Analysis of Asset Liability Management Data of Banks
Analysis of Asset Liability Management Data of Banks
Analysis of Asset Liability Management Data of Banks
This is to certify that Mr. Gujja Prashanth Kumar, pursuing MBA 3rd
semester at School of Management Studies (SMS) in University of
Hyderabad has done a project as an intern at the Institute for Development and
Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT), Hyderabad from May 2 to July 9,
Dr. V. N. Sastry
(Project Guide)
IDRBT, Hyderabad.
Page 2
University of Hyderabad
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Features
3.3 Input for Rule based system prototype
3.4 Output of Rule based system prototype
ALM is a part of the overall risk management in banks. It implies examination of all
the assets and liabilities simultaneously on a continuous basis with a view to ensuring
a proper balance between funds mobilization and their deployment with respect to
their maturity profiles, cost, yield, and risk exposure etc.ALM is basically a hedging
response to the risk in financial intermediation. It attempts to provide a degree of
protection to the institution from intermediation risk and makes such risk acceptable.
The essence of ALM is identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling risk in the
process of achieving the objectives of the institution with in the approved strategic
framework. The function of ALM is not just protection from risk. It also opens up
opportunities for enhancing the banks net worth.
3-6-3 banking: Accepting deposits at 3%, lending at 6% and leave for golf
club at 3pm.
Due to high regulations and controls, at that time credit risk was the only
aspect management had to manage. But after 1970 due to deregulation of interest
rates market risks were came in to picture (especially interest rate risk).
Banking business has been transformed from mere deposit taking and lending
into a complex world of innovations and risk management.
Banks need to address these risks in a structured manner by upgrading their risk
management and adopting more comprehensive ALM practices than that has been
done hitherto. ALM is concerned with risk management and provides a
comprehensive and dynamic framework for measuring, monitoring and managing
liquidity, interest rate, foreign exchange and commodity price risks of a bank that
needs to be closely integrated with the business strategy. ALM involves assessment of
various types of risks and altering the asset- liability portfolio in a dynamic way in
order to manage risk.
1.3) Market risk
‗The risk that the value of on- or off – balance sheet positions will be
adversely affected by movements in equity and interest rate markets, currency
exchange rates and commodity prices’ (According to the bank for international
settlements (BIS))
1. Liquidity risk
2. Interest rate risk
3. Foreign exchange risk
4. Equity price risk
5. Commodity risk
ALM is mainly concerned with liquidity risk, interest rate risk and foreign
exchange risk.
―Liquidity risk is the potential inability to meet the bank’s liabilities as they
become due.‖
It arises when the banks are unable to generate cash to cope with a decline in deposits
or increase in assets. It originates from the mismatches in the maturity pattern of
assets and liabilities. The liquidity risk in banks manifest in different dimensions:
Funding Risk: The need to replace net outflows due to unanticipated withdrawal/non-
renewal of deposits
Time Risk: The need to compensate for non-receipt of expected inflows of funds i.e.,
performing assets turning into NPAs
―Interest rate risk is the risk where changes in market interest rates might
adversely affect a bank’s financial condition. ‖
The immediate impact of changes in interest rates is on the Net Interest Income (NII).
A long term impact of changing interest rates is on the bank‘s net worth since the
economic value of a bank‘s assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet positions get
affected due to variation in market interest rates. The interest rate risk when viewed
from these two perspectives is known as ‗earnings perspective‘ and ‗economic value‘
perspective, respectively.
As specified, changes in market interest rates have dual impact for a bank: on its Net
Interest Income (NII) and on its net-worth. Management of interest rate risk aims at
capturing the risks arising from the maturity and re-pricing mismatches and is
measured both from the earnings and economic value perspective.
―The risk that a bank may suffer losses as a result of adverse exchange
rate movements during a period in which it has an open position, either spot or
forward, or a combination of the two, in an individual foreign currency.‖
1.4) Classification of assets and liabilities in banks (referred from
Asset - Liability Management System in banks – Guidelines by RBI)
1.4.1) OUTFLOWS:
Reserves and surplus
i. Current deposits
ii. Savings bank deposits
iii. Term deposits
iv. Certificates of deposits
i. Call and short notice
ii. Interbank(term)
iii. Refinances
iv. Others
Other liabilities and provisions
i. Bills payable
ii. Inter office adjustments
iii. Provisions for depreciation and unrecoverable loans etc
iv. Others
Lines of credit committed to
i. Institutions
ii. Customers
Balances with RBI—for CRR
Balances with other banks
i. Current account
ii. Money at call and short notice, term deposits etc
i. Approved securities
ii. Corporate debentures and bonds, CDs, redeemable preference
shares, units of mutual funds
iii. Investments in subsidiaries/ joint ventures
Advances (performing)
i. Bills Purchased and Discounted (including bills under DUPN)
ii. Cash Credit/Overdraft (including TOD) and Demand Loan
component of Working Capital.
iii. Term Loans
i. Sub-standard
ii. Doubtful and Loss
Fixed Assets
Other Assets
i. Inter-office Adjustment
ii. Others
Reverse repo
Interest receivable
Swaps (sell/buy)/ maturing forwards
Committed lines of credit
Bills rediscounted(DUPN)
RBI was divided future cash flows into different time buckets. While
preparing structural liquidity statement and interest rate sensitivity statement cash
flows were placed in different time buckets based on their maturity period or repricing
i) 1 to 14 days
ii) 15 to 28 days
iii) 29 days and upto 3 months
iv) Over 3 months and upto 6 months
v) Over 6 months and upto 12 months
vi) Over 1 year and upto 2 years
vii) Over 2 years and upto 5 years
viii) Over 5 years
The first time bucket (1-14 days at present) is further divided into three time buckets
for more granular approach to measurement of risk.
i. Next day
ii. 2-7 days
iii. 8-14 days
It demonstrates to the market place that the bank is safe and therefore
capable of repaying its borrowings.
It enables the bank to meet its prior loan commitments and thus necessary
to nurture relationship.
It enables the bank to avoid unprofitable sale of assets.
It lowers the default risk premium the bank must pay for funds, as a bank
with strong balance sheet will be perceived by the market as being liquid
and safe.
It reduces the need to resort to borrowings from the central bank.
Excessive use of central bank liquidity by a bank will be interpreted as
consequences of imprudent liquidity management by the bank.
The banks may adopt a more granular approach to measurement of liquidity risk
by splitting the first time bucket (1-14 days at present) in the Statement of Structural
Liquidity into three time buckets viz. next day, 2-7 days and 8-14 days. The net
cumulative negative mismatches during the Next day, 2-7 days, 8-14 days and 15-28
days buckets should not exceed 5 %, 10%, 15 % and 20 % of the cumulative cash
outflows in the respective time buckets in order to recognize the cumulative impact on
In case the net cumulative negative mismatches during the Day 1, 2-7 days, 8-
14 days and 15- 28 days buckets exceed the prudential limit of 5 % ,10%, 15 % and
20% of the cumulative cash outflows in the respective time buckets, the bank may
show by way of a foot note as to how it proposes to finance the gap to bring the
mismatch within the prescribed limits.
Structural liquidity state ment of Andhra bank for the FY 2010-11:
Figure 1.1: Structural liquidity statement of Andhra bank for the FY 2010-11.
Market borrowings
Bills Rediscounting
Deployment of foreign currency after conversion into rupees.
1.7) Interest rate risk manage ment
earnings Measured by
perspective(changes using GAP
in NII/NIM) analysis method
rate Measured by
economic value using Duration
risk perspective(changes
in MVE) GAP analysis
ALCO will prepare Interest rate sensitivity report by placing rate sensitive assets and
liabilities in different time buckets based on their maturity period or repricing period
and submit this report to RBI.
The Gap is the difference between Rate Sensitive Assets (RSA) and Rate
Sensitive Liabilities (RSL) for each time bucket. The positive Gap indicates that
it has more RSAs than RSLs whereas the negative Gap indicates that it has more
GAP(t) = RSA(t)-RSL(t)
Those assets which are mature or reprice in a given time period (t)
Those liabilities which are mature or reprice in a given time period (t)
Fall No effect
Figure 2.1: Table showing relationship between gap, interest rate and NII.
Net Interest Income (NII): It is the difference between interest income and interest
We carried out Gap analysis in two models (model-1 and model-2). In model-1.
We did analysis of two years data (as two cases) and in model-2 we did analysis of
seven financial years data of Andhra bank. In each model we identified best
strategies for mitigation of interest rate risk.
2.2) MODEL 1 –Analysis of one year data of a bank
2.2.1) Introduction
In this model we carried out analysis of Andhra bank 2010-11 ALM data by
preparing gap report using rate sensitive assets and liabilities. In this model we
followed a different procedure for preparing Gap report.
2.2.2) Observations
Bank having negative gap across 15 days to 36 months time buckets mainly due
to the term deposits.
Bank having positive gap in above 3 years time buckets mainly due to the high
amount of loans (especially infrastructure loans).
Bank will be benefited (in the short term) by fall in interest rates.
Interest rates were increased in the FY 2010-11.
GAP report of Andhra bank for the FY 2010-11:
We were implemented these strategies for the FY 2010-11 and we observed increase
in NII of the bank.
The implemented actions were as follows
Attract 1000cr deposits of 3-5 yr maturity and use in loans and advances of 3-
12 months maturity.
Take long term fixed rate borrowings of 150cr and use in loans and advances of 6-
12 months maturities.
Increase long term fixed rate debt.
Make more loans on floating rate basis
SWAPS- for medium and long term loans/advances(6months to 3
years)(receiving floating rate basis and paying on fixed rate basis)
Futures and options
Attract current deposits and invest core portion of current deposits in short term
marketable securities. ( 270cr)
Reduce investment portfolio.
The NIM was decreased compared to previous FY. The reasons are
i. Percentage of NPAs was increased
ii. Interest expenditure was increased (the magnitude change of cost of
deposits and cost of borrowings was greater than magnitude change
of yield on loans and yield on investments).
Bank having negative gaps in the short term maturities so it was affected by
increase in interest rates.
Strength of the bank was increased even though NIM was decreased.
2.3) MODEL 2 -Analysis of multiple years ALM data of
a bank
2.3.1) Introduction
We analysed asset liabilities maturities data of Andhra bank from 2005-06 to
2011-12 by taking data from annual reports of Andhra bank. We prepared Gap
report for each year and calculated net interest income and net interest margin
2.3.1) Observations
Andhra bank shifted from more liability sensitive to asset sensitive in shorter
maturity periods.
In 2007-08 there was a decrease in NIM mainly due to rise in the interest rates
where bank attracted more short term deposits.
NIM was decreased from 2005-06 to 2006-07 and also from 2006-07 to 2007-
NII was increased every year except in FY 2007-08. NII between FY 2007-08
was almost same to the previous financial year NII.
In the FY 2009-10 Andhra bank ALM position was good. The main reason for
this was decrease of interest rates where Andhra bank had negative gap in the
short term maturities.
Figure2.5: GAP report of Andhra bank for the financial year 2007-08.
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
1418 1419.88
100 102.63
capital requiireme nt for interest rate risk
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Figure 2.9: Graph showing trend of capital requirement for interest rate risk.
2.3.3) Strategies for minimising Interest Rate Risk
We identified that the following two strategies were the best strategies for mitigation
of interest rate risk
NII will deteriorate if banks have positive gap (RSA>RSL), banks may
Increase its rate sensitive assets and decrease its rate sensitive liabilities
Reduce Investment portfolio maturities
Increase long term Deposits
Increase fixed rate long term debt
Increase floating rate lending
Attract demand deposits and invest in securities
SWAP a fixed income stream for a variable rate stream enter into a rate
capped SWAP Contract or SWAPTION
3.1) Introduction
Rule based systems are used as a way to store and manipulate knowledge to
interpret information in a useful way.
If (condition)
3.2) Features:
Rule based system contains all possible conditions and each and every
condition was given with most preferable action.
Time bucket concept was also inserted in this Rule Based System. This Rule
Based System will give preferable action for each time bucket depending upon
the gap and interest rate changes in respective time buckets.
The ALM analyst should just need to upload rate sensitive report in RBS then
it will automatically analyses the report and gives
We have to upload Gap report in to the model and we have to enter interest rates of
deposits (id), borrowings (ib), loans/advances (il) and investments (in). We have to
enter present interest rates as well as interest rates of above four after change.
Figure 3.2: code related to rule based system model showing input part
Through effective liquidity risk management banks can avoid unprofitable sale of
assets and reduce borrowings from central bank and can demonstrate itself as a safe
Maintaining a good interest risk management is vital for Indian banks in the present
scenario. It enables the bank to reduce earnings volatility and gives opportunity to get
benefited from changing interest rates.
The rule based system will ease the work of ALM analyst and assist him/her in
effective decision making.
1) ‗Risk management in Indian banks‘: DR.K.M.Bhattacharya, Himalaya
publishing house, 2006, Mumbai.