IRC-SP-100-2014 Cold Mix

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Table 6.9 Properties of Aggregates

Test Method Specification

Sand Equivalent Value IS:2720 (Part 37) Min. 50

Water Absorption* IS:2386 (Part 3) Max. 2.0%

Soundness (with Sodium Sulphate) IS:2386 (Part 5) Max. 12%
Soundness (with Magnesium Sulphate) Max. 18%
In case water absorption exceeds 2 percent but is less than 4 percent, the same may be
permitted subject to conformity of soundness test and wet stripping test.

Table 6.10 Mix Design Criteria for Slurry Seal Mix

Requirements ^ Specification Test IVIethod^

Mix Time, Minimum 180 s Appendix-2
Consistency, Maximum 3 cm Appendix-3
Wet Cohesion (within 60 min ), Minimum 20 kg. cm Appendix-4
Wet Stripping, Value minimum 90 Appendix-5
Wet Track Abrasion Loss (one hour soak), Maximum 800 g/m2 Appendix-6

6.8 Microsurfacing

6.8.1 Introduction

The Microsurfacing shall consist of mixture of modified (Polymer or Rubber Latex) bitumen
emulsion, well graded mineral aggregate, water, and additive (if needed) proportioned,

mixed and uniformly spread over a properly prepared surface. The finally laid microsurfacing
shall have a homogeneous mat, adhere firmly to the prepared surface and provide friction
resistant surface texture throughout its service life. The mix is to be a quick setting system
i.e. it should be able to receive traffic after a short period of time preferably within about one

hours of its laying depending upon weather conditions.

It is applied on an existing pavement surface which is sound but is showing the


signs of functional distress such as loss riding quality, cracking and polishing. Generally,
microsurfacing is laid in single layer, but when the existing surface is highly polished and/
or cracked, it is advisable to apply it two or more layers. Microsurfacing can be used for

surface treatment on roads, taxi ways and runways. Normally two layers of microsurfacing
are advisable on cement concrete surface.

As a surface treatment, micro-surfacing imparts protection to the underlying pavement and

provides renewed surface. Special emulsifiers in micro-surfacing emulsions contribute to the
quick setting characteristics. Minor re-profiling can be achieved with multiple applications.
Special equipment permits the filling of wheel ruts up to 40 deep in one pass. mm


6.8.2 Benefits of microsurfacing

The major benefits of microsurfacing technology are given as under:

> Quick application (One lane- km in 35 minutes)

> Minimum traffic hold up (work is done in lane wise manner) quick opening to

> Life span exceeds the life span of ordinary Bituminous Concrete
> Non-polluting for environment since no heating or hot paving is required

> Does not require sensor paver or compaction equipments

> Longer life since oxidation is reduced

> Waterproof Surface - Protection from rains
> Ideal for surface sealing treatment since it improves skid resistance and
provides surface durability
> Does not increase pavement height significantly (This saves from water
logging, drainage and other associated problems)
> Cost effective as compared to Hot-Mix (Almost 40% saving in Cost)
> Reduces noise caused by movement of traffic

> Environment friendly (reduced emissions)

> No change in road furniture or drainage

> Savings in natural resources

Microsurfacing helps in preservation of pavement strength and can be used both as a

preventive maintenance treatment or and periodic renewal treatment on a preferably low,
medium or heavy traffic. It pavements in urban and rural areas, primary
can be used for
and inter-state routes, residential streets, highways, and toll roads. It can also be used on
the top of single coat surface dressing (Cape Seal), on open graded premix carpet without
seal coat and also on Dense Bituminous Macadam/Bituminous Macadam. Various types of
microsurfacing that can be used for different applications; quantity of microsurfacing mix and
the residual binder content in each type are presented in Table 6.11.

Table 6.11 Different Types of Microsurfacing

Items Type II (4-6 mm)** Type III (6-8 mm)** J

Applications For roads urban and rural areas, For primary and inter-state routes,

residential streets, as preventive highways and runways to give maximum

and renewal treatment (< 1500 skid resistance, preventive and renewal
CVPD) treatment (> 1500 CVPD)
Quantity* of Microsurfacing 8.4 to 10.8 11.1 to 16.3

Residual binder (percent by 6.5 to 10.5 5.5 to 10.5

weight of dry aggregate)

By weight of dry aggregate

Indicative only


6.8.3 Constituent materials

Bitumen emulsion shall be a modified (polymer modified/latex modified) conforming to

requirements, as specified in Table 6.12. The modifier shall be polymer/ rubber preferably
synthetic or natural rubber latex blended into bitumen or aqueous phase of emulsion prior
to or during the emulsification process. It may also be required to be specifically designed
bitumen emulsion for a particular with regard to the quantity and grading of aggregates. The
grading of aggregates is presented in Table 6.13.

Table 6.12 Requirements of Modified Bitumen Emulsion for Microsurfacing

Reauirement Specification | Method of Test!

Residue on 600 |jm IS Sieve (Percent by mass), maximum 0.05 IS:8887
Viscosity by SayboltFurol Viscometer, at 25°C, second 20-100 IS:8887
Coagulation of emulsion at low temperature Nil IS:8887
Storage Stability after 24 h (168h), %, maximum 2(4) IS:8887
Particle charge, + ve / -ve + ve IS:8887
Tests on Residue:

a) Residue by evaporation, % minimum 60 IS:8887

b) Penetration at 25°C /100 g/5 s 40-100 IS:1203
c) Ductility at 27°C, cm, minimum 50 IS:1208
d) Softening Point °C, minimum 57 IS:1205
e) Elastic Recovery*, %, minimum 50 IS:15462
f) Solubility in Trichloroethylene, %, minimum 97 IS:1216

In case, elastic recovery is tested for Torsional Elastic Recovery as per Appendix-7, the
minimum value shall be 20 percent.

Table 6.13 Grading Requirements for Microsurfacing and Slurry Sealing

Sieve Size (nnm) ss Passing (Minimum Layer Thickness)

Type II Type III

9.5 100
6.3 100 91-100
4.75 100 90-100 70-90
2.36 90-100 65-90 45-70
1.18 65-90 45-70 28-50
0.600 40-65 30-50 19-34
0.300 25-42 18-30 12-25
0.150 15-30 10-21 7-18

0.075 10-20 5-15 5-15

The mineral aggregate shall consist of crushed stone dust, clean hard, durable, uncoated,
dry particles and shall be free from dust, soft particles, organic matter or other deleterious


substances. Mineral be Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). The quantity of filler

filler shall
shall be preferably in the range of 0.5 to 2 percent by the weight of dry aggregate. The water
shall be potable, free from harmful salts and contaminants. The pH value of water shall be
in the range of 6 to 7. Chemical additive may be used to accelerate or retard the break-set

time of the micro-surfacing mix or to improve the resulting finished surface. The quantity of
additive, if used, shall be decided by undertaking the mix design and is o be adjusted as per
the field/climate conditions such as humidity and temperature at site. The specification of
additive needed shall be supplied by suppliers of emulsion. The additive and emulsion shall
be compatible with each other.

6.8.4 Design of microsurfacing mix

The mix design be prepared in a fully equipped laboratory and

of Microsurfacing shall
the Job Mix Formula so evolved shall be approved by the client. The compatibility of
aggregate, emulsion, filler and additive shall be verified by mix design for the selected
grading (Type or Type III), as specified in Table 6.14. The indication values at the ingradients

for Microsurfacing mixture is specified in Table 6.15. and proposed Microsurfacing mixture
shall conform to the requirements specified, when tested in accordance with specified tests.
The mix design report shall clearly show the proportions of aggregate, filler, water, and
residual bitumen content based on the dry weight of aggregates and additive used (if any).

Table 6.14 Mix Design Criteria for Microsurfacing Mix

HH|HK Requirem<=^rit flHHHHHH Specification Method of Test

Mix Time, minimum 120 s Appendix-2
Consistency, maximum 3 cm Appendix-4
Wet Cohesion, within 30 min, minimum 12 kg. cm Appendix-3
Wet Cohesion, within 60 min, minimum 20 kg. cm Appendix-3
Wet Stripping Value, % minimum 90 Appendix-6
Wet Track Abrasion Loss (one hour soak), maximum 538 g/m^ Appendix-7

Table 6.15 Indicative Limits of Ingredients in Mix

Limits (Per cent bv weiaht of aaareaate) M

Residual Bitumen 6.5 to 10.5 for Type II 5.5 to 10.5 for Type III

Mineral Filler 0.5 to 3.0

Additive As needed
Water As needed

Aggregate, modified bitumen emulsion, water and additive (if used), shall be proportioned by
weight of aggregate utilizing the mix design approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. If more than
one type of aggregate is used, the correct amount of each type of aggregates which have
been used to produce the required grading, shall be proportioned separately prior to adding
other materials of the mixture, in a manner that will result in a uniform and homogeneous
blend. Final/completed mixture, after addition of water and any additive, if used, shall be such



that the microsurfacing mixture has proper workability and permits traffic within one hour
depending upon the weather conditions, without occurrence of raveling and bleeding. Trial
mixes shall be prepared and laid for the designed mix and observed for breaking time and
setting time. The wet track abrasion test is used to determine the minimum residual bitumen
content. Procedure for calibration of microsurfacing machine is given in Appendix-8.

Details of Microsurfacing application are given in IRC:SP:81

6.9 Cape Seal

Cape seal involves application of a slurry seal or micro-surfacing to a newly-constructed
single coat surface dressing treatment. The slurry or microsurfacing application helps to
fill the voids between the chips. Cape seals provide highly durable surface treatment. The
slurry or microsurfacing bonds the chips to prevent loss of the chips due to traffic abrasion.
For a successful cape seal, it is important to have single coat surface treatment with lower
residual bitumen content than a traditional chip seal. The most critical element to avoid in a
cape seal an excess of slurry that eliminates the desired knobby surface texture. Curing

time of four to ten days should be allowed between placement of the broomed surface after
surface dressing and before application of slurry seal or microsurfacing to remove loose
cover material or other foreign material that would prevent adherence. Table 6.16 gives
quantities of bitumen emulsion and aggregates required to execute a cape seal. For surface
dressing RS-2 emulsion shall be used. For slurry seal SS-2 grade emulsion shall be used.
Polymer modified emulsion shall be used if microsurfacing is used as top layer.

Table 6.16 Quantities of Bitumen Emulsion and Aggregate for Cape Seal

Thickness of Cape Nominal Size of Quantity of Quantity of Slurry Mixture

Seal Aggregate Aggregate (kg/m^) Emulsion (kg/m^) (Type 1), kg/m^

12.5 mm Thick 9.5 to 2.36 mm 14-16 1.4-2.0 2.7-4.5

(25-30) (0.30-0.45) (6-10)

19.0 mm Thick 19.0 to 9.5 mm 22-27 1.8-2.3 3.5-5.5

(40-50) (0.40-0.50) (8-12)

Details of construction of chip seal and slurry seal are given in IRC:110 and IRS:SP:81.

A cold mix is defined as a mixture of bitumen emulsion and aggregate that is mixed together
at ambient temperature. Bitumen emulsion being liquid at room temperature, there is no
need to heat or dry the mineral aggregate. Cold mix is useful in the areas, where there is
long distance between the job site and plant and temperature of climate is low and moderate
(<40°C). Further, the versatility of cold mix allowsbe mixed in-place at the job site as well
it to

as at a plant site and then subsequently transported to the job site. Cold mix may be used
in bituminous base (BM), binder course (BM/SDBC) as well as wearing course (SDBC) of



Choice/Selection of Cold Mix Treatments for Different Climate/Traffic Conditions


Title of Treatment Traffic (CVPD) late Choice of


rrime uoat No Limit No Limit No Limit 00-1

lacK uoai NO Limit InU Llliill No Limit DO A

Seal Coat <1500 INU Lllilll No Limit SS-2

Sand Seal <1500 INU L.I1IIII No Limit SS-2

Cap Seal <3000 No Limit No Limit RS-2 , SS-2 and


Chip Seal <1500 Avoid in Cold No Limit RS-2, Modified


Slurry Seal <1500 No Limit No Limit SS-2

Microsurfacing No Limit ino Limii No Limit Modified

OGPC <1500 Moderate & cold Medium MS/SS-2

climate (maximum and
air temperature Tailormade
4U \j)

MSS <1500 Moderate & cold Low MS/SS-2

climate (less than and
40°C) Tailormade

BM <1500 Moderate & cold Low MS/SS-2/

climate (maximum Tailormade
air temperature

SDBC <3000 Moderate & cold Low SS-2/Tailormade

climate (maximum
air temperature

Half Warm Mix <4500 1 VlUUtJI d IC CX OVJIU No limit SS-2/Tailormade

(DBM, SDBC, BC) climate (maximum
air temperature

Cold Recycling No limit Moderate and cold No limit SS-2/Tailormade


Patching No Limit No Limit No limit MS/SS-2/



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