Running Head: Teachers' Attitude To Inclusion Scale
Running Head: Teachers' Attitude To Inclusion Scale
Running Head: Teachers' Attitude To Inclusion Scale
Scale (TAIS)
East London Consortium of Educational Psychologists, Education Support Services Children and
Young People Service Waltham Forest Council Summerfield Centre, 99 Leyton Green Road,
London E10 6DB, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
School of Psychology, University of Sussex, Pevensey Building, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
School of Psychological Sciences and Health, University of Strathclyde, 40 George Street, Glasgow
G1 1QE, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
May 2014
* All correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Donna Ewing, University of
Sussex, School of Psychology, Pevensey Building, Falmer, Brighton, England, BN1 9QH
Email: [email protected]; Tel: 07716 307610
This paper presents the psychometric properties of a questionnaire measure which updates and
extends Larrivee and Cook’s (1979) Opinions Relative to Mainstreaming Scale in terms of structure,
terminology and language. The revised scale was tested using a sample of 106 teachers based in
inclusive mainstream schools. Using Principal Component Analysis, a four-factor structure was found
for the ‘attitudes towards inclusion’ section of the revised scale: (i) problems of inclusion of SEN
children in mainstream classes; (ii) social benefits for all of the inclusion of SEN pupils in mainstream
classes; (iii) implications of inclusion for teaching practice; and (iv) implications for addressing the
needs of children with SEN. Moderate to good reliability was found for these components
(Cronbach’s α: .76 - .86). In conclusion, the updated and revised Teachers’ Attitude to Inclusion Scale
(TAIS) shows promise as being a reliable and valid measure for both research and applied purposes.
Keywords: teacher attitude; inclusive education; special educational needs; scale development
Teacher attitudes and beliefs have a powerful influence on how successfully inclusive educational
practices are implemented (Forlin, Keen, & Barrett, 2008), with negative attitudes towards inclusion
inhibiting the success of the implementation of inclusive education (Gibb, Tunbridge, Chua, &
Frederickson, 2007). Classroom learning environment and teaching approach have been found to be
affected by the attitudes teachers espouse (Grieve, 2009; Ross-Hill, 2009). Teachers’ attitudes
towards inclusion may also be influenced by the teachers’ opinions about their personal expertise or
knowledge to include children with special educational needs (SEN) within their classroom
(Avramidis, Bayliss & Burden, 2000; Forlin et al., 2008; Gibb et al., 2007; Goodman & Burton, 2010),
as well as whether they feel as though they have resources available (Goodman & Burton, 2010), or
The Opinions Relative to Mainstreaming Scale (ORMS) was developed by Larrivee and Cook
(1979) to investigate classroom teachers’ attitudes towards mainstreaming children and young
people with special educational needs (SEN). This measure was developed in response to the legal,
financial and social pressures of the time that children and young people with SEN should be
included and educated within mainstream school settings. In addition to teacher attitudes, Larrivee
and Cook (1979) considered seven variables expected to have an impact on teachers’ attitude: grade
level taught; classroom size; school size; type of school setting; teacher success with SEN pupils; level
of administrative support received; and availability of support services. Larrivee and Cook (1979)
found that perception of success of inclusion and that the level and availability of support
significantly and positively affected teachers’ attitudes towards including children with SEN.
Since the development of the ORMS, there have been many significant changes in government
policies in England regarding inclusive education (e.g., DfES, 2001; DfES, 2003; DfES, 2004; DfES,
2006; DCSF, 2010; UNESCO, 1994). Initially, children and young people with special educational
needs were segregated from mainstream schooling. Policy changes led to the integration or co-
location of children and young people within mainstream schools, and later moved towards full
inclusion where pupils with SEN receive equal opportunities to normally functioning peers
(Frederickson & Cline, 2010; Janney & Snell, 2006). Other researchers have also identified the need
to adapt the language of the ORMs in accordance with these policy changes. For instance, Antonak
and Larrivee (1995) and Beattie, Anderson and Antonak (1997) updated the wording ‘handicapped’
accordance with the policies around at that time. However, due to further changes in policy, the
term ‘integration’ is no longer appropriate and requires adapting to the term ‘inclusion’ to represent
the change from simply being present in the classroom to being fully included within the mainstream
class. Avramidis, Bayliss and Burden (2000) similarly felt that the ORMS required updating, and
adapted the measure for their study, using terms of ‘inclusion’ rather than ‘mainstreaming’ or
‘integration’. However, Avramidis et al. (2000) only adopted 12 of the original 30 items, whereas the
current study proposes that each of the original items should be included in the updated version.
Current government policies focus on parental choice as to whether their child with SEN
attends a mainstream or special school (DfE, 2011). There therefore remains a need for a measure of
teacher attitude towards inclusion for those children with SEN placed within mainstream schooling.
It is surprising that there are very few measures available that tap into teacher attitudes towards this
important aspect of applied practice. Considering the vast changes in policy and terminology since
the Opinions Relative to Mainstreaming Scale was first published in 1979 it seemed appropriate to
Current Study
The current paper presents an updated version of the Opinions Relative to Mainstreaming. In
addition to updating the terminology to represent that of current policy, the revised Teacher
Attitudes to Inclusion Scale extends the original questionnaire to include an assessment of teachers’
willingness to include different types of SEN within their classroom, as some research suggests that
children with certain difficulties may be more difficult to include within the mainstream classroom
compared to others (Evans & Lunt, 2002; Visser, Cole & Daniels, 2003; Visser & Stokes, 2003).
Questions relating to teachers’ perceived adequacy of support have also been added to the TAIS
based on findings to suggest that these may play an important role in teachers’ attitudes towards
inclusion (for example, Goodman & Burton, 2010). Similarly, perceptions of expertise to work with
children with SEN have been found to impact teacher’s attitudes towards inclusion (for example,
Avramidis, Bayliss & Burden, 2000; Forlin et al., 2008; Gibb et al., 2007; Goodman & Burton, 2010),
and so the demographic section of the questionnaire has been extended to cover this. This updated
and extended version has been used successfully within two large scale studies considering the
effects of teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion on classroom learning environments, using schools
based in New Zealand (Monsen & Frederickson, 2004) and England (Monsen, Ewing & Kwoka, 2013).
The current paper presents the psychometric properties of this updated and extended version.
A random sample of inclusive mainstream schools from the South East of England were invited to
take part, with 121 schools initially contacted, and responses received from 106 teachers (across
approximately half of these schools). Incomplete responses were discarded, leaving a sample of 95
teachers (73 females; 21 males; and 1 undisclosed). The mean age of teachers was 40 years old, and
teachers had a mean of 12 years of teaching experience. At the time of testing, teachers taught Year
Groups 1 to 6, and had class sizes of 10 to 35 pupils (mean = 29 pupils). Teachers had a range of
university degree (38.7%), studying, (1.1%), or other (5.4%). The participants in this study were not
necessarily teachers of students with special educational needs in particular, but may have had
children with SEN within their class groups – indeed, 97.8% of the teachers reported having a child
Please note, additional data was also collected from 2,556 pupils which is reported in another
paper considering the effects of teacher attitudes towards inclusion on classroom learning
Teacher Attitude to Inclusion Scale (TAIS): The TAIS is a questionnaire based on Larrivee and Cook’s
(1979) Opinions Relative to Mainstreaming Scale (ORMS). Adaptations to the ORMS have been
made, and the language modified according to current inclusion terminology, as well as by adapting
American spellings and wording. The TAIS includes four sections, each of which are scored using an
Section 1: Demographics. This is similar to the first section of Larrivee and Cook’s (1979)
ORMS and collects information about class level taught and the number of children in the class. The
wording from Larrivee and Cook’s (1979) version was adapted from American to British Standard
English. As an extension to the demographic information collected by the ORMS, this scale collects
further demographic information about the teachers by including questions about the age and
gender of the teacher, years of teaching experience, qualifications, and level of contact with SEN
Section 2: Willingness to Include. This section is an addition to Larrivee and Cook’s (1979)
ORMS, and aimed to identify whether teachers have greater or lesser willingness to include children
and young people with different difficulties, including physical (such as hearing or visual),
behavioural, social or emotional, or learning difficulties. Teachers used an 8-point Likert-type scale
to rate their willingness to include pupils with each difficulty within their class.
Section 3: Adequacy of Support. Larrivee and Cook’s (1979) ORMS included two variables to
assess the adequacy of support experienced by teachers: ‘level of administrative support received’
and ‘availability of supportive services’. However, as these variables were relatively broad, this scale
adapted and extended these to ask teachers specifically about the adequacy of support they had
received from a variety of sources, including withdrawal room facilities, learning support staff,
advisors, behavioural support teachers, classroom assistance, general school support, and support
from colleagues. Teachers were asked to rate their perceived adequacy of support on an 8-point
Likert-type scale, with higher scores indicating greater perceived adequacy of support.
Section 4: Attitudes towards Inclusion: This section is closely based on the second section of
Larrivee and Cook’s (1979) ORMS, and samples teacher attitudes to the concept of ‘inclusion’. This
section comprises a 30-item questionnaire designed to measure teachers’ general attitudes towards
including SEN children and young people within mainstream schools. The ORMS had a five factor
special needs children”, “perceived ability to teach the special needs child”, “classroom management
with special needs children”, and “academic and social growth of the special needs child” (Larrivee,
1982). A number of adaptations from the original ORMS were made, although it remained
conceptually the same. Modifications included adapting American spellings and wording, updating
now out-of-date terminology, and implementing an 8-point rather than 5-point Likert-type scale for
consistency with the other sections of the TAIS. Examples of the out-of-date terminology include
referring to children with SEN as ‘handicapped’ and non-SEN children as ‘normal’, which are not in
concordance with current terminology. In addition, terms of ‘mainstreaming’ and ‘integration’ were
replaced with the term ‘inclusion’ in accordance with terminology used within current government
policies (e.g. DCSF, 2010). Teachers rated their agreement with each statement ranging from
‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’. As in Larrivee and Cook’s (1979) original questionnaire, item
response bias was controlled for by arranging questions so that a positive attitude is reflected by an
‘agree’ response for 12 items (items 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 18, 21, 26, 28, and 30) and a ‘disagree’
response for the remaining 18 items (items 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27,
29). This scale was coded so that a high score would indicate a more positive attitude towards
inclusion, whereas a low score would indicate a more negative attitude towards inclusion.
My Class Inventory – Short Form (Fraser, Anderson & Walberg, 1982; Frederickson & Monsen,
1999): This measure is used to determine the effect of teacher attitude on the classroom learning
environment that teachers provide for their pupils, according to both pupil and teacher ratings. The
MCI investigates the classroom environment using 25 statements across scales of cohesiveness
(“extent to which students know, help and are friendly towards each other”), friction (“amount of
tension and quarrelling among students”), satisfaction (“extent of enjoyment of class work”),
difficulty (“extent to which students find difficulty with the work of the class”), and competitiveness
(“emphasis on students competing with each other”, Fraser et al., 1982, p.5), with satisfactory
internal consistency reported for each scale (.73 to .88) (Fraser et al., 1982).
Ethical approval was gained through the Local Authority Research Ethics Committee. Consent for
participation was gathered from schools, teachers and pupils’ parents/carers. Teacher
questionnaires were completed between seven and eight months after the start of the academic
Statistical methods
Exploratory Principal Components Analysis (PCA) (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007) was used to investigate
the underlying structure and dimensionality of the items used in Section 4: Attitudes towards
Reliability Analysis
Analyses of the items loading onto components derived from the PCA were carried out to determine
Demographic information from Section 1 of the Questionnaire from the 17 male and 66 female
teachers, for whom complete data was available, revealed no gender differences (two-tailed tests) in
age (range 22-59 years, mean 40.04 years, SD 10.046 years, t(81) < 1, p=.362) or in teaching
experience (range 5 months – 36 years, mean 12.494 years, SD 10.139 years, t(81) < 1, p=.487). All of
the teachers reported contact with pupils with SEN. Of those for whom details were available, 32 (7
males and 25 females) reported that they had attended SEN courses while 50 (12 males and 38
females) had not done so, with no significant gender difference in attendance (χ2 <1, p=.824).
Preliminary data screening of the scores from 95 teachers for the 30 items for section 4 of the
Teacher’s Attitudes to Inclusion Scale revealed two significant univariate outliers (Z-scores > 3.00)
which were deleted, reducing the final sample size to 93. Malhalanobis distances (p < .002), Cook’s D
values (< 1) and Leverage values (calculated as 3*(k+1)n) revealed no significant concerns regarding
problematic influence.
PCA with Direct Oblimin rotation (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007) was carried out to examine the
factorability of the screened data set. Iterative analyses were carried out excluding items with low
reliability (loadings < .40) and complex structure (loadings of > .40 on more than one component).
The data for the final analysis was based upon 20 items and 93 teachers and met minimum
standards for sampling adequacy and factorability (KMO statistic = .873, with individual values for all
of the diagonals of the anti-image correlation matrix > .776) (Kaiser, 1974) and sphericity (Bartlett’s
Test χ2(190) = 805.179, p < .0001). The PCA yielded a four-factor solution with eigenvalues > 1
supported by the scree plot, which accounted for 59.49% of the total variance (range of extraction
Intercorrelations between the components ranged from .248 - .454, justifying the use of the
Direct Oblomin oblique rotation. Final component loadings after rotation are shown in Table 1. The
items loading on these components suggests that component 1 (accounting for 38.20% of the total
(accounting for 9.31% of the total variance) refers to social benefits for all of inclusion of SEN pupils
in mainstream classes, component 3 (accounting for 6.48% of the total variance) refers to
implications of inclusion for teaching practice, and component 4 (accounting for 5.50% of the total
variance) refers to implications for teachers addressing the needs of children with SEN.
Table 1: Final Component Loadings Teachers’ Attitude Towards Inclusion Scale Following Direct
Oblimin Rotation (N = 93 teachers with 20 items meeting the criteria for the final analysis)
Item: Component
1 2 3 4
(7) It is difficult to maintain order in a normal classroom that contains an SEN .825
(29) SEN children are likely to create confusion in the regular classroom .753
(23) Inclusion is likely to have a negative effect on the emotional development .690
of the SEN child
(11) The SEN child probably develops academic skills more rapidly in a special .636
classroom than in a regular classroom
(9) The behaviour of SEN students sets a bad example for the other students .555
(19) It is likely that an SEN child will exhibit behaviour problems in a normal .552
classroom setting
(5) The extra attention SEN students require is to the detriment of the other .466
(10) Isolation in a special class has a negative effect on the social and .789
emotional development of an SEN child
(28) SEN students should be given every opportunity to function in the regular .766
classroom setting where possible
(21) The inclusion of SEN students can be beneficial for non-SEN students .746
(18) Including the SEN child in the regular classroom promotes his or her social .656
(14) Most SEN children are well behaved in the classroom .653
(27) Inclusion of SEN children necessitates extensive retraining of regular .814
classroom teachers
(13) Inclusion of SEN children requires significant change in regular classroom .523
(20) Diagnostic-prescriptive teaching is better done by special education .492
teachers than by normal classroom teachers
(24) Increased freedom in the classroom creates too much confusion .434
(22) SEN children need to be told exactly what to do and how to do it .852
(3) A SEN child’s classroom behaviour generally requires more patience from .774
the teacher than does the behaviour of a non SEN child
(12) Most SEN children do not make an adequate attempt to complete their .522
(2) The needs of SEN students can best be served through special, separate .431
all loadings < .40 suppressed
Reliability Analyses
Reliability analyses revealed Cronbach’s α coefficients of .86 for the seven items of Component 1
and .80 for the five items of Component 2, indicating good reliability, together with a value of .76 for
both the four items of Component 3 and for the four items of Component 4, indicating moderate
reliability. No substantial increases in α for any of the four scales would have resulted from the
Excellent internal consistency reliability was found for each of the other sections of the TAIS,
with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of.96 for teachers’ willingness to include specific difficulties, and
A series of regression analyses were carried out to investigate the effects of teachers’ age,
length of teaching experience, gender and attendance at SEN courses upon Anderson-Rubin factor
scores from the four components arising from the PCA. Boot-strapping procedures were used on
No significant models were observed in the case of problems of inclusion of SEN pupils in
mainstream classes (F(4, 68) = 1.319, p=.272), social benefits for all of inclusion of SEN pupils in
mainstream classes (F(4, 68) = 2.381, p=.060), or implications for teachers addressing the needs of
children with SEN (F(4, 68) = <1, p=.534). However, there was a significant model for implications of
inclusion for teaching practice (F(4, 68) = 3.409, p=.013) accounting for 11.8% of the adjusted
variance, with length of teaching experience the only significant predictor (p = .006), indicating that
those who qualified more recently had higher scores for sensitivity to the implications of inclusion
for practice in the classroom. All p-values for the other predictors were >.309.
With regard to the MCI scores and the demographic characteristics of the teachers, no
significant bootstrapped regression models were found for composite scores for satisfaction (F(4,
48) = 1.760, p=.152), friction (F(4, 48) <1, p=.889), competiveness (F(4, 48)<1, p=.509) or difficulty
(F(4, 48) <1, p=.932). However, there was a significant model for cohesiveness (F(4, 48)= 4.272,
p=.005), accounting for 20.1% of the adjusted variance. Here, age (p=.018) and gender (p=.004) were
significant predictors, indicating that younger teachers and also female teachers were more likely to
Correlational analyses were conducted to consider the relationship between the four factors of
Section 4 of the TAIS and teachers’ scores for their willingness to include children with various
difficulties within their inclusive class (Section 2). Factor 1 (problems of inclusion of SEN pupils in
mainstream classes) was significantly correlated with teachers’ willingness to include children with
behavioural difficulties (r = .247, p < .05), emotional difficulties (r = .242, p < .05), visual difficulties (r
= .211, p < .05), learning difficulties (r = .293, p < .01), speech/language difficulties (r = .290, p < .01),
and multiple difficulties (r = .248, p < .05), but was not correlated with willingness to include children
Factor 2 (social benefits for all of inclusion of SEN pupils in mainstream classes) was
significantly correlated with teachers’ willingness to include children with hearing difficulties (r =
.254, p < .05), behavioural difficulties (r = .346, p < .001), emotional difficulties (r = .430, p < .001),
physical difficulties (r = .323, p < .01), visual difficulties (r = .425, p < .001), learning difficulties (r =
.502, p < .001), speech/language difficulties (r = .441, p < .001), and multiple difficulties (r = .408, p <
.001), but was not correlated with teachers’ willingness to include gifted children (p > .05).
Factor 3 (implications of inclusion for teaching practice) was not significantly correlated with
Factor 4 (implications for teachers addressing the needs of children with SEN) was
significantly correlated with teachers’ willingness to include children with behavioural difficulties (r =
.211, p < .05) and learning difficulties (r = .222, p < .05), but was not correlated with any of the other
Regression analyses were conducted to consider the four factors and teachers’ perception of
adequacy of support to include children with special educational needs within their classroom
(Section 3). The four factors were entered as independent variables into the model, and adequacy of
support as the dependent variable. Although a significant model was found (F(4, 84) = 3.03, p < .05),
none of the independent factors significantly predicted teachers’ perceived adequacy of support
Correlational analyses (all two-tailed) revealed moderate but significant negative correlations
between MCI scores for satisfaction and friction (r=-.390, p < .01) and friction and cohesiveness (r=-
.374, p<.01), and also a positive correlation between satisfaction and cohesiveness (r= .484, p < .01).
Regression analyses were conducted to consider how the four factors of the Section 4 of the TAIS
related to teacher ratings of their classroom environment. As there was no reason to assume that
any of the factors were more likely to predict teacher classroom environment ratings than others, all
four factors were entered into the regression within the same model. Separate regression analyses
were considered for each of the five subscales of the MCI. The second factor, ‘social benefits for all
of inclusion of SEN pupils in mainstream classes’, was found to predict teacher ratings of pupil
satisfaction within the classroom (see Table 2) and to predict teacher ratings of pupil cohesiveness
within the classroom (see Table 3). This factor did not predict teacher ratings of friction,
competitiveness, or difficulty (all p-values > .05). The other 3 factors of the TAIS were not found to
predict any of the subscales of teacher ratings of classroom environment (all p-values > .05).
Table 2: Multiple regression analysis to consider the relationship between the four factors of the
B Std. Error β
Model 1
(Constant) 13.167 .208
Factor 1 .097 .251 .048
Factor 2 .681 .233 .339*
Factor 3 .176 .210 .094
Factor 4 .329 .239 .172
Note: R2 = .220 (*p < .01)
Table 3: Multiple regression analysis to consider the relationship between the four factors of the
B Std. Error β
Model 1
(Constant) 9.610 .314
Factor 1 .494 .378 .171
Factor 2 .731 .350 .258*
Factor 3 .256 .317 .097
Factor 4 -.301 .360 -.112
Note: R2 = .114 (* p < .05)
The factor structure of the Teacher Attitudes to Inclusion Scale (TAIS) suggest that this revised
version shows great promise as a valid and reliable measure of teacher attitude to inclusion for both
research and applied purposes. The principal component analysis for Section 4 of the TAIS revealed a
different factor structure compared with the original ORMs scale. The ORMs had five components of
ability to teach the special needs child”, “classroom management with special needs children”, and
“academic and social growth of the special needs child” (Larrivee, 1982). However, the PCA for
Section 4 of the TAIS revealed four-factors of “problems of inclusion of SEN children in mainstream
classes”, “social benefits for all of the inclusion of SEN pupils in mainstream classes”, “implications of
inclusion for teaching practice”, and “implications for teachers addressing the needs of children with
SEN”. This factor structure of Section 4 of the revised TAIS is both more parsimonious and, following
Avramidis, Bayliss and Burden (2000), more reflective of issues relating to inclusion. The measure
had moderate to good internal consistency for each component, with results similar to those of the
original Opinions Relative to Mainstreaming Scale (Larrivee and Cook, 1979). The additional sections
in the revised scale show excellent internal consistency, and provide further credibility for the
revised TAIS. For instance, in addition to determining teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion, the
‘willingness to include’ section provides information regarding types of special educational needs
The usability of the TAIS has been demonstrated through the use of two large-scale
independent samples based in both New Zealand (Monsen & Frederickson, 2004) and in England
(Monsen, Ewing & Kwoka, 2013). These studies considered the impact of teacher attitudes towards
inclusion on type of classroom learning and social-emotional environment provided for pupils, and
found that teachers with high attitude scores were more likely to provide classroom environments
that were more facilitating for SEN pupils compared with teachers with low attitude scores (Monsen
& Frederickson, 2004; Monsen et al., 2013). The current paper considers the relationship of the
factors of Section 4 of the TAIS with the subscales of the My Class Inventory. The findings suggest
that teacher scores on the second factor of “social benefits for all of the inclusion of SEN pupils in
mainstream classes” significantly predict teacher ratings of pupil satisfaction and cohesion within the
classroom environment. In addition, the first, second, and fourth factors were found to be correlated
with teachers’ willingness to include children with a range of difficulties within their classroom.
Interestingly these factors were not correlated with willingness to include gifted children, or in the
case of the first factor, children with hearing or physical difficulties. This may suggest that teachers
do not foresee so many implications for including children with these difficulties in comparison with
difficulties such as behavioural, emotional or learning difficulties. These findings provide further
Further research could compare the results of the TAIS questionnaire across cultures with
differing levels of inclusion, for example, comparing Iceland, where children with SEN are fully
included within mainstream schools, with countries such as Japan, Nigeria or China where there is
relatively low inclusion of children with SEN. Future uses for the TAIS include studying the effect of
teacher attitudes on a range of variables, with the aim of generating a fuller picture of the factors
which influence teacher willingness to include SEN pupils. This knowledge could then be used to
systematically look at functional ways of supporting classroom practitioners to meet the needs of an
increasingly diverse range of learners. Future research may benefit from the use of more systematic
sampling, such as by sampling according to different age groups or Key Stages taught, or by
considering differences in teachers’ attitudes across infant, junior and secondary schools, so that
these groups can be compared. In addition, the current study did not look specifically at pupils with
Statements of Special Educational Needs, but rather considered a random sample of mainstream
classrooms which included pupils with SEN. Although this enabled the current study to consider
teacher attitudes at a global level, it would also be useful to consider a specific sample of teachers
specifically working with pupils with SEN statements. A limitation of the current study is that it relied
on teacher and pupil self-reports, and did not consider other sources, such as parents/carers, or
In conclusion, the TAIS reported in this paper has been shown to be a robust and easily
administered measure of teacher attitude to inclusion. It is shared in the hope that other
researchers and applied practitioners will extend its use so that a fuller picture of the complex
factors influencing teacher attitude to inclusion can be further clarified. The ultimate aim is to then
design and implement supportive approaches which enable all teachers to work effectively with a
Author Note
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