Red Hat Jboss Data Virtualization: Your Data, Your Way, at Your Business Speed
Red Hat Jboss Data Virtualization: Your Data, Your Way, at Your Business Speed
Red Hat Jboss Data Virtualization: Your Data, Your Way, at Your Business Speed
BENEFITS Data is the raw material of business — an economic input almost on par with capital and labor.
• More efficient and However, data in most organizations is scattered across multiple operational and analytical systems.
broader utilization of Big data with new sources, such as social media, cloud applications, and syndicated data services
all enterprise data are on the rise, and many organizations are realizing that physical consolidation or replication of
data is not practical for all data integration and business agility needs. Data needs to be made easily
• Better control and security
consumable by people who need it to advance the business.
of information
• Greater agility, faster
time to solution DATA CONSUMERS
• Improved organizational Business intelligence tools Mobile and enterprise Enterprise service bus (ESB), Service-oriented architecture
and analytical applications applications extract transform load (ETL) (SOA) applications and portals
• Improved IT efficiency
• Reduced development,
maintenance, and
hardware costs
• Increased return on Design tools
data assets (ROA) Standards-based data provisioning
• Provides standards-based
Unified virtual database/Common data model Optimization
read/write access to heteroge-
neous data stores in real time COMPOSE Unified Unified Unified
customer view product view supplier view
• Speeds application
development and integration
by simplifying access to Security
distributed data CONNECT Standards-based data connectivity
Red Hat® JBoss® Data Virtualization is a lean data integration solution that provides easy, real-time,
• Hadoop integration with
and unified data access across disparate sources to multiple applications and users. JBoss Data
Hive and Impala support
Virtualization makes data spread across physically distinct systems — such as multiple databases,
• NoSQL database connectivity XML files, and even Hadoop systems — appear as a set of tables in a local database. This comprehen-
with full read/write access for sive platform enables agile data provisioning by providing the following functions:
Mongo DB, JBoss Data Grid,
• Connect: Access data from multiple heterogeneous data sources with different access methods
and Cassendra
and storage models.
• Apache Solr
• Compose: Easily create reusable, business-friendly data models and virtual unified views by
search integration
combining and transforming data from multiple sources.
CLOUD READY • Consume: Make integrated data available on demand for consumption by external apps through
• Available as part of open standards interfaces.
OpenShift Online with JBoss Data Virtualization software implements all three steps internally, hiding all the complexities
simplified web development of the true location of the data or the mechanisms required to access or merge it, thus making it
UI (developer preview) very easy for developers and users to work with data.
• Cloud deployment on
Amazon EC2 and Google
Compute Engine The simplicity offered by JBoss Data Virtualization enables users to acquire actionable, unified
information when they want, in the way they want, at the speed their businesses need. This leads to
• bulk enlightened business execution and easy adaptation to changing business demands. Combined with
API support for very ease of development, JBoss Data Virtualization supports a range of IT projects and initiatives.
large datasets
Self-service business intelligence (BI): The virtual, reusable data model provides a business-friendly
PRODUCTIVITY representation of data, allowing the user to interact with data without having to know the complexi-
AND DEPLOYMENT ties of the database or where the data is stored, and allowing multiple BI tools to acquire data from a
OPTIMIZATIONS centralized data layer.
• Security audit log dashboard
Unified 360° view: The virtual data model delivers a complete view of master and transactional data
for complete view of data
in real time. The virtual data layer serves as a unified, enterprise-wide view of business information
access activities
that improves a user’s ability to understand and use enterprise data.
• Rapid development for custom
Agile service-oriented architecture (SOA) data services: A data virtualization layer delivers the
data source connectivity
data services layer to SOA applications. JBoss Data Virtualization speeds both the creation of virtual
• Azul Zing JVM support for data stores — without the need to touch underlying sources — and the creation of data services that
high-performance computing encapsulate the data access logic. Data virtualization also allows multiple business services to
acquire data from a centralized data layer and provides loose coupling between business services
• Query performance
and physical data sources.
enhancement with
dependent joins pushdown Improved information control: Data virtualization layers provide data firewall functionality. JBoss
Data Virtualization improves data quality via centralized access control, robust security infrastruc-
• EAP 6.3 support for
ture, and reduction in physical copies of data, thus reducing risk. The metadata repository catalogs
enhanced patching
enterprise data stores and the relationships between the data in various data stores, enabling trans-
parency and visibility. Copyright © 2015 Red Hat, Inc. Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo, and JBoss are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc.,
#11760917_INC0215387_V2_0115 registered in the U.S. and other countries. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.