalaya in Uttarakhand state of India. The
topography of area is extremely rugged with deep gorges and gullies; those
have been carved by several small perennial streams that drain the area.
Anthropogenic disturbuance was identified as moderate in terms of herbage
removal, lopping and logging of trees and grazing. The forests of the area
are temperate and subtropical in nature with dominant vegetation type.
Owing to varied micro-climatic conditions, the vegetation of the region
differs at different forests. For quantitative analysis of vegetation of the
area, sites were selected on the basis of dominant species of the forest. Four
types of forest constituting watershed of the area were identified as (i)
Pinus roxburghii dominant forest (PRDF) (ii) Quercus leucotrichophora
dominant forest (QLDF) (iii) Quercus species dominant forest (QSDF) and
(iv) Abies kharshu dominant forest (AKDF).
quartizite, slates and phyllorities. In this case also, strips are aligned in
NW-SE direction, separated by fracture lines.
According to the GSI seismic zone map of India, the basin area falls
within zone (II) of seismic activity and thus is likely to be affected by large
earthquakes, by a number of approximately north-south cross faults, which
have many a times even dislocated the late sediments and even some of the
terraces. It is likely that the rapid erosion and landslides in the region and
large amount of sediments and silts in the river area particularly due to
these recent tectonic activities.
1.3. Climate
The high elevation and varied topography of the study area leads
into unpredictability in weather conditions. The climate of the study area is
mainly monsoonic with moderate warm summer (mid May to mid July).
Region experienced heavy rainfall during July-September followed by cool
dry winter (November- March). The monsoon usually breaks in the first
week of June and lasts to middle September. The rainy season is marked by
heavy rains, high humidity and temperature. The winter extends from
October to March, December and January being the coldest months when
the temperature drops down to below zero especially at nights. The mean
maximum temperature varied from 27.1 (April) to 11.3°C (October and
November) and mean minimum temperature varied from 8.3 (July) to -
1.05°C (November). The average relative humidity ranged from 82.23
(August) to 63.27% (October and November).High and exposed mountain
ridges are generally windy. The winter months experiences a heavy
snowfall although intensity and during of snow cover varies year to year.
The period between April to mid-May and mid-September to
October/November represents spring and autumn season, respectively.
Heavy hailstorms, scanty rainfall, fluctuating temperature, heavy snow fall
are governing factors for life forms and distribution pattern of plants in this
Temperature varies from below 00C during winter (November to
December) to 350C during the summer season (April - June). Frost is
common during winter season, while the higher elevation experience heavy
spells of snowfall, which may persist up to March-April in shady location.
2.1 Introduction
Soil is one of the most important natural resources and the biodiversity
of the region strongly depend upon soil and climatic elements. Soil also
greatly influences the productivity of agro-ecosystems. Soil resources in
Uttarakhand varies from the deep, alluvial and fertile soils of the Tarai tract to
the recently laid down alluvium of the dun valley; the thin fragile soil of the
Shivalik hills; the black soils of the temperate zone; and the arid bare soil of
the inner dry valleys. Soils in the valley bottom are more fertile than those
found on the ridge top due to the presence of a large quantity of humus;
mineral nutrients, moisture and suitable soil depth. This natural resource is
depleting gradually, day by day, as soil erosion in the area is increasing with
the increase in deforestation and degradation.
from the agricultural and nonagricultural lands. Along with soil, the organic
matter, a storehouse of plant nutrients, also get lost from the agricultural
fields. It also determines the various other physical, chemical and biological
properties of soil. It is imperative to maintain the soil quality for the
sustainable crop production. Soil moisture is responsible for movement of
nutrients in soil, while soil temperature plays an important role in seed
germination and establishment of seedlings whereas, organic and mineral
matter present in soil is a major factor regulating nutrient cycling and is the
reservoir of nitrogen, phosphorus and other minerals.
Organic matter includes plant or animal material that returns to the soil
and goes through decomposition process (Alexandra and Benites, 2005). Soil
organic matter influences physiochemical characteristics of the soil such as
soil pH, water holding capacity, texture and nutrient availability (Johnston,
1986). The nutrients thus, returned in the soil, exerts a strong feedback on the
ecosystem processes (Pastor et al., 1984). Depending on the changes
happening to soil organic matter, soil can act as sink or as a source for carbon
in the atmosphere (Dey, 2005). Nutrient supply varies widely among
ecosystems (Binkley and Vitousek, 1989), resulting in differences in plant
community structure and production (Odiwe and Muoghalu, 2003). Organic
matter supplies energy and cell building constituents for most microorganisms
(Allison, 1973) and is a critical factor in soil fertility (Prescott et al., 2004).
2.2 Review of Literature
Soil properties directly influence the vegetation and its regeneration
potential. In Garhwal Himalaya various workers assessed the soil features in
context of forest diversity and composition. Bisht and Lodhiyal (2005) have
explored the Central Himalayan range in relation to the various soil aspects
and vegetation analysis. Singh et al. (2007) carried out a study in the Central
Himalaya with soil characters and resulted that the higher moisture % and
higher soil carbon was in the Northern aspect. Singh et al. (2009) reported
acidic soil with higher soil organic carbon in a mixed forest of Garhwal
Himalaya. Changes in nutrient cycling processes that arise due to change in
flora may reflect alteration in the soil microbial community related to the
differences in the quantities and qualities of inputs to the soil by different
species of plants (Westover and Kelley, 1997; Grierson and Adams, 2000).
economic surveys of people residing in watershed needs to be observe with
main emphasis on relationship between forest and livelihood options.
Effect of aspects and soil on the structure of oak natural stands was
studied by Dhanaiet al. (2000) and found the soil of Quercus leucotrichophora
forests on various aspects had moderate soil pH. The maximum potassium
(800 kg ha-1) and phosphorus (36.84 kg ha-1) was observed on north-east and
south-west aspects, respectively, which had supported the growth of Quercus
leucotrichophora forests on these aspects. Austin et al. (1996) have analyzed
association between species richness, climate, slope position and soil nutrient
status. Many types of environmental changes influence the process that can
both augment or erode diversity (Sagaret al., 2003).
Micro environment conditions may differ according to aspect, slope,
soil character and convex and concave ground surface of the forests. Diversity
of life forms usually decreased with increasing altitude and one or two life
forms remain at extreme altitudes (Pavon et al., 2000). Altitude itself
represents a complex combination of related climate variables closely
correlated with numerous other environmental properties (Soil texture,
nutrients, substrate stability, etc.) (Ramsay and Oxley, 1997). Within one
altitude the co factors like topography, aspect, inclination of slope and soil
type further effect the forest composition (Holland and Steyn, 1975).
The composite soil samples were taken seasonally from each site. Each
sample will consists of specific depth from the surface 0–10 cm (upper depth),
10-20 cm (middle depth) and 20–30 cm (lower depth). As such, on each
sampling date, samples were collected and mixed depth-wise so as to obtain
three composite samples. The sample were tightly packed in plastic bags with
field details and brought to laboratory for analyzing physical and chemical
The colour of soil was worked out directly with Munsell‟s Soil Colour
Chart (Munsell Color Division, Kollmorgen Corporation, Baltimore,
Maryland– 24218, USA, 1971).
Oven dried soil were weighed and put in to the box made up of
Whatman filter paper and weighed again. Theses boxes then placed in half
dipped in water tray for 12 hours and finally weighed with water saturated
soil. Absorbed water content at saturated condition was calculated as per Goel
and Trivedi (1992) as follows:
( ) Soil pH
Soil pH was estimated as per Goel and Trivedi (1992). Digital pH
meter (Control Dynamics, Model – AP X 175 E/C) will be used for the
Where, 1.724 is the Van Bemmelen factor i.e. based on the assumption
that carbon is only 58% of the organic matter present in the soil.
22 Total nitrogen
0.4 gmof 2 mm mesh sieved soil sample was taken and 4.4 ml of the
mixed digestion reagent (0.42 gm selenium powder +14 gm lithium sulphate
+350 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide) was added. 420 ml of concentrated
sulphuric acid (H2SO4) was added slowly to this mixture while keeping the
mixture on ice bath. Thereafter, the mixture was heated for 15 minutes on a
hot plate and then allowed to cool at room temperature. After cooling, 50 ml
of double distilled water was added and then filtered with filter paper
(Whatman No. 1). The digested soil sample (10 ml) was then processed
through steam distillation in the presence of alkali (10 ml of 40% NaOH) by
Micro-Kjedahl method. The ammonia liberated during the process was passed
through 5 ml of 1% boric acid mixture (1 gm boric acid with 100 ml of double
distilled water) followed by the addition of 4 drop of indicator solution (weigh
0.099 gm Bromocresol Green, 0.066 gm Methyl Red, 0.011 gm Thymol Blue
and dissolve with shaking in 100 ml Ethanol). The liberated ammonia was
finally titrated with standard N/70 HCl and total nitrogen content (%) in the
soil was calculated using following the method of Allens (1974).
x 0.2
blank. Two ppm Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate (KH2PO4) solution
was used as standard. The reagents used were:
Sodium bicarbonate (Olsen‟s reagent) 0.5 M, pH 8.5 – 84 gm NaHCO3
was dissolved in double distilled water (50 ml) and 2 litre volume was made.
Reagent A was made up by adding Ammonium Molybdate {(NH4)
Mo7.4H2O} was dissolved in 50 ml of double distilled water. 29 mg of
Antimony Potassium tartrate {K(SbO) C4H4.1/2H2O} was dissolved in 10 ml
water. Both the solutions were then mixed with 100 ml of 2.5 M H2SO4 and
final volume was made up to 200 ml. Reagent B was made by adding 105.6
mg ascorbic acid (C6H8O6) and fresh solution of reagent A.
( )
( )
( )
Where c is the corrected concentration for sample solution (in ppm K).
2.4 Results
2.4.1 Soil physical characters Soil Colour
Soil physical characters varied with the altitudinal gradient. In the present
investigation soil have a tendency to distinct variations in colour both horizontally
and vertically (Table 2.1). The colouring occurs because of variety of factors. The
colour of the soil of study area with relation to three depths showed variation in
colour. It ranged from Brown (0-10 cm, 20-30 cm at PRDF north aspect and 0-10
cm at QLDF ),Reddish brown (10-20 cm at PRDF, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm at
QLDF ), Dull reddish brown(0-10 cm,10-20 cm,20-30 cm at PRDF south aspect ,
0-10 cm,10-20 cm,20-30 cm atQLDF south aspect and 10-20 cm at AKDF), Dark
reddish brown(0-10 cm , 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm , 0-10 cm,10-20 cm,20-30 cm at
QSDF north and south aspect and 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm at AKDF south
aspect ),and Greyish Brown (0-10 cm, 20-30 cm atAKDF north aspect).
Table 2.1 Variation in colour of the soil at all forests in three different depth.
AKDF (South aspect) Upper 2.5 YR 3/2 Dark Redish Brown
Middle 5 YR 3/2 Dark Redish Brown
Lower 5 YR 4/4 Dark Redish Brown
Soil texture is the relative volume of sand, silt and clay particle in a
soil. Soils of the study area had high proportion of sand followed by clay and
low silt percent. A soil of the study area therefore was categorized under very
fine sand (Table 2.2).
26 Soil Temperature
Soil temperature depends on the amount of heat reaching the soil
surface and dissipation of heat in soil. At PRDF, the maximum soil
temperature recorded in the rainy season (280 C) while it was lowest in winter
season (120 C).At QLDF, soil temperature varied between 90 C lowest in
winter season to 240 C highest in summer season. At QSDF ranged from 8 0 C
to 210C in winter and summer season, respectively. Maximum soil
temperature at AKDF was 180 C in summer season while it was minimum 70 C
in winter season, respectively (Figure 3).
10 Maximum
rainy season of first year and lowest (11.82 %) in the lower soil depth (20-30
cm.) at south aspect in summer season of first year. Soil moisture % was
recorded maximum (33.12 %) in the middle soil depth (10-20 cm.) of north
aspect in rainy season of first year and minimum (14.03) in the middle soil
depth (10-20 cm.) of south aspect in summer season of first year at QSDF.
AKDF the north aspect moisture percentage was highest (42.41) at lower soil
depth (20-30 cm) in rainy season of first year while lowest moisture
percentage (15.53) at lower soil depth (20-30 cm) in summer season of second
Concerning both aspect of the all forests, among the physical attributes
the north aspect showed the higher value for moisture percentage in mostly (0-
10 cm) upper soil depth (Table 2.3).
Table 2.3 Soil moisture during different seasons at different sites.
AKDF Upper 18.2 42.23 23.14 16.92 35.16 24.26
South aspect Middle 18.3 40.15 21.26 15.86 36.24 25.18
Lower 17.4 45.1 20.12 15.53 35.72 24.06
Mean±Sd 17.97±0.49 42.49±2.48 21.51±1.53 16.10±0.73 35.71±0.54 24.5±0.59
AKDF Upper 86.76 95.3 88.8 81.24 91.4 77.22
North aspect Middle 78.16 76.3 72.7 79.4 90.2 67.37
Lower 87.2 76.3 73.9 76.28 88.5 61.33
Mean ±Sd 80.04±5.09 82.63±10.6 78.46±8.96 78.97±2.50 90.033±1.45 68.64±8.020
AKDF Upper 85.28 93.8 71.6 81.72 89 76.65
South aspect Middle 81.32 81.2 67.8 77.4 86.57 68.21
Lower 78.16 79.2 69.1 74.31 83.41 63.18
Mean ±Sd 81.58±3.57 84.73±7.91 69.1±1.93 77.81±3.72 86.37±2.80 69.34±6.86 Soil pH
The pH also varied from site to site during the course of the present
investigation. The soil of the study area was acidic. The chemical character of
soil, in the north aspect soil pH ranged between 6.1 to 7.1 and 6.4 to 6.9in the
south aspect at PRDF. In QLDF of north aspect pH value was 5.1 to 5.6 and
5.2 to 5.6 in south aspect, respectively. The pH values ranged between 5.00 to
5.9 in the north aspect and same value in south aspect at QSDF. At AKDF the
pH value was 5.0 to 5.4 in north aspect while in the south aspect, it ranged
between 5.5 to 6.00 (Table 2.5 ).
Soil pH
Soil Summer Rainy Winter Summer Rainy Winter
Forests Depth 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013
PRDF Upper 6.8 6.7 5.8 6.6 6.4 6.2
North aspect Middle 7.1 6.9 5.6 6.7 6.6 6.1
Lower 6.9 6.9 5.5 6.6 6.5 6.1
Mean ±Sd 6.93±0.153 6.83±0.114 5.63±0.153 6.63±0.058 6.5±0.1 6.13±0.57
PRDF Upper 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.5 6.7 6.4
South aspect Middle 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.6
Lower 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.6 6.5
Mean ±Sd 6.83±0.0578 6.77±0.058 6.7±0.1 6.5±0.058 6.6±0.058 6.5±0.1
QLDF Upper 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.5
North aspect Middle 5.5 5.1 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.4
Lower 5.4 6 5.6 5.4 5.8 5.6
Mean ±Sd 5.47±0.058 5.5±0.46 5.5±0.1 5.47±0.12 5.64±0.152 5.5±0.1
QLDF Upper 5.2 5.5 5.6 5.2 5.4 5.5
South aspect Middle 5.4 5.5 5.4 5.2 5.5 5.6
Lower 5.2 5.6 5.5 5.3 5.5 5.6
Mean ±Sd 5.27±0.115 5.53±0.058 5.5±0.1 5.23±0.058 5.47±0.058 5.57±0.058
QSDF Upper 5.9 5 5 5.8 5.2 5.3
North aspect Middle 5.8 5.1 5.5 5.8 5.2 5.6
Lower 6 5.6 5.6 5.9 5.3 5.4
Mean ±Sd 5.9±0.1 5.23±0.321 5.3±0.34 5.83±0.058 5.23±0.058 5.43±0.0153
QSDF Upper 5.4 5.6 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.2
South aspect Middle 5 5.7 5.3 5.2 5.6 5.4
Lower 5.1 5.9 5.4 5.2 5.8 5.4
Mean ±Sd 5.167±0.208 5.7±0.155 5.3±0.1 5.23±0.058 5.633±0.153 5.33±0.116
AKDF Upper 5.4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.2 5.2
North aspect Middle 4.9 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.3
Lower 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.1 5.2
Mean ±Sd 5.1±0.264 5.133±0.058 5.13±0.058 5.23±0.115 5.167±0.058 5.23±0.056
AKDF Upper 6 5.8 5.9 5.7 5.8 5.7
South aspect Middle 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.6
Lower 5.7 5.8 6 5.7 5.6 5.5
Mean ±Sd 5.8±0.173 5.77±0.058 5.9±0.1 5.7±0.058 5.73±0.115 5.6±0.1
Soil organic carbon (SOC) varied with depth as well season wise. In
rainy season, high percentage of organic carbon was present in upper depth
1.885% at PRDF and 0.545% in lowest in lower depth in summer season of
first year at north aspect. While, 0.73% (lower depth) to 1.31% (upper depth)
was found in the south aspect at PRDF. In QLDF, organic carbon %, it ranged
from 0.9% (lower depth) to 1.87% (upper depth) in the north aspect and from
0.87 % (lower depth) to 2.5% (upper depth) in the south aspect and at QSDF
organic carbon % was found maximum (4.381%) in the upper soil depth (0-10
cm.) of south aspect in winter season of second year and minimum (1.10%)
was found in the lower soil depth (20-30 cm.) at south aspect. At AKDF
highest organic carbon % was observed in the north aspect and it was 4.564.
While, lowest organic carbon (1.32%) was found in the south aspect (Table
Organic Carbon ( %)
Soil Summer Rainy Winter Summer Rainy Winter
Forests Depth 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013
Mean ±Sd 1.05±0.202 0.94±0.155 0.85±0.086 0.82±0.093 1.09±0.102 1.06±0.21
QLDF Upper 1.875 1.635 1.275 1.119 1.546 1.321
North aspect Middle 1.6 1.404 1.05 0.964 1.321 1.412
Lower 1.676 1.404 0.9 0.774 1.504 1.321
Mean ±Sd 1.71±0.142 1.48±0.133 1.07±0.18 0.95±0.172 1.45±0.119 1.35±0.052
QLDF Upper 1.624 1.504 1.15 2.5 1.631 1.091
South aspect Middle 1.421 1.565 1.98 2.353 1.322 0.92
Lower 1.582 1.621 1.15 1.604 1.524 0.87
Mean ±Sd 1.54±0.107 1.56±0.058 1.42±0.47 2.15±0.48 1.49±0.15 0.96±0.11
QSDF Upper 3.312 3.433 2.15 2.238 3.628 4.247
North aspect Middle 2.766 2.312 2.16 1.969 2.113 1.403
Lower 2.575 1.948 2.11 1.89 2.109 2.321
Mean ±Sd 2.88±0.38 2.56±0.77 2.14±0.026 2.03±0.18 2.61±0.87 2.657±1.451
QSDF Upper 3.321 3.325 2.32 1.126 3.132 4.381
South aspect Middle 2.467 2.214 2.16 1.342 2.134 3.309
Lower 2.134 1.614 1.94 1.102 1.418 2.841
Mean ±Sd 2.64±0.61 2.38±0.86 2.14±0.19 1.19±0.132 2.22±0.86 3.51±0.78
AKDF Upper 3.549 4.292 2.42 3.783 4.564 2.933
North aspect Middle 3.393 3.823 2.57 3.358 3.617 1.544
Lower 3.236 3.196 2.16 2.083 3.225 1.928
Mean ±Sd 3.39±0.15 3.77±0.54 2.38±0.20 3.07±0.88 3.80±0.68 2.13±0.71
AKDF Upper 3.433 4.128 2.13 3.328 3.892 2.341
South aspect Middle 2.964 3.612 2.1 3.131 3.428 1.328
Lower 2.964 3.101 2.13 2.103 3.421 1.537
Mean ±Sd 3.12±0.27 3.61±0.51 2.12±0.01 2.85±0.65 3.58±0.26 1.73±0.53
Table 2.7 Nitrogen content during different seasons.
Nitrogen (%)
Soil Summer Rainy Winter Summer Rainy Winter
Forests Depth 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013
PRDF Upper 0.23 0.19 0.25 0.22 0.18 0.27
North aspect Middle 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.2 0.19 0.26
Lower 0.20 0.18 0.23 0.2 0.18 0.22
Mean ± Sd 0.21± 0.01 0.18± 0.005 0.23± 0.02 0.20± 0.01 0.18± 0.05 0.25± 0.02
PRDF Upper 0.24 0.18 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.23
South aspect Middle 0.23 0.17 0.24 0.23 0.19 0.26
Lower 0.16 0.16 0.22 0.21 0.22 0.21
Mean ± Sd 0.21± 0.03 0.17± 0.01 0.23± 0.01 0.22± 0.01 0.20±0.01 0.23±0.02
QLDF Upper 0.20 0.21 0.24 0.2 0.21 0.23
aspect Middle 0.19 0.2 0.21 0.19 0.21 0.22
Lower 0.15 0.19 0.21 0.15 0.2 0.25
Mean ± Sd 0.18±0.02 0.20±0.01 0.22±0.01 0.18±0.02 0.20±0.005 0.213±0.01
QLDF Upper 0.19 0.2 0.22 0.2 0.23 0.24
South aspect Middle 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.22
Lower 0.18 0.19 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.19
Mean ± Sd 0.18±0.005 0.19±0.01 0.20±0.01 0.20±0.01 0.22±0.01 0.21±0.02
QSDF Upper 0.36 0.19 0.21 0.2 0.21 0.2
North aspect Middle 0.30 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.18
Lower 0.25 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.17
Mean ± Sd 030±0.05 0.17±0.01 0.18±0.02 0.18±0.01 0.19±0.01 0.18±0.01
QSDF Upper 0.31 0.24 0.26 0.18 0.25 0.24
South aspect Middle 0.29 0.22 0.27 0.16 0.23 0.22
Lower 0.24 0.22 0.23 0.12 0.24 0.22
Mean ± Sd 0.28±0.03 0.22±0.01 0.25±0.02 0.15±0.03 0.24±0.01 0.22±0.01
AKDF Upper 0.34 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23
North aspect Middle 0.29 0.21 0.24 0.21 0.24 0.23
Lower 0.26 0.2 0.21 0.2 0.25 0.22
Mean ± Sd 0.30±0.03 0.21±0.01 0.22±0.01 0.21±0.01 0.24±0.01 0.22±0.05
AKDF Upper 0.39 0.27 0.24 0.29 0.26 0.24
South aspect Middle 0.31 0.25 0.21 0.27 0.25 0.22
Lower 0.26 0.22 0.21 0.28 0.24 0.21
Mean ± Sd 0.32±0.06 0.24±0.02 0.22±0.01 0.28±0.01 0.25±0.01 0.22±0.01
depth (0-10 cm) in PRDF and lowest (4.89 kg ha-1) in the middle soil depth
(10-20 cm) at north aspect in PRDF.
Table 2.8 Phosphorus (kg ha-1) content during different season at forest sites.
34 Potassium (kg ha-1)
The potassium portion in the soil was recorded highest (466.96 kg ha-1)
in the upper soil depth (0-10 cm) and lowest (92.04 kg ha-1) in the lower soil
depth (20-30 cm) at north aspect. While maximum (426.21 kg ha-1) potassium
was recorded in upper soil depth (0-10 cm) and minimum (125.61 kg ha-1) at
lower soil depth (20-30 cm) in the south aspect at PRDF. At QLDF potassium
was recorded highest (639.8 kg ha-1) in the upper soil depth (0-10 cm) and
lowest (103.27 kg ha-1) in the lower soil depth (20-30 cm) of the north aspect
while in the south aspect, the maximum value for potassium was 389.6 kg ha-1
and minimum value was 167.87 kg ha-1.Potassium content at QSDF was found
highest (630kg ha-1) in the upper layer and (123.47kg ha-1) lowest in lower
layer of north aspect while in south aspect it ranged 152.45 kg ha-1 to 569.21
kg ha-1. Similarly at AKDF, it was containing maximum in 565.43kg ha-1upper
soil depth and 286.45kg ha-1minimummiddle soil depth in north aspect and
south aspect it was recorded 727.38kg ha-1 upper layer to 242.46kg ha-1 lower
layer in south aspect, respectively (table 2.9).
South aspect Middle 518.65 214.57 435.91 443.34 197.52 264.54
Lower 512.49 256.87 406.23 452.41 152.45 204.54
Mean ± Sd 533.45±31.12 238.25±21.60 469.13±84.56 460.09±21.63 187.46±31.22 254.9±46.30
AKDF Upper 529.82 296.52 422.063 565.43 323.28 467.54
North aspect Middle 442.27 286.45 318.79 456.53 325.52 412.32
Lower 336.75 302.3 334.507 415.43 294.09 388.45
Mean ± Sd 436.28±96.67 295.09±8.02 358.45±55.64 479.13±77.51 314.29±17.53 422.77±40.56
AKDF Upper 727.38 312.43 413.021 685.56 348.13 480.54
South aspect Middle 264.91 285.42 356.28 280.36 365.2 474.34
Lower 242.46 266.23 318.26 267.92 308.12 356.75
Mean ± Sd 411.58±273.71 288.02±23.21 362.52±47.68 411.28±237.61 340.48±29.29 437.21±69.74
Texture refers to the proportion of sand, silt and clay in the soil.
Sandy soil is called light or coarse-textured, whereas clay soils are called
heavy or fine–textured. Clay tends to increase the water holding capacity of
the soil. Loamy soils have a balanced sand, silt and clay composition and are
thus superior for plant growth (Pidwirny,2004).Soil of the study area had high
proportion of sand and clay under very fine sand category. Maximum silt and
clay were recorded at the Abies kharsu dominant forest. Semwal et al. (2009)
also found the highest portion of silt and clay particles in the disturbed sites as
compared to undisturbed sites. Similar proportion was reported by Kumar et
al. (2009) in a temperate Oak dominated forest along different disturbance
gradients. While, Khera et. al. (2001) reported highest portion of sand
particles along different altitudinal gradients of Central Himalayan forests in
relation to the disturbance. Bisht and Lodhiyal, (2005) observed large
percentage of coarse gravel than of clay and silt due to low moisture content in
the soil. Raina, (2008) reported the higher sand and silt fractions present in
soil of Mussoorie forest due to the richness of parent material in these
nitrous oxides. Soils are a key system for the hydrological cycle. Soils also
provide an archive of past climatic condition and human influences.
Type of parent material influences the soil pH, structure and colour etc.
High rainfall climates tend to have less-fertile soil, due to rainwater‟s effects
in leaching nutrients down to lower of the levels of the profile and have more
acidic soil. Low rainfall climate tend to accumulate salts near the surface and
have generally higher soil pH. Soils that form under coniferous forest tend to
be more acidic than those under deciduous forest. Soils generally have a
harder time on steep slopes, due to runoff of surface soil particles during rain
events. Soil varies with topography primary because of the influence of
moisture and erosion. Soils in sloping areas can be drier and well drained. This
soil tends to be moderately and well developed. Erosion can remove all or part
of the topsoil and subsoil, leaving weakly developed soil, beneath.
and physical condition of surface and subsoil layers affect vertical drainage
and capacity of soil to store water. The ideal moisture level is reached when
water occupies one half of the pore space in soil structure. Soil is saturated
when all the pore space is filled with water. Saturated soil has no oxygen in its
pore spaces. Better utilization of rainfall, irrigation facilities and effective
control of soil erosion and runoff depends largely on the water retention and
transmission properties (Kumar et al 2002). The higher values were estimated
in most of forest in rainy season. The WHC was recorded to be low in the
winter season at all forest. Increasing the altitude WHC was increase in most
of forest. Shieikh and Kumar (2010) also observed the increase in moisture
content and WHC with increase in altitude in Quercus forest of western
Himalaya. The natural forest of any places are the resultant of the interaction
of various factors for the soil and the environment. The forests also have a
manifest influence on the growth and development of soils. The lower
moisture content and water holding capacity of the soil on southern aspect as
compared to the northern aspects signify moderately drier conditions on the
southern aspects. This is because north-east aspects are usually moisture and
cooler as compared to south west aspect, which also affects the variety of
other soil properties.
from the soil profile. At high pH, nutrients become insoluble and are plant
cannot readily extract them. Maximum soil fertility occurs in the pH range 6.0
to 7.2 (Pidwirny, 2004). The rapid decrease of base cations affected the
hydrogen concentration and balance reaction in the soil solution. The change
in acidity caused by the presence of ash and by the resultant release of soluble
mineral salt, especially those containing calcium. In strongly acidic soil,
phosphorus cannot be absorbed by vegetation because it is fixed by aluminium
ions (Hardjowigeno, 1987). Higher temperature evaporates the soil available
water altering the pH. Soil of the study area found to be acidic. Soil pH did not
change immediately after burning. It decreases after one or two year
significantly. At various altitudes, aspects and soil depths of the pine forest pH
ranged from 5.8-6.5. At the high altitude the pH was ranged was 6.5 to 6.4. In
the present investigation soil pH was observed to vary and it ranged from 5.0-
7.1 all in the forests. The soil pH ranges between 5.00 to 7.1 at north aspect
while, in the south aspect the values was recorded between 5.10 to 6.7. The
presence of high humus might be the cause of high acidic nature of the soil in
the site. Similar pH values (5.0 – 6.0) were also recorded by Sharma and
Kumar (1991) in an Oak forest in Garhwal Himalaya. In a part of Central
Himalaya Semwal et al. (2009) observed the pH values between 4.5-5.9. In
three stands of temperate region of Kumaun Himalaya, Bisht and Lodhiyal
(2005) observed the pH values between 5.5 to 6.5 similar to present
their rate of influence the competitive outcomes between plants and soil
microorganism (Kaye and Hart, 1997) and can influence potential C storage
(Nadelhoffer et al. 1999). The relationship among soil C concentration or
contents and biotic and abiotic predictor variable varied across the landscape,
but elevation explained much of the variability in soil C (Powers et al. 2002).
Soil organic matter under pine had a higher C/N ratio, because of greater
proportion of lignin and recalcitrant materials. Sagger et al. (1994, 1996) have
shown that the turn over time of freshly added C substrates is greater with
soils that have greater specific surface and greater capacity to absorb organic
matter. Thus soil specific surface area may also influence the soil organic
matter levels in soils. In response to change in aspect slope soil organic carbon
varied. Soil organic carbon is higher on north than on south aspects because of
the drying and heating effects of increased exposure to solar radiation on south
aspects (Frank and Lee, 1966). As solar radiation decreased in north aspect
soil organic carbon increased regularly on slope. Daniels et al. (1987) reported
that on north facing slopes organic content were higher on horizon A. Horizon
A was darker i colour on north aspect because of the presence of greater
organic carbon. The climate on north aspect would be more favorable to
higher vegetative inputs, greater litter incorporation, and lower erosion rates
than the south aspects. Soil organic carbon was resident in litter layers longer
on south aspects because of the drier climate, lower geophase activity, and
higher amount of high-lignin leaves (Miller et al. 2004). The soil carbon (C)
pool composed of soil organic C and soil inorganic C is not only critical for
the soil to perform its productivity and environmental functions, but also play
an important role in the role in the global C cycle (Sahrawat, 2003).
The nitrogen % values of soil in north aspect were between 0.16 to
0.397 % and 0.15 to 0.29 % in south aspect. It was recorded highest in the
upper altitudinal ranges at Abies kharsu dominant forest. Among disturbance
stands, the nitrogen % was observed reducing with the increasing intensity of
disturbance and it was found more in the undisturbed stands. It might be the
results of higher litter accumulation in the upper altitudinal ranges. Singh et
al., (2009) reported the nitrogen values in the range of 0.031 – 0.037 % in an
oak forest, which is more or less similar to present study. Bhandari et al.,
(2000) also found similar values for nitrogen content in an Oak forest of
Garhwal Himalaya. Khera et al., (2001) reported the nitrogen values between
the ranges of 0.04 to 0.11 % in different disturbance stands. Semwal et al.
(2009) was reported more nitrogen % in the undisturbed sites in different
forest types of Garhwal Himalaya. Sharma et al. (2010) reported the nitrogen
percentage between 7.2 to 31.9 Kgha-1 in a temperate forest of Garhwal
Himalaya. Present studies values are more or less similar to the previous
ranges reported for different temperate forests of Garhwal Himalaya (Sharma
and Kumar, 1991; Baduni and Sharma, 1996; Singh et al., 2009).
The potassium content of soil decreased with the increasing soil depths
among all forests. In the north aspect the potassium ranged between 92.04 to
639Kg ha-1and highest potassium content was recorded in the upper soil depth
of middle altitudinal range. In the south aspect, maximum (727.38Kg ha-1)
potassium was observed in the upper soil depth of the upper altitudinal range
and minimum (125Kg ha-1) in lower soil layer of the middle altitudinal range.
Sharma et al. (2010) recorded the values for potassium in the range of 72.2 to
712.0 Kg ha-1 in a temperate forest of the Garhwal Himalaya which are related
to the present study.
Available phosphorus is inevitable for the vital growth processes in
plants. It is observed that P is found in all terrestrial systems in the form of
organic and inorganic matter, while organic P forms are the major available
source of phosphorus. Soil organic matter has the inorganic from of P
transformed into insoluble form in many soil. The rate of weathering also
control phosphorus availability to plants. Increased soil organic matter inputs
have been suggested as a management alternative for increasing phosphorus
availability in higher adsorbing soils (Teissen, 1989). The available
phosphorus in present study ranged from 4.89 Kg ha -1 to 37.98 Kg ha-1 which
was in comparable with the value 11.50 Kg ha -1 to 31.90 Kg ha-1 reported by
Sharma et al. (2010 c) in Quercus leucotrichophoraforest at Pauri Garhwal.
The optimum organic matter content of soil depends on local climate,
the amount and type of clay material present in the soil, and the soil‟s intended
use (Satya Priya et al., 1997). Singh and Jones (1976) reported the C:P ratio
determined whether or not organic material increased or decreased P
availability. Availability of phosphorus in soil nutrition is very important
because the supply of phosphorus in most soils is low and is not readily
available for plant use. This low amount of phosphorus in soil reflects the
characters of soil to permit the plant to grow in a particular area and determine
the vegetational type of the area. Phosphorus controls the distribution of
vegetational type and organic matter production of soil. The increase in soil
organic carbon increased the nitrogen and expansion in phosphorus added the
soil potassium. When soil organic carbon and nitrogen increases it decreased
the soil phosphorus and potassium.
Maximum concentration of potassium was found at AKDF and QSDF
sites. Basumatary and Bardoloi (1992) observed that higher values of
potassium in lateritic soils are due to weathering of potash bearing minerals
and release of soluble potassium from insoluble compounds. Leaching and
running off as a result of destruction of vegetation may cause the decrease of
potassium. Losses of organic matter and nutrients were due to fire, erosion,
leaching and volatilization (Menaut, 1993).
Soil needs optimum amounts of organic matter to maintain its structure
and keep it in a tillable condition. The soil organic matter and humus decay
rate content in an important component in assessing and maintaining the
productivity of the soils. In coming days it is expected that concern of
biologically degraded soil among the farmers and in soil science as a whole
might be better way to make the soil healthier.
3.1 Introduction
Mountains have their peculiar symbolic, cultural and biological
heritage in every part of the world. Indian Himalayan region is among the
sacred mountains of world and most of them are respected as holy mountains.
Despite the sanctity, this region is well recognised hotspot of biological
diversity. In fact, the interesting altitudinal gradients offer a variety of micro-
habitats, diversity in flora and fauna is observed in this region. Majority of
mountains of Uttarakhand are named high respects of Gods and Goddess and
vegetation in and around these mountains have both spiritual aesthetic and
medicinal value. Economic aspects of floral wealth coupled with conservation
and changing environmental conditions offers specific habitats phenomenon in
the dynamics in relation to structural and functional attributes.
one or more species of Quercus in upper altitudinal zones. The lower
elevations of the temperate forests are occupied by Oak-Pine mixed forests
while Quercus semecarpifolia is foundwith other coniferous at higher
altitudes, which forms the climax vegetation. These forests are diverse in
vegetation composition as has been explored by Singh and Singh (1987).
Other species of Oak are found above the Oak-Pine forests of Garhwal
Himalaya (Osmoston, 1922).
Competition, both within and among species, is one of the major forces
determining the distribution and abundance of plant species and the
biodiversity of plant communities (Tilman, 2000). Although most plants
compete for the same resources (light, water and nutrition), large number of
co-existing species are also recorded in many plant communities (Silvertown
and Charlesworth, 2001). Intuitively, spatial heterogeneity of resources used
by plants is probably one of the most powerful promoters of niche separation
and co-existing between plants. (Grubb, 1977) emphasized the importance of
the entire life cycle of an individual and its ability to become established as
part of the environment, which has recently become vacant. In that co-
existence occurs because with sufficiently high dispersal rate persist in site not
occupied by superior competition.
Several studies described altitudinal variation in vegetation (Saxena et
al., 1985; Adhikari et al., 1992) and reported that vegetation types differ with
change in altitude. However, Puri et al. (1983) observed that geology and soils
may exercise a far greater influence on the distribution of vegetation types
than the altitude or climate. Earlier studies in the Kumaun region has been
explored on various aspects that is, about the forest vegetation by following
(Singh and Singh, 1987; Dhar et al., 1997), altitudinal variation (Saxena et al.,
1985; Adhikari et al., 1995; Kharkwal et al., 2005), phytosociology (Ralhan et
al., 1982, Saxena and Singh, 1982) and population structure (Saxena et al.,
1984; Singh et al., 1987). Singh and Singh (1992) have summarized the
information on the structure and functioning of the Himalayan forest
ecosystems. Singh et al. (1994) made detailed studies on biomass productivity,
leaf longevity and forest structure from low elevation to high altitude forests
of Central Himalaya.
wood, timber, leaf litter, construction, industrial raw material and several non-
timber forest produce (Saxena et al., 1984).
Substantial amount of work has been carried out at regional and local
levels in various parts of Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), which focuses on
plant species diversity in different ecosystems. However, quantitative
information on the micro-habitat preferences and population structure of
various commercially important taxa is virtually lacking from many parts the
Himalaya (Kala, 2000; Uniyal et al., 2002). There has been a satisfactory
progress towards inventorying plant diversity in many parts of the Indian
Himalayan Region (IHR), with geographic distribution of the plants. Rawal
and Dhar (1997) reported more than 64% of species as native Himalayan taxa
out of total 465 species recorded in the timberline flora in a part of Kumaun.
Samant and Dhar (1997) also presented an inventory of over 675 wild edible
plant species, representing 384 genera and 149 families.
A lot of work has been done by various workers on sub montane and
montane forests of Western and Central Himalaya. The analytical and
synthetic behavior of high altitude forests of Kumaun Himalaya studied by
Ralhan et al. (1982), Saxena and Singh (1982), Singh and Singh (1986) and
Adhikari et al. (1991). Though several studies have been done on the plant
communities of the Garhwal was done by Tiwari et al. (1989), Bisht and
Kusumlata (1993), Bhandari et al. (1997) and Kumar et al. (2004).
An inventory was carried out by Negi et al. (2008) in Garhwal
Himalaya with the compression of Panchayat forests and adjoining Reserve
forests and found a total of 101 species of which 35 were tree, 24 shrubs and
42 were herbs. They also observed the species richness was comparatively
higher in Panchayat forests than the Reserve forests due to good management
and conservation practices in Panchayat forests. Kharkwal et al. (2005)
conducted a comparative study on species richness, diversity and composition
of oak forests in Nainital district. They assessed plant species richness in
relation to altitudinal gradient between 200 to 5800m elevations in the Indian
Central Himalaya and reported a total of 2487 species, of which 276 were
trees, 355 shrubs, 112 climbers and 1744 herbs. The total number of species
including all growth forms was found to be maximum near low altitude to mid
altitude due to overlapping of climatic conditions but with further increase in
altitude it decreased consistently, which is attributed to the decrease in
atmospheric temperature with increase in altitude and thus concluded that
distribution and species richness pattern in central Himalaya largely depend on
the altitude and climatic variables.
tree species richness was higher in the Rhododendron arboreum dominated
forest. Pande et al., (2001) studied plant species diversity and vegetation
analysis in moist temperate forest of Kedarnath Forest Division of Garhwal
Himalaya. He divided forest into 8 sub-sites as per the aspect and altitude and
found that plant species diversity in the whole area was invariably higher for
herbs than of the shrubs and trees, where it increases with decreasing altitude.
While studying the woody vegetation along an altitudinal gradient from 1700-
2100m above msl in Garhwal Himalaya, Rawat (2005) reported maximum
total tree density (density of trees, sapling and seedling) for the upper slopes
followed by middle and then lower slopes.
stands between 23.05 to 63.00 m2 ha-1 and the total density between 660 and
880 plants ha-1. Community diversity was the highest (2.52) in the middle of
the gradient. Phytosociological studies of moist temperate forest of Quercus
leucotrichophora in Garhwal Himalaya with varying altitudes, highlighted the
highest total basal cover (1727.19 cm 2/ 100m2) on North-East facing slope
(Dhannai et al., 2000).
Substantial amount of work has been carried out at regional and local
levels in various parts of Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), which focuses on
plant species diversity in different ecosystems. However, quantitative
information on the micro- habitat preferences and population structure of
various commercially important taxa is virtually lacking from many parts the
Himalaya (Kala, 2000; Uniyal et al., 2002). Most of the human populations
are concentrated between 1000 and 2000m elevation in the mountainous zone
of Uttaranchal, Central Himalaya (hereafter Uttaranchal Himalaya) where the
forests are severely impacted by human activities (Kumar and Ram, 2005). A
highly divers compositional patters of forests characteristics of Central
Himalaya, has been explored by Singh and Singh (1992). In Garhwal
Himalaya, substantial increase in human and bovine population has taken
place during last couple of decades (Negi et al., 1997). Therefore, natural
resources are depleting at an alarming rate (Chauhan et al., 1999).
m. For example, on a damaged forest site, seedlings of climax species
(Quercus leucotrichophora) appeared only 21 years after the landslide.
The inadequate regeneration of Banj Oak (Quercus leucotrichophora)
in the Himalaya has been reported by foresters in India for over 50 years
(Saxena and Singh, 1982; Singh and Singh, 1987, 1992). Thadani and Asthon
(1995) carried out a study for the regeneration of banj oak (Quercus
leucotrichophora) forest and found 1400 seedling ha-1 which were indicating
the low regeneration compared to earlier reported seedling density of the
species. Vetass (2000) analyzed the regeneration of two Quercus
semecarpifolia forests with relation to effect of environmental factors. The
size-class distribution indicated that most reliable regeneration at nearly
undisturbed forest and most recruits were found under high canopy cover with
high potential radiation.
(Teketay 1997). During past few years, the emphasis has been on regeneration
and biomass productivity of different forest types (Dev et al 2008; Barik et al.,
1992; Khan et al., 1987). In eighteen forest stands dominated by the oak
species, Upreti et al., (1985) recorded the severe biotic disturbance and the
resultant harsh physical environment has inhibited the regeneration of Quercus
leucotrichophora and Quercus floribunda produces seedlings and saplings in
abundance even where density was low. While Giri et al. (2008) conducted a
study in six forest sites dominated by Quercus leucotrichophora and Quercus
floribunda forests and found that no sapling present of Q. leucotrichophora
attributed to low regeneration compare to the Q. floribunda.
Disturbance can either cause instability to the plant communities
(Clements, 1936) or can act as a positive force in increasing species diversity
in the community (Paine, 1966; Lubcheno, 1978). Survival and growth of
seedling of few tree species in Manipur sacred groves was assessed by
Khumbongmayum et al. (2005). They found the variation in height growth and
leaf area of the seedlings of different species may be partly responsible for the
differences in growth behaviour and species-specific attributes for efficient
utilization of resources under a given set of environmental conditions. Dev and
Sundriyal (2008) explored the tree regeneration and seedling survival patterns in
north-east India. They recorded that low-dominant and rare species also
contributed significantly in the regeneration of the forest stands. The
expanding population structure of forest stands indicated higher survival of the
mid- canopy and the low-canopy species than the top-canopy species.
Zobel et al. (1995) carried out a study for structural and physiological
changes in Quercus leucotrichophora and Pinus roxburghii with stand
disturbance in a part of Kumaon Himalaya and found Q. leucotrichophora
have the highest level of disturbance in the form of greater cover of livestock
traits, lower leaf litter mass and smaller crown volume per unit basal area.
Natural regeneration pattern and population structure of some tree species was
explored by Tripathi and Khan (1992) in subtropical forest of north-east India.
They observed good regeneration through seedlings and sprouts in the
disturbed forest compare to undisturbed forests attributed to open canopy
present in the disturbed forests. They further concluded that thick litter layer in
dense forest stand (Undisturbed forests) adversely affect the survival of tree
seedlings through production of allelochemicals.
Globally, concerns are raised over the rapid loss of biodiversity in all
its forms and at all the levels. Habitat destruction is the chief cause of the
biodiversity loss. Habitats can either disappear completely or they may
become degraded and/or fragmented, both causing serious impact on species
as well as ecosystem processes (Raghubanshi and Tripathi, 2009). Forest
disturbance can alter environmental conditions by changing light availability
and soil conditions (Fredericksen and Mostacedo, 2000). Disturbance also
influences processes that can either augment or erode the ecological functions
of a forest community (Sagar et al.,2003). Both natural and human
disturbances influence forest dynamics and tree diversity at local and regional
scales (Hong et al., 1995; Hubbell et al., 1999; Sheil, 1999; Ramirez-Marcial
et al., 2001). However, the biology of specific species (such as their life
history traits, physiology and behaviour) also influences post-disturbance
forest regeneration (Lawes et al., 2007).
indicated that opening of canopies favours herb and shrub growth which gives
overall stability to the forest ecosystem. While, minimum density and species
richness for shrubs and herbs in highly disturbed stand was possibly due to
collection of fuel wood and fodder and grazing pressure. Biotic disturbance
and plant biodiversity in Central Himalayan forests was conducted by Kumar
and Ram (2005) observed the low elevational forests had high disturbance
which were close to habitation while, high elevational forests were situated far
from the habitation and had low disturbance. They also found the higher
species richness in the low elevational highly disturbed forests.
climate on vegetation composition of alpine pasture at Tungnath in Garhwal
Himalaya was observed by Nautiyal et al. (2004). In this study they analyzed
growth pattern and phytosociological attributes under grazed and ungrazed
conditions; in which they found the main reasons for habitation destruction
and changed vegetation composition was not only due to climate change but
human induced disturbance were also responsible for this.
tropical forests of northern India and found a decreased trend of diversity with
the increasing disturbance intensity. In another study Sagar et al. (2003)
examined tree species composition, dispersion and diversity along a
disturbance gradient in which they indicated that the dry tropical forest is
characterized by a patchy distribution of species. The mean stem density was
highest (419 stems ha-1) at the least disturbed site and lowest (35 stems ha-1) at
the highly disturbed site and for basal area the highest value (13.78 m 2 ha-1)
was for the second lest disturbed site and lowest value (1.30 m 2 ha-1) was
found for most disturbed site. Chettri et al. (2002) studied in closed canopy
forest and open canopy forest (disturbed) in Sikkim Himalaya to find out the
impact of fire wood extraction on tree structure, regeneration and biomass
productivity. They concluded that firewood extraction along the tracking
corridor has had distinct impact on tree structure and regeneration of canopy
tree species, and productivity of woody biomass. They also found that the
closed canopy forests have been reduced and opened in most parts, especially
at lower elevations where human interference was intensive.
Vetaas (1997) carried out a study to find out the effect of canopy
disturbance on species richness in a Central Himalayan Oak forest. On the
basis of tree canopy the studied area was divided in to three disturbance
categories namely; least disturbed, intermediate disturbed and very disturbed
and recommended that conservation policy accepted the small scale human
impact as part of disturbance regime in forest landscape. Large scale canopy
disturbance, however, will reduce diversity and change the species
composition so that it becomes dominant by weeds. In context of disturbance
on the regeneration of Quercus semecarpifolia, Vetaas (2000) found very few
seedlings in the undisturbed stand with high canopy cover (65.6%) while in
disturbed forest with low canopy cover (43.5%) have the highest number of
force that might increase species diversity in the community by preventing
competitive exclusion by dominant species. Disruption of forest structure by
natural and anthropogenic disturbance alters species richness and other
ecosystem properties. Human induced disturbance and livestock grazing cause
changes in species number, tree density and basal area (Rao et al., 1990).
Unrestricted and open accessibility may cause enhanced utilization of the
forest resource and this may eventually lead to a species poor state (Murali et
al., 1996; Veetas, 1997).
3.3 Materials and Methods
For understanding the vegetational organization in the study was
conducted during the years June 2011 to January 2013 seasonally (three
seasons in a year viz., summer, rainy, winter). To assess availability of
species, vegetation parameter were quantified in 1 ha plots marked at interval
of 100 m elevation using 10m x 10m quadrats (Mishra, 1968). The plants were
identified with the help of Flora of the District Garhwal North West Himalaya
(Gaur, 1999) and other. Data were collected on species, number of individual
of woody plant, their GBH (1.37m above the ground). The vegetation data
were quantitatively analyzed for abundance, density, and frequency (Curtis
and Mc Intosh, 1950).
3.3.4 Basal cover: The area of the ground surface actually penetrated by the
stem is known as basal area or basal cover. To estimate the basal area of tree
species it is measured with the help of Calipers; then diameter for the
individual‟s species was calculated as:
Basal area = r2 Where = 3.14,
r (radius) = Circumference/ 2
3.3.5 Mean basal area (MBA): Mean basal area was calculated as follows.
3.3.6 Total basal cover: The basal cover multiplied with respective density to
obtain total basal cover (TBC, cm2 m-2).
3.3.7 Relative Values: Further, the relative values of frequency, density and
dominance were calculated to understand the ecological importance of the
species within the community (Phillips, 1959; Mishra 1968).
Frequency of a species
Relative frequency = ---------------------------------------------- x 100
Frequency of all the species
Density of a species
Relative density = ------------------------------------------------ x 100
Density of all the species
3.3.8 Importance Value Index (IVI): The concept of IVI has been developed
to express the dominance and ecological success of any species (Curtis and
McIntosh 1950). The index is calculated by summing the three relative values,
viz; relative frequency, relative density and relative dominance (Curtis, 1959;
Phillips, 1959).
3.3.9 Diversity: Diversity is usually considered as a function of relative
distribution of individuals among the species. Diversity is expressed by
Shannon's (1963) index (H = -∑ pi In pi). Here pi represents the proportional
abundance of ith species in any given stand. The proportional abundance of the
most abundant species was calculated by the Berger-Parker (1970) index:
d= ----------
Where, Nmax = Maximum number of individual, N= Total number of individuals
w = ……..
Where, Sc= the total number of species,
S = the average number of species per sample.
Cd = (Ni / N) 2 or = Pi2
or Cd = Index of dominance
Regular: less then 0.025
Contagious distribution: between 0.025 and 0.05
Random: above than 0.05
3.3.14 Species richness: Species Richness was calculated by Margalef index
SR=S-1/In (N),
Where SR= Margalef Index of species richness, S= Total number of species
and N= Total number of individuals.
3.3.15 Evenness: Species with equal or virtually equal abundance. Its highest
value can be unity (1) if all the species in the community or vegetation plot
have equal abundance. It is calculated through index J (Magurran, 1988).
J= H / log S
ISj = …………. x 100
3.3.17 Niche width: Niche width of the ith species was estimated by the
following formula (Levins, 1968).
1 ( Nij) 2 Yi2
Bi = -------------- = --------------- = ------------ …. (1)
Pij2 Nij2 Nij 2
J j j
Where Nij = Total number of individuals of the ith species in the jth resource
Yi = Total number of individuals of the ith species in all resource states.
and Pij = Nij / Yi = Proportion of the individuals of the ith species which is
associated with resource state j.
3.3.18 Niche Overlap: The niche overlaps between species i and h was
calculated by the following formula (Colwell and Futuyma, 1971).
Cih = 1-1/2 Pij- Phj
Where Pij = Nij/Yi = Proportion of the individuals of ith species which is
associated with resource state j and
only the degree of competition between two species (interspecific
competition) living together in same resource state (stand). Competition was
measured by the traditional equation of Lotka-Volterra (Lotka, 1925 and Volterra,
= Competition coefficient
3.4 Results
3.4.1 Forest composition along an altitudinal gradient
In all studied sites a total of 265 species belonging to 84 families and 202
genus were encountered. Out the total species, 45 were found under tree layer,
56 under shrub layer and 164 species were found under herb layer. Asteraceae
with 41 species was found dominant family among all the species (Table
Table 3.4.1 Tree species and their family present along an altitudinal gradients.
1 Abies pindrow Royle Pinaceae - - - - - - + +
2 Acer acuminatum Wall. Ex D.Don Acanthaceae - - - - - + + +
3 Aesculus indicaHook. F. Hippocastanaceae - - + - - - - -
4 Alnus nepalensis D.Don Betulaceae - - + + + + - -
5 Bauhinia variegata Linn. Caesalpiniaceae + + - - - - - -
Benthamidia capitata (Wallich ex
6 Roxb.) Hara Cornaceae - - - - + + - -
Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham ex
7 D.Don Betulaceae - - - - - - + -
8 Boehmeria rugulosa Weld Urticaceae - - + + - - - -
9 Cedrus deodara (Roxb.)G.Don. Pinaceae - - + + - - - -
10 Cupress torulosa D.Don. Cupressaceae - - - + - - - -
11 himalayense(Benth.)Muell.-Arg. Daphniphyllaceae - - - - + + - -
12 Delbergia sissoo Roxb. Fabaceae + - - - - - - -
13 Emblica officinalis Geartn. Euphorbiaceae - + - - - - - -
14 Erythrina suberosa Roxb. Fabaceae - + - - - - - -
15 Eucalyptus globulus Labill Myrtaceae + - - - - - - -
16 Ficus clavata Wall. Urticaceae + - - - - - - -
17 Ficus palmata Forsk. Moraceae - - + - - - - -
18 Ficus roxburghii Wall. Moraceae + + - - - - - -
Ficus semicordata Buch.Ham. Ex
19 Smith Urticaceae + + - - - - - -
20 Grevillia robusta A.Cunn. Proteaceae + - - - - - - -
21 Irex dipyrena Wallch. Aquifoliaceae - - - - + - - -
22 Juglans regia Linn. Juglandiaceae - - - + - - -
23 Listsea lanuginosa Nees. Lauraceae - - - + + - -
24 Lynoia ovalifolia (Wall.)Drude Ericaceae - - + + + + - -
25 Machilus odorattissima Nees. Lauraceae - - - - + + - -
Mallatous philippinensisMuell-
26 Arg. Euphorbiaceae + + - - - - - -
27 Mangifera indica Linn. Anacardiaceae + + - - - - - -
Myrica esculenta Buch.-Ham.ex
28 D.Don Myricaceae + + + + + + - -
29 Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. Bignoniaceae - + - - - - - -
Persea duthiei (King ex Hook. F.)
30 Kostermans Lauraceae - - - - + + - -
31 Pinus roxburghii Sarggant. Pinaceae + + + + - - - -
32 Prunus cerasoides D.Don. Rosaceae - - + + + + - -
Pyrus pashia Buch.Ham.ex
33 D.Don Rosaceae + - + + - - - -
Quercus floribunda Lindl. ex
34 Rehder Fagaceae - - - - + + - -
35 Quercus glauca (Thunb.) Fagaceae - - - - + + - -
Quercus leucotrichophora
36 A.Camus Fagaceae + + + + + + - -
37 Quercus semecarpifolia Sm. Fagaceae - - - - - - + +
38 Rhododendron arboreum Sm. Ericaceae - - + + + + + +
39 Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn Sapindaceae - + - - - - - -
40 Sapium insigne(Royle) Kurz Euphorbiaceae + + - - - - - -
41 Sorbus cuspidate (Spach) Hedlund Rosaceae - - - - - - - +
Symplocos paniculata
42 (Thunb)Miq. Symplocaceae - - + + + + - -
43 Syzygium cumini (Linn.)Skeels Myrtaceae + - - - - - - -
44 Taxus baccata Linn. Taxaceae - - - - - - +
45 Toona ciliata Roem. Meliaceae + + - - - - - -
+ = Present, - = Absent
Table 3.4.2 Shrub species and their family present along an altitudinal gradients.
1 Abrus precatorus Linn. Fabaceae + + - - - - - -
2 Adhatoda vasica Nees. Acanthaceae + + - - - - - -
3 Agave americana Linn. Agavaceae + + + + - - - -
4 Arundinaria falcata Nees. Poaceae - - + - - + - -
Asparagus adscendens Buch.-
5 Ham. Ex Roxb. Liliaceae + - + + - - - -
6 Berberis asiatica Roxb. Berberidaceae + + + + - - - -
7 Berberis chirata Lindl. Berberidaceae - - - - + + + +
8 Boehmeria macrophylla Horenm. Urticaceae - - + + - - - -
9 Budleja paniculata Wallich Budlegaceae + + - - - - - -
10 Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl Verbenaceae + + - - - - - -
11 Calotropis procera E.Br Asclepidaceae + - - - - - - -
12 Camellia sinensis (L.)Kuntze Theaceae - - - - - + - -
13 Cannabis sativa Linn. Cannabinaceae - - - + - - - -
14 Carissa opaca Stept Apocynaceae + + - - - - -
15 Cassia floribunda Cav. Fabaceae - - + + - - - -
16 Colebrookia oppositifolia Smith Lamiaceae + + - - - - - -
17 Cornus capiyata Wall. Cornaceae - - - + - - + +
Cotoneaster microphyllus Wall.
18 Ex Lindl Rosaceae - - - - + + + +
Daphne papyracea Wallich ex
19 Steudel Thymelaeaceae - - - - + + + +
20 Datura stramonium L. Solanaceae - - + + - - - -
Debregeasia longifolia
21 (Burm.f.)Wedd. Urticaceae - - + + - - - -
22 Desmodium elegans Candolle. Fabaceae - - - - + + + +
23 Desmodium laxiflorum DC. Fabaceae - - + + - - - -
24 Elsholtzia flava (Benth.) Benth Lamiaceae - - - - + + - -
Eupatorium adenophorum
25 Sprengel Asteraceae + + - + - - - -
26 Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Euphorbiaceae - - + - - - - -
Gaultheria nummularioides
27 D.Don. Ericaceae - - - - - - + +
Girardinia diversifolia (Link)
28 Friis Urticaceae - - - - + + - -
29 Indigofera gerardiana Wall. Fabaceae + - + + - - - -
30 Indigofera heterantha Wall. Fabaceae - - + + - + - -
31 Jatropha curcus Linn. Euphorbiaceae + + - - - - - -
32 Lantana camara Linn Verbenaceae + + + + - - - -
33 Mahonia borealis Takeda Berberidaceae - - - - - - + +
34 Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. Rutaceae + + + - - - - -
35 Myrisine africana L. Myrsinaceae - - - - + + + +
Osbeckia stellata Buch-Ham ex
36 D. Don. Melastomataceae - - + + - -
Principia utilis
37 Royle.Illus.Bot.Himal Rosaceae - - - - + + + +
Pyracantha crenulata (D.Don)M.
38 Roemer Rosaceae - - + + + - - -
39 Rhus parviflora Roxb. Anacardiaceae + + + + - - - -
40 Ribes glaciale Wall. Grossulariaceae - - - - - - + -
41 Ricinus communis Linn Euphorbiaceae - - + + - - - -
42 Rosa burnonii Lindl. Rosaceae - - - - + + - -
43 Rosa sericea Lindl. Rosaceae - - - - - - + +
44 Rubus ellipticus Sm. Rosaceae + + + + + + - -
45 Rubus nivenus Thunb. Rosaceae - - + + + + - -
46 Rumex hastatus D.Don Polygonaceae - - + + - - - -
Sarcococca saligna
47 (D.Don)Muell.-Arg. Buxaceae - - - - + + - -
48 Senecio kunthianus Wall.ex.Dc. Asteraceae - - - - - - + +
49 Solanum verbascifolium Linn Solanaceae - - + + - - - -
50 Sorbus microphyla Rosaceae - - - - + + + +
51 Spiraea canescens D.Don Rosaceae - - - - - - + -
52 Thamnocalamus spathiflora Poaceae - - - - - - + +
53 Urtica dioica L. Urticaceae + - + + + + - -
54 Woodfordia fruticosa (L.)Kurz Lythraceae + + + + - - - -
55 Zanthoxylum armatum DC. prodr. Rutaceae - - + + - - - -
56 Zizyphus mauritiana Lamb. Rhamnaceae + + - - - - - -
+ = Present, - = Absent
Table 3.4.3 Herb species and their family present along an altitudinal gradients.
Acemella oleracea (L.) R.K.
1 Jansen Asteraceae - - - + - - - -
2 Achyranthes aspera Linn. Amaranthaceae + + + + + + - -
3 Aechmanthera gossypina Nees Acanthaceae + + + + - - -
4 Aeschynomene indica Linn. Fabaceae + + + + + + - -
5 Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex Benth. Lamiaceae + + + + + + - -
6 Ajuga parviflora Benth. Lamiaceae + + - - - - - -
Anaphalis contorta (D. Don)
7 Hook.f. Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
Anaphalis triplinervis (Sims.)
8 C.B. Clarke Asteraceae + + + + + + - -
Anemone rivularis Buch.-
9 Ham.ex DC. Ranunculaceae - - - - - - + +
10 Argemone mexicana Linn. Papaveraceae - - + + - - - -
11 Arisaema flavum (Forrsk.) Araceae - - + + - - - -
12 Ariseama jacqmontei Blume. Araceae - - - - - - + +
13 Artemisia capillaris Thunb. Asteraceae + + - - - - - -
14 Artemisia japonica Thunb. Asteraceae + + + + - - - -
Artemisia nilagirica (C.B.
15 Clarke) Asteraceae + + - + - - - -
Artemisia roxburghiana Wallich
16 ex Besser Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
17 Atylosia scraboides (L.)Benth Fabaceae + + + + - - - -
18 Barleria cristata L. Acanthaceae + + + + - - - -
19 Barleria prionitis L. Acanthaceae + - - - - - - -
20 Begonia picta Smith Begoniaceae - - - - + + - -
21 Bidens pilosa Linn. Asteraceae - - - - - + - -
22 Bidens bipinnata (Linn) Asteraceae + + + + - - - -
23 Bidens tripartita L. Asteraceae + + + + - - - -
24 Blumea mollis D.Don. Asteraceae + + + + - - - -
25 Boernavia diffusa L. Rutaceae + - + + - - - -
26 Breea arvensis Linn. Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
27 Calanthe plantaginea Lindl. Orchidaceae - - - - + + - -
28 Caltha palustris L. Ranunculaceae - - - - - - + +
29 Campanula sylvatica Wall. Campanulaceae + + + + - - - -
30 Carex alata Torr. Cyperaceae - - - - - - + +
31 Cassia tora L. Caesalpiniodea + + + - - - -
32 Centalla asiatica (L.) Urban Apiaceae + + + + - - - -
33 Chrysopogon fulvus (Spreng.) Poaceae - - - + - - - -
34 Cissampelos pareira L. Menispermaceae - + - - - - - -
Clinopodium umbrosum
35 (M.Bieb) Lamiaceae - + - - - - - -
36 Clintonia borealis (Ait) Raf Liliaceae - - - + + + +
37 Codonopsis ovata Benth Campanulaceae - - - - + + - -
38 Colorado noxious L. Asteraceae + + + - - - -
Conyza japonica Thumb Lessing
39 ex Dc. Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
Conyza leucantha
40 (D.Don.)Ludlow and Raven Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
41 Coriaria nepalensis Wallich Coriariaceae - - + + - - - -
42 Crotolaria alata Buch-Ham Fabaceae + - - - - - - -
43 Cucrcuma angustifolia Roxb. Zingiberaceae + + - - - - - -
44 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Persoon Poaceae + + - - + + - -
45 Cyperus niveus Retz. Cyperaceae - - + + - - - -
46 Cyperus rotundus Linn. Cyperaceae + + + + - - - -
47 Dactyloctenium aegypticum L. Poaceae - - - - + + - -
48 Desmodium bipinnata L. Fabaceae - + + + - - - -
49 Desmodium diffusum DC. Fabaceae + - - - - - - -
50 Desmodium gangeticum L.(DC.) Fabaceae - + - - - - - -
Desmodium miccrophyllum
51 D.C.Polr Fabaceae - - - - + + - -
52 Desmodium tilifolium Wall. Papilionaceae + + + + - - - -
Desmodium velutinum
53 (Willd)DC. Fabaceae + + - - - - - -
54 Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. Poaceae - - + + - - - -
55 Dioscorea bulbifera Linn. Dioscoreaceae + + + + - - - -
56 Deutiza scabra Thunb. Hydrangeaceae - - + + - - - -
57 Echinops cornigerus DC. Asteraceae - - + + - - - -
58 Erigeron canadensis Linn. Asteraceae - - - - + + - +
59 Erigeron karvinskianus DC. Asteraceae - - + + - + - -
60 Euphorbia hirta L. Euphorbiaceae + + + + - - - -
61 Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. Polygonaceae - - + + + + - -
62 Flemingia braceteata Wight. Papilionaceae - - - - + + - -
63 Fragaria indica Andr. Rosaceae - - + - + + - -
Fragaria nubicola Lindley ex
64 Lacaita Rosaceae - - - - - - + +
65 Gagea bohemica Zauschn. Liliaceae - - + + - - - -
66 Galium aparine L. Rubiaceae - - - - + + - -
Geranium wallichianum
67 D.Don.ex.sweet Geraniaceae - - - - + + + +
68 Gerbera maxima D.Don Asteraceae - - - - - - + +
Gerbera gossypina (Royle)
69 Beauv Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
70 Gloriosa superbia L. Liliaceae + + - - - - - -
71 Gnaphalium affine D.Don Asteraceae + + + + - - - -
72 Gnaphalium hypoleucum DC. Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
73 Gnaphalium obtusifolium L. Asteraceae - - + + - - - -
74 Gnaphalium purpureum L. Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
Hedychium spicatum Buch.-
75 Ham. Zingiberaceae - - - - + + - -
Heteropogon contortus (L.) P.
76 Beauv. Poaceae - - + - - - - -
Impatiens sulcata Wallich in
77 Roxb. Balsaminaceae - - + + - - - -
78 Indigofera dosua Buch-Ham Papilionaceae + - - - - - - -
Inula cappa (Buch.-Ham. Ex
79 D.Don) DC. Asteraceae + + + + - - - -
80 Ixeris polycephala Cassini Asteraceae + + + + - - - -
81 Lathyrus asphaca Linn Papilionaceae + + - - - - - -
82 Leucas lanata Benth. Lamiaceae - + - - + + - -
Ligularia arnicoides Dc .ex
83 Royal Asteraceae - - - - + + + +
Micromeria biflora (Buch.-
84 Ham.ex D.Don)Benth. Lamiaceae - + + + + + - -
85 Micromeria microphylla (d' urv.) Lamiaceae + - - - - - - -
86 Nerium oleander L. Apocynaceae - - + + - - - -
87 Oenothera rosea Soland. Onagraceae - - - - + + - -
88 Oplismenus compositus(L.) Poaceae - - - - + + - -
89 Origanum vulgare L. Lamiaceae - - - - + + - -
90 Oxalis acetosella L. Oxalidaceae + + - - + + - -
91 Oxalis corniculata L. Sp. Oxalidaceae - - + + + + - -
Paranassia nubecola Wallich ex
92 Royle Saxifragaceae - - - - + + - -
93 Parthenium hysterophorus L. Asteraceae + + + + + - - -
94 Pedicularis hoffmesteri Klitzsch Orobanchaceae - - - - - + + +
95 Pentanema indicum L. Asteraceae + + - - - - - -
96 Phlomis bracteata Wall. Lamiaceae - - - - - - + +
97 Physalis longfolia Nutt. Solanaceae - - + + - - - -
98 Pimpinella diversifolia DC. Apiaceae + + - - - - - -
Pleatranthus japonicus (Burm.
99 f.) Lamiaceae + + - - - - - -
100 Plumbago zeylanica Linn. Plumbaginaceae - + - - - - - -
101 Poa annua Linn. Poaceae - - - - + + + +
102 Poeonia emodi Wall. Paeoniaceae - - + + - - - -
Pogostemon benghalense
103 Kuntze Lamiaceae + + + + - - - -
104 Polygonum amplexicaule D.Don Polygonaceae - - - - + + + +
105 Polygonum barbatum L. Polygonaceae - - + + + + - -
Polygonum capitatum
106 Buch.Ham.ex D.Don Polygonaceae - - + + - - - -
107 Polygonum emodei Linn Polygonaceae - - - - - - + +
Polygonum macrophyllum
108 D.Don Polygonaceae - - - - - - + +
109 Polygonum plebeium R.Br.APNI Polygonaceae - - - - + + - -
110 Polygonum lapathifolium L. Polygonaceae + - - - + + - -
Potentilla fulgens Wallich ex
111 Lehm. Rosaceae - - - - + + + +
112 Primula denticulata Smith. Primulaceae - - - - - - + +
Parochetus communis Buch
113 Ham Ex .D.Don. Papilionaceae - - - - - - + +
114 Prunella vulgaris L. Lamiaceae - - - - - - + +
Ranunculus hirtellus Royl. Ex
115 Don Ranunculaceae - - - - - - + +
116 Reinwardtia indica Dumortier Liliaceae + + + + + + - -
117 Roscoea purpurea Smith Zingiberaceae - - - - - + - -
Rosularia rosulata
118 (Edgew)H.Ohba Crassulaceae - - - + + - -
119 Rubia cordifolia Linn Rubiaceae - - - - - - + +
Rubia manjiith Roxb. Ex
120 Fleming Rubiaceae - - - - + + - -
121 Rumex hastatus D.Don Polygonaceae - - - - + + - -
122 Rumex nepalensis Spreng. Polygonaceae - - - - - - + +
123 Salvia lanata Roxb. Lamiaceae + + - - + + - -
124 Saussurea heteromalla (D.Don) Asteraceae + + - - - - - -
125 Saxifraga diversifolia Wallich Saxifragaceae - - - - + + - -
Sedum imbricatum (Edgew.)
126 walp Crassulaceae - - - - - - + +
127 Selinum candoleii wall. Boraginaceae - - - - + + + +
128 wallichianum(C.D.C.)Raizada Apiaceae - - + - - - - -
129 Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. Asteraceae - - - + + + +
130 Senecio graciliforus DC. Asteraceae + + - - - - - -
Senecio nudicaulis Buch.-Ham.
131 ex D.Don Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
Shuteria vestita Wallich. Ex
132 Bentham Fabaceae + + - - - - - -
133 Sibaldia procumbens Kunze. Rosaceae - - - - - - + +
134 Sida acuta Burm.F. Malvaceae + + + + - - - -
135 Sida cordifolia Linn Malvaceae - + - - - - - -
136 Sida rhombifolia L. Malvaceae - + - - - - - -
137 Smilex aspera L. Smilacaceae - - + + - - - -
138 Solanum nigrum L. Solanaceae + + + + - - - -
139 Sonchus arvensis Linn Asteraceae + + + - - - -
140 Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Menispermaceae - - - + - - - -
141 Strobilanthes wallichii Nees. Acanthaceae + + + + - - - -
Swertia angustifolia Buch-Ham
142 ex. D . Don Gentianaceae - - - - - - + +
Swertia cordata (G.Don) C.B.
143 Clarke Gentianaceae - - - - + + - -
144 Tagetes minuta Linn. Asteraceae + + + + + - -
145 Taraxacum officinale Weber Asteraceae - - - - - - + +
146 Tephrosia pumila (Lam.) Fabaceae + + + + - - -
147 Tephrosia purpurea Linn. Fabaceae + + - - - - - -
148 Thalictrum alpinum L. Ranunculaceae - - - - - - - -
149 Thalictrum foliolosum Dc. Ranunculaceae + + + + + + - -
150 Trifolium repens L. Fabaceae - - - + + + +
151 Triumfetta pilosa Roth Tiliaceae - - + + - - - -
152 Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Malvaceae + + - - - - - -
153 Valariana hardwitchi Wall. Caprifoliaceae - - - - - - + +
154 Vergenia ligulata Wall Saxifragaceae - - - - - - + +
155 Vernonia cinerea L. Asteraceae - + - - - - - -
156 Veronica cana Wallich ex Benth Asteraceae - - - - + + - -
157 Vervascum thapsus Linn. Scrophulariaceae - - + + - - - -
158 Vigna vexillata L. Fabaceae + + - - - - -
Viola betonicifolia J.Smith in
159 Rees. Violaceae - - + + - - - -
160 Viola canescens Wall. Violaceae - - + + - + - -
161 Viola pilosa Blume Violaceae + + - - - - -
162 Viola tricolr Linn Violaceae - - - - - - + +
163 Vitiveria zizaniodes Linn Poaceae - - + + - - - -
164 Zornia gibbosa Span Fabaceae + - + + - - - -
+ = Present, - = Absent
grazing and other biotic factor.In all sites the species shows different degree of
Density (Individuals /trees ha-1): Density values of any species provides the
numerical strength of species in an area. It provides an idea of competition
between individuals of the species. The higher is the density, the more is the
competition stress between the individuals of the species that is reflected in
poor growth and lower reproductive capacity of the individuals of the species.
The density of species in community varies in time and space and is
influenced by various environmental characteristics.
Total Basal Cover: The basal cover multiplied with respective density to
obtain total basal cover.
Importance Value Index (IVI): Importance Value Index (IVI) of the species
represents the ecological success of any species in a community in a single
value. This single value provides complete picture of sociological structure of
a species, because frequency provides information about the dispersal of a
species in an area, the density gives numerical strength of the species and
dominance gives information about the basal area. When the value of IVI of
important species was compared it gives an excellent idea about varying
environmental factors. The IVI of the same species may vary between two
sites or in the same locality but in different seasons and environmental
In first pine dominant forest (PRDF), the highest stand density was recorded
as 1325 tree ha-1 and 1135 treeha-1 at north and south aspect, respectively. On
the north aspect Pinus roxburghii was found dominant species with maximum
frequency (90%), density (380 treeha-1), TBC (24.764 m2ha-1) and IVI
(85.194). Toona ciliata, Mangifera indica, and Quercus leucotrichophora
were found as co-dominant species on both aspects under this forest.
Minimum density (30 tree ha-1) and frequency (20%) was recorded for
Delbergia sissoo in north aspect while, in south aspect density (15 treeha -1),
frequency (10%) was found for Oroxylum indicum. Total Basal Cover (TBC)
was found 60.807 m2ha-1 in the north aspect and 52.2 m2ha-1 in the south
aspect repectively. In the south aspect Pinus roxburghii was again found
dominant species with maximum frequency (100%), density (400 treeha-1),
TBC (25.55 m2ha-1) and IVI (52.813). Abundance and frequency ratio showed
contagious and random distribution pattern for 10 (62.2%) species were
contagiously distributed and 6 (37.5%) species random pattern of north aspect
while, in south aspect 5 (35.71%) species were contagiously distributed and 9
(64.28%) species found in random distribution pattern. Regarding the
dominance, Pinus roxburghii, Toona ciliata, Bauhinia variegata, Mangifera
indica and Quercus leucotrichophora were found the dominant tree species in
both aspects.
14 Pinus roxburghii 90 380 0.047 24.76 85.19 100 400 0.04 25.55 52.81
20 Toona ciliata 50 145 0.058 10.41 36.84 60 120 0.036 9.379 25.90
In PRDF site, frequency, density, TBC and IVI values varied with the
aspect and species. In the tree layer, frequency, density, TBC and IVI values
were found highest at the north aspect as compared to south aspect. Total
stand density was also high in the north aspect which was 1325 treeha -1 as
compared to south aspect where the stand density was recorded as 1135 tree
6 Carissa opaca 42.5 1270 0.175 8.45 50 1440 0.144 9.36
7 Colebrookia oppositifolia 52.5 880 0.079 8.56 45 950 0.117 7.60
8 Eupatorium adenophorum 90 9860 0.304 37.39 85 12200 0.422 39.16
9 Jatropha curcus 55 1410 0.116 10.30 52.5 1630 0.147 10.11
10 Lantana camara 62.5 6070 0.388 23.85 62.5 6690 0.428 23.36
11 Murraya koenigii 70 1180 0.060 11.44 65 1450 0.085 11.17
12 Rhus parviflora 57.5 1010 0.076 9.510 52.5 1270 0.115 9.25
13 Rubus ellipticus 62.5 1140 0.072 10.45 65 1590 0.094 11.50
14 Urtica dioica 45 3060 0.377 13.61 - - - -
15 Woodfordia fruticosa 75 3410 0.151 18.09 80 5490 0.214 22.57
16 Zizyphus mauritiana 47.5 820 0.090 7.81 42.5 1130 0.156 7.73
36780 200 41960 200
4 Asparagus adscendens 42.5 780 0.107 5.34 55 850 0.070 7.279
5 Berberis asiatica 72.5 2840 0.135 12.01 75 3490 0.155 14.17
6 macrophylla 42.5 1010 0.139 5.78 50 950 0.09 6.940
7 Calotropis procera 37.5 670 0.119 4.67 - - - -
8 Carissa opaca 55 1810 0.149 8.45 52.5 1410 0.127 8.04
9 oppositifolia 65 1330 0.078 8.43 60 1510 0.104 9.00
10 adenophorum 82.5 9860 0.362 26.44 80 10670 0.416 27.79
11 Jatropha curcus 65 4460 0.263 14.46 60 4340 0.301 14.16
12 Lantana camara 70 7640 0.389 21.03 65 7780 0.460 20.96
13 Murraya koenigii 65 1420 0.084 8.60 60 1580 0.109 9.13
14 Rhus parviflora 70 1730 0.088 9.65 62.5 1770 0.113 9.73
15 Rubus ellipticus 75 1400 0.062 9.46 77.5 1750 0.072 11.26
16 Utrica dioica 75 6080 0.270 18.48 65 6720 0.397 19.02
17 Woodfordia fruticosa 80 3820 0.149 14.58 80 4630 0.180 16.77
18 Zizyphus mauritiana 62.5 790 0.050 7.16 47.5 990 0.109 6.75
51910 200 54830 200
78 Vegetation analysis of shrub species in winter season at PRDF.
Cynodon dactylon, Inula cappa, Gnaphalium affine, Tephrosia pumila and
Senecio graciliforus were the dominant species in the south aspect.
In south aspect, the IVI ranged from 3.54 to 24.55.The ratio of abundance and
frequency showed contagious distribution pattern (Table In the
north aspect Centalla asiatica, Cypercus rotundus, Oxalis acetosella,
Parthenium hysterophorus, Anaphalis triplinervis, Artemisia japonica and
Artemisia capillaries were dominant herb species. Centalla asiatica, Cyperus
rotundus, Oxalis acetosella and Parthenium hysterophorus were dominant
species in the south aspect.
31 Vernonia cinerea - - - - 47.5 2.65 0.117 5.41
32 Viola pilosa 55 2.525 0.083 6.80 35 1.4 0.114 3.54
33 Zornia gibbosa 27.5 1 0.132 3.14 - - - -
102.125 200 123.38 200
The south aspect showed higher values for frequency and density of
most of the herb species as compared to the north aspect. However, the IVI
value was recorded higher at north aspect. The total stand density was found
102.1 plants m-2 and 123 plants m-2 at north and south aspect, respectively.
Among the herb strata a total 34 herbs were found during winter
season of study period in both aspects at PRDF. Oxalis acetosella showed
highest frequency (77.5%) followed by Reinwardtia indica (72.5%), Bidens
bipinnata(65%), Boernia diffusea and Cassia tora (62.5%) in north aspect.
While in the south aspect maximum frequency (77.7%) was found for Bidens
bipinnata followed by Strobilanthes wallichii (70%). In context to density of
herbs, maximum density being 17 plantsm-2 was recorded for Oxalis
acetosella and minimum density (1.35 plants m-2 ) for Colorado noxious in
north aspect while, in south aspect highest density (16.2 plants m-2) was again
achieved by Oxalis acetosella and lowest density( 1.15 plants m-2 ) was for
Shuteria vestita. Maximum IVI (21.67) was recorded for Oxalis acetosella in
north aspect and minimum (3.9) for Colothorado noxious. In the south aspect,
the IVI ranged between 1.15 to 16.2.The ratio of A/F showed contagious
distribution pattern 100% (28 species), 100%(29 species) respectively in both
aspects. In north and south aspects of first site the Rainwardtia indica,
Artemisia capillaries, Bidens bipinnata, Strobilanthes wallichii, Anaphalis
triplinervis and Cassia tora were the dominant herb species (Table
6 Atylosia scraboides - - - - 35 1.35 0.110 3.89
7 Barleria cristata 47.5 2.7 0.119 5.90 60 6.3 0.175 11.05
8 Bidens bipinnata 65 4.025 0.095 8.39 77.5 4.4 0.073 10.17
9 Boernavia diffusa 62.5 3.55 0.090 7.76 - - - -
10 Cassia tora 62.5 3.9 0.099 8.10 55 3.85 0.127 8.01
11 Cissampelos pareira - - - - 40 1.4 0.087 4.29
12 Clinopodium umbrosum - - - - 35 1.5 0.122 4.05
13 Colorado noxious 37.5 1.35 0.096 3.91 - - - -
14 Crotolaria alata 37.5 3.2 0.081 7.43 - - - -
15 Desmodium diffusum 40 2.675 0.167 5.35 - - - -
16 Desmodium gangeticum - - - - 35 1.35 0.110 3.89
17 Desmodium trifolium 37.5 2.975 0.211 5.46 45 2.9 0.143 6.28
18 Dioscorea bulbifera 60 2.45 0.068 6.54 45 1.8 0.088 5.07
19 Ixeris polycephala 40 2.125 0.132 4.83 45 1.45 0.071 4.69
20 Leucas lanata 45 2.6 0.128 5.63 55 1.8 0.059 5.76
21 Micromeria biflora - - - - 35 1.75 0.142 4.33
22 Micromeria microphylla 40 2.85 0.178 5.52 - - - -
23 Oxalis acetosella 77.5 17 0.283 21.66 75 16.2 0.288 22.96
24 Pentanema indicum 32.5 2.125 0.201 4.30 45 1.95 0.096 5.24
25 Pimpinella diversifolia 42.5 3.35 0.185 6.17 45 3.6 0.177 7.05
26 Pleatranthus japonicus 37.5 2.175 0.154 4.70 40 1.8 0.112 4.73
27 benghalense 50 2.675 0.107 6.05 55 2.3 0.076 6.31
28 Reinwardtia indica 72.5 8.9 0.169 13.58 65 6.55 0.155 11.67
29 Salvia lanata 52.5 3.075 0.111 6.61 55 1.8 0.059 5.76
30 Shuteria vestita 60 2.775 0.077 6.85 45 1.15 0.056 4.36
31 Sida acuta 52.5 3.425 0.124 6.94 55 1.8 0.059 5.76
32 Solanum nigrum 42.5 1.65 0.091 4.55 45 1.2 0.059 4.41
33 Strobilanthes wallichii 60 5.2 0.144 9.17 70 4.65 0.094 9.92
34 Tagetes minuta - - - - 42.5 1.75 0.096 4.84
104.67 200 91 200
The north aspect showed higher values for % frequency and density of
most of the herb species as compared to the south aspect. However, the IVI
value was recorded higher at the south aspect. The total density found 104.7
plants m-2 and 91 plants m-2 at the north and south aspect, respectively.
The site QLDF showed total density of 1345 trees ha-1 in the north
aspect and 1275 trees ha-1 in the south aspect. In the north aspect highest
frequency (90%), density (315 trees ha-1), TBC (8.82 m2 ha-1) and IVI (61.35)
were recorded for Quercus leucotrichophora. Similarly, in south aspect
Quercus leucotrichophora was found dominant species with maximum
frequency (90%), density (325 tree ha-1), TBC (10.4 m2 ha-1) and IVI (60.218).
Contagious distribution wasrecord for most of species in both the aspects of
this forest. In the north aspect, out of 13 species, 8 (61.54 %) were found in
contagious distribution and rests 5 (38.46 %) were randomly distributed. But
in the south aspect, out of 13 species 4 (30.76%) species were under
contagious pattern and 9 (69.24%) were in random distribution pattern. In the
north aspect Quercus leucotrichophora, Alnus nepalensis, Myrica esculenta,
Pinus roxburghii, Rhododendron arboretum and Prunus cerasoides were the
dominant tree species. While in the south aspect of this forest Quercus
leucotrichophora, Myrica esculenta, Alnus nepalensis, Pinus roxburghii and
Lyonia ovalifolia, were found as the dominant tree species (Table
2 Alnus nepalensis 50 155 0.062 2.066 25.48 60 125 0.040 3.056 26.73
9 Myrica esculenta 60 125 0.034 4.379 30.81 70 145 0.033 5.307 34.51
10 Pinus roxburghii 60 115 0.031 7.875 38.85 60 135 0.037 9.079 38.53
Across both aspects of this forest, tree frequency was found high in the south
aspect as compared to north aspect. Similarly tree density was also higher in
the south aspect for most of species, except Alnus nepalensis which was
recorded highest density value155 trees ha-1at north aspect. TBC values were
observed highest at south aspect for most of the species. The IVI value was
recorded highest (61.35) for Quercus leucotrichophora at north aspect and
lowest for Symplocos paniculata (7.97). In the south aspect, the IVI ranged
from 6.081 to 60.21.
9 Indigofera heterantha 50 650 0.065 7.67 47.5 640 0.0709 7.76
10 Lantana camara 62.5 3450 0.220 19.24 55 4980 0.4116 22.84
11 Pyracantha crenulata 67.5 1760 0.096 13.58 60 2000 0.1389 13.70
12 Rhus parviflora 52.5 890 0.080 8.81 60 1430 0.0993 11.83
13 Rubus ellipticus 65 1530 0.090 12.48 50 1340 0.134 10.34
14 Rubus nivenus 47.5 900 0.099 8.32 40 540 0.0844 6.54
15 Rumex hastatus 57.5 4850 0.366 23.84 40 2560 0.4 13.14
15 Urtica dioica 55 1890 0.156 12.74 60 3200 0.2222 17.62
17 Woodfordia fruticosa 57.5 3450 0.260 18.71 57.5 1230 0.093 10.88
18 Zanthoxylum armatum 37.5 450 0.08 5.61 - - - -
27310 200 30600 200
The south aspect showed higher values for frequency and density for most of
the herb species compared to the north aspect. However, the IVI value was
recorded higher at south aspect. The total stand density was found 27310
plants ha-1and 30600 plants ha-1 at the north and south aspect respectively.
A total of 21 and 19 shrubs species were recorded in north and south aspect in
study area during the rainy season. In this stratum Eupatorium adenophorum
had highest frequencyin both aspects (87.5% and 97.5% respectively. Total
forest density of rainy season for shrub was 44970 plant ha-1 in north aspect
and 52670 plant ha-1 insouth aspect.The density was found maximum being
7660 plants ha-1 for Eupatorium adenophorum and minimum 430 plants ha-1
for Zanthoxylum alatum in the north aspect while, the south aspect had highest
density of 9590 plants ha-1 for Eupatorium adenophorum and lowest density
920 plants ha-1 was for Solanum nigrum. Maximum IVI (24.42) was
recorded for Eupatorium adenophorum in the north aspect and minimum
(3.07) for Zanthoxylum alatum. In south aspect, the IVI ranged from 5.32 to
26.91. The ratio of abundance and frequency showedthat 90.48% species are
contagiously distributed and 9.52% species were found having random
distribution pattern in north aspect while, in south aspect all species were
contagiously distributed (Table In the north aspect Eupatorium
adenophorum, Lantana camara, Urtica dioica, Woodfordia fruticosa, Rumex
hastatus, Berberis asiatica and Indigofera gerardiana were dominant shrub
species. Eupatorium adenophorum, Urtica dioica, Lantana camara and
Berberis asiatica were dominant species in the south aspect.
86 Vegetation analysis of shrub species in rainy season at QLDF.
The south aspect showed higher values for frequency % and density of most of
the herb species as compared to the north aspect. However, the IVI value was
recorded higher at north aspect.The total stand density was found 44970 plants
ha-1 and 52670 plants ha-1 at north and south aspect respectively.
Among the shrub strata,during winter season at second forest Urtica dioica
showed highest frequency (70.0%) followed by Woodfordia fruticosa (65%),
Rubus ellipticus (65%), Debregeasia longifolia (62%) and Berberis asiatica
(57.5%) in north aspect. While in the south aspect maximum frequency
(72.5%) was displayed by Eupatorium adenophorum followed by Urtica
dioica (70%).In context to density of herbs, maximum density 2590 plants ha-1
was recorded for Lantana camara and minimum density (460 plants ha-1) for
Cornus capiyata in north aspect while, in south aspect highest density (5460
plants ha-1) was Eupatorium adenophorum and lowest density (440 plants ha-1)
for Zanthoxylum alatum. Maximum IVI (23.11) was recorded for Lantana
camara in north aspect and minimum (6.3) for Zanthoxylum alatum while in
the south aspect,the IVI ranged from 4.98 to 29.02.The ratio of A/F showed
Contagious distribution pattern of both aspect 15(100%) and 15(100%). In the
north aspect the Lantana camara, Woodfordia fruticosa, Indigofera
heterantha, Berberis asiatica, Urtica dioica and Rubus ellipticus were the
dominant shrub species in while in south aspect dominant species were
Lantana camara, Woodfordia fruticosa, Indigofera heterantha,Urtica
dioica,Berberis asiatica andDebregeasia longifolia (Table ).
(85%), density (32.2 plants m-2) and IVI (31.8) in the north aspect and 65%
frequency, 36.2 plants m-2 density and 27.36 IVI, in the south aspect. As far as
distribution pattern was concerned, all species were contagiouslydistributed in
both aspects of the forest. Oxalis corniculata, Desmodium trifolium, Digitaria
sanguinalis, Gnaphalium affine, Cyperus niveus and Parthenium
hysterophorusra were the dominant herb species at the north aspect of the
highly disturbed stand. While in the south aspect the dominant herb species
were Oxalis corniculata, Desmodium trifolium, Parthenium hysterophorus,
Gnaphalium affinen, Digitaria sanguinalis and Artemisia japonica (Table
During summer season at both aspects of this forest site had similar
herb frequency. While the herb density values were observed higher at south
aspect for most of species. As far as the IVI was concerned, the almost similar
values were found on both the aspects. However, the total stand density of
north aspect was 136 plants m-2 and 170.5 plants m-2 at south aspect.
14 Heteropogon contortus 47.5 11.42 0.506 8.78 - - - -
15 Impatiens sulcata 50 3.17 0.127 5.28 52.5 4.12 0.14 5.37
16 Nerium oleander 37.5 1.9 0.135 3.74 42.5 2.47 0.13 4.00
17 Oxalis acetosella 77.5 30.47 0.507 19.63 80 34.55 0.53 19.38
18 hysterophorus - - - - 57.5 15.2 0.45 10.11
19 Poeonia emodi 32.5 0.85 0.080 2.89 35 1.15 0.09 2.94
20 Polygonum barbatum 62.5 10.57 0.270 9.56 52.5 14.6 0.52 9.52
21 Polygonum capitatum 70 25.25 0.515 16.71 70 29.5 0.60 16.67
22 Selinum wallichii 42.5 2.05 0.113 4.20 - - - -
23 Sonchus asper - - - - 40 2.1 0.13 3.67
24 Triumfetta pilosa 55 2.47 0.081 5.35 52.5 2.62 0.09 4.77
25 Vervascum Thapsus 25 1.17 0.188 2.45 32.5 1.32 0.12 2.83
26 Viola betonicifolia 52.5 1.92 0.069 4.91 60 1.95 0.05 5.04
27 Vitiveria zizaniodes 40 7.32 0.457 6.36 50 6.27 0.25 6.04
28 Zornia gibbosa 30 2.15 0.238 3.27 40 2.07 0.12 3.66
223.25 200 252.3 200
91 Vegetation analysis of herb species in winter season at QLDF.
The north and south aspect showed the similar % frequency percentage
and IVI trend. Density value was higherat the south aspect. The total stand
density was found 198 plants m-2 and 218.3 plants m-2 at the north and south
aspect, respectively.
Tree layer of QSDF showed total density of 1760 trees ha-1 in the north
aspect and 1680 trees ha-1 in the south aspect. In the north aspect highest
frequency (100%), density (385 trees ha-1), TBC (20.92 m2 ha-1) and IVI
(60.94) were recorded for Quercus leucotrichophora. Similarly, in south
aspect Quercus leucotrichophora was found dominant species with maximum
frequency (100%), density (320 tree ha-1), TBC (17.98 m2 ha-1) and IVI
(51.49). Random distribution wasrecorded for most of species in both the
aspects of this forest. In the north aspect, out of 15 species, 4 were found
contagious distribution and rests 11 species were randomly distributed.
However, in the south aspect, out of 15 species 6(40%) species were under
contagious pattern and rest 9(60%) displayed random distribution pattern. In
the north aspect Quercus leucotrichophora, Alnus nepalensis, Daphniphyllum
himalense, Lyonia ovalifolia, Myrica esculenta, Quercus floribunda and
Rhododendron arboreum were the dominant tree species.While in the south
aspect of this forest Quercus leucotrichophora, Alnus nepalensis,
Rhododendron arboreum, Myrica esculenta, Persea duthiei, Daphniphyllum
himalense, Listsea lanuginose, Prunus cerasoides and Quercus floribunda
were found as the dominant tree species (Table
2 Alnus nepalensis 65 180 0.042 9.94 31.08 70 155 0.033 8.77 28.33
9 Myrica esculenta 80 155 0.024 8.71 30.09 60 135 0.043 8.32 25.97
12 Quercus floribunda 50 125 0.05 6.36 21.54 60 105 0.031 6.83 22.01
Across both aspects of QSDF, tree frequency was found high in the
south aspect as compared to north aspect. Similarly, tree density was also
higher in the south aspect for most of species, except Quercus
leucotrichophora which was recorded high at north aspect. TBC values were
also observed highest at north aspect for most of the dominant species. The
IVI value was recorded highest (112.7) for Quercus leucotrichophora at south
aspect but the remaining co-dominant species showed high IVI values at north
Inthe shrub layer of the QSDF in summer season, Elsholtzia flava and
Pyracantha crenulatashowed highest frequency (65%) followed by Principia
utilis (60%), Sarcococca saligna (60%), Cotoneaster microphyllum (55%) and
Indigofera heterantha (55%) in the north aspect during summer season. While
in the south aspect maximum frequency (70%) was found for Rubus
ellipticusfollowed by Sarcococca saligna and Pyracantha crenulata (65%). In
context to density of shrub, maximum density (3570 plants ha-1) was recorded
for Urtica dioica and minimum density (600 plants ha-1) for Rosa burnonii in
the north aspect whereas highest density wasUrtica dioica 4430 plants ha-1
and 760 plants ha-1 was Rubus nivenus in south aspect. The IVI values ranged
between 8.35 to 22.66 in the north aspect and 8.90 to 24.53 in the south aspect.
The distribution pattern showed contagiously and random pattern. In the north
aspect 15 species (100%) were distributed contagiously and at south aspect 14
(93.33%) species were contagious and 1(6.66%) were random in distributed.
In the north aspect Urtica dioica, Indigofera heterantha, Elsholtzia flava,
Pyracantha crenulata, Cotoneaster microphyllum and Principia utilis were
found dominant species. While in the south aspect, Urtica dioica, Sarcococca
saligna, Elsholtzia flava, Pyracantha crenulata, Camellia indica and
Cotoneaster microphyllum were the dominant species (Table3.
2 Berberis chirata 45 960 0.118 9.94 45 800 0.098 8.89
3 Camellia indica - - - - 45 1730 0.213 12.74
4 Cotoneaster microphyllum 55 1560 0.128 13.85 55 1410 0.116 12.66
5 Desmodium elegans 50 1150 0.115 11.41 55 1340 0.110 12.37
6 Elsholtzia flava 65 1780 0.105 16.09 60 1860 0.129 15.14
7 Indigofera heterantha 55 3550 0.293 22.65 - - - -
8 Myrisine Africana 50 670 0.067 9.29 45 970 0.119 9.60
9 Principia utilis 60 1360 0.094 13.60 55 1610 0.133 13.49
10 Pyracantha crenulata 65 1590 0.094 15.25 65 1740 0.103 15.27
11 Rosa burnonii 45 600 0.074 8.34 50 1130 0.113 10.88
12 Rubus ellipticus 50 1200 0.12 11.63 70 980 0.05 12.74
13 Rubus nivenus 45 810 0.1 9.27 50 760 0.076 9.35
14 Sarcococca saligna 60 1750 0.121 15.33 65 2910 0.172 20.10
15 Sorbus microphyla 50 910 0.091 10.35 50 1150 0.115 10.96
16 Utrica dioica 45 3570 0.440 21.47 50 4430 0.443 24.53
22620 200 24180 200
95 Vegetation analysis of shrub species in rainy season at QSDF.
As far as shrub layer at QSDF site during winter season concerned, the
total forest density were 31000 plants ha-1 north aspect and 33170 plants ha-1
in south aspect. Maximum frequency (65%) was found Myrisine africana,
Principia utilis and Rosa burnonii in north aspect while in south aspect
Indigofera heterantha (70%) had highest frequency. In the north aspect, the
highest density (3810 plants ha-1) was calculated for Sarcococca saligna and
lowest density (910 plants ha-1) for Berberis chirata. While in south aspect,
maximum density (3210 plantha-1) was found for Utrica dioica followed by
Sarcococca saligna (2950 plant ha-1) and Indigofera heterantha (2940 plant
ha-1). Maximum IVI (19.74) was recorded for Sarcococca saligna in the north
aspect and minimum (8.53) for Berberis chirata. In the south aspect, the IVI
ranged from 7.54 to 16.27. In addition all speciesat both aspects of this site
showed contagious distribution pattern. The dominant species in the north
aspect were Sarcococca saligna, Indigofera heterantha, Rosa burnonii,
Pyracantha crenulata and Utrica dioica. In the south aspect Utrica dioica,
Sarcococca saligna, Indigofera heterantha, Principia utilis, Rosa burnonii,
Rubus ellipticus and Girardinia heterophylla were found dominant shrubs
The frequency, density and IVI of shrub species varied between the
aspects. The highest frequency (70%) was recorded for Indigofera heterantha
at south aspect. In the north aspect, the density was however higher for all
species compared to south aspect. As far as IVI was concerned, again the
north aspect displayed higher values as compared to the south aspect. The total
stand density was 31000 plants ha-1 at north aspect while at south aspect it was
recorded as 33170 plants ha-1.
aspect also, Oxalis corniculata was found dominant species with maximum
frequency (77.5 %), density (31.95 plant m- 2) and IVI (21.86). The total forest
density of north aspect was observed 185.5 plants m- 2 and in the south aspect
it was 212.2 plants m- 2. A/F ratio showed the all 21 species occurred in the
site were contagiously distributed at both aspects. In general, Oxalis
corniculata, Trifolium repenus, Oenothera rosea, Micromeria biflora,
Origanum vulgare, Saxifraga diversifolia and Senecio nudicaulis were the
dominant species at north aspect. In the south aspect dominant herb species
were Oxalis corniculata, Trifolium repenus, Micromeria biflora, Oenothera
rosea, Origanum vulgare, Saxifraga diversifolia and Dactyloctenium
aegypicum (Table
For herb layer total stand density as well as % frequency, density and
IVI of most of the species were observed higher at south aspect as compared
to north aspect.
19 Polygonum plebeium 57.5 10.5 0.317 7.59 60 14.45 0.401 8.29
20 Potentilla fulgens 47.5 6.35 0.281 5.40 40 6.92 0.432 4.70
21 Roscoea purpurea 55 9.47 0.313 7.05 60 11.17 0.310 7.29
22 Rubia manjiith 60 4.87 0.135 5.65 60 6.82 0.189 5.97
23 Rumex hastatus 52.5 9.82 0.356 7.02 45 11.72 0.579 6.49
24 Salvia lanata 50 4.67 0.187 4.94 55 6.9 0.228 5.67
25 Senecio nudicaulis 40 3.35 0.209 3.80 40 4.07 0.254 3.83
26 Tagetes minuta 50 10.25 0.41 7.02 47.5 10.97 0.486 6.42
27 Thalictrum folidosum 50 6.22 0.249 5.52 45 7.42 0.366 5.18
28 Veronica cana 80 13.1 0.204 10.00 80 15.25 0.238 9.83
268.15 200 328.35 200
Herb layer frequency, density and IVI were observed higher at south
aspect as compared to north aspect for most of dominant species. The total
forest density was highest (328.4 plants m- 2) at southas compared to north
4 Artemisia roxburghiana 60 4.5 0.125 7.00 57.5 7.32 0.221 8.00
5 Breea arvensis 40 1.47 0.092 3.75 45 2.1 0.103 4.30
6 Clintonia borealis 50 3.3 0.132 5.56 45 2.72 0.134 4.64
7 Codonopsis ovata 50 3.6 0.144 5.74 55 4 0.132 6.03
8 Erigeron canadensis 55 3.875 0.128 6.26 55 4.52 0.149 6.31
9 Fagopyrum esculentum 80 27.37 0.427 22.12 77.5 30.07 0.500 21.69
10 Fragaria indica 60 7.75 0.215 8.94 55 8.25 0.272 8.32
11 Galium aparine 60 2.37 0.065 5.73 60 2.95 0.081 5.81
12 Geranium wallichianum 55 8.22 0.271 8.87 57.5 9.22 0.279 9.03
13 Gerbera gossypina 55 5.15 0.170 7.03 50 4.97 0.199 6.20
14 Gnaphalium hypoleucum 65 12.25 0.289 11.9 65 13.65 0.323 11.94
15 Hedychium spicatum 60 7.05 0.195 8.52 65 6.9 0.163 8.30
16 Ligularia arnicoides 55 3.67 0.121 6.14 50 3.82 0.153 5.58
17 Oplismenus compositus 67.5 28.75 0.631 22.05 60 22.92 0.636 16.60
18 Paranassia nubecola 35 1.85 0.151 3.62 40 2.72 0.170 4.28
19 Pedicularis hoffmesteri 65 3.35 0.079 6.67 55 4.15 0.137 6.11
20 Polygonum plebeium 67.5 7.42 0.162 9.29 57.5 10.4 0.314 9.66
21 Potentilla fulgens 35 2.92 0.238 4.26 40 4 0.25 4.97
22 Reinwardtia indica 70 10.45 0.213 11.28 70 11.62 0.237 11.20
23 Selinum candoleii 40 1.82 0.114 3.96 40 2.02 0.126 3.910
24 chrysanthemoides 65 2.9 0.068 6.40 70 2.92 0.059 6.50
25 Swertia cordata 45 2.85 0.140 4.93 50 2.47 0.099 4.85
26 Viola canescens - - - - 35 1.85 0.151 3.46
167.08 200 185.18 200
Tree layer at AKDF showed total density of 1120 trees ha-1 in the north
aspect and 1075 trees ha-1 in the south aspect. In the north aspect highest
frequency (100%), density (410 trees ha-1), TBC (33.9 m2 ha-1) and IVI (100.4)
were recorded for Quercus semecarpifolia. Similarly, in south aspect Quercus
semecarpifolia was found dominant species with maximum frequency (100%),
density (430 trees ha-1), TBC (36.55 m2 ha-1) and IVI (100.6). Random
distribution was record for most species in both the aspects of this stand. In the
north aspect, all species were found in randomly distributed. But in the south
aspect, out of 7 species 2 (28.57%) species showed contagious pattern and 5
were in random distribution pattern. In the north aspect, Quercus
semecarpifolia, Abies pindrow and Rhododendron arboreum were the
dominant tree species. While in the south aspect of this forest, Quercus
semecarpifolia, Abies pindrow, Rhododendron arboreum and Sorbus
cuspidate were found as the dominant tree species (Table
1 Abies pindrow 95 390 0.043 46.28 109.99 100 315 0.041 39.2 111.9
Across both aspects of AKDF area, tree frequency was found high in
the south aspect. Similarly tree density as well as TBC was also higher in the
south aspect in the south aspect for dominant species. The IVI value was
recorded highest (111.9) for Abies pindrow and (9.28) lowest for Taxus bacata
at south aspect.
in the north aspect and minimum (7.70) for Desmodium elagans.In the south
aspect, the IVI ranged from 8.23 to 23.87. The ratio of abundance and
frequency showed contagious pattern (table In the north aspect
Princepia utilis, Daphane paparacea, Mahonia borealis and Rosa sericea
were the dominant shrub species. Similarly, Mahonia borealis, Princepia
utilis, Daphane paparacea, Rosa sericea, Cotoneaster microphyllus and
Sorbus microphyla were the dominant species in the south aspect.
spathiflora. In south aspect, the IVI ranged from 7.36 to 27.22. The ratio of
abundance and frequency showed contagious distribution pattern in both north
and south aspect. In the north aspect Rosa sericea, Daphane paparacea,
Mahonia borealis, Princepia utilis, Berberis chitria and Cotoneaster
microphyllus were dominant shrub species. Rosa sericea, Daphane
paparacea, Mahonia borealisand Princepia utilis were dominant species in
the south aspect (
minimum (7.29) for Thamnocalamus spathiflora while in the south aspect, the
IVI recorded from 6.88 to 26.13. The ratio of A/F showed contagious
distribution pattern at both aspect, respectively. In north aspect Mahonia
borealis, Princepia utilis, Cotoneaster microphyllus, Gaultheria
nummularioides, and Sorbus microphylla were the dominant shrub species,
while in south aspect dominant species were Rosa sericea, Mahonia borealis,
Princepia utilis, Berberis chitria, and Cotoneaster microphyllus recorded as
dominant species (Table
south aspect the Carex alata, Poa annua, Anemone rivularis, Erigeron
canadensis, Fragaria nubiccola, Geranium wallichianum, Caltha palastris,
Polygonum amplexicaule and Phlomis bracteata were identified as dominant
/co-dominant species based on phytosociological observations (Table In addition, % frequency, species density and IVI were higher at
south aspect compared to north aspect.
Herb layer frequency, density and IVI were observed higher at south
aspect as compared to north aspect for most of dominant species. The total
stand density was highest (175 plants m-2) at southas compared to north
During rainy season, the total forest density (271 plants m-2) was
recorded in the north aspect of AKDF while in the south aspect; the total forest
density was recorded 291 plants m-2. Carex alata was found dominance herb
species in both the aspects of this forest with highest values of frequency,
density and IVI. These values were recorded as frequency (85%), density
(98.4 plants m-2) and IVI (42.8) in the north aspect and 90 % frequency, 99
plants m-2 density and 40.83 IVI, in the south aspect. As far as distribution
pattern was concerned, it was contagious for both aspects (Table
Carex alata, Poa annua, Potentilla fulgens, Ranunculas hirtullus, Rumex
nepalensis and Trifolium repens were the dominant herb species at the north
aspect of this stand. While in the south aspect the dominant herb species were
Carex alata, Poa annua, Fragaria nubicola, Anemone rivularis, Trifolium
repens and Polygonum macrophyllum.
Between both the aspects of this forest, the herb frequency was observed
higher at south aspect as compared to the north aspect. While the herb density
values were observed higher at south aspect.As far as the IVI was concerned,
the almost similar values were found on both the aspects. However, the total
stand density of north aspect was 271 plants m-2 and 291 plants m-2 at south
Simpson as 0.097, Margalef index as 1.544, evenness value of 0.929and the β
diversity was 1.68 (Table ).
For the herb layer, during summer season, a total of 21 species were
recorded in both north and south aspect. Among the different diversity indices
for herb species, the Shannon wiener diversity was recorded as 2.608 and
2.573, Simpson as 0.113 and 0.121, Margalef index as 1.973 and 2.433 and
evenness 0.856 and 0.845, β diversity was 2.01 and 1.92 in the north and south
aspects, respectively (Table3.4.3.1). During rainy season 26 species were
found in the north aspect and 28 in the south aspect. In the north aspect
Shannon wiener diversity of herb layer was found 2.875, Simpson as 0.081,
Margalef as 3.006, evenness as 0.876 and the β diversity was 2.04. The
diversity values for Shannon wiener, Simpson, Margalef, evenness and β
diersity were recorded 2.91, 0.08, 3.174, 0.874 and 1.92 respectively for shrub
layer of the south aspect (Table In the winter season, a total 34
species were encountered on both the aspects. In the north and south aspect 28
and 29 herb species were found, respectively. Shannon wiener, Simpson and
Margalef index values were 3.127, 0.058 and 3.237 respectively in the north
aspect.In the south aspect Shannon wiener diversity index was observed 3.085,
Simpson as 0.064 and Margalef index as 3.415. The evenness value of the
north aspect was calculated as 0.938 and the south aspect it was calculated as
0.916 as well as similarly β diversity was 1.96 and 1.99.
Table Diversity, Dominance and evenness in PRDF.
3.4.3..2. Quercus leucotrichophora dominant forest – Atotal of 15 tree
species were recorded at QLDF. Out of them 13 species were found in the
north aspect and similarly 10 in the south aspect. In the north aspect fortree
layer, Shannonwiener diversity value was found as 2.346, Simpson diversity
as 0.116, Margalef index of diversity as 2.15, evenness as 0.915 and β
diversity was 2.36. In the south aspect, the Shannon wiener and Simpson
diversity were 2.343 and 0.118 respectively. The Margalef index was recorded
as 2.142, evenness as 0.913, and the β diversity was 2.03 (Table
total of 28herb species were recorded in the QLDF of rainy season. Out of
them 26 species were found in the north and south aspect. In the north aspect
for herb layer, Shannon wiener diversity value was found as 2.748, Simpson
diversity as 0.086, Margalef index of diversity as 2.78, evenness as 0.843 and
β diversity was 2. In the south aspect, the Shannon wiener and Simpson
diversity were 2.776 and 0.082 respectively. The Margalef index was recorded
as 2.71; evenness as 0.852 and the β diversity was 1.97. During winter season
27 species were found in the north aspect and 28 in the south aspect. In the
north aspect Shannon wiener diversity of shrub layer was found 2.7, Simpson
as 0.088, Margalef as 2.898 and the evenness as 0.843 and β diversity was
1.98. The diversity values for Shannon wiener, Simpson, Margalef, evenness
and β diversity were recorded 2.861, 0.079, 2.977, 0.858 and 1.92 respectively
for herb layer of the south aspect (Table
At QSDF site, 15 shrub species were present in the both aspects during
rainy season. In the north aspect of this forest, the Shannon and the Simpson
wiener diversity were found as 2.71 and 0.076 respectively. The Margalef
index was calculated as 1.944, evenness as 0.956 and β diversity was found
1.82. In the south aspect the diversity value of Shannon wiener was observed
as 2.736, Simpson as 0.072, Margalef index as 1.935, evenness as 0.965 and β
diversity was 1.85 (Table
Table Diversity, Dominance and eveness of QSDF.
114 Abies Kharshu dominant forest
Simpson as 0.163 and Margalef index as 2.71, β diversity was 2.1. The
evenness value of the north aspect was calculated as 0.711 and for the south
aspect it was calculated as 0.761 (Table During rainy season, 24
species were found in the north and south aspect. In the north aspect, Shannon
wiener diversity value was found as 2.174, Simpson diversity as 0.196,
Margalef index of diversity as 2.475, evenness as 0.684 and β diversity was
1.82. In the south aspect, the Shannon wiener and Simpson diversity were
2.238 and 0.18 respectively. The Margalef index was recorded as 2.564,
evenness was 0.704 and the β diversity was 1.8. During winter season the
entire area covered with snowfall.
Table Niche width of herb species.
44 Rumex nepalensis - - - - - - - 1
45 Saxifraga diversifolia - - - - 1 1 - -
46 Senecio nudicaulis - - - - 1.62 - - -
47 Sida acuta 1.84 1.99 - - - - - -
48 Thalictrum folidosum 1 - - - - - - 1
49 Trifolium repenus - - - - 1 1 1 1
During the course of present study, the niche width (Bi) of each herb
species was measured separately across all forest sites. Niche width of species
is given in table
At QIDF, the maximum nich width value was recorded Bi=2.99 for
Oxalis corniculata and Bi=3 for Parthenium hysterophorus, respectively while
lowest value (Bi=1) calculated for many of species i.e. Artmisia japonica,
Centalla asiatica, Heteropogon contortus, Polygonum capitatum etc in north
aspect. But in south aspect minimum niche width value was (Bi=1) for
Artemisia japonica and Micromeria biflora.
amplexicaule (Bi=2) followed by Ranunculas hirtullus (Bi=1.98) had highest
niche width.
At PRDF the maximum nich width value (Bi=2.98, 2.99) was recorded
for Rubus ellipticus, respectively at north and south aspect while, lowest niche
width (Bi=1.98) calculated for Murraya koenigii in north aspect and Bi=1.64
for Utrica dioica at south aspect.
Table Niche breath of dominant trees in the study area.
3.4.5 Nich overlap: The Niche overlap value for dominant and co-
dominating herb species calculated at all forests considering various seasons
as a niche of a species are presented in tables to
At north and south aspect of QIDF site, maximum niche overlap was
displayed by Digitaria sanguinalis vs Gnaphalium affine, Anaphalis
triplinervis vs Barleria cristata, Anaphalis triplinervis vs Cyperus niveus,
Artemisia nilagiricavs Barleria cristata and Oxalis corniculata vs Parthenium
hysterophorus (Chi=0.99). Minimum niche overlap was shown by Centalla
asiatica vs Desmodium trifolium (Chi=0.65) at north aspect, while in south
aspect many species exhibited minimum niche overlap (Chi=0.66) (Table and
122 Nich overlap at PRDF (North aspect).
Species At Aj Bt Ca Can Cd Cr Ga Ic Oc Ph Sa Tf
At *
Aj 0.9 *
Bt 0.87 0.68 *
Ca 0.77 0.68 0.65 *
Can 0.77 0.68 0.65 1.0 *
Cd 0.77 0.68 0.65 1.0 1.0 *
Cr 0.77 0.68 0.65 1.0 1.0 1.0 *
Ga 0.77 0.68 0.65 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 *
Ic 0.91 0.82 0.78 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 *
Oc 0.89 0.98 0.98 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.79 *
Ph 0.77 0.68 0.65 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.86 0.66 *
Sa 0.95 0.86 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.79 0.84 0.82 *
Tf 0.77 0.68 0.65 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.86 0.66 1.0 0.82 *
*At-Anaphalis triplinervis, Aj-Artemisia japonica, Bt-Biodens tripartite, Ca-Centalla
asiatica, Can-Cucrcuma angustifolia, Cd-Cynodon dactylon, Cr-Cyperus rotundus,
Ga-Gnaphalium affine, Ic-Inula cappa, Oc-Oxalis corniculata, Ph-Parthenium
hysterophorus, Sa-Sida acuta,Tf-Thalictrum folidosum .
123 Nich overlap at QLDF (North aspect).
Species At Aj An Ca Cn Dt Ds Ga Hc Ic Oc Ph Pc Ri
At *
Aj 0.71 *
An 0.83 0.87 *
Ca 0.71 1.0 0.87 *
Cn 0.98 0.68 0.82 0.68 *
Dt 0.95 0.66 0.79 0.65 0.97 *
Ds 0.91 0.8 0.93 0.8 0.77 0.86 *
Ga 0.91 0.8 0.93 0.8 0.89 0.86 0.99 *
Hc 0.7 1.0 0.87 1.0 0.68 0.66 0.8 0.8 *
Ic 0.94 0.76 0.89 0.76 0.92 0.9 0.96 0.96 0.76 *
Oc 0.96 0.66 0.79 0.66 0.98 0.99 0.86 0.87 0.66 0.91 *
Ph 0.97 0.73 0.86 0.73 0.95 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.73 0.97 0.93 *
Pc 0.7 1.0 0.87 1.0 0.74 0.66 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.75 0.66 0.73 *
Ri 0.7 1.0 0.87 1.0 0.68 0.66 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.76 0.66 0.71 1.0 *
*At-Anaphalis triplinervis, Aj-Artemisia japonica, An-Artemisia nilagirica, Ca-
Centalla asiatica,Cn-Cyperus niveus, Dt-Desmodium trifolium, Ds-Digitaria
sanguinalis,Ga-Gnaphalium affine, Hc-Heteropogon contortus, Ic-Inula cappa, Oc-
Oxalis corniculata, Ph-Parthenium hysterophorus, Pc-Polygonum capitatum, Ri-
Reinwardita indica .
124 Nich overlap at QSDF (North aspect).
Species Cn Da Fe Ga Gw Gh Mb Or Ov Oc Pf Sd Sn Tr
Cn *
Da 0.68 *
Fe 1.0 0.68 *
Ga 0.87 0.81 0.87 *
Gw 0.83 0.86 0.83 0.76 *
Gh 0.81 0.87 0.81 0.94 0.98 *
Mb 1.0 0.68 1.0 0.87 0.83 0.81 *
Or 1.0 0.68 1.0 0.87 0.83 0.81 1.0 *
Ov 1.0 0.68 1.0 0.87 0.83 0.81 1.0 1.0 *
Oc 0.7 0.98 0.7 0.83 0.87 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 *
Pf 0.7 0.98 0.7 0.83 0.87 0.88 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.98 *
Sd 1.0 0.68 1.0 0.86 0.83 0.81 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 *
Sn 0.87 0.81 0.87 0.99 0.96 0.94 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.82 0.82 0.87 *
Tr 1.0 0.68 1.0 0.86 0.83 0.81 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.87 *
*Cn- Cynodon dactylon, Da-Dactyloctenium aegypicum, Fe-Fagopyrum
esculentum,Ga-Galium aparine, Gw-Geranium wallichianum, Gh-Gnaphalium
hypoleucum, Mb-Micromeria biflora, Or-Oenothera rosea, Oy-Origanum vulgare,
Oc-Oxalis corniculata, Pf-Potentilla fulgens, Sd-Saxifraga diversifolia, Sn-Senecio
nudicaulis, Tr-Trifolium repenus .
125 Nich overlap at AKDF (North aspect).
Species Ar Cp Ca Fn Gw Pb Pa Pam Pm Pf Pv Pd Rn Tr
Ar *
Cp 0.97 *
Ca 0.93 0.93 *
Fn 0.99 0.99 0.93 *
Gw 0.6 0.6 0.67 0.6 *
Pb 0.8 0.8 0.87 0.8 0.8 *
Pa 0.93 0.93 1.0 0.92 0.67 0.87 *
Pam 0.83 0.93 0.9 0.83 0.77 0.9 0.9 *
Pm 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.83 0.65 0.85 0.97 0.87 *
Pf 0.6 0.6 0.67 0.67 1.0 0.8 0.67 0.87 0.65 *
Pv 0.76 0.76 0.83 0.76 0.85 0.95 0.83 0.92 0.8 0.84 *
Pd 0.6 0.6 0.67 0.6 1.0 0.8 0.67 0.77 0.65 1.0 0.85 *
Rh 0.6 0.6 0.67 0.6 1.0 0.8 0.67 0.77 0.65 1.0 0.85 1.0 *
Tr 0.6 0.6 0.67 0.6 1.0 0.8 0.67 0.77 0.65 1.0 0.85 1.0 1.0 *
*Ar-Anemone rivularis, Cp-Caltha palastris, Ca-Carex alata, Fn-Fragaria
nubiccola,Gw-Geranium wallichianum , Pb-Phlomis bracteata, Pa-Poa annua, Pam-
Polygonum amplexicaule , Pm-Polygonum macrophyllum , Pf-Potentilla fulgens, Pv-
Prunella vulgaris, Pd-Primula denticulata, Rh-Ranunculas hirtullus, Tr-Trifolium
repens .
Shrub species: The Niche overlap value for dominant and co-dominating
shrub species were calculated at all stands presented in tables
Species Av Ba Ea Jc Lc Mk Rp Re Ud Wf
Av *
Ba 0.97 *
Ea 0.98 0.99 *
Jc 0.94 0.92 0.93 *
Lc 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.91 *
Mk 0.94 0.92 0.93 0.98 0.91 *
Rp 0.99 0.97 0.98 0.94 0.96 0.95 *
Re 0.95 0.98 0.97 0.89 0.98 0.9 0.95 *
Ud 0.91 0.94 0.93 0.86 0.95 0.87 0.92 0.96 *
Wf 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.91 0.98 0.91 0.97 0.98 0.94 *
*Av-Adhatoda vasica, Ba-Berberis asiatica, Ea-Eupatorium adenophorum, Jc
Jatropha curcus, Lc-Lantana camara, Mk-Murraya koenigii, Rp-Rhus
parviflora, Re-Rubus ellipticus, Ud-Urtica dioica, Wf-Woodfordia fruticosa.
Species Av Ba Co Ea Jc Lc Rp Re Ud Wf
Av *
Ba 0.99 *
Co 0.96 0.97 *
Ea 0.98 0.98 0.96 *
Jc 0.86 0.85 0.83 0.87 *
Lc 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.83 *
Rp 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.84 0.98 *
Re 0.95 0.95 0.98 0.95 0.81 0.97 0.97 *
Ud 0.86 0.85 0.82 0.86 0.98 0.83 0.84 0.82 *
Wf 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.86 0.97 0.98 0.95 0.85 *
127 Nich overlap at QLDF (North aspect).
Species Ba Dl Ea Lc Os Rp Re Rh Up Wf
Ba *
Dl 0.98 *
Ea 0.71 0.69 *
Lc 0.94 0.94 0.64 *
Os 0.71 0.69 1 0.65 *
Rp 0.98 0.98 0.68 0.96 0.69 *
Re 0.97 0.98 0.68 0.96 0.68 0.99 *
Rh 0.9 0.88 0.8 0.84 0.8 0.88 0.87 *
Up 0.93 0.92 0.77 0.87 0.77 0.91 0.9 0.96 *
Wf 0.96 0.97 0.67 0.97 0.67 0.98 0.99 0.86 0.89 *
Ba-Berberis asiatica, Dl-Debregeasia longifolia, Ea-Eupatorium
adenophorum, Lc-Lantana camara, Os-Osbeckia stellata, Rp-Rhus parviflora,
Re-Rubus ellipticus, Rh-Rumex hastatus, Up-Urtica dioica, Wf-Woodfordia
Species Ba Cf Dl Ea Ic Lc Re Rh Up Wf
Ba *
Cf 0.99 *
Dl 0.98 0.98 *
Ea 0.93 0.91 0.92 *
Ic 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.93 *
Lc 0.98 0.97 0.98 0.93 0.93 *
Re 0.99 1 0.98 0.91 0.95 0.97 *
Rh 0.9 0.91 0.9 0.82 0.95 0.88 0.91 *
Up 0.93 0.92 0.93 0.98 0.87 0.92 0.92 0.83 *
Wf 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.86 0.98 0.92 0.95 0.96 0.87 *
128 Nich overlap at QSDF (North aspect).
Species Ba Cm Ef Gh Ic Pu Pc Rb Ss Ud
Ba *
Cm 0.99 *
Ef 0.94 0.95 *
Gh 0.97 0.96 0.91 *
Ic 0.95 0.95 0.99 0.92 *
Pu 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.94 0.98 *
Pc 0.9 0.98 0.95 0.87 0.94 0.92 *
Rb 0.98 0.98 0.93 0.98 0.94 0.96 0.88 *
Ss 0.99 0.98 0.94 0.97 0.95 0.97 0.9 0.98 *
Ud 0.92 0.93 0.98 0.89 0.97 0.95 0.97 0.91 0.92 *
Species Ba Bc Ef Ig Pu Pc Rb Re Ss Ud
Ba *
Bc 0.98 *
Ef 0.9 0.92 *
Ig 0.98 0.97 0.89 *
Pu 0.9 0.94 0.98 0.91 *
Pc 0.92 0.93 0.98 0.91 0.99 *
Rb 0.93 0.94 0.97 0.92 0.98 0.99 *
Re 0.97 0.98 0.93 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.96 *
Ss 0.85 0.87 0.95 0.84 0.93 0.94 0.92 0.88 *
Ud 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.93 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.91 *
129 Nich overlap at AKDF (North aspect).
Species Bc Cm Dp Gn Mb Pu Rg Rs Ss Sc
Bc *
Cm 0.99 *
Dp 0.96 0.95 *
Gn 0.98 0.99 0.94 *
Mb 0.95 0.96 0.92 0.97 *
Pu 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.95 *
Rg 0.87 0.86 0.91 0.85 0.83 0.87 *
Rs 0.92 0.91 0.95 0.9 0.87 0.92 0.95 *
Ss 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.87 0.91 *
Sc 0.81 0.8 0.84 0.79 0.76 0.81 0.93 0.89 0.8 *
*Ba-Berberis chitria, Cm-Cotoneaster microphyllus, Dp-Daphane paparacea,
Gn-Gaultheria nummularioides, Mb-Mahonia borealis, Pu-Princepia utilis,
Rg-Ribes glaciale, Rs-Rosa sericea, Ss-Sarcococca saligna, Sc-Spiraea
At north aspect of QLDF, Rhus parvifloravs Rubus ellipticus exhibited
maximum niche overlap (Chi=0.99) while minimum displayed by Eupatorium
adenophorum vs Lantana camara (Chi=0.64). Likewise, at south aspect,
maximum overlap was shown by Berberis asiaticavs, Cassia floribunda and
Berberis asiatica vs Rubus ellipticus (Chi=0.99). Minimum niche overlap at
this aspect was possessed by Eupatorium adenophorumvs, Rumex hastatus
In tree strata, maximum niche overlap (Chi=0.99) was observed for many
species like i.e. Abies pindrow vs Bauhinia variegata, Abies pindrow vs Pyrus
pashia, Alnus nepalensis vs Lyonia ovalifolia, Alnus nepalensis vs Quercus
leucotrichophora etc. While minimum niche overlap (Chi=0.82) was noted for
Persea duthiei vs Rhododendron arboreum. The Niche overlap value for
dominant and co-dominating tree species were calculated at all forest
presented in table
131 overlap of tree species at all sites.
Ab An Bv Dh Ll Lo Mp Mi Me Pd Pr Pc Pp Qf Qg Ql Qs Ra Sp Tc
Ab *
An 0.88 *
Bv 0.99 0.88 *
Dh 0.98 0.86 0.97 *
Ll 0.96 0.84 0.84 0.98 *
Lo 0.89 0.99 0.89 0.87 0.85 *
Mp 1.0 0.88 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.89 *
Mi 0.99 0.87 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.88 0.99 *
Me 0.88 1.0 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.99 0.88 0.87 *
Pd 0.96 0.84 0.95 0.98 0.99 0.85 0.96 0.96 0.84 *
Pr 0.92 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.89 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.95 0.88 *
Pc 0.91 0.97 0.91 0.88 0.87 0.98 0.91 0.90 0.97 0.86 0.98 *
Pp 0.99 0.87 0.98 0.99 0.97 0.88 0.99 0.99 0.87 0.97 0.91 0.89 *
Qf 0.99 0.87 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.88 0.99 1.0 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.90 0.99 *
Qg 1.0 0.88 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.89 1.0 0.99 0.88 0.96 0.92 0.90 0.99 0.99 *
Ql 0.87 0.99 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.98 0.87 0.87 0.86 0.83 0.94 0.96 0.84 0.86 0.87 *
Qs 1.0 0.88 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.89 1.00 0.99 0.88 0.96 0.92 0.90 0.99 0.99 1.0 0.87 *
Ra 0.86 0.98 0.87 0.84 0.83 0.97 0.74 0.86 0.98 0.82 0.94 0.96 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.99 0.86 *
Sp 0.90 0.98 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.99 0.90 0.89 0.95 0.86 0.97 0.99 0.89 0.95 0.90 0.97 0.90 0.96 *
Tc 0.98 0.86 0.97 1.0 0.98 0.87 0.98 0.98 0.86 0.98 0.90 0.88 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.85 0.98 0.84 0.88 *
*Ab-Abies pindrow, An-Alnus nepalensis , Bv-Bauhinia variegata , Dh-Daphniphyllum himalense , Li-Listsea lanuginose , Lo-Lyonia
ovalifolia , Mp-Mallatous philipinsis , Mi-Mangifera indica , Me-Myrica esculenta , Pd-Persea duthiei , Pr-Pinus roxburghii , Pc-Prunus
cerasoides , Pp-Pyrus pashia , Qf-Quercus floribunda , Qg-Quercus glauca , Ql-Quercus leucotrichophora, Qs-Quercus semecarpifolia , Ra-
Rhododendron arboreum , Sp-Symplocos paniculata , Tc-Toona ciliata.
3.4.6 Competition
(1) Along four forests sites PRDF, QLDF, QSDF and AKDF, some
species population completely lies above the population of other codominating
species indicating the winning nature of N species at this community.
(2) Among four forests sites, it can be implicit from the graphical model
that the dominant species (Species 1) does not compete strongly for resources and
its isoclines lies below of the isoclines of other codominating species (Species 2).
In this, species 2 always outcompetes 1, and species1 is completely excluded by
species 2.
(3) At all sites and 4 Sp1 formed stable coexistence with codominating
species (Species 2) as the value of k2/α21 is greater than K1 (Carrying capacity of
1 species). In this neither species can contain the other, but both inhibit their own
population growth more than that of the other species. Both species coexist at
densities below their respective carrying capacities.
9 Pinus roxburghii vs Alnus nepalensis 21;K2> K1/α12 Competition Alnus nepalensis wins
10 Alnus nepalensis vs Toona ciliata 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Alnus nepalensis wins
11 Alnus nepalensis vs Mangifera indica 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Alnus nepalensis wins
Alnus nepalensis vs Quercus K1<K2/α
12 leucotrichophora 21;K2> K1/α 12 Competition Quercus leucotrichophora wins
13 Alnus nepalensis vs Myrica esculenta 21;K2> K1/α 12 Competition Alnus nepalensis wins
14 Pinus roxburghii vs Lyonia ovalifolia 21;K2> K1/α 12 Competition Lyonia ovalifolia wins
15 Lyonia ovalifolia vs Toona ciliata 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Lyonia ovalifolia wins
K1<K2/α Neither species wins,formed
16 Lyonia ovalifolia vs Mangifera indica 21;K2< K1/α 12 Coexistence stable equilibrium
Lyonia ovalifolia vs Quercus K1<K2/α
17 leucotrichophora 21;K2> K1/α 12 Competition Quercus leucotrichophora wins
K1<K2/α Neither species wins,formed
18 Lyonia ovalifolia vs Myrica esculenta 21;K2< K1/α 12 Coexistence stable equilibrium
K1<K2/α Neither species wins,formed
19 Lyonia ovalifolia vs Alnus nepalensis 21;K2< K1/α 12 Coexistence stable equilibrium
20 Pinus roxburghii vs Prunus cerasoides 21;K2> K1/α 12 Competition Prunus cerasoides wins
21 Prunus cerasoides vs Toona ciliata 21;K2> K1/α 12 Competition Prunus cerasoides wins
Prunus cerasoides vs vs Mangifera K1>K2/α
22 indica 21;K2> K1/α 12 Competition Prunus cerasoides wins
Prunus cerasoides vs vs Quercus K1<K2/α Neither species wins,formed
23 leucotrichophora 21;K2< K1/α 12 Coexistence stable equilibrium
K1<K2/α Neither species wins,formed
24 Prunus cerasoides vs Myrica esculenta 21;K2< K1/α 12 Coexistence stable equilibrium
25 Same degree Both species lies above each
Prunus cerasoides vs Alnus nepalensis K1=K2 of other
26 Prunus cerasoides vs Lyonia ovalifolia Same degree Both species lies above each
K1=K2 of other
Pinus roxburghii vs Symplocos K1<K2/α
27 paniculata 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Symplocos paniculata wins
28 Symplocos paniculata vs Toona ciliata 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Symplocos paniculata wins
Symplocos paniculata vs Mangifera K1>K2/α
29 indica 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Symplocos paniculata wins
Symplocos paniculata vs vs Quercus K1<K2/α
30 leucotrichophora 21;K2> K1/α 12 Competition Symplocos paniculata wins
Symplocos paniculata vs Myrica degreeof Both species lies above each
31 esculanta K1=K2 competition other
Symplocos paniculata vs Alnus Same degree Both species lies above each
nepalensis K1=K2 of other
32 competition
Symplocos paniculata vs Lyonia Same degree Both species lies above each
ovalifolia K1=K2 of other
33 competition
Symplocos paniculata vs Prunus K1<K2/α Neither species wins,formed
34 cerasoides 21;K2< K1/α 12 Coexistence stable equilibrium
Pinus roxburghii vs Rhododendron K1<K2/α Neither species wins,formed
35 arboretum 21;K2< K1/α 12 Coexistence stable equilibrium
Rhododendron arboreum vs Toona K1>K2/α
36 ciliate 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Rhododendron arboreum wins
Rhododendron arboreum vs Mangifera K1>K2/α
37 indica 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Rhododendron arboreum wins
Rhododendron arboreum vs Quercus K1>K2/α
38 leucotrichophora 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Rhododendron arboreum wins
Rhododendron arboreum vs Myrica K1>K2/α
39 esculanta 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Rhododendron arboreum wins
Rhododendron arboreum vs Alnus K1>K2/α
40 nepalensis 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Rhododendron arboreum wins
Rhododendron arboreum vs Lyonia K1>K2/α
41 ovalifolia 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Rhododendron arboreum wins
Rhododendron arboreum vs Symplocos K1>K2/α
42 paniculata 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Rhododendron arboreum wins
Rhododendron arboreum vs Prunus K1>K2/α
43 cerasoides 21;K2< K1/α 12 Competition Rhododendron arboreum wins
The mathematical models derived in the present investigation infer that the
dominant species os a forest behaves as asuperior competitors and wins in
competition by decreaseing the growth of the other species. At all sites
competition ability of species exhibited similar trend except some exceptions. In
site first Pinus roxburghii was the species which remained dominant over all other
species and only two species exhibited same degree of competition K1=K2 and
Pinus roxburghii always had an upper hand in competition. Next to Toona ciliata,
Quercus leucotricophora, Mangifera indica, behaves a strong competitor while
Toona ciliata and Mangifera indica attempted to make stable equilibrium in
which both inhibited their own population growth more than the other species.
3.4.7 Similarity index for tree strata.
Sites 1 2 3 4
1 *
2 27 *
3 5.89 29 *
4 0 5.4 6.8 *
The value of similarity percentage for tree was observed to the highest between
site 2 and 3 (29) followed by site 1 and 2 (27) Table 3.4.7.
3.4.8Regeneration Study layer
The seedling strata of all forests table to Seedling density was
recorded to be maximum (1170 seedlings ha-1) at Quercus species dominant forest
(QSDF) while it was minimum (320 seedlings ha -1) at Abies-kharshu dominant
forest (AKDF). The total basal cover for seedling layer was recorded to be
maximum (0.61 m2 ha-1) at Quercus leucotrichophora dominant forest (QLDF)
and minimum (0.11 m2 ha-1) at Abies-kharshu dominant forest (AKDF). Among
the species maximum density and total basal cover (360 seedling ha -1 and 0.225
m2 ha-1) was recorded QSDF. Likewise, maximum (220.4) IVI value was
recorded for Rhododendron arboreum at AKDF and minimum (21.63) Pinus
roxburghii at QSDF. Similarly, at the south aspect, seedling density was highest
(910 seedling ha-1) at QSDF and minimum (280 seedling ha -1) at AKDF. In
general the total basal cover for seedling layer was recorded to maximum (0.727
m2 ha-1) at QSDF and minimum (0.11 m2 ha-1) at AKDF. Along with the
maximum density and total basal cover (220 seedling ha -1 and 0.088 m2 ha-1) was
recorded QSDF. Also, the maximum (220.35) IVI value was recorded
forRhododendron arboreum at AKDF followed by (91.72) Quercus
leucotricophora at QSDF and minimum (12.29) for Symplocos paniculata at
QSDF (Table to
Table Vegetation analysis of seedling at PRDF.
Table Vegetation analysis of seedling at Abies kharsu dominant forest.
The seedling strata of all forests table to The north aspect
total sapling density was recorded between 130 sapling ha -1 to 860 sapling ha-1 at
north aspect different forests. Quercus leucotrichophorawas found in sapling
stage at all forest except AKDF and its density ranged from 60 to 180 saplings
ha-1. This showed comparatively better regerenration pattern of this species in the
area. The maximum sapling TBC 0.62 m2 ha-1 was recorded for Quercus
leucotrichophora at QSDF and minimum 0.076 m2 ha-1 for Toona ciliata
respectively. In the sapling layer Rhododendron arboreum exhibited the
maximum IVI (172.21) followed by (127.89) for Betula alnoides at AKDF.
However minimum sapling IVI (20.61) was recorded at QSDF for Pyrus pasia.
Similarly, at the south aspect total sapling density was recorded between110
sapling ha-1 to 580 saplings ha-1 at all forest. Quercus leucotrichophora was found
in sapling stage all forests indicated better regeneration except at AKDF and its
density ranged between 30 to 150 sapling ha-1.The maximum sapling TBC 0.61
m2 ha-1 was recorded for Quercus leucotrichophora at QSDF and minimum 0.07
m2 ha-1 for Pyrus pasia.In the sapling layer maximum IVI (192.5) was noted for
Rhododendron arboreum and minimum sapling IVI (14.51) was recorded for
Quercus glucaat QSDF.
Table Vegetation analysis of sapling at PRDF.
North aspect South aspect
S.No. Species Fre. Fre.
Den. TBC Den. TBC
% ha-1 A/F m2 ha-1 I.V.I % ha-1 A/F m2 ha-1 I.V.I
1 Bauchania varigata 50 120 0.048 0.041 72.06 - - - - -
2 Mallatous philipinsis 20 40 0.1 0.095 23.00 50 120 0.048 0.42 84.65
3 Mangifera indica 20 60 0.15 0.097 27.07 30 30 0.033 0.228 36.74
4 Myrica esculanta 40 110 0.069 0.610 80.82 40 40 0.025 0.243 44.73
5 Pinus roxburghii 30 80 0.089 0.186 37.44 30 50 0.056 0.16 37.93
6 leucotrichophora 30 60 0.067 0.197 37.72 30 30 0.033 0.15 31.31
7 Sapium insigne - - - - - 30 30 0.033 0.075 26.06
8 Toona ciliata 20 40 0.1 0.076 21.86 40 40 0.025 0.154 38.55
510 1.693 300 340 1.429 300
Table Vegetation analysis of sapling at QLDF.
North aspect South aspect
S.No. Species Fre. Fre.
Den. TBC Den. TBC
% ha-1 A/F m2 ha-1 I.V.I % ha-1 A/F m2 ha-1 I.V.I
1 Alnus nepalensis 40 130 0.081 0.40 49.97 40 110 0.069 0.26 53.72
2 Lyonia ovalifolia 30 100 0.111 0.11 30.348 30 60 0.067 0.08 29.87
3 Myrica esculanta 40 90 0.056 0.38 43.41 40 40 0.025 0.37 43.53
4 Pinus roxburghii 30 50 0.056 0.52 39.80 20 20 0.05 0.11 18.11
5 Pyrus pashia 30 40 0.044 0.09 20.61 20 20 0.05 0.07 16.71
6 leucotrichophora 60 180 0.05 0.62 73.679 50 150 0.06 0.60 82.52
7 arboreum 50 90 0.036 0.26 42.159 30 60 0.067 0.61 55.51
680 2.41723 300 230 460 0.387 2.137 300
Table Vegetation analysis of sapling at AKDF .
Regeneration Pattern
Seedling : Sapling 1.64:1 1.97:1 1.44:1 1.65:1 1.34:1 1.56:1 2.46:1 2.56:1
Sapling : Tree 01:02.6 01:03.4 01:02.0 01:02.8 01:02.0 01:02.9 01:08.6 01:09.8
Seedling : Tree 01:01.6 01:01.7 01:01.4 01:01.7 01:01.1 01:01.8 01:03.5 01:03.8
3.5 Discussion: - The distribution of plant is determined by climatic variables like
rain, temperature, soil conditions, moisture, nutrients, historic events,
palaeoclimatic changes, and interaction with fauna, competition between tree
species for crown and root space as well as human influence (Veenendaal et al.,
1996). The impact of climate on community development is rather loose and
several factors such as burning, geology, soil, culture practices and non-human
interference (surface removal due to landslide) that are rather frequent (Lata,
1991) may modify the straight forward relation of climate and the community
pattern in the given region. In the Himalayan region with pronounced exploitation
of species for fodder and fuel (Singh et al., 1984) community with nutrient poor
leaves or with unpalatable leaves, and was continuously unabated.
In the present investigation, the study area across the western Ramganga
watershed in Kumaun Central Himalaya in Almora, and boarder areas of Pauri
and Chamoli districts border area was explored. The whole study area on each
aspect was divided into 4 altitudinal ranges viz. 1000-1500m asl, 1500-2000m asl,
2000-2500m asl and 2500-3000m asl. The study resembles to the earliar studies
conducted in Kumaun (Central Himalaya) (Rawal et al., 1991) and that of Garhwal
Himalaya (Vats et al., 2009).In all altitudinal ranges ten random quadrats each of
10 x 10 m2 (100 marea) were laid down for vegetation analysis.
barbatum, Fagopyrum esculentum, Barleria cristata, Strobilanthes wallichii,
Oxalis corniculata, Oenothera rosea, Micromeria biflora, Origanum vulgare,
Saxifraga diversifolia, Senecio nudicaulis, Trifolium repenus, Micromeria biflora,
Oenothera rosea, Saxifraga diversifolia, Veronica cana, Aeschynomene indica,
Dactyloctenium aegypticum,Chrysopogon gryllus, Anaphalis busua, Fragaria
nubicola, Leucas lanata, Micromeria biflora, Senecio nudicaulis, Oplismenus
composites, Gnaphalium hypoleucum, Carex alata, Poa annua, Anemone
rivularis, Caltha palastris, Geranium wallichianum, Fragaria nubiccola,
Polygonum macrophyllum, Potentilla fulgens, Ranunculas hirtullus, Rumex
nepalensis, Anemonerivularis and Polygonum macrophyllum.
Frequency of Pinus roxburghii at PRDF, Quercus leucotrichophora at
QLDF and at QSDF and Abies pindow, Quercus semecafolia at AKDF was
highest. Other species occurring in the forest stands within study area were
represented by not less than 15% frequency.
In present investigation the highest forest density (1760 trees ha-1) and
(1680 trees ha-1) was recorded in the north and south aspect at QSDF respectively.
Maximum density of tree species was recorded 430 trees ha-1 for Quercus
semicarpifolia at Abies-kharsu dominant forest (AKDF), Abies pindrow with 415
trees ha-1 at AKDF, 385 trees ha-1 of Quercus leucotrichophora at QSDF and 380
trees ha-1 for Pinus roxburghii at PRDF. Density of other species was observed to
be varying forest to forest. Quercus species was found to dominate three forest
sites in the study area. Similar results were also observed by Singh et al. (2000)
for Kumaun and Garhwal Himalayan forests. These findings also resemble to the
findings of Singh and Singh (1992) that oak occupied most of the area between
1000 m to 3000 m altitudes. These results also findings resembles to a study from
East Nepal forests in the Himalayan region (Koirala, 2004).
The study showed that highest tree richness was attributed between 2000-
2500 m asl. The total tree species richness ranged between 5-16, being minimum
at 2500-3000 m asl and maximum at 1000-1500 m asl. Shrubs and herbs were
also present in good number in this altitudinal zone. The maximum species
richness at intermediate altitudes in this area decrease with increasing altitudes is
in line with the review of Rahbek (1995) who found that half of the studies
showed maximum species richness at intermediate elevations. Grytnes and Vetaas
(2002), Bhattarai and Vetaas (2003, 2006) and Kharkwal et al. (2005) also found
similar patterns of plant species richness along the Himalayan elevation gradient,
with maximum species richness at mid altitudes.
The increasing pattern of species richness with the disturbance may be due
to space invasion by new species. Pandey and Singh (1985) reported increasing
species diversity in disturbed ecosystems of Kumaun Himalaya. Bhuyan et al.
(2003) observed highest species richness (54 species of 51 genera) in moderately
disturbed forest and lowest (16 species of 16 genera) in highly disturbed forest,
while studying the tropical wet evergreen forest in Arunachal Pradesh, India.
Mishra et al. (2004) also found maximum species richness in intermediate
position of disturbance (49 species) and lowest in highly disturbed stand (27
species). It was concluded by them that mild disturbance favored species richness,
but with increased degree of disturbance, it markedly decreased. It also indicates
that mild disturbed forest is a stable community for more species.
In present study tree species richness varied along the altitudinal gradient
in different forest. The QLDF showed the highest species richness at middle
altitudinal range. Tree species richness was lowest in the highaltitude at AKDF.
Forest types and elevation may have more influence on species richness. The
findings of the present study, depicting maximum species richness and diversity at
QLDF, are in conformity with the results of earlier workers. Devlal and Sharma
(2008) also found maximum species richness in the middle altitudinal range (1800
m) due to relatively open habitat which provides congenial environment for the
growth of different species. The low elevational ranges near to relatively densely
populated habitat and human interference in these areas facilitates the introduction
and establishment of non-native species (Rawal and Pangty, 1994).
The varied species richness of the forest may be due to the variations in
their altitudes, edaphic factors, biotic characters and microclimate. Uniyal et al.
(2010) reported highest tree species richness (17) in moderately disturbed forest
while undisturbed and highly disturbed forest recorded 16 and 14 tree species,
respectively. Shrub and herb strata also achieved the highest species richness 53
and 83 species respectively in moderately disturbed forest and in both cases the
lowest species richness was observed in highly disturbed stands. Hussain et al.
(2008) found variation among the species richness and composition and recorded
overall 63 tree, 56 shrub, 90 herb and 21 grass species in 23 forest stands of
Kumaon Himalaya, similar to present results for species distribution i.e.
Species richness of all vegetation layers in present study varied with the
intensity of anthropogenic disturbance. At north aspect highest (16) tree species
richness was found in the PRDF followed by QSDF (15), QLDF (13) and AKDF
(5) forests. In south aspect also the forest showed maximum (15) tree species
richness and minimum (6) at AKDF. Whereas, shrubs showed the higher richness
at north and south aspects of forest QLDF. In north aspect maximum (21) shrub
species richness was found inrainy season of QIDF followed by rainy season of
PRDF (18) and rainy season of QSDF (17). Highest richness (19) for shrub layer
was recorded in rainy season of QLDF and lowest (12) recorded at rainy season of
AKDF in the south aspect.Simarlaly in herbs strata highest richness was 28 in
winter season of PIDF followed by 27 in winter season of QIDF and lowest 21 in
summer season at PRDF, QLDF and QSDF in north aspect while in south aspect
maximum species was 29 during winter at PRDF and minimum 21 at PRDF,
QRDF and QSDF. The species richness was found higher mostly in middle
elevation forest. It may be attributed to the influence of altitudinal ranges in which
the anthropogenic stands were situated. Kumar and Ram (2005) observed higher
species richness and diversity in low elevation-high disturbance forests of Central
Himalaya along anthropogenic disturbance gradients. This may be due to forest
types and elevation. Uniyal et al. (2010) observed maximum tree (17) shrub (53)
and herb (83) species richness in the moderately disturbed forest in Quercus
leucotrichophora forest of Dewalgarh watershed in Garhwal Himalaya which is
similar to present study results.
In present investigation, the total basal area at AKDF of both the aspects
occupied higher values as compared to QSDF, PRDF and QLDF. Total basal area
in north facing aspect was recorded within the range of 39.83 m 2 ha-1 to 97.2 m2
ha-1 and in south facing aspect also same trend was found as maximum basal area
(110.8 m2 ha-1) at AKDF was followed by QSDF (85.85 m 2 ha-1), PRDF(57.136
m2 ha-1) and QLDF (48.1 m2 ha-1).The total basal area for tree species decreased
with increasing magnitude of anthropogenic disturbance (Uniyal et al., 2010) in a
Quercus leucotrichophora dominated forest in Dewalgarh watershed in Garhwal
Himalaya. The values are comparable to the reported values of 990 trees ha-1 to
1150 trees ha-1 in Anogeissus mixed forest of sub-tropical belt of Garhwal
Himalaya (Kumar et al., 2009). Bhandari and Tiwari (1997) reported 1570 -
1787.5 trees ha-1 in sub montane forests of Garhwal Himalaya. Rajwar (1991)
reported density values between 1020 and 2460 trees ha -1 in temperate forests of
Uttarkashi, Garhwal Himalaya. Upadhaya et al., (2004) also reported values of
density between 938 to 1476 stems ha -1 for woody species in sub-tropical humid
forest of Meghalaya in India. Pande et al., (2001) carried out a study on
quantitative vegetation analysis as per aspect and altitude in Garhwal Himalayan
forests and he observed tree density between 885 to 1111 trees ha -1.
A/F ratio is used to interpret the distribution pattern of the species. Odum
(1971) stressed that contagious distribution is the commonest pattern in nature,
and it is due to small but significant variations in the environment. The analysis of
distribution pattern for all stands indicates that the disturbancestands indicates that
the contagious distribution was more prominent than regular and random. It may
be attributed to sufficient gap formations which facilitate micro-habitat for species
occurrence in all studied forest. Contagious pattern of distribution of species
might be related to the seed dispersal mechanism of tree species and gap
formation (Barik et al., 1996). Armesto and Picket (1985) and Richards, (1996)
assumed that death of trees creates large gap which encourages recruitment and
growth of seedlings. Grieg-Smith (1957) and Singh and Yadav (1974) have also
reported contagious distribution in natural vegetation. Regular distribution is
found where sever competition between the individuals occurs and random
distribution is found only in very uniform environment (Panchal and Pandey,
2004). Kumar et al. (2004, 2005 and 2009), Bhandari et al. (1998), Pande et al.
(2002), Upadhaya et al. (2004) and Laloo et al. (2006) have also reported the
contagious distribution for different sub-tropical forest in Garhwal Himalaya.
Shannon diversity of shrub layer ranged from 2.28-3.4 among all forests.
Highest diversity was found at QLDF of middle elevational range of north aspect
followed by QSDF of middle elevation of south aspect. Uniyal et al. (2010)
reported highest value (2.75) in moderately disturbed forest followed by
undisturbed forest (2.72) and highly disturbed forest (2.49). These values were
similar to the findings of Kumar et al., (2004), who reported values of 2.67 to
2.76 and Bhatt et al. (2003) (1.94 to 2.84) for shrubs in different Anogeissus
mixed forest in Garhwal Himalaya. Bhandari (2003) assessed the composition,
population structure and diversity of blue pine (Pinus wallichiana) forest stands
of Garhwal Himalaya with reference to altitude and observed diversity range from
1.87 to 2.33 for shrubs. Similar trend for shrub Shannon diversity was reported by
Ram et al. (2005), (2.6 to 3.8) of diversity for different forest types in Kumaun
Himalaya. Saxena and Singh (1982) have recorded diversity (0.74-3.10) for shrub
layer in Oak forest of Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand (1700-2400 m asl), which
is more or less comparable to the present study. Species diversity along altitudinal
gradients was studied by Bhandari et al. (1998), for tree and shrub and he
observed highest values (2.53) on the middle slopes while it was lower (2.34 and
1.64), for the upper and lower slopes, respectively.
or less similar to the present values. They observed higher number of species,
genera and families in Kharsu forest than Banj and Tilonj oak forest. They
concluded that in terms of ecological structure and composition, Banj and Tilonj
oak forest were less complex in comparison to Kharsu oak forest. This indicates
that as altitude increases the diversity became more complex in case of
herbaceous flora. In Central Japan, Nagaike (2002) reported a high mean value of
H‟ (4.597) and equitability (0.831) in a coniferous stand. Arunachalam and
Arunachalam (2005) reported the Shannon diversity index (1.83-2.94) for herbs
for a broad leaved forest and (0.99-1.27) for pine forest in sub-tropical forest.
Pande et al. (2001), recorded values for Shannon diversity between 1.80-2.33 for
tree species, 2.23-2.57 for shrubs and 2.54-2.99 for herbs for Garhwal Himalaya.
Whittaker (1972) has suggested that dominance of one stratum may affect
the diversity of another. Diversity is inversely proportional to dominance (CD)
(Pande et al., 2002). In present study, the concentration of dominance (Simpson
index) ranged from 0.09 to 0.308 in tree layer. The value for concentration of
dominance (CD) is more or less similar as reported by Whittaker and Niering
(1975) and Risser and Rice (1971) for temperate vegetation (0.01-0.99). However,
CD values upto 0.91 and 1.0 have also been reported by Singh and Kaushal
(2006) and Pandey et al. (2002) for temperate Himalayan forests. Kharkwal et al.
(2004) also reported the higher estimates of H (3.37-3.92) and CD (0.11-0.62) in
the forests of Kumaun Himalaya. As CD increases diversity decreases because it
is based on the most abundant species in the sample (Magurran, 1988). Kumar et
al. (2004) has also reported the similar trend (0.014 to 0.26), (0.0 57 to 0.142) and
(0.3 to 0.6) for different Anogeissus mixed forest in Garhwal Himalaya. Sagar et
al., (2003) also reported the Simpson values from 0.69 to 0.90 for dry tropical
forest in Vindhya hill ranges.
The Simpson‟s index values ranged from 0.066 to 0.169 for shrubs and
0.058 to 0.121 for herbs in the present study. For shrubs, these values are more or
less similar to the findings of Bhatt et al. (2003) who reported Simpson value of
(0.18 to 0.71). Kumar et al. (2004a, 2005b) reported Simpson index of 0.13 to
0.15 for shrubs and 0.05 to 0.10 for herb layer in different sub-tropical forests in
Garhwal Himalaya. Kumar et al. (2004b) found values between 0.057 on highly
disturbed site to 0.14 on moderately disturbed site for herbaceous flora while
studying the disturbance and dynamics in sub-tropical forest of Garhwal
Himalaya. Kharakwal et al. (2005) reported values of Simpson index for herbs
ranging from 0.08 to 0.39 in different oak forest of Kumaun Himalaya. They
observed Simpson index higher for Banj oak (Quercus leucotrichophora) and
Tilonj oak (Quercus floribunda) forest compared to Kharsu oak (Quercus
semecarpifolia) forest, indicating lower stability of this forest. While, Nath et al.
(2005) observed CD from 0.07 to 0.17, for tropical evergreen forests in
Namphada national park north east India. Many workers reported the values for
shrubs and herbs, ranging from 1.16 to 3.40 for temperate forests (Singh and
Singh, 1986; Pande et al., 2002). Arunachalam and Arunachalam (2005) reported
Simpson‟s index of 0.17-0.19 for shrubs and 0.14-0.17 for herbs in sub-tropical
Margalef index of species richness for trees layer ranged from 0.738 to
2.718 among all forests and it was highest at PRDF ofnorth aspect. Maximum
Margalef value for shrub was 2.37 at QLDF of north aspect and for herbs it was
maximum (3.415) at 2500-3000 m asl. Ram et al. (2004) also reported tree
richness (3.4), shrub richness (9.4) and herb richness (2.0) for six forest types of
Uttarakhand. Mishra et al. (2003, 2004) reported the value of 12.2 to 21.8 to tree
richness for different sub-tropical forests of the north east region. Chauhan et al.
(2008) reported Margalef index of 9.88 for planted and 23.8 for natural forest in
Dudwa National Park which is much higher to the values of present study.
Saxena and Singh (1982) have recorded high species richness (4 to 22)
and diversity (0.74 to 3.10) for shrub layer in Kumaun Himalaya. Species
composition changes with respect to altitude and varies in similar forest types.
Forest practices that alter site conditions to improve tree regeneration may change
the biological diversity patterns (Elliot and Hewitt, 1997).
occurs when species are equal in their distribution and abundance. For trees layer,
the maximum value (0.948) for evenness was observed for QSDF (middle
altitude) of south aspect and lowest (0.756) for AKDF (higher altitude) of south
aspect. The values are more or less similar to the reported value (0.4) for a sacred
grove in Meghalaya, North-east, India (Mishra et al., 2004) and (0.9) reported for
Western Ghats, India (Arunchalam, 2002). Chauhan et al. (2008) recorded the
value for evenness from 2.06 (planted forest) to 2.15 (natural forest) in
Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, India. These values are much higher than the
values of present study. Similar results (0.55 to 0.93) were observed by Nath et al.
(2005) for tropical evergreen forests in Namphada national park. The higher the
values of evenness index, the more even the species are in their distribution.
The evenness values for shrubs and herbs layer was recorded 0.84 to 1.14
and 0.68 to 1.062, respectively. The results of present study are more or less
similar to the values recorded by Arunachalam (2002) for the forest in Western
Ghats. They recorded evenness index ranging from 0.940-0.949 for shrubs and
0.91-0.92 for herbs species. Arunachalam and Arunachalam (2005) recorded the
values for herbs species ranged from 0.74-0.95 for broadleaved forest and 1.07-
1.29 for pine forest in sub-tropical forest.
Inter community or inter-habitat diversity is termed as beta diversity. It is
also defined as extent of species replacement or species turnover along an
environmental gradient (Whittaker, 1972; Cody, 1993). The beta diversity is
important because it allows the comparision of habitat diversity of two different
study systems, provides information about the degree of partitioning of habitat by
species, and together with alpha diversity provide information about the overall
diversity and biotic heterogeneity of an area (Wilson and Shmida, 1984). The low
values of beta diversity denoted homogenous community. Less difference in the
value of beta diversity indicates that different growth forms respond in similar
fashion (Adhikari et al., 1991). Beta diversity values reported here are much than
the values reported for oak forest of Kumaun Himalaya (Tiwari and Singh, 1985).
species that narrated on species richness patterns for different species along
elevational or latitudinal gradients in different parts of the world. Ellu and Obuva
(2005) have suggested that different altitudes and slopes influences species
richness and distribution pattern of tree species. Grytnes and Vetaas (2002) have
also reviewed the effect of altitudinal gradient on species diversity in Nepalese
Himalaya. Some of the species are found distributed in a wider altitudinal range
whereas, many others may be restricted to very small pockets depends on the
adaptation of the species. As in Garhwal Himalaya, Quercus spp. occurs between
1000 to 3000 m asl while Betula utilis, Litsea spp. Rhododendron campanulatum,
R. arboreum, Danthonia spp., Duchesnea indica, Polygonum amplexicaule are
widely distributed species in subalpine and alpine regions (Singh and Singh,
1992). However, a number of species such as Sorbus microphylla, Taraxacum
officinale, and Tanacetum dolichophyllum are restricted to small microclimate
within a particular area.
The dominance diversity curve (d-d curve) often been used to interpet the
community organization in terms of resource sharing and nich spsce (Whittakar,
1975). Dominance diversity curve were drawn on the basis of log transformed
importance value of ranked species showing the geometric series, which confirms
to niche pre-emption hypothesis of Whittaker (1975). Hence the most dominant
species always utilized the maximum niche space and resources within these
communities. The d-d curves for all the vegetational layers (i.e., trees shrubs and
herbs) fit for the lognormal situation (Figure 10-12). The lognormal series
describes the partitioning of realized niche space among various species and it is
the consequence of the evolution of diversity in the species along the niche
parameters that it exploits (Whittaker, 1965). In these communities many biotic
and abiotic disturbances reduced the importance of old natural tree, shrub and
herb vegetation and allowed more or new plant species to share community
resources. Minor differences in d-d curves reflect the importance of each species
in community. Differences in d-d curves among tree species was due to much
influence of biotic pressure, which makes suitable ground for the succession of
secondary growing species. In middle strata the d-d curve indicate that the species
dominant earlier associated equally with the existing grown weed (Eupatorium
adenophorum) till date. Different aspects, elevations, soil moisture, humidity,
topography, solar insolation, upper and middle strata alter the growth of herb
species in study area.
range of resources whereas specialists are equipped to exploit only a specific set
of resources. This indicates that vegetation would be expected to change markedly
in response to tropographic altitudinal gradients. Anaphalis contorta, Oxalis
corniculata, Inula capa, Artimisia japonica, Gnaphalium affine, Desmodium
triflorum, Parthenium hysterophorus had higher niche width explain their
vastrange of adaptability along different environmental and altitudinal gradients
and the species, Caltha palastris, Erigeron species, Pranella vulgaris and
Ranunculas hirtullus which had minimum niche width possessed their specific
adapatation range in microhabitat of the region.
The higher values of niche overlap present the maximum resources share
by the species and the minimum value indicates least number of resources by
species. The dominated species exhaust all the available nutrients and other
necessary reqirement from soil and atmosphere including those resources that are
used by its associates. Thus short supply of nutrient result niche overlap among
them. Anaphalis triplinervis showed wider niche overlap along first three sites
and Anemone rivularis in forth site of herb species, Berberis asiatica in shrub
species and Quercus leucotrichophora in tree species.
that show the highest values of niche breath is more generalized and had vast
range of adaptavity while narrow niche width species is restricted in particular
habitat types. The maximum value of niche width for a species indicates that an
equal number of individuals of the species are associated with each resource state.
Minimum value shows that all individuals of the corresponding species are
associated within one resources state. Anaphal was showed wider niche width
along all sites indicated preference of Pine, Quercus dominated habitat. Similarly,
low niche overlap may indicate weak competition if species have evolved
different habitat preferences or strong competition if species have evolved
different habitat preferences or, strong completion if mutually preferred habitats
(Young, 2004). Nich overlap may also vary with species densities and inter or
intraspecific competition (Morris 1999). Human activities and high pressure on
grazingland decrease the available nutrients results in niche overlap and
competition among the species. Higher niche overlap value of native species is
attributed to the greater share of its resources that is used by invading species. The
dominated species exhaust all the available nutrients and other necessary
requirements from soil and atmosphere including those resources that are used by
its associates. Thus, shortly supply of nutrients results niche overlap among them.
Anaphalis shows more overlap along all sites. Plants which are similar size and
distance apart, but located on different sites may experience different level of
resources avaiailability. Competition is a result of plant density and size relative
to available resources. The changes in species composition and niche size when
resources level of a habitat lter can also provide evidence of the role of
competition. Competition has been an important evolutionary force that has led to
niche separation, specialization and diversification (Young, 2004). It varies
continuously as the ratio of demand over supply changes. Interspecific interaction
along with population dynamics operate through individuals organisms that exist
and interact only within their immediate neighborhood (Tilman and Karevia 1997;
Wanger 2004). Higher niche breadth, niche overlap value and less competitive
ability against newely invading species, and other features of natural vegetation
indicate higher pressure on them.
Competition has been an important evolutionary force that has led to niche
separation, specialization and diversification (Young, 2004). Competition exists
only for limited resources. Competition arises when all species share resource
states. Resource based competition can be major structuring force in plant
communities (Goldberg, 1990; Tilman, 1997). Competition had adverse effects on
all species utilizing a similar and limited resource at the same time and place.
When individual compete, they make the resource less readily available to their
competitor, either by using it or defending it. The competition will be minimized
when two species have different niches while severe competition occurs when
two organisms have utilized same space but different food habit. Natural selection
favours good competitors. Quercus leucotrichophora was strongly competitor
along three sites (PRDF, QLDF and QSDF). It suppresses the growth of other
plant species. It spreads over all stands except AKDF, it means that it utlises all
resources available in an effective way. At site AKDF it is completely
absent.Quercus semecarpifolia showed strong competition among other site plant
species at site AKDF. Grime (1973) suggests that species richness in vegetation is
controlled by antagonistic forces of inter-specific competition and disturbance. In
stable, productive habitats, competitively dominant species are able to
monopolize space, excluding inferior competitors from the community.
indicates successful regeneration (Khan et al., 1987, Saxena and Singh, 1984,
Bhuyan et al., 2002) of most of the tree species.
(Quercus glauca), started by late December and staggered regeneration continued
until April-June.
The Quercus and Abies species present in the study area are generally heavy
lopped for their fuel wood and fodder at Abies kharshu dominant forest and
Quercus species dominant forest. This activity reduces vitality and seed
production which ultimately affect the regeneration process of these species. The
other main cause of lower regeneration may be trampling and for some extent
grazing by animals at seedling and samplings stages (Dhar et al., 1997). Poor
recruitment of these and other species in this region indicates possible decline in
their population in future.
4.1 Introduction
Forests are “green gold” of a country which is an important renewable
natural resource. Trees are the most dominating component of forest ecosystems
and their species compositions is varying in different parts of the world. They
play an important role in enhancing the quality of the environment by influencing
the life support system. Forests in India are an integral part of cultural life of its
people, deliver many of the ecosystem services at the foundation of India's
economy, and support India's status as one of the world's mega-biodiversity
countries. The forest meet nearly 40% of the country‟s energy needs and 30% of
the fodder and over 12 million m3 of the timber and several non timber forest
products are removed from forests, annually. Non timber forest products activities
hold prospects for integrated development that yield higher rural income and
conserve biodiversity while not competing with agriculture (Sharma, 1992).
Million of forest dwellers and agriculture communities depends on forests for
range of non timber forest product such as fruits, nuts, edible flower, medicinal
herbs, rattan and bamboo, honey and gum. The value of goods and services
provided by forest sector is estimated to be Rs 25,984 crores (Planning
Commission, 2002). However in recent times, heavy biotic pressure have started
to exert tremendous stress on natural resources and hence many of the plant and
animal species are under various degrees of threat. Almost 300 million Indians
depend on forest resources for their livelihoods, including 87 million tribal
survey is an exercise to collect socio-economic data from the rural areas adjoining
the forests and to analyze and interpret in relation to the forest resources. It
involves surveying of selection villages by means of variety of methods such as
Participatory Rural Apprisal (PRA), questionnaire survey, interview, directly
observing, measuring or combining any or all of them. Natural and planted forest
resources are an integral part of the habitat and socio-culture framework of rural
communities (Byron and Arnold, 1999).
The Uttarakhand state has its own potentialities and resources, which need
to be harnessed in the best possible way. Forests are one of the most important of
these natural resources and cover 64.81% of the total geographical area of the
state. The agriculture sector, through covers only about 13.21% of total
geographical area of the state, engages about 71% of the total population (Dutta
and Pant, 2003). The natural resources form the major livelihood base for the
downtrodden communities inthe remote villages of this hill state. Forest resources
have historically played a significant role in the economy of the Uttarakhand since
ancient times. The forests of Himalaya have a permeative influence on the
ecosystems, environment and the lives of people of the area. The state can sustain
forestry and agriculture for the survival of the people, live in this rural and hilly
area (Bisht, 2006). Million of forest dwellers across the world depends from forest
for their livelihood (Patnaik, 1986),but their need varies place to place. Forest
diversity is the main source of livelihood of the people living in Uttarakhand,
Central Himalaya and provide resources such as fuel wood, fodder, fibers, food,
green manure, medicine, agricultural tool and construction timber which are
critical to the household economy. Three major important trees species Chir
(Pinus roxburghii) in lower elevation, Oak (Quercus leucotrichophora) in mid
altitude and Kharsu (Quercus semecarfolia) in higher altitude consumed largely
for fuel wood, fodder and cutting of grass for stall feeding in this study area. The
increasing population trends over the last few decades and consequent over
dependence on plant products has led to the vast exploration of natural flora of
this region. Agricultural practice continue to be the main occupation of people of
the Himalaya as about 70% population gets direct and indirect employment from
agriculture (Sati, 2011).
Agriculture is not providing food for more than 4-5 months in the ridges of the
hills and 6-10 months where irrigation is available in the valleys. Other economic
activities such as handicraft and household industries are scarce in the region.
Poor agriculture and absence of other economic options in the hill districts causes
outmigration as cheap labor in the plains. According to one estimate an average of
75% of the total potential male work force from 18-45 years of age is out
migrated. This places enormous pressure on the women left behind who must
maintain their homes, fields and care their children with no other support but the
money the men send back. The responsibility of providing food, fuel and fodder
to the household has traditionally been on women, all of which are made more
difficult due to environmental degradation. Though the situation is now set to
change with MNREGA and other opportunities coming as development
programmes, life in general continues to be difficult for women.
based on assessment of socio-economical status of people and the impact of
socio-economic change use management in Central Himalaya villagers.
Table 4.1: General Climatic and agriculture details for the study areas
Climate data(2011-2013)
Mean annual maximum Mean annual minimum Mean annual
Temperature* Temperature* rainfall*
0 0
Ramara 15.23±3.34 C 4.58± 1.85 C 765±148 mm
Farika 21.12± 4.960C 5.87 ±1.490C 450±120 mm
*Source:UttarakhandForest department
Cropping Pattern
Theclimate in study areas can be divided into three distinct season, namely
summer season (April to June), rainy season (July to September) and winter
season (November to February). The rainfall pattern in the region is largely
governed by monsoon rains (July-September), which account for about 60-80% of
the total annual rainfall. The vegetation in the study areas is natural. Farika village
is situated at the base of natural Pinus roxburghii dominant forest, whereas
Ramara is situated in Quercus leucotrichophora mixed forests. Leaf litter from
the forest is used as bedding material in the cattle shed. The litter mixed with
cattle excreta is used as manure in the crop fields. Cattle feed is met partly from
crop by products and tree fodder from the private farms and partly from grazing
and lopping of fodder trees in the community and government forests. Summer
camping sites the villagers of both the villages migrate to the Dudhatoli forest
area for grazing of animals where temporary Kharaks constructed earlier.
A door to door survey was conducted in two villagers of the study area to
illicit information on socio-economic status. Structured and pre tested
questionnaires were used to personal interview. These questionnaires were based
on the requirement of the study and on information extracted from general
discussion with villagers to gather information from each social caste, economic
level, gender and age. We also used different ways of collecting precise,
quantitative data on income and income sources, questionnaires, personal
observation, and discussion with gram pradhan (Head of village legislative
council). The head of each sample household was interviewed. The data collected
for study included general information about each household, such as literacy
level, family size, landholding, number of animal per family, sources of income,
occupation, source of energy, extraction of non timber forest products, and so on
(Table 4.2).
To estimate the amount of fuel wood and fodder consumption per day per
households, 20% of the households per village (12 and 18 HH) were surveyed in
the 2 villages, and their consumption pattern were noted seven consecutive days
in three different season: summer, rainy and winter. The families surveyed were
chosen to include equal representation from all economic classes and family sizes.
To understand pressure on individual forest tree species, we asked about villagers
preferences for various purpose such as fuel wood, fodder, agricultural
implements, household articles, and other uses; a maximum of 10 points was
given for each (Sharma et al., 2009).
The average family size varied between 7.9 person per households in
Ramara and 7.3 per household in Farika (Table4.2). The sex ratio
(females/thousand males) ranged between 933 in Ramara and 1036 in Farika
village. This difference can be attributed to lack of employment, which has led to
migration of the male population from Ramara area to other areas in search of
jobs. The literacy rate was above 65% in two villages; most of people were
educated between grades 5 and 10 in Ramara village area and above grade 10 in
the Farika village. 33% and 25% people were uneducated, and the majority of
those were older. In two studied villages males exhibit a higher literacy level than
female. Female children only get primary education in the schools situated nearby
villages, whereas male children have option to study in the cities. Although the
literacy rate was high, most people were unemployed because of lack of
employment opportunities. Women work hard through the day, starting with the
family works, nurturing children and livestock, going out for fuel wood, fodder,
and drinking water. The villagers therefore still relied for their sustenance on
rainfed agricultural land and forests.The average cultivated land at both sites was
less than 0.5 ha; therefore, production was supplemented from the adjacent forest
ecosystem. More than 70% of the agricultural fields in the Ramara area and about
60% in the Farika area were rain fed. Approximately 85% houses in two villages
were made of traditional type of slates (Pathals), wood and straw and rest made of
cement. Usually, villagers have been using tranditional stoves (Chullas) for
cooking which is generally situated at the corner of the kitchen.
Table 4.2 Socio- economic profile of the study villages, inwestern Ramganga watershed
Average fuelwood
consumed/household/day(Kg) 23.34 13.26
Fuelwood extracted from forest 96.4 74.6
Distance travelled for fuel wood
Energy consumption collection (Km) 1 to 2 1.5 to 3
Average LPG
consumed/household/year(L) 2.4 53.26
Average Kerosin
(L) 4.5 6.6
Table 4.3 Preference of the tree species used by village Ramara in western Ramganga watershed
Rank Species Comman name Availability
Fo Fw Ag. I. HA T Fr M BL WH RE
1 Quercus leucotrichophoraA.Camus Banj A A A B N.A. N.A. N.A. A A N.A. +++
2 Quercus floribunda Lindl.exRehder Tilonj A A A D N.A. N.A. N.A. A N.A. N.A. +++
3 Quercus glaucaThunb Haring B D D D N.A. N.A. N.A. A N.A. N.A. ++
4 Rhododendron arboreum Sm. Buras D B N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. B B N.A. N.A. ++
4 Myrica esculentaBuch-Ham ex D.Don Kafal N.A. D N.A. N.A. N.A. A C D N.A. N.A. ++
5 Alnus nepalensis (D.Don) Spach Utees B D N.A. D N.A. N.A. N.A. D N.A. N.A. ++
5 Lyonia ovalifolia (Wall.) Drude Anyar N.A. C N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. C N.A. N.A. ++
6 Pinus roxburghiiSarg. Chir N.A. D D A A N.A. N.A. B N.A. A ++
7 Cedrus deodara (Roxb.)G.Don Devdar N.A. D N.A. C A N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. A ++
8 Juglansregia L. Akhroot N.A. D D N.A. N.A. B N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. +
9 Pyrus pashiaBuch.Ham. Ex D.Don Mehal N.A. D D N.A. N.A. B N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ++
9 Ilex dipyrenawall. Kanel N.A. D N.A. C N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. +
10 Daphniphyllum himalense (Benth.) Mull. Arg. Ratnalee N.A. D N.A. D N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. +
11 Symplocos paniculata(Thinb.) Miq Lodh D D N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. D N.A. N.A. +
11 Persea duthei (King ex Hook. F.) Kostermans Kaul D C N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. +
12 Carpinus vimineaLindl. Chamkharik D C N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. +
Abbreviations:-R-Ranking(Based in the combined points given for performance for uses),Perference:-A highest used ,B-Mostly used,C-Intermediate used,D -Lowest used
N.A.-Not applicable;Fo-Fodder,Fw-Fuel wood,Ag. I-Agricultural implements,HA-Household uses,Fr-Fruit, BL-Bedding material for livestock,WH-Wooden huntments,RE-Resin
Availability: +++(Easily available), ++(Moderately available), + (Lowest available).
Table 4.4 Preference of the tree species used by village Farika in western Ramganga watershed
Rank Species Comman name Availability
Fo Fw Ag. I. HA T Fr M BL WH RE
2 Toona ciliata M. Roem. Toon N.A. D C A A N.A. N.A. N.A. A N.A. +++
4 Myrica esculentaBuch-Ham ex D.Don Kafal N.A. C N.A. N.A. N.A. A C D N.A. N.A. ++
4 Alnus nepalensis (D.Don) Spach Utees A B N.A. D N.A. N.A. N.A. D N.A. N.A. ++
5 Grewia optivaJ.R.Drumm. Ex Burret Bhimal A B N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ++
6 Ficus roxburghi Wall. Timala A D N.A. N.A. N.A. C N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ++
7 Pyrus pashiaBuch.Ham. ExD.Don Mehal N.A. B D N.A. N.A. B N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ++
7 Mangifera indica Linn. Aam N.A. N.A. N.A. B B A B N.A. N.A. N.A. ++
8 Bauhinia varigataLinn. Kachnar A C N.A. C N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ++
9 Emblica officinalisGeartn. Awala N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. A A N.A. N.A. N.A. +
9 Rhododendron arboreum Sm. Buras N.A. B N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. B B N.A. N.A. +
Abbreviations:-R-Ranking(Based in the combined points given for performance for uses),Perference:-A highest used ,B-Mostly used,C-Intermediate used,D -Lowest used
N.A.-Not applicable;Fo-Fodder,Fw-Fuel wood,Ag. I-Agricultural implements,HA-Household uses,Fr- Fruit, BL-Bedding material for livestock,WH-Wooden huntments,RE-Resin
Availability: +++(Easily available), ++(Moderately available), +(Lowest available).
4.3.3 Livestock and fodder consumption
Ramara areas. Mostly women spent about 2 to 3.5 hours daily to collect fodder
from forest areas, which was their main work of everyday. In the Ramara areas,
approximately 85% of the fodder was being extracted from the forest and 72% of
the Farika village. All the animals graze in forestland, even up to an elevation
2100 m, which evils the ground vegetation and delay regeneration of dominant
species in the area.
In the study area in Central Himalaya region fuel wood is one of the most
important natural resource that villagers extract from for their daily use. Each
household require fuel wood for cooking, space heating, lighting, heat rooms and
water during winter season. However, the families with better economic condition
were also using kerosene oil, LPG and bio-gas. Other forms of commercial energy
are beyond the reach of ordinary people because of poor socio-economic
condition, lack of communication, high prices, and limited supply in inaccessible
mountain areas (Chettriet al., 2002). It has been reported that 54% of the total
global wood harvest is for fuel (Nautiyal and Kaechele 2008). Therefore, fuel
wood plays a major role in the succession of forest degradation.
In Ramara village, 100% of the families use wood as the chief source of
fuel for cooking and heating. Village is situated in the temperate zone, where it is
usually cold, villager extract wood for heating and cooking throughout the year.
Collection of fuelwood from forests and private lands requires at least 2 to 3 hours
of work every day in the study areas. The villagers travel 1-2 km in the Ramara
area to 1.5–3 km in the Farika area every day to collect fuelwood from the forest.
In the Ramara area, approximately 95% of fuelwood is collected from the forest,
and the rest is collected from personal lands; for the Farika area, 75% of the
fuelwood is collected from the forest (Table 4.2). Reasons for less forest wood
collection in Farika area could be linked to the greater distance of the forest from
the village.
Due to their economic value easy accessibility ready availability, mosses and
lichens(locally called Makku or JhullaGhas) are collected on oak tree from April
to September is the most commonly collected non timber forest product in the
Dudhatoli forest area. Kumar andUpreti (2008) and Kumar (2009) lichen
exploitation is a common practiceamong the villagers and the rivals in moist
temperate regions of the Western Himalaya to collectthe lichens together with tree
twigs as oak and other trees bears plentiful growth of lichens. Lichens in India are
collected from the temperature regions of Himalayas and usedindigenously for
preparation of perfumes, dyes, and condiments (Kumar and Upreti, 2008).
Approximately 750 tons of lichens are collected from Uttarakhand Mountains and
another 800 tons are exported every year (Shah, 1997). Lichens are sold at 100-
130/kg on local market. After grading and trading its value become double or
triple. Estimates indicate that a professional person can collect between 6 and 12
kg of lichens a day from a lichen-rich forest and local villagers collect 3-5 kg. As
climbing on large trees to collect lichens and mosses is very tough and time
consuming, collectors prefer to either cut branches of trees or even fell old trees,
leading to large amount in the forest. Cutting of species in large proportions
would reduce its chance to dominate in the canopy formation and thus affected
associated species. This significantly influenced the floral composition and
subsequently the structure and functioning of entire forest ecosystem.
4.3.7 Grazing
Ramara and Farika villager‟s livestock animals are generally maintained
as free grazers. Only a few calves and milking animals are kept at home and stall
fed. Villagers take their animals to higher altitude (Dudhatoli forest area) during
the summer season (generally from April to October) and bring them back to the
lower altitude during winter. Increasing in livestock population and reduction in
fodder production from farmland along with changing cropping pattern implies
more intensive grazing in forest (Saxena et al., 2005). Large herds of cattle were
seen grazing freely in the Dudhatoli forest area, which may reduce or even
prevent the regeneration of the tree cover in case of livestock overstocking and
uncontrolled grazing. Goat and sheeps rearing Gujjars and Bhotiya, who migrates
with their herds every year, halt in various places in the Dudhatoli and stay for
some days. In the forth site, Kodiyabagarh at 3000m asl., is one such traditional
kharaks, where the animals are kept for free grazing in the forest for few days.
Grazing of animal in the higher regions has mounted added pressure on the forests
due to which the regeneration of palatable species has become difficult at certain
tract. Grazing and trampling prevent the regeneration of woody species, and the
understory is transformed from tussock grassland into short, pasture like
4.3.8 Manufacture of seasonal wooden Kharaks
Phytosociological observations reveal that Abies pindrow and Quercus
semecarpifolia are dominant species in Dudhatoli forest area. The seasonal
movement of villagers to higher reaches of forest during summer months (April-
May) is also causing harm to dominant tree species because planks of these
species are used for making short-term wooden kharaks inside the forest by the
inhabitants and wandering shepherds. In facts these kharaks are used only during
summer and rainy season. The villagers repair these kharaks every year by
replacing old planks and logs with new-fangled. There were about 19 kharaks in
the area located at 3000m asl in Kodiybagarh alone and many more spread at
other places in the area.
4.4 Conclusion
Harvesting of forest resources to meet livelihood needs can impact forest
regeneration, structure and diversity (Fashing et al., 2004; Olupot, 2009), but
there is scope for considerable variation with location, human activities and
histories. Forest biodiversity is the chief resource of livelihood of the people of
Uttarakhand. Agriculture is the main occupation around which all human
activities are centered and is mainly managed at the cost of the surrounding
natural resources. Local peoples are the principle actors in management of
diversity. Decision making by local people in choice of component for their field
is influenced by environmental, socio-economic, and cultural factors as well as
political climate (Morin et al., 1998). The forests present around the crop fields
are highly degraded due to continuous anthropogenic disturbances. Thus, the
biodiversity of these forests is under great anthropogenic pressure. Pinus
roxburghii forest is present around the crop field in lower altitude and has the
highest anthropogenic disturbances. Quercus leucotrichophora forest in mid
altitude and higher elevation and has least anthropogenic disturbance. Oak forest
has been subjected to maximum change through reduction in density after heavy
biotic influence. Trees are lopped for fuel wood, fodder for the domestic animals,
timber for house construction and industrial raw material. Various products like
removal of forest floor biomass and minor forest products are exploited from the
forest. These disturbances influence the climatic conditions and nutrition
Socio-economic point of view, forest fuelwood is the only renewable
energy sources easily available to human being. But while forest biomass is a
resource, the availability of forest fuelwood is limited over short time period by
both the amount of land in forest and the rate of forest growth. Therefore an
increased use of biomass for fodder, fuelwood, and timber woody will likely
impact all other user of the forest resources. Extreme use of forest biomass as a
form of major and minor forest products has resulted in environmental
degradation. Fuelwood is required for cooking food and warming rooms in winter
season. Higher and mid altitude region suffer cold climates. Therefore, the
fuelwood needs in these region is high, particularly during the winter, when the
highlands receive snowfall. Inaccessibility of the settlement does not provide a
base for consuming other means of such as LPG. Therefore, the dependency on
the forest for fuelwood consumption is high and thus cause for deforestation.
In valley region or lower altitude the proper management of biogas plants
may reduce fuel requirement. Due to sustainable management of forestation and
plantation should conserve pastureland. It may reduce soil erosion and shelter
biodiversity of flora and fauna. For the best conservation of forest, the use of land
surrounding villagers can most helpful by growing grasses and plantation of
fodder trees. Introduction of forestry practices for maximum production of
fuelwood, fodder, fruits, timber and fiber etc must be encouraged. The
participation of community is very important, people ensuring to develop a
suitable methodology to conserve grass land and stop deforestation for that the
whole forest area can be divided in to using sector and non using after a time span
of one year or two years the non using area can be opened for use the villagers
according to their requirement and the using area of the forest can be closed. This
rotation will provide conservation of biodiversity of that forest area as well as
protection of fauna habitats also and reduce soil erosion also. The Government
also should provide biogas, LPG and Kerosene reduce burden on forest especially
fuelwood consumption.
Study Area
The present study was carried out in the western Ramgang watershed forests of
Almora, Chamoli (small part lies in the kedarnath forest division) and Pauri
border area of Central Himalaya in Uttarakhand state of India. River Western
Ramganga is spring fed river and important tributary of holy river Ganga,
originated in the southern slopes at Dudhatoli of middle Himalaya of
Uttarakhand state. The total area of the watershed is 49 sq km and located
between 290 49‟ to 300 03‟ N latitude and 0790 16‟ to 0790 12‟ E longitude. This
watershed is marked with wide altitudinal range from 1000 m asl (subtropical) to
ending with a summit at 3100 m asl (high altitude forests dominated by Quercus
semecarpifolia and conifers).
The area experiences three distinct summer, winter and rainy season. The slope
and face of a hill has also an important part in the climate of a particular place.
The findings are summarized as follows:
Soil Dynamics
1. The soil was acidic in nature.Soil pH ranged between 5.0 to 7.1 Soil colour
varies from dark brown, Reddish brown, Dull reddish brown andGrayish brown.
The heavy leaching of iron causes grey soil in coniferous forests. The soil was
classified as sandy soil. Soil temperature at 10 cm depth was maximum during
summer season being 280C and lowest 70C during winter season.
2. The WHC varied from forest to forest and it was maximum at AKDF north
aspect (95.3 to 61.33%) and minimum at PRDF south aspect (24.14 to 55.21%).
The soil moisture percentage was recorded to be 14.3 to 42.41% at all forests
during different season.
3. The quantity of total available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic
carbon recorded at different forests was varying and did not show any definite
pattern. Nitrogen was found in the range 0.12% to 0.39%. Similarly, phosphorus
and potassium content in the soil ranged from 4.89 to 37.89 Kg ha -1 and from
92.04 to 727.38 Kg ha-1 respectively. Likewise, the organic carbon in the soil
varied from to 0.54% to 4.564%.
Forest composition along an altitudinal gradient
1. Sampling was done following the stratified random sampling along altitudinal
transects. Transects were laid down along footpath and streams in forest and
spatially distributed so as to minimize the autocorrelation among the vegetation.
Tree structure analysis was done using 10 x 10 m quadrats. Two sample plots or
quadrats (5x5m) which were nested within 100m2 plots were used for shrubs and
four1m2 (1m X 1m) sample plots which were also nested within 100 m 2 were
used to enumerate herbs.
2. On the basis of altitudinal gradient, the whole study area was divided into four
altitudinal ranges viz. 1000 to 1500m asl,1500 to 2000m asl, 2000-2500m asl
and 2500m to 3000masl north and south facing aspects. All the ranges come
under sub-tropical to temperateforest according to the classification of
Champion and Seth.
3. For recording the flora of the study area, extensive field survey was conducted
from June 2011 to January 2013 (For two successive years). The plant diversity
consisted of 262 species of angiospermand 82 families (76 dicots and 6
monocots). Only 3 species (3 genera and 1 family) of gymnosperms were
recorded during study period.
4. Among 262 species of angiosperm, there were 42 tree species, 56 shrub and 164
herb species.
6. The overall structural pattern of the present forest sites revealed that the sites
II,III were dominated by Quercus leucotrichophora while site I was dominated
by Pinusroxburghiiand Site IV was dominated by Quercus semecarpifolia and
Abies pindrow.
7. The total density of the trees was found highest in site III and lowest in site IV.
The seedling density of study sites ranged from 280 to 11790 individuals ha -1 at
IV andIII sites, respectively. Across all the sites, the maximum IVI (111.9) was
recorded for Abies pindrow at site IVfollowed by Quercus semecarpifolia
8. The natural regeneration of dominating tree species was very poor in higher
altitude. But there was good number of seedling of secondary tree species in
othersites i.e. Toona ciliata, Myrica esculenta, Lynoia ovalifolia, Prunus
cerasoides, Rhododendron arboretum etc during the study period.
10. The value for tree diversity and dominance are well within the range as reported
for various temperate zones.
11. Alpha diversity expresses the species richness in a community or given area. In
present investigation alpha diversity was recorded highest at site for tree sapling
and seedling layer while site exhibited highest alpha diversity
12. Higher the value of H greater is the species diversity in the community. The
highest value of H for tree of H for tree species was recorded at site I being 2.53
and lowest 1.35 at site IV.
behaves as a superior competitor and wins in competition by decreasing the
growth of other species.
15. Quercus leucotrichophora at site II was the species which remained dominant
over all other species and only two species exhibited same degree of competition
K1=K2 and Quercus leucotrichophora had upper hand in competition.
16. In the site I the community was completely dominant by Pinus roxburghii and
co-dominated by Toona ciliata,Quercus leucotrichophora.
17. In site III the community is again dominant Quercus leucotrichophora and
possessed some population of Alnus nepalensis, Daphniphyllum himalense,
Lyonia ovalifolia, Myrica esculenta, Quercus floribunda and Rhododendron
arboreum were the dominant tree species.
18. At site IV Abies pindrow and Quercus semecarpifolia displayed winning nature
in this forest patch. In this the results of the competition revealed that maximum
species were trying to make a stable equilibrium by inhibiting their own growth.
19. Generally, the dominating species exhibited their wining competitive nature in
all stage of life. But sometimes co–dominating species also win the competition
exclude the dominant species by arriving at stable equilibrium K2=N2 and N1=0.
Such types of conditions were observed in the present study site. This indicated
that in near future the co-dominated species would emerge as a dominant
Socio-economic study
20. The average family size varied between 7.9 person per households in Ramaraand
7.3 per household in Farika. The sex ratio (females/thousand males) ranged
between 933 in Ramara and 1036 in Farika village.
21. The literacy rate was above 65% in two villages; most of people were educated
between grades 5 and 10 in Ramara village area and above grade 10 in the
Farika village. 33% and 25% people were uneducated, and the majority of those
were older.
22. Agriculture was the main occupation of those villages. More than 70% of the
agricultural fields in the Ramara village and about 60% in the Farika village
were rain fed.
23. Vegetables such as Radish, Mustard leaf, Bean, Potato, Pea,Spinich and fruits
from agricultural land were sold on the open market to earn money. Dairy
production was the second largest sources of employment in Ramara village.
24. Fodder consumed per house hold per day was 38.31 and 30.00 kg in Ramara and
Farika villages respectively
25. Dairy farming was one of the major occupation in the Ramaravillage, it
accounted for a higher number of animals per household (7.7) compared with
the Farika (5.5) village.
26. Average fuelwood consumption per household per day was recorded as 23.34
and 13.26 kg for Ramara, and Farika villages, respectively.
27. The Ramara forest is extremely dense and diverse compared with the Farika
forest. We recorded 16tree species in the Ramara forest and 12 tree species in
the Farika forest which are fulfill the requirement of villagers.
has been subjected to maximum change through decline in density after heavy
anthropogenic disturbances.
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North aspect
2 Site I
Site II
Site III
1 Site IV
Simpson Shannon Margalef Evenness
Dominance diversity parameter
3 South aspect
2 Site I
Site II
Site III
1 Site IV
Simpson Shannon Margalef Evenness
Dominance diversity parameter
3 3
North aspect
South aspect
2 2
Site I Site I
1 Site II 1 Site II
Site III Site III
0 0
Site IV Site IV
4 North 3
Site I Site I
Dominance diversity parameter in rainy season Dominance diversity parameter in rainy season
North South
3 aspect 3
2 Site I 2 Site I
1 Site II 1 Site II
Dominance diversity parameter in winter season Dominance diversity paremeter in winter season
3 3 South
2 2
Site I Site I
1 Site II 1 Site II
Site III Site III
0 0
Site IV Site IV
4 aspect 3.5 South
3 aspect
3 2.5
Site I 2 Site I
Site II Site II
1 1
Site III 0.5 Site III
0 Site IV 0 Site IV
Dominance diversity parameter in rainy season Dominance diversity parameter in rainy season
4 South
aspect 4 aspect
3 3
Site I Site I
2 2
Site II Site II
1 Site III 1 Site III
0 Site IV 0 Site IV
Dominance diversity parameter in winter season Dominance diversity parameter in winter season
North aspect
Importance Value Index
South aspect
Importance Value Index
Species ---------------------n
40 45
Importance Value Index
0 0
Species-------------------n Species ------------------n
50 40
South aspect
45 North aspect
Importance Value Index
Importance Value Index
25 20
0 0
Species-----------------n Species-----------------n
Plate 6: Non Timber Forest Products collection of studied villages