Module-1 Part-A: Basic Ship Theory Question Bank 2018

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1. Define “lines plan” of a ship.
2. What are the main particulars of a ship that define the geometry of a ship?
3. What do you understand by lines plan of a ship?
4. Explain the term “fairing” of lines plan.
5. List and explain various view of a lines plan.
6. What all features of ship can be ascertained from the lines plan?
7. Explain the purpose of drawing diagonal lines.
8. What do you understand by stations, waterlines and buttock lines with respect to lines
9. What is meant by centerline buttock?
10. How can you develop an offset table from a given lines plan?

1. Explain method of checking the fairness lines plan with illustrative sketches.
2. Explain the process of transferring information from body plan to profile and half
breadth plan.
3. Draw typical body plan and mark all stations, waterlines and buttock lines.
4. How can you make out the fullness of hull form from a given lines plan?
5. Explaining the process of constructing diagonal lines and explain their purpose.
6. Explain the method of developing areas with complex shapes in a lines plan.
7. How many stations are considered while drawing body plan of a ship? What is the
scheme of marking?
1. Draw a neat sketch of a typical lines plan for any merchant ship and clearly mark all
views and lines.
2. What is the use of offset table? Make a neat offset table for a ship with 10 stations and
5 waterlines.
3. Distinguish between the lines plans for a finer and fuller ship.
4. Explain the process of developing a lines plan using a given offset table?
5. Draw a lines plan with 10 waterlines, 10 stations and 2 buttock lines.
6. Illustrate the following with sketches:-
a. Bulbous bow
b. Superstructure
c. Stem profile
d. Stern profile
e. Parallel middle body
f. Angle of entrance

Signature: Faculty: HOD:


1. What the uses of integration rules in ship design calculations?
2. Give the basic equations to calculate the area, moment, centroid and moment of
inertia of the y=f(x).
3. Explain the Trapezoidal rule with help of a sketch.
4. Explain Simpson’s first rule with the help of a diagram.
5. Explain Simpson’s second rule with the help of a diagram.
6. Explain the 5, 8, -1 rule with the help of a diagram.
7. Explain Tchebycheffs rule with the help of a diagram.
8. What is the basic difference between Simpson rules and Tchebycheffs rule?
1. Explain how Simpson’s rules can be used to the area and centroid of a water plane
with help of a sketch.
2. What are applications of integration rules in ship design? Derive the Simpson’s 1
rule for n+ 1 ordinates. What are the assumptions and limitations of this rule?
3. Derive the Simpson’s 2nd rule for n+ 1 ordinates. What are the assumptions and
limitations of this rule?
4. Derive the expression for the Tchebycheff rule. What are the assumptions and
limitations of this rule?
5. A ship's breadths, at 9 m intervals commencing from forward are as follows:
0, 7.6, 8.7, 9.2, 9.5, 9.4, and 8.5 metres respectively.
Abaft the last ordinate is an appendage of 50 sq m. Find the total area of the water-

6. A ship of 150 metres long has half-ordinates commencing from aft as follows:
0, 5, 9, 9, 9, 7 and 0 metres respectively.
Find the distance of the centre of flotation from forward
7. Make a table of Tchebycheff rule spacings for 10 ordinates.

8. Calculate area and centroid of bounded region by curves x=0,x=2,y=0 and parabolic
curve y=6+4x–x2.
1. Calculate the area between the curve, defined by coordinates below, and the x-axis.
Also calculate the first and second moments of area about the x and y axes and the
position of centroid of the area.
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

y 1 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.31 1.1 0.9 0.6

2. A ship 120 metres long at the waterline has equidistantly spaced half-ordinates
commencing from forward are 0, *3.7, 5.9, 7.6, 7.5, 4.6, 0.1 metres respectively. Find
the area of the water-plane.

Signature: Faculty: HOD:


3. Three consecutive ordinates in a ship's water-plane, spaced 6 metres apart, are 14 m,

15 m, and 15.5m respectively. Find the area between the last two ordinates.

4. The areas of a ship's water-planes are as follows:

Draft (m) 0 1 2 3 4
Area of WP(sq m) 650 660 662 661 660
Calculate the ship's displacement in tonnes when floating in salt water at 4metres
draft. Also, if the ship's load draft is 4 metres find the FWA.

5. Find the integral


10. Calculate the area of a transverse half section of a tanker bounded by the following
waterline offsets, which are 3 m apart:-
WL 1 2 3 4 5 5
Offset (m) 24.4 24.2 23.7 22.3 19.1 3.0

1. State equilibrium condition of floating body.
2. What is the use of bonjean curve?
3. Discuss the procedure of calculating bonjean area and moment for a given station.
4. What do you understand by bonjean area and moment?
Signature: Faculty: HOD:


1. Sketch and explain a typical sectional area curve for a ship. What all parameters can
be obtained from this curve?
2. Explain the procedure of determining bonjean area and moment for a particular
section of a ship.
3. How can you determine the displacement of ship and centre of buoyancy using the
bonjean curve?
1. Draw a typical displacement curve of merchant ship explain the plotting procedures.
2. Make a neat sketch and explain Bonjean curves for a typical ship.

1. What is use of hydrostatic calculations for a Naval Architect?
2. List down various ship form parameters that are plotted in the hydrostatics curves.
3. Differentiate between Longitudinal and transverse moment of inertia of a water plane.
4. What if IF ? How is it calculated?
5. Define centre of floatation. What is its significance and how is its location
6. Write down approximate values of form coefficients for various type of ships.
7. For a General Cargo Ship, the TPC is 21.05 and the Breadth moulded is 19.75 m.
calculate the approximate MCT 1 cm.

1. Define the following terms and explain the formula to calculate them:-
a. TPC 1cm
b. MCT 1cm
c. WSA
d. Volume and Mass Displacement
e. Longitudinal and Transverse Moment of Inertia
f. Transverse and Longitudinal Metacentric Height
g. Form Coefficients – CB, CP, CM, CWL

2. What is the use of TPC 1cm values in Naval Architecture?

3. What is the use of MCT 1cmvalues in Naval Architecture?
4. What is the reason for not plotting GM on hydrostatic curves? How is this values
5. For a General cargo ship LBP = 120 m, Breadth Mld = 20 m, draft= 8m, displacement
at 8m draft = 14 000 t, Cm = 0.985, Cw = 0.808. An additional midship portion 10m
long is welded into the ship. Calculate the new Cb, Cw, Cp and displacement values.

6. For a Supertanker, her fully loaded waterplane has the following 1/2-ordinates spaced
45m apart.- 0, 9.0, 18.1, 23.6, 25.9, 26.2, 22.5, 15.7 and 7.2 metres respectively.
Calculate the WPA and TPC in salt water.
Signature: Faculty: HOD:


7. A water plane of length 270m and breadth 35.5m has the following equally spaced
breadths: 0.3, 13.5, 27.0, 34.2, 35.5, 35.5, 35.5, 32.0, 23.1 and 7.4m respectively.
Calculate the WPA, waterplane area coefficient and the TPC in fresh water. Use
Simpson’s 2nd rule.
8. The 1/2-ordinates of a vessel’s waterplane starting from forward and spaced 36m
apart are: 1.3, 11.2, 16.3, 17.5, 14.4, 8.7 and 3.0 metres respectively. Calculate the
position of the longitudinal geometrical centre (LCF) about the fore end and about

1. Make a neat sketch of hydrostatics curves and mark all parameters
2. Define the terms and explain the formula:-
(a) Volume and mass displacement
(b) Longitudinal and vertical centre of buoyancy
(c) Transverse and Longitudinal Metacentre
(d) Trim, Trimming Moment and moment to trim by 1cm.
(e) Centre of floatation and centre of buoyancy.

3. The waterline of a ship is 70 m long. Its half ordinates, which are equally spaced, are
given below. Calculate the least second moment of area about each of the two
principal axes in the waterplane.
Ord No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.5 8
½ Ord (m) 0.0 3.1 6.0 8.4 10.0 10.1 8.6 6.4 0.0
4. Explain the procedure of determining Transverse and Longitudinal moment of inertia
of a water plane? How are these values used in assessing stability of ships?
5. What are major form coefficients that define the hull form? Illustrate the steps for
calculating these coefficients.
6. A 280, 650 t dwt VLCC has the following characteristics:
LBP= 319 m, Br. Mld = 56 m, SLWL = 20.90 m, displacement AT SLWL = 324 522 t,
Cm = 0.9882.
Using this data, calculate Cb, Cp, TPCsw, WPA, Approx MCT 1 cm,
Approx Cw @ SLWL, Midship area.


Signature: Faculty: HOD:


1. What do you understand by buoyancy of ship?
2. Explain the terms draught (or draft), depth and freeboard of a ship.
3. Explain the static equilibrium condition of a ship with the help of a sketch.
4. What are the main components in the total weight of ship?
5. Define the terms: Centre of buoyancy and Centre of gravity of ship.
6. What will happen to the draft of the ship when density of water changes?
7. What do you understand by “Reserve of Buoyancy”?
8. Draw a typical displacement – draft curve for a ship.

1. Explain the procedure of determining Displacement from bonjean curves.
2. Discuss the static equilibrium conditions for a ship and submarine with help of
3. A box-shaped vessel floats at a mean draft of 2.1 metres, in dock water of density
1020 kg per cu. m. Find the mean draft for the same mass displacement in salt water
of density 1025 kg per cubic metre.
4. Explain LCB, VCB and TCB with the help of sketches.
5. Explain the “Stable”, “Unstable” and “Neutral” conditions of stability.
6. A vessel of triangular form length 100 m, beam 12 m, depth 6m is displacing 3030
tonnes in water of relative density 1.010. What is her reserve buoyancy?
7. A vessel loads to her summer load line at an up river port where the relative density of
the water is 1.002. She then proceeds down river to a port at the river mouth where
the water has relative density of 1.017, consuming 25 tonnes of fuel and water on
passage. On loading a further 100 tonnes of cargo, it is noted that she is again at her
summer loadline. What is her summer displacement in salt water?

Signature: Faculty: HOD:


1. Area of water planes, 2.5m apart, of a tanker are given below. Calculate the volume of
displacement and the position of VCB.
Waterplane 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6
Area (m2) 200 700 1700 3100 3800 4000 4100
2. A floating body has a constant rectangular section, vertex downwards and has a
constant draught of 12 m in fresh water, the breadth of waterline being 24.0 m. The
keel just touches the a quantity of mud of specific gravity 2.0. The water level now
falls 6m. How far will the body sink into the mud?
3. A box-shaped vessel floats upright on an even keel as shown in fresh water of density
1000 kg per cu. m, and the centre of buoyancy is 0.50m above the keel. Find the
height of the centre of buoyancy above the keel when the vessel is floating in salt
water of density 1025 kg per cubic metre. Note. The centre of buoyancy is the
geometric centre of the underwater volume and for a box-shaped vessel must be at
half draft, i.e. KB = ½ Draft.

4. For a vessel with 4 stations, the bonjean curves are given at the 3 half stations. LBP is
60m. For the vessel to float level (no trim), at a 4.5 m draft, where is the C.G.? If the
C.G is at midships, and the draft (at midships) is 4.5 m, what is the trim?

5. Draw cross section of a ship and mark Keel, Centro g gravity, Centre of Buoyancy
and metacentre. Also indicate VCB, VCG and Metacetric Height.

Signature: Faculty: HOD:


6. L = 130, BMld = 19.5m, SLWL = 8.15 m, Cm = 0.988. Fully-loaded displacement =

14 500 tonnes. Calculate: Cb, Midship area, Cp, and approx Cw at SLWL, WPA at
SLWL, TPCsw at SLWL and Fresh Water Allowance (FWA).
7. The areas of equidistantly spaced vertical sections of the hull form below water-level
are as shown. Length of ship is 400 m.
30, 226.4, 487.8, 731.6, 883.0, 825.5, 587.2, 262.1 and 39.8 square metres
respectively. If the first vertical area (sectional area) was at the fore end, calculate this
vessel’s displacement in salt water and her longitudinal centre of buoyancy (LCB)
from amidships.


1. What is meant by watertight integrity of a ship?
2. What are the reasons for providing subdivisions in a ship structure?
3. What are the factors to be considered while deciding the number and location of
4. Differentiate between longitudinal and transverse bulkheads.
5. What is meant by collision bulkhead?
6. What is meant by bulkhead deck?
7. Define “Margin Line” with help of a sketch.
8. Explain what is meant by Floodable length.
9. What are principal consequences of flooding in a ship?
10. Explain the sentence - “Subdivision of a ship invariably involves a compromise
between safety and cost”
11. Discuss the need for standards for providing subdivisions in a ship.
12. Differentiate between intact and damage stability.
1. Differentiate between the intact stability and damaged stability of ships.
2. Explain the general distribution of bulkheads using sketch of profile view of a ship.
3. Briefly explain the methods to calculate the damage stability of ships.
4. Differentiate between “lost buoyancy” and “added weight” method.
5. Explain how change in draft due to flooding is calculated?
6. What is meant by freeboard and what is its importance?
7. Explain the term “Reserve Buoyancy” using suitable sketches.
8. Briefly explain the consequences of damage to the underwater hull
Signature: Faculty: HOD:


9. Explain the influence diagram with the help of sketches

10. Define permeability of a compartment. Give typical values for permeability for
different compartments.
1. Explain the following effects of flooding in ship:-
a. Change of draft
b. Change of trim
c. Heel
d. Change of stability
e. Change of freeboard
f. Loss of ship

2. Explain the procedure for calculating floodable length with the help of supporting
3. Draw a neat sketch of floodable length curves on a ship profile and explain the salient
4. Illustrate major structural components that provide watertight integrity for a ship with
help of neat sketches?
5. What are the reasons for performing floodable length calculations for a ship? How is
the result relevant for disposition of transverse bulkheads?
6. A vessel whose TPC is 12.3, is floating at 4 m draught. A rectangular midship cargo
compartment 12m long, 10m breadth and 6m depth has a permeability of 60%. What
would be the mean draft if the compartment was bilged?
7. A box shaped vessel 170m long and 15m beam, is floating on an even keel in salt
water at a draft of 4metres. A forward end compartment, 10m long and the full
breadth of the ship is bilged. Calculate the new drafts if the MCT 1 cm is 100 tonnes-

Signature: Faculty: HOD:

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