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Access Control

SiPass® integrated MP2.65

Product Release Notes

Siemens AB
Security Products
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© 2013 Copyright by Siemens AB

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1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 5
1.1 SiPass integrated MP2.65 and Interoperability......................................... 5
1.2 What this document covers ....................................................................... 5
1.3 Ordering .................................................................................................... 5

2 Important Release Information (Pre-Requisites) ................................. 6

2.1 Security Recommendations ...................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Installing SiPass integrated / ACCs / Dialups on a Public Domain ........... 6
2.1.2 Reducing Security Risks with Anti-Virus Software .................................... 6
2.2 Windows Patches and Hot Fixes .............................................................. 7

3 New Features for SiPass integrated MP2.65 ........................................ 8

3.1 Enhanced Access Assignment ................................................................. 8
3.2 Venue Management .................................................................................. 9
3.3 Cardholder User Interface Enhancement ................................................. 9
3.4 SiPass integrated Web Client ................................................................... 9
3.5 Enhanced DESFire Encoding ................................................................. 10
3.6 Improved HR-API Functionality............................................................... 10
3.7 Complete Support for AR40S-MF and AR10S-MF Readers .................. 10

4 SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility ...................................... 11

4.1 SiPass integrated Server ........................................................................ 11
4.2 SiPass integrated Client .......................................................................... 12
4.3 Microsoft SQL Server .............................................................................. 12
4.4 .NET Framework ..................................................................................... 12
4.5 Web Client Browser Compatibility........................................................... 13
4.6 Web Client Smart Device Compatibility .................................................. 13
4.7 System Compatibility............................................................................... 13
4.7.1 Firmware ................................................................................................. 13
4.7.2 Hardware ................................................................................................. 14
4.8 Digital Video Recorder (DVR) System Compatibility .............................. 15
4.8.1 Premium DVR Integration ....................................................................... 15
4.8.2 3 Party DVR Integration (Requires DVR-API Connection License)...... 16
4.9 CCTV System Compatibility .................................................................... 16
4.9.1 Premium CCTV Integration ..................................................................... 16
4.9.2 3rd Party CCTV Integration (Requires Connection License) .................. 16
4.10 Directly-connected IP Camera Compatibility .......................................... 17
4.11 Intrusion Panel Compatibility .................................................................. 17
4.12 Modem Compatibility............................................................................... 17
4.13 Card Printer Compatibility ....................................................................... 18
4.14 MiFare Classic Card Encoding (while printing) ....................................... 18
4.15 Enrollment Reader Compatibility ............................................................ 18
4.15.1 RS-232 Enrollment Readers ................................................................... 18
4.15.2 RS-485 Enrollment Readers ................................................................... 19
4.15.3 USB Enrollment Readers ........................................................................ 19
4.16 Card Format Compatibility ...................................................................... 19
4.16.1 Reader Connection Types ...................................................................... 19
4.16.2 Siemens Proprietary Card Formats ........................................................ 19
4.16.3 Proximity Formats ................................................................................... 20
4.16.4 Smart Card Formats................................................................................ 20
4.16.5 Bar Code Formats ................................................................................... 20
4.16.6 Magnetic Stripe Formats ......................................................................... 20
4.17 Card Reader Compatibility ...................................................................... 21
4.17.1 Siemens AR Range................................................................................. 21
4.17.2 Readers Supporting the DESFire EV1 Card Technology ....................... 21
Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
4.17.3 Siemens EM Proximity Reader Range ................................................... 22
4.17.4 Siemens Miscellaneous .......................................................................... 22
4.17.5 HID Proximity and MIFARE Classic ........................................................ 22
4.18 L1 Reader Compatibility .......................................................................... 23
4.19 Granta MK3 Reader PIN Pad Type Compatibility ................................... 23
4.20 Video Capture Card Compatibility ........................................................... 24
4.21 Signature Capture Tablet Compatibility .................................................. 24
4.22 Messaging System Compatibility ............................................................ 24
4.23 Server Redundancy ................................................................................ 25
4.24 Offline Door System ................................................................................ 25
4.25 3 Party Visitor Management .................................................................. 26
4.26 GSM Modem Compatibility ..................................................................... 26
4.27 Virtualization ............................................................................................ 26
4.28 For more information… ........................................................................... 26

5 Enhancements and Quality Improvements for SiPass integrated

MP2.65 .................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Enhancements ........................................................................................ 27
5.2 Known Issues .......................................................................................... 27

6 Keyword index ....................................................................................... 28

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013

1 Introduction
SiPass integrated is an advanced access control system. Its superior range of se-
curity features ensures that it is an ideal access control solution for any application
regardless of size or complexity.
SiPass integrated MP2.65 is your interoperable security solution. It combines ad-
vanced access control with easy yet powerful connectivity to Video, Intrusion (Sin-
tony 400 series/SPC), Building comfort (APOGEE, DESIGO CC), OPC A&E com-
pliant applications, Building Management Stations, Offline door access systems
(SALTO), and finally Fire and Danger Management (MM8000).
SiPass integrated -- Opening doors to a secure environment.

1.1 SiPass integrated MP2.65 and Interoperability

This market package, for SiPass integrated MP2.65, introduces a number of
enhancements and quality improvements to the Access Control and Security

1.2 What this document covers

This document details the changes that have been made to SiPass integrated and
the important information that users need to be aware of when ordering, installing
and troubleshooting.

1.3 Ordering
To order the SiPass integrated software, please use the order forms provided and
the part numbers specified on these forms.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
Important Release Information (Pre-Requisites)

2 Important Release Information (Pre-Requisites)

Before installing SiPass integrated, refer to the SiPass integrated Installation Guide
for important information about installing the software. The SiPass integrated In-
stallation Guide contains all the necessary procedures to install and upgrade the
software and all other associated hardware and software components. This guide
can be found on the SiPass integrated DVD-ROM.

2.1 Security Recommendations

This section details important security recommendations regarding the installation
of SiPass integrated on public domains. It also deals with the important issue of
protecting your software system from virus infections.

2.1.1 Installing SiPass integrated / ACCs / Dialups on a Public Domain

Users please note that installing SiPass integrated on a public domain presents
vulnerabilities (e.g., being infected by PC viruses) like any application running on a
Windows environment.
If SiPass integrated or ACCs etc. are to be installed on a public domain, it is rec-
ommended that a dedicated network (like a minimal VLAN) be used for optimal se-
curity. Telnet and SSH on the controllers should be disabled after installation. Fur-
ther, installation of the server and the client as dedicated applications on PCs is
SiPass integrated users are also advised to lockdown USB ports on the PCs where
SiPass integrated has been installed. Further, it is recommended that client PCs
for non-administrator operators should be locked down.

2.1.2 Reducing Security Risks with Anti-Virus Software

It is recommended that all SiPass integrated operators install and run an Anti-Virus
or Virus Scan application to protect your computer from viruses, and other security
threats that can compromise the performance of the system.
SiPass integrated has been tested with the TREND MICRO Office Scan software.
As there are numerous brands of anti-virus software available in the market, it is
recommended that you first investigate the source of software before downloading
and installing it. It is advisable that you choose a virus scanner that best meets the
needs of your particular software environment. It is also important that you test
your anti-virus application with SiPass integrated before going live to ensure that
the anti-virus application does not impact the performance of your security man-
Please contact vendors of the chosen anti-virus software for instructions and up-

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
Important Release Information (Pre-Requisites)

2.2 Windows Patches and Hot Fixes

It is expected that SiPass integrated will continue to operate as normal if you
automatically update your PC with any updates or patches provided by Microsoft.
However, some exceptional changes made by Microsoft to their operating system
may cause unexpected results. In these instances please report your problem to
your local support representative and the issue will be investigated as soon as

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
New Features for SiPass integrated MP2.65

3 New Features for SiPass integrated MP2.65

With the introduction of several new and innovative features in this latest market
package, SiPass integrated MP2.65 builds itself into a more robust and powerful
system, that can meet all your access control requirements.
Read more here about the following latest features and enhancements now avail-
able in SiPass integrated in this latest market package:
- Enhanced Access Assignment
- Venue Management
- Cardholder User Interface Enhancement
- SiPass integrated Web Client
- Enhanced DESFire Encoding
- HR-API Functionality Improvements
- Complete Support for AR40S-MF and AR10S-MF Readers

3.1 Enhanced Access Assignment

The advanced intelligence of this new SiPass integrated market package makes it
possible for operators to assign Multiple Access Rights to cardholders, workgroups
or venues, without limitations on the number of access rights per cardholder.
SiPass integrated MP2.65 allows these access rights to be assigned as
combination of Private Access, Workgroup Access and Venue Access rights for
each cardholder. These access rights can be assigned permanently, or temporarily
(with a specific start and end date & time).
In this enhanced market package, any modification to the access rights of a
workgroup will be immediately applied to all cardholders of the workgroup. Further,
cardholders with multiple workgroups assigned to them, will inherit all access rights
from their workgroups.
Expired access can be removed automatically from cardholder and workgroup by
using Host Based Event Tasks.

Conversion of older access concepts after upgrade to SiPass int. MP2.65

– Temporary Access Groups: On upgrade, each existing Temporary Access
Group will be converted to a Venue and a Venue Booking, with the same tempo-
rary access group name.
Any cardholders that were assigned to the Temporary Access Group will now be
assigned to its converted Venue Booking.
– Personalized Access Groups: On upgrade, any existing Personalized Access
Groups for a cardholder will be converted as Private access privileges.
They will be visible (with the same Personalized Access Group name) under the
Private access privileges tree, on the Definition tab of the Cardholder dialog.
– Offline Access Groups: On upgrade, any existing Offline Access Groups for a
cardholder will be converted as Private access privileges.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
New Features for SiPass integrated MP2.65

They will be visible (with the same Offline Access Group name) under the Pri-
vate access privileges tree, on the Definition tab of the Cardholder dialog.
More details on Access Assignment can be found in the SiPass integrated MP2.65
User Guide.

3.2 Venue Management

This innovative feature is an excellent addition for sites with Meeting Rooms,
Conference Halls, or similar shared locations used by several groups of people.
SiPass integrated MP2.65 makes it possible to configure such shared locations as
Venues with a collection of access components like access points, levels, groups
and intrusion area points, etc.
The prime advantage of this feature is that operators can book these Venues for
one-off or scheduled bookings using the Venue Booking feature in SiPass
integrated Client and Web client.
Operators can also give configure access rights to cardholders as venue booking
Organizers or Participants. Participant access rights can be configured privately to
individual cardholders, and also to entire workgroups.
The Venue Booking User Interface provides an excellent visual overview of all the
venue bookings across all venues, and also across calendar periods.
Note: The Temporary Access Group will be converted to Venues and Venue
Bookings when upgraded to MP2.65.

3.3 Cardholder User Interface Enhancement

This market package provides enhanced features for the cardholder user interface,
wherein the entire Cardholder/Visitor dialog is customizable.
Compared to previous versions where operators could only add customized pages
to the Cardholder/Visitor dialog; this market package features a completely
customizable Cardholder/Visitor dialog, which contains a default pre-defined
layout. Operators can customize the layout, and add/modify desired controls to any
page, minimizing the need for opening multiple tabs in the dialog.
Different Operator Groups also have the flexibility of creating layouts specific to
their group.

3.4 SiPass integrated Web Client

SiPass integrated MP2.65 successfully launches the remote management
capability of its access control system, through its well-integrated Web Client.
Utilizing the same login credentials as the SiPass integrated client, the Web Client
makes it possible to seamlessly manage Cardholdes, Venues and Venue
Bookings, Access Levels, and Access Groups.
Linking of the web interface to the client layouts allow the Web Client to use
customized layouts created in the SiPass integrated client, that can then be
assigned to specific operator groups.
Please refer the SiPass integrated Installation Guide for details supported
Browsers, Operating Systems and Smart Devices.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
New Features for SiPass integrated MP2.65

3.5 Enhanced DESFire Encoding

The DesFire Smart Card Encoding feature is enhanced in SiPass integrated
MP2.65 to include the ability to distinguish between the Master Key and
Application Key of the card.
This allows Cardholder field mapping in SiPass integrated to Applications and Files
of the DESFire card in the Profile Configuration dialog.
It allows operators to set the Application Key and the Application Master Key, while
supporting the DES, 3DES or AES Encryption Algorithm

3.6 Improved HR-API Functionality

In MP2.65, the HR-API is enhanced to be able to fully manage cardholders / visitor,
Access Assignment, Access Level, Access Group, Venue and Venue Booking,
These improvements provide operators with advanced flexibility for Access
Assignment in SiPass integrated via 3rd party applications. The HR-API also
automatically notifies the 3rd party application about changes in SiPass integrated,
related to Cardholders, Access Assignment or Venues/Venue Bookings, which
allows applications to automatically synchronize with SiPass integrated.

3.7 Complete Support for AR40S-MF and AR10S-MF Readers

SiPass integrated MP2.65 fully supports the AR40S-MF and AR10S-MF readers.
New reader firmware can be downloaded to the readers using the SiPass inte-
grated software.
This new market package also supports encrypted communication between the
controller and these readers using secure OSDP. This is currently supported for
the DRIs.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4 SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

The following tables outline the components that have been tested with this version
of SiPass integrated.

4.1 SiPass integrated Server

Please note that the following tables relate to the English version of the Windows
Operating Systems outlined.

Windows 8 Windows Windows 2008 Windows 7 Windows XP Windows 2003

Server 2012 Server (SP2) R2 (Professional, Professional Server (SP2)*
Standard (SP3)* (32-bit only)
(64-bit) Enterprise) SP1
(32-bit & 64-bit)

SiPass int.      

*Some additional configuration settings are required to ensure that the specified versions of Windows
operating systems operate correctly with SiPass integrated. Please refer Appendix A contained within
the SiPass integrated MP2.65 Installation Guide for further information.

Whilst all the versions of SQL Server listed above are supported, those sites with multiple clients and
higher activity (for example, a large number of doors / cardholders / or event transactions) are recom-
mended to purchase a higher performance version of SQL optimized for both scalability and perform-
ance (for example, SQL Server 2008 Enterprise). Please refer to the Microsoft website for more infor-
mation regarding SQL versions and performance at the following link:
Failure to install the appropriate version of SQL Server may have an adverse impact upon the per-
formance of SiPass integrated.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.2 SiPass integrated Client

Please note that the following tables relate to the English version of the Windows
Operating Systems outlined.

Windows 8 Windows Windows 2008 Windows 7 Windows XP Windows 2003

Server 2012 Server (SP2) R2 (Professional, Professional Server (SP2)*
Standard (SP3)* (32-bit only)
(64-bit) Enterprise) SP1
(32-bit & 64-bit)

SiPass int.      

Whilst both the SiPass Server and Client can run on multiple Windows platforms, it is recommended
that where possible a single operating system be chosen for an entire installation.
The same SiPass integrated version, as well as the same build of SiPass integrated should be in-
stalled on the SiPass integrated server and on all clients (local and remote), within the same system.

*Some additional configuration settings are required to ensure that the specified versions of Windows
operating systems operate correctly with SiPass integrated. Please refer Appendix A contained within
the SiPass integrated MP2.65 Installation Guide for further information.

4.3 Microsoft SQL Server

The following table indicates the supported SQL Server software on which SiPass
integrated will run:

SQL 2012 (SP1) SQL 2008 R2 SQL 2008 R2 SQL 2005

Express (SP3 or later)

SiPass integrated Yes Yes Yes Yes


SiPass integrated will function normally with either SQL Server 2005 SP3 or SQL
Server 2008. If there are no SQL server versions installed on the computer where
SiPass integrated is installed, SiPass integrated will automatically install a runtime
version of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express.

4.4 .NET Framework

The following .NET Framework version is tested to be compatible with SiPass inte-

SiPass integrated .NET Framework

MP2.65 Version 4.0

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.5 Web Client Browser Compatibility

Internet Explorer (IE)* Firefox Chrome
SiPass int. Min. version Version 24** Version 30.0.1599.101**
10 and higher
Web Client
*Note: If using IE10 for the SiPass integrated Web Client, ensure that you have
turned off Compatibility View for the browser.
**Note: These versions have been tested to be compatible with SiPass integrated

4.6 Web Client Smart Device Compatibility

Apple Apple Samsung
SiPass int.
MP2.65 iPhone iPad Galaxy
Web Client

4.7 System Compatibility

4.7.1 Firmware

AC5100 ADD51x0 ADS52x0* AFI5100 AFO5100

(ACC-020 / ACC- (DRI) (SRI) (IPM) (OPM)
Version 2.65.09 Version 3.28 Version 3.09 Version 2.32 Version 1.11
SiPass integrated     

ADE5300 AFO5200 ATI5100

(ERI) (8IO) (IAT-010)
Version 3.23 Version 1.02 Version 1.05
SiPass integrated   

DC12 DC22 DC800 IOR6 PD30 / PD40

Version 1.37 Version 1.37 Version 1.08 Version 1.00 Version 1.04
SiPass integrated     

AC5102 AC5200
(ACC-G2) (ACC lite)
Version 2.65.09 Version 2.65.09
SiPass integrated  

Granta Mk3 Granta Mk3

(ACC-Granta) Backboard
Version 2.65.09 Version 1.26
SiPass integrated  

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.7.2 Hardware

Controllers AC5100 AC5100 AC5200 AC5200 AC5102

ACC Revision 3 ACC Revision 2 SR34i SR35i ACC-G2
ACC-020 ACC-010 Revision 1 Revision 1.4 Revision 3
SiPass integrated     

Controllers AC5200 Granta Mk3

SR35i MkII Revision 1
Revision 2
SiPass integrated  

Door Control ADD51x0 ADS52x0 ADE5300 ATI5100 4322 4422

Revision D Revision B Revision A Revision A
SiPass integrated      

I/O AFI5100 AFO5100 AFO5200 4253 I/O

IPM Revision B OPM Revision A 8IO Revision A
SiPass integrated    

DC12 DC22 DC800 IOR6 PD30/PD40

Rev 05 Rev 05 Rev. 04 Rev. 04 Rev. 02
SiPass integrated     

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.8 Digital Video Recorder (DVR) System Compatibility

4.8.1 Premium DVR Integration

Siemens Siemens
AX 4/8/16 SISTORE AX4 Lite

SiPass integrated Version 2.6 Version 1.0

Version 3.5 Version 2.0

Version 3.6

Version 4.2.0

For the above versions SISTORE AX / SISTORE AX 3.1 / General SISTORE option from the Type
drop-down should be selected from the DVR Switcher tab on the Component dialog in SiPass inte-

If a search request is initiated using VSS_SDK, directed to a
SISTORE AX device, and there are a lot of short recorded sequences on the AX hard drive(s), it may
take up to 15 minutes until a search result is found. In this case it is recommended to increase the re-
cording duration of the AX in order to prevent too many short sequences from being generated.

Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens


SiPass integrated Version 2.90 Version 3.1 Version 2.90 Version 3.5 Version 3.5
MP2.65 SP2 SP2
Version 3.6

For the above versions General DVR (VSS –SDK Compatible) option from the Type drop-down
should be selected from the DVR Switcher tab on the Component dialog in SiPass integrated

Vectis Vectis

SiPass integrated  

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.8.2 3rd Party DVR Integration (Requires DVR-API Connection License)

Bosch Bosch Bosch Bosch Bosch Bosch

Divar 700 DivarXF DivarMR DivarClassic DiBos 8 BVIP*

Bosch Bosch
NBC-255 Video

*BVIP applies to Dinion IP, Flexidome, Extreme IP, AutoDome IP, VideoJet X
series and VIP X1600
For the above BOSCH versions Generic option from the Type drop-down should be selected from the
DVR Switcher tab on the Component dialog in SiPass integrated
For compatible versions and support, please contact DVTel or BOSCH.
Bosch DVR-API version 2.0 was tested in a Windows 7, 64-bit environment.

4.9 CCTV System Compatibility

4.9.1 Premium CCTV Integration

Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens

(VMx_0111.X08 or (VMx_0111.X08 or higher) (VMx_0111.X08 or higher)
SiPass integrated    

4.9.2 3rd Party CCTV Integration (Requires Connection License)

Pelco 6800 Pelco 6700 Pelco 9740 Pelco 9760

SiPass integrated    

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.10 Directly-connected IP Camera Compatibility

207 212 PTZ* P1354 Fix M30007 Fix P5534* P7214** CCIXI345 CCIC1410-L
Camera Dom PTZ – Dom, Video Encoder
Live View


– While the above cameras have been specifically tested, an IP camera using the RTSP protocol
should work properly. Please test before purchasing and installing onsite.

– For live streaming with IP Cameras, SiPass Integrated supports the RTSP as command protocol and
RTP for the data stream. The Codecs that are supported are: MJPEG, MPEG4, H264

– *PTZ Not supported

– **Only IN1 is supported

– If recording is required, the IP camera has to be connected via DVR

4.11 Intrusion Panel Compatibility

Intrunet SI 400 series SPC 4300, 5300, 6300

(Sintony 400) Intrusion System
SiPass integrated  

AC5200 (ACC lite) controller does not work with SPC Intrusion system or Sintony 400.

4.12 Modem Compatibility

MultiTech V92 US Robotics V Netcomm Road- Siemens TC35i Netcomm Mega-i

model Everything ster V92 GSM Modem V90
SiPass integrated     

The above modems have been tested with SiPass integrated 2.6 and the ACC. It is recommended
that the same modem type be installed throughout an installation to ensure compatibility. Other mo-
dem brands may be compatible but have not been tested. It is recommended that you test the com-
patibility of these modems prior to installation at any facility. Further, additional checks should be
performed to ensure that your modem is compatible with your Operating System.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.13 Card Printer Compatibility

EDI Secure EDI Secure EDI Secure EDI Secure Datacard

XID Family XID Family XID Family XID Family Magna Class
560ie 570ie 580ie 590ie Series
SiPass int.     

Fargo Fargo Fargo Fargo Fargo Fargo

HDP5000 HDP5000 with Pro - Series High Definition Direct-to-Card Persona (C25)
with built-in built-in (HDP600, (DTC500 Series)
5121 5321
SiPass int.      


The above table only lists those card printers that have been tested with SiPass integrated. All Windows
compatible card printers should operate correctly with SiPass integrated 2.65. However, it is recom-
mended that you test your card printer for correct operation before installation in a live environment.
Further, additional checks should be performed to ensure that your card printer is compatible with your
Operating System.

If using Windows 7 Operating System, please ensure that the firmware of your Card Printer is upgraded
to be compatible with Windows 7 OS.

4.14 MiFare Classic Card Encoding (while printing)

Fargo with GEM Fargo with GE- OmniKey Cardman Fargo Fargo
Plus 680 SL en- MeasyAccess332 SK21 HDP5000 with HDP5000 with
coder installed by encoder, installed built-in built-in
Interproc by Interproc OMNIKEY 5121** OMNIKEY 5321**
( (
m – GCI680 Driver) m – GCI680 Driver)
SiPass int.     

**Supported for Single printing and encoding, and Batch printing and encoding

4.15 Enrollment Reader Compatibility

4.15.1 RS-232 Enrollment Readers

Siemens HID6055B GemPlus CGI680 GemEasyAccess OmniKey Cardman

AR6201-MX 332 SK21
SiPass integrated     

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility
4.15.2 RS-485 Enrollment Readers

Siemens Proximity Reader CerPass Registration Reader

SiPass integrated  

When using an RS-485 output reader an RS485 to RS232 conversion unit must be used to connect
that enrolment reader to the serial port of the SiPass workstation client.

4.15.3 USB Enrollment Readers

USB-RIF/2 CardMan 5321

SiPass integrated  

The USB-RIF itself is not a reader, but a device to which a reader may be connected. Once connected
the USB-RIF will convert the readers output into a USB signal for connection to a PC. Also note the
USB-RIF only supports certain reader types.
The USB-RIF has severe restrictions with reading card types. It can read 26bit Wiegand, 32 bit
Wiegand and all Siemens Clock/Data formats. No other formats are supported.

4.16 Card Format Compatibility

4.16.1 Reader Connection Types

Wiegand RS-485 RS-232 Clock & Data

SiPass integrated    

(DRI Version D1) does not support the connection of RS-232 type readers.

4.16.2 Siemens Proprietary Card Formats

CerPass/SiPass Siemens Corpo- 31-bit STG 36-bit Asco Siemens 52-bit

RS-485 rate Card
SiPass integrated     

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.16.3 Proximity Formats

26-bit 36-bit ASCO 27-bit Indala 27-bit Cotag HID Corporate Custom
(industry 1000 Wiegand
SiPass integrated      

4.16.4 Smart Card Formats

32-bit CSN 40-bit CSN 26-bit Standard * ASCO 36-bit HID*

(CSN32) (CSN40) (stored in sector) iClass UID
SiPass integrated     

*SiPass integrated supports CSN, UID, and Data on-card for iClass HADP readers. Please note that
the format for Data on-card should be a maximum of 8 bytes of binary data (no special format, just a
64-bit card number).

4.16.5 Bar Code Formats

2 of 5 3 of 9 Encrypted Facility Code

SiPass integrated    

4.16.6 Magnetic Stripe Formats

Credit Card Encrypted Facility Code CerPass Magstripe Siemens Argina

(read only) Clk/Data
SiPass integrated     

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.17 Card Reader Compatibility

4.17.1 Siemens AR Range

AR6181-RX *AR6181-MS AR6181-MT AR6182-RX *AR6182-MS

SiPass integrated     

AR6182-MT AR6331-LE AR6331-CP AR6332-BI AR6332-CP

SiPass integrated     

AR6332-LE AR6381-MS AR6382-MS AR6473-RX AR6473-MT

SiPass integrated     

AR6473-LE AR6111-MX *AR6181-MX *AR6182-MX ARS6311- RX

SiPass integrated     


SiPass integrated    

* These Siemens readers will support the MIFARE DESFire UID with a firmware

Siemens readers with keypad, only function correctly when connected via RS485. The PIN may not
read correctly when connected in Wiegand or Clock/Data mode.

4.17.2 Readers Supporting the DESFire EV1 Card Technology

Siemens RS485 Siemens Reader Siemens Reader

UID Clk/Data UID Clk/Data Extended
SiPass integrated   

These above readers are all mapped to the Siemens Reader Card Technology,
and become available with the Siemens RS485 Clk / Data reader license. They
can be configured on the FLN Configuration dialog of SiPass integrated.


(OSDP enabled) (OSDP enabled) (OSDP enabled) (OSDP enabled)

SiPass integrated    

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.17.3 Siemens EM Proximity Reader Range

SP500-EM HD500-EM PR500-EM PM500-EM

SiPass integrated    

4.17.4 Siemens Miscellaneous

CX2M Mag- CX2B Bar Code

SiPass integrated  

4.17.5 HID Proximity and MIFARE Classic

Prox Pro Prox Pro + Keypad Thin Line II Prox Point MiFare 6055B
(CSN only)
SiPass integrated     

*HID iClass *HID iClass *HID iClass *HID iClass *HID iClass
RKL550 RP10 enabled) enabled)
R15 R30
SiPass integrated     

*HID iClass *HID iClass *HID iClass

enabled) enabled) enabled)
R40 RK 40 RKL550
SiPass integrated   

*SiPass integrated supports readers that have an RS485 connection. However,

some readers may require optional Expansion Modules for this functionality.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.18 L1 Reader Compatibility

The following L1 reader versions have been tested and verified as working with Si-
Pass integrated:

*L1 Readers supporting L1 Reader 4GSTSG

Vseries DLL Version
SiPass integrated  

*SiPass integrated supports L1 readers that have a Vseries DLL. However, some
readers may require additional verification with the manufacturer regarding the
compatible reader version that is equivalent to Version in the case of the
4GSTSG reader.
A separate license for using the Vseries DLL is required from the reader manufac-
The fingerprint template layout is defined using the reader setup tool but the enrolment can be per-
formed using SiPass.
The entire reader configuration is done with the reader setup tool, such as time schedules.
SiPass integrated supports card + fingerprint. It is not possible to use fingerprint-only as a credential in
SiPass integrated.
Using L1 readers, multiple fingerprints can be encoded on the Mifare Classic and Mifare DESFire
cards if the fingerprint is not configured to be stored in the SiPass database. Otherwise only one
fingerprint can be encoded on the smartcards using either Siemens readers or L1 readers.
The above table only lists those cards that have been tested with SiPass integrated. Apart from the
listed readers all 4G V-Station readers that support SecureSDK, smart card option and fingerprint
format TEM 1:1 works with SiPass integrated. For reader specifics, please contact the reader manu-

4.19 Granta MK3 Reader PIN Pad Type Compatibility

SiPass integrated supports the Pin Pad types 1, 2 and 3. The type can be config-
ured on the FLN Configuration dialog.
Please refer Chapter 6 of the 4101-3 Controller Installation Handbook for informa-
tion on Installation and Configuration.

1 2 3 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 A
4 5 6 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 B
7 8 9 8 9 A B 7 8 9 C
 0 # C D E F 0 F E D
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

 For the 4422 Swipe module and the 4322 Cotag module, the keypad type
has to be selected on an extra Key tab during configuration.
 The system does not support entry of your own PIN for first-time use.
 An External Swipe reader, combined with a keypad, can be configured as an
M43 Keypad Type.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.20 Video Capture Card Compatibility

The following video capture cards have been tested and verified as working with
SiPass integrated.

Winnov V2.9.1 Winnov Videum Falcon

AV1000 + VO AV1000 + VO (Driver: 4.40.0005.1)
SiPass integrated   

The above table only lists those cards that have been tested with SiPass integrated. It is recom-
mended that you test other video capture cards for compatibility, before using it on a live system. Web
cams and compatible devices are not supported with SiPass integrated.

4.21 Signature Capture Tablet Compatibility

The following signature tablet range has been tested and verified as working with
SiPass integrated:

Topaz HSB (USB) signature capture pads

SiPass integrated 

4.22 Messaging System Compatibility

The following messaging systems have been tested and verified as working with
SiPass integrated:

Microsoft Exchange Microsoft Exchange Outlook 2000 Outlook 2003

Server 2000 Server 2003
SiPass integrated    

Email forwarding may not be supported or may not support the sending of emails externally, under
certain corporate email conditions or specific corporate implementations.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.23 Server Redundancy

The following server redundant software has been tested with SiPass integrated:

Stratus Technologies Stratus Technologies Stratus Technologies

EverRunFT EverRun2G EverRun MX
(supported with SQL 2005) (supported with SQL 2008) (supported with SQL 2008)
SiPass integrated   

4.24 Offline Door System

The following Offline Door System has been tested with SiPass integrated:

SiPass integrated 

• The SHIP protocol (version 1.8f) should be enabled for this feature.
• Refer to the Salto documentation for the maximum length of text or other potential limitation.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
SiPass integrated Installation Compatibility

4.25 3rd Party Visitor Management

The following 3 Party Visitor Management System has been tested with SiPass

Easy Lobby
Version SVM 10.0
SiPass integrated 

Please refer to the Easy Lobby Integration Setup Guide for more details.

4.26 GSM Modem Compatibility

The following GSM Modems have been tested with SiPass integrated:

MC35i Terminal
SiPass integrated 

4.27 Virtualization

Citrix Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows

Xen App Server 2003 Server 2008
Version 5 Terminal Services Terminal Services
SiPass integrated   

It is highly recommended that suitable hardware and system specifications form the basis of your

4.28 For more information…

[email protected]

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
Enhancements and Quality Improvements
for SiPass integrated MP2.65

5 Enhancements and Quality Improvements

for SiPass integrated MP2.65
The sections that follow outline the improvements and fixes made since SiPass in-
tegrated MP2.6 SP3 was released.

5.1 Enhancements
This section details the new enhancements introduced for SiPass integrated

Type Description
Soft enrol-
Ability to enrol an unknown card from the audit trail
ment reader

5.2 Known Issues

This section details known issues for SiPass integrated MP2.65.

Type Description
Custom Page The Cardholder Image field is currently supported only as a
Design Predefined field for the Cardholder / Visitor dialog.

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
Keyword index

6 Keyword index

( I
(DVR) System Compatibility, 15 Installation Compatibility, 8, 11
Intrusion Panel Compatibility, 17
.NET Framework, 12 M
Modem Compatibility, 17
Access Assignment, 8 S
System Compatibility, 13
Card Format Compatibility, 19 V
Card Printer Compatibility, 18 Venue Booking, 9
Card Reader Compatibility, 21 Venue Management, 9
CCTV System Compatibility, 16
E Web Client, 9
Enhancements, 27 Windows Patches and Hot Fixes, 7

Siemens AB
Security Products 11.2013
Issued by
Siemens AB
Infrastructure & Cities
Security Products
International Headquarters
Englundavägen 7 © 2013 Copyright by Siemens AB
SE-171 24 Solna Data and design subject to change without notice.
Tel. +46 8 629 0300 Supply subject to availability.
Document no. A-100029-1
Edition 11.2013

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