The Campaign Book Supplemental

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The Campaign Book Supplemental

Campaign Dice Rolls The Campaign system requires that both players roll Battle Dice at
different times throughout the campaign. These rolls represent several
things, including reinforcement units being brought up to the front line (the reserve roll), the uncertain ebb and flow
of the tides of war (victory event rolls), and an optional roll that simulates the way things could have been if history
had taken a different path (“What if?” event rolls). This document is designed to remind players when to roll
those dice and streamline the interpretation of the rolls.

The Reserve Roll Campaign Book - Volume 1: pages 3-4

When!: After a scenario is set up, but before receiving your Command cards, roll 2 dice to see what
! Reserve units, if any, your High Command are willing to allocate you for the upcoming battle.

If you roll a Star along with a unit

If you roll an Infantry symbol, you symbol during your Reserve roll,
may choose to exchange a the unit you call up may be
Reserve Token for an Infantry Unit. upgraded to Elite status.
Double Stars
If you roll 2 Stars during your
Reserve roll, you may use this roll
If you roll an Armor symbol, you Each Flag rolled gives one unit of
to call up a single Elite tank or
may choose to exchange a your choice a defensive sandbag
infantry unit of your choice, at no
Reserve Token for an Armor Unit. position, at no Reserve Token cost.
Reserve Token cost!
Place a sandbag in the same hex
as the unit you with to protect. -OR-
If you own the Memoir ʼ44 Air
Grenades are wild. If you roll a
Note: Individual Campaigns provide additional Pack, you may use the 2 Stars
Grenade symbol, you may choose
options for Reserve Rolls. See below for Campaign- roll to receive a free Air Sortie
to exchange a Reserve Token for
specific roll results that players can choose to use. token / Air Power token at no
an Infantry unit, an Armor unit, or
Reserve Token cost!
an Artillery unit.

Campaign Book - Volume 1 Supplemental 1

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Battle of Normandy Campaign Book - Volume 1: page 16

Allies Axis
Flag + Star Flag + Star Place 2 wire
Advance any one of your obstacles
units already deployed on adjacent to any of your
the battlefield at game units at no Reserve
start up to 2 hexes, at no Token cost.
Reserve Token cost.
When rolled during The
Breakout, advance any
Star + Star one of your units already
deployed on the
Take 1 Air Sortie / Air battlefield at game start
Power token, at no up to 2 hexes, at no
Reserve Token cost! Reserve Token cost.

Star + Star

Take 1 Air Sortie / Air

Power token, at no
Reserve Token cost!

Unternehmen Fall Gelb Campaign Book - Volume 1: page 46

Allies & Axis

Flag + Star You may place a wire, a hedgehog, or
road blocks (only on a road hex) in a hex
✶Anti-Aircraft Guns are not
adjacent to one of your units, at no
Reserve Token cost. represented on the battlefield,
yet hey are a permanent threat
for enemy airplanes, particularly
around the towns. If Anti-Aircraft
Star + Star Take one of the following elements, at no Guns have been installed, you
Reserve Toke cost: roll one additional Air Check die
• Elite Infantry unit against your opponentʼs airplane
• Elite Armor unit if the airplane is adjacent to a
• Air Sortie / Air Power token town hex that is occupied by one
• Anit-Aircraft Guns✶ of your units.

Campaign Book - Volume 1 Supplemental 2

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Operation Barbarossa Campaign Book - Volume 1: page 80

Infantry + Star Sniper (Troops 10 - Sniper). If deployed at game start, the Star + Star
Sniper may be deployed anywhere within three rows of the
Allied baseline. Units may not be placed on impassable terrain.
A Partisan unit (use French Resistance rules: Nations 1 -
French Resistance) may be taken instead of a Sniper if the
ʻPartisansʼ What if? event is in effect. Choose one of the following elements, at no
Reserve Token cost:
• Sniper (Troops 10 - Sniper)
Armor + Star • Cavalry (Troops 8 - Cavalry)
Cavalry (Troops 8 - Cavalry). Soviet Armor forces were • Russian elite Armor unit
rapidly depleted and replaced by Cavalry. (Troops 2 - Specialized Units)

• Air Sortie / Air Power token

Infantry + Star Star + Star
German Elite Infantry unit (Troops 2 - Specialized Units)
! ! -OR-
German Combat Engineers (Troops 4 - Combat Engineers)

Choose one of the following elements, at no

Armor + Star Reserve Token cost:
• German Elite Infantry unit
German Elite Armor unit (Troops 2 - Specialized Units)
(Troops 2 - Specialized Units)
! ! -OR-
• German Combat Engineers
Flammpanzer Armor (Troops 13 - Flame Thrower Tanks)
(Troops 4 - Combat Engineers)
• German Elite Armor Unit
(Troops 2 - Specialized Units)
• Flammpanzer Armor
(Troops 13 - Flame Thrower Tanks)

• Air Sortie / Air Power token

Campaign Book - Volume 1 Supplemental 3

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Victory Events Rolls Campaign Book - Volume 1: pages 6-7

When!: After the next battle is set up but prior to any other activity, (like Reserve rolls for the new
! battle) do the following:

Each player rolls 2 dice plus 1 die for each battle won up to this point in the campaign
(including the battle just won, if appropriate). Starting with the player who moves first in the scenario
you are about to begin, resolve the dice rolls using the Victory Event Roll Results table. Start with
any Infantry rolled and finish with any Flags. Grenades are resolved by your opponent after the other
rolls have been applied.

Victory Event Roll Results

Your opponent must remove one Infantry

figure from an Infantry unit of his choice.

Your opponent must remove one Armor

figure from an Armor unit of his choice.

Reduce the number of Command cards

your opponent will hold at the start of the
battle by 1. His starting hand, however,
must always be at least 1 card. He will draw
2 cards after each turn, until the number
listed in the scenario briefing notes.

Special situation - When the Russian player

has only 1 card in his hand at the start of a
battle and Political Commissar rules are in
effect, his one card is placed under the
Commissar Chip. At the end of his first turn
the Russian player draws 2 cards and must
then place one under the Commissar Chip.
After the Russian playerʼs first turn, the
normal Commissar rules are followed.

Your opponent must retreat one unit of his

choice back one hex. Units on the edge of
the board, if forced back, lose 1 figure
instead of retreating.

Remove one figure from any of your

opponentʼs full-strength units. You may not
apply more than a single Grenade symbol
to any of your opponentʼs units; and you
may not apply a grenade symbol to a
single-figure unit (e.g. Sniper, Airplane...).

Campaign Book - Volume 1 Supplemental 4

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Optional Rule: “What If?” Events
This optional rule adds historical elements to a Grand Campaign by including things that could have happened if
history had played out differently! If both players agree, roll 1 die each when indicated by the campaign and apply
the results. Note: Some events, while rolled by one player, may favor his opponent! If both players roll the same
event, its effect (in favor of one side) is only applied once, not twice.

Battle of Normandy: “What If?” events Campaign Book - Volume 1: page 17

When!: If both players agree, roll 1 die each before the third campaign. Apply the results from the
! following list:

Combat Engineers Panzerschreck

Sherman Crocodile Tigers!

Allied Air Supremacy Camouflage

Tigers! Sherman Crocodile

Panzerschreck Allied Air Supremacy

Combat Engineers: Equipped with flame-throwers, Allied Sherman Crocodile: Flame-throwing Shermans can easily
Combat Engineers are a precious asset for close combat. clear out enemy defenses.
In each of the next scenarios and for the rest of the grand In each of the next scenarios and for the rest of the grand
campaign, if the Allied player obtains a standard Infantry unit campaign, if the Allied player obtains a standard armor unit in
on his Reserve Roll, he may choose to replace it was a his Reserve Roll, he may choose to replace it with a Flame
Combat Engineer unit (Troops 4 - Combat Engineers). Thrower Tank unit (Troops 13 - Flame Thrower Tanks).

Panzerschreck: This German anti-tank weapon was feared Tigers!: Unleash the beast!
by all Allied tank crews. In one of the next scenarios, except for Wittmannʼs Final
In each of the next scenarios and for the rest of the grand Battle, the Axis player may call up an Elite Armor Unit (4
campaign, if the Axis player obtains a standard Infantry unit on figures) at no reserve token cost. This action is free and the
his Reserve Roll, he may choose to equip it with an Anti-tank Axis player may still roll for reserves as normal after having
weapon (place an Anti-tank Special Weapons Asset with this deployed his elite armor unit. This unit must be deployed on
unit). (SWAs 2 - Anti-tank Gun) the Axis baseline.

Allied Air Supremacy: Death comes from above! Camouflage: Germans defending Normandy are
The Axis player may not play any Air Sortie or Air Power card / camouflaged in hedgerows and forests.
token for the rest of the campaign. If he draws one of these At the beginning of each of the next scenarios and for the rest
cards, he must discard it and draw another card instead. of the grand campaign, before any Reserve Roll, the Axis
player may camouflage on of his units that is in a hedgerow or
a forest hex (Actions 16 - Camouflage).

Campaign Book - Volume 1 Supplemental 5

v1.1 - October 2011
Unternehmen Fall Gelb: “What If?” events Campaign Book - Volume 1: page 47

When!: If both players agree, roll 1 die each before the third campaign, either The Sickle-Cut or
! The Crossing of the Meuse River. Apply the results from the following list:

Congestion in the Ardennes Italians Attack in France

De Gaulleʼs Ideas Refugees

RAF Squadrons Luftwaffeʼs Air Strikes

Refugees Congestion in the Ardennes

Italians Attack in France De Gaulleʼs Ideas

Congestion in the Ardennes: The small roads of the Refugees: Hundreds of refugees flee on the roads before
Ardennes prevent rapid advance. Some Panzer units are the German advance. The streams of men and women
considerably delayed. delay the Allied forces that try to get to the front.
Remove one Panzer unit in Bouvignes or Bouillon, depending The Allied player may not call up Infantry units as reserves for
on which campaign is played. the next campaign.

De Gaulleʼs Ideas: Colonel De Gaulle suggests new tactics RAF Squadrons: The British send their pilots to fight the
for Armor units. Luftwaffe over the low country!
An Allied Armor unit that is next to another friendly Armor unit At the beginning of all the next scenarios (except for Dunkirk),
may ignore the first Flag rolled against it. This effect is not an Air Sortie / Air Power token is given to the Allied player in
cumulative with other terrain features that allow a Flag to be addition to any card provided by the scenarios. He may not use
ignored. essays any Air Sortie or Air Power card because of the German Air
Supremacy rule, but he is allowed to use those tokens instead.

Italians Attack in France: Germanyʼs ally, Italy, attacks Luftwaffeʼs Air Strikes: German airplanes support the
Southern France. Being forced to cope with this new ground attack.
threat, the French have to divide their forces. At the beginning of all the next scenarios (except for Dunkirk),
Remove one Reserve Token from the Allied Strategic Reserve an Air Sortie / Air Power token is given to the Axis player in
Pool. addition to any card provided by the scenarios.

Campaign Book - Volume 1 Supplemental 6

v1.1 - October 2011
Operation Barbarossa: “What If?” events Campaign Book - Volume 1: page 81

When!: If both players agree, roll 1 die each before the first phase of the Campaign, but before
! having allocated your reserves. Apply the results from the following list:

Scorched Earth Hearts and Minds

Scorched Earth Barbarosstag

Soviet Defensive Strategy Finns Attack Leningrad!

Finns Attack Leningrad! Scorched Earth

Soviet Defensive Strategy Finns Attack Leningrad!

Scorched Earth: The Russians burn everything as they Hearts and Minds: The Axis troops are less oppressive
retreat. The Germans find no food or shelter as they and are hailed as liberators in the conquered Ukraine.
advance, which worsens their supply situation. Many Cossacks join the Axis forces.
Once only, before any scenario in the first phase, the Allied Once only, after rolling for reserves for any scenario in the
player can claim Scorched Earth. The German player must southern branch campaign, the Axis player may take one
play the entire scenario with 1 less Command card (in addition cavalry unit as a free reserve unit (costing no Reserve Token),
to other possible Victory Event roll effects). which must be placed on the Axis baseline.

Soviet Defensive Strategy: Stavka (Soviet Military High Barbarossatag: The Axis invade the Soviet Union on the
Command) decide on a more defensive strategy and allow originally planned date of May 15th, 1941
their front line armies to dig in before the Germans invade. All battles for the entire campaign are fought on summer
Inn the 1st scenario of each branch campaign, allow the Allied terrain.
player to deploy sandbags on any two units before deploying The Axis player receives a free Air Sortie / Air Power token in
reserves. the 4th scenario of each of the 3 branch campaigns.
This roll cancels any second phase roll of “Severe Winter” by
either player, which becomes “no effect”.
Finns attack Leningrad! Mannerheimʼs Finns decide to go
beyond their 1939 border with the Soviet Union and
assault Leningrad. The Soviets divert reserves to meet the
Immediately reduce the number of Allied reserves allocated to
the northern campaign by 2. This is a permanent loss of 2
Reserve Tokens for the Allies. Take reserves from the center if
there are too few in the north.

Campaign Book - Volume 1 Supplemental 7

v1.1 - October 2011
Operation Barbarossa: “What If?” events Campaign Book - Volume 1: page 82

When!: If both players agree, roll 1 die each before the second phase of the Campaign, but before
! having allocated your reserves. Apply the results from the following list:

Partisans OKH Halts Offensive

OKH Halts Offensive Severe Winter

Severe Winter Japanese Attack!

Japanese Attack! Rasputitsa

Rasputitsa Severe Winter

Partisans: Large numbers of bypassed Soviet troops and Rasputitsa: Autumn rains make poor-quality Russian
civilians remain behind the front, hiding in woods and roads impassable.
marshes. In the 3rd scenario of each branch campaign, German armor
Throughout the second phase, any Allied reserves roll of units may only move 1 or 2 hexes and battle.
Infantry + Star may be taken as a 3-figure Partisan unit. The
Partisan unit may deploy in any woods or marsh hex on the
board, costs no Reserve Token to deploy, and functions exactly
like a French Resistance unit (Nations 1 - French
Resistance). Mark the unit with a Russian star token. Japanese Attack! The Japanese decide to attack the
Soviets in the Far East.
The Soviets are unable to release Siberian units from the east
to help as reinforcements against the Germans. The Allied
OKH Halts Offensive: OKH (German Army High Command)
player must reduce the total number of Allied Reserve Tokens
halts the German offensive to allow the infantry to catch
available prior to the start of the second phase by 4. At least 2
up with the armor, and to reorganize and re-supply.
must come from the center.
However, this allows the Soviets to press ahead with their
mobilization of reserves unhindered.
The Axis player receives one additional Reserve Token in
either the center or south. Also, in the 3rd scenario of each Severe Winter: Temperatures drop to -30ºC and below.
branch campaign, allow the Allied player to roll 3 dice for German weapons malfunction and German soldiers have
reserves instead of 2, and keep any two of them as the final no winter clothes.
roll. Add a die to the Allied Victory Events roll before the 4th
scenario in each branch campaign. If the 4th scenario uses the
winter board, German armor units may only move 1 or 2 hexes
and battle.

Campaign Book - Volume 1 Supplemental 8

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