A. Applying Entity (Account Holder)
A. Applying Entity (Account Holder)
A. Applying Entity (Account Holder)
Thank you for choosing TrustToken 1. A copy of the entity’s registration document, such as
certificate of incorporation, certificate of good
to purchase and redeem your
standing, a copy of the secretary of state registration
or any applicable document showing that the entity
has registered with its country or state of
TrustToken, Inc. and its affiliates,
including TrueCoin, LLC, are 2. A copy of the entity’s formation or organizational
required to comply with the documents, such as articles of association and by-
applicable laws and regulations laws, operating agreement, partnership agreement,
offering memorandum or trust agreement as
relating to Anti-Money Laundering
and know your customer (KYC).
Below is the required 3. Proof of ownership of the entity evidencing which
documentation and information entities or individuals own 25% or more, such as an
that would be required to open an operating agreement, share registry, stock certificate,
organization account. Please note partnership agreement
that TrustToken will require
4. A full copy of the company’s BSA/AML program if
information relating to the
organization, its authorized
signatories as well as its beneficial 5. Proof of address dated within 90 days for entity
and ultimate beneficial owners. incorporated outside the United States
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C. Entity Beneficial Owner
If another entity owns 25% or more, please complete the
Beneficial ownership (entity) section and attach the following:
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Application for Entity Account
City: City:
Country: Country:
Please state the purpose of this account and how it will be used: (please select at least one)
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Business Activity Information
Nature of business:
Company website:
Do any of the beneficial owners / authorized signatories or any other entity associations have
an existing account with TrustToken? If yes, please list them:
Please provide the anticipated monthly activity in volume: (please select one)
Yes No
Based on the nature of business and activity, is the customer required to register with
its local regulatory authority? (please select one)
Yes No
If Yes - Please provide the name of the regulator and type of license:
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Account Signatory (Individual)
Country of Citizenship:
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Beneficial Owners:
Beneficial Owners (Individual):
For Trusts, please complete this section for Grantors of the trust
For Pooled investment funds and not-for-profit organizations, please provide information for all control persons of the
fund or organization
City: City:
Country: Country:
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#3 Beneficial Owner (Individual): #4 Beneficial Owner (Individual):
City: City:
Country: Country:
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Beneficial Owners (Entities):
City: City:
State/Province/Region: State/Province/Region:
Please list the countries of operations of Please list the countries of operations of
business activity: business activity:
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Beneficial Owners (Entities):
City: City:
State/Province/Region: State/Province/Region:
Please list the countries of operations of Please list the countries of operations of
business activity: business activity:
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I/we hereby certify that all the information provided in this form is true and current and that I will
provide TrustToken with updated information as and when it changes. By submitting this
application, I/we have read and agree to TrueCoin’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
I/we hereby authorize TrustToken to make inquiries into the company and conduct all required
validation and verification of the information provided.
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