SRS Matrimony

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Software Requirements



Matrimonial Service System

Version 1.0

Prepared by

1. Dharineesh Ram T P 180701063

2. Ganesh G 180701072

3. Harshavardhana M 180701094

Subject: Software Engineering

Branch: CSE - ‘B’

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1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this project is providing a platform to people for connecting from worldwide. Still
there is no any platform for connect on internet through the website. We are providing these facilities
for people and they can find easily information & news related the different religions. At these time
people want information for any kind of thing & here people can also find upcoming events.

1.2 Scope
Our website provides matrimonial services to all people. In this website provide matrimonial
section where people can register him/her profile and easily find life partner & also you can
see news, events and also connecting to different people to latest information & news.

1.3 Definitions
In this following document we keep using the following terms more frequently:
USER: The person whomever it be, whether he/she is a member of the App/Services. It is the person
who directly or indirectly get in contact with the app.
CIUSTOMER: The person who registers in the App and does request for bride or groom and decides
the requirements.
CONTRACT: A legal binding between the members of bride and the groom. Hence based on their
chat and comfort they have finalized a dealing.

1.4 References

1.5 Overview
This Website is based on Django framework with the securities of managing the accounts and the
resources. The SQLite Server is used as database. This website in inspired by the websites which are
available on the net with the new features included.

2.Overall Description
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2.1 Product Perspective

Software is developed during this phase and at the end of life cycle the product becomes ready to
deliver to customer. A Database is included for more than one user in the system. Every user has a
unique master key and it will uniquely open the database for each user. Admin provides different
username and password for each user. This includes a wide range of sales activities. This software
aims at the sales of ticket for each passenger and hence reducing paper work. It also provides day
by day reports to keep track of all the sales activities.

2.2 Product functions

The user will be able to create an account for him in this website and details will be stored in the
database with security measures.The user will be able to login the website and look for bride/groom
on his favourite choices(applying filters) on those who have already registered for the same cause.
The user can also avail membership facility by paying the specific amount to the website and enjoy
the membership benefits. User can also select choices of groom/bride within the country or worldwide
matches. Admin can assign the user login credentials to the new user based on availability. The
database is updated every day and the database will be upgraded with high security measures
regularly. The packages or softwares used for this website development will be mentioned further.

2.3 User characteristics

Administrator: The administrator of the company is allowed to access all the services in the
system. The username and password for the end user is given by the administrator.

User: The user is allowed to access the services given by the administrator like membership,
filtering etc.

2.4 Constraints

User can accept/decline only one match at a time but can find multiple matches at a time.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

Basic knowledge of the computers should be known by the users and we also assure that software
user manual and training documentation will be given to the users.

3. Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interface Requirements

 GUI is provided by the software which is self-explanatory.

 User friendly forms, menus and options is contained by the software.
 Designing of the product have to be studied by the developer.
 Software gives warnings with necessary assistance to the clients.
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 Keyboard and mouse are the input for all the systems designed forms.
 Keyboard and mouse will provide user friendly interaction between the user and the system
and the forms can be viewed through a monitor in GUI.


 The software is developed with all the basic controls and class provided in VB .Net.
 Application Package must be installed.
 A confirmation prompt is presented by the system to the user like continue or cancel
operation, if any modifications to be done.
 All the data’s inserted will be stored in SQL.

3.2 Specific Requirements


Login Module

Introduction: Authorized users are allowed to access.

Input: User enters the User type, Username and password.

Process Definition: Checks User type, Username and password is valid or not.

Output: User is directed to next page or shows the message box “Login Failed”.

Registration module

Introduction: Only Admin can access the page.

Input: Admin has the authority to provide username and password for new users.

Process Definition: Checks same username and password exists or not and also checks whether all
the fields are entered.

Output: Employee gets the username and password.

Report Module

Introduction: Only Admin can access the page and check the report.

Input: Bride/groom

Process Definition: It retrieve’s all the information stored from different tables.

Output: Requested report is generated.

View module

Input: bride/groom name, DOB, age, religion caste, contact, address.

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Process Definition: In the view module the user can view bride/grooms information which has
already been saved. The user can also add new information or edit the present information.

Output: New bride/groom information is added to the table.

Match module

Input: type, bride/grooms name.

Process Definition: the user can enter bride/groom information and on a single click can find the
perfect match to the corresponding bride/groom.

Output: The match can be found or not.

3.3 Performance Requirements

 Good memory space is required.

 Should be Error-free.
 Large amount of data should be handled easily.


 Installation of this software can be done in any windows operating system.


 As the transaction takes place, the system keeps on updating the data.


In this stage, validation will be referred from the given SRS


 The system performs all the operations in less amount of time.


 Validations even for user inputs will be done.

 Avoid incorrect storage of records.

3.4 Design Constraints

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Context Level Diagram:

Update Account Information

Manage Account Give suggestion
Search People
Add content, application
Manage Users Registration Detail
ADMIN Matrimony USER
Acknowledgement login detail
Success/failure notification
.com Acknowledgement
Success/Failure Notification
Success/failure notification

Success/failure notification
Page 6

First Level Diagram for User:

Registration detail
User 0.1

User name & Password

Verify user login

0.2 Matrilogin
Log in Acknowledgement

Goes for Profile statics

Update profile
Marital Register
Profile Acknowledgement

Input searching detail

Search Marital Register

Page 7

First Level Diagram of Admin

Username & password

0.1 Verify log in
Admin Log in Matrilogin

Goes Account Statics

Account Admin Detail

Manage &
Users Register

Search user Register

View& Manage Suggestion
Page 8

2nd level diagram:

Registration detail
User 0.1
Error message Register
Registratio Done successfully
Need to be registered User name & Password

Verify user login

Invalid Login 0.2 Matrilogin
Log in Log in successfully

Goes for Profile statics

Update profile
Error message Marital Register
Profile Acknowledgement

Input searching detail

Result not found 0.4 Searching Detail

Search Marital Register
Done successfully

Error Message 0.5 Give Feedback

Suggestion Suggestion
Done successfully
Page 9

2nd level diagram:


Username & password

0.1 Verify log in
Admin Log in
Invalid Log in Matrilogin

Goes Account Statics

Error message Update info
Admin Detail
Account Done successfully

Manage &
Error Message Registration detail
Users Register
Done successfully

Result not found 0.4 input data

Search User Register
Result found

View, Manage
Page 10

Add User

User detail done successfully

0.3.2 Select user Select user 0.3.3

Delete Register
RegisterUser Deactive
Deleted successfully done successfully

Select user deactivated successfully

Deactive User
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Use Case Diagram

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Sequence Diagram
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Class Diagram
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Activity Diagram
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3.5 Other Requirements


 Backups can be done regularly.


 A password is given to the SQL server.

 Administrator and the end user, who have their own user name and password, have only the
right to open the software.

4. Supporting Information
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 References ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.5 Overview.......................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................1
2.1 Product Perspective.......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Product Functions ............................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 User Characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Constraints ....................................................................................................................................... 2
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies ...................................................................................................... 2
3. Specific Requirements .............................................................................................................2
3.1 External Interface Requirements...................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Specific Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Performance Requirements .............................................................................................................. 4
3.4 Design Constraints ........................................................................................................................... 4
3.5 Other Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 15
4. Supporting Information ........................................................................................................15
4.1 Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Appendices..................................................................................................................................... 15

This Software Requirements document is intended for:

 Administrator: should have the basic Knowledge of computers and Visual Basic in order
to perform tasks. An Admin can access to any user profile whereas a user cannot access
neither to admins profile nor to any other user’s profile.
 User who should have the basic Knowledge of computers and Visual Basic in order to
perform tasks and who wishes to read about what this project can do. User can access only
the services given by the Admin.
 Developers who can view project’s abilities and can easily understand to add more features
for future development.

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