3 Desarrollo Producto PDF
3 Desarrollo Producto PDF
3 Desarrollo Producto PDF
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The writing of this article was generously supported by funding from the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation to the Stanford University Computer Industry Project. Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
also was generously supported as the Finmeccanica Faculty Scholar. The authors thank
Deborah Dougherty, D. Charles Galunic, Rebecca Henderson, Neil Kane, Laura Kopczak,
Dorothy Leonard-Barton, and Mark Zbaracki for their helpful comments. In addition, they
thank Susan E. Jackson and the anonymous reviewers at AMR for their insightful sugges-
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Comparison of Three Research Streams
Communication Disciplined Problem
Concepts Rational Plan Web Solving
Key idea Success via superior Success via internal Success via
product, attractive and external problem solving
market, rational communication with discipline
Theory Mostly atheoretical Information and Information
resource including
dependence problem solving
Methods Bivariate analysis; Deductive and Progression from
single informant; inductive; inductive to
many independent multivariate; deductive; multiple
variables multiple informants; single
informants industry, global
Product Product advantage- Product integrity-
cost, quality, product vision
uniqueness, fit that fits with
with core customers and
competence firm
Market Size, growth,
Senior management Support Subtle control
Project team X-functional, skilled X-functional
Communication High cross- High internal, high High internal
functional external-various
types and means
Organization of work Planning and Overlapped phases,
"effective" testing, iterations,
execution and planning
Project leaders Politician and small Heavyweight leader
group manager
Customers Early involvement
Suppliers Early involvement High involvement
Performance Financial success Perceptual success Operational
(dependent variable) (profits, sales, (team and success (speed,
market share) management productivity)
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Rational Plan Model of Product Development
Team Composition
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Ioeme*Market share
Product Effectiveness/
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Unique benefits///
*Hg growthit
Cost/ //
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Communication Web Model of Product Development
Internal Communication
*Experiential *Various, frequently
*Iterative perceptual measures
Project Leader
External Communication
task coordination
one team met with customers directly in focus groups to achieve a com-
mon team understanding of who the customer was. This common expe-
rience improved the information content of the communication as team
members developed a common understanding of the customer while
working together.
Finally, researchers also have been interested in how communication
affects the performance of teams over time. For example, Katz (1982) ex-
plored the relationship among the mean tenure of a team, the degree of
external communication, and performance. In his study of 50 product-
development teams in a large American corporation, he found that ini-
tially group performance increased with increasing mean tenure of the
group, but this relationship reversed and performance dropped off after
five years. The decline in performance was significantly correlated with
a decline in external communication.
In summary, the results indicate that external communication is crit-
ical to successful product development. However, this stream goes be-
yond this rather intuitive result to illustrate how teams increase their
external communication and what types of communication are important.
Specifically, successful product-development teams include gatekeepers,
who encourage team communication outside of their groups, and power-
ful project managers, who communicate externally to ensure resources for
the group. In addition, such teams also engage in extensive political and
task-oriented external communication. The underlying rationale is that
politically oriented external communication increases the resources of
the team, whereas task-oriented external communication increases the
amount and variety of information. These types of communication, in
turn, aid the development-process performance.
Similarly, internal communication improves development-team per-
formance. For example, managers who are inwardly focused on the tech-
nical issues of the project will enhance internal communication and im-
prove team performance. Cross-functional teams that structure their
internal communication around concrete tasks, novel routines, and fluid
job descriptions also have been associated with improved internal com-
munication and successful products. These observations on how to break
down cross-functional barriers are particularly critical insights. Thus,
high internal communication increases the amount and variety of internal
information flow and, so, improves development-process performance.
Overall, two theoretical themes emerge in the literature. One, an
information-processing view, emphasizes that frequent and appropri-
ately structured task communication (both internal and external) leads to
more comprehensive and varied information flow to team members and,
thus, to higher performing development processes. The second, a re-
source dependence view, emphasizes that frequent political communica-
tion (typically external) leads to higher performing development pro-
cesses by increasing the resources (e.g., budget, personnel, equipment)
available to the team.
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about the effective organization of work and is more focused on the de-
velopment process and product concept than on the financial success of
the product. In contrast to the communication web perspective, this
stream has a broader scope and considers the role of suppliers and senior
management in addition to project leaders and teams. Methodologically,
the data are much richer and more detailed than the single-informant
information that underlies much of the rational stream. Theoretically, this
perspective extends the information-processing view of the communica-
tion web research by emphasizing not only the amount and variety of
information, but also its organization into problem-solving strategies.
However, the stream suffers from several shortcomings. One is that
there is a lack of political and psychological realism. In comparison with
the communication web, there is naive understanding of the political
realities of product development, such as the dependence of project teams
on external actors for resources. From a psychological standpoint, there is
little appreciation of the problems of actually motivating people and mak-
ing cross-functional teams, high communication, and overlapping work.
Moreover, the heavyweight leaders seem almost "superhuman" in their
skills and duties.
Second, some of the constructs are challenging to comprehend. For
example, subtle control, product vision, and system focus are vague con-
cepts. Even with attempts at clarification (e.g., Clark & Fujimoto, 1990;
Clark & Wheelwright, 1992), product integrity and heavyweight project
leader concepts also remain hazy. Although this lack of clarity may reflect
the complexity of the subject (or perhaps the often non-Western origin of
the ideas), it also impairs the usefulness of the perspective.
Finally, there is an extensive reliance on a Japanese viewpoint. Even
though Japanese comparisons have been critical to improving thinking,
Japanese industrial dominance sometimes makes it unclear which fea-
tures are important to product development and which are simply Japa-
nese. This concern seems particularly relevant to the supplier network
findings (e.g., Clark & Fujimoto, 1991; Imai et al., 1985), which are depen-
dent on the specifics of the Japanese industrial infrastructure. Nonethe-
less, the image of product development as disciplined problem solving is
a powerful and sophisticated metaphor for successful product develop-
In the previous section, we described three streams of product-
development research. These streams evolved from different sources and
focused on somewhat different aspects of product development. However,
as we observed previously, they also offer complementary and sometimes
overlapping insights into product development. In this section, we rely on
these insights to provide the basis of an integrative model.
Key to developing this model is the observation that the three streams
focus on both overlapping and complementary sets of constructs. The
most empirically robust (e.g., Ancona & Caldwell, 1992b; Clark & Fuji-
moto, 1991; Imai et al., 1985; Katz, 1982; Katz & Allen, 1985; Katz & Tush-
man, 1981).
The third team feature of the model is the problem-solving strategy by
which team members organize their work. As described in the problem-
solving stream, several empirical findings suggest a contingent set of
problem-solving strategies that are appropriate for different types of
tasks (Eisenhardt & Tabrizi, In press). Each strategy represents a different
structuring of information. For stable and relatively mature products such
as automobiles (Hayes et al., 1988; Womack et al., 1990) and mainframe
computers (Eisenhardt & Tabrizi, In press; Iansiti, 1992), product develop-
ment is a complex task for which tactics such as extensive planning and
overlapped development stages are appropriate. These tactics assume a
certain but often complex problem-solving task that can be rationalized.
For example, consistent with the rational and problem-solving perspec-
tives, planning (e.g., Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1987; Hayes et al., 1988;
Iansiti, 1992; Zirger & Maidique, 1990) improves the speed and productiv-
ity of the development process by eliminating extra work, rationalizing
and properly ordering the steps of the process, and avoiding errors. Sim-
ilarly, overlapped development stages improve process performance
(Clark & Fujimoto, 1991; Imai et al., 1985) by allowing at least partially
simultaneous execution of development steps such as design and test,
which often are viewed as sequential. In effect, the development process
is squeezed together (e.g., Clark & Fujimoto, 1991).
In contrast, when there is more uncertainty in the design process,
such as in rapidly changing industries (e.g., microcomputers), more ex-
periential tactics, including frequent iterations of product designs, exten-
sive testing of those designs, and short milestones (i.e., short time be-
tween successive milestones) improve process performance (e.g.,
Eisenhardt & Tabrizi, In press). The underlying idea is that under condi-
tions of uncertainty it is not helpful to plan. Rather, maintaining flexibil-
ity and learning quickly through improvisation and experience yield ef-
fective process performance (e.g., Eisenhardt & Tabrizi, In press; Miner &
Moorman, 1993; Weick, 1993). However, although these ideas may be at-
tractive, they have not been examined extensively, and the contingencies
between these factors and the previously mentioned factors of overlap
and planning have not been well explored empirically (link 3 in the
model). As we will discuss, further elaboration and testing of this part of
the model are prime opportunities for future research.
Project Leader
Even though the cross-functional team is the heart of efficient product
development, the project leader is the pivotal figure in the development
process. Consistent with the communication and problem-solving per-
spectives, the project leader is the linking pin or bridge between the
project team and senior management. Therefore, as indicated in Figure 1,
the project leader critically affects both the process performance (i.e.,
speed and productivity of the development process) and the effectiveness
of the product (e.g., Clark & Fujimoto, 1991; Joyce, 1986; Katz & Allen,
1985). Several characteristics of the project team leader are particularly
One central characteristic is the power of the project leader. By pow-
erful leaders we mean those project leaders with significant decision-
making responsibility, organizationwide authority, and high hierarchical
level. Such leaders are particularly able to improve process performance.
The underlying rationale is that such leaders are highly effective in ob-
taining resources such as more personnel and larger budgets for the proj-
ect team. As Ancona and Caldwell (1992b) observed, powerful project
leaders are particularly effective politicians in lobbying for resources,
protecting the group from outside interference, and managing the impres-
sions of outsiders. In contrast, less powerful project leaders are likely to
be less successful in gaining needed talent and financial support and in
shielding the team from outside interference. In addition, powerful lead-
ers also may command greater respect and, thus, may be able to attract
better project team members to the group and to keep groups focused and
motivated (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991). These qualities, in turn, create a
faster and more productive development process. Moreover, because the
importance of a powerful leader has been demonstrated in both the com-
munication and problem-solving streams (e.g., Clark & Fujimoto, 1991;
Katz & Allen, 1985) (link 4 in the model), it is a robust link.
A second, important characteristic of the project leader is vision. Vi-
sion involves the cognitive ability to mesh a variety of factors together to
create an effective, holistic view and to communicate it to others. Specif-
ically, in the case of product development, this means meshing together
firm competencies (e.g., particular technical, marketing, or other skills)
and strategies with the needs of the market (e.g., consumer preferences
for style and cost) to create an effective product concept. As described in
the problem-solving perspective, this is a critical characteristic of project
leaders because they often are central to the creation of the product con-
cept. Project leaders, together with senior management, frequently shape
the overall product concept and communicate it to project team members
(Clark & Fujimoto, 1991). However, even though this aspect of project
leadership is, we think, compelling, our understanding of exactly what
vision is, what an effective product is, and the theoretical links between
the two is very weak (link 5 in the model). As we discuss further in our
suggestions for future research, understanding this creative task is an
important research direction.
Finally, project team leaders also are small-group managers of their
project teams. Surprisingly, however, there is very little research about
appropriate internal management skill for project leaders beyond studies
of matrix communication and leadership (Joyce, 1986; Katz & Allen, 1985).
has been shown to improve the effectiveness of the product concept in the
rational plan stream (e.g., Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1987; Zirger & Mai-
dique, 1990). However, it is not clear exactly how or when suppliers and
customers are appropriately involved in the development process, and
the evidence is not unaminous (e.g., Eisenhardt & Tabrizi, In press). Thus,
even though the participation of these outside constituents is probably
important, the empirical literature is imprecise (links 8 and 9 in the
model). Again, we address this in our discussion of future research.
Financial Success
some concepts are less sharply defined, and some theoretical links are
not well tested. These shortcomings present research opportunities.
One research opportunity is to examine the primary links of the
model-that is, the links among process performance, effective product,
market factors, and financial performance. As was noted, these links
have been primarily empirically examined in the rational plan research
stream. However, because the methodology in this research stream so
often involves subjective, retrospective responses by single informants
and bivariate analysis, the validity of these links is tenuous. Thus, a test
of these fundamental theoretical links would be useful. A related re-
search opportunity is determining the relative importance of these fac-
tors. For example, although Cooper and Kleinschmidt (1987, 1993) found
that the market was not as relevant as other variables in predicting prod-
uct success, it would be useful to examine the robustness of this claim.
Another related opportunity is to examine whether process perfor-
mance, product effectiveness, and munificent markets are actually inde-
pendent variables. For example, market factors may moderate the rela-
tionship of process performance and product effectiveness to financial
success.2 It may well be that process performance and product effective-
ness are important predictors of financial success only in poor markets,
whereas most products will be successful in munificent markets. This
reasoning reemphasizes the need to garner a better understanding of the
relative importance that these factors have in driving financial perfor-
A second area of research is the organization of work. As was noted,
two models have emerged to describe alternative organizations of work.
One is the fairly well-studied model that includes extensive planning and
overlapped development stages (e.g., Hayes et al., 1988; Iansiti, 1993) that
was developed in the context of complex products in mature markets. A
more recent model, related to improvisational thinking, emphasizes ex-
periential product development such as frequent iterations, testing, and
milestones (Eisenhardt & Tabrizi, In press), yet this second model has
received only limited empirical examination. Indeed, other research sug-
gests that our understanding is incomplete. For example, Tyre and Haupt-
man (1992) argued that the degree of system-level change is another con-
tingency factor in the organization of work. In addition, a provocative
study by Benghozi (1990) of a massive, long-term innovation project in the
French telecommunication industry sketches a third model. For huge and
lengthy projects, Benghozi (1990) suggested that innovation routines,
which include dynamic planning, monitoring, and scheduling projects
over time as the environment changes, are needed. Overall, the point is
that exploring contingent models for the organization of work is an im-
portant path for future research.
We thank an anonymous AMR reviewer for this insightful suggestion.
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Shona L. Brown received her Ph.D. from Stanford University. She is a postdoctoral
research associate in the School of Engineering at Stanford. Her research interests
include the formation of strategic capabilities, learning within and across firms, and
product innovation.
Kathleen M. Eisenhardt received her Ph.D from Stanford University. She is an as-
sociate professor of strategy and organization in the School of Engineering at Stan-
ford. Her research interests center on the management of high-technology firms,
including evolutionary change, product innovation, strategic decision making, and