1501 13 PDF
1501 13 PDF
1501 13 PDF
Cas e #: *1501-13-0420*
1501- 13- 0420
Clinical indication:
H/O abdominal pain on & off for 5 years.
MRCP technique is based on heavily T2W along with 3D, T1W & T2W sequences has been obtained.
Gall bladder is distended measuring 10.5 x 4.2 cm shows multiple filling defects of variable sizes suggestive
of cholelithiasis. Cystic duct is dilated and contains multiple filling defects suggestive of calculi upto its
confluence with common hepatic duct. Multiple filling defects are also noted in distal CBD near its opening at
the 2nd part of duodenum. Calculus is forming meniscus sign here.
Liver and spleen shows normal parenchyma. No focal lesion is seen. Pancreas shows normal parenchyma
and there is no pancreatic duct dilatation. Both kidneys and adrenals are unremarkable. No stone, mass or
hydronephrosis is seen.
Evidence of Cholelithiasis with stones within the cystic duct as well.
Multiple stones noted in the mid and distal end of the CBD with prominent intrahep0atci biliary channels
Electronically verified report. No signature(s) required. This Lab report is not valid for any Legal use.