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BS 5345 : Pat? 3 :1979

UDC 696.6 : 621.3-7 : 614.83 : 621.3-213.34

Code of practice for

Selection, installation and maintenance of electrical
apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
(other than mining applications or explosive
processing and manufacture)
Part 3. Installation and maintenance requirements for electrical apparatus
with type of protection 'd'. Flameproof enclosure

Code de bonne pratique pour la sélection, l'installation et L'entretiendes matériels

électriques à utiliser dans les atmosphères explosibles (à l'exception desapplications
dans les mines ou des procédés ou fabrications explosifs)
Partie 3. Exigences relatives à l'installation et à l'entretien des matériels
électriques à mode de protection 'd: Enveloppe antidéflagrante -*
o Richtlinie für die Auswahl, Einrichtung und Instandhaltungvon elektrischen
Betriebsmittelnfür explosible Atmosphären (ausser der Verwendung in Bergbau
oder in explosiver Verarbeitung und Herstellung)
Teil 3. Anforderungen an die Einrichtung und Instandhaltungvon elektrischen
Betriebsmitteln des Schutztypes 'd'. Druckfeste Kapselung

British Standards Institution

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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BSI B S * 5 3 4 5 PART*3

BS 5345 : Part 3 : 1979

Page Page
Foreword Inside front cover IO. Environmental conditions 3
Cooperating organizations Back cover 11, Requirements for certification of apparatus 3

Code Section three. Installation requirements

O. Introduction 1 12.General 3
13. Solid obstruction effects 3
Section one. General principles 14.Weather protection 4
1. Scope 2 15. Wiring systems 4
2. References 2 16. Unused cable entries 5
3. Definitions and explanation of terms 2
4. Description of technique 2 Section four. Inspection, maintenance and testing
5. Relevant specifications 2 17.General 5
18. Initial and periodic inspections 5
Section two. Selection of apparatus 19. Maintenance 5
6. General
7.Permissible Zones of use 'Tables ________z
8. Temperature classification 1. Inspection schedule; apparatus with type of
9, Apparatus subgrouping protection 'd' : flameproof enclosure 7
2. Minimum distance of obstruction from flange
or opening

. 1. Selection chart for direct entry of cables
into flameproof enclosures'

This code of practice represents a standard of good practice and takes the form of recommendations. Compliance with it'
does not confer immunity from relevant statutory and legal requirements.

Many gases, vapours, mists and dusts encountered in techniques (or 'types of protection' as they are known)
industry are flammable. When ignited they may burn have been used for many years and have come to be
readily and with considerable explosive force if mixed with regarded as traditional. Other types of protection have
air in the appropriate proportions. 'It is.often necessary t o been introduced only recently.
use electrical apparatus in locations where such flammable
materials may be present, and appropriate precautions This code of practice describes the basic safety features of
should therefore be taken to ensure that all such apparatus
is adequately protected in order to reduce the likelihood of
these types of protection, full details of which are given in
the relevant standards, and recommends the selection,
ignition of any external explosive atmosphere. When using installation and maintenance procedures that should be
electrical apparatus, potential ignition sources include adopted to ensure the safe use of electrical apparatus in
electrical arcs and sparks, hot surfaces and, in certain hazardous areas. This code therefore takes account of the
circumstances, frictional sparks. significant developments that have taken place in area
In general, electrical safety is ensured by implementing one classification and in the design, manufacture and use of
electrical apparatus for hazardous areas since the prepara-
of two procedures. Either the electrical apparatus should be
tion of the earlier code of practice CP 1003.
located, whenever practicable, outside hazardous areas; or
the electrical apparatus should be designed, installed and It i s important to note that this code of practice deals with
maintained in accordance with measures recommended for explosion hazards due to the presence of flammable gadair
the area in which the apparatus is located. mixtures; it does not provide guidance on the extra
Several techniques are available for the protection of precautions to be taken where such gases involve a toxic
electrical apparatus in hazardous areas. Some of these hazard.

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BS 5345 : Part 3 : 1979

British Standard Code of practice for

Selection, installation and maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres (other than mining applications or
explosive processing and manufacture)
Part 3. installation and maintenance requirements for electrical apparatus with type of protection 'd'.
Flameproof enclosure

O. introduction This Part of the code should be read in conjunction with

This document is Part 3 of code of practice BS 5345.The the other Parts, particularly Parts 1 and 2 which, taken
code gives guidance in the selection, installation and together, describe the fundamental considerations that
maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in areas where affect the selection, installation and maintenance of all
electrical apparatus used in hazardous areas.

a flammable materials are generated, processed, handled or

stored, and that are therefore potentially hazardous.
In common with the earlier code of practice for the use of
BS 5345 is based on the concept of area classification
which recognizes the differing degrees of probability with
electrical apparatus in hazardous areas (CP 1003 : Part 1 : which explosive (flammable) concentrations of flammable
1964,Part 2 : 1966 and Part 3 : 19671,the present code is gas or vapour may arise in installations in terms of both the
divided into a number of Parts. Each Part deals with the frequency of occurrence and the probable duration of
installation and maintenance requirements appropriate to existence on each occasion.
one of the types or protection that may be used to achieve The detailed considerations that should be taken into
electrical safety, or with basic requirements and considera- account in deciding on an area classification are described
tions that are fundamental to the use of electrical apparatus in Part 2 of the code. For completeness, and for the
in hazardous areas, and that therefore provide the basis for convenience of readers, the definitions appropriate to area
the other Parts of the code. classification are repeated here. It should be noted that
whereas, formerly, classified areas were known as Divisions,
The full l i s t of Parts is as follows:
they are now called Zones. Three Zones are recognized, ¡.e.:
Part -1 Basic requirements for all Parts of the code
Zone O In which an explosive gadair mixture is
Part 2* Classification of hazardous areas continuously present or present for long periods.
Part 3 Installation and maintenance requirements for Zone 1 In which an explosive gadair mixture is likely to
electrical apparatus with type of protection 'd'. occur in normal operation.
Flameproof enclosure
Zone 3 In which an explosive gadair mixture is not likely
Part 4 Installation and maintenance requirements for to occur in normal operation, and i f it occurs it
electrical apparatus with type of protection 'i'. will only exist for a short time.
Intrinsically safe apparatus and systems It should be noted that this concept of area classification
Part 5" Installation and maintenance requirements for deals only with risks due t o flammable gases and vapours
electrical apparatus with type of protection 'p'. and, by implication, mists. It does not deal with flammable
Pressurization and continuous dilution dusts, which may lie quiescent for long periods of time
Part 6 Installation and maintenance requirements for until disturbed into suspension by a suitable mechanism.
electrical apparatus with type of protection 'e'. An area classification concept i s being developed for dusts.
Increased safety By implication, an area that is not ciassified as Zone O, 1
Part 7 Installation and maintenance requirements for or 2 i s deemed to be a non-hazardous or safe area. If doubt
electrical apparatus with type of protection N exists as to the classification of an area that i s judged to be
Part 8" Installation and maintenance requirements for hazardous or potentially hazardous, guidance should be
electrical apparatus with type of protection 's'. sought a t an early stage from the authority having jurisdic-
Special protection tion in the industry or area concerned. (See Parts 1 and 2
of the code.)
Part 9" lnstallation and maintenance requirements for
electrical apparatus with type of protection 'o'. Electrical apparatus used in each of the classified Zones
Oil-immersed apparatus, and with type of should be suitably protected by design and manufacture.
protection 'q'. Sand-filled apparatus and should also be installed and maintained in a manner to
ensure i t s safe use.
Part IO* Installation and maintenance requirements for
electrical apparatus for use with combustible BS 5345,in offering guidance in the selection, installation
dusts and maintenance of suitably protected apparatus, replaces
CP 1003 and should be used for all new installations. It
Part 1 1 * Specific industry applications should also be used for changes to existing installations,
Part 12" The use of gas detectors though it is recognized that minor changes only to certain

*In course of preparation.

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BS 5345 : Part 3 : 1979

existing installations may need to be made in accordance 3.4 joint. The place where correspondingsurfaces of the
with the recommendations of the earlier code. It is different parts of an enclosure come together and where
intended, however, that CP 1003 : Parts 1,2 and 3 will flame paths from inside to the outside of the enclosure
eventually be withdrawn from use. occur.
Notwithstanding application of the installation 3.5 length of flame path (width of joint). The shortest
recommendations of this code to existing installations, distance, measured along the flame path from the inside
the recommendations for maintenance should be applied to the outside of the flameproof enclosure.
to all electrical apparatus and installations, irrespective of
age and date of installation. It should also be noted that the
installation and maintenance recommendations given in the 4. Description of technique
code are supplementary to, and not alternative to, require- Electrical apparatus complying with the requirements
ments that would apply to general industrial installations for type of protection 'd' is so designed and constructed
(see also Part 1 of the code). that it is not capable, under practical conditions of
operation within the rating of the apparatus (and
recognized overloads and defined fault conditions, if any,
associated therewith), of igniting a surrounding explosive
Section one. General principles atmosphere.
This i s achieved by:
1. Scope
(a) completely surrounding the electrical apparatus with
This Part of BC 5345 describes the concept of ensuring an enclosure, including flamepaths as necessary, of
electrical safety in hazardous areas by means of type of
sufficient strength and integrity of manufacture to
protection 'd': flameproof enclosure, and gives guidance
withstand internal explosions without suffering damage
on the selection, installation and maintenance of this type and without communicating the internal flammation to
of electrical apparatus. the external flammable gas or vapour for which it is
This code does not apply to the underground mining designed through any joints or structural openings in
industry, where other precautions are necessary, though the enclosure:
it is recognized that the code may be applied to the surface (b) restricting the maximum external surface tempera-
installations of mines. ture to below the ignition temperature of the gas or
Apparatus with type of protection 'd': flameproof vapour which presents the explosion risk.
enclosure is designed for use in areas with flammable gas NOTE. The maximum surface temperature should take into account
and vapour risks. Combustible dusts are excluded from this possible restrictions of air circulation, extreme environmental
Part and are dealt with in Part IO. conditions and heat from adjacent plant. See also Part 1 of the code.
2. References
5. Relewant specifications
The t i t l e s of the standards publications referred to in this
code are listed on the inside back cover. The specifications currently available for apparatus with
type of protection 'd': flameproof enclosure are as follows:
3. Definitions and explanations of terms (a) I EC Publication 79-1'Electrical apparatus for
The definitions and terms generally applicable to hazardous explosive gas atmospheres' published by the International
areas and electrical apparatus used therein are included in Electrotechnical Commission.
Part 1 of the code, to which reference should be made. The (b) EN 50 018 'Electrical apparatus for potentially
definitions and terms that are particularly relevant to explosive atmospheres- Flameproof enclosure 'd' '
individual types of protection are given in the appropriate prepared by the European Committee for Electro-
Parts of the code, For the purposes of this Part, the technical Standardization (CENELEC), the English
following definitions and terms apply. language version being BS 5501 'Electrical apparatus for
NOTE. The following definitions are derived from BS 4683 : Part 2 potentially explosive atmospheres' Part 5 'Flameproof
and BS 229. Other very similar definitions may be found in IEC enclosure 'd".
Publication 79-1 and BS 5501 : Part 5.
(cl BS 4683 'Electrical apparatus for explosive
3.1 type of protection 'd': flameproof enclosure. A method
atmospheres' Part 2 'The construction and testing of
of protection where enclosures for electrical apparatus will
flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus'.
withstand an internal explosure of the flammable gas or
vapour which may enter it, without suffering damage and (d) BS 229 'Flameproof enclosure of electrical apparatus'.
without communicating the internal flammation to the NOTE 1. BS 5501 : Part 5 (EN 50 018) and BS 4683 : Part 2 are
used for all new certification applications and for all new designs of
external flammable gas or vapour for which it is designed,
flameproof enclosures.
through any joints or structural openings in the enclosure.
NOTE 2. Although superseded by BS 5501 : Part 5 and BS 4683 :
3.2 gap (diametral clearance). The distance between the Part 2, BS 229 remains valid for the manufacture of existing
corresponding surfaces a t a joint, measured normally to the certified equipment. Equipment certified t o editions of BS 229
surfaces. For cylindrical surfaces, the gap is the difference prior to 1946 should not be newly installed without consultation
with the authority having jurisdiction in the industry or area
between the two diameters and i s usually referred to as the concerned. It i s intended that BS 229 will eventually be withdrawn.
diametral clearance.
-k (e) IEC Publication 79-8'Classification of maximum
3.3 'gap (maximum experimental safe). The maximum gap
which has been found to prevent ignition of the most easily surface temperatures'.
ignited external mixture when the most incendive mixture (f) BS 4683 'Electrical apparatus for explosive
of the same flammable material is exploded inside the t e s t atmospheres' Part 1 'Classification of maximum surface
vessel. temperatures'.

2 Standards
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BS 5345 : Part 3 : 1979

(9) EN 50 014 'Electrical apparatus for potentially 9. Apparatus subgrouping

explosive atmospheres - General requirements', the 9.1 In the new groupings, agreed internationally by the
English language version being BS 5501 'Electrical -International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Group I
apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres' Part 1 is reserved for apparatus for mining use only and will not
'General requirements'. be considered further in this code. Apparatus for use with
(h) BS 6121 'Mechanical cable glands for elastomer and gases and vapours encountered in the surface industries is,
plastics insulated cables'. whew appropriate, grouped in one of three subgroups of
(i)BS 889 'Flameproof electric light fittings'. This Group IÏ, namely IIÄ, IIB and IiC.
standard refers to BS 229 for flameproof requirements 9.2 Apparatus may be used only with compounds allocated
(see (d) above). to the appropriate apparatus subgroup, as indicated in
Part 1 of the code, whose ignition temperatures are not less
than the maximum temperature of the temperature class
certified for the apparatus. Apparatus certified for a
Section two. Selection of apparatus particular subgroup may also be used with compounds
allocated to a lower subgroup, e.g. apparatus certified for
6. General Group IIC is also suitable for Groups II A and IIB, subject
The general factors affecting the selection of electrical to consideration of temperature classification.
apparatus and systems for hazardous areas are described in 9.3 It wilÏsometimes be found necessary to use electrical
detail in section two of Part 1 of this code. The specific equipment in applications where compounds may be
factors that need to be taken into account when selecting present which have not yet been allocated t o a subgroup.
electrical apparatus and systems with type of protection 'd' In these circumstances, expert advice should be obtained on
are described in the remaining clauses of this section. . the subgrouping allocation and temperature class of
apparatus for the compounds in question.
NOTE. The relationship between apparatus subgroup and former
7. Permissible Zones of use apparatus group according t o the requirements specified in BS 229
Electrical apparatus with type of protection 'd' is primarily i s shown in Part 1 of the code.
intended for use in Zone 1 areas, and is also applicable for
use in Zone 2 areas for apparatus that could cause arcs and IO. Environmental conditions
sparks in normal operation, together with other suitable When selecting apparatus, special care should be taken to
protection concepts (see Part 1 of the code). ensure that the apparatus and i t s component parts are so
NOTE. For information on the exceptional use of portable constructed as t o guard against electrical and mechanical
apparatus in Zone O areas see note 1 to 26.1 of Part 1 : 1976 failure in the intended conditions of use.
of the code.
Particular attention should be given to the need for
protection against the weather, the ingress of liquids and
8. Temperature classification particulate matter, corrosion, the effect of solvents and the
8.1 Apparatus with type of protection 'd' should be effect of heat from adjacent plant (see Part 1 of the code).
selected according t o i t s temperature classification (see
Part 1 of the code). The maximum surface temperature 11. Requirements for certification of apparatus
appropriate to the temperature class should not exceed the See Part 1 of the code,
ignition temperature of the flammable gas or vapour
expected to be present in the hazardous area, or the lowest
value of ignition temperature if more than one flammable
gas or vapour may be present.
NOTE 1. For type of protection 'd' apparatus the surface to be Section three. Installation requirements
considered is the external surface.
NOTE 2. The temperature class of apparatus is determined 12. General
according to the results of temperature measurements made under Electrical apparatus complying with the requirements of
normal operating conditions and with recognized overlot&, if any.
The validity of temperature classification may be dependent upon
type of protection 'd' should be installed in accordance
operation within recognized tolerances of supply voltage variation; with the generalinstallation requirements given in Part 1
in cases of doubt the manufacturer should be consulted. of the code.

be invalidated if the apparatus is used a t an ambient to prevent any external solid obstacle which is not part
temperature higher than that for which the certification of the apparatus, such as steelwork, walls, weatherguards,
applies. mounting brackets, pipes or other electrical equipment,
approaching nearer than the distance recommended in
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards 3 table 2 from the outer edge of the enclosure flange or .
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BSI B S m 5 3 4 5 PART*3 79 W 3 6 2 4 6 6 9 0348482 7
apparatus certified to this standard should be available with
BS 5345 : Part 3 : 1979 any thread form that the manufacturer originally specified,
inlcuding I S 0 metric threads, as given in BS 31 and
ES 4568.

15.2.2 BS 229 refers to tappings having thread forms as

specified in BS 31, BS 1387 or, for metric thread forms,
BS 4568 (the latter being incorporated in BS 229 by
amendment in July 1974). To accommodate the change
14. Weather protection to I S 0 metric threads, the Certifying Authority, on
14.1 Where flameproof/weatherproof type of equipment i s application by manufacturers, issue 'Endorsements' to
not available, the gaps should be protected against ingress existing certificates covering thread forms other than those
specified in BS 31 or BS 1387 providing the apparatus is
of moisture, The use of gaskets is only permissible when
certified as part of the equipment. otherwise suitable.
15.2.3 Where entry thread forms, other than those
14.2 It has been established that the ability of enclosures
specified in BS 31 or BS 4568 are involved, reference
to withstand the maximum explosion pressure is not
should be made to the manufacturer to confirm that the
impaired if the gaps are reduced or sealed by suitable
certification of apparatus in accordance with the require-
methods. It is therefore permissible to seal a joint, e.g. for
ments of BS 4683 : Part 2 and the 'Endorsement' for
weather protection.
apparatus in accordance with the requirements of BS 229,
14.3 Suitable sealing methods for joints are: the applica- cover these thread forms.
tion of non-settinggreases, or approved anticorrosive
agents, Silicone based greases are often suitable for this
15.3 Conduit systems
. - --
purpose but see note below concerning use with gas 15.3.1 ~- -


- --A
detectors, It cannot be too strongly emphasized that Conduit systems should be installed in accordance with'
the recommendations of Part 1 of the code. , It is
extreme care should be exercised in the selection and
application of these substances to ensure the retention of recommended that the use of conduit in outdoor locations
the non-settingcharacteristics, and subsequent separation is kept to an absolute minimum.
- -
of the joint surfaces.
NOTE. The use of silicone based compounds for the sealing of gas 15.3.2 Stopper boxes or other approved sealing devices
detector heads and associated fittings is not recommended because should be fitted a t each point of connection with flame-
of the poisoning effect of silicones on most detector elements. The proof apparatus. The exception to this is where a sealing
manufacturer of the gas detector units should be consulted for
advice on suitable sealing compounds. device forms an integral part of the apparatus and i s
certified as such.
14.4 Joints should not be treated with substances which
harden in use. 15.3.3 Stopper boxes or other approved sealing devices
should be fitted to all enclosures accommodating cable
1 .I-
$14 5 ___ joints and/or terminals and conduit fittings containing
For any Group II apparatus, non-hardeningtape shoulJ terminals, e.g. conduit junction boxes with terminals
be employed only where such apparatus is used in
including earth terminals.
conjunction with gases allocated to Group IIA (see
tables 3 and 5 of Part 1 of the code), 15.3.4 Where every item of flameproof apparatus
connected to a conduit system has a sealing device fitted
Unless expert advice is sought, non-hardeningtape to each point of entry, it is permissible to use conduit and
should not be employed where Group II B or II C
fittings complying with the requirements of BS 31 or
apparatus is used in conjunction with gases allocated
to Group II B. ES 4568 provided that there is no discontinuity in the
conductors or their insulation. Where terminals or
Non-hardeningtape should not be employed where
group II C apparatus i s used in conjunction with terminations are required they should be protected by a
gases allocated to Group II C.'
- ~ __
flameproof enclosure. .
15.3.5 Where it is necessary to employ a joint other than a
14.6 Weatherseals for entry devices may be by means of -. screwed coupler, suitable unions approved for the purpose
purpose designed sealing washers or a suitable thread sealant should be used. Running couplers are not permitted.
(see 14.3). However the minimum number of threads 15.3.6 All screwed joints should be pulled up tight and
engaged should s t i l l be in accordance with the flamepath should in addition, for parallel threaded components, be
requirements for the apparatus group concerned and the provided with locknut.
earth continuity should be maintained through the entry
device to the enclosure. 15.3.7 All conduit and conduit fittings should be checked
before assembly to remove all sharp edges and burrs which
could cause damage to cables when being pulled in.
15, Wiring systems -
' The general recommendations and requirements for wiring 9 -

systems for electrical apparatus installed in hazardous areas

are considered in Part 1 of the code. The specific factors
that need to be taken into account when installing electrical
apparatus with type of protection 'd' are described below.
The choice of wiring systems should take account of the
requirements of the electrical apparatus and the nature of
the environment, including mechanical, thermal, chemical
corrosive and solvent agencies.
15.1 General. It is essential that the entry system complies
with all the requirements referred to in the appropriate
. .
apparatus standard and that the entry device is appropriate
to the type of wiring employed, -_
- -- -

15.2 Entry tappings

4683 :. Part
15.2.1 BSBritish
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NOTE 2. Where a factory-made termination of the encapsulated
type is used, no attempt should be made to interfere with the
connection to the apparatus or to replace the cable, The apparatus
should be returned to the manufacturer for repair.'

16. Unused cable entries

'15.4 Cable systems and terminations If cable entries provided on the equipment are not
.. ...
. .
.- .... - 15.4.1 Cables and cable entries (e.g. cable glands) should employed for installation purposes, either because full - _
maintain the respective method of protection and be in information was not available a t the time of ordering or
accordance with Part 1 of the code. For the direct entry of by reason o f site changes, entries should be closed by an
cables into flameproof enclosures the cable sysfem should I approved method in order to maintain the integrity of the
comply with figure 1 and may be achieved by one of the . enclosure.
systems described in 15.4.2 t o 15.4.4.
NOTE, Attention is drawn to the importance of efficient earthing
and bonding in an installation. See Part 1 of the code. Section four. Inspection, maintenance and testing
For indirect entry of the site wiring into flameproof
enclosures, the apparatus will generally have been certified
17. General
with flameproof bushings through the wall of the enclosure The safe and satisfactory operation of electrical apparatus
and the parts of the bushings outside the flameproof with type of protection 'd' isdependent on a high standard
enclosure will be protected in accordance with one of the of inspection, maintenance and testing by trained and
types of protection listed i n table 1 of Part 1 of the code. competent personnel.
Normally the exposed part of the bushings will be within General recommendations for inspection, maintenance and
a terminal box which will either be another flameproof testing are given i n Part 1 of the code and apply equally to
. .. enclosure or will be protected by type of protection 'e'. this Part. The following requirements apply particularly to
. ..- .
Where the Ex e indirect entry method is used, the cable type of protection 'd' flameproof enclosures.
.. ..
entry and terminations should be in accordance with Part 6
. . . of the code. 18. Initial and periodic inspections
15.4.2 Thermoplastic, thermosetting or elastomeric cables All electrical apparatus, systems and installations should be
_ .. .
having extruded bedding and which are substantially inspected prior t o commissioning and after replacement in
. .
compact and circular may enter a flameproof enclosure by accordance with the 'Initial' column of inspection schedule
. . ..
. . .
. . any of the following methods: (see table 1).
(a) cable termination box with cable entry devices Following any repair, adjustment or modification, those
certified as part of the apparatus when tested with a parts of the installation that have been disturbed should be
sample of the particular type of cable; checked in accordance with the relevant items in the'lnitial'
(b) plugs, complete with suitable cable gland, which column of the inspection schedule.
engage with sockets which are certified as part of the All apparatus, systems and installations should be inspected
apparatus; regularly in accordance with the 'Periodic' column of the
(c) certified flameproof cable glands selected in inspection schedule.
accordance with figure 1; If, a t any time, there is a change in the area classification,
(d) other certified means which maintain the integrity or in the characteristics of the flammable material used in
of the flameproof enclosure. the area, or if the apparatus is moved from one location to
NOTE. Cables complying with BS 5308,BS 5467,BS 61 16, another, a check should be made t o ensure that the
BS 6346 or BS 6883 will be suitable provided that the recommen- apparatus concerned has the correct apparatus subgroup
dations of this subclause are met. Other cables meeting these and temperature class, and that it complies with the
recommendations may also be suitable but attention is drawn to relevant area classification.
. . the recommendations of 19.2.1 of Part 1 of the code.
A system should be established to record the results of all

. . Any fillers should be non-hygroscopic.

inspections and the action taken t o correct defects.
... 15.4.3 Mineral insulated cables with or without plastic
I .

. . outer covering with appropriate certified flameproof

cable glands may also be used,
19. Maintenance : F :.-.
. . . .. * ; < : .~
19.1 No alteration that might invalidate tG c e h f i c a t e or
15.4.4 For other cables where the method of termination other document relating t o the safety of the apparatus
and/or the construction is such that it would not maintain should be made to apparatus with type of protection 'd'
the method of protection, the cable should enter a flame. . without appropriate approval.
proof enclosure by one of the foilowing methods: If replacement components such as cable glands, conduit or
(a) a certified sealing device, e.g. a stopper box or conduit accessories, are available only with thread forms
sealing chamber, certified as part of the apparatus or which differ from those provided on the apparatus, suitable
having component approval and employing cable adaptors having 'Component Approval' should be employed.
glands appropriate t o the cables used; This situation is most likely t o occur when apparatus
(b) certified cable glands incorporating compound manufactured in accordance with BS 229 is being resited
or reused. See also 15.2.
filled seals or other equivalent sealing arrangements and
having component certification; 19.2 Checks should be made for obstructions around
(c) plugs, complete with suitable cable glands, flanges of equipment. The dimensions of the gaps a t
which engage with sockets which are certified as part flameproof joints should be checked periodically during .
of the apparatus; maintenance to see that they do not exceed the maximum
. figure specified in BS 229, BS 4683 : Part 2 or BS 5501 :
(d) other certified means which maintain the integrity Part 5 as applicable. A t such intervals as experience may --
of the flameproof enclosure. prove desirable the flanged joints should be separated and
NOTE 1. The seallng devices such as stopper boxes or seating the faces examined for possible defects resulting from
chambers referred to above should incorporate compound or
corrosion, erosion, or other causes. If flanges are to be
other appropriate seals which permit stopping around Individual
cores. Sealing devices should be fitted at the points of entry of sealed then new non-settinggrease or tape should be used
cables to the apparatus. ____--
- .Y., on reassembly. See 14.3 and 14.5.

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I . .._. .
BS 5345 : Part 3 : 1979

. - . 19.3 Care should be taken to avoid paint or any other enclosures, except by the complete assembly or part
. .
. i,

.. . .. .. .... .


coating entering the gap. See clause 14. obtainable from the manufacturer, and complying with
. .... . . . the flameproof certificate.
19.4 Equipment enclosures and fittings should be
examined to see that all stopping plugs (see clause 16) and 19.6 Repairs and refurbishing of apparatus with type of
. - bolts are in position and tight. Locking and sealing devices protection 'd' should be performed only by the original
should be checked to confirm that they are secured in the
. . ..
.. . .. manufacturer, his authorized agents or a repairer who i s
. .- ' . prescribed manner. Replacement cover securing fasteners,
nuts, studs or bolts should be types specified by the
conversant with the construction standards for flameproof
. . . . ... . equipment and demonstrates the ability t o understand
manufacturer for the particular apparatus. certification restraints.
19.5 No attempt should be made to replace or repair a
glass in a flameproof enclosure, eng. in a luminaire or other
. .

. .

. . _
: . . .. . .
.. . .

. .
. . . .
. . --. .

. . . .. - .. ..
. .

. .... .
. .


COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
BS 5345 : Part 3 : 1979

.. ..
.-...: Table 1. Inspection schedule; apparatus with type of protection 'd': flameproof enclosure
. .

Check that Inspection cafegory. Notes

Initial Periodic

.. . . - . Apparatus i s appropriate to area classification A B

Surface temperature class i s correct A B

.-. - . .
Apparatus subgroup is correct A B
Apparatus carries the correct circuit identification A B Apparatus should be positively identified
with itscircuit to ensure that correct
isolation can be carried out.

Obstructionsdo not conflict with clause 13 A A

. ..
- Enclosures, glasses and glasslmetal seals are Satisfactory A A

. . Gaps are free from corrosion, dirt and paint A B

.. . . Dimensions of gaps are correct A B

. . .
.. There are no unauthorized modifications A A
.. .. .
Bolts, glands and stoppers are complete and tight A A
. .

There i s no undue accumulation of dust or dirt B B Accumulation of dust Or dirt can interfere
- . with heat dissipation and result in surface
. . temperatures higher than those permitted in
.. the hazardous area.
. .
All conduit runs and fittings are tight and free from corrosion A B
Earthing i s satisfactory A A

Condition of enclosure gaskets i s satisfactory A B

Electrical connections are tight A B

Motor fans and couplings are not rubbing on cowlslguards A A

Lamp rating and type are correct A B An 'initial' inspection is necessary after

Electrical protection is satisfactory A A

Stopper boxes and cable boxes are correctly filled A B

There is no leakage of compound from stopper or cable boxes B B
There i s no obvious damage to cables, cable sheaths or cable glands A A . Particularattention should be paid to
flexible cables used with portable apparatus.

Apparatus is adequately protected against corrosion, the weather, A A

vibration and other adverse factors

Guards, where used, are present and correctly located A B

'Category A inspections should be carried out in all cases and, where 'periodic', at intervals not exceeding two years. More frequent andlor
more detailed inspectionwill be necessary where there is a corrosive or other adverse atmosphere, a high risk of mechanical damage or
vibration, or where there are other onerous circumstances. The need for more frequent inspection may also be determined by operating
The need for, the method, and the frequency of category B inspections is at the discretionof the engineer responsible. It is not intendedthat
periodic inspections should incur undue disturbances of apparatus, unless considered necessary by the engineer responsible.

- 7
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
BSI B S m 5 3 4 5 PART*3 79 Lb24669 0 1 4 8 4 8 6 4 M
.~ .

'Table 2. Minimum distance of obstruction from
flange or opening

Minimum distance
. .- .
. :
. . .. . ...
. .... .
. . .:. .
. i _
. . IIB 30
IIC 40

. - 'Apparatiis designed for a particular subgroup but used in a gas for '
i: . , .
. . which another lower subgroup would normally be applicable
... .. . .
(see 7.4.Z(c) of Part 1 of the code) may alternatively observe the
. . clearances for the gas in questlon, e.g. for Group IIC apparatus
. _.... . .
. _.
. used in a Group IIA atmosphere the 10 mm distance may apply
. . . Insteadof 40 mm:

. ,. .
Figure 1. Selection chart for direct entry of cables into flameproof enclosures
. .
. .
. .
- .
. . . . Use
. . . . . ....
.. . . .. .
I appropriate
miIIera I
. . . . . . , insdared
.. glands t o
.. .
. .
. .
. ..
.'. . . . .

. . . _
. . . -

Use enrry ac
ce itif ied
and (b)

Use any
. . suitable
I .

- . internal source No certified

. . . .
cable gland,
e.g. BS 5501
. .. . . .. .. 1 subclause
-. . 15.4.4


. . .

Internal sources of ignition include sparks or equipment temperatures occurring in normal service which can cause ignition. An enclosure
containing terminals only or an indirect entry enclosure is considered not to constitute an internal source of ignition.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
BSI BSX5345 PART*3 79 L b 2 q b b ï 0348487 b

@ Standards publications referred to

BS 31 Steel conduit and fittings for electrical wiring
BS 229 Flameproof enclosure of electrical apparatus
BS 889 Flameproof electric lighting fittings
BS 1387 Steel tubes and tubulars suitable for screwing t o BS 21 pipe threads
BS 4568 Steel conduit and fittings with metric threads of I S 0 form for electrical installations
BS 4683 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres
Part 1 Classification of maximum surface temperature
Part 2 The construction and testing of flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus
BS 5467 Specification for armoured cables with thermosetting insulation for electricity supply
BS 5501 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres
Part 1 (EN 50 014) General requirements
Part 5 (EN 50 018) Flameproof enclosure 'd'
BS 6116 Elastomer-insulated flexible trailing cables for quarries and miscellaneous mines
BS 6121 Mechanical cable glands for elastomer and plastics insulated cables
BS 6346 PVC-insulated cables for electricity supply
Cp 1003 Electrical apparatus and associated equipment for use in explosive atmospheres of gas or vapour other than mining applications
Part 1 Choice, installation and maintenance of flameproof and intrinsically-safzequipment
Part 2 Methods o f meeting the explosion hazard other than by the use of flameproof or intrinsically-safe equipment
Part 3 Division 2 areas 0

IEC 79 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres

Part 1 Construction and test of flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus . -
Part 8 Classification of maximum surface temperatures a.--

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
BSI B S * 5 3 4 5 PART*3 79 m 31624667 031i-18488 8

BS 5345 : Part 3 :1979

This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of Contract requirements
the General Electrotechnical Engineering Standards Committee, was A British Standard does not purport t o include all the necessary
published under the authority of the Executive Board and comes provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible
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The following BSI references relate tothework on this standard:
Committee reference G E L I l l 4 Draft for comment 76/30987DC

Cooperating organizations
The General Electrotechnical Engineering Standards Committee, Thear@anizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together
under whose direction this British Standard was prepared, consists with ttìe following, were directly represented on the committee
of representatives from the following Governmenf departments and entrusted with the preparat.ion of this British Standard:
scientific and industrial organizations: Association of British Mining Equipment Companies
*Associated Offices Technical Committee Association of Consulting Engineers
'British Approval? Service for Electric Cables Association of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
'British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association (BEAMA) British Electrical Systems Association (BEAMA)
British Radio Equipment Manufacturers' Association British Gas Corporation
British Steel Corporation British Industrial Measuring and Control Apparatus Manufacturers'
Department of Energy (Electricity) Association
*Electric Cable Makers' Confederation British Industrial Truck Association
*Electrical Contractors' Association CBMPE
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*Electrical Research Association Civil Aviation Authority (Airworthiness Division)
*Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales Council for Electrical Equipment for Flammable Atmospheres
*Electronic Components Industry Federation (BEAMA)
Electronic Engineering Association . Department of Energy (Petroleum) (O1L)
*Engineering Equipment Users' Association Department of the Environment
*Health and Safety Executive Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Home Office (Fire Research Station)
*Institution of Electrical Engineers Department of Trade (Marine Division)
'Ministry of Defence Fire Offices Committee
*National Coal Board Fire Protection Association
*Oil Companies Materials Association General Council of British Shipping
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Rotating Electrical Machines Association (BEAMA)
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Amd. No. Date of issue Text affected

- -
British Standards Institution 2 Park Street London W1A 2BS Telephone 01-629 9000 Telex 266933 -
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861 1 -5 -2k-B . _

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
ES1 BSX5345 PART*3 79 Lb2Ybb9 OLY 8 4 8 9 T

AMD 5958

Amendment No. 1
published and effective from 31 July 1989
to BS 5345 : Part 3 : 1979
Code of practice for selection, installation and
maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres (other than
mining applications or explosive processing
and manufacture)
Part 3. Installation and maintenance requirements
for electrical apparatus with type of
protection 'd'. Flameproof enclosure

Revised text

AMD 5958 Contents list

July 1989
Delete the entry for 'Table' and substitute the following.
i . Inspection schedule; apparatus with type of
protection 'd' : flameproof enclosure 7
2. Minimum distance of obstruction from flange
or opening

1. Selection chart for direct entry of cables
into flameproof enclosures'

AMD 5958 Clause 13.2

July 1989
Delete the entire text and substitute the following,
'13.2 When installing apparatus, care should be exercised
to prevent any external solid obstacle which is not part
of the apparatus, such as steelwork, walls, weatherguards,
mounting brackets, pipes or other electrical equipment,
approaching nearer than the distance recommended in
table 2 from the outer edge of the enclosure flange or

AMD 5958 Clause 14.5

July 1989
Delete the entire text and substitute the following.
'For any Group I I apparatus, non-hardeningtape should
be employed only where such apparatus is used in
conjunction with gases allocated to Group IIA (see
tables 3 and 5 of Part 1 of the code).
Unless expert advice i s sought, non-hardeningtape
should not be employed where Group II B or I I C
apparatus is used in conjunction with gases allocated
to Group II B.
Non-hardeningtape should not be employed where
group II C apparatus i s used in conjunction with
gases allocated to Group II C.'

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
BSI B S * 5 3 4 5 PART*3 79 m Lb24bb7 OL48470 b

AMD 5958. Clause 15.3.1

July 1 9 8 9
Delete the first sentence and substitute the following.
'Conduit systems should be installed in accordance with
the recommendations of Part 1 of the code.'
Delete the final sentence.

AMD 5 9 5 8 Clause 15.4

July 1989
Delete the entire text (¡.e. 15.4.1 to 15.4.6 inclusive) and substitute the following.
'15.4 Cable systems and terminations
15.4.1 Cables and cable entries (e.g. cable glands) should
maintain the respective method of protection and be in
accordance with Part 1 of the code. For the direct entry of
cables into flameproof enclosures the cable system should
comply with figure 1 and may be achieved by one of the
systems described in 15.4.2 to 15.4.4.
NOTE.Attention i s drawn to the importance of efficient earthing
and bonding in an installation. See Part 1 of the code.
For indirect entry of the site wiring into flameproof
enclosures, the apparatus will generally have been certified
with flameproof bushings through the wall of the enclosure
and the parts of the bushings outside the flameproof
enclosure will be protected in accordance with one of the
types of protection listed in table 1 of Part 1 of the code.
Normally the exposed part of the bushings will be within
a terminal box which will either be another flameproof
enclosure or will be protected by type of protection 'e'.
Where the Ex e indirect entry method is used, the cable
entry and terminations should be in accordance with Part 6
of the code.
15.4.2 Thermoplastic, thermosetting or elastomeric cables
having extruded bedding and which are substantially
compact and circular may enter a flameproof enclosure by
any of the following Methods:
(a) cable termination box with cable entry devices
certified as part of the apparatus when tested with a
sample of the particular type of cable;
(b) plugs, complete with suitable cable gland, which
engage with sockets which are certified as part of the
(c) certified flameproof cable glands selected in
accordance with figure 1;
(d) other certified means which maintain the integrity
of the flameproof enclosure.
NOTE. Cables complying with BS 5308, BS 5467, BS 6 1 16,
BS 6 3 4 6 or BS 6883 will be suitable provided that the recommen-
dations of this subclause are met. Other cables meeting these
recommendations may also be suitable but attention is drawn to
the recommendations of 19.2.1 of Part 1 of the code.
Any fillers should be non-hygroscopic.
15.4.3 Mineral insulated cables with or without plastic
outer covering with appropriate certified flameproof
cable glands may also be used,
15.4.4 For other cables where the method of termination
and/or the construction is such that it would not maintain
the method of protection, the cable should enter a flame-
proof enclosure by one of the following methods:

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
B S I BS*53q5 PART*3 79 = 2624669 Oit4ôY7L ô =

(a) a certified sealing device, e.g. a stopper box or

sealing chamber, certified as part of the apparatus or
having component approval and employing cable
glands appropriate to the cables used;
(b) certified cable glands incorporating compound
filled seals or other equivalent sealing arrangements and
having component certification;
(c) plugs, complete with suitable cable glands,
which engage with sockets which are certified as part
of the apparatus;
(d) other certified means which maintain the integrity
of the flameproof enclosure.
NOTE 1. The sealing devices such as stopper boxes or sealing
chambers referred to above should incorporate compound or
other appropriate seals which permit stopping around individual
cores. Sealing devices should be fitted at the points of entry of
cables to the apparatus.
NOTE 2. Where a factory-made termination of the encapsulated
type is used, no attempt should be made to interfere with the
connection to the apparatus or to replace the cable. The apparatus
should be returned to the manufacturer for repair.'

AMD 5958 New table 2

July 1989
After table 1, insert the following new table 2.

'Table 2. Minimum distance of obstruction from

flange or opening

Apparatus subgroup* Minimum distance

I IC 40

*Apparatus designed for a particular subgroup but used in a gas for

which another lower subgroup would normally be applicable
(see 7.4.2(c) of Part 1 of the code) may alternatively observe the
clearances for the gas in question, e.g. for Group IIC apparatus
used in a Group IIA atmosphere the 10 mm distance may apply
instead of 40 mm.'

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
79 Lb24669 0383449 9

Bw1D 5968 New figure 1

July 1989
After the new table 2, insert the following new figure 1.

glands to

. .

Use entry a:
and (6)

Use any
cable gland,
e.g. BC 5501


*Internal sources of ignition include sparks or equipment temperatures occurring in normal service which can cause ignition. A n enclosure
containing terminals only or an indirect entry enclosure is considered not t o constitute an internal source of ignition.

Figure 1. Selection chart for direct entry of cables into flameproof enclosures

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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