Removal of Ammonia-Nitrogen (Conventional Activated-Sludge System To Meet New D.O.E Regulations
Removal of Ammonia-Nitrogen (Conventional Activated-Sludge System To Meet New D.O.E Regulations
Removal of Ammonia-Nitrogen (Conventional Activated-Sludge System To Meet New D.O.E Regulations
1. Introduction
Ammonia-nitrogen (NH ) is a constituent in raw domestic wastewater. However, the degradation of the
organic matter in the biological treatment stage also produce substantial amount of ammonia compounds.
Through the biological nitrification process, ammonia (NH ) is oxidized to nitrite (NO ), and nitrate (NO ),
by aerobic autotrophic bacteria. The final output of nitrification process, which is nitrate (NO ) could be
reduced to nitrogen gas (N ) through de-nitrification process under anoxic condition [1].
The sewage discharge from the domestic sewage treatment plant is typically subjected to the local, state
and federal regulations and standards. In December 2009, the Department of Environment (D.O.E) Malaysia
has revised the Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations 2009, which significantly reduced the discharge
limit of ammonia-nitrogen (NH ) from 50 mg/L to 5 mg/L. In addition, a new discharge limit was also set
for nitrate at 10 mg/L [2].
The solids retention time (SRT) is the most important design and operating parameter for the activated
sludge process as it represents the average period of time the biomass remains in the system before wasted.
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SRT affects the treatment process performance, aeration tank volume, sludge production, and oxygen
requirements [1]. The minimum sludge age required to achieve 100% of nitrification is shown to be 16 days
through experimental work [3]. Typical design SRT values may range from 10 to 20 days at 10 ⁰C to 4 to 7
days at 20 ⁰C. Above 28 ⁰C, both ammonia and nitrite oxidation kinetics should be considered [4]. However,
for complete nitrification to take place and to stabilize the sludge, the sludge age recommended for extended
aeration should range from 20 to 40 days [1].
Nitrification is affected by a number of environmental factors including pH, toxicity, metals, and un-
ionized ammonia. Nitrification is pH-sensitive and rates decline significantly at pH values below 6.8. At pH
values near 5.8 to 6.0, the rates may be 10 to 20 percent of the rate at pH 7.0. It was proven that optimal
nitrification rates occur at pH values in the 7.5 to 8.0 range, therefore a pH of 7.0 to 7.2 is normally used to
maintain reasonably nitrification rates [5]. On the other hand, nitrifying organisms are sensitive to a wide
range of organic and inorganic compounds; nitrifiers have been shown to be good indicators of the presence
of organic toxic compounds at low concentrations [6].
Activated-sludge processes can be designed with baffle walls to intentionally create a number of
complete-mix activated-sludge zones operating in series. For the same reactor volume, reactors in series can
provide greater treatment capacity. Modified Ludzak-Ettinger (MLE) process is the most common process
used for biological nitrogen removal in municipal wastewater treatment. The process consists of an anoxic
tank followed by the aeration tank where nitrification occurs. Nitrate produced in the aeration tank is
recycled back to the anoxic tank. Because the organic substrate in the influent wastewater provides the
electron donor for oxidation reduction reactions using nitrate, the process is termed substrate denitrification.
Further, because of the anoxic process precedes the aeration tank, the process is known as a preanoxic
denitrification [1].
2. Methodology
2.1. Conceptual Design of Modified Reactor
The core principle of the design was to simulate complete-mix activated-sludge process in the modified
reactor. The optimum aeration volume for single-sludge (BOD removal and nitrification) CMAS process
was determined from the process design calculation, based on the assumed daily organic loading 0.0016 kg
BOD /day and mixed-liquor temperature 20 C. A series of continuous narrow baffle walls was then
installed to intentionally create a number of complete-mix activated-sludge zones (Figure 2.1). The gap
between each baffle wall was designed to be 10 mm, in order to induce the plug-flow of the sludge through
hydraulic and gravity action, keeping the biomass in complete suspension. Based on the design calculation,
the baffle walls were configured to occupy a total volume of 8.5 liters with 20 partitions (HRT = 26 hours).
Two liters of anoxic compartment was provided prior to the aeration chamber (HRT = 2 hours). The
supernatant in the clarifier will be recycled back to the pre-anoxic compartment for de-nitrification purpose.
A similar reactor without the baffle walls was created to simulate the conventional aeration basin.
3.2. Removal of Organic Matters (COD and ) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
The performance of the activated-sludge processes in removing organic matters was measured in terms
of COD and BOD values. Throughout 10 days of monitoring period, the average COD and BOD in the
influent were found to be 445 mg/L and 210 mg/L, respectively. This tallied with the characteristics study of
the synthetic wastewater. By comparison, the modified reactor effectively removed 92.3% of COD and 91.7%
of BOD in average, while the control reactor managed to remove 87.7% of COD and 87.0% of BOD . This
indicates that the modified reactor slightly outperformed the control reactor in the removal of organic matters.
Nevertheless, the average value of COD and BOD in the effluent discharge from both of the reactors was
shown to meet the D.O.E regulations (Figure 3.1).
level in the influent was found to be 191 mg/L, while the TSS in the effluents for both control and modified
reactor was observed to be ranging from 43 to 46 mg/L.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.2: Readings of (a) Ammonia-Nitrogen, and (b) Nitrate
Due to the pre-anoxic compartment in the modified reactor, the average nitrate level in the modified
reactor was observed to be approximately 1.0 mg/L. A certain level of nitrate was found in the effluent of the
control reactor, ranging from 2.3 to 4.1 mg/L, which indicate low nitrification rate in the control reactor.
In order to compare the nitrification kinetics between the control and the modified reactor, the ammonia
concentration in the influent was increased gradually by adding in ammonium chloride. The specific
substrate removal rate (kg ammonia removed per day / kg MLVSS) was plotted against the effluent ammonia
(mg/L) to determine the slope of the graph, which corresponded to the nitrification kinetics (k) of the reactor.
The nitrification kinetic yields the degradation rate of ammonia to nitrate. From figure 3.3, the nitrification
kinetic of the control and modified reactor was observed to be 0.0823 and 10.321, respectively. The
nitrification kinetic in the control reactor was considered as negligible due to the conventional activated-
sludge process, which inhibits the growth of nitrifiers. In contrast, the modified reactor has achieved
nitrification kinetic of 10.32, indicating a high degradation rate of ammonia-nitrogen.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.3: Nitrification kinetics of (a) conventional aeration, and (b) extended aeration
4. Conclusion
In this study, it was proven that conventional activated-sludge system was not able to meet the new ammonia
limit imposed by the D.O.E Malaysia. The single-sludge aerobic baffled reactor was designed to enhance the
aeration process through modified conventional activated-sludge system. The results indicate that the
modified reactor managed to outperform the control reactor by approximately 60% in the ammonia removal.
Besides solving the problem of D.O.E requirements, the design also leads to enormous energy saving as the
usage of mechanical mixers are eliminated. The proposed biological reactor may have the ability to be
commercialized as an alternative design in the domestic sewage treatment plant.
5. Acknowledgement
The authors would like to acknowledge the project supervisors, laboratory technologists and the University
in making this research possible.
6. References
[1] Metcalf and Eddy, (2004). Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New
York, USA.
[2] Department of Environment Malaysia, (2009). Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations 2009, Environmental
Quality Act 1974, Environmental Quality (Control of Pollution from Solid Waste Transfer Station and Landfill)
Regulations 2009
[3] Balakrishnan, S., & Eckenfelder W. W., (1970). Nitrogen Removal by Modified Activated Sludge Process, Journal
of the Sanitary Engineering Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
[4] Randall, C.W., Barnand, J. L, & Stensel, H. D., (1992). Design and Retrofit of Wastewater Treatment Plants for
Biological Nutrient Removal, Volume 5, Water Quality Management Library, Technomic Publishing Co.,
Lancaster, PA.
[5] United States Environmental Protection Agency, (1993). U.S. EPA 1993
[6] Blum, D. J. W., & Speece, R. E., (1991). A Database of Chemical Toxicity to Environmental Bacteria and Its use
in Interspecies Comparisons and Correlations, Research Journal, Water Pollution Control Federation, vol. 63, p.
[7] AHPA – AWWA, Standard Method for Water and Wastewater Examination, 17th Edition, American Public Health
Association/ America Water Works Association, Washington, DC, 1992.