MA501-N Theory of Machine
MA501-N Theory of Machine
MA501-N Theory of Machine
A. Course Objective
To develop a solution oriented approach by in depth knowledge of Theory of Machines.
To address the underlying concepts, methods and application of different machines.
To understand the working principals of any machine.
To understand the motion, transmission of the motion and the forces responsible for the motion.
C. Detailed Syllabus:
1 Principle of gyroscope, Definition of axes, active and reactive couples; Roll, Yaw and Pitch
motions; Gyroscopic effect in a rotor, two wheelers, Four wheelers, ship and aeroplane.
Friction Devices
Clutches, Brakes and Dynamometers - Classification of clutches, torque transmission capacity,
considerations for uniform wear and uniform pressure theory, single plate and multi-plate clutch,
centrifugal clutch, Energy equation and thermal considerations. Classification of brakes, Braking
2 effect, Analysis of Brakes: Block Brake, Band Brake, Band and Block Brake, Internal expansion
shoe brake; Braking analysis of four wheelers. Classification of Dynamometers, Analysis of
Dynamometers: Prony brake, Rope brake, Hydraulic, Belt Transmission, Epicyclic-Train and
Bevis-Gibson torsion.
Significance of flywheel, Turning moment and crank effort diagrams for reciprocating machines,
3 coefficient of fluctuation of speed and energy, Limiting velocity of flywheel, Design of flywheels
for engines and punching machines.
Necessity of governor, Classification of Governors, Working principle of centrifugal governors,
4 Concept of control force, Control force diagram, Stability of governor, Condition for stability,
Concept of isochronism, Sensitivity of governor, Characteristics of governors, Hunting of
Introduction to Dynamics
Newton’s Laws of Motion, Applied and constraint forces, Free-body diagrams, conditions for
equilibrium, Two and Three forces members, Four force members, Friction forces, Static force
analysis with friction. Centroid and Centre of Mass, Mass Moments and products of inertia,
5 Inertia forces and D’alembert’s Principle. Planar rotation about fixed centre, Shaking forces and
moments, Complex algebra approach, Equation of motion. Application of concepts to dynamic
analysis of slider-crank mechanism and 4-bar mechanism. Spatial: Measuring mass moment of
Inertia, Transformation of Inertia axes Euler’s equation of motion, Impulse and momentum,
Angular impulse and momentum.
D. Lesson Planning:
Sr. No. Date/Week Unit Weight age Topic No
1 1st ,2nd ,3rd Unit 1 20% 1
2 4th .5th ,6th Unit 2 20% 2
3 7th , 8th ,9th Unit 3 20% 3
4 10th .11th. 12th Unit 4 20% 4
5 13th , 14th ,15th,,16th Unit 5 20% 5
F. List of Practical:
1 To demonstrate different types of Brakes to calculate braking effort.
2 To perform evaluation of brake type dynamometer.
3 To demonstrate & perform Gravity control governors evaluation.
4 To demonstrate & perform spring control governors evaluation.
5 To demonstrate & perform gyroscope evaluation.
6 To demonstrate flywheel and its effect on dynamic of system.
7 Analyse Influence of Inertia Upon Velocity & Acceleration.
8 To perform synthesis of mechanism by analytical method.
9 To perform synthesis of mechanism by graphical method.