Multiux Ethical Wall Trial: Installation Procedure

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MultiUx Ethical Wall Trial

Installation Procedure

Confidentiality Waiver’
All the information contained herein are strictly confidential and must be used only for the evaluation of the technical proposition encl osed. This
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Unified Communication

1 INDEX .......................................................................................................................................................... 2

2 DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................................................... 3

3 DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 4

4 PROCEDURE................................................................................................................................................ 5

5 FURTHER INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................... 7

fabbricadigitale srl | Via Volta, 3 – 26041 Casalmaggiore (CR) – Italy – T: +39 0375 284600 CF/PI: 01214800193
Cod.Fisc. e P.I.: 01214800193
date file version Expiry date
20/12/2016 InstallationProcedure_EWTrial 1.0 till next revision

Unified Communication

All information contained herein must not be copied or reproduced in any way without the expressed written

consent of fabbricadigitale srl.

Any use or reproduction shall be governed by Italian Law.

In no event will fabbricadigitale srl be liable to any party for any use of the information made available

through this document.

fabbricadigitale srl | Via Volta, 3 – 26041 Casalmaggiore (CR) – Italy – T: +39 0375 284600 CF/PI: 01214800193
Cod.Fisc. e P.I.: 01214800193
date file version Expiry date
20/12/2016 InstallationProcedure_EWTrial 1.0 till next revision

Unified Communication

The document includes and describes the steps for the Ethical Wall trial package installation.

The trial package lasts until February 1st.

The software stops working on the due date; it means that the Skype for Business or Lync tool will keep
working as usual, with open communications.

fabbricadigitale srl | Via Volta, 3 – 26041 Casalmaggiore (CR) – Italy – T: +39 0375 284600 CF/PI: 01214800193
Cod.Fisc. e P.I.: 01214800193
date file version Expiry date
20/12/2016 InstallationProcedure_EWTrial 1.0 till next revision

Unified Communication



At first, download the Ethical Wall Dynamic trial package, then the updater.

Step Description
1 Install the EW Dynamic trial package you find in the PSS.
Stop the EthicalWall and CourtesyAlert Windows services, which are:
2 - fabbricadigitale - MultiUx Ethical Wall;
- fabbricadigitale - Courtesy Alert.
Install the license on the machine where the web UI and the Ethical Wall front-end agent are installed

a) Run as administrator the EWUpdater.exe file;

b) Specify:

 if you are installing the licenses on a front-end server which has the EW agent installed on.
In this case, it is necessary to specify the EW installation folder (example: C:\Program Files

 if you are installing the licenses on a server which has the EW web UI installed on. In this
3 case, it is necessary to specify the IIS root folder (example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot).

The installer should fill the following fields.

fabbricadigitale srl | Via Volta, 3 – 26041 Casalmaggiore (CR) – Italy – T: +39 0375 284600 CF/PI: 01214800193
Cod.Fisc. e P.I.: 01214800193
date file version Expiry date
20/12/2016 InstallationProcedure_EWTrial 1.0 till next revision

Unified Communication

c) Click Install.

d) Verify the system does not occur errors:

e) Close the window.

Reboot the EthicalWall and CourtesyAlert Windows services which are fabbricadigitale - MultiUx
4 Ethical Wall and fabbricadigitale - Courtesy Alert.

fabbricadigitale srl | Via Volta, 3 – 26041 Casalmaggiore (CR) – Italy – T: +39 0375 284600 CF/PI: 01214800193
Cod.Fisc. e P.I.: 01214800193
date file version Expiry date
20/12/2016 InstallationProcedure_EWTrial 1.0 till next revision

Unified Communication


In case of technical issues, please, follow the standard procedure and open a ticket through the PSS. Here the

fabbricadigitale srl | Via Volta, 3 – 26041 Casalmaggiore (CR) – Italy – T: +39 0375 284600 CF/PI: 01214800193
Cod.Fisc. e P.I.: 01214800193
date file version Expiry date
20/12/2016 InstallationProcedure_EWTrial 1.0 till next revision

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