Recent Developments in India's Mutual Fund Industry

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Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry article

Recent Developments in India’s been shifting from physical assets to financial assets
and within financial assets, from bank deposits to
Mutual Fund Industry* securities. As investment in capital market instruments
involves risks, and individual investors lack expertise
Mutual fund (MF) industry in India is maturing with
with regard to portfolio construction, stock selection
broad-basing of investors and increasing geographical
and market timing, MFs step in to pool money from a
spread. MFs in India have become major players in the
wide cross-section of investors and diversify risk by
equity and corporate bond markets and are also
investing in a portfolio of stocks, bonds and/or money
providing crucial liquidity support to the money market. market instruments. These investments are actively
Consequently, their influence on price movements in managed by professional portfolio managers who
equity and debt markets as also domestic liquidity undertake strategic transactions to take advantage of
conditions has increased over time. While the penetration current or expected market conditions. In the process,
of the MF industry in India, as measured by the Assets MFs provide a steady flow of income and capital
under Management (AUM)/GDP ratio, is still low appreciation along with tax benefits to otherwise risk
compared with the global average, favourable averse lay investors. Not surprisingly, therefore,
demographics, a history of high savings propensity and household preference for MFs over other avenues of
regulatory reforms brighten the outlook for the industry. investment has increased dramatically since 2016.
While the penetration of the MF industry in India, as
Introduction measured by the AUM/GDP ratio, is still low compared
In recent years, credit intermediation is shifting, with the global average, favourable demographics, a
with the traditional dominance of the banking sector history of high savings propensity and regulatory
yielding ground to non-bank intermediaries, including reforms brighten the outlook for the industry. In
the asset management industry. Within this silent addition, MFs play an important role in equity, debt and
transformation, the MF industry is turning out to be the money markets as efficient allocators of resources. The
fastest growing and the most competitive segment of debt portfolio of MFs mainly comprises corporate debt
India’s financial sector, offering operational flexibility instruments, which include floating rate bonds (FRBs),
and attractive returns to investors (RBI, 2017). AUM of non-convertible debentures (NCDs) and PSU bonds. In
MFs in India has registered a compound annual growth the money market segment, MFs are the major lenders
rate (CAGR) of 25 per cent over the last five years in the collateralised borrowing and lending obligation
(2013-2018), outstripping the CAGR of only 11 per (CBLO) segment, accounting for over 60 per cent of
cent registered by aggregate bank deposits of scheduled lending in this segment. As major domestic institutional
commercial banks (SCBs). investors, they operate in both primary and secondary
segments of the capital market, providing a buffer
With growing formalisation and financialisation against market volatility.
of the Indian economy, household savings have
Against this backdrop, this article attempts to
* This article is prepared by Shri Anand Prakash, Shri Subrat Kumar Seet, analyse recent developments in the Indian MF industry,
Shri Rashmi Ranjan Behera and Shri Abhinandan Borad in the Division of i.e., up to end-March 2018, with a view to situating it in
Financial Markets of the Department of Economic and Policy Research
(DEPR), Reserve Bank of India under the guidance of Smt. R. Kausaliya, the changing landscape of financialisation in India. As
Adviser, DEPR. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors
and do not represent the views of the Reserve Bank of India. we show, there are various facets of the industry

RBI Bulletin October 2018 89

article Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry

that are less known and even less understood. Our view an Act of the Parliament and Unit Scheme 1964 (US’
is that the MFs bridge an important information 64) was the first MF scheme launched by it in 1964. By
asymmetry pertaining to investments in the markets and the end of 1988, UTI had AUM of `67.0 billion. The
by doing so, they facilitate efficient channelisation of second phase (1987-1993) marked the emergence of
savings, expand investment opportunities, foster market public sector financial companies as MFs, beginning
development and catalyse higher investment and with the establishment of State Bank of India (SBI) MF
growth in the economy. in 1987. Several other public sector banks, the Life
The article is structured into four sections. Section Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and the General
II sets out the policy environment in which the Indian Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) also set up their
MF industry operates, focusing on various regulatory MFs and the industry’s AUM reached `470.0 billion by
initiatives taken by the Securities and Exchange Board end-1993. With the establishment of the SEBI in 1992
of India (SEBI) in the recent years to develop the to protect investors’ interest and to develop and
industry. Section III discusses growing financialisation regulate securities markets in India, a new era in the
of savings, recent trends in resource mobilisation by Indian MF industry began in 1993. In the third phase
MFs, their investments in equity and debt markets in (1993- 2003), private players were allowed to enter the
India and how the industry stacks up in relation to the industry and the Indian securities market began to
global MF industry. Section IV provides some provide Indian investors a variety of MF products. In
concluding observations. 1993, SEBI started regulating the MF industry, except
UTI, as per SEBI (Mutual Funds) regulations, 1993,
II.  The Policy Environment
which were comprehensively revised and the new
The origins of MFs in India can be traced back to regulations notified in 1996. A number of foreign
the second half of the 19th century when the first sponsored MFs came into the market and many
investment trust - the Financial Association of India mergers took place during this phase. At the end of
and China - was formed in 1869. The first Industrial January 2003, there were 33 MFs with total AUM of
Investment Trust was established in 1933 by M/s `1,218.1 billion. The fourth phase (2003-April 2014),
Premchand Roychand in Bombay. Many other which began with the repeal of the UTI Act 1963 in
industrial houses also established trusts, which worked February 2003 and bifurcation of the UTI into a
as investment companies and mobilised funds from Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India
industrial group companies and promoters. However, a (SUUTI) and the UTI Mutual Fund, witnessed several
solid foundation for the industry was laid in 1963 with mergers among private sector funds that led to further
the establishment of the Unit Trust of India (UTI) at the consolidation and growth of the MF industry, which
initiative of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the was interrupted in the years following the global
Government of India (GoI). It was not until 1987 that financial crisis. The fifth phase (May 2014 onwards)
new entrants began to shape the evolution of the witnessed a revival of the industry with steady growth
industry, interspersed with phases of consolidation. in inflows and AUM, supported by the SEBI’s
regulatory measures, enhanced reach through better
According to AMFI1, there are five broad phases distribution networks and greater investor education.
of the development of the industry. The first phase The SEBI has taken various measures in recent
(1964-1987) started with the formation of the UTI by years to establish a comprehensive and credible
1 Association of Mutual Funds in India. regulatory regime for the industry, while improving
90 RBI Bulletin October 2018
Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry article

accessibility of MF products, re-energising the In order to enhance the reach of MF products

distribution system, ensuring greater transparency, amongst small investors, cash transactions in MFs to the
addressing issues concerning investor protection and extent of `20,000 per investor per MF per financial year
awareness. were allowed in September 2012 and this was further
increased to `50,000 in May 2014. Investment in MFs
Under the SEBI’s initiatives, a new cadre of
through e-wallets has been introduced in April 2017 to
distributors was formed in September 2012, which
channelise household savings into the capital market as
includes postal agents, retired government officials,
well as to promote digital payments in the MF industry. In
retired teachers and bank officers who were awarded
July 2013, the SEBI mandated that MFs should label their
certificates by the National Institute of Securities
schemes in terms of maturity (short/ medium/ long term),
Markets (NISM) for distribution of simple MF
investment objective and level of risk with three colour
products. MF distributors were also allowed to use
codes to depict low, moderate and high levels of risk. In
recognised stock exchange platforms to purchase and
order to address the issue of mis-selling of MF products
redeem MF units directly from MFs on behalf of their
and for providing investors an easy understanding of the
clients from October 2013. In order to reduce the cost
type of product/scheme, product labelling in MFs was
of trading for Asset Management Companies (AMCs)
further rationalised in July 2015 by replacing risk
in debt segment, MFs were allowed to directly trade on
depiction through colour codes with a pictorial meter
debt platforms of the stock exchanges by registering
named ‘Riskometer’, which appropriately depicts five
themselves under the ‘proprietary trading members’
levels of risk in any specific scheme. From September
category on behalf of schemes managed by them from
2012, AMCs were required to disclose half yearly
August 2013. Additional distribution channels through
financial results of MFs on their websites and through
online investment facilities and the burgeoning mobile- advertisement in at least one national English daily
only mode for direct investment in MF products were newspaper and one regional newspaper in order to
allowed from April 2014 to tap internet savvy users. increase transparency and enhance the quality of
SEBI registered investment advisors (RIAs) were also disclosure for investors. Disclosure of information
allowed to use the infrastructure of recognised stock pertaining to average AUM of various categories of
exchanges to purchase and redeem MF units directly schemes, various investor types, contributions from
from AMCs on behalf of their clients, including direct sponsors and their associates on a monthly basis on their
plans, from October 2016. website was also mandated in April 2014. In October
Provisions for separate plans for direct 2012, the SEBI stipulated that MFs should annually set
investments, i.e., investments not routed through a apart at least 2 basis points of daily net assets within the
distributor, in existing as well as new schemes by MFs, maximum limit of TER for investor education and
were made available from 2012-13. In September 2012, awareness initiatives. Printed literature on MFs in regional
MFs were incentivised to enhance their reach in small languages was also mandated and MFs are encouraged to
cities beyond the top 15 cities by allowing them to introduce investor awareness campaigns using electronic
charge additional total expense ratio (TER) up to 30 media in regional languages.
basis points on daily net assets under the scheme if the
new inflows from beyond top 15 cities were at least 30 In 2017-18, SEBI undertook measures for
per cent of the gross new inflows in the scheme or 15 categorisation and rationalisation of MF schemes in
per cent of the average AUM (year to date) of the order to bring uniformity across MFs and to standardise
scheme, whichever is higher. the scheme categories and characteristics.

RBI Bulletin October 2018 91

article Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry

The earlier provision of additional TER of up to 30 This remarkable transformation has greatly
basis points for inflows from beyond top 15 cities has facilitated shifts in household saving patterns. Indian
now been permitted only for inflows from beyond top households, which contributed 54.0 per cent of the
30 cities. AMCs are required to disclose on a daily gross savings of the economy in 2016-17, have
basis the TER of all schemes under a separate head historically been risk-averse, preferring investments in
‘Total Expense Ratio of Mutual Fund Schemes’ on physical assets and gold. However, this pattern is
their websites in order to bring uniformity in disclosure slowly changing in the backwash of demonetisation in
of actual TER charged in respect of MF schemes and to November 2016 and shifts towards MFs have become
enable the investors to take informed decisions. The large. With increasing development of the financial
performance of the MF schemes needs to be sector, the household sector’s savings in physical assets
benchmarked to the total return variant of the index and gold & silver ornaments taken together declined
significantly from 60 per cent in 2011-12 to 51 per cent
chosen as a benchmark going forward instead of the
in 2016-17 (Chart 1).
present system of benchmarking to the price return
variant of the index, which only captures capital gains In addition to demonetisation, implementation of
of the index constituents. This is intended to enable the new regulations such as the Real Estate (Regulation and
investors to compare the performance of a scheme vis- Development) Act, 2016 (RERA) and the Benami
à-vis the total return generated by the benchmark Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act, 2016 have
index2. also contributed to greater formalisation of the
economy causing shifts in savings from physical to
III.  Recent Trends in Resource Mobilisation
financial investments. This has energised non-bank
At end-March 2018, there were 45 MF companies intermediaries like MFs, which give relatively higher
registered with the SEBI which managed an AUM of returns on liquid investments than housing and/or gold
`21,360.4 billion. Of the total AUM, 83 per cent was (Chart 2). The consumer demand for gold in India
held by private sector MFs and 17 per cent by public declined by around 24 per cent from 1,002 tonnes in
sector MFs. The ratios of AUM of MFs to GDP and net 2010 to 763 tonnes in 2017.
mobilisation by MFs to gross domestic savings have
increased significantly over the years (Table 1). Chart 1: Changing Composition of Household
Savings in India
Table 1: Ratios of MF AUM as per cent of GDP and 100
Net Mobilisation by MFs as per cent of Gross
Domestic Savings
Year MF AUM % of Net Mobilisation by 49
GDP MFs as % of Gross 70 59
Savings 60
Per cent

2011-12 6.7 -0.7 50

2012-13 7.1 2.3 40
2013-14 7.3 1.5 30
2014-15 8.7 2.6 20 40
2015-16 9.0 3.1 10
2016-17 11.5 7.5
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
2017-18 12.7 -
Gross financial savings Gold & silver ornaments
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI)
Physical assets
and AMFI.
Source: RBI.
2 Benchmark indices include BSE Sensex, Nifty 50, BSE 100, BSE
200, etc.

92 RBI Bulletin October 2018

Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry article

Chart 2: Y-o-Y Growth of House Price Index, Gold Price and Consumer Demand for Gold in India

45 350

35 300


in tonnes
Per cent

-5 50
-15 0













House Price Index Gold Price Consumer Demand for Gold (RHS)

Source: RBI, World Gold Council and Bloomberg.

III.1.  Resource Mobilisation during the period (Chart 3). During the period 2013-2018,

MFs appear to have emerged as a preferred the CAGR of bank deposits and small savings were 11 per

investment avenue for individuals as well as corporates. cent and 6 per cent, respectively, which was much lower
While the flow of resources to banks generally declined than CAGR of AUM of MFs (25 per cent). Bank term
during the period 2013-18, the flow of resources to small deposits by corporates registered a much lower CAGR of
savings schemes registered modest increase. In 2 per cent during 2013-2017. Along with increasing levels
comparison, the flow of resources to MFs and insurance of economic development, deep and liquid capital markets
companies registered a significant increase and sound regulations are

Chart 3: Flow of Savings to Various Instruments During 2013-14 to 2017-18


9000 7000



Deposits in SCBs Net Small Savings Deposits First Year Life Mutual Funds
in Post Offices* Insurance Premium

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

*: Data up to February 2018.
Source: RBI, IRDAI and SEBI.

RBI Bulletin October 2018 93

article Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry

Table 2a: Bank and Post Office Deposit Rates Table 2b: CRISIL - AMFI Mutual Fund
(Yearly average returns) Performance Index (Yearly returns)
(Per cent) (Per cent)

Year Bank Bank Post NSC Post Post Year Equity ELSS Debt Income Money Liquid Balanced Hybrid
Deposit Deposit Office VIII Office Office Fund Fund Fund Fund Market Fund Fund Fund
(1-3 (3-5 Monthly issue RD Time Fund
years) years) Income Account Deposit
Scheme (1 year) 2013-14 21.1 24.0 5.6 3.3 9.4 9.4 18.5 13.2
2013-14 9.25 9.10 8.40 8.50 8.30 8.20 2014-15 43.8 46.5 12.5 14.8 9.0 9.0 37.2 31.1
2014-15 8.75 8.75 8.40 8.50 8.40 8.40 2015-16 -6.7 -7.7 7.1 5.5 8.3 8.2 -2.6 -1.3
2015-16 7.50 7.50 8.40 8.50 8.40 8.40 2016-17 25.9 24.3 10.2 11.0 7.6 7.2 22.1 20.8
2016-17 7.00 6.90 7.80 8.10 7.40 7.10 2017-18 10.6 10.9 6.0 4.2 6.7 6.7 8.9 8.5
2017-18 6.75 6.50 7.60 7.90 7.20 6.90 CAGR 17.7 18.2 8.2 7.7 8.2 8.1 16.1 13.9
Source: RBI. to
catalysing the change in preference of investors not
ELSS: Equity Linked Savings Scheme.
only from metro cities but also from small cities. MF Source: CRISIL.
investments are also becoming broad-based in terms of
over the last five years are higher than other financial
spatial distribution and investor profile.
instruments (Table 2b).
The bank deposit rates on 1-3 years declined by
III.2 Investor Profile
250 basis points from 9.25 per cent in 2013-14 to 6.75
per cent in 2017-18. Similarly, interest rates on post During the period 2013-18, average yearly funds
office monthly income scheme and NSC VIII issue mobilised by MFs was significantly higher at `1,812.2
declined by 80 basis points and 60 basis points, billion as compared with `119.8 billion during 2008-13.
respectively, during the same period (Table 2a). On the Fund mobilisation by MFs reached a record in 2016-17,
other hand, the CRISIL - AMFI Mutual Fund increasing by almost 3 times over the previous year, in
Performance Indices, which track the performance of the wake of demonetisation in November 2016 (Chart
various MFs adjusted for corporate actions, show that 4). However, there was a decline in fund mobilisation
the returns on broader schemes in 2017-18 mainly on account of higher

Chart 4: Mutual Funds Net Resource Mobilisation and AUM (2005-06 to 2017-18)

24000 4000
3430.5 3500
19000 2718.0 3000
14000 2000


1341.8 1500
939.8 1032.9
9000 830.8 765.4 1000
527.8 537.8
4000 0
-283.0 -494.1 -220.2 -500
-1000 -1000












AUM (end-March) Net flows (RHS)

Source: SEBI.

94 RBI Bulletin October 2018

Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry article

Chart 5: Investor-wise Assets Under Management of Mutual Funds

18000 25%
` Billion

12000 30%
6000 23%
28% 43%
2000 46%





Corporates HNIs Retail Banks/FIs FIIs

Source: AMFI.

net outflows from debt/income schemes on higher of MFs has been declining, there has been a steady
redemptions by corporate/institutional investors. increase in the share of HNIs and retail investors in the
recent years (Chart 5). During 2013-18, the assets of
Higher mobilisation through systematic
HNIs and retail investors registered a CAGR of 27 per
investment plans (SIPs) has contributed significantly to
cent each as compared with the CAGR of 23 per cent
the expansion of MFs in India. During 2017-18, SIPs’
for corporate investors. Corporates investments in MFs,
contribution increased by 53.0 per cent to `671.9 billion
which primarily consist of investment in debt/income
from `439.2 billion in 2016-17. Increasing investment
from smaller cities (other than metros), which schemes of MFs (79.7 per cent of their total
accounted for 18.7 per cent share in AUM of MFs at investments in MFs), witnessed an unprecedented
end-March 2018, and overwhelming interest from the growth during 2016-17. Retail investors have higher
new generation have been contributing to this investment in equity/growth-oriented schemes with a
phenomenal growth. With increasing fund share of 71.7 per cent of their investments in MFs at
mobilisation, the Indian MF industry has registered end-March 2018. On the other hand, HNIs investments
exponential growth of AUM during the last five years are diversified with an investment share of 44.4 per
to `21.4 trillion at end-March 2018. The AUM of MF cent in debt/ income schemes and 40.7 per cent in
industry has witnessed a CAGR of 25 per cent during equity-oriented schemes.
2013-2018, which is considerably higher than CAGR III.3  Scheme-wise Profile
of 7 per cent registered during 2008-2013.
Over the last four years (2014-15 to 2017-18), net
The unit holding pattern shows that individual flows were positive for all categories of MF schemes,
investors held 99.4 per cent of the total 7.1 crore except for funds invested in overseas schemes.
accounts in the MF industry at end-March 2018. Reversing the earlier trend of high concentration of
However, in terms of AUM of the industry, corporate fund mobilisations through debt/income schemes, there
investors have the largest share at end-March 2018, has been an increasing contribution to other schemes of
followed by high net worth individuals (HNIs) and the MFs since 2014-15 (Chart 6). Fund mobilisation
retail investors. While the share of corporates in assets under growth/equity oriented schemes

RBI Bulletin October 2018 95

article Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry

Chart 6: Scheme-wise Net Fund Mobilisation by Mutual Funds









Income /Debt Schemes Growth/Equity Schemes Balanced Schemes Exchange Traded Funds
Source: SEBI.

turned positive in 2014-15 and has been continuously (16 per cent of AUM), has remained positive during the
registering higher net inflows, touching a peak of last five years, barring 2017-18. During 2016-17, fund
`1,710.7 billion in 2017-18, strongly backed by mobilisation under debt/income schemes registered
investments from retail investors and HNIs mainly due unprecedented growth with a record high mobilisation
to buoyancy in stock market, increasing preferences of `2,131.5 billion, constituting 62.1 per cent of the
towards equity shares along with SEBI’s various overall net resource mobilisation. However, the trend
initiatives. It has also been observed that flows into could not be sustained in 2017-18 following net
equity MFs tend to be higher even during episodes of outflows of 117.2 billion mainly due to higher
market turmoil mainly on the back of greater presence redemptions by corporate/institutional investors. The
of individual investors who invest in MFs for longer- higher share of corporate investors in debt/ income
term, making stable contributions through periodic schemes leads to yearly fluctuations in fund
investments. During 2017-18, monthly average number mobilisation in these schemes with no clear trends, as
of SIP accounts opened was 0.97 million as against corporates generally invest in MFs to manage their cash
0.63 million in the previous year. As at end-March flows and liquidity requirements. This also results in
2018, there were about 21.1 million SIP accounts in higher redemption pressure, particularly in the case of
existence. Measures announced in the Union Budget liquid/money market schemes, at the end of every
2013-14, such as reduction in securities transaction tax quarter in order to meet corporate tax payment
(STT) on equities and MFs and easing of norms for the obligations and dividend payments (Chart 7 a
Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme (RGESS) to &b). In view of increasing risk from high redemptions,
enable first time investors to invest in MFs may have SEBI has mandated the AMCs to impose provisional
contributed to significant increase in resource
restrictions during episodes of excessive redemption
mobilisation by MFs in equity/growth-oriented
requests. Further, as a part of risk management
schemes in the recent years.
framework, MFs need to carry out stress test of their
Mobilisation under income/debt-oriented portfolios, particularly for debt schemes. Liquid/ money
schemes, which mainly comprise corporate bonds (37 market MFs are required to have effective liquidity
per cent of AUM) and liquid/money market schemes management and carry out periodic stress
96 RBI Bulletin October 2018
Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry article

Chart 7: Redemption Pressures on Mutual Fund Schemes

a: Debt/Income Schemes












Gross purchases Redemption

b: Growth/Equity Oriented Schemes














Gross purchases Redemption

Source: SEBI.

tests, at least once in a month or more frequently In terms of number of schemes, income/debt
depending on the market conditions. This would help schemes accounted for 67.9 per cent of the total 1998
in evaluating potential vulnerabilities on account of MF schemes as at end-March 2018, followed by equity
sudden adverse developments and provide early schemes (25.7 per cent) and ETFs (3.4 per cent). While
warning signal regarding the health of the schemes. income/debt schemes contribute a major portion of the
total assets of MFs, the share of other schemes in the
total assets has also increased over the last five years
Balanced schemes have also registered a steady
(Chart 8). During 2013-18, total assets under
increase in fund mobilisation mainly on the back of income/debt schemes grew at a CAGR of 18 per cent,
increasing participation from HNIs with a share of 54 which is considerably lower than CAGR of 60 per cent
per cent of AUM of the schemes followed by retail for balanced schemes, CAGR of 43 per cent for ETFs
investors with 35 per cent share at end-March 2018. and CAGR of 34 per cent for growth/equity-oriented
Similarly, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are schemes. The relatively lower growth of AUM of debt/
becoming more popular among corporate investors income schemes in the recent years could, to an extent,
(corporates accounted for 86 per cent of ETF’s AUM) be attributed to increase in long-term capital gains tax
and are witnessing significant increase in fund on transfer of MF units other than equity funds to 20
mobilisation from 2015-16 onwards, mainly supported per cent along with increase in the holding period in
by increasing contribution from retirement funds and respect of such units to 36 months from 12 months
disinvestment by GoI through ETF route. introduced in the Union Budget, 2014-15.

RBI Bulletin October 2018 97

article Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry

Chart 8: Scheme-wise Assets under Management of Mutual Funds

` Billion

6000 25% 53%




Income / Debt Growth/Equity Balanced ETFs
Source: SEBI.

III.4  Investments in Equity, Debt and Money market capitalisation3, the share of MFs was about 15
Market Instruments in India per cent. This increase has mainly been due to higher
investments by MFs in equities in the last few years on
Equity Market
the back of higher mobilisations by equity-oriented MF
MFs’ investment in equities stood at `8.9 trillion schemes. Top 10 sectors accounted for 76 per cent of
at end-March 2018, which accounted for 6.2 per cent of the total equity assets of MFs (Chart 9). The banking
market capitalisation of the BSE listed companies (2.8 and finance sector has the highest weight in MFs’
per cent at end-March 2014). Of the total free float portfolio.

Chart 9: Mutual Funds Equity Asset Allocation of Top 10 Sectors (end-March 2018)
Bank and Finance



Petroleum 9%
Construction Software
Project 7%
5% Healthcare Consumer
6% Non-durables
Source: SEBI. 7%

3 Free-float market capitalisation of BSE 500 companies.

98 RBI Bulletin October 2018

Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry article

Chart 10: Net Equity Investments by Mutual Funds and FPIs and Stock Market Movements

1500 250


1100 200

Index Average2009 -10=100



100 50

-300 0
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

MF FPI Average BSE Sensex (RHS) Average BSE 500 (RHS)

Source: SEBI, NSDL and Bloomberg.

During the period 2014-15 to 2017-18, there was monthly turnover on an average in the cash segment of
sustained net buying by MFs in the equity market, the BSE during 2017-18 as compared to a lower share
which lent support to the domestic equity market. The of 2.3 per cent in 2012-13.
MFs have emerged as a counter balance to foreign Data on equity ownership pattern of BSE 500
portfolio investors (FPIs), especially during episodes of companies suggest that MFs have fairly similar share in
large net selling by FPIs. (Chart 10). During the period, ownership of companies of different sizes, i.e., 5-7 per
the benchmark BSE indices also registered sharp cent. This is in contrast with FPIs, which have
increases. In terms of share in secondary market relatively higher share in the top 100 companies as
transactions, MFs accounted for 7.9 per cent of the compared to the top 101-500 companies (Chart 11).

Chart 11: Equity Ownership Shares of Mutual Funds and FPIs in Top 30, Top 31-100 and
Top 101-500 Companies (as on end-March 2018)



Per cent

19 19

7 6
Top 30 Top 31-100 Top 101-500

Mutual Funds FPIs

Source: Bloomberg and Prowess.

RBI Bulletin October 2018 99

article Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry

Chart 12: Investments by Mutual Funds in Chart 13: Debt Assets of Mutual Funds
Public Issues in Equity Market (as at end-March)
1000 35000 6000

800 5000

600 4000



20000 2000

0 15000







2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Investments by Mutual Funds in Public Issues Corporate Debt Money Market Instruments
Amount of Public Issues Average S&P BSE Sensex (RHS) Government Securities Others
Source: SEBI.
Source: SEBI, Prime Database and Bloomberg.

outstanding corporate bond issuances nearly doubled to

The preference of FPIs for larger companies possibly
22.7 per cent at end-March 2018 from 11.8 per cent at
results in MFs having a significant influence on share
end-March 2014.
price movements of top 101-500 companies.
MFs’ investments in money market instruments
In the primary market, MFs’ investments in the
include treasury bills, commercial paper (CP),
public issues4 have risen, particularly since 2015-16, as
certificates of deposit (CDs), CBLO, etc. A shift in
more number of companies came up with their public
their investments from CDs to CPs is clearly evident
issues to take advantage of the buoyant secondary
market conditions. During 2017-18, MFs’ investment mainly due to the rising dependence of the commercial
accounted for 14.4 per cent of the total size of public sector on non-bank sources of credit (commercial
issues (Chart 12). papers, corporate bonds, etc.) in the backdrop of asset
quality concerns facing banks and the associated
Debt and Money Markets
sluggish growth of bank credit as well as search for
MFs have historically been investing more in debt higher returns by the MFs (Chart 14). The share of MFs
than in equity market on account of greater in outstanding money market instruments is significant
mobilisations under debt/income schemes. The debt at present (Chart 15). MFs are the biggest lenders in the
assets of MFs mainly comprise corporate debt and CBLO segment accounting for 63.2 per cent of the total
money market instruments with a share of 49.1 per cent lending.
and 41.2 per cent, respectively, as at end-March 2018.
III.5 India’s Mutual Fund Industry in the Global
The debt portfolio of MF industry has witnessed a shift
towards corporate debt instruments, which include
floating rate bonds (FRBs), non-convertible debentures The global MF industry has witnessed steady
(NCDs) and PSU bonds (Chart 13). MFs’ investment in expansion in size over the years on the back of higher
corporate bonds as a share of total levels of economic development, deep and liquid
capital markets and emergence of defined contribution
4 Includes investments by MFs in initial public offers (IPOs) and
follow-on public offers (FPOs) as anchor investors and as Qualified systems that encourage participants to invest in MFs in
Institutional Buyers (QIBs).

100 RBI Bulletin October 2018

Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry article

Chart 14: Money Market Assets of Mutual Funds Chart 15: Share of Mutual Funds in Outstanding
(as at end-March) Money Market Securities
3500 35 80

3000 30

2500 60

2000 20

Per cent

Per cent
1500 15

1000 10
500 5

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 0 0
Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18
Commercial Paper Bank Certificates of Deposit CBLO
Treasury Bills Others CPs T-Bills CDs(RHS)
Source: SEBI. Source: RBI, CCIL and SEBI.

an atmosphere of investor friendly robust regulation. assets at end-March 2018. In comparison, MFs in Asia
According to the Investment Company Institute, global accounted for 12.7 per cent of total global MF assets
MF assets (open-end fund) registered an increase of (Chart 16).
16.2 per cent in 2017-18 to reach a level of $53.9
trillion at end-March 2018. Top 5 countries accounted India is among the top 20 countries in the world in
for 69.1 per cent of total global assets of MFs at end- terms of share in total global MF assets (it accounts for
March 2018. With assets of $24.3 trillion, the US MF about 0.6 per cent of total global MF assets) (Chart 17).
industry was the largest in the world, accounting for a Its AUM/GDP ratio (11.8 per cent), which is a measure
share of 45.1 per cent of the total global MF of penetration, however, is low relative to

Chart 16: Region and Scheme-wise Composition of Net Mutual Fund Assets (As on March 2018)

Real Others
Asia and Africa
Pacific 0.4%
13% 1%

Europe 18%

Source: Investment Company Institute (ICI).

RBI Bulletin October 2018 101

article Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry

Chart 17: Top 20 Countries in terms of Share in Mutual Fund Assets (at end-March 2018)

US$ billion

















Source: ICI.

several emerging market peers (Chart 18). In terms of Conclusion

growth in AUM, India’s MF industry’s growth of 41.6 The MF industry in India has emerged over time
per cent in 2017 was nevertheless one of the highest in as one of the fastest growing and competitive segments
the world. Globally, the composition of MF assets of the financial system. Notwithstanding higher risks in
shows that at end-March 2018, equity constituted a such investments, MFs have been attracting investors
major share of 41.3 per cent (32.8 per cent in India). due to their professional management and the scope for
MFs’ assets under bonds in India at 32.4 per cent is earning better returns relative to traditional saving
much higher than 20.6 per cent globally. instruments. A robust regulatory

Chart 18: Mutual Fund Assets as Percentage of GDP in 2017




Per cent





S. Korea






Source: ICI and IMF.

102 RBI Bulletin October 2018

Recent Developments in India’s Mutual Fund Industry article

framework that is guided by the goal of protecting the Research and Development, Online ISSN: 2349-4182
interest of investors has also contributed to the shift in Print ISSN: 2349-5979.
preference of households away from alternative CARE Ratings Limited (2018), Growth in mutual funds
financial and physical modes of savings in favour of industry.
MFs. The SEBI’s regulatory reform initiatives such as
Dash, Manoranjan, Singh, Bhupal, Herwadkar, Snehal
strengthening of the distribution network, greater
and Rasmi Ranjan Behera (2017), Financialisation of
disclosure requirements from AMCs, and increased
Savings into Non-Banking Financial Intermediaries,
emphasis on investor education and awareness have
Mint Street Memo No. 02, Reserve Bank of India.
also helped in deepening MF penetration in India. MFs
as an asset class is maturing in India with broad-basing Ghosh, Soheli (2016), Mutual Funds in India, Regal
of investors and increasing geographical spread. MFs Publications.
in India have become major players in the equity and IMF (2015), Global Financial Stability Report:
corporate bond markets, besides providing crucial Navigating Monetary Policy Challenges and Managing
liquidity support to the money market, given that they Risks.
are the biggest lenders in the CBLO segment. As a Investment Company Institute (2017), Investment
result, their ability to influence price movements in Company Fact Book, Washington, DC.
equity and debt markets as also domestic liquidity
Khorana, A., Servaes, H., & Tufano, P. (2005), Explaining
conditions has increased over time. Notwithstanding 25
the Size of the Mutual Fund Industry around the World,
per cent CAGR in AUM over the last five years (2013-
Journal of Financial Economics, 78 (1), 145-185.
18), a comparison with the current state of global MF
industry suggests that the penetration level of MFs in PWC (2013), Indian Mutual Fund Industry: Unearthing
India needs to increase on a sustained basis with wider the growth potential in untapped markets.
participation of retail investors. RBI (2017), Financial Stability Report.

References: Sadhak, H. (2003), Mutual Funds in India – Marketing

Strategies and Investment practices.
Baral, Prasanna K and Das, Kishore Kumar (2016),
Mutual Funds Industry in India: A Growth Trend SEBI (2014), Annual Report for 2013-14.
Analysis, International Journal of Multidisciplinary SEBI (2017), Annual Report for 2016-17.

RBI Bulletin October 2018 103

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