Specific Course Information: Encryption. Number Theory

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Course Number and Name: 0909565, Cryptography and Network Security

2. Credit and Contact Hours: 3 credits, 3 hours of contact /week

3. Course Coordinator and Lecturers:

 Dr. Mohammad Masoud

4. Textbook, Title, Author(s), Publisher and Year:

William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security – Principles and Practices”, Prentice
Hall of India, Fifth Edition, 2011.

5. Specific Course Information

Catalog description: conventional encryption: Cipher Principles – Data Encryption Standard –

Block Cipher Design Principles and Modes of Operation -Evaluation criteria for AES – AES
Cipher – Triple DES – Placement of Encryption Function – Traffic Confidentiality,
Steganography, concepts of public key encryption and number theory, authentication and Hash
functions, network security tools and applications. system level security.

Prerequisites or co-requisites: Pre-requisite: Computer Networks, No. 0909462

6. Course Specific Performance Indicators

Performance indicators addressed by the course and SO mapping

Course Performance Indicators Student Level of Learning

Apply the Knowledge of the methods of conventional (1) 2
Analyze public key encryption utilizing the knowledge of (3) 2
number theory.

7. Topics Covered

 Symmetric Cipher
 Block Cipher
 Block Cipher Operation
 Pseudorandom Number Generation
 Stream Cipher
 Asymmetric Cipher
 Public Key Cipher
 Network Security

8. Direct Assessment Tools and Weights:

1. Quizzes /Homework 10%
2. First Exam 20%
3. Second Exam 20%
4. Final Exam 50%

9. Indirect Assessment Tools:

Course performance indicators survey by students

10. Performance Targets Passing Criteria):

Direct 1. 60% of the class students score over 65% in each performance indicator and each
performance supported program outcome
Targets 2. The class average is at least 65% in each performance indicator and each supported
program outcome

performance 60% of the class students score over 65% in each performance indicator and each
Targets supported program outcome

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