Gcse Landscape Project 12 Week Plan Updated

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GCSE Landscape Project Target


Working From Home – In order to complete these tasks successfully you will need to follow the more
detailed guidance on the class website https://artandphotographywithmrfield.weebly.com/yr-10-art---working-from-home.html
which also contains You Tube clips and examples of how your work should be presented. Please make
sure that once you have completed your work you take a photo and upload to the shared area. To do
this you must open FOLDR via the school website go to student shared area – ART – Mr Field – Year 10
Art Mr Field. You should then locate your folder and upload your work. If you are in Mr Linnington’s
group you need to go to ART in the shared area but save your work in the folder that he has setup.


23rd and 30th March Task 1: A4 drawing Extension Task Thursday
Draw a landscape with an interesting feature in pencil. Include line drawings, tonal April 2nd
Visual Recording For example, the feature could be a gate or a building. studies, close-up details and
Board to be successful, make sure that you are experiment with ink, charcoal,
demonstrating effective tone, texture and accuracy in washes etc. Aim to complete at
your drawing. least 5 drawings ranging from
quick sketches to more detailed
Task 2: A4 drawing
Complete a second drawing of a landscape, this time in
your choice of materials, including a different
interesting feature in the scene. You might choose to
work in pencil again, or you could work in biro, pen,
charcoal, pencil crayon etc. depending what you have
at home.

Task 3: Two further drawings

Draw from different photos, in your choice of size and
material, focusing on tone, texture and accuracy. You
could also have a focus on colour depending on your
choice and availability of materials.

Task 4: Landscape photography (This will not be

possible due to lockdown)
Depending on the circumstances, if you are able to get
out and about to take photographs of the local
landscape you can get extra marks for taking your own
photos. Look for points of interest, and think about
whether the photos would make interesting drawings
or paintings. Look for texture in the landscape and
areas of contrast. old vs new, man vs nature etc. can
make a project more exciting. Aim to take 10+ photos.

* If you are unable to go out to take these photos, you

could look through old photos and find a selection from
places you have been!

Task 5: Upload work to the shared area

Follow the instructions above to upload your work to
your folder in the shared area. If you have black A1
paper layout your work on the black paper and then
photograph. Advice about layout is on the website.

Refer to the class website for further guidance.


6th April – 13th April CLAUDE MONET COMPLETE THESE TASK. IF YOU DON”T April 20th
STILL IN SCHOOL MOVE ONTO THE FOLLOWING WEEKS Monet’s work (and research other
Completing Claude
TASKS landscape artists that inspire you)
Monet’s landscapes
and artists Make connections between their
research Task 1: A4 Artist copies using 2 x different media work and your own. Analyse their
Working from Claude Monet’s Haystack series create choice of composition and
two studies based on the artists work. Use two techniques. Work from your own
different media. photographs.

Task 2: Artist analysis on A4 paper

Analyse the work visually and in written form. Refer to
the ‘Literacy in Art ‘ guide on the website. Give some
relevant details of the artist and his work in your own
words. Refer to the information on the class website.
Stick an image of Monet’s work in the middle of your
A4 paper and then write your answers around the
outside. Use the following titles; CONTENT, FORM,

Task 3: Upload your work to the shared area –

Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal

Refer to the class website for further guidance.


20th April Task 1: David Hockney Artist Copy Extension Task Monday
Hockney inspired Referring to David Hockney’s landscape paintings on 27th April
landscape the class website create your own Hockney style Work from a range of your own
painting. Work with a coloured media such as oil pastel photographs to create an
or felt tips on A4/A3 sugar paper. Draw out your design imaginary landscape. Refer to
first and then introduce bold, vibrant blocks of colour. David Hockney’s approach to
create a focal point. Select your
Task 2: Artist Analysis on A4 paper own colour palette, referring to the
Annotate to explain your work linking your approach to colour wheel.
David Hockney. Refer to the PPT slide on the class
website. Use the ‘Literacy in Art’ guide to help you Include annotations to
following the same approach as your Claude Monet demonstrate your knowledge and
research. understanding about the artists
working approach.
Task3: Upload your work to the shared area – Art
– Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal
Refer to the class website for further guidance.


27th April Task 1: A4 drawing Extension Task Monday

Inspired by Referring to ‘The Three Trees’ by Rembrandt create a Create a 2nd drawing 4th May
Rembrandt drawing using biro or pen and ink of a rural landscape. Be experimental and inventive
with your mark making looking
Task 2: Upload your work to the shared area – closely at Rembrandts approach.
Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal
Folder Aim to capture light and shadow in
your work to add atmosphere and
Refer to the class website for further guidance. tension to your drawing.


4th May Task 1: 1 x A4 Photo- Joiner Extension Task Monday

Photo-joinery May 11th
inspired by David Create 1 x joiner in the style of David Hockney. Read Task 1: Photoshop Collage
Hockney the information to understand how Hockney creates his Create an additional joiner using
photo-joiners and then complete your own piece. Work Photoshop so that you have a
from the photos that you have taken outside. handmade and digital version.

If you cannot take a photo of a landscape adjusting Task 2: Annotation to explain

your view slightly each time you take a new your process
photograph, search for a landscape on the Internet or Refer to information about
use one of the images on the class website. Print off Hockney and include annotation to
the image and then cut up into several small pieces. explain how you worked.
Put the photo back together by overlapping the pieces
slightly to create a photo-joiner effect.

Refer to the class website for further guidance.


11th May Task 1: A4 drawing inspired by Van Gogh Extension Task Monday
Mark making 18th May
inspired by Van Van Gogh was inspired by
Working from your own image create a drawing
Gogh Japanese prints and often created
inspired by Van Gogh’s approach to drawing and mark
his own versions of their work.
making. Experiment with marks, lines, swirls etc using
Visit the Van Gogh Museum and
different tools: pen, brush etc.
research independently.
Task 2: Upload your work to the shared area – n/stories/inspiration-from-
Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal japan#12
Task 1: Japanese Inspired
Refer to the class website for further guidance. Artwork
Create your own Japanese inspired
https://artandphotographywithmrfield.weebly.com/yr-10-art---working- drawing or painting based on the
from-home.html knowledge that you have
18th May Extension Task Monday
Collage and mixed Task 1: A4 Photo-collage June 1st
media landscape Create one or two of photo collages by taking Task 1: Create an alternative
inspired by Anslem photographs of each other standing within the experimental photo-collage
Kiefer landscape (local woodlands surrounding the school) Experiment with attaching
different natural objects to the
Task 2: Print Photos and Collage surface of the photograph as well
Print the photos and then collect natural items from the as using other media to create
landscape such as leaves, flowers, grass, straw. Use different textures and marks.
glue available to collage items to the photograph to Instead of painting over a
create a mixed media artwork. photograph create a mixed media
painting on paper/cardboard
inspired by Anslem Kiefer.
Task 3: Upload your work to the shared area –
Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal
Folder Task 2: A4 Artist Research
Complete additional research
exploring the work of Anslem
Refer to the class website for further guidance.
Kiefer. Refer to the ‘Literacy in Art’
framework for guidance.

Task 2: Upload your work to the shared area –

Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal
Summer Half-Term Task 1: Complete any unfinished work Extension Task
25th May – 31st May
Task 2: Check your folder in the shared area to Task 1: Review your work
make sure that all work has been uploaded Check to see that you have
completed all extension tasks

Task 2: Constable inspired tree


('Portraits' of individual trees were

a recurring subject in Constable's

Create a detailed study of an oak

tree in the local landscape using
Task 3: Draw a different type of
tree such as an ash tree.

1st June Task 1: Landscape painting inspired by Anselm Extension Task Monday
Watercolour Kiefer 8th June
Landscape inspired Task 1: Create another
by Anselm Kiefer Looking at the painting ‘The Evening of All Days, the watercolour study
Day of All Evenings’ by Anselm Kiefer he used Experiment with allowing the paint
watercolour to express a landscape at sunset. to run, drip and stain the paper to
create intense areas of colour.
Working from a photograph or real life create your own Draw back into the watercolour
watercolour study. when it is dry including quotes
that reflect your feelings,
experiences of the landscape.
Task 2: Upload your work to the shared area –
Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal

Refer to the class website for further guidance.


8th June Task 1: Mono-print Extension Task Monday

Mono-print Develop one of your drawings using a mono print Task 1: 3 x experimental 15th June
landscape technique (produce more than one version). mono-prints
Produce at least three prints,
Task 2: Mono-print experimenting with colour and
Keep practicing by creating more mono-prints until you paper, tools and processes.
achieve a print that you are proud of.
Task 2: Additive mono-print
Refer to the class website for further guidance. Create at least one mono-print
using the additive approach
from-home.html Task 3: Reductive mono-print
Create at least one mono-print
Task 3: Upload your work to the shared area – using the reductive approach.
Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal
15 June Task 1: A4 Charcoal or pencil drawing Task1: A3 Charcoal drawing Monday
Charcoal landscape 22nd June
Jacob Van Ruisdael is said never to have painted on a Work on a larger scale attempt to
clear day and he was a master of drawing and painting add a full range of value, placing
dramatic cloud formations. light next to dark to achieve
maximum light effects. Work with
Taking inspiration from ‘Wheatfield’s Landscape’ by charcoal in an experimental way
Jacob Van Ruisdael create your own moody and using a rubber to draw into the
atmospheric charcoal or pencil drawing to capture the landscape. Introduce chalk to
contrast of those areas in the shade of the clouds and create highlights.
the brilliance of those parts of the scene that are in full
sunlight. Task 2: Artist Research
Research the paintings of Jacob
Task 2: Upload your work to the shared area – Van Ruisdael.
Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal Visit The National Gallery online
Folder https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/
Refer to the class website for further guidance.


22nd June Task 1: Landscape Collage Task 1: Research Aerial Monday

Collage landscape Develop one of your drawings into a collage: use cut up Persepctive 29th June
magazines, leaves, tissue paper etc. concentrate on
colour and pattern. Research aerial perspective and
collect images which show this
effect. Research Peter Lanyon and
Task 2: Upload your work to the shared area – complete artist analysis using the
Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal ‘Literacy in Art’ framework.
Use colour to show perspective.
Refer to the class website for further guidance. Colours in the distance lose
intensity and often take on a
https://artandphotographywithmrfield.weebly.com/yr-10-art---working- blue/lilac tint.
Task 2: Create your own collage or
painting inspired by the work of
Peter Lanyon. Look at his glider
works as these were inspired by
his interest in flight and aerial

29th June -16th July OPTION 1 Extension Task Monday

13th July
OPTION 1 Task 1: Collect Materials Task 1: Manmade Materials
Relief Landscape Collect materials for your final piece such as cardboard Introduce string, textiles and other
(main piece) and food packaging, art materials (acrylic, charcoal, old textured materials (e.g. crumpled
magazines, glue) tissue paper) to add more
interesting detail to your
Task 2: Planning Composition composition.
Using your own sketch or photograph as a starting
point, create a relief (between a picture and a Task 2: Natural Materials
sculpture) built-up of layered card/cardboard. Plan your Collect dried natural forms such as
layers carefully and use materials around the house dried grass, straw, flowers and
such as food packaging, to create different patterns. introduce these to your painting.

Task 3: Building layers and adding patterns Task 3: Colour, Pattern and
OPTION 2 Begin to build up layers referring to the work of Anselm Texture
Or a Kiefer for inspiration Use acrylic paint wash to
drawing/painting accentuate texture, & dry-brushing
based on the ideas and sponging techniques to add
Task 4: Upload your work to the shared area –
of your two texture, colour and pattern.
Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal
favourite artists
(main piece)


Task 1: Collect paper or other surface to work on

as well as necessary art materials.
Work on paper or canvas at least A3 in size. Use
materials that are available such as charcoal, pencil
and paint.

Task 2: Drawing out Composition

Draw out your composition based on a photo of a

landscape either seen on the class website or that you
have taken.

Task 3: Artist Inspired Decisions

Look at the artists that you have researched such as
Claude Monet, David Hockney, Vincent Van Gogh,
Rembrandt and Anselm Kiefer. Decide on your two
favourite artists and use their colours, marks and
techniques. You could complete a collage, painting or a
mixed media piece taking ideas from both artists

Task 4: Upload your work to the shared area –

Art – Mr Field – Year 10 Art Mr Field – Personal
Refer to the class website for further guidance.


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