How Create Local Client

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How to Create a Local Client Copy

SAP Basis Doc

Prepared By : AVN SATISH.

What is an R/3 Client?

R/3 Client is defined as an "independent accountable business unit within an R/3 system".
In technical lingo client is a logical unit of R/3 database.

R/3 Data Classification

Data in the R/3 database are classified as two types, Client Independent data and client
dependent data.

Client Independent Data - Cross Client Data

Data which can be accessible through entire R/3 database from any client is called as client
independent data or cross client data. Ex: screen data, transaction data, repository data and
dictionary data.

Client Dependent Data - Client Specific Data

Data which can be accessible through a client in which it was created is called as client
dependent data or client specific data. Ex: user data, authorization data, application data.
As per above two types, the R/3 client maintains differentiation with respect to client
dependent data. A number of clients are created in one R/3 database to maintain
differentiation in customization, testing, quality assurance and production data. R/3 client
can be identified with three digit numeric number starts from 000 to 999 Default clients

After installation there are three default clients configured in database. Which are (for Non-
Ides Software) 000 Master Client 001 Copy of master client 066 Early watch client For IDES
Software we have clients 800, 810, 812

Client Copy

000 is a master client which maintains all the data given by SAP. But it will not allow client
independent customization. For this reason of implementing software or customization as a
part of post installation a new client will be created and copied from 000 with SAP_ALL
profile. We have three types of client copy procedures in R/3 Local client Copy Remote
Client copy Client Export / Import.

Local client Copy

If a client copy held under the same database between two clients, this is called Local Client
Copy. This is recommended as a post installation step.


Set a system message about the client copy information with SM02 Lock all users except
administrator in source client. Lock can be given by SU10 transaction code. Because in any
client copy the source data should not be edited. Cancel all the released background jobs in
the source client. Check all table spaces and add data files if any table filled above 85%
Create a client using SCC4 transaction and mention client role.

Note:In case you are creating a client in PRD system to maintain production data, do not
select the client role as production because client role as Production will not allow any client
copies within that.


Log on to the target client with user id SAP* and password PASS

If unable to login with SAP* (in ECC6) use TCODE RZ10 to create a new Default Parameter
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar and set the value to 0.

Run the transaction SCCL

Select a client profile with source client number

Now to click on SAPLogon Pad

For accessing an SAP system we need unique login credentials. SAP system administrators
create login credentials for all the users, who are intended to access the SAP system. The
document illustrates various user maintenance options available in an SAP system. Login to
Client in “000” Client with “SAP*” and System default Password.

Client 000

Enter User Name SAP*

Password pass

Click Enter Button

Enter T-Code -€ SCC4€ Click Enter Button

Click on Display button indicated with pencil symbol

Think carefully about the effect of your changes. Due to logical dependencies between
client-specific Customizing and applications data on the one hand and cross-client
Customizing data on the other hand, changing or deleting cross-client data could result in

Therefore such changes should be carefully planned and coordinated, taking all the clients in

the system into consideration. Click on button to continue

Press New Entries Button for creating a new client


Mention the Client Number Required and the Description. Here for example Client Number is
“200” and Client description is Development Client. City mentioned here is “Dubai”

Create Logical System T-Code: BD54

Define the Client Role from the Drop down…

This attribute indicates the role of the client in your R/3 system. Possible roles are:

 Production client

 Test client

 Training client

 Demo client

 Customizing client

 SAP reference client

This field should be maintained by the customer for documentary purposes. It is particularly
important for the production client:

 Production clients and SAP reference clients are protected from the client copy tools,
including "Copy by Transport Request" (transaction SCC1).

 There is corresponding protection from the automatic Customizing Distribution and

other tools.

 In a production client, customizing settings that can be maintained as "current

settings" are excluded from a client lock or transport connection; this means current
settings (e.g. exchange rates, posting periods) can always be maintained in a
productive client without recording changes. Other clients usually require a transport

Here “Customizing” is selected and now the screen will look like shown below…

Details of Options are described below…

Changes without Automatic Recording:-

This flag means that changes in the Customizing settings of the client are permitted. The
changes are not automatically recorded in a change request.

Customizing settings can be exported from the client by manual creation of a transport
request. A manual transport can be carried out in the particular transaction for settings with
the function Transport, which places the selected Customizing settings in a transport


This variant makes sense for pure test, training or demonstration clients.


Full authorization for the Transport Organizer is required in order to maintain this flag
(authorization S_CTS_ALL). This is in the delivered standard authorization S_CTS_ADMIN.

Automatic Recording of Changes:-

This flag means that changes are permitted in the customizing settings of the client and all
the changes are automatically recorded in a change request.

It is also possible to export independently of the automatic recording from the client
customizing settings by manual creation or recording of a transport request. A manual
transport can be made in the particular transaction for settings using the function Transport,
which places the selected customizing settings in a transport request.

In a productive client, settings that can be maintained as "current settings" are excluded
from automatic recording; current settings (e.g. exchange rates, posting periods) are
always modified without recording the changes.


This variant can be used for

 customizing clients

 productive clients


To set this flag, you require CTS (Change and Transport System) administration
authorization which is in the delivered standard authorization S_CTS_ADMIN.

No Changes Allowed:-

This flag means that changes in the customizing settings of the client are not permitted
(client lock).

However, customizing settings can be exported from the client by manual creation of a
transport request. A manual transport can be carried out in the particular transaction for
settings with the function Transport, which places the selected customizing settings in a
transport request.

In a productive client, the customizing settings that can be maintained as "current settings"
are excluded from the client lock; this means that current settings (e.g. exchange rates,
posting periods) can always be maintained in the productive client.


This variant can be used for:

 productive clients

 demonstration clients

 training clients


To set this flag, you require CTS (Change and Transport System) administration
authorization which is in the delivered standard authorization S_CTS_ADMIN.

Changes w/o Automatic Recording, No Transports Allowed

This flag means that changes are permitted in the customizing settings of the client. The
changes are not automatically recorded in a change request, however.

No manual transport of Customizing settings from the client is possible.


This variant can be used for pure test clients.


To set this flag, you require CTS (Change and Transport System) administration
authorization which is in the delivered standard authorization S_CTS_ADMIN.

Details of Options are described below…


It makes sense to disallow cross-client maintenance if the objects to be maintained in a

client are exclusively application objects (all client-specific) or client-related Customizing
objects. In this case (for example in a test client), you must be able to ensure that cross-
client functionality cannot be changed.

Cross-client functions include all cross-client Customizing objects (e.g. factory calendar,
definition of price list conditions, printer controls). But in particular they also include all
objects of the SAP Repository (Reports, module pools, screens, Dictionary etc.).


Full authorization for the CTS (Change and Transport System) is required in order to
maintain this feature. It is in the delivered standard authorization S_CTS_ADMIN.


Choose one of these possible settings:

 Changes to the Repository and cross-client Customizing permitte

There are no restrictions on the maintenance of cross-client objects for the client
when this setting is used. Both cross-client Customizing objects and objects of the
SAP Repository can be maintained.

 No change to cross-client Customizing objects

Cross-client customizing objects cannot be maintained in the client with this setting.

 No change to Repository objects

With this setting, objects of the SAP Repository cannot be maintained in the client.

 No change to Repository and cross-client Customizing objects

Combination of both restrictions: Neither cross-client Customizing objects nor objects

of the SAP Repository can be maintained in the client.

Details of Options are described below…

This flag can be used to prevent the current client from being overwritten by the client copy
program or used as the basis for a client copy or Customizing comparison.

In protection level 1: No overwriting, the client cannot be overwritten by the client copy
program. This setting should be used if

 the current client is a production client

 Customizing is just being performed in the current client

In protection level 2: No overwriting and no external availability, the client is also

protected against read access from another client (during a client copy or customizing
comparison). This setting should be used if

 the client contains sensitive data that should not be passed on.


To set this flag, you require CTS (Change and Transport System) administration
authorization which is in the delivered standard authorization S_CTS_ADMIN.

Details of Options are described below…

This flag determines whether you can run:

CATT - Test cases

eCATT - Test scripts
eCATT - Test configurations

in this client.

Running CATTs and eCATTs can sometimes cause extensive database changes, which is
usually not allowed, especially in a production client.

Further information about CATT ("Computer Aided Test Tool") and eCATT ("Extended CATT")
is in the ABAP/4 Workbench environment.

From Basis release 620, the extended tool eCATT, which you can also use for remote tests
of systems from Release 4.6, is available in addition to the SAP test tool CATT. You need a
Basis system from Release 620, in which you manage your tests. You can run the test
functions from there via remote RFC connections, even in older systems from Release 4.6.
When settings for eCATT in these older systems (4.6 to 610) are mentioned here, it means
the effect on remote eCATT from a newer administration system from Release 620.

eCATT contains enhancements of CATT, in particular in the eCATT functions FUN and ABAP,
which can be supported by an enhanced client setting.

Until now, you had to specify for each client in a system, in the client table T000, whether
you can run test cases with CATT and eCATT in it. Most aspects of CATT and eCATT
processing, such as calling transactions and editing tables can usually be protected
adequately by authorizations.

The client setting enhancements are CATT-compatible. You do not need to change your
CATT settings. If you make changes, they define whether and under which conditions it

The enhanced client settings do not affect the authorization checks specified in CATT and

The enhancements are concerned mainly with the creation of remote connections. 'Trusted'
RFC connections allow you to copy security settings from the initial system into the remote
test system. The enhanced client settings can make running partly or completely depend on
the RFC connection type, as well as simply allowing or forbidding it.

You can make the following settings in the client table T000:

eCATT and CATT restrictions:

'' eCATT and CATT not allowed

X eCATT and CATT allowed

T eCATT and CATT only allowed in 'Trusted RFC'

E eCATT allowed, but FUN/ABAP and CATT not allowed

F eCATT allowed, but FUN/ABAP and CATT only in 'Trusted RFC'

After All the Values the Below Screen will appear like shown below and Click on save

Now the Client is created and as shown below and click on button and go back by

clicking the button. Now Client “200” is created.

Local Client Copy Start

Logging into New Client “200” using SAP* and pass

Go to Transaction “SCCL” for local client Copy

Select the Profile and Source Client and click on to start the process

Logs can be viewed in the transaction SCC3 and finally the below screen will appear…

RFC Generation for Financial BASIS

To start the Client Copy and RFC connection is to generated between 000 and
700…for Financial BASIS…Click on Wizard button and start proceeding with RFC

The Wizard is started…and Click on continue…

RFC generation is displayed below and Click on Continue…

Click on continue and user id will be generated in 000 client…

Click on Complete to continue with Client Copy…

Client Copy is continued

Client Copy is completed and Logs are displayed…

Logs can be seen in SCC3 Tcode and below image shows Client Copy is Completed


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