Lab Assignment 1: Mapreduce / Hadoop: Notes
Lab Assignment 1: Mapreduce / Hadoop: Notes
Lab Assignment 1: Mapreduce / Hadoop: Notes
You can work on this assignment in teams of two.
• Understand the MapReduce programming model.
It is required to install Hadoop on both single node cluster and multiple nodes cluster. Next, you
will practice running few HDFS commands and executing Hadoop jobs. You can use the following
command to download Hadoop on your machine:
You can extract the downloaded file using:
tar -xzvf hadoop-2.7.3.tar.gz
Setting up Hadoop
• You will need to download the latest stable version of Hadoop (2.7.3) from this link: http:
• Setup the downloaded Hadoop version on your machine. These are the steps that you will
need to follow: You can do this step before the lab time.
• During the lab, you will need to setup Hadoop on a cluster of machines using the following
steps: You have the choice to use one of the following options to
setup the Hadoop clusters: (1) AWS EC2 instances; (2) Lab machines; or (3) your laptops.
Useful resources: This tutorial can help you setup hadoop: Part I and Part II
• Create a directory called input in your home directory.
• Download the following text files from the Gutenberg project, in Plain Text UTF-8 format (hint:
you can use wget):
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– Ulysses by James Joyce
– The Art of War by 6th cent. B.C. Sunzi
– The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
– Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, ”Brquigny, Louis Georges Oudard Feudrix
• Download the above data and store them to the input directory on your machine.
• Create a new file mydata.txt in the input directory. Open the file and write to it this line:
CS432 FirstStudentID SecondStudentID. Repeat this line four times in the file.
• Copy the input directory from your local disk to HDFS. You can use the command:
hadoop fs -copyToLocal /home/userid/input /home/userid/input. The first path is the
source, which is on your local disk. The second path is the destination, which is on HDFS.
• Now check that the files were already copied using this command:
hadoop fs -ls /home/userid/input
• You need to build the WordCount example described in this tutorial. Name the created jar file
• In the output file, check that CS432 and your SIDs are counted four times. Check the word
count for various words that appeared in the input files.
• You can now update the words count to filter the words based on a second input file. Therefore,
only the words that appear in that dictionary file will be counted.
• HDFS shell commands
• MapReduce Tutorial
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