Engineering Base Administrators - Guide
Engineering Base Administrators - Guide
Engineering Base Administrators - Guide
1 Administrating Engineering Base in a Network ...................... 1
1.1 Server Hardware Recommendations ..................................................... 1
1.2 Administrating User Accounts............................................................... 2
1.3 Firewalls ............................................................................................... 3
1.4 Local Security Policy Settings ............................................................... 5
1.5 Component Services ............................................................................. 8
1.6 Remote Access...................................................................................... 9
1.7 Where to Find Logfiles .......................................................................... 9
2 FlexNet................................................................................. 11
2.1 Define FlexNet as License Server during Setup ................................... 11
2.2 Using the FlexNet License Server........................................................ 13
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
Typically, with the installation of Engineering Base, a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
Standard is installed.
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
If a user is not registered in an Engineering Base user group for Windows, then
some features will not work correctly, like, for example, the export of worksheets to Ex-
cel and CSV. When starting Engineering Base, a message will be displayed.
If the server is a domain controller, with Windows 2003 SP2, for remote access to the
server, it is required to add all users from the local Engineering Base group also to the
Distributed COM Users group. Administrator rights on the server are required to add the
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
1.3 Firewalls
If you are using a firewall, exceptions for SQL Server and Engineering Base have to be
defined on the server computer and port TCP135 must be opened on the server and on
the client computers.
The following changes to the Windows Firewall are required in order to enable access to
the Engineering Base Server. During the installation of Engineering Base, these changes
are made automatically, however due to updates or patches to the operating system,
these changes might be reverted.
If you are using a different firewall, you need to make the changes accordingly. Adminis-
trator rights are required to make the changes.
Windows Firewall
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
4. Click Change Scope if you want to specify the set of computers where you want to
run Engineering Base and click OK.
5. Click OK to close the Add a Program dialog.
6. Repeat step 3 to 5 to add the following programs to the Exceptions:
C:\Program Files\Aucotec\Engineering Base 51\bin\AucApplServerRemote_V10.exe
C:\Program Files\Aucotec\Engineering Base 51\bin\AucRemoteObjectServerV10.exe.
7. In the Windows Firewall dialog, click Add Port.
This opens the Add a Port dialog.
8. In the Name box, type TCP135.
9. In the Port number box, type 135.
10. Click TCP.
11. Click Change Scope if you want to specify the set of computers where you want to
run Engineering Base and click OK.
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
DCOM: Machine Launch Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax
Launch Permissions
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
The following Security Settings are required if you are using computers running Win-
dows in a Windows Workgroup.
1. From the Windows Control Panel, start Administrative Tools.
2. Open Local Security Policy.
3. In Security Settings, expand Local Policies, then select Security Options.
4. In the right pane, select Network Access: Sharing and security model for local
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
7. Click OK.
8. Close the Local Security Policy window.
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
EB ClientError.log
Provides information when upgrading the database to a higher version using the Data-
base Manager.
Path: <root>\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Aucotec\Engineering Base\Logfiles\
Unattended Installation
The Windows Installer can be made to create a log file during the installation. This is
done with the following parameter:
msiexec.exe /I <msi package> /log "<LogFilePath>"
EB User Logfile
Its location differs according to the architecture used (one, two, or three tier).
Default path: <root>\ProgramData\Aucotec\Engineering Base\LogFiles on the Applica-
tion Server.
The information about the path actually used can be found in the Registry under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Aucotec\Engineering Base\<EB version>\Server on
the Application Server in the variable RuntimeRootPath. The name of the directory,
where the logfiles can be found, is in
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Aucotec\Engineering Base\<EB version>\Server\Files
on the variable LogPath (default: LogFiles). The name of the logfile is composed of the
user name and the name of the Application Server.
A further aspect in client server mode is that the user may request the logfile to inspect
it. This results in copying the logfile from the logfile directory into the EngineeringBase
Transfer directory.
Administrating Engineering Base in a Network
Further Logfiles
• Temp (only files with EngineeringBase being part of the name)
• Engineering Base Log files
C:\ProgramData\Aucotec\Engineering Base\Logfiles
• SQL Server Log files (32 Bit)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\xxx\Setup Bootstrap\Log
xxx = 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, ...
• SQL Server Log files (64 Bit)
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\xxx\Setup Bootstrap\
xxx = 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, ...
• Windows Temp (only files with EB_VisioSetup being part of the name)
• AppData
C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Aucotec\Engineering Base\Logfiles
Temp, Windows Temp, and AppData may differ as they are read out by program
code: .Net uses system variables and Registry entries. If these have been changed, e.g.
because of a different Windows version, then the resulting paths may be different.
- 10 -
2 FlexNet
2.1 Define FlexNet as License Server during Setup
Engineering Base offers the option to use Flexera FlexNet as license server. One way to
choose this option, is to define the use of the Flexera FlexNet server during setup.
- 11 -
4. In the dialog, specify the license server in the field License Server.
5. Click Next > to continue.
After successful installation, the licensing can be configured subsequently using the
Product Key dialog of the Engineering Base Help menu.
- 12 -
- 13 -
HASP SRM Dongles
If a virtual machine is licenced using a software dongle HASP SRM SL, then this
virtual machine must not be shifted or copied, and certain hardware components, e.g.
network card, MAC address, or Host ID, must not be changed. Otherwise, the licence will
be set to "Disabled due to cloning". Using the Sentinel HASP License Admin Control Cen-
ter, you may check the current status of you licence at any time. For more detailed in-
formation, please, contact the licence producer Safenet.
- 14 -
HASP SRM Dongles
To start the License Admin Control Center using the start button from the
1. On the taskbar, click the Start button, select Programs, then Engineering Base
<EB version> and click License Admin Control Center.
This opens the Sentinel HASP Admin Control Center.
The License Manager Admin Control Center gives detailed information about
• HASP Keys
• Products
• Features
• Sessions
• Update/Attach
• Access Log
• Configuration
• Diagnostics
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HASP SRM Dongles
- 16 -
HASP SRM Dongles
- 17 -
HASP SRM Dongles
3.1.3 Products
The Products page lists all the Products available on all accessible HASP License Manag-
ers on the network.
Products page
- 18 -
HASP SRM Dongles
- 19 -
HASP SRM Dongles
3.1.4 Features
The Features page enables you to view a list of the Features that are licensed in each of
the HASP keys that are currently present on the network, including locally connected
HASP keys. In addition you can see the conditions of the license, and the current activity
related to each Feature.
Features page
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HASP SRM Dongles
- 21 -
HASP SRM Dongles
3.1.5 Sessions
The Sessions page lists all sessions of clients on the local machine, and of clients re-
motely logged in to the local machine. The Sessions page enables you to view session
data and to delete sessions.
Sessions page
- 22 -
HASP SRM Dongles
3.1.6 Update/Attach
The Update/Attach License page is not used with Engineering Base.
For updating a HASP SRM SL Dongle see Updating a HASP SRM SL Dongle.
For attaching licenses use the Product Keys dialog in Engineering Base.
- 23 -
HASP SRM Dongles
3.1.8 Configuration
The Configuration page enables you to configure settings and define parameters for
working with HASP SRM dongles.
There are 5 tabs for configuration:
• Basic Settings
• Users
• Access to Remote License Managers
• Access from Remote Clients
• Detachable Licenses
- 24 -
HASP SRM Dongles
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HASP SRM Dongles Users
Use the Users tab to specify on which machines a user may access a HASP License Man-
In the box User Restrictions define the restrictions that will be imposed on users at-
tempting to access HASP License Managers.
Enter data in the following format:
where hostname is an IP address or machine name.
The value of hostname can also be all or none.
If you type
the user may access the HASP License Manager regardless of the machine that is being
Note that this entry is expanded to
when you click Submit.
You can also type
which allows access by all users to the HASP License Manager on the specified machine.
Note that this entry is expanded to
when you click Submit.
Each entry must be on a separate line. The entries are evaluated in the order in which
they are specified.
Click Show Recent Users to display a list of users who have recently accessed HASP
License Managers, and the machines from which the License Managers were accessed.
To apply settings in this page, you must click Submit.
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HASP SRM Dongles
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HASP SRM Dongles
- 28 -
HASP SRM Dongles
- 29 -
HASP SRM Dongles
3.1.9 Diagnostics
The Diagnostics page enables you to view and extract operating information for the
HASP License Manager to which you are currently logged in, to assist in diagnosing prob-
lems. You can also generate reports for technical support in HTML.
Diagnostics page
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HASP SRM Dongles
- 31 -
HASP SRM Dongles
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HASP SRM Dongles
To detach licenses
1. On the client computer, open the Engineering Base window.
2. On the Help menu, click Product Keys.
This opens the Product Keys dialog.
You can get information about the licenses detached by clicking Open HASP Li-
cense Manager Admin Control Center.
- 33 -
Optimizing Performance
4 Optimizing Performance
Besides your computer's hardware, there are some options in Windows, Microsoft Office
Visio and SQL Server that influence the overall performance of Engineering Base.
- 34 -
Optimizing Performance
TIP You should optimize your database regularly. To optimize the database, use the
Optimize command from the Engineering Base Database Manager.
- 35 -
Unattended Installation
5 Unattended Installation
Engineering Base offers, besides a standard installation for the product described in the
Installation Quick Reference, also options for unattended installations. The Installa-
tion Quick Reference is included in the product box. The unattended installations are
based on the Windows Installer.
The Windows Installer installs msi packages by using the executable msiexec.exe. This
executable can be run from the command prompt with certain installation parameters.
For details, see
To uninstall SQL Servers is not part of AucSetup.exe. Please run the Windows Control
Panel, navigate to Programs and Functions and start uninstalling from there.
Starting with Engineering Base version 6.6.0, the installation of the SQL Server is no
longer part of the Engineering Base installation. To install the SQL Server, run the
AucSetup.exe from the installation root. By default, this setup routine shows an instal-
lation information dialog. To suppress this dialog, run the AucSetup.exe with the argu-
ment silent from an elevated command prompt (e.g. …\AucSetup.exe silent). For the
use with Engineering Base, the SQL Server instance has to be configured. This remains
part of the standard setup of Engineering Base. Thus, you have to install the SQL Server
first and then run the Engineering Base setup routine.
- 36 -
Unattended Installation
- 37 -
Unattended Installation
- 38 -
Unattended Installation
• Complete installation: For an installation comprising basic user interface (progress
bar only), the Engineering Base Client and Server, Visio and SQL Server on the tar-
get system including certain product keys, and user information, the command line
looks like below. Please notice that if product keys are passed to the setup proce-
dure the property "AUC_LICENSETYPE" has to be set to the correct value (1 ≡ “Eval-
uation License” is default):
msiexec.exe /I "D:\EngineeringBase.msi" /log
"c:\temp\EB_Unattended_Complete_Install.log" AUC_INSTALLTYPE=1
- 39 -
Unattended Installation
- 40 -
Unattended Installation
- 41 -
Unattended Installation
- 42 -
Unattended Installation
- 43 -
Unattended Installation
If you want to configure a custom SQL instance, you have to specify the five pa-
To uninstall Engineering Base unattended, you have to use the standard parameters of
Thus, you may switch the user interface of the Windows Installer package by the control
switch „/q“. This switch may be used as “/qn” to suppress all dialogs or “/qb” to display a
GUI without user interaction.
In addition, the “/log” parameter is available, too, to create a log-file of the process at
the specified location.
msiexec.exe /X "D:\EngineeringBase.msi" /log "C:\Temp\EB_Unattended_Uninstall.log"
/qb (GUI without user interaction)
msiexec.exe /X "D:\EngineeringBase.msi" /log "C:\Temp\EB_Unattended_Uninstall.log"
/qn (without showing any dialogs)
- 44 -
Windows Registry Settings
Improper Registry settings can have an adverse effect on your computer, even to
the point of rendering it useless. Ensure that you BACKUP the Registry before making
any changes to it. Better yet, let the system administrator make all changes to the Reg-
You should use the Registry Editor only if you are an advanced user.
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 45 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you want to use the 32-Bit Registry Editor, please enter the following text in the
"Open" field %systemroot%\syswow64\regedit and confirm your input.
The registry settings will now be shown as usual in the 32-Bit version of the Registry
Editor. Without using particular command line options, it is impossible to start the 32-Bit
variant and the 64-Bit variant of the Registration Editor simultaneously.
If you want to learn more about the differences between 32-Bit registration and 64-Bit
registration please also read the following description on the web:
- 46 -
Windows Registry Settings
This cannot be used if your computer is used as application server for other comput-
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 47 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 48 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 49 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 50 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 51 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 52 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 53 -
Windows Registry Settings
- 54 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 55 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 56 -
Windows Registry Settings
The access to the Internet can also be deactivated in the Engineering Base main
menu. For this purpose, select Options under the tab Tools. Mark the option Disable
internet access for preview links in the Environment Settings.
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 57 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 58 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 59 -
Windows Registry Settings
Using more undo levels, requires more resources on your local computer and serv-
er. Eventually data is temporarily saved from the memory to the hard-disk and system
performance might decrease significantly.
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 60 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 61 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 62 -
Windows Registry Settings
6.20 Setting the Width for the first Column in the Open
To define the width for the first column in the Open dialog
1. Start Registry Editor.
2. Look for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Aucotec\Engineering Base\<EB ver-
sion>\Client\Settings key.
3. Create a new DWORD value MaskAttributeColWidth and set the value to the
The next time you open the dialog for an object, the width for the first column will
be modified.
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 63 -
Windows Registry Settings
To set SortWires
1. Quit Engineering Base.
2. Start Registry Editor.
3. Look for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Aucotec\Engineering Base\<EB
version>\Server\Settings key.
4. Create a new DWORD value SortWires and set the value to 0.
5. Start Engineering Base.
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 64 -
Windows Registry Settings
To set MultiCable
1. Quit Engineering Base.
2. Start Registry Editor.
3. Look for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Aucotec\Engineering Base\<EB ver-
sion>\Client\Settings key.
4. Create a new DWORD value MultiCable and set the value to 1.
5. Start Engineering Base.
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 65 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 66 -
Windows Registry Settings
If you have Engineering Base installed on a 64-Bit Windows system, the registry en-
tries shown on this page may be displayed differently. Please read the details in the topic
about system registration in 64-Bit Windows versions.
- 67 -
Automatic Backup before Deletion of a Database
- 68 -