AR 711-7 Supply Chain Management

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Army Regulation 711–7

Supply Chain Integration

Supply Chain

Department of the Army
Washington, DC
19 November 2004

AR 711–7
Supply Chain Management

This new Department of the Army regulation, dated 19 November 2004--

o Establishes responsibilities for supply chain management (para 1-4).

o Establishes the objective and elements of supply chain management (para 1-5).
Headquarters Army Regulation 711–7
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
19 November 2004 Effective 19 December 2004

Supply Chain Integration

Supply Chain Management

Guard of the United States, and the U.S. this regulation and establishment of com-
Army Reserve. mand and local forms are prohibited with-
Proponent and exception authority. out prior approval from Deputy Chief of
The proponent of this regulation is the Staff, G–4 (DALO–ZA), Washington, DC
Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4. The propo- 20310–0500.
nent has the authority to approve excep-
Suggested improvements. Users are
tions or waivers to this regulation that are
consistent with controlling law and regu- invited to submit comments and suggested
lations. The proponent may delegate this improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recom-
approval authority, in writing, to a divi- mended Changes to Publications and
sion chief within the proponent agency or Blank Forms) directly to Headquarters,
a direct reporting unit or field operating Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of
agency of the proponent agency in the Staff, G–4 (DALO–SMP), 500 Army Pen-
grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. tagon, Washington, DC 20310-0500.
Activities may request a waiver to this
regulation by providing justification that Distribution. This publication is availa-
History. This is a new Department of the includes a full analysis of the expected ble in electronic media only and is in-
Army regulation. benefits and must include formal review tended for command level C for the
Summary. This regulation establishes by the activity’s senior legal officer. All Active Army, the Army National Guard
policies, responsibilities, and principles waiver requests will be endorsed by the of the United States, and the U.S. Army
for the supply chain management pro- commander or senior leader of the requ- Reserve.
gram. It provides direction for command- esting activity and forwarded through
ers, logistics managers, and personnel in their higher headquarters to the policy
monitoring and managing the supply proponent. Refer to AR 25–30 for specific
chain with the objective being its optimal guidance.
functioning in support of the end user, the Army management control process.
soldier. This regulation does not contain manage-
Applicability. This regulation applies to ment control provisions.
the Active Army, the Army National Supplementation. Supplementation of

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1
Introduction, page 1
Purpose • 1–1, page 1
References • 1–2, page 1
Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1
Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1
Policy • 1–5, page 3
Guiding principles • 1–6, page 3

Chapter 2
Integrated Logistics Support Supply Chain Management Logistics Processes, page 4

Section I
Integrated Logistics Support, page 4

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 i


Integrated logistics support • 2–1, page 4

Integrated logistics support principles • 2–2, page 4

Section II
Distribution of Materiel, page 5
Purpose • 2–3, page 5
Distribution of materiel defined • 2–4, page 5
Distribution of materiel and force deployment • 2–5, page 5
Distribution of materiel and supply chain management • 2–6, page 5
Distribution-based logistics • 2–7, page 5
Distribution of materiel goals • 2–8, page 6

Section III
Supply Chain Management, page 6
Inventory models/forecasting • 2–9, page 6
Stock positioning • 2–10, page 6
Automation tools • 2–11, page 6

Section IV
Maintenance, page 7
National Maintenance Program • 2–12, page 7
National Maintenance Program defined • 2–13, page 7
National repair objectives tenets • 2–14, page 7

Chapter 3
Analyzing Supply Chain Performance, page 8

Section I
Analyzing Performance, page 8
Metrics • 3–1, page 8
Performance reviews • 3–2, page 8

Section II
Metrics Types, page 9
Customer response • 3–3, page 9
Inventory planning and management • 3–4, page 9
Supply (manufacturing/procurement) • 3–5, page 9
Maintenance • 3–6, page 9
Warehousing/distribution centers • 3–7, page 9
Distribution of materiel • 3–8, page 9
Reverse logistics • 3–9, page 10

Chapter 4
Improving the Supply Chain Through the Distribution Management Program, page 10
Methodology • 4–1, page 10
Command and control • 4–2, page 10
Funding • 4–3, page 10
Organization • 4–4, page 10
Change agents • 4–5, page 10
Process improvement teams • 4–6, page 10
Site improvement teams • 4–7, page 11
Core and virtual team members • 4–8, page 11
Process walks • 4–9, page 11
Site visits • 4–10, page 11
Special assistance • 4–11, page 11
Metrics • 4–12, page 11
Distribution management performance reviews • 4–13, page 12

ii AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004


Appendix A. References, page 13


AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 iii

Chapter 1
1–1. Purpose
This regulation provides the framework by which subsequent regulations in the Army Regulation (AR) 711 series
(Supply Chain Management) will address the individual logistics processes of customer response, inventory planning,
warehouse management, maintenance, transportation, and supply.

1–2. References
Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.

1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms

Abbreviations and terms used in this publication are explained in the glossary.

1–4. Responsibilities
a. The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)) will—
(1) Serve as the Army acquisition executive.
(2) Oversee Army program executive officers (PEOs)/program managers (PMs) in their roles as total life cycle
system managers (TLCSMs).
(3) Oversee research, development, testing, and evaluation of the acquisition and sustainment of materiel systems
(including end-to-end distribution and supply chain management (SCM).)
(4) Establish policy and oversee the development and execution of logistics management programs.
(5) Oversee logistical acceptability and supportability of materiel systems, including depot partnering, condition
based maintenance plus, end-to-end distribution, and SCM, in coordination with the Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4 (DCS,
(6) Oversee establishment of the Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) logistics position regarding the
acceptability, deployability, and supportability of all programs
(7) Ensure that logistics considerations are incorporated into the warfighting capabilities analysis in coordination
with the DCS, G–4.
(8) Approve performance-based agreements (PBAs) for performance-based logistics (PBL) activities, including
depot partnering, condition based maintenance plus, end-to-end distribution, and SCM, in coordination with the DCS,
(9) Provide Army oversight and policy determination for the acquisition segment of the supply chain.
b. The Deputy for Systems Management will—
(1) Serve as the liaison between PEOs/PMs and the Army Secretariat and Army Staff on acquisition and logistics
matters, including PBL, depot partnering, condition based maintenance plus, end-to-end distribution, and SCM.
(2) Ensure that PEOs/PMs coordinate with the DCS, G–4 SCIMO and the Distribution Management Team (DMT).
c. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Procurement will—
(1) Establish policy and oversee the development and execution of acquisition and procurement policy, including
depot partnering, condition based maintenance plus, end-to-end distribution, and SCM.
(2) Ensure that acquisition documentation, including the acquisition strategy, acquisition program baseline (APB),
integrated program summary/modified integrated summary, and so forth, incorporate PBL, end-to-end distribution, and
SCM considerations.
d. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Integrated Logistics Support will—
(1) Serve as the Army independent logistician.
(2) Establish integrated logistics support (ILS) policy and oversee the development and execution of acquisition
logistics and ILS, including end-to-end distribution and SCM.
(3) Ensure that ILS documentation, including the supportability strategy, incorporate end-to-end distribution and
(4) Evaluate the logistical acceptability and supportability of materiel systems, PBL, end-to-end distribution, and
SCM in coordination with the DCS, G–4.
(5) Serve as the Army proponent for TLCSM/PBL policies and procedures.
e. The Director of the Army Contracting Agency will—
(1) Establish policy and oversee the development and execution of contracting within the Army.
(2) Develop contractual instruments on end-to-end distribution and SCM in coordination with the DCS, G–4 Supply
Chain Integration Management Office (SCIMO) and DMT.
f. The DCS, G–4 will—
(1) Establish Army SCM policy.
(2) Establish an SCM office.

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 1

(3) Establish and approve Army supply chain and logistic performance metrics.
(4) Provide oversight of the Army’s distribution management (DM) program.
(5) Be responsible for the Army’s SCM program.
(6) Develop Army SCM policy and coordinate policy changes with the appropriate activities.
(7) Develop and approve supply chain and logistic performance metrics.
(8) In conjunction with the U.S. Army Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), Defense Logistics Agency
(DLA), Installation Management Agency (IMA), and Army Materiel Command (AMC), participate in collaborative
planning to optimize the supply chain’s support to the soldier.
(9) Coordinate with SCM teams from national providers, Army agencies, and the other Services to optimize the
supply chain.
(10) Provide oversight of the Army’s DMT, which provides supply chain assessment and process improvement to
the field.
(11) Chair the Department of the Army (DA) Customer Wait Time (CWT) committee.
(12) Coordinate with the DLA to—
(a) Implement Department of Defense (DOD) policy regarding materiel management and supply distribution,
including supply depot operations, storage, and issue procedures.
(b) Implement DOD policy for inventory control, including item accountability, physical inventories, reconciliation,
and security.
(c) Participate in collaborative planning to optimize the supply chain’s support to the soldier.
(13) Coordinate with USTRANSCOM to—
(a) Implement DOD policy regarding the transportation and materiel distribution segments of the supply chain.
(b) Participate in collaborative planning to optimize the supply chain’s support to the soldier.
(14) Coordinate with the Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Materiel Readiness) Supply
Chain Integration to—
(a) Implement SCM concepts and methodologies across all DOD components.
(b) Implement and maintain SCM policies.
(c) Provide staff support to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Materiel Readiness) and higher-
level DOD officials for SCM matters.
(d) Implement SCM and end-to-end distribution capabilities required to meet deployment and sustainment
(15) Develop, manage, evaluate, and promulgate HQDA policies for the distribution of the materiel component of
g. The Commanding General (CG), AMC will—
(1) Provide Army oversight and policy determination for materiel requirements determination, materiel management,
maintenance and repair, and materiel disposition segments of the supply chain.
(2) Coordinate with ASA(ALT) in formulating and implementing contracting procedures that support the efficient
and effective operation of the supply chain.
(3) In conjunction with the SCIMO, USTRANSCOM, and DLA, participate in collaborative planning to optimize
the supply chain’s support to the soldier.
(4) Use supply chain operations reference model processes of plan, source, maintain/make, deliver, and return for
logistics processes of transportation and supply as it pertains to the national level.
h. The CG, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) will—
(1) Include SCM considerations in the doctrine and unit design development process.
(2) Establish the Army’s DMT, as directed by the DCS, G–4.
(3) Incorporate SCM policies, doctrine, and procedures into TRADOC school instruction and training publications.
i. The CG, U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) will—
(1) Serve as the commander of the responsible agency for the DM Program.
(2) As directed by TRADOC, incorporate SCM policies, doctrine, and procedures into CASCOM school instruction
and training publications.
j. Members of the Army DMT will—
(1) Serve as members of the Army’s agency for supply chain improvement.
(2) Investigate, report, and implement Army supply chain and logistics best business practices by implementing
immediate process changes whenever required.
(3) Assist major Army commands (MACOMs)/IMA regions in the execution of the Army SCM and DM programs.
(4) Advise the DCS, G–4 on Army logistics performance, as required.
(5) Recommend changes to Army logistics policy.

2 AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004

1–5. Policy
The primary objective of Army SCM is to provide effective and efficient end-to-end customer service to meet
operational requirements. To supply materiel to Army units throughout the world, Army logisticians maintain a supply
chain consisting of weapon system support contractors; retail supply activities with distribution depots; transportation
channels, including contracted carriers; integrated materiel managers; weapon system product support integrators;
commercial distributors and suppliers, including manufacturers; commercial and organic maintenance facilities; and
other logistics activities (for example, engineering support activities, testing facilities, and reutilization and marketing
offices). The objectives of Army supply chain management are to—
a. Structure materiel management to provide responsive, consistent, and reliable support to the warfighter during
war and peacetime. This will be done within the framework of total life cycle systems management.
b. Size secondary item inventories to minimize the Army’s investment while providing the inventory needed to
support war and peacetime requirements. For newly acquired acquisition programs, this will be accomplished through
performance agreements with the acquisition program manager detailing the selection of a product support integrator.
The product support integrator will be responsible for establishing the initial range of product support functions,
including materiel management support.
c. Consider all costs associated with materiel management, including acquisition, transportation, storage, and mainte-
nance, in making best-value logistics materiel and service provider decisions central to total life cycle systems
d. Implement materiel management functions with commercial off-the-shelf systems or DOD standard data systems,
wherever possible, or with non-standard systems and/or standard manual data collection where they are not available.
This goal encompasses the implementation of continuous SCM capabilities, within an integrated knowledge environ-
ment, to accomplish the end-to-end distribution of required materials and related services from point of acquisition to
point of delivery to the end user.
e. Maintain materiel control and visibility of secondary inventory down to and including retail inventories. This
involves the incorporation of commercial and Government best business practices to continuously improve Army
supply chain processes and instill user confidence in the materiel management system.
f. Continuously identify, isolate, and implement solutions for sub-optimized logistics processes through the develop-
ment of supply chain strategies, performance metrics, and programs.

1–6. Guiding principles

In executing the Army’s SCM program, adhere to the following guidelines:
a. Structure logistics procedures and systems to provide an agile response during crises and military operations
using PBL strategies and performance agreements.
b. Focus on satisfying operational customer requirements at the point of need.
c. Link customers directly to the source of materiel and services support.
d. Balance the use of all available logistics resources to accomplish timely and quality delivery of customer
determined materiel and service at the best value without reducing warfighter capability and readiness.
e. Measure total supply chain performance based on timely and cost-effective delivery of products and services to
operational customers.
f. Make maximum, effective use of competitive, global, and assured commercial capabilities.
g. Accomplish common requirements cooperatively, whenever practical.
h. Implement a consistent structure, content, and presentation of logistics information, particularly when supporting
common interfaces among the other Services, Defense agencies, and international partners.
i. As early as possible in the acquisition cycle of a new or upgrade program, work with the acquisition program
manager and product support integrator to address logistics requirements and related costs within the concept of the
whole life cycle.
j. Include all logistics requirements in planning and program baselines and develop them initially without any
internally or externally imposed financial constraints.
k. Implement and use the concept of information stewardship (such as, shared data).
l. Provide for visibility if the quantity, condition, and location of in-storage, in-process, and in-transit assets, as well
as orders placed on organic and commercial sources of supply.
m. Provide timely, up-to-date training and supporting technology to logistics organizations and personnel.
n. Adopt and/or adapt best commercial business practices when such practices will contribute to increased supply
chain performance and/or reduced total life cycle costs. Processes and technologies such as enterprise resource
planning, automated planning system, maintenance requirements planning, and balanced score card represent business
practices that either are referenced in or have potential application to the supply chain procedures presented in this

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 3

Chapter 2
Integrated Logistics Support Supply Chain Management Logistics Processes
SCM processes create logistics strategies that align with objectives, improve flexibility throughout the supply chain,
break down obstacles between functional departments, and reduce costs.

Section I
Integrated Logistics Support

2–1. Integrated logistics support

ILS consists of the technical and management activities conducted to ensure supportability implications are considered
early and throughout the materiel life cycle to minimize support costs and to provide the user with the resources
necessary to sustain the system in the field. ILS is an integral component of the systems engineering process. Examples
of systems engineering elements that relate to ILS include, but are not limited to, requirements analysis/allocation,
alternative analysis/evaluation, risk analysis, supportability analyses, specification development, technical data manage-
ment and documentation, test and evaluation, verification and validation, configuration management, production and
deployment, operation and maintenance, and system disposal. DM and SCM are critical elements of the ILS process.

2–2. Integrated logistics support principles

All ILS activities must be obtained and maintained through application of PBL techniques. PBL is the DOD-preferred
method for product support of weapon/materiel systems.
a. Through their participation in the PM or TLCSM supportability integrated product team (SIPT), distribution and
supply chain managers will ensure that the systems acquisition strategy, systems supportability strategy, and APB
sufficiently define/describe the requirements, planning, programming, budgeting, and execution of the PBL strategy,
including end-to-end distribution and SCM.
b. The purpose of any systems acquisition is to achieve and maintain a judicious balance of cost, schedule,
performance, and supportability in response to the customer’s expressed need. The goal is to acquire a system that is
affordable and supportable and interoperable with other systems, and uses proven technology, open systems design,
available manufacturing capabilities and services, and smart competition.
(1) The PM is the TLCSM for his or her designated materiel system. The PM is responsible for the acquisition and
sustainment of that system over its intended life cycle.
(2) The PM/TLCSM will designate a single organization as the product support integrator (PSI). This PSI will be
the single responsible agent for the PM to integrate all of the product support for a given materiel system. The PSI
could be an organic entity, a contractor, or a partnership of an organic and commercial entity.
(3) The PBA is a written agreement between the PM and the customer, the PM and the PSI, or the PM, the
customer, and the PSI. The PBA will outline the business relationship and performance requirements with regard to
product support. The minimum acceptable contents for a PBA include, but are not limited to—
(a) Identification of realistic, quantifiable, and measurable metrics.
(b) Identification of the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders for the collection, processing, analysis, and
reporting of performance data.
(c) Identification of the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders for the planning, programming, and distribution
of funds.
(d) Identification of the data elements and formula for calculating critical metrics.
(e) A description of the data and identification of the data source.
(f) A statement regarding the frequency and format for reporting results.
(g) A formal performance review.
(4) The logistician is a critical element in the design of a system. As such, the role of the logistician in acquisition
logistics is to influence the design so that the system is highly reliable, easy to operate, easily and quickly repaired,
easily transported, and properly disposed.
(a) Army logisticians will participate in TRADOC-managed integrated concept teams, as appropriate, to influence
system design.
(b) Army logisticians will participate in system working level integrated product teams, including the SIPT, to
collect data/information, conduct analyses, and plan, program, budget, and execute elements of DM and SCM.
(5) While influencing the system’s design, the logistician will design a product support (DM and SCM structure)
system that will satisfy the customer’s requirements.
(a) The logistician will conduct investigations and market surveys to identify the product support characteristics for
each proposed technical alternative for use in trade-off analyses.
(b) The logistician will conduct supportability analyses to determine the optimum product support strategy.
(c) The logistician will apply best commercial DM and SCM practices in designing the supportability strategy.

4 AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004

(d) The logistician will identify and apply strategic, tactical, and operational metrics in the definition and measure-
ment of supplier performance. These metrics will be utilized in the PBAs with the customer and the PSI.
(e) The logistician will ensure that a collaborative environment exists for the communication, data collection, and
measurement of DM and SCM performance.
(6) Ultimately, there is a transition from acquisition logistics to sustainment logistics. The PSI is responsible for
sustaining the Army’s capabilities at the national level, while the Army logistician has the primary responsibility for
sustaining the Army’s capabilities at the field level. The PSI and the Army logistician share the responsibility for
attaining an effective and efficient DM and SCM system over the life of the item.
(a) The logistician will monitor the performance of the DM and SCM system and make periodic assessments of the
performance against the customer’s negotiated requirements.
(b) The logistician will apply the principles of continuous process improvement.
(c) The logistician will conduct sustainment engineering when performance falls outside of acceptable ranges to
determine the nature and extent of the poor performance and any corrective actions required.
(d) The logistician will use best systems engineering processes to develop, test, and field new or modified
equipment to enhance reliability of components and/or distribution and SCM services.
(e) The logistician will use best systems engineering processes in seeking opportunities to insert technology.
(7) The purpose of ILS is to influence design while optimizing the balance of cost, schedule, performance, and
supportability. Involving the logistician early in the capabilities concept and development is intended to result in a
better product with a lower life cycle cost.
(8) The early investment of resources in acquisition logistics is directly linked to the ability of the distribution and
SCM system to perform at an optimum level of efficiency and effectiveness.
(9) The goal of ILS is to enhance deployment, reduce the logistics footprint, and reduce logistics costs.

Section II
Distribution of Materiel

2–3. Purpose
The purpose of distribution is to reliably provide materiel to the warfighter or other designated end user with the time,
place, and condition utility required to predictably insure readiness in peace and the continuous combat effectiveness of
a deployed force during war and contingency operations. The desired result is not speed alone, rather, it is a
demonstrated reliability in meeting the materiel requirement.

2–4. Distribution of materiel defined

Distribution is a transparent end-to-end joint process that uses standard business practices to provide materiel and
information worldwide from the supply source to the point of consumption or use, including the last tactical mile and
retrograde. Distribution includes the two-way flow of materiel and information, process and financial management,
transportation and transportation mode selection, node operations, visibility to the required level of detail, automatic
identification technology (AIT)/automated information system (AIS)-enabled information systems, materiel handling,
and protective packaging. It also includes the capability to meet surge requirements and redirect materiel en route, as
well as maintain full synchronization with the force deployment process. As a component of the supply chain,
distribution begins when a product is made available for shipment and ends when it is received at the warfighter or
other designated end user location.

2–5. Distribution of materiel and force deployment

As the distribution system can require the same assets simultaneously needed to deploy the force, distribution and
deployment must be fully synchronized to ensure that available lift, port, reception, staging, and delivery capabilities
are fully exploited to best meet warfighter requirements. Army distribution elements must be actively engaged with the
joint distribution community, force providers, host nation providers, and commercial contractors and vendors.

2–6. Distribution of materiel and supply chain management

To be effective and efficient, and to make the best use of fiscal resources, distribution must be conducted within a
supply chain framework. SCM is the management of all internal, external, and interdependent logistics and information
processes and functions. In addition to distribution, the components of SCM include customer response, inventory
planning and management, supply, warehouse management, maintenance, and retrograde. To fully enable the flow of
materiel to the end user, distribution must influence acquisition, sourcing, and positioning. This regulation is the Army
reference on SCM, while AR 56–4 is the Army reference on distribution.

2–7. Distribution-based logistics

Distribution-based logistics is a synchronized DOD, Joint, Service, and industry network of organizations, infrastruc-
ture, processes, capabilities, and automated systems that enable rapid and assured provisioning and retrograde of

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 5

materiel to forces worldwide across the full spectrum of military operations. Its fundamental principles are velocity
over mass, optimization of the distribution system, maximum throughput, reduced CWT, minimum essential stocks,
standard practices, predictable time definite delivery, and continuous two-way visibility and flow of information.

2–8. Distribution of materiel goals

The objective end state of distribution is a transparent and synchronized end-to-end joint distribution system that meets
warfighter requirements for materiel and information. This end state will be accomplished by reliably providing
materiel worldwide with the time, place, and condition utility required to predictably ensure readiness and the
continuous combat effectiveness of a deployed force. The goals of distribution include:
a. Gaining and maintaining logistician and warfighter confidence in the distribution system through demonstrated
reliable and predictable worldwide time definite delivery of materiel, including the last tactical mile.
b. Reducing the distribution footprint.
c. Reducing costs while maintaining warfighter capability and readiness.
d. Conducting efficient distribution operations at strategic levels and effective distribution operations at operational
and tactical levels.
e. Fully synchronizing the distribution process with the deployment process.
f. Defining and achieving performance metrics.
g. Conducting effective and efficient retrograde of materiel.
h. Attaining visibility of all materiel in the distribution system to the needed level of detail using AIT/AIS-enabled
information systems coupled with the capability to effectively redirect materiel en route.
i. Ensuring that sufficient commercial and organic distribution platforms are available to meet warfighter surge and
follow-on requirements.
j. Conducting effective distribution platform circulation and retrograde operations.
k. Ensuring that contracts for materiel acquired through Government purchase cards, direct vendor delivery, and
weapon system contractor logistics support provide for shipment to combat and contingency operations by either
organic or commercial transportation, as directed by the warfighter.
l. Preventing delays and misdirected cargo through proper marking and labeling of shipments.
m. Identifying, funding, and implementing high pay off distribution enablers.
n. Accomplishing continuous process improvement by exploiting and incorporating current and emerging technology
and best practices.

Section III
Supply Chain Management

2–9. Inventory models/forecasting

The Army uses dollar cost banding (DCB) as an inventory model and a means of forecasting requirements. DCB is an
effective and efficient methodology to compute Army authorized stockage list (ASL) stock levels by taking into
account demands accrued, essentially code, dollar value, and urgency of need to form a realistic, cost effective, and
supportive ASL. DCB achieves its main objectives of increasing parts availability, reducing CWT, and holding down
costs by increasing ASL breadth. DCB resides in the Integrated Logistics Analysis Program (ILAP). Additional
information may be found on the ILAP ( or DM ( Web sites.

2–10. Stock positioning

Stock positioning decisions will be based on the criticality of the requirement and anticipated demands, and be
consistent with financial constraints. The categories of stock positioning are:
a. AMC stock positioning. This is the placement of AMC stocks in AMC-owned or controlled distribution centers or
forward distribution points (FDPs). Additionally, in coordination with the DLA, AMC will place AMC stock in DLA
distribution centers.
b. DLA stock positioning under Consumable Supply Chain Management—Army. This is a coordinated responsibility
between the DLA and FDP receiving the stock. Additional guidance may be obtained from the DCS, G–4 Supply
Policy Division (DALO–SMP).
c. All others. This includes sources of supply such as the General Services Administration. Stock positioning of
these assets is a local decision

2–11. Automation tools

Organizations will use Standard Army Management Information Systems (STAMIS) in accordance with current
Automated Data System End User Manuals. The following additional non-STAMIS will be used:
a. ILAP. The ILAP combines supply, maintenance, and financial data to produce comprehensive management
reports tailored to user requirements without affecting data sources. The ILAP is the source for many Army metrics

6 AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004

such as CWT, requisition wait time (RWT), and fill rate. Additional information may be found at
b. Radio frequency (RF) technology. RF technology use is mandated for in-transit visibility (ITV) of all supplies and
equipment, including retrograde. The DCS, G-4 Logistics Automation Division (DALO–SMI) is responsible for Army
RF technology.
c. WEBLOG. WEBLOG is an AMC logistics, Web-based suite of tools for supply, maintenance, and ITV. Addi-
tional information may be found at

Section IV
The Army maintenance program is governed by AR 750–1. The Army is migrating toward the two-level maintenance
concept—field and sustainment levels of maintenance. AMC is responsible for sustainment maintenance, while the
organizational element and AMC share the responsibility for the field level in terms of the National Maintenance
Program (NMP).

2–12. National Maintenance Program

The NMP encompasses the Army strategy to move to a centrally coordinated and controlled repair-based logistics
system. The overall objective of the NMP is to enhance Army sustainment readiness by accomplishing repairs by a
qualified national provider to an overhaul standard with a new system life expectancy. The purpose of NMP is to
enhance readiness by increasing weapon system reliability. Additionally, the NMP supports Army recapitalization
(RECAP) by providing a supply of components repaired to the NMP overhaul standard, thus improving the mean time
between failures (MTBF) over those repaired to the inspect and repair only-as necessary (IRON) standard. The NMP
provides additional value by extending beyond RECAP and improving the reliability of numerous other weapon
systems that have secondary items included in the NMP.

2–13. National Maintenance Program defined

The two NMP-established categories of maintenance management are:
a. National. The National category of maintenance management consists of organic depots, the industrial base, and
qualified below-depot sources of repair (SORs). These activities collectively are referred to as “the sustainment base”.
Items repaired by the sustainment base are returned to the Army Working Capital Fund (AWCF) supply. The National
category is AWCF funded and its overall focus is sustainment readiness.
b. Field. The Field category consists of organizational, direct support (DS), and general support (GS) maintenance
(the part of the GS mission performed as a back up to DS) units. Repaired items are returned to the user or placed in
an operation and maintenance– Army (OMA) direct exchange (DX)/repair exchange (RX) supply. The Field category is
OMA funded and its overall focus is near term readiness.

2–14. National repair objectives tenets

National repair objectives were developed by blending the traditional wholesale and retail requirements into a single
program repair objective. The objective is to repair to a national need versus a regional need.
a. Single Standard of Repair. This tenet calls for all items to be repaired and returned to AWCF supply to be
repaired to the National Maintenance Repair Standard (NMRS), which is the NMP overhaul standard. The NMRS will
be the Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, where the NMRS exists. If the NMRS does not exist, a National
Maintenance Work Requirement will be developed. These support RECAP with quality components and enhance other
system availability through components with increased MTBF.
b. Qualified national providers (QNPs). Qualification of an SOR as a QNP consists of the SOR being International
Standards Organization-quality compliant and technically certified by the proponent Integrated Materiel Management
Center’s Maintenance Director as being capable of performing repairs to the NMRS.
c. Enable a repair-based logistics system. Enabling a repair-based logistics system entails exercising the supply
system to meet reparable component requirements. Unserviceable items are turned in to AWCF supply, work ordered
to maintenance, repaired, then returned to AWCF supply. NMP has fully integrated the business practices of the single
stock fund with sustainment maintenance. This facilitates sustainment maintenance supporting field maintenance
forward with components through supply.
d. National Maintenance Program. The National Maintenance Program is managed by AMC and encompasses the
Army strategy to move to a centrally coordinated and controlled repair-based logistics system. The overall objective of
the NMP is to enhance Army sustainment readiness by accomplishing repairs of secondary items by a QNP to an
overhaul standard with an expected life. The purpose of NMP is to enhance readiness by increasing weapon system
reliability. Additionally, the NMP supports RECAP by providing a supply of components repaired to the NMP
overhaul standard, thus improving the MTBF over those repaired to the IRON standard. In so doing, the NMP enables
the component aspect of RECAP for selected legacy weapon systems. The NMP provides additional value by

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 7

extending beyond RECAP and improving the reliability of numerous other weapon systems that have secondary items
included in the national repair program. The two NMP-established categories of maintenance management are:
(1) National. The National category of maintenance management consists of organic depots, the industrial base, and
qualified below-depot SORs. These activities are collectively referred to as “the sustainment base.” Items repaired by
the sustainment base are returned to the AWCF supply. The National category is AWCF funded and its overall focus is
sustainment readiness.
(2) Field. The Field category consists of organizational, DS, and GS maintenance units (that part of the GS mission
is performed as a back up to DS). Repaired items are returned to the user or placed in an OMA DX/RX supply. The
Field category is OMA funded and its overall focus is near term readiness.

Chapter 3
Analyzing Supply Chain Performance
Supply chain performance is assessed against the criteria of time, quality, cost, and variability. If it cannot be
measured, it cannot be managed or improved.

Section I
Analyzing Performance

3–1. Metrics
Metrics portray the status of an organization in terms of processes, results, and initiatives needed to improve the
processes. Supply chain metrics (or measurements) will be used to track supply chain performance. Supply chain
metrics will cover many areas, including procurement, production, warehousing/distribution center, distribution of
materiel, and customer response. Tracking metrics will allow for benchmarking, viewing performance over time,
identifying problem areas and optimizing the supply chain. This regulation addresses two types of metrics: supply
chain and logistics performance.
a. Supply chain metrics. Supply chain metrics are tools used to measure and analyze the entire supply chain by
integrating its independent processes. The process must begin with planning the acquisition of customer driven
requirements for materiel, including the returns segment of the process, and the flow of required information in both
directions among suppliers, logistics managers, and customers. Supply chain metrics must have the capability to “peel
back” the data to facilitate review by commanders at all levels and compile reports at the DA level. Supply chain
metrics must employ the balanced scorecard technique to measure the criteria of time, quality, cost, and variability
across the entire supply chain. The aim is to purge the logistics process of unnecessary elements—those that do not add
value—and to find and act upon opportunities for improvement.
b. Logistics performance metrics. Logistics performance metrics are tools used to measure a particular process
within the supply chain. Logistics includes seven interdependent processes: customer response, inventory planning and
management, supply (manufacturing/procurement), maintenance, warehousing/distribution center, distribution of mate-
riel, and reverse logistics. Logistics performance metrics are diagnostic in nature. They also must have the capability to
“peel back” the data to facilitate review by commanders at all levels and compile reports at the DA level.
c. Source. The DCS, G–4 will identify the source of established metrics.
d. Metrics Goals. The DCS, G–4, in coordination with the DMT, will recommend Army goals to the DM board of
directors (BOD). Supply chain metrics may be found at Logistics performance standards
may be found in AR 710–2, AR 750–1, and AR 700–138.

3–2. Performance reviews

The following are reviews used to manage logistics systems performance. This list is not all encompassing.
a. DCS, G–4 monthly. The SCIMO will review supply chain metrics to identify performance trends and take
appropriate action.
b. DM (DM) BOD. The DM BOD will receive annual process improvement team (PIT) updates on the progress of
their initiatives to improve logistics system performance.
c. PITs. PITs will review and analyze their assigned metrics monthly and take corrective action as required.
d. Site improvement teams (SITs). SITs will review and analyze metrics affecting their performance on a recurring
basis and take corrective action as required.
e. Video telephone conference (VTC). The DMT will host a periodic VTC and present a metrics performance review
to selected MACOMs and installations.
f. DM Web site postings. Army supply chain performance metrics reports will be posted to the DM Web site
( monthly. Commanders will use these posted reports and supporting data posted metrics
as internal bench-marking tools for logistics review and analysis at the installation and command.

8 AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004

g. Command materiel management readiness reviews. These reviews will include supply chain metrics outlined in
this regulation and further explained in AR 710–2, chapter 2 and appendix B.

Section II
Metrics Types

3–3. Customer response

The Army customer views the logistics system in terms of its responsiveness to his or her requirements. The mechanic,
the supply technician, and their chain of command view the logistics system response to their requirements in terms of
time, quality, cost, and variability. The customer defines the standard, and Army performance metrics, as established in
this regulation (CWT, RWT, fill rate, and AR 710–2, tables 1–2 and 1–3), depict logistics system measures of
efficiency and effectiveness in customer terms. The Army will use supply chain metrics, as established by this
regulation, to measure customer response, then rate that response against the established standard. The DCS, G-4 staff
for logistics goals will announce customer response time goals by message.

3–4. Inventory planning and management

Planning, storing, moving, and accounting for inventory are the basics of inventory planning and management.
Inventory planning, including inventory allocation and distribution of materiel, must be designed to optimize the
positioning and movement of inventory to best meet customer needs. Inventory management must be improved by
using techniques such as activity-based costing analysis and forecasting or inventory models such DCB. DCB is
mandatory for ASL review. ASL fill rate must be improved through the use of DCB. Logistics leaders must tackle the
challenges associated with determining how much inventory to hold, where to hold it, and how to allocate and
distribute it effectively and efficiently. The DCS, G-4 staff for logistics goals will announce fill rate goals by message.

3–5. Supply (manufacturing/procurement)

The supply (manufacture/procurement) logistics process typically is considered the beginning of the supply chain,
although the supply chain process should be considered a continuous one. Materiel requirements determination must be
performed during the supply chain process to determine the type and quantity of equipment and supplies needed to
equip, provide a materiel pipeline for, and sustain Army organizations for a specified period of time. Once require-
ments have been identified, usually using techniques associated with forecasting and contingency planning, items will
be acquired through procurement.

3–6. Maintenance
Maintenance processes will support the concept of retaining materiel in a serviceable condition or restoring it to
serviceability, then returning it to the user or supply system. Maintenance includes inspection, testing, servicing,
classification as to serviceability, repair, rebuilding, and reclamation. Maintenance includes all supply and repair
actions taken to keep a force in condition to carry out its mission. The phases of maintenance include servicing, repair,
modification, modernization, overhaul, rebuild, test, reclamation, inspection, condition determination, and the initial
provisioning of support items. The Equipment Downtime Analyzer is a tool commanders use to assess retail mainte-
nance and supply processes.

3–7. Warehousing/distribution centers

Warehousing functions include receiving, storage and handling, order selection, packing, issuing, and preparing
materiel for shipment. Warehousing/distribution centers will act as buffers to minimize the effects of variability in the
supply chain. The demands of the supply chain system require that warehousing/distribution centers serve customers in
a timely fashion during peaks in demand or to ensure a steady supply of materiel. Warehouse/distribution center
performance must be consistent and dependable. Warehousing, as a part of the total supply chain, will support the
objectives of reducing costs and improving customer service. Managers will perform a warehouse operations assess-
ment. It is recommended that accountable officers be included when performing such assessments. The warehouse
operations assessment is a process that evaluates several categories of performance, including, but not limited to,
customer service, inventory accuracy, space utilization, facility layout, automation equipment utilization, general
housekeeping, and safety. AR 710–2, table 1–2 establishes objectives for this process.

3–8. Distribution of materiel

Distribution of materiel is the process of providing materiel from the source of supply to the point of use or
consumption worldwide. Distribution of materiel uses both physical distribution and transportation functions to plan
and physically move materiel from the source of fill to a destination. It includes management and control over the
operation of the physical distribution network using channels or lines of communication (LOC). These channels or
LOC are composed of modes (the means of movement) and nodes (points of origin, stock, or modal transfer). In-transit
tracking will provide the ability to track the identity, status, and location of materiel with accurate and timely in-transit
information. The Army CWT and RWT metric reports provide the amount of time used for each source of fill and

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 9

segment of the supply chain. Army commanders with responsibility for distribution of materiel segment(s) will
compare their units’ performances to supply chain segment standards.

3–9. Reverse logistics

Considerable value exists in serviceable and unserviceable materiel that customers have returned to the logistics
system. Whether customers are returning that materiel so it can be repaired or stored for immediate use, the time,
quality, cost, and variability incurred in the return process represents value to the Army. That value diminishes over
time from the last gainful use of the materiel until it becomes useful again. Army supply chain metrics will be
developed and implemented to assign a standard for this process and to measure actual performance. AR 710–2, table
1–2 establishes objectives for this process.

Chapter 4
Improving the Supply Chain Through the Distribution Management Program
4–1. Methodology
Managing complex supply chain environments requires timely access to information that helps facilitate rapid and
effective decision-making. Developing a data collection plan includes establishing a baseline, capturing critical input
and output data elements, identifying and determining the availability and adequacy of specific data sources, and
developing work-arounds for data that are not available to measure defined metrics. Performance data should be
collected against the metrics of time, quality, cost, and variability. Data collection reveals hidden patterns and
relationships in large amounts of data. Analyzing this information serves to support decision-making and guide future
efforts. To analyze this information, the DM program uses the three-step define, measure, and improve (DMI)
a. Define. This includes determining customers, inputs, activity outputs, and processes. This is best accomplished
using the walk-through process or process walk (also referred to as a “rock drill”) to establish a common understanding
of the user’s environment. A walk through is a physical process “tour” through the logistics offices and facilities. It
includes informal dialog with the soldier and civilian workforce, who explain how they perform logistics processes.
Information collected during the process walk through will be used to develop the process map.
b. Measure performance. This is accomplished through defining data requirements, establishing metrics, determining
baseline performance, and obtaining performance data to use in the measurement process.
c. Improve the existing process. This is accomplished by setting local objectives, designing “new” process flows,
developing plans to achieve improvements, and implementing the changes needed to accomplish those goals.

4–2. Command and control

The DM program receives strategic direction during the annual DM BOD meeting. Interim strategic direction is
provided through the DCS, G–4 (DALO–SMP) or the CG, CASCOM. The CG, CASCOM is responsible for normal,
daily operational direction.

4–3. Funding
The DM program is funded by the DCS, G–4, with a separate program element. The DMT Chief is responsible to the
DCS, G–4 for annual budget submissions, validations, and justifications, including annual reviews, program objective
memorandum reviews, and Management Decision Evaluation Package submissions. Due to the external source of
funds, the DMT Chief also is responsible to the CG, CASCOM for reporting “Other People’s Money.”

4–4. Organization
The DMT is organized along the lines of PITs. Each PIT is led by a change agent (CA).

4–5. Change agents

A CA is an individual designated and empowered by a DM BOD member to interact on his or her behalf with other
CAs, PITs, and SITs. A CA is the staff liaison for a DM BOD member and provides advice and input to the DMT. The
CA should have ready and visible access to the DM BOD member appointing him or her. The DM BOD may appoint
one or more CAs. Army CAs provide the initiative to implement process improvements proposed by the DM BOD.
The appointed CA also leads his or her respective PIT.

4–6. Process improvement teams

The DM BOD will ensure PITs are organized to focus on broad logistics processes. PITs will examine logistics
processes to determine where improvements can be made to achieve the goals of the DM program, develop improve-
ment proposals, and recommend strategies for technical implementation of recommended changes. PITs will bridge the
functional organizational structure of the Army to deal directly with systemic logistics process problems. Each PIT will

10 AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004

identify agencies in the Army and DOD that are responsible for functions that impact or that will be impacted by the
mission. PITs span the traditional functional “stovepipes” that can inhibit communications and problem solving.

4–7. Site improvement teams

A key component to the DM program is the establishment and sustainment of SITs for installations and commands.
SITs are organized by commanders to focus on their installations’ or commands’ logistics processes. SIT membership
will be composed of local leaders and technical experts that work with the supply chain on a regular basis. At a
minimum, the SIT should be formed with a sufficiently broad range of members to address the complexity of the
organization’s logistics processes. It should include an individual from every element involved in the organization’s
logistic processes. The SIT employs the DMI methodology for supply chain optimization at the organization’s level.
The SIT program should include the review of DM-established metrics and metrics listed in AR 710–2, AR 725–50,
and AR 750–1, as well as the translation of these metrics into logistics objectives for the organizations.

4–8. Core and virtual team members

DMT members are senior logisticians trained in process improvement techniques. There are two types of team
a. Core team members. Core members will include active military, DA civilians, and contract support logistics
personnel assigned to the DM program.
b. Virtual team members. Virtual members will include personnel that possess specialized skills needed to compli-
ment and augment the core members. Examples of virtual team members are personnel assigned to AMC, DLA, or
other agencies who augment the DMT with their expertise for a given situation. Virtual team membership may also
extend to supporting contractor personnel such as Federal Express (FedEx) or RAND Corporation employees.

4–9. Process walks

Process walks are accomplished by physically walking through a facility or organization to establish a common
understanding of how a process is translated into practice, how local standing operating procedures are implemented
and what effect they have on the process, and how customers and providers view their own performances. During this
process, inefficiencies and non-value-added steps can be revealed and resolved. Likewise, efficiencies can be captured
and passed throughout the Army using DM distribution lists and the DM Web site (
a. Process walks can be general or very specific depending on the requirements of the requesting organization. In all
cases, the requesting organization will coordinate its requirements with the DMT Chief prior to scheduling a process
b. The DMT also may initiate process walks to capture commercial industry practices. In this instance, virtual team
members may be invited to participate. Examples of DM-initiated process walks include process walks through the
FedEx headquarters facility, Dover Aerial Port, and the Defense Distribution Center.

4–10. Site visits

CAs normally initiate and lead instructional walks through their sites. Such walks may be enhanced by DMT
participation. The DMT routinely calls for support from the DOD, the DLA, USTRANSCOM, AMC, IMA, and others
to augment the Core Team and create a synergistic capability for these visits. These visits include in-briefs intended to
advise local commanders of the status of their DM metrics as seen from the national level, the methodology the team
will use, and the areas of interest for each visit. CAs are encouraged to walk through any of their sites with the DMT.
CAs may contact the DMT via telephone (DSN 687–0022) or visit the DM Web site ( to
make visit requests. At the end of a site visit, the organization will receive an out-brief package identifying recommen-
dations. With the exception of DA-directed site visits where the out-brief also will be provided to the directing
authority, the DMT will not release the out-brief beyond the installation.

4–11. Special assistance

Organizations requiring special assistance may contact the DMT via telephone (DSN 687–0022) or the DM Web site

4–12. Metrics
Supply chain performance is assessed against the criteria of time, quality, cost, and variability. If it cannot be
measured, it cannot be managed or improved. Metrics are important because they portray the status of an organization
in terms of processes, results, and initiatives needed to improve the processes. Performance metrics must be displayed
graphically using a program such as Microsoft PowerPoint. Charts are more effective and efficient than tables at
portraying performance information. Tables are time consuming and require careful study and interpretation. Studies
have found that as soon as someone starts measuring something, it improves. Measures of performance must be
meaningful to those organizations being measured. As a result, soldiers will take a greater interest in ensuring a process
is successful if they have been included in the process. The DM program is responsible for CWT, RWT, and fill rate

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 11

a. The DCS, G–4 will identify the source of established metrics.
b. The DCS, G–4, in coordination with the DMT, will recommend Army goals to the DM BOD. DM metrics may
be found at

4–13. Distribution management performance reviews

The following is a list of performance reviews used to manage DM. This list is not all encompassing.
a. DCS, G–4. The SCIMO will review supply chain metrics monthly to identify performance trends and take action.
b. DM BOD. The DM BOD will receive annual PIT updates on the progress of their initiatives to improve logistics
c. PITs. PITs will review and analyze their assigned metrics monthly and take corrective action as required.
d. VTC. The DMT will host a periodic VTC and present a metrics performance review to selected MACOMs, IMA
regions, and installations.
e. DM Web site postings. Army supply chain performance metrics data will be posted to the DM Web site
( monthly. Commanders will use these posted metrics as internal bench-marking tools for
logistics review and analysis at the installation and command.

12 AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004

Appendix A

Section I
Required Publications
This section contains no entries.

Section II
Related Publications
A related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read a related publication to
understand this regulation.

AR 56–4
Management of Army Intermodal Container Systems

AR 700–138
Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability

AR 710–1
Centralized Inventory Management of the Army Supply System

AR 710–2
Supply Policy Below the National Level

AR 725–50
Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System

AR 735–5
Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability

AR 740–1
Storage and Supply Activity Operations

AR 750–1
Army Materiel Maintenance Policy

DOD 4145.19–R–1
Storage and Materials Handling. (Available at

DOD 4500.9–R
Defense Transportation Regulation. (Available at

DODD 4500.9
Transportation and Traffic Management. (Available at

FM 4–01.30
Movement Control. (Available at

Section III
Prescribed Forms
This section contains no entries.

Section IV
Referenced Forms
This section contains no entries.

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 13

Section I

automated information system

automatic identification technology

U.S. Army Materiel Command

acquisition program baseline

Army regulation

Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology

authorized stockage list

Army Working Capital Fund

board of directors

change agent

U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command

Commanding General

customer wait time

Department of the Army

dollar cost banding

DCS, G–4
Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4

Defense Logistics Agency

distribution management

Distribution Management Group

14 AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004

define, measure, and improve

Distribution Management Team

Department of Defense

direct support

direct exchange

Federal Express

forward distribution point

general support

Headquarters, Department of the Army

Integrated Logistics Analysis Program

integrated logistics support

Installation Management Agency

inspect and repair only-as necessary

in-transit visibility

lines of communication

major Army command

materiel management center

mean time between failures

National Maintenance Program

National Maintenance Repair Standard

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 15

operation and maintenance–Army

performance-based agreement

performance-based logistics

program executive officer

process improvement team

program manager

product support integrator

qualified national provider

Army recapitalization

radio frequency

requisition wait time

repair exchange

Standard Army Retail Supply System

Supply Chain Integration Management Office

supply chain management

supportability integrated product team

site improvement team

source of repair

Standard Army Management Information Systems

total life cycle system manager

16 AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

U.S. Army Transportation Command

video telephone conference

Section II

Authorized stockage list (ASL)

An inventory maintained by the forward distribution point (FDP). The intent of the list is to anticipate the demand for
critical materiel needed to maintain soldier and equipment readiness.

Balanced scorecard
A methodology that provides a single metric for time, quality, cost, and variability. It integrates the interdependent
supply chain logistics processes of customer response, inventory management, warehouse management, transportation,
supply, and maintenance.

Change agent (CA)

A person who lobbies for new ways to conduct business or perform processes. The commander empowers the CA to
implement changes for the command/agency, that is, the customer wait time (CWT) CA.

Customer wait time (CWT)

The Army’s principle supply chain performance metric for measuring supply chain responsiveness that measures the
time required to satisfy a supply request from the end user level, or total customer response time.

Distribution center
The intermediate warehouse where products from different sources are assembled for shipment and distribution to
specific customer locations. The central receiving point is an example of an Army distribution center.

Distribution management (DM)

The broad range of activities concerned with effective and efficient movement of materiel from the source of supply to
the point of use or consumption. DM activities include freight transportation, warehousing, materiel handling, packag-
ing, inventory management, and attendant management information systems. Also includes reverse logistics activities.

Distribution Management Core Team

Personnel assigned to the Army’s Distribution Management Team, who are responsible for its daily functions.

Distribution Management Virtual Team

Subject-matter experts from major Army commands and agencies who augment the Distribution Management Core
Team during assistance visits.

Dollar cost banding

A Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4-approved mandatory ASL review methodology that uses a modified economic order
quantity algorithm with variable bands of demand criteria based on the unit price of the stocked line.

Economic order quantity

The amount of product to be purchased or manufactured at one time to minimize the total cost involved, including
ordering and carrying costs. Economic order quantity is an authorized alternative in lieu of days of supply. The Army
encourages the use of economic order quantity for low dollar items.

Fill rate
The proportion of all stock requisitions that are filled from stock on the shelf. Fill rate is a metric the Army now is
adopting to measure the performance of its inventory planning and review process. Fill rate is the product of demand
accommodation times and demand satisfaction.

AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004 17

Inventory, physical
Either the total of all inventories in all locations stored in warehouses, or the annual counting of all products to satisfy
auditors. FDPs are permitted to use the cyclic or annual 100-percent methods for physical inventory.

The flow of material, information, and money between consumers and suppliers.

Logistics information system

A suite of systems used to manage the flow of material, information, and money connecting end users and suppliers.

Logistics performance metrics

Metrics that focus on a particular logistics process. For example, fill rate measures the success of inventory planning.

The various activities involved with a distribution system. The Army’s pipeline is measured by CWT and requisition
wait time (RWT) days.

Radio frequency (RF)

Online communications between the warehouse management system or an interrogator at a distribution site, and a
portable or onboard radio frequency computer terminal for the purpose of directing real-time task via sequential
instructions to the operator.

Requisition wait time (RWT)

The Army’s supply chain performance metric that measures time required to satisfy an FDP requisition that must be
sourced from either a wholesale or redistribution process. RWT is subordinate to CWT.

Reverse logistics
The process by which a product is returned to some point in the distribution system for credit, reworking, recouping,
restocking, or disposal.

A set of supply chain or logistics performance measures that focus on a particular process or processes.

Supply chain
The material and informational interchanges in the logistics process stretching from the acquisition of raw materials to
the delivery of finished products to the end user. Vendors, service providers, and customers are links in the supply

Supply chain management (SCM)

The management of all internal and external logistics processes, information, and functions necessary to satisfy a
customer’s requirement. The management of the interdependent logistics processes of customer response, inventory
planning and management, warehouse management, transportation, supply, maintenance, and reverse logistics.

Supply chain metrics

Metrics that integrate and measure the interdependent logistics process of customer response, inventory planning,
warehouse management, transportation, and supply and maintenance. For example, CWT measures the speed of the
supply chain by integrating each interdependent process as it contributes to satisfying a requisition.

A building used to store merchandise and commodities. The Army refers to a warehouse as an FDP.

Warehouse management system

A management information system that controls warehouse activity by furnishing instructions to warehouse resources
to manage operations. Such systems typically interface with Business Host, Process Control System, and RF devices
that collect and disseminate information. The Standard Army Retail Supply System is the Army’s warehouse manage-
ment system.

Section III
Special Abbreviations and Terms
This section contains no entries.

18 AR 711–7 • 19 November 2004

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