Automation and Integration Solutions For Electric Power Systems
Automation and Integration Solutions For Electric Power Systems
Automation and Integration Solutions For Electric Power Systems
IED Integration
Event Monitoring, Collection, and Analysis
Local HMI and Visualization
RTU Replacement
Distribution Automation
Remedial Action Schemes
Asset Optimization
Renewable Energies
Power Plant
Advanced Metering
Feeder Monitoring
Feeder Monitoring and
Capacitor Bank Control Factory
Voltage Regulation Automated Pad-Mounted
Control Switchgear
Faulted Circuit
From the generating station to the end of a distribution line, SEL solutions make the electric power grid smarter by providing protection, communications, sensing,
monitoring, security, and control.
Automation and Integration Over view
Today, SEL offers robust automation and integration conversion, local human-machine interfaces (HMIs),
solutions for your applications and is committed to event report collection, data concentration, and more.
leading with the best, most economical solutions.
Many SEL relays include local, remote, and latched
We offer technologies, products, systems, and services control switches and display points. With these
that address the entire application spectrum, from features, you can replace or eliminate many external
communicating with a single relay to integrating devices and associated panels, documentation, wiring,
and automating the metering, control, reporting, and commissioning, testing, and maintenance. You benefit
protection for a large system. In electrical substations, from reduced total cost, improved system reliability,
commercial sites, and generating, manufacturing, and and state-of-the-art protection, monitoring, and
processing plants, apply SEL microprocessor-based control.
relays to protect the electrical system. Apply SEL
Information processors support external communica-
networking, control, and communications solutions to
tions links, including the public switched telephone
integrate devices for data acquisition plus remote and
network for engineering access or dial-out alerts,
local control.
private line connections to your SCADA system,
SEL relays, information processors, and systems and wide-area networks (WANs). Many SEL relays
support many architectures. SEL information proces- and controllers have integral protocols and ports for
sors include real-time automation controllers (RTACs), connection to networks. The SEL ICON™ provides the
communications processors, and tough computers fiber-optic communications backbone.
with appropriate software.
SEL products and services are components of complete
Choose tough SEL computing and networking prod- SEL solutions for instrumentation, protection,
ucts that are far more reliable and robust than office or reporting, monitoring, local and remote control, and
industrial computer equipment and ideal for protocol automation.
Integrated Human-Machine
Relays and Interface
Other IEDs Station LAN SEL-3620 Communications Serial SCADA Link
Security Gateway Optical Network
Communications Encrypt
Serial Data
Dial-Up Optical Network
Data Link Tough Computer Satellite-
Encrypt Data Satellite- Synchronized Clock
SEL-3620 SEL-3354
Synchronized Clock
Security Gateway SEL-2407
Ethernet SEL-3530
SEL-3530 SEL-2725
Information Processor
Information Processor
Fiber-Optic Remote I/O
Ethernet Module
SEL-2516 Other IED
Interleaved ASCII
and Binary Data for
Most SEL Products,
Noninterleaved for Others Other IED
Relay SEL-3373 SEL-2533
I E D I n te g ra t i o n
SEL information processors enable you to design and
implement both simple and complex intelligent elec-
tronic device (IED) integration solutions. Supported
peer-to-peer technologies include SEL’s patented
Mirrored Bits® communications and IEC 61850.
DNP3, Modbus®,
IEC 61850
Encrypted Link
Five-Port Ethernet Switch
SEL Switch
GOOSE Messaging
Display and control using operational data in IEC 61850 logical nodes
Use IEC 61850 GOOSE messages to communicate high-speed information between via LAN for local HMI, and WAN for remote SCADA. Engineers use WAN
local relays or other devices on the local-area network (LAN). Examples include to configure devices and to retrieve and analyze event reports and
breaker position, breaker trip, interlocking, and load-shedding commands. sequential events records.
SEL M i r r o r e d B i t s Communications
Mirrored Bits communications is an innovative, low-cost, relay-to- Source #1
relay communications technology that exchanges the status of eight
internal logic points called Mirrored Bits, encoded in a digital message, 3
between two devices. This patented technology opens the door to Recloser SEL-351R
Source #2
SEL-311C Mirrored Bits communications recloser application.
Communications Wave
Paths Audio
SEL-3031 SEL-3031
SEL Serial Radio SEL Serial Radio
Transceiver Transceiver
Event Monito r i n g , Co l l e c t i o n , a n d A n a l ys i s
In 1984, SEL invented the world’s first digital distance Another outage in Florida on February 26, 2008, was
relay with a built-in fault locator, revolutionizing fault quickly analyzed by engineers using an SEL integrated
finding. Current SEL event reporting technology and and synchronized solution. The engineers then used
software, such as the ACSELerAtor Analytic Assistant® their synchronized solution to improve their models
SEL-5601 Software, makes wide-area monitoring, and prevent similar situations in the future. A NERC
collection, analysis, and control of power system data press release on the Florida outage stated that synchro-
possible. phasors are “like the MRI of the bulk power system.”
Integrated systems with SEL synchrophasors take
event analysis one step further by providing the ability
to monitor power system distur-
bances in real time through angle 1750
1550 1545 1500
Line tripping, loss of generation, and other system events cause power oscillations. Use the
SVP to identify oscillations in the early stages and alert power system operators to potentially
unstable operating conditions.
Local HMI a n d Vi s u a l i za t i o n
SEL IEDs and tough computers monitor the status
of communications lines and logic controllers,
summarizing power system data (MW, MVAR,
voltage, and current) and interfacing with settings for
power management and remedial action schemes.
• Display one-line diagrams, alarms,
communications diagrams, and many other useful
tools with the substation touchscreen.
• SEL remote I/O modules and alarm panels
provide quick indication status and alarm
• Connect to information processors and IEDs to
gather data, perform operations, and display the
information you want.
SEL tough computers support a wide variety of visualizations for local HMI.
Cy b e rse cu r i ty
Implement cybersecurity with substation-hardened
products from SEL. SEL relays and information
processors contain strong electronic access-control
technologies to effectively secure your cyberassets.
SEL employs a number of
individuals with professional The SEL-3620 Ethernet Security Gateway secures
security certifications in all Ethernet communications between your private
different levels and roles, and networks and interoperates with existing business IT
works closely with universities and control systems over an Internet Protocol Security
to implement the most current (IPsec) virtual private network (VPN). The SEL-3620
security technologies. protects your private network from malicious traffic
with an integrated firewall and strong authentication
access control.
The SEL-3025 Serial Shield™, an EIA-232, bump-in-
the-wire serial cryptographic transceiver, protects
meters, protective relays, programmable logic
controllers (PLCs), remote terminal units (RTUs),
and computers. The SEL-3025 prevents unauthorized
access, control, monitoring, and malicious attacks
by authenticating and optionally encrypting all data
along the communications path.
Our tough computers are also used in security solu-
tions for their inherent authentication, security
management, IPsec IP filtering, encryption, logging,
password protection, and authentication features.
Combine SEL technology with your policies, proce-
dures, and training for a complete solution. For more
information, visit
Real-Time Protection Satellite
Dedicated Fiber,
Wire, or Cable
SCADA/Metering SCADA Control Center
Remote Monitoring or Billing Private or Public
Network TCP/IP Network
Public Telephone
Network WAN
Remote Access Substation or
SCADA/Remote Engineering
Generation Facility
Access Access
SEL ICON™ Integrated
SEL-3620 Ethernet
Security Gateway
Optical Network
Substation Pri
vat Access
Cisco® Device
IT Access
WA SEL-3620 Ethernet
N SEL-3354 Embedded
Security Gateway
Computing Platform
SEL ICON Integrated Firewall
Communications 0
362 SEL-3610 Serial
Optical Network SEL- 3610 Port Server
te SEL-
SEL-3530 N 351
LA SEL- Serial Relays
Real-Time Automation
025 Controller (RTAC) SEL-
Power System
SEL-3025 Serial SEL-
Shield™ 7XX
SEL offers complete end-to-end cybersecurity
Information Regulatory Other IEDs O the
r IE
D solutions for critical infrastructure applications.
Technology Compliance D
er IE
Yes, Bob is
I’m Bob. I need access approved.
SEL-3620 to the SEL-3620.
SEL-3354 SEL-3530 SEL-3530 SEL-3610 SEL-3610
Other IED
Other IEDIED SEL-351
Other IED SEL-351
RTU Replace m e n t
Improve your system’s reliability, reduce program
development time, and simplify connectivity with Local HMI
RTU replacement solutions from SEL. SEL solutions
use substation-hardened devices and are economical, DNP3
dependable, and easy to use. The graphic to the right SCADA Master
shows a typical RTU replacement scheme by SEL for
monitoring and controlling switchgear equipment.
Your application may require different I/O configu-
rations. Set up your own solutions, or let SEL help
Ethernet SEL-2240
you design custom solutions to meet your needs.
Combine a flexible network structure using copper or fiber Ethernet cables to High-density modular I/O RTU solutions integrated directly with the
integrate local and remote signals. SEL-3530 RTAC for rugged and flexible monitoring and control.
• Choose the RTAC and other devices as needed for RTU replacement. This product features an easy-to-use
IEC 61131-3 interface and a locally embedded, deterministic logic engine that allows you to manage your
collected data.
• Easily combine and configure an SEL-3354 Embedded Automation Computing Platform and SEL-2411
Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) to monitor and control your devices. Connect multiple IEDs
and support legacy protocols to send information directly to SCADA.
• Improve communications by replacing pad-mounted switchgear RTUs with the IEC 61850-compatible
SEL-2411 PAC and wireless Ethernet peer-to-peer communications. This solution allows you to improve
your system by supporting remote automation with coordinated protection and autorestoration schemes.
D istributi o n Au to m a t i o n
From analysis to implementation, SEL’s compre-
hensive distribution automation products enhance
SEL Products Enable
voltage and power quality optimization programs
Distribution Automation
and improve reliability statistics for SAIDI, CAIDI,
SAIFI, and MAIFI. Once implemented, the system will Analyze
analyze, isolate, and restore power. SEL distribution
automation systems using information processors and
integrated IEDs enable you to supervise the restora-
tion of alternative sources based on parameters you
set with the information processor, such as abnormal
Restore Isolate
circuit configuration, hot-line tags, nonreclose status,
disabled supervisory control, or communications
failure. SEL distribution automation schemes include
• Analyze and detect fault conditions
the following:
• Isolate the affected feeder section
• Normal/standby source transfer
• Restore power to unaffected sections
• Main-tie-main scheme
• Automatic load restoration
• Automatic fault line sectionalizing
• Automatic reconfiguration for restoration
• Automatic source transfer
Distribution Automation
Control System
Circuit A Circuit B
R5 R1 SEL-651R
Non-SEL Control
Comms Comms
R4 R2 SEL-351R
Non-SEL Control R3
Re m e d i a l Ac t i o n Sc h e m es
SEL remedial action schemes (RAS) protect against
blackouts and system instability, increase corridor
capacity limits, increase reliability, respond automati-
cally to system contingencies, and bring your system
operation closer to its stability limits.
With remedial action schemes from SEL, you can
detect and automatically respond to multiple,
consecutive system contingencies. Control thou-
sands of contingencies and loads with high-speed
Mirrored Bits communications or IEC 61850 GOOSE
messages. Preserve system stability using intelligent,
contingency-based actions, such as flexible load and
generation shedding. All loads and generation can be
prioritized and shed only when necessary to satisfy the
contingency. Remedial action schemes detect unstable
power conditions and automatically take corrective
action, such as system islanding, to avoid blackouts.
Let SEL Engineering Services design a remedial action
scheme for your system.
SEL Meter
SEL Relay
Substation #1
SEL Relay
SEL Remedial Substation #3
Action Scheme SEL-351S
Tough Computer
I/O Module
Substation #2
SEL-2505 SEL-2411
I/O Module Automation
SEL information processors support standard as well
as customized SCADA applications with real-time
access and control.
• Use SEL information processors, such as the
SEL-3354 Embedded Automation Computing
Platform or the SEL-3530 RTAC, for SCADA
RTU and IED data collection and connectivity.
• Create distribution management systems (DMS) to
avoid service interruptions, restore power quickly,
and manage load shedding, load flow, switch
order, automatic voltage control, disturbance
analysis, load management, and SER analysis.
• Create energy management systems (EMS) for
automatic generation control, synchrophasor state
analysis, state estimation, operator load flow, load
management, contingency analysis, dispatcher
load flow, and optimal power flow.
Local HMI
GPS Clock
Engineering Modem
Access SEL-3010
SEL-3031 Relay SEL-2516
A sset O pt i m i za t i o n
SEL information processors form the data backbone
of a complete substation asset optimization system
by collecting, sorting, and storing information before
sending it to a system-wide database. SEL asset opti-
mization solutions provide the secure, concise, and
controlled data that asset and maintenance managers
Optimize the life cycle of your assets by monitoring
key health indicators, and improve maintenance
scheduling, life cycle management, reliability
programs, and power quality management. Contin-
uous monitoring of transformer and circuit breaker
operating conditions can help you evaluate wear,
allowing you to schedule or avoid unnecessary main-
tenance, improve physical management of assets, and
improve system loading. Cost-effective, data-driven
maintenance schedules, allowed by SEL Asset Optimi-
zation, reduce maintenance costs, increase asset life,
help engineers make informed decisions, and maxi-
mize engineering resources.
Circuit Station
Breaker Batteries
SEL-2800 SEL-2890
Fiber-Optic Ethernet
Transceiver Transceiver
SEL Suppo r t a n d Tra i n i n g
We are ready to assist with all of your automation and
integration needs. Let us help you find the right solu-
tion for your unique situation.
SEL University
We offer application and product-specific courses that
meet your training needs. In addition to scheduled
courses, SEL University offers on-site training, web-
based training (WBT), and computer-based training
(CBT). For more information, visit the SEL University
website at
2350 NE Hopkins Court • Pullman, WA 99163 USA
Tel: +1.509.332.1890 • Fax: +1.509.332.7990 • [email protected]
LM00100-01 • 20110413