Generic Steep Factors Specific Macro Local Country Perspective Related To Mission and Vision of Company (Filinvest For Example)

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Notes No.

MBA Strama Online
Dr. Emiliano T Hudtohan, AB, BSE, MA, EDD
March 26, 2020

Macro Perspective STEEP and Corporate Mission Matrix

Example: FilInvest of Imelda

The example is not comprehensive; further reflection and analyses are needed for completeness and
comprehensive details in the Matrx.

Table 1. STEEP Factors as Macro Environment for FilInvest Reality, Inc.

Generic STEEP Factors Specific Macro Local Country Related to Mission and
Perspective Vision of Company
[FilInvest for example]
1.Social factors. The factors that Demographic profile: millennials, Connect this to Filinvest
affect a firm involve the beliefs, gen x, boomers, etc. their beliefs mission and vision
values, attitudes, opinions, and life- and lifestyles that affect Filinvest
styles of persons in the firm’s as home and construction
eternal environment, as developed providers. Current COD V-19 –
from cultural, ecological social distancing
demographic, religious, educational,
and ethnic conditioning. As social
attitude change, so too does the
demand for various types of
clothing, books, leisure activities,
and so on. Like other forces in the
external environment, social forces
are dynamic, with constant change
resulting from the efforts of
individuals to satisfy their desires
and needs by controlling and
adapting to environmental factor…
One of the most profound changes
in recent years has been the entry
of large number of women in the
labor market…A second profound
social change has been the
accelerating interests of consumers
and employees in quality-of-life
issues….A third profound social
change has been the shift in the age
distribution of the population.
Changing social values and a
growing acceptance of improved
birth control methods are expected
to raise the mean age… (page 90-
2. Technological factors. The role of technology in business Connect this to Filinvest
Technological factors in the external sector. Harari says: He who holds mission and vision
environment involves technology of data, holds the future. The role of
change. To avoid obsolescence and mechanical tools and equipment in Health considerations:
promote innovation, a firm must be construction, in modern offices; earthquake, flood,
aware of technological changes that intelligent gadgets in buildings, disease outbreak and
might influence the industry. etc. other natural or human
Creative technological adaptations initiated disasters.
suggest possibilities for new
products or for improvements in
existing products or manufacturing
or marketing techniques. A
technological breakthrough can
have a sudden and dramatic effect
on a firm’s environment. It may
spawn sophisticated and products…
Thus, all firms…must strive for an
understanding both for the existing
technological advances and the
probable future that can affect their
product or services. (page, 94-95)

3. Economic factors. Are concerned The GNP of the Philippines and the Connect this to Filinvest
with the nature and direction of the availability of money for spending; mission and vision
economy in which a firm operates. etc. for construction, housing,
Because consumption patterns are offices, malls, etc.
affected by the relative influence of Current COD V-19
various market segments, each firm
must consider economic trends that
affect the industry. On both the
nations and international levels,
managers must consider the
general availability of credit, the
level of disposable income and the
propensity of the people to spend….
Changes in economic factors can be
difficult to interpret. Interest rates,
inflation rates, and trends in growth
of gross national product are other
economic factor they should
consider (page 88-89).
4. Ecological factors. Ecology is the How does Filinvest respond to the Connect this to Filinvest
relationship among human beings need for ecological and green mission and vision
and other living beings and the air, buildings and subdivisions. Company philosophy and
soil, and water that support them. Preservation of nature as buildings CSR
Economic growth can contribute to are constructed, etc. Vertical
ecological change…The global gardens and ecological practices Current COD V-19
climate has been changing for ages; incorporated in construction plans
however, it is now evident that and programs.
human activities are accelerating
this tremendously. A change in
atmospheric radiation, due to in
part depletion of ozone layer has
caused global warming. …heating
the soil, water and air. Another area
of great importance is the loss of
habitat and biodiversity…leading to
air pollution, …water pollution…and
land pollution …A major contributor
to pollution, business is now being
held responsible for the toxic by-
product of current manufacturing
processes and for cleaning up the
environmental da mage…
Increasingly managers are being
required by government or are
being expected by the public to
incorporate ecological concerns in
decision-making …(page 96-87).
5. Political factors. The direction What are the priorities of the Connect this to Filinvest
and stability political factors are a DU30 administration that are mission and vision
major concern for managers on favorable or disadvantageous for
formulating corporate strategy. Filinvest business? Like Build, Responsible Citizenship
Political factors define the legal and Build, Build; Train Law; tax
regulatory parameters within which compliance against the oligarchs;
firms most operate. Political pro-poor policies for housing and
constraints are placed on the firms social services, etc.
through fair-trade decisions, anti-
trust laws, tax programs, minimum
wage legislations, pollution and
pricing policies…However, laws and
regulations ...actions of government
include laws, government
subsidies, ad product grants… to
promote and protects firms. (page

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