Apache Tomcat SLD-DS 20181002

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Supplier for Apache®

February 10, 2020
Typographic Conventions & Icons

Type Style Represents Icon Meaning

Example Text Words or characters that appear Caution
on the screen. These include
f ield names, screen titles,
pushbuttons as well as menu
names, paths and options.
Cross-ref erences to other
Example text Emphasized words or phrases in Example
body text, titles of graphics and
EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the Note
sy stem. These include report
names, program names,
transaction codes, table names,
and indiv idual key words of a
programming language, when
surrounded by body text, for
example, SELECT and
Example text Screen output. This includes f ile Recommendation
and directory names and their
paths, messages, names of
v ariables and parameters,
source code as well as names of
installation, upgrade and
database tools.
Example text Exact user entry . These are Sy ntax
words or characters that y ou
enter in the sy stem exactly as
they appear in the
<Example text> Variable user entry . Pointed
brackets indicate that you
replace these words and
characters with appropriate
EXAMPLE TEXT Key s on the key board, for
example, f unction keys (such as
F2) or the ENTER key .

2 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015


Overview........................................................................................ 4

1 Introduction ......................................................................... 5

2 Architecture of the SLD-DS ................................................... 6

3 Installation ........................................................................... 8
3.1 Install SLDREG - executable.......................................................................8
3.2 Deploy the SLD-DS application ..................................................................8
3.3 Configure the SLD DS application.......................................................... 10
3.3.1 Configuration of the SLD-DS .................................................................. 10
3.4 Start the SLD-DS application ................................................................... 14

4 Basic administration with SLD-DS Web UI ........................... 15

5 SAP SLD model for Apache Tomcat..................................... 17

5.1 Landscape topology data ......................................................................... 17
5.2 Software component information ........................................................... 18
5.3 Example SLD registration for Apache Tomcat .................................... 19
5.4 Software component discovery.............................................................. 19
5.4.1 SAP metadata XML file ............................................................................ 19
5.4.2 Structure of the SAP meta-data XML file ............................................... 20

6 Limitations ......................................................................... 22

6.1 Secured Apache Tomcat Server ............................................... 22

7 Troubleshooting ................................................................. 23
7.1 Version of the SLD-DS application ......................................................... 23
7.2 Logging and Tracing.................................................................................. 23
7.3 Known issues.............................................................................................. 26

8 Additional information ........................................................ 28

3 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015


This document describes the SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat. An up-to-date version of this
document is attached to the SAP note 1508421.

This guide corresponds to the SLD-DS as of v ersion 20.01.28 and above.

4 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

1 Introduction
A sy stem landscape consists of a number of hardware and sof tware components that depend on each
other with regard to installation, sof tware updates, upgrades, and demands on interfaces. The Sy stem
Landscape Directory (SLD) is a central repository of system landscape information for your system
landscape. Please see serv ice.sap.com/sld for more information.

A SLD data supplier enables an application sy stem to deliver up-to-date landscape information to the

The SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat is a Web application that periodically reports landscape
inf ormation to the configured SAP SLD sy stem.

SLD –DS f or Apache Tomcat is av ailable f or following Tomcat versions:

· Apache Tomcat 5.5
· Apache Tomcat 6.0
· Apache Tomcat 7.0 (since 7.10.20)
· Apache Tomcat 8.0 (since
· Apache Tomcat 8.5 (since
· Apache Tomcat 9.0 (since

Note since 20.01.28 SLD Data Supplier reports Apache Tomcat 8.5 and 9.0 as corresponding Sof tware
Component Versions 8.5 and 9.0. Th def ault f allback approach implemented with the prev ious version
(reporting 8.5 and 9.0 as 8.0) is no longer used.

5 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

2 Architecture of the SLD-DS
SLD-DS f or Apache Tomcat is a WEB application which has to be deploy ed on the Tomcat serv er. The
SLD-DS application does not require an installer. Use the Tomcat’s Manager application f or the
deploy ment.

The ov erall SLD data collection process consists of several steps. The SLD Data Supplier uses JMX to
collect Tomcat’s configuration and software component data. The collection’s outcome is a SLD payload
XML f ile which is created on disk in the specif ied in the conf iguration directory. The last process step is
to send the created SLD pay load f ile to the specified SLD. The SLD Data Supplier establishes the
communication to SLD using a separate component – the SLDREG executable which has to be installed
and conf igured on the Tomcat host prior to the SLD-DS execution.

The SLDREG executable is a widely used nativ e SAP component which is delivered, for example, with
SAP Host Agent. SLDREG does not require much setup; only the connectivity to the SLD has to be
conf igured.

To store the conf iguration settings the SLD - DS application uses a simple Java properties file. There
are sev eral methods to specify which conf iguration properties file the SLD-DS application shall use. See
chapter “Conf iguration of SLD-DS application” for more details.

To send the conf iguration data to SLD periodically the SLD-DS application uses the Java 1.5 Thread
API as the scheduler serv ice. According to the specified in the configuration properties file settings the
application creates at startup a SLD-DS ‘inv oker’ timer which calls periodically the SLD-DS application.

6 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

The main goal of the SLD-DS application is to report data to the SLD automatically. The SLD –DS
application prov ides howev er a simple administrative Web UI with which y ou can manually invoke the
SLD-DS. The Web UI supports f ollowing administrative actions:
· Display the configuration
· Schedule periodic SLD-DS inv ocations
· Start SLD-DS manually

When inv oked manually with the Web UI the SLD – DS application alway s updates its configuration from
the conf iguration properties file. However, the scheduled SLD-DS background job does not reload the
conf iguration but uses the settings provided at the time when it has been scheduled.

7 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

3 Installation
To install the SLD Data Supplier deploy the TomcatSLDDataSupplier WEB application.

The installation procedure comprise f ollowing installation and configuration steps.

1. Install and conf igure SLDREG on the Tomcat host

2. Deploy the SLD-DS application (Tomcat SLD-DS WEB application’s WAR file).
3. Create an appropriate conf iguration property file and put it into the SLD-DS application deployment
f older.
4. Start the SLD-DS application

3.1 Install SLDREG - executable

An SLDREG executable has to be installed and conf igured on the Tomcat host. SLDREG is a widely
used component deliv ered with almost each SAP installation. For example, you should find a SLDREG
inside the SAP Host Agent component’s exe folder.

To conf igure SLDREG create appropriate .CFG and .KEY files to be used to establish a connection to
the SLD. The path to the SLDREG executable and to the .CFG f iles have to be specified in the SLD –DS
conf iguration properties file like follows.

Make sure that SLDREG setup is v alid for the user on behalf on which Tomcat runs.

Please see SAP Note 1018839 “Registering in the Sy stem Landscape Directory using SLDREG”->
“Conf iguration f or SLDREG” for more details. See also SAP Note 1382650 f or some common setup

3.2 Deploy the SLD-DS application

8 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

Download and deploy Tomcat SLD-DS WEB application’s WAR file.

The WAR f ile is attached to the SAP Note 1508421.

To deploy the .war f ile use, f or example, the default Tomcat Manager administration UI application.

1. Open the Tomcat Manager application


2. Enter path to the in SLD DS .war f ile in the “WAR f ile to deploy ” dialog and deploy the application.

3. Tomcat SLD-DS application should appear in the list of deploy ed application

9 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

3.3 Configure the SLD DS application
The SLD- DS application uses a simple Jav a properties file to store the configuration settings. By default
the SLD-DS application looks f or the sldDataSupplier.properties file within the Web application
deploy ment f older (the WebContent):

A sample conf iguration properties file sldDataSupplier.properties.template is prov ided as a

ref erence with the application’s .war archiv e.

Create an appropriate conf iguration property file and store it into the SLD-DS application deployment
f older.
1. Locate to the SLD-DS deploy ment folder – typically the webapps sub directory under Tomcat’s
installation f older
2. Copy the sldDataSupplier.properties.template f ile to the
3. Make changes as appropriate.

3.3.1 Configuration of the SLD-DS

The conf iguration parameters are specified in the f ollowing f ormat:
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.<PARAMETER NAME> = <PARAMETER VALUE>

All av ailable parameters used by the SLD-DS application are listed in the table below.

Def ault v alues are av ailable for most parameters .Parameters with a def ault value are marked with an ‘o’
(optional). Parameters without a def ault v alue are marked with the ‘m’ (mandatory) character.
m – Mandatory parameters
o – Optional parameters

Main configuration settings

Property Description Default
o If true, SLD-DS won’t false
perf orm any actions

o JVM’s
The directory to store
WORKING_DIR user.dir,
created SLD pay load f iles

o Pref ix f or created SLD data sldds

f iles

o If true, a timestamp will be false

SLD_FILE_NAME_USE_TIMESTAMP added to the created SLD
f ile

o If true, no application f alse

be collected

10 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

1. Do not use the Windows- like backslashes; use the Unix-like forward slashes only. For
example, ev en on Windows conv ert all backslashes “ \” in the working directory path to “/”
conv ert c:\tmp\TomcatSLDDS\work to c:/tmp/TomcatSLDDS/work
2. Av oid blank characters in the working directory path. Blanks may prevent SLD-DS
application f rom working correctly.
3. If no v alue is specified for the WORKING_DIR parameter, the SLD-DS will use the JVM’s
user.dir f older as the working directory . Note however, that on some Windows OS, the
user.dir may contain a blank character (may be set to c:\Program Files). The
SLDREG command may not be able to run properly in that case. Please provide a working
directory v alue without blank characters instead.

SLD com m unication settings

Property Description Default

o If true, the SLD-XML is false
created, but not sent to SLD

m The command to call the -

SLDREG executable in
SLDREG_CMD order to send the SLD
pay load XML f ile to SLD.

m The path to the SLDREG -


m The path to the SLDREG -

SLDREG_CONFIG_FILE_PATH conf iguration f ile to be used
f or SLD communication

SLD DS uses the SLDREG executable to send the data to the SLD. There are two way s to conf igure
SLD-DS application f or this task.

a) Specif y a ‘f ull’ OS command to be inv oked for SLD data sending under SLDREG_CMD parameter.
The command must contain a ‘placeholder’ expression ${WSSLD_FILE} for the SLD payload file name
which will be replaced at runtime with the real f ile path.
For example
SLDREG_CMD=/usr/sap/hostcontrol/exe/sldreg -connectfile /tmp/sld.cfg
-file ${WSSLD_FILE}
b) Specif y the path to the SLDREG executable and the path to the SLDREG configuration file path. For

1. Please use either option (a) or (b) but do not specif y both parameters.
2. On some Windows OS, if the path to the SLDREG executable contains a blank (for
example, if y ou are using the SLDREG from SAP Host Agent installed in the c:
/Program Files/SAP/hostcontrol directory ), the SLDREG_CMD (option a)
cannot be used. Use SLDREG_PATH and SLDREG_CONFIG_FILE_PATH parameters
(option b) instead.

Scheduler configuration settings

11 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

Property Description Default

o If true, the SLD-DS can be false

SLD_SCHEDULER_DISABLED inv oked only manually via
Web UI

o Time (in msec) to wait 300000 (5

SLD_SCHEDULER_INITIAL_INTEVAL bef ore the f irst SLD Data min)
Supplier run

o The time between SLD Data 43200000

SLD_SCHEDULER_INTERVAL Supplier runs or -1 to disable (12 hour)

Advanced configuration settings

The VERBOSE_LEVEL is used to “f ine tune” diagnostics log of the SLD-DS application. This parameter
and the log conf iguration in the logging.properties f ile control logging behav ior of the SLD-DS

Possible v alues f or the VERBOSE_LEVEL parameter are

· 3 - v erbose lev el, default value
· 4 - diagnostic lev el (internal processing and collected SLD data logged)
· 5 - debug lev el (SLD data XML-dump and SLDREG command output logged)
· 6 - maximal v erbose level (XML parser logs)

See the chapter 7.2 “Logging and Tracing” in the troubleshooting section of the document for more

With the SY STEM_ID parameter y ou can assign the (extended) SID to the Apache Tomcat Server
sy stem. The v alue will be used as the sy stem’s SID in SAP Solution Manager. Note the specif ied value
might be rejected by the SAP Solution Manager, if , f or example, the value is already used for another
Tomcat sy stem. This value has to be set bef ore the first SLDDS run. It is not possible to change the SID
of an existing Tomcat system with SLD-DS application. Y ou can, howev er, change the SID with the
Sy stem Maintenance UI in the SAP Solution Manager.

The SY STEM_ID may contain uppercase characters, numbers and the “_” character only. The
f irst character must be a literal and the length must not exceed 8.

The optional logical host name. If specified, overwrites the physical host name collected by the SLD-DS
f rom the OS.

If no shutdown port is specif ied in the Tomcat’s server.xml, the optional SHUTDOWN_PORT value can
be prov ided in the SLD-DS conf iguration f ile. The setting does not overwrite the Tomcat’s configuration

12 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

v alue, howev er

If SLD-DS is not able to f ind Tomcat’s version information, the optional SERVER_INFO value can be
specif ied in the SLD-DS configuration. The setting does not ov erwrite the Tomcat’s configuration value,
howev er. See also the chapter 6.1 “Secured Apache Tomcat Serv er” f or more details.

An example of configuration properties file

# Controls collection of data from WebSphere Application Server.
# If IS_DISABLED = false, the SLD - DS will stop immediately after it gets
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.IS_DISABLED = false

# the directory to store created SLD-XML files.

# the default value is the JVM's user.home or user.dir property
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.WORKING_DIR= /tmp/TomcatSLDDS/work

# prefix for SLD payload XML files created by the SLD-DS

# the default value is sldds
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.SLD_FILE_NAME_PREFIX= atcsld
# if true, a timestamp string in the yyMMdd_HHmmss_SSS format will be added
to the name of the SLD payload XML file.
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.SLD_FILE_NAME_USE_TIMESTAMP = true

# SLD_TRANSPORT_DISABLED=true, means the SLD paylod XML file will be created,

# but not sent to SLD.

# Path and config file to send SLD content file to SLD using the executable
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.SLDREG_CONFIG_FILE_PATH= /tmp/slddest.cfg

#SLD_SCHEDULER_DISABLED = true means the data collection will not be

#performed automatically.
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.SLD_SCHEDULER_DISABLED = false

# The initial interval for which SLD DS will wait before the first run.
# The interval between two SLD-DS invocations.
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.SLD_SCHEDULER_INTERVAL= 21600000

Location of the configuration properties file

There are two methods to prov ide the conf iguration properties file to the SLD-DS application.

13 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

1. (Default) sldDataSupplier.properties in the WebContent folder
By def ault the SLD-DS application loads the configuration from the sldDataSupplier.properties file that is
located in the application’s Web module (in the WebContent f older).


2. (Advanced) Dynam ic specification w ith URL parameter

When starting the SLD-DS application with the Administrative Web UI it is possible to pass in the URL to
the conf iguration properties file as a request parameter. To do so, include f ollowing parameter to the


Note that the dy namically provided configuration will be ov erwritten by application/server restart.

3.4 Start the SLD-DS application

The last installation step is to start the SLD- DS application.

Open the Tomcat Manager application and start the Tomcat SLD-DS WEB application

14 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

4 Basic administration with SLD-DS Web UI
The SLD –DS application has a simple administrative Web U which supports following administrative
· Display used SLD-DS configuration
· Display , schedule or cancel background SLD data collection.
· Manual SLD data collection.
· Display the help page

The Web UI can be inv oked v ia following URL:


For example:

Inv oke f ollowing URL for more information


Manual SLD data collection

To trigger SLD Data Supplier manually inv oke the URL above in browser. The SLD Data Supplier
application will collect and send the data to SLD, and display the SLD pay load XML in the browser.

For example,

Display used SLD-DS configuration

To display the current configuration used by the SLD Data Supplier invoke the application via following

15 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

Note that this action displays the content of the configuration properties file only. The def ault
v alues which SLD-DS uses f or attributes which are not specif ied in the configuration properties
f ile explicitly are not shown.

Display scheduled background SLD-DS runs

To display the currently scheduled runs of the SLD-DS applications, invoke the application via following

Schedule background SLD-DS runs

To reschedule background SLD- DS runs (f or example, after a change in the conf iguration) invoke the
application v ia f ollowing URL:

Cancel all scheduled SLD-DS runs

To cancel all scheduled background SLD-DS runs inv oke the application via following URL:

16 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

5 SAP SLD model for Apache Tomcat
SLD Data Supplier collects two categories of information about the landscape:
· The topology data: servers existing in the landscape and their configurations parameters
(technical components)
· The sof tware component information: software components installed in the landscape
o Serv er sof tware components for the Apache Tomcat.
o Application sof tware components for deploy ed (enterprise) applications providing a
metadata – description f ile(s).

5.1 Landscape topology data

The SLD Data Supplier reports f ollowing Apache Tomcat landscape objects to SLD:
Apache Tomcat Serv er

In the SLD f or each new Apache Tomcat serv er object an instance of the SAP_ATCServ er class is

SLD-DS application collects following conf iguration parameters:

Object Property Description

Serv er Port “port” attribute in the serv er.xml

Serv er Installation path C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat6\

Serv er Platf orm OS The installed on host OS e.g. Windows or UNIX.

Host Host name Name of the host where the serv er is running

Host FQDN FQDN host name

17 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

SLD-DS f or Tomcat does not report the OS or hardware parameters (such as OS v ersion or
RAM). To enrich the reported by SLD-DS SAP_ComputerSystem instance with hardware/OS
details run the SLD –DS of the SAPOSCOL component.

5.2 Software component information

To complete sy stem landscape in SLD the topology objects (technical components) needs to be
surrounded by the inf ormation about the software installed on the Tomcat server (software components).

Sof tware components are def ined in the Product and Production Management Sy stem (PPMS). PPMS
is the central knowledge repository f or technical information on SAP’s software landscape. From PPMS
the sof tware descriptions are exported to the SLD as part of the component repository.

For the installed sof tware SLD Data Supplier reports Product, Software Component and Sof tware
Feature objects to SLD. SLD Data Supplier reports server-related software inf ormation (e.g. Tomcat
serv er v ersion) as well as f or installed application software.

Furthermore the SLD-DS application can also report support package and build number to the SLD.

18 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

5.3 Example SLD registration for Apache
Outcome of the SLD registration for Apache Tomcat 6.0 with BOE XI 4.0 deploy ed

5.4 Software component discovery

Besides the landscape and serv er software component data the SLD Data Supplier also collects
inf ormation about application software deploy ed on the Apache Tomcat Server.

5.4.1 SAP metadata XML file

SLD Data Supplier can automatically discover and report deploy ed WEB application to SLD. To be
f ound by the SLD-DS an application has to be deliv ered with a SAP “metadata” XML f ile which describes
implemented by the application software component(s). SLD-DS searches for all deploy ed WEB
applications and tries to f ind a SAP “metadata” XML within application’s “installation”. If such ‘metadata’
XML f ile is f ound, corresponding software /product components are reported to SLD.

The metadata XML f ile has to be placed into the META-INF f older of the application’s WAR file.

The name of a meta-data XML f ile either has to be either ‘SAP_metadata.xml’ or to end with
‘SAP_metadata.xml’ string. For example, f ollowing file names are valid and will be f ound by the SLD-DS:
SAP_metadata.xml, myComponent_SAP_metadata.xml, _SAP_metadata.xml
Following f ile names are NOT v alid and will not be f ound by the SLD-DS:
SAP_meta_data.xml, SAP_metadata.txt, SAP_metadata_myComponent.xml

It is allowed to use multiple meta-data XML f iles.

19 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

5.4.2 Structure of the SAP meta-data XML file
Application’s SAP metada XML f ile specif ies the Product (Version), Software Component (Version) and
Product Instance as they are def ined in the PPMS f or the application. The structure of the SAP meta-
data f ile is aligned to the object model in PPMS.

Product and Sof tware Component are the top lev el metadata entities. Product may have one or several
Instances and Product Versions. A Binding entity specifies the relationship between Product/Software
Component Version and Product Instance.

PPMS object/XML tag Description
Product Customer oriented view on SAP's software. A product
is a deliverable unit which customers can view, install
and renew.
Vendor The name of the software vendor; must be “sap.com".
Instance Group of technically dependent Software Component
Versions which have to be installed and operated on
a single logical system/server.
ProductVersion The release of a product. A „bundle“ of software
component versions made available at the same time
for implementing a well-defined scope of functionality.

Software Component
PPMS object/XML tag Description
SoftwareComponent Technical view on SAP’s software
SoftwareComponentVersion Version or release of a software component. A
(Software) Component Version indicates the release
of a Software Component. It is a technically
distinguishable unit of software and is installed and
patched as a whole
Vendor The name of the software vendor; must be “sap.com".
SupportPackage Support package of the Software Component Version

PPMS object/XML tag Description

Binding Relationship between ProductVersion, SoftwareVersion

and Instance
ProductVersionPPMS_ID The PPMS Id attribute of the ProductVersion
ComponentVersionPPMS_ID The PPMS Id attribute of the ComponentVersion
InstanceKey The Instance Key attribute of the Instance

See also f or more details


Sample meta-data XML f ile:

20 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

21 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015
6 Limitations
6.1 Secured Apache Tomcat Server
Tomcat is conf igured to be reasonably secure for most use cases by default. Some environments may
require more, or less, secure configurations. There are dif ferent configuration options considered when
assessing the security of a Tomcat installation.

Hidden Tom cat version information

By def ault, Tomcat includes the version number in the response sent to clients. One of the possible
approaches to hide the v ersion inf ormation is to change or even to remove completely the version
number f rom the Tomcat configuration.

SLD Data Suppliers reads the Tomcat v ersion and the reports it to the SAP SLD as the Sof tware
Component and the Product Version. Without the version number in the Tomcat configuration the SLD
Data Supplier won’t be able to report the v ersion inf ormation and the data will be missing in the SAP
Solution Manager. The v ersion number must contain the Tomcat’s release number.

For example:
Apache Tomcat/7.0
The Tomcat’s patch number is not used and can be hidden, if required.

If no Tomcat v ersion can be detected, the value can be specified with the configuration parameter

com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.SERVER_INFO= <server version>

For example,

com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.SERVER_INFO= 8.0

22 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

7 Troubleshooting

7.1 Version of the SLD-DS application

In case of any issues please provide the internal build number of the SLD-DS applications. The build
number of the SLD-DS application can be f ound in both SLD-DS log f ile and the generated SLD pay load
XML f ile.

7.2 Logging and Tracing

The SLD-DS reports important status messages to the Tomcat server’s log file. In addition SLD-DS
application logs out more detailed messages into separate SLD-DS trace file (sld-trace.log).

The SLD Data Supplier application uses Tomcat’s built-in logging inf rastructure for logging. Tomcat can
utilize sev eral libraries f or logging like java.util.logging, Log4J and Apache’s implementation JULI.
Logging also depends on the underly ing JVM/OS.

The library which Tomcat uses f or logging is specified by the JVM system properties
“jav a.util.logging.manager” and “jav a.util.logging.config.file”. Tomcat’s logging configuration depends on
the used logging library .

Make sure that Tomcat logging is conf igured properly . Check whether the JVM sy stem properties
“jav a.util.logging.manager” and “jav a.util.logging.config.file” are specified. For example:

By def ault Tomcat uses Apache logging (JULI) subsystem. The Tomcat’s JULI logging is conf igured in
the logging.properties f ile located in the Tomcat’s conf directory.

The SLD-DS logging is conf igured in its own logging.properties f ile. The f ile is located in the SLD-DS in
the WEB-INF/classes folder in the application's deployment directory, typically in the
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/sap.com~TomcatSLDDataSupplierWEB/ WEB-INF/classes
f older.

Depending on the used logging library and JVM/OS SLD Data Supplier application reports into Tomcat’s
serv er log (like catalina.log) or/and create separate (rolling) log f ile sldds-trace.log.

The SLD-DS application prov ides sample logging configuration properties file logging.properties. This
conf iguration is created for the default Tomcat’s logging JULI.

23 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

Log messages with the lev el up to INFO are typically reported to both Tomcat’s server log and SLD-DS
own log f ile (sldds-trace.log). Log messages with the log lev el equal or greater than FINE are reported to
the SLD-DS own trace f ile only .

By def ault all log lev els are allowed f or all SLD-DS classes - the def ault logging.properties file sets the
log lev el to ALL f or the root SLD-DS package:

In addition, SLD-DS logging is controlled by the SLD-DS parameter VERBOSE_LEVEL in the

conf iguration properties file. Possible values for the VERBOSE_LEVEL parameter are
· 3 - v erbose logs, def ault value
· 4 - diagnostic log (internal processing status and collected SLD data logged)
· 5 - debug lev el (SLD data XML-dump and SLDREG command output logged)
· 6 – “ev ery thing logged” level (XML parser logs)

The v erbose lev el values corresponds to different Java log levels

· 3 - log lev el FINE
· 4 – log lev el FINER
· 5 – log lev el FINEST
· 6 – log lev el FINEST

So y ou hav e to way s to control SLD-DS logging: with the log lev el in the logging.properties f ile and with
VERBOSE_LEVEL in the conf iguration properties file. If you set the log level in the log
logging.properties f ile to INFO
, only inf ormation but no detailed (FINE) log messages will be reported to the SLD-DS trace f ile. Y ou can
keep the ALL log lev el in the logging.properties f ile and “tune” the amount of log messages issued by the
SLD-DS application with the SLD-DS settings.

It is recommend to set the log lev el ALL and the VERBOSE_LEVEL parameter to 3. These are the
def ault settings.

For troubleshooting set the VERBOSE_LEVEL parameter in the SLD-DS conf iguration file to 4
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.VERBOSE_LEVEL = 4

To analy ze issues with SLDREG the v erbose level 5 may help

com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.VERBOSE_LEVEL = 5
The v erbose lev el 6 produces far too much logs and usually not needed.

An example of a ty pical SLD-DS log message sequence is listed below:

(ATLD DS0 020 0) Tom cat SLD Dat aSu ppli erS erv let .do Ser vic e() ST ART ED
(ATL DDS 002 50) To mca tSL DDa taS upp lie rSe rvl et inv oke ac tio n d oSL DDa taS upp lie r()
(ATL DDS 002 00) [To mca tSL DDa taS upp lie rSe rvl et] : l oad SL D c onf igu rat ion fr om src nu mbe r
[url Con fig ,2]
[Tom cat Man age men tSe rvi ceI nit ial ize r] Ini tia liz ing To mca t J MX API ob jec ts
(ATL DDS 013 00) st art co lle cti ng tom cat co nfi gur ati on
(ATL DDS 013 10) Cr eat ed Tom cat Con fig ura tio n o bje ct Tom cat Con fig ura tio n{ tom cat = Tom cat { s erv ers =
1 } }
(ATL DDS 013 99) [T omc atS LDD ata Sup pli erS erv ice Imp l] fin ish ed col lec t T omc atC onf igu rat ion
[Tom cat Con fig ura tio n{ tom cat = Tom cat { s erv ers = 1 } }]

24 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

(ATL DDS 014 95) [T omc atA ppl ica tio nSo ftw are Com pon ent Col lec tor Imp l] res ult li st con tai ns : [ 2]
appl ica tio n T omc atP rod uct Sof twa reC omp one nDe plo yme nt obj ect s
(ATL DDS 025 49) [To mca tSe rve rSo ftw are Com pon ent Col lec tor Imp l] res ult li st con tai ns : [ 1] ser ver
Tomc atP rod uct Sof twa reC omp one nDe plo yme nt obj ect s
(ATL DDS 014 90) [ Tom cat Sof twa reC omp one ntC oll ect orS erv ice Imp l] res ult
List <To mca tPr odu ctS oft war eCo mpo nen Dep loy men t> con tai ns : [ 2] app lic ati on ob jec ts an d [ 1]
Tomc at ser ver ob jec ts
(ATL DDS 014 95) got [3 ] e nha nce d P rod uct Sof twa reD epl oym ent ob jec ts
(ATL DDS 014 99) [T omc atS LDD ata Sup pli erS erv ice Imp l] got [P rod uct Sof twa reC omp one ntD epl oym ent s{3 }]
Prod uct Sof twa reD epl oym ent ob jec ts
(ATL DDS 004 20) [c om. sap .su p.a dmi n.s lds upp lie r.t omc at. fac ade .SD LDa taS upp lie rTa sk@ 260 829 ] S TAR T
tran spo rt to SLD
(SLD DS. TRP .ST ART ) [ SLD Tra nsp ort er] Tr ans por t t o S LD wit h s ldr eg com man d ( exr w) [C: /Pr ogr am
File s/S AP/ sld reg .ex e - con nec tfi le C:/ Pro gra m F ile s/S AP/ hos tct rl/ st7 .cf g - fil e
c:/t mp/ Tom cat SLD DS/ wor k\t csl d_7 13_ 100 917 _13 441 5_3 44. xml ]
(SLD DS. TRP .FI NIS H) [SL DTr ans por ter ] t ran spo rt to SLD fi nis hed . S UCC ESS = tru e
(ATL DDS 004 26) [c om. sap .su p.a dmi n.s lds upp lie r.t omc at. fac ade .SD LDa taS upp lie rTa sk@ 260 829 ] SLD
coll ect ta sk OK
[Tom cat Man age men tSe rvi ceI nit ial ize r] Des tro yin g T omc at JMX AP I o bje cts
(ATL DDS 002 99) To mca tSL DDa taS upp lie rSe rvl et. doS erv ice () FIN ISH ED

25 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

7.3 Known issues
Issues with SLDREG
SLD-DS analy ze the response f rom the SLDREG and detects whether the transport to SLD was
successful. The status is logged out to the serv er log file with ‘SUCCESS = true’ or ‘SUCCESS = f alse’
messages. For example,

(SLDDS.TRP.START) [SLDTransporter] Transport to SLD with sldreg command (exrw) [C:/tmp/SLDReg/sldreg.exe -

connectfile "C:/tmp/SLDReg/sld.cfg" -file
(SLDDS.TRP.FINISH) [SLDTransporter] transport to SLD finished. SUCCESS = true

SUCCESS=f alse is typically caused by one of the following problems

· SLDREG is not conf igured properly e.g.no .config file has been created.
· Tomcat user cannot inv oke SLDREG due to a permission (e.g. Tomcat user may not access
SLDREG directory ) or env ironmental issues (e.g. SLDREG libraries not loaded properly for the
Tomcat user).
· The path to the SLDREG contains a blank character (on Windows in C:\Documents and
Settings) and the SLDREG_CMD parameter is used in the SLD-DS conf iguration f ile). Use the
combination SLDREG_PATH and SLDREG_CONFIG_FILE_PATH instead.
· The path to the working directory contains a blank character (on Windows in C:\Documents and
Settings). Specify WORKING_DIR without a blank.

To analy ze SLDREG issues set the VERBOSE_LEVEL parameter in the SLD-DS configuration file to 5
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.VERBOSE_LEVEL = 5
and set the log lev el in the logging.properties f ile to FINEST (all).
com.sap.sup.admin.sldsupplier.level.* = ALL

SLD-DS will report the SLDREG command it used and detailed inf ormation about the SLDREG process
execution and log out the output of SLDREG command to the SLD-DS trace file. For example:

FINE ST: Th u N ov 15 13: 47: 36 201 2 S LD Reg ist rat ion Pr ogr am [7. 20. 4] (A pr 12 201 1) [No n-U nic ode ]
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Usi ng XML
'C:/ APA CHE /To mca t/T omc at7 .0. 33/ tem p/S LDD S/w ork \tc sld _12 111 5_1 347 36_ 347 .xm l' dat a i npu t f ile
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Par sin g X ML doc ume nt.
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Sup pli er Nam e: ATC App lic ati onS yst em
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Sup pli er Ver sio n: 1.2
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Sup pli er Ven dor : s ap. com
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 CIM Mo del Ve rsi on: 1. 6.1 0
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Usi ng des tin ati on fil e
'C:/ APA CHE /To mca t/T omc at7 .0. 33/ tem p/S LDD S/s lds olm an. cfg '.
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Use bi nar y k ey fil e
'C:/ APA CHE /To mca t/T omc at7 .0. 33/ tem p/S LDD S/s lds olm an. cfg .ke y' for da ta dec ryp tio n
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Use en cry ted de sti nat ion fi le
'C:/ APA CHE /To mca t/T omc at7 .0. 33/ tem p/S LDD S/s lds olm an. cfg ' a s d ata so urc e
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 HTT P t rac e: fal se
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Dat a t rac e: fal se
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Usi ng des tin ati on fil e
'C:/ APA CHE /To mca t/T omc at7 .0. 33/ tem p/S LDD S/s lds olm an. cfg '.
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Use bi nar y k ey fil e
'C:/ APA CHE /To mca t/T omc at7 .0. 33/ tem p/S LDD S/s lds olm an. cfg .ke y' for da ta dec ryp tio n
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Use en cry ted de sti nat ion fi le
'C:/ APA CHE /To mca t/T omc at7 .0. 33/ tem p/S LDD S/s lds olm an. cfg ' a s d ata so urc e
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 *** St art SL D R egi str ati on ***
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 HTT P o pen ti meo ut = 420 se c
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 HTT P s end ti meo ut = 420 se c

26 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 HTT P r esp ons e t ime out = 420 se c
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Use d U RL: ht tp: //s lds olm an. wdf .sa p.c orp :50 100 /sl d/d s
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 HTT P o pen st atu s: tru e - NI RC =1
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 HTT P s end su cce ssf ul.
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Ret urn co de: 20 0 - -- Ret urn me ssa ge: (O K)
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 HTT P r esp ons e: Suc ces s. HTT P s tat us cod e: 200
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 *** En d S LD Reg ist rat ion ** *
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *
Thu Nov 15 13 :47 :36 20 12 Dat a s end st atu s: tru e

Nov 15, 20 12 1:4 7:3 6 P M c om. sap .su p.a dmi n.s lds upp lie r.s ldr eg. SLD Tra nsp ort er exe cSL DRe g
FINE ST: Ex ecu ted SL DRe g c omm and er ror st rea m:

To troubleshot SLDREG problems log on with the Tomcat user, copy & paste the SLDREG command
f rom the SLD-DS trace and apply it manually.

Issues with BOE on Tom cat 7

Due to issues with BOE 4.0 SP5 deploy ment on Tomcat 7 SLD-DS application may not collect and
report BOE applications properly . Follow recommendations in the SAP Note

27 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

8 Additional information
URL Title
http://service.sap.com/notes SAP Note 1508421
http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/nw-sld System Landscape Directory on SDN
http://service.sap.com/notes SAP Note 1018839
http://service.sap.com/notes SAP Note 1382650

28 SAP SLD Data Supplier f or Apache Tomcat April 2015

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