A New Configuration of Two-Level 48-Pulse VSCs Based STATCOM For Voltage Regulatio
A New Configuration of Two-Level 48-Pulse VSCs Based STATCOM For Voltage Regulatio
A New Configuration of Two-Level 48-Pulse VSCs Based STATCOM For Voltage Regulatio
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, a new configuration of STATCOM (Static Compensator) with constant DC link voltage is
Received 28 February 2011 proposed for the voltage regulation. The proposed STATCOM consists of eight sets of two-level double-
Received in revised form 29 May 2011 way Voltage Source Converters (VSCs). Each double-way VSC consists of two six-pulse VSCs connected
Accepted 18 August 2011
through an open winding transformer unit. The phase-angle difference between these two VSCs is varied
Available online 17 September 2011
for the reactive power control. The proposed STATCOM model is developed using MATLAB/Simulink,
SimPowerSystems (SPS) toolboxes and dynamic performance is studied for the change in the reference
reactive power, the terminal voltage reference and voltage control under switching on an inductive and
Voltage Source Converters (VSCs)
Static Compensator (STATCOM)
a capacitive loads. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the voltage regulation capability of
Flexible Alternating Current Transmission the STATCOM under these conditions.
System (FACTS) © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Voltage regulation
Fundamental frequency switching (FFS)
0378-7796/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
12 B. Singh, V.S. Kadagala / Electric Power Systems Research 82 (2012) 11–17
and easy interface capability with energy storage devices with- 0.2 pu [17]. The converters 1 to 8 (double-way VSC) are operated
out major changes in design or control of the STATCOM as in case in lagging mode and converters 9 to 16 are operated in leading
STATCOM with variable DC link voltage. With the ever increas- mode.
ing power demand, STATCOM’s have a vital role to play in the Converters (1, 9), (2, 10) and (8, 16) have single secondary
operation of the power system. Moreover, the proposed STATCOM windings on their single-phase output transformers. In this config-
configuration has same number of devices as three-level VSC based uration, each single-VSC bridge supplies one line-to-neutral voltage
48-pulse STATCOM. Performance of the proposed STATCOM is pre- of Y or connected windings. The inverter voltage is controlled by
sented for the voltage regulation in a transmission line. Simulation phase displacement of one half of each VSC bridge with respect to
results demonstrate the steady state and dynamic performance of the other half. The phase- shifted phase portion of each VSC bridge
the STATCOM. is shifted the same amount, for a given output voltage, to maintain
the three-phase relationship for the complete circuit. The resultant
2. Configuration of STATCOM AC converter voltage waveform at one transformer primary wind-
ing is as shown in Fig. 2(a). At full output voltage the two square
Fig. 1 shows a proposed configuration of the STATCOM. It con- voltages are out of phase by 180◦ . Any phase difference between
sists of 24 single-phase transformers and 16 six-pulse three-phase these two voltages produces a zero voltage period (quasi-square
VSCs. Each of 24 transformers has Y and connected primary wind- wave); thereby controlling the voltage magnitude. By producing
ings as shown in this figure in order to reduce the voltage and eight identical quasi-square voltages which are phase shifted by
current harmonics appearing at the utility grid and connected in 7.5◦ and addition of them produces a 48-pulse VSC voltage wave-
open winding between two VSCs on the secondary side to form a form of controllable magnitude. The net effect is as controlling the
48-pulse VSC waveform which lowest harmonic is 47th harmonic. phase angle between two 48-pulse VSC waveforms as shown in
The leakage reactance of the transformer assembly is selected to be Fig. 2(b).
B. Singh, V.S. Kadagala / Electric Power Systems Research 82 (2012) 11–17 13
Fig. 2. (a) Operation of single double-way VSC. (b) Voltage waveforms of lagging
and leading converters and their sum.
Fig. 3. (a) AC converter output voltage and its harmonic spectrum for ˇ = 30◦ . (b)
%THD variation of AC converter output voltage with ˇ.
Fig. 3(a) shows the AC converter output voltage waveform and
its harmonic spectrum for ˇ = 30◦ . Fig. 3(b) shows the variation of
the %THD with the angle ‘ˇ’. For ˇ = 0◦ to ˇ = 100◦ , the %THD of the
output voltage is always less than 4.5%. This range of ˇ is chosen Vlead = V1
for the required reactive power control.
The basic concept of the AC output voltage control of the VSC
is shown in Fig. 4, where Vs is the supply/mains voltage whereas β /2
γ Vt
Vt is the terminal voltage voltage and Vc1 is the fundamental AC
β /2
converter output voltage. Vt is the terminal voltage at point of com-
mon coupling. The system configuration for the voltage regulation Vc1
is shown in Fig. 5.
| Vc1 |<| Vt |
3. Control algorithm
Vlag = V1
Fig. 6 shows the block diagram of the control algorithm used in
the control of STATCOM. The following are the steps in this control
algorithm of the STATCOM. Vlead = V1
In first case, the desired reactive power control is realized for where ‘n’ is the turns ratio (primary to secondary windings of each
a given reference reactive power Q* , and iq∗ is derived from this transformer unit). ‘ˇ* ’ is the phase shift angle responsible for con-
reference reactive power Q* . However, in the second case, required trolling the reactive power.
Fig. 7. (a) Dynamic performance of the STATCOM for varying the reference reactive power. (b) Zoomed in waveform of *.
All the lagging VSCs are gated at an angle of (− * −ˇ* /2) and Current %THD under capacitive %THD under
leading VSCs are gated at an angle of (− * + ˇ* /2) with respect to d- operation inductive operation
axis. The PLL generates the synchronizing signal ‘’ which is used for STATCOM 0.93 0.96
synchronizing the converter gating pulses with AC terminal voltage
Vt .
Fig. 8. Dynamic performance of the STATCOM by varying the reference terminal voltage.
Fig. 9. Dynamic performance of the STATCOM for constant terminal voltage regulation by switching on capacitive and inductive loads.
B. Singh, V.S. Kadagala / Electric Power Systems Research 82 (2012) 11–17 17
Table 2 Appendix A.
%THD of system, load and STATCOM current.
Current %THD under capacitive %THD under GTO–VSCs based two-level 48-pulse 100MVAR STATCOM
operation inductive operation
Six-pulse GTO–VSCs 16
System 0.60 0.60 Number of GTO’s 96
Load 0.35 0.40 Number of pulses 48
STATCOM 0.93 0.96 Nominal AC voltage 132 kV
Nominal DC link voltage 3 kV
GTO gating frequency 50 Hz
DC capacitor 0.25 F
Table 3 Single-phase transformer rating 4.2 MVA, 50 Hz, 16 kV/2.12 kV, 9% (X)
%THD of system, load and STATCOM current. DC voltage controller Kpdc = 4, KIdc = 120
Decoupled current D-axis: Kpd = 40
Current %THD on switching %THD on switching
controller Q-axis: Kpq = −40
capacitive load inductive load
AC terminal voltage controller Kpt = 0.12, KIt = 15
System 0.24 0.30 AC system 132 kV, 50 Hz, 3% Zs
Load 0.20 0.36 Short circuit level 1000 MVA
STATCOM 0.78 0.68