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Submitted By: judges Library (Punjab And Haryana high court)
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Shambhu Ram Yadav v. Hanuman Das Khatry, (SC) Law Finder Doc Id # 10954
2001(3) S.C.T. 1021 : 2001 AIR (SC) 2509 : 2001(1) CurLJ 660 : 2001(6) SCC 1 : 2001(4) Scale 540 : 2001(5) JT 618 :
2001 SCC(Cri) 949 : 2001(Sup1) SCR 29 : 2001(4) CompL.J. 1 : 2001(44) ALR 757 : 2001(3) APLJ 56 : 2001 AIR (SCW)
2716 : 2001(5) Supreme 268 : 2001(3) GujLH 149 : 2001(3) All WC 2355 : 2002(1) M.L.W. 535 : 2001(6) ALT 13 :
2001(2) OriLR 322 : 2001(sup) ACrC 647 : 2001(3) KLT 63 : 2001(3) ECrC 39 : 2001 W.L.C. 595 : 2001(5) Andh LD 2 :
2001(3) UPLBEC 1960 : 2001(1) Apex Court Journal 694 : 2001(4) CivilLJ 90 : 2001(5) SLT 456 : 2001(3) B.L.Jud. 638 :
2001(2) Ori. Law Rev. 322 : 2001(2) M.P.W.N. 174
Before :- K.T. Thomas and Y.K. Sabharwal, JJ.
Civil Appeal No. 6768 of 2000. D/d. 26.7.2001
Shambhu Ram Yadav - Appellant
Hanuman Das Khatry - Respondent
For the Appellant :- Mr. Ashok Mathur, Advocate.
For the Respondent :- Mr. B.D. Sharma, Mr. Vidya Sagar K., Mr. N. Vyas and Ms. Deep Shikha Bharathi, Advocates.
A. Advocates Act, 1961, Section 35 - Legal profession - Duties of the Bar Councils - Members of the legal profession
are officers of the Court - Honesty is the credibility and reputation of the legal profession - Those in legal profession
have to display a clean and honest conduct towards the public and the Court to strengthen the faith of people in the
legal system - The Bar Council vested with a legal authority to supervise the conduct of the members of legal
profession have graet responsibility to discharge its duties in a manner the credibility of the profession and legal
system is advanced.
Legal profession is not a trade or business. It is a noble profession. Members belonging to this profession have not to encourage
dishonesty and corruption but have to strive to secure justice to their clients if it is legally possible. The credibility and
reputation of the profession depends upon the manner in which the members of the profession conduct themselves. There is
heavy responsibility on those on whom duty has been vested under the Advocates Act, 1961 to take disciplinary action when
the credibility and reputation of the profession comes under a clout on account of acts of omission and commission by any
member of the profession.
The respondent was indeed guilty of a serious misconduct by writing to his client the letter as aforesaid. Members of the legal
profession are officers of the court. Besides court, they also owe a duty to the society which has a vital public interest in the
due administration of justice. The said public interest is required to be protected by those on whom the power has been
entrusted to take disciplinary action. The disciplinary bodies are guardians of the due administration of justice. They have
requisite power and father a duty while supervising the conduct of the members of the legal profession, to inflict appropriate
penalty when members are found to be guilty of misconduct. Considering the nature of the misconduct, the penalty of
permanent debarment had been imposed on the respondent which without any valid ground has been modified in exercise of
power of review. It is the duty of the bar councils to ensure that lawyers adhere to the required standards and on failure, to
take appropriate action against them. The credibility of a council including its disciplinary body in respect of any profession
whether it is law, medicine, accountancy or any other vocation depends upon how they deal with cases of delinquency
involving serious misconduct which has a tendency to erode the credibility and reputation of the said profession. The
punishment, of course, has to be commensurate with the gravity of the misconduct.
[Paras 1 and 8]
B. Advocates Act, 1961, Sections 34 and 44 - Review - Scope of - All the facts taken into consideration in the
impugned order by earlier Disciplinary Committee - Subsequent Committee modified the order on non-existent
grounds - Held, that exercise of power of review does not empower a Disciplinary Committee to modify the earlier
order passed by another Disciplinary Committee taking different view of the same set of facts - Order of review
[Paras 7 and 9]
Y.K. Sabharwal, J. - Legal profession is not a trade or business. It is a noble profession. Members belonging to this profession
have not to encourage dishonesty and corruption but have to strive to secure justice to their clients if it is legally possible. The
credibility and reputation of the profession depends upon the manner in which the members of the profession conduct
themselves. There is heavy responsibility on those on whom duty has been vested under the Advocates Act, 1961 to take
disciplinary action when the credibility and reputation of the profession comes under a clout on account of acts of omission and
commission by any member of the profession.
2. In this appeal while issuing notice this court had stayed till further orders the impugned order passed by the Disciplinary
Committee of the Bar Council of India. We admit the appeal and heard learned Counsel for the parties. On facts, there is not
Submitted By: judges Library (Punjab And Haryana high court)
PDF downloaded from the online archives of Chawla Publications(P) Ltd.

much dispute. The facts material for the decision of this appeal briefly are as follow :
3. A complaint filed by the appellant against the respondent, Advocate before Bar Council of Rajasthan was referred to
Disciplinary Committee constituted by the State Bar Council. In substance, the complaint was that respondent while appearing
as a counsel in a suit pending in a civil Court wrote a letter to Mahant Rajgiri his client inter alia stating that his another client
has told him that the concerned judge accepts bribe and he has obtained several favourable orders from him in his favour, if he
can influence the judge through some other gentleman, then it is different thing, otherwise he should send to him a sum of Rs.
10,000/- so that through the said client the suit is got decided in his (Mahant Rajgiri) favour. The letter further stated that if
Mahant can personally win over the judge on his side then there is no need to spend money. This letter is not disputed. In reply
to complaint, respondent pleaded that the service of the Presiding Judge were terminated on account of illegal gratification and
he had followed the norms of professional ethics and brought these facts to the knowledge of his client to protect his interest
and the money was not sent by his client to him. Under these circumstances it was urged that the respondent had not
committed any professional misconduct.
4. The State Bar Council noticing that the respondent had admitted the contents of the letter came to the conclusion that it
constitutes misconduct. In the order the State Bar Council stated that keeping in view the interest of the litigating public and
the legal profession such a practice whenever found has to be dealt with in an appropriate manner. Holding respondent guilty of
misconduct under Section 35 of the Advocates Act, State Bar Council suspended him from practice for a period of two years
with effect from 15th June, 1997.
5. The respondent challenged the aforesaid order before the Disciplinary Committee of Bar Council of India. By order dated 31st
July, 1999, the Disciplinary Committee of Bar Council of India comprising of three members enhanced the punishment and
directed that the name of the respondent be struck off from the roll of advocates, thus debarring him permanently from the
practice. The concluding paragraph of the order dated 31st July, 1999 reads thus :
"In the facts and circumstances of the case, we also heard the appellant as to the punishment since the advocate has
considerable standing in the profession. He has served as advocate for 50 years and it was not expected of him to
indulge in such a practice of corrupting the judiciary or offering bribe to the judge and he admittedly demanded Rs.
10,000/- from his client and he orally stated that subsequently order was passed in his client's favour. This is enough to
make him totally unfit to be a lawyer by writing the letter in question. We cannot impose any lesser punishment than
debarring him permanently from the practice. His name should be struck off from the roll of advocates maintained by the
Bar Council of Rajasthan. Hereafter the appellant will not have any right to appear in any Court of Law, Tribunal or any
authority. We also impose a cost of Rs. 5,000/- to the appellant which should be paid by the appellant to the Bar Council
of India which has to be paid within two months."
The respondent filed a review petition under Section 44 of the Advocates Act against the order dated 31st July, 1999. The
review petition was allowed and the earlier order modified by substituting the punishment already awarded permanently
debarring him with one of reprimanding him. The impugned order was passed by the Disciplinary Committee comprising of three
members of which two were not members of the earlier committee which had passed the order dated 31st July, 1999.
6. The review petition was allowed by the Disciplinary Committee for the reasons, which, in the words of the Committee, are
these :
(1) The Committee was under the impression as if it was the petitioner who had written a letter to his client calling him to
bribe the judge. But a perusal of the letter shows that the petitioner has simply given a reply to the query put by his
client regarding the conduct of the judge and as such it remained a fact that it was not a offer on the side of the
delinquent advocate to bribe a judge. This vital point which touches the root of the controversy seems to have been
ignored at the time of the passing the impugned order.
(2) The petitioner is an old man of 80 years. He had joined the profession in the year 1951 and during such a long innings
of his profession, it was for the first time that he conducted himself in such an irresponsible manner although he had no
intention to bribe.
(3) The Committee does not approve the writing of such a letter on the part of the lawyer to his client but keeping in
view the age and past clean record of the petitioner in the legal profession the Committee is of the view that it would not
be appropriate to remove the advocate permanently from the roll of advocates...... The Committee is of the considered
view that ends of justice would be met in case the petitioner is reprimanded for the omission he had committed. He is
warned by the Committee that he should not encourage such activities in life and he should be careful while
corresponding with his client.
In view of the aforesaid observations, the review petition is accepted and the earlier judgment of the Committee dated
31.7.1999 is modified to the extent and his suspension for life is revoked and he is only reprimanded."
7. We have perused the record. The original order has been reviewed on non-existent grounds. All the factors taken into
consideration in the impugned order were already on record and were considered by the Committee when it passed the order
dated 31st July, 1999. The power of review has not been exercised by applying well settled principles governing the exercise of
such power. It is evident that the reasons and facts on the basis whereof the order was reviewed had all been taken into
consideration by the earlier Committee. The relevant portion of the letter written by the advocate has been reproduced in the
earlier order. From that quotation it was evident that the said Committee noticed that the advocate was replying to letter
received from his client. It is not in dispute that the respondent had not produced the letter received by him from his client to
which the admitted letter was sent requiring his client to send Rs. 10,000/- for payment as bribe to the concerned judge. We
are unable to understand as to how the Committee came to the conclusion that any vital point in regard to the letter had been
ignored at the time of the passing of the order dated 31st July, 1999. The age and the number of years the advocate had put
in had also been noticed in the order dated 31st July, 1999. We do not know how the Committee has come to the conclusion
Submitted By: judges Library (Punjab And Haryana high court)
PDF downloaded from the online archives of Chawla Publications(P) Ltd.

that the respondent had no intention to bribe the judge. There is nothing on the record to suggest it. The earlier order had
taken into consideration all relevant factors for coming to the conclusion that the advocate was totally unfit to be a lawyer
having written such a letter and punishment lesser than debarring him permanently cannot be imposed. The exercise of power
of review does not empower a Disciplinary Committee to modify the earlier order passed by another Disciplinary Committee
taking a different view of the same set of facts.
8. The respondent was indeed guilty of a serious misconduct by writing to his client the letter as aforesaid. Members of the
legal profession are officers of the court. Besides court, they also owe a duty to the society which has a vital public interest in
the due administration of justice. The said public interest is required to be protected by those on whom the power has been
entrusted to take disciplinary action. The disciplinary bodies are guardians of the due administration of justice. They have
requisite power and rather a duty while supervising the conduct of the members of the legal profession, to inflict appropriate
penalty when members are found to be guilty of misconduct. Considering the nature of the misconduct, the penalty of
permanent debarment had been imposed on the respondent which without any valid ground has been modified in exercise of
power of review. It is the duty of the bar councils to ensure that lawyers adhere to the required standards and on failure, to
take appropriate action against them. The credibility of a council including its disciplinary body in respect of any profession
whether it is law, medicine, accountancy or any other vocation depends upon how they deal with cases of delinquency
involving serious misconduct which has a tendency to erode the credibility and reputation of the said profession. The
punishment, of course, has to be commensurate with the gravity of the misconduct.
9. In the present case, the earlier order considering all relevant aspects directed expulsion of respondent from profession which
order could not be lightly modified while deciding a review petition. It is evident that the earlier Committee, on consideration of
all relevant facts, came to the conclusion that the advocate was not worthy of remaining in the profession. The age factor and
the factor of number of years put in by the respondent were taken into consideration by the Committee when removal from the
roll of the State Council was directed. It is evident that the Bar Council considered that a high standard of morality is required
from lawyers more so from a person who has put in 50 years in profession. One expects from such a person a very high
standard of morality and unimpeachable sense of legal and ethical propriety. Since the Bar Councils under the Advocates Act
have been entrusted with the duty of guarding the professional ethics, they have to be more sensitive to the potential
disrepute on account of action of a few black sheeps which may shake the credibility of the profession and thereby put at
stake other members of the bar. Considering these factors, Bar Council had inflicted in its earlier order the condign penalty.
Under these circumstances, we have no hesitation in setting aside the impugned order dated 4th June, 2000 and restoring the
original order of Bar Council of India dated 31st July, 1999.
The appeal is thus allowed in the above terms with costs quantified at Rs. 10,000/-.
Appeal allowed.

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