Intensive Nursing Practicum - Pediatric Ward (BMC) CASE STUDY 4: Pre - School (Respiratory System)

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CASE STUDY 4: Pre – School (Respiratory System)

1. Discuss about foreign body aspiration (FBA)

Foreign body aspiration can be a life-threatening emergency. An aspirated

solid or semisolid object may lodge in the larynx or trachea. If the object is
large enough to cause nearly complete obstruction of the airway, asphyxia
may rapidly cause death. Lesser degrees of obstruction or passage of the
obstructive object beyond the carina can result in less severe signs and

2. What are the nurse’s priority interventions as the child enters the emergency

The nurse’s priorities in this situation include assessing the child’s airway,
breathing, and circulation. Depending on these findings, actions must address
maintaining a patent airway, effective respirations, and tissue perfusion.

3. What is the significance of his vital signs, oxygen saturation reading, and the
nurse’s assessment findings?

The normal temperature for a 4-year-old is 37.5–37.7° C (99.5°–99.9° F) so

the0020temperature is below normal, probably the result of decreased tissue
perfusion secondary to reduced oxygen intake. The normal pulse rate for a 3- to 5-
year-old is 75–125 beats/minute. His pulse is elevated probably due to a
combination of factors including anxiety, and increased cardiac output to
compensate for decreasing tissue perfusion. His blood pressure is below the normal
of 102/62. This also is the result of decreasing tissue perfusion caused by hypoxia.
His oxygen saturation is 78%, significantly below the normal range of 95% to 100%.
The barely audible and diminished breath sounds indicate obstruction of the air
entering and leaving the lungs, which would be expected in the presence of airway
obstruction. The absence of crackles, rales, and rhonchi indicate that infection is
probably not present. Stridor is a high-pitched sound made in the presence of air
attempting to move through an obstruction of the trachea or larynx. The use of
accessory muscles for breathing represents severe respiratory distress. The
presence of weak and irregular heart sounds indicates that the heart is having
difficulty compensating for decreased tissue perfusion. Cool and clammy skin may
be a sign of impending shock as the body shunts blood from the extremities to
redirect it to maintain perfusion of the vital organs of the heart and brain. His
decreasing responsiveness probably is an indication of decreased tissue perfusion
to the brain. All of these are consistently responses to foreign body aspiration
resulting in decreased tissue perfusion.

4. What are the nursing priorities for this situation? (Formulate your nursing
care plan)

a. Ineffective airway clearance related to the presence of a foreign body. The

patency of the airway must be established and maintained.

b. Risk for impaired gas exchange related to inability to inhale oxygen and exhale
carbon dioxide secondary to foreign body aspiration

c. Risk for ineffective tissue perfusion related to impaired gas exchange secondary
to FBA

d. Anxiety related to seriousness of child’s condition and unfamiliar hospital

surroundings e. Deficient knowledge related to child’s condition, normal growth and
development activities of preschooler, accident prevention

5. The health care provider prescribes the following:

o Order stat chest X-ray. Initiate PIV of 5% Dextrose and 0.3% normal saline
to infuse at 70 mL/hour.
o Monitor oxygen saturation via pulse oximetry.
o Maintain nothing by mouth (NPO).
o Monitor continuous vital signs.
o Following the chest X-ray which reveals a foreign body in his trachea, He
is scheduled for an emergency bronchoscopy. What is the rationale for
this procedure in this case?
o Following the successful bronchoscopy, what assessments should the
nurse perform on the patient?

Performing a bronchoscopy is a standard of care for a client with foreign body

obstruction. It is performed to both positively identify the object and to remove it.

6. The health care provider prescribes cefazolin 160 mg IV q6h for 3 doses with
the first dose to be administered stat. Formulate your own drug study for this

Obtaining a client’s weight is within the scope of practice for a nursing assistant and
it was appropriate for the nurse to delegate this activity to the nursing assistant.
The nurse needed to communicate the antibiotic prescription to the pharmacy so it
could be prepared and administered as soon as possible. This is a nursing
responsibility and the nurse’s focus at this point.
7. What process does the nurse use when administering medications to this

The nursing process when administering medications to this or any client involves
implementing the “7 rights.” RIGHT DRUG: Is this the drug that was prescribed and
is this the right drug for this client?

Cefazolin is a first-generation cephalosporin that is prescribed following the removal

of a foreign body to prophylactically prevent infection secondary to aspiration of an
unsterile object.

This drug’s safety and efficacy have been proven for use in children. Administering
three doses is typical prophylaxis.

RIGHT DOSE: Is this the dose that was prescribed and is this a safe dose for this

The safe dosage range for this drug when prescribed to a child is 25–100 mg/kg per
day in four divided doses so each individual dose for Sok Wu is 103–412.5 mg. The
dose prescribed is safe for him based on his weight.

RIGHT CLIENT: Is this the right client for which this medication has been prescribed?

The nurse should check the health care provider’s prescription and ensure it is on
the client’s medical record, compare the prescription to the medication
administration record (MAR) of the child, compare the label on the minibag for the
correct child’s name, and check the name outside the child’s hospital room.

The final and most definitive identification is made by verifying the child’s
identification by his or her identification bracelet. RIGHT TIME: Is this the correct
time according to the prescription?

Are the time intervals of administration appropriate for this drug and the route
prescribed? The first dose was prescribed stat and should be administered as soon
as possible. This drug is administered every 6 hours via the intravenous route.

RIGHT ROUTE: Is this the appropriate route to administer this medication?

This drug is administered parenterally, usually by the intravenous route. The nurse
also needs to validate that the vascular access is patent and free of complications.
In addition, the rate of administration needs to be appropriate for the access.

The time frame provided by the pharmacy for the rate of administration is the
minimum time that it can be administered based on the drug’s absorption,
biotransformation, half-life, and elimination in and from the body. The nurse should
base her rate of administration on the gauge of the intravenous catheter and the
size of the vein where the access is located. Antimicrobials are very irritating to
peripheral vessels and as a rule of thumb, should not be administered more than
25% greater than the rate of the maintenance intravenous fluids.

RIGHT DOCUMENTATION: The administration documentation should consist of the

drug name, dose, route, and time of administration as well as the client’s response.
Medication administration should never be documented prior to administering the
medication. RIGHT TO REFUSE: The client has the right to refuse any medication;
however, in the case of a child, this right usually rests with the parent or guardian of
the child. Most refusals of medications are based on lack of or inaccurate
information so, prior to administration of each medication, the nurse needs to tell
the client and significant other what the drug is and why it is being given.

8. Describe your feelings about this situation, considering level of growth and
development of the patient.

a preschooler who according to Erikson is involved in the developmental task of

initiative versus guilt. His life revolves around socialization and imagination.
Socialization provides the opportunity to initiate relationships beyond the
immediate family unit. The associative play characteristic of this age group involves
playing with other children of the same age. Initiative also can pose dangers to the
child as his or her judgment concerning the safety of certain activities is not mature.
Objects such as balloons fascinate the preschooler. Unfortunately, the child does
not have the cognitive skills to understand the aspiration risk. The child’s
imagination provides for socialization when others are not present by the
development of “imaginary friends.” Unfortunately, the imagination can be the
child’s nemesis when the child is hospitalized and is responsible for his or her
primary fear of mutilation at this time. This situation of FBA of balloons is a common
threat for preschoolers in the presence of society’s view that balloons are part of a
child’s birthday even in light of scientific evidence of the danger balloons pose to
young children. The incidence of mortality from FBA in children is 350–2,000
annually with the peak incidence in children 1–3 years of age. The incidence is
highest in boys under the age of 5 years. The most common aspirated objects are
toys, of which balloons comprise 29% of deaths due to FBA. This is a preventable
situation and parents of young children need to be educated about the dangers of

9. Thirty-six hours following his admission to the hospital, He is discharged with

no complications associated with his FBA. He is sent home with his mother
and aunt. What would be the nurse’s focus in discharge teaching for the
patient’s mother and aunt?

a. Assess the mother and aunt’s knowledge of the situation.

b. Reinforce information concerning growth and development and accident


c. Provide verbal and written information regarding:

(1) Medication administration, if appropriate

(2) Signs and symptoms to report to health care provider

(3) Contact numbers for questions

(4) Importance of follow-up with health care provider

d. Provide adequate time for mother and aunt to ask questions, answering them

e. Document teaching and the mother and aunt’s response


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