MAN-BW L16-24 (ЧН 16 - 24) (Инстр. по экспл.) + PDF
MAN-BW L16-24 (ЧН 16 - 24) (Инстр. по экспл.) + PDF
MAN-BW L16-24 (ЧН 16 - 24) (Инстр. по экспл.) + PDF
Section No.
Section No.
Identification No for Plates 00000 - 00 H
H for Holeby
This book may not either wholly or in part be copied reproduced made public or in any other way made
available to any third party without the written consent to this effect of stx corporation.
Engine Data
Trouble Tracing
Cylinder Head
Turbocharger System
Special Equipment
Your Notes :
Page 1 (1) Engine Data 500
Page 1 (1) Warning 000.00
Warning !
03.38 - ES0
Your Notes :
Main Data for Engine 500.00
Page 1 (1) Edition 03H
Cycle : 4-stroke
Configuration : In-line
Bore : 160 mm
Stroke : 240 mm
99.43 - ES1
Your Notes :
Introduction 500.01
Page 1 (1) Edition 02
This instruction book serves the purpose to provide Reliable and economical operation of the plant is
general information for operation and maintenance, conditional upon its correct operation and mainte-
and to describe the design. It can also be used as a nance in accordance with MAN B&W Diesel A/S'
reference when ordering spare parts. instructions. Emissions related maintenance of the
diesel engine shall be performed as specified in
MAN B&W Diesel A/S' instructions and any addi-
tional instructions to that effect included in the Tech-
nical File. Consequently, it is essential that the
engine room personnel are fully acquainted with the
contents of this book and, in respect of instructions
on emissions related maintenance of the diesel
engine, also the additional instructions to that effect
Section 505-519
Spare parts plates set out in the Technical File.
03.36 - ES0
Your Notes :
Safety 500.02
Page 1 (2)
Edition 02H
General Spares
Proper maintenance, which is the aim of this book, is Large spare parts should, as far as possible, be
a crucial aspect of achieving optimum safety in the placed well strapped near the area of use and should
engine room. The general measures mentioned be accessible by crane. The spare parts should be
here should, therefore, be a natural routine for the well-preserved against corrosion and protected
entire engine room staff. against mechanical damage. Stock should be
checked at intervals and replenished in time.
The engine room should be kept clean above and
below the floor plates. If grit or sand blows into the Ample working light should be permanently installed
engine room while the ship is in port, the ventilation at appropriate places in the engine room, and port-
should be stopped and ventilating ducts, skylights, able working light in explosion-proof fittings should
and doors in the engine room should be closed. be available everywhere.
Crankcase Work
Hand tools should be placed to be easily accessible
on tool boards. Special tools should be fastened to Check beforehand that the starting air supply to the
tool panels (if supplied) in the engine room close to engine is shut off.
the area of use. No major objects may be left
unfastened, and the floor and passages should be
kept clear.
01.32 - ES0
500.02 Safety Description
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
Whenever repairs or alterations have been made to After prolonged out-of-service periods or overhaul
the running gear, apply the "feel-over sequence" work which may involve a risk of accumulation of
until it is ensured that there is no undue heating, oil- liquid in the combustion spaces, turning should
mist formation, blow-by, or failure of cooling water or always be effected through at least two complete
lubricating oil systems. revolutions.
Feel over after 5-15 and 30 minutes' idle running and Lubricating oil condition, filter elements and measur-
finally when the engine is running at full load. See ing equipment, see "Planned Maintenance Pro-
also "Operation" in the section 501. gramme".
01.32 - ES0
Cross Section 500.05
Page 1 (1) Edition 05H
99.40 - ES1
Your Notes :
Description 500.10
Page 1 (1) Key for Engine Designation Edition 02
The engine types of the MAN B&W programme are identified by the following figures:
6 L 28/32 H MCR
No of cylinders
5, 6, 7, 8, 9
12, 16, 18
Engine Type
L : In-line
V : V-built
Cyl. diam/stroke
16/24 : 160/240
21/31 : 210/310
23/30 : 225/300
27/38 : 270/380
28/32 : 280/320
32/40 : 320/400
Design Variant
04.08 - ES1
Your Notes :
Description 500.11
Page 1 (1) Designation of Cylinders Edition 03H
98.19 - ES1
Your Notes :
Description 500.12
Page 1 (1) Engine Rotation Clockwise Edition 02H
98.18 - ES1
Your Notes :
Code Identification for Instruments 500.20
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Explanation of Symbols
Measuring device
Local reading
Temperature Indicator
No. 40 *
Measuring device
PI Sensor mounted on engine/unit
22 Reading/identification mounted in a panel on the engine/unit
Pressure Indicator
No. 22 *
Measuring device
TAH Sensor mounted on engine/unit
12 Reading/identification outside the engine/unit
* Refer to standard location and text for instruments on the following pages.
F Flow A Alarm
L Level D Differential
P Pressure E Element
S Speed H High
T Temperature I Indicating
U Voltage L Low
X Sound T Transmitting
Z Position X Failure
98.33 - ES1
500.20 Code Identification for Instruments Description
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
Standard Text for Instruments
Diesel Engine/Alternator
LT Water System
01 inlet to air cooler 04 inlet to alternator 07 inlet to lub. oil cooler
02 outlet from air cooler 05 outlet from alternator 08 inlet to fresh water cooler (SW)
03 outlet from lub. oil cooler 06 outlet from fresh water cooler (SW) 09
HT Water System
10 inlet to engine 14 inlet to HT air cooler 17 outlet from fresh water cooler
10A FW inlet to engine 14A FW inlet to air cooler 18 inlet to fresh water cooler
11 outlet from each cylinder 14B FW outlet from air cooler 19A inlet to prechamber
12 outlet from engine 15 outlet from HT system 19B outlet from prechamber
13 inlet to HT pump 16 outlet from turbocharger
Load Speed
80 84 88 index - fuel injection pump
81 overspeed 85 microswitch for overload 89 turbocharger speed
82 86 90 engine speed
83 87
91 natural gas - inlet to engine 94 cylinder lubricating 97
92 oil mist detector 95 voltage 98
93 knocking sensor 96 switch for operating location 99
98.33 - ES1
Introduction to Planned Maintenance Programme 500.24
Page 1 (2) Edition 03H
The overhaul intervals are based on operation on a 1) Safety regulations, which MUST be carried out
specified fuel oil quality at normal service output, before the maintenance work can start.
which means 70-100% of MCR.
2) A brief description of the work.
In the long run it is not possible to achieve safe and
optimum economical running without an effective 3) Reference to any work which must be carried
maintenance system. out before the maintenance work can start.
The structure and amount of information in the main- 4) Related procedures - indicates other works,
tenance programme mean that it can be integrated in depending on the present work - or works
the entire ship's/power station's maintenance sys- which it would be expedient to carry out.
tem or it can be used separately.
5) Indicates x number of men in x number of hours
The core of the maintenance system is the key to accomplish the work.
diagram, see pages 500.25 and 500.26, indicating
the inspection intervals for the components/systems, The stated consumption of hours is only intended as
so that the crew can make the necessary overhauls a guide.
based on the engines' condition and/or the time
be used to adjust the time between overhauls. It
should also be used to adjust the timetable stated for
guidance in the working cards.
98.19 - ES0
500.24 Description
Edition 03H
Introduction to Planned Maintenance Programme Page 2 (2)
Experience with the specific station/personnel may 8) Various requisite hand tools.
lead to updating.
9) Indicates the components/parts which it is
6) Refers to data required to carry out the work. advisible to replace during the maintenance
work. Please note that this is a condition for the
7) Special tools which must be used. Please note intervals stated.
that not all tools are standard equipment.
98.19 - ES0
Planned Maintenance Programme 500.25
Page 1 (3) Edition 08H
Major overhaul/inspection
Time Between Overhauls
overhauled parts
3rd month
Description = Overhaul to be carried out
after - hours
Check new/
= Check the condition
Cylinder Unit:
00.41 - ES0
500.25 Planned Maintenance Programme Description
Edition 08H Page 2 (3)
Major overhaul/inspection
Time Between Overhauls
overhauled parts
l Working
= Overhaul to be carried out
3rd month
after - hours
Check new/
= Check the condition
Turbocharger System
00.41 - ES0
Planned Maintenance Programme 500.25
Page 3 (3) Edition 08H
Major overhaul/inspection
Time Between Overhauls
overhauled parts
l Working
= Overhaul to be carried out
3rd month
after - hours
Check new/
= Check the condition
00.41 - ES0
Your Notes :
Description 500.26
Page 1 (2) Planned Maintenance Programme Edition 04H
Duties during Operation
Time Between Overhauls
overhauled parts
l Working
3rd month
= Overhaul to be carried out
after - hours
Check new/
= Check the condition
Operating of Engine
Cylinder Head
Turbocharger System
00.19 - ES1
500.26 Planned Maintenance Programme Description
Edition 04H Page 2 (2)
Overhauled parts
l Working
3th month
= Overhaul to be carried out
Check new/
after -hours
= Check the condition
00.19 - ES1
Operation Data & Set Points 500.30
Page 1 (3) Edition 34H
Normal value at full load Alarm set point and Delay Cut-off
shutdown (autostop) set point standstill
Pressure after filter(inlet engine) PI 22 4.2-5.0 bar PAL 22 3.5 bar 3 sec Yes
PSL 22 3.0 bar 0 sec Yes
(PSL 22) (D) (2.5 bar) 1.5 sec Yes
Pressure drop across filter PDAH 21-22 0.1-1 bar PDAH 21-22 1.5 bar 3 sec No
Prelubricating pressure (PI 22) 0.3-1.5 bar PAL 25 0.1 bar (H) 60 sec No
Pressure inlet turbocharger
5 and 6 cyl. engine PI 23 1.5 ±0.2 bar (C) PAL 23 0.25 bar 3 sec Yes
7, 8 and 9 cyl. engine 1.5 ±0.2 bar
Lub. oil level in base frame LAL 28/LAH 28 low/high level 30 sec No
Pressure before filter PI 21 4.5-5.5 bar
Press. LT system, inlet engine PI 01 1.5-4.5 bar PAL 01 0.4 + (B) bar 3 sec Yes
Press. HT system, inlet engine PI 10 1.5-4.0 bar PAL 10 0.4 + (B) bar 3 sec Yes
Temp. HT system, outlet engine TI 12 76-80°C TAH 12 90° C 3 sec No
TAH 12-2 93° C 3 sec No
TSH 12 95° C 0 sec No
(TSH 12) (D) (100° C) 1.5 sec No
Press. inlet engine (start/stop) PI 70 7-10 bar PAL 70 6.5 bar 15 sec No
03.50 - ES1
500.30 Operation Data & Set Points Description
Edition 34H Page 2 (3)
Normal value at full load Alarm set point and Delay Cut-off
shutdown (autostop) set point standstill
When operating on HFO, the system pressure must At charge air pressure below 1.0 bar the lub. oil
be sufficient to depress any tendency to gasification pressure to turbocharger is normal at 0.6 ±0.1 bar.
of the hot fuel.
The read outs of lub. oil pressure has an offset
The system pressure has to be adjusted according adjustment because of the transmitter placement.
to the fuel oil preheating temperature. This has to be taken into account in case of test and
calibration of the transmitter.
B. Cooling Water Pressure, Alarm Set Points.
D. Software Created Signal.
As the system pressure in case of pump failure will
depend on the height of the expansion tank above Software created signal from PI 22, TI 12, SI 90.
the engine, the alarm set point has to be adjusted to
0.4 bar plus the static pressure. The static pressure
set point can be adjusted on the base module SW3.
03.50 - ES1
Operation Data & Set Points 500.30
Page 3 (3) Edition 34H
H. Alarm Hysterese.
03.50 - ES1
Your Notes :
Data for Pressure and Tolerance 500.35
Page 1 (1) Edition 04H
c) Minimum height of valve head, inlet valve and exhaust valve, "H" 1 5.0 mm
d) Maximum height of spindle above cylinder head, "H" 2 66.5 mm
506 a) Piston and piston ring grooves (see working card 506-01.10)
509 a) Free spand between pick-up and band steel (Lambda controller) 1 mm
98.18 - ES0
Your Notes :
Data for Torque Moment 500.40
Page 1 (8) Edition 06H
Tab. 1.
Cap main bearing / 1200 HAND/hand-M M 510-01.05
Cylinder crankcase Loctite 243
Cap main bearing / 200 HAND/hand-M MH 510-01.05
Cylinder crankcase 1200 HAND/hand-M MH 510-01.05
Crankcase / 1200 MH 505-01-55
Cylinder head
020 Crankshaft
Gear wheel 100-M
(two parts)
Gear wheel / 100-M
01.08 - ES0
500.40 Data for Torque Moment Description
Edition 06H Page 2 (8)
Gear wheel / Damper 1. step 450-M 510-04.00
2. step +60
Side / Disc 45-M
Connecting rod shaft / Con- 1200 M 506-01.25
necting rod cover 506-01.15
034 Piston
Piston 506-01.10
Piston 506-01.10
01.08 - ES0
Data for Torque Moment 500.40
Page 3 (8) Edition 06H
Clamp / Cylinder head 5-M 9-M 514-01.10
Crankcase covers / 8-M 511-01.00
Cylinder crankcase
Cylinder crankcase / 1200 HAND/hand-M 507-01.20
Stepped spur gear
Camshaft part piece / 55-M 507-01.00
Bearing disk
Bearing plate / Housing 55-M 507-01.00
Damper (9 cyl.) / Gear wheel 55-M 507-01.00
Spur gear / Bearing disk 55-M 507-01.05
01.08 - ES0
500.40 Description
Edition 06H
Data for Torque Moment Page 4 (8)
Camshaft part piece / 55-M 507-01.00
Bearing disk
Spur wheel / Bearing disk 507-01.05
Bearing plate / Housing 55-M 507-01.00
Damper (9L) / Gear wheel 55-M 507-01.00
Valve bridge / Settting screws 40-M
Rocker arm / Setting screws 40-M
112 Tappet
Housing / Axle 8-M 505-01.05
Connection socket / 4-MH 39-MH 514-01.06
Front-end box Loctite 638
01.08 - ES0
Data for Torque Moment 500.40
Page 5 (8) Edition 06H
Plugs on the side of the fuel
injection pump:
Woodward 45 M
L'Orange 100-120 M 514-01.90
Pipe piece / Compensator 80-MH
Clamping strap 34-MH 505-01.55
Cover / Pipe piece 80-MH
Pipe piece / Turbocharger 34-MH
Pipe piece 80-MH
311 Casing
Oil separator (closing cover)
/ Housing 7-MH 68-MH
01.08 - ES0
500.40 Data for Torque Moment Description
Edition 06H Page 6 (8)
Water pump shaft/spur gear 80-O
Water pump shaft/impeller 40-O
2 clamps / Cylinder head 4-MH 28-MH 514-01.05
3 clamps / Cylinder head
Flange / Bearing 4-MH 39-MH 505-01.55
01.08 - ES0
Data for Torque Moment 500.40
Page 7 (8) Edition 06H
Crankshaft / Flywheel 1.step 150-MH
2. step +90°
Tightening of Screwed Connections by the
Strength class 5.6 6.8 10.9 12.9
Conversion factor x 0.47 0.75 1.40 1.7
If screwed connections other than those listed are to
be tightened using a torque wrench, see tab. 3,
Tab. 2. Conversion factors for tightening torques as a function of
should be looked up for approximate tightening
the bolt strength class.
torques. The following should be observed:
M5 4 6 M 24 475 690
M6 7 10 M 24 x2 500 750
m8 17 25 M 27 700 1020
M 10 34 50 M 27x2 730 1100
M 12 60 85 M 30 950 1380
M 14 95 135 M 30x2 1015 1540
M 14x1.5 100 145 M33 1270 1870
M 16 140 205 M 33x2 1350 2060
M 16x1.5 150 220 M 36 1640 2400
01.08 - ES0
Declaration of Weight 500.45
Page 1 (1) Edition 02H
01.08 - ES0
Your Notes :
Ordering of Spare Parts 500.50
Page 1 (2)
Edition 01H
Whenever spare parts are ordered (or referred to in These data are used by us to ensure supply of the
correspondence, etc.) the following data must be correct spare parts for a particular engine, even
indicated for the engine concerned: though the spare part illustrations contained in this
book may not always be in complete accordance with
1) Name of Plant the individual components of a specific engine.
2) Engine Type and Engine no ----, built by Note: For ordering of spare parts for governor, turbo-
charger and alternator, please see the special in-
3) Illustration Plate number struction book for these components.
(complete with ed. figures)
4) Item no
Page te
1 (2)
and Conn
6 - ES
98.18 - ES2
Ordering of Spare Parts 500.50
Page 2 (2) Edition 01H
Name of Plant
98.18 - ES2
Service Letters 500.55
Page 1 (1)
Edition 01H
In order to ensure the most efficient, economical and Since new service letters might be of great impor-
up-to-date operation of our engines, we regularly tance to the operation of the plant, we recommend
send out "Service Letters" containing first-hand infor- that engine staff file them as supplements to the
mation regarding accumulated service experience. relevant chapters of this instruction book.
98.18 - ES0
Your Notes :
Description 500.60
Page 1 (3) Conversion Table Edition 01H
Basic Sl Units Length (m)
time minute min 1 min = 60 s Velocity, Speed (m/s) (3.6 km/h = 1 m/s)
98.19 - ES0
500.60 Conversion Table Description
Edition 01H Page 2 (3)
1 lb (pound mass) = 16 ozs (ounces) 0.4536 kg 1 kp s/m2 9.807 N s/m2 = 98.07 P (poise)
1 cwt (UK) (hundredweight) = 112 lbs 50.80 kg 1 poundal s/sq.ft 1.488 N s/m2
1 long ton (UK) = 20 cwt = 2240 lbs 1.016 metric tons = 1016 kg 1 lbf/sq.ft 47.88 N s/m2
1 short ton (UK) = 2000 lbs 0.907 metric tons = 907 kg poise is a special name taken from the CGS system. 1 P = 0.1 Pa s
1 lb/cub. ft 16.02 kg/m3 * 1 cSt (centi stokes) = 10-6 m2/s. Stokes is a special name taken from the
Force (1 kg m/s2 = 1 N)
Energy, Work (1 Nm = 1 J, Wh)
1 kp (kilopound)* 9.807 N
* Mercury. 1 mm Hg = 1 Torr
Moment of Force, Torque (kg m2/s2 = Nm)
Values in table provided gn = 9.80665 m/s2
** Water column (WC) Can easily be derived from the above tables.
98.19 - ES0
Description 500.60
Page 3 (3) Conversion Table Edition 01H
Reference conditions
Specific fuel oil consumption values refer to brake power, and the following
Heat conductance (W/(m K)) reference conditions:
98.19 - ES0
Your Notes :
Basic Symbols for Piping 500.65
Page 1 (3) Edition 01H
1.3 Valves, gate valves, cocks and flaps 2.17 Loop expansion joint
1.5 Indicating and measuring instruments 2.19 Pneumatic flow or exhaust to atmosphere
2.1 Crossing pipes, not connected 3.4 Non-return valve (flap), straight
2.4 Flexible pipe 3.7 Non-return valve (flap), angle, screw down
97.40 - ES0
500.65 Basic Symbols for Piping Description
Edition 01H Page 2 (3)
3.19 Suction valve chest with non-return valves 4.2 Remote control
3.27 Cock with bottom connection 4.10 Manual (at pneumatic valves)
3.28 Cock, straight through, with bottom conn. 4.11 Push button
3.35 3/2 spring return valve, normally closed 5.2 Filter or strainer
3.36 2/2 spring return valve, normally closed 5.3 Magnetic filter
97.40 - ES0
Basic Symbols for Piping 500.65
Page 3 (3) Edition 01H
5.17 Water trap with manual control 7. READING INSTR. WITH ORDINARY DESIGNATIONS
5.21 Single acting cylinder with spring returned 7.4 Distance level indicator
97.40 - ES0
Your Notes :
Page 1 (1) Operation of Engine 501
Operation 501.01
Page 1 (3)
Edition 03H
Preparations for Starting 4) Check pre. lub. oil pressure at inlet to filter, inlet
of the engine and inlet turbocharger on the
The following describes what to do before starting monitoring box display according to the data
when the engine has been out of service for a period and setpoints sheet.
of time.
2) Check the oil level in the governor, see Fig. 2, Note: To avoid shock effects owing to large tempera-
with the level indicator on the governor. ture fluctuations just after start, it is recommended:
3) Start up the prelubricating pump. a) to preheat the engine. Cooling water at least
60°C should be circulated through the frame
Note: The engine must be prelubricated for at least and cylinder head for at least 2 hours before
30 minutes prior to start-up (at the first starting-up, or start:
if the engine is cold, the engine must be prelubricated
for at least 60 minutes) - by means of cooling water from engines which
or are running or by means of a preheater (if
check that there is oil coming out at bearings, pistons installed).
and rocker arms.
98.47 - ES0
501.01 Description
Edition 03H
Operation Page 2 (3)
HFO System
10) Drain the starting air system. 14) Check the lubricating oil pressure.
11) Open the starting air supply. 15) Check the cooling water pressure.
12) Check the air pressure on the operating box 16) Check the fuel oil feed pressure.
according to the data and setpoints sheet.
17) Check that the turbocharger is running.
98.47 - ES0
Operation 501.01
Page 3 (3) Edition 03H
Check that all shutdowns are connected and function 29) To ensure full operational reliability, the condi-
satisfactory. tion of the engine should be continuously ob-
served so that order for preventive mainte-
20) Test the overspeed, see Working Card nance work can be carried out before serious
509-01.05. breakdowns occur, see also section 502.
22) The lubricating oil pressure must be within the Starting and stopping of the engine should take place
stated limits and may not fall below the stated on HFO in order to prevent any incompatibility prob-
minimum pressure. The paper filter cartridges lems on changeover to MDO.
must be replaced before the pressure drop
across the filter reaches the stated maximum MDO should only be used in connection with mainte-
value, or the pressure after the filter has fallen nance work on the engine or before a longer period
below the stated minimum value. Dirty filter of engine standstill.
cartridges cannot be cleaned for re-use.
Before starting on HFO the engine must be properly
23) The lubricating oil temperature must be kept preheated as described in "Preparations for Starting"
within the stated limits indicated on the data and as described below.
and setpoints sheet.
Stopping the engine on HFO is no problem, but it
24) The fuel oil pressure must be kept at the stated should be ensured that the temperature of fuel pipes
value. is not reduced to a level below the pour point of the
fuel. Otherwise reestablishing the circulation might
25) The cylinder cooling water temperature must cause problems.
be kept within the limits indicated on the data
and setpoints sheet.
Starting on MDO
27) Keep the charging air pressure and tempera- Initial ignition may be difficult if the engine and ambi-
ture under control. For normal values, see the ent temperatures are lower than 5°C and 15°C cool-
test report from shop and sea trials. ing water temperature.
98.47 - ES0
Your Notes :
Out of Service 501.05
Page 1 (2) Edition 05H
L16/24 L27/38
V28/32S L21/31
Stand-by Mode 3) A lubricating oil sample should be sent to a
laboratory for immediate analysis.
During engine standstill in stand-by position the
media cooling water and fuel oil should be conti- 4) The installed drain fasilities in the exhaust gas
nuously circulated at temperatures similar to the system must be open.
operating conditions.
The prelubricating pump must always run in stand- Work during Repairs
by mode.
The following should be carried out during major
Maintenance during Standstill
5) Retighten all bolts and nuts in the crankcase.
In periods during standstill of the engine (not in
stand-by position) it is recommended to start the 6) Check the various gearwheel drives for the
prelubricating oil pump for minimum 20 minutes camshafts.
once every week and to turn the engine during the
prelubricating period by 2-3 revolutions. 7) Remedy leakages of water and oil in the en-
gine, and blow through blocked-up drain pipes.
During the lay-up period we recommend that our 9) Empty the oil sump of lubricating oil and check
special instructions for preservation of the engines the bottom of the oil sump for fragments of
are followed. babbitt from bearings. Remove the sludge, if
not done within a period of one year. Clean the
sump very thoroughly and subsequently coat
Work before Major Repairs with clean lubricating oil.
After overhaul of pistons, bearings, etc. this check The differential pressure across the lubricating oil
should be repeated before starting the engine. filter must be watched very carefully after cleaning
and starting-up the engine. Be sure to replace filter
2) Open up all filters to check that filter elements cartridges in due time.
are intact. Filter cartridges in the lub. oil filter
are to be replaced before start, after repair, or 11) After restoring normal prelubricating oil circula-
after excessive differential pressure. After re- tion, turn the engine at least two revolutions by
moval, dirty elements can be examined for means of the turning device to check the
particles of bearing metal at the bottom of the movability of the relevant parts of the engine.
paper lamella (the elements cannot be used
again). 12) Close drain cocks in the exhaust gas system if
02.47 - ES0
501.05 Description
Edition 05H
Out of Service Page 2 (2)
L16/24 L27/38
V28/32S L21/31
Lubrication of Manoeuvering Gear b) Adjustment speed: switch in the alternator on
the switchboard and set the load to about 40%.
13) Lubricate the bearings and rod connections in On reaching normal oil temperatures in gover-
the manoeuvering gear. Move the rod connec- nor and engine increase the load instantly to
tions by hand to check that the friction in about 80% (by starting a major pump or com-
bearings and fuel injection pumps is suffi- pressor). This must not cause the frequency to
ciently low. fall by more than some 8%, and the engine
must return to a constant no. rpm after about 3
14) Checks to be made just before starting the seconds (although this rpm will be a little lower
engine are described under 501.01. than before owing to the speed drop of the
governor). If the engine is operated in parallel
with other engines, an even sharing of the load
Check of Governor must be established within about 3 seconds. If
the governor reacts too slowly, compensating
Note: At starting-up after an overhaul the overspeed adjustment is effected as indicated in the
shutdown must be testet at correct setpoint after the governor's instruction manual (Compensating
following has been done: Adjustment).
a) Start the engine and keep it at no load. Note: It is a condition for this test that the engine and
turbocharger are in perfect operating condition, so
b) Turn the speed setting on governor until the that possible sources of error can be eliminated
overspeed is released. Check that it is re- immediately.
leased at correct rpm according to "Operation
data & set points", 500.30 and working card c) Hunting: run the engine at synchronous rpm,
509-01.05. and without load. Provided that the governor
oil is warm, the regulating lever must not
Note: If both overspeed shutdown (SSH 81) are perform any major periodical movements, and
activated, nuts and bolts have to be retightened neither must there be any variation in the
before the engine is started, (Nuts and bolts accord- engine speed. If that is the case, repeat the
ing to the colomn "Check new/overhauled parts after compensating adjustment according to the
- hours" in the planned maintenance program). governor's instruction manual.
15) Check the governor as follows: start up the d) Speed drop: in case of unsatisfactory load
engine and run it at the synchronous number of sharing between two or more engines this can
revolutions. be rectified by increasing the speed drop of the
engine that is subject to the greatest load (or
a) Speed-setting: before switching-in the alterna- by reducing the setting of the other engines).
tor on the switchboard please check that the
servomotor adjusts the rpm with a suitable
Woodward Europa
Max. 70 100
Normal range 45-60 70-90
Default 52 80
02.47 - ES0
Starting-up after Repair 501.10
Page 1 (1)
Edition 03H
The following enumerated checks are to be made After 5-15 and 30 minutes' idle running, open the
immediately after starting and during load increase. crankcase and the camshaft housing and perform
feel-over on the surfaces of all moving parts where
Note: In the following it is assumed that the engine friction may arise and cause undue heating.
has been out of service for some time due to repairs
and that checks during out of service periods have Feel: main bearings, big-end bearings, alternator
been carried out as described in the previous chap- bearings, and camshaft bearings, cylinder liners,
ter. roller guides and gear wheels.
When starting up after repair, the following checks After the last feel-over, repeat check 4.1. on page
must be made, in the order stated in addition to 501.05, see also "Ignition in Crankcase" on page
normal surveillance and recording. 503.04 in section 503.
98.19 - ES0
Your Notes :
Guidelines for Longterm Low-Load Operation on HFO 501.15
Page 1 (1) Edition 02H
Part load/low load operation HFO-operation at loads lower than 20% MCR should
therefore only take place within certain time limita-
In certain ship operation situations the diesel-gen- tions according to the curves.
erator sets are sometimes exposed to part load/low
load operation. After a certain period of HFO-operation at a load
lower than 20% MCR, a change to MDO should take
During manoeuvring all diesel-generator sets are place in order to prevent further retardation of the
often started up for safety reasons, resulting in low engine performance condition, or the engine load
load conditions for all sets. should over a period of 15 minutes be raised to 70%
MCR and maintained here for a certain period of time
During harbour stay even one diesel-generator run- in order to burn off the carbon deposits, thus reestab-
ning could be lowloaded when hotel purposes are lishing adequate performance condition. After such
the only electricity consumers. "cleanburning period" low-load operation on HFO
can be continued.
At part load/low load it is important to maintain
constant media temperatures, i.e. for cooling water, However the operator must be aware of the fact that
lubricating oil and fuel oil, in order to ensure ad- fouwling in the air inlet channels, if any, will not be
equate combustion chamber temperature and thus cleaned with high load running. Extensive low-load
complete combustion. running can therefore result in necessity off manual
cleaning of the inlet channels.
At loads lower than 20% MCR there is risk of timede-
pendant retardation of the engine performance con- If special application conditions demand continuous
dition due to fouling of gas- and air channels, com- HFO-operation at loads lower than 20% MCR. and
bustion chambers and the turbocharger. occasionally performed "clean-burning" periods are
inconvenient or impossible, special equipment and
arrangements must be established.
Load %
Admissible low-load operation Necessary operating period
(load percent/period) on HFO. with min. 70% load after low-
load operation on HFO.
Running-up period to 70%
load: approx. 15 min.
a b 70% load
10 HFO or MDO
a b
00.11 - ES1
Your Notes :
Page 1 (1) Engine Performance and Condition 502
Working card
Description Engine Performance and Condition 502.01
Page 1 (3) Edition 04H
Performance Data and Engine Condition An increase in charge air temperature involves a
corresponding increase in the exhaust gas tempera-
During operation small changes in the engine condi- ture level by a ratio of about 1:1.5, i.e. 1°C higher
tion take place continuously as a result of combus- charge air temperature causes about 1.5°C higher
tion, including fouling of airways and gasways, for- exhaust gas temperature.
mation of deposits, wear, corrosion, etc. If continu-
ously recorded, these changes in the condition can Reduction of the charge air pressure results in a
give valuable information about the operational and corresponding reduction of the compression
maintenance condition of the engine. Continuous pressure and max. combustion pressure.
observation can contribute to forming a precise and
valuable basis for evaluation of the optimum opera-
tion and maintenance programmes for the individual Fuel Injection Pump
The amount of fuel injected is equivalent to the
supplied energy and is thus an expression of the load
Engine Performance Data and mean effective pressure of the engine. The fuel
pump index can therefore be assumed to be propor-
If abnormal or incomprehensible deviations in opera- tional to the mean pressure. Consequently, it can be
tion are recorded, expert assistance in the evaluation assumed that the connected values of the pump
thereof should be obtained. index are proportional to the load.
We recommend taking weekly records of the most The specific fuel consumption, SFOC (measured by
important performance data of the engine plant. weight) will, on the whole, remain unchanged whether
During recording (working card 502-01.00 can be the engine is operating on HFO or on MDO, when
used) the observations are to be compared continu- considering the difference in calorimetric heat value.
ously in order to ascertain alterations at an early However, when operating on HFO, the combination
stage and before these exert any appreciable influ- of density and calorific value may result in a change
ence on the operation of the plant. of up to 6% in the volumetric consumption at a given
load. This will result in a corresponding change in the
As a reference condition for the performance data, fuel pump index, and attention should be paid to this
the testbed measurements of the engine or possibly when adjusting the overload preventive device of the
the measurements taken during the sea trial on the engine.
delivery of the ship can be used. If considerable
deviations from the normal conditions are observed, Abrasive particles in the fuel oil result in wear of fuel
it will be possible, in a majority of cases, to diagnose injection pumps and fuel valve nozzles. Effective
the cause of such deviations by means of a total treatment of the fuel oil in the purifier can keep the
evaluation and a set of measurements, after which content of abrasive particles to a minimum. Worn fuel
possible adjustment/overhauls can be decided on injection pumps will result in an increase of the index
and planned. on account of an increased loss in the pumps due to
98.48 - ES0
502.01 Engine Performance and Condition Description
Edition 04H Page 2 (3)
Fouling of the turbine side of the turbocharger will, in The overhaul intervals for exhaust valves is one of
its first phase, manifest itself in increasing turbo- the key parameters when the reliability of the entire
charger revolutions on account of increased gas engine is to be judged. The performance of the
velocity through the narrowed nozzle ring area. In the exhaust valves is therefore extremely informative.
long run, the charging air quantity will decrease on
account of the greater flow resistance through the Especially under unfavourable conditions, fuel quali-
nozzle ring, resulting in higher wall temperatures in ties with a high vanadium and sodium content will
the combustion chambers. promote burning of the valve seats. Combinations of
vanadium and sodium oxides with a corrosive effect
Service experience has shown that the turbine side will be formed during combustion. This adhesive ash
is exposed to increased fouling when operating on may, especially in the event of increased valve tem-
HFO. peratures, form deposits on the seats. An increasing
sodium content will reduce the melting point and
The rate of fouling and thereby the influence on the thereby the adhesive temperature of the ash, which
operation of the engine is greatest for small turbo- will involve a greater risk of deposits. This condition
chargers where the flow openings between the guide will be especially unfavourable when the na weight
vanes of the nozzle ring are relatively small. Deposits ratio increases beyond 1:3.
occur especially on the guide vanes of the nozzle ring
and on the rotor blades. In the long run, fouling will The exhaust valve temperature depends on the
reduce the efficiency of the turbocharger and thereby actual maintenance condition and the load of the
also the quantity of air supplied for the combustion of engine. With correct maintenance, the valve tem-
the engine. A reduced quantity of air will result in perature is kept at a satisfactory low level at all loads.
higher wall temperatures in the combustion spaces The air supply to the engine (turbocharger/air cooler)
of the engine. and the maximum pressure adjustment are key pa-
rameters in this connection.
Fuel Valves It is important for the functioning of the valves that the
valve seats are overhauled correctly in accordance
Assuming that the fuel oil is purified effectively and with our instructions.
that the engine is well-maintained, the operational
conditions for the fuel valves and the overhaul inter- The use of rotocaps ensures a uniform distribution of
vals will not normally be altered essentially when temperature on the valves.
operating on HFO.
If, for any reason, the surface temperature of the fuel Air Inlet Valves
valve nozzle is lower than the condensation tem-
perature of sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid condensate The operational conditions of the air inlet valves are
can form and corrosion take place (cold corrosion). not altered substantially when using residual fuel.
The formation of sulphuric acid also depends on the
98.48 - ES0
Engine Performance and Condition 502.01
Page 3 (3) Edition 04H
The occurrence of increasing abrasive wear of plunger The fresh air supply (ventilation) to the engine room
and barrel can be a consequence of insufficient should correspond to approximately 1.5 times the air
purification of the fuel oil, especially if a fuel which consumption of the engines and possible boilers in
contains residues from catalytic cracking is used. operation. Sub-pressure in the engine room will
Water in the fuel oil increases the risk of cavitation in involve an increased exhaust temperature level.
connection with pressure impulses occurring at the
fuel injection pump cut-off. A fuel with a high asphalt The exhaust back-pressure measured after the tur-
content has deteriorating lubricating properties and bochargers at full load must not exceed 250-300 mm
can, in extreme cases, result in sticking of the fuel water column. An increase in the exhaust back-
injection pump plungers. pressure will also cause an increased exhaust valve
temperature level, and increased fuel comsumption.
98.48 - ES0
Your Notes :
Description Evaluation of Readings Regarding 502.02
Page 1 (1) Combustion Condition Edition 02H
(limit 50%)
Air filters
(limit 50%)
Air side of
cooler fouled.
Exhaust temp. increasing:
Air system fouled
(Air filter-blower-cooler).
Water flow too small
Exhaust system fouled
(nozzle ring, turbine wheel).
Air cooler fouled.
See also:
Engine Performance
and Condition 502.01
98.19 - ES0
Your Notes :
Condensate Amount 502.05
Page 1 (2) Edition 03H
the diagram. The ability to absorb water depends on diagram can be used.
the pressure and temperature of the air.
98.21 - ES2
502.05 Condensate Amount Description
Edition 03H Page 2 (2)
As a guidance, an air consumption of 8.2 kg/kWh (Le) Amount of Condensate Water in Air Tanks
at full load can be used for MAN B&W, Holeby
engines. The volume of condensate in the air tank is determined
by means of the curve at the bottom to the right of the
Solution according to diagram: diagram, representing an operating pressure of 30
Water content of air (I) 0.033 kg/kg
Max. water cont. of air (II) 0.021 kg/kg Example:
= (I - III) x m
= (0.033 - 0.0015) x 138 = 4.35 kg
98.21 - ES2
Working Card 502-01.00
Page 1 (1) Engine Performance Data Edition 03H
Starting position
Engine is running.
Related procedure
99.03 - ES0
Performance L16/24
Eng. type: Eng. No:
T/C type: Serial No:
Fuel type: Viscosity:
Air temp °C
Run hours
RPM 1/min
T/C rpm 1/min
HT temp. °C
HT press. bar
LT temp. °C
LT press. bar
LO temp. °C
LO press. b. filt. bar
LO press. a. filt. bar
LO press. T/C bar
FO temp. °C
FO press. bar
CA temp. °C
CA press. bar
Exh. cyl. 1 °C
Exh. cyl. 2 °C
Exh. cyl. 3 °C
Exh. cyl. 4 °C
Exh. cyl. 5 °C
Exh. cyl. 6 °C
Exh. cyl. 7 °C
Exh. cyl. 8 °C
Exh. cyl. 9 °C
Exh. b. T/C °C
Exh. a. T/C °C
L1 °C
L2 °C
L3 °C
Gov. IDX
IDX 1 mm
IDX 2 mm
IDX 3 mm
IDX 4 mm
IDX 5 mm
IDX 6 mm
IDX 7 mm
IDX 8 mm
IDX 9 mm
Power kW
Voltage V
Current A
Cos phi / kvAr
Working Card
Check of Leakages from Inspection Holes 502-05.00
Page 1 (3) Edition 01H
Check of leakages from inspection holes.
Hand tools
Starting position
Related procedure
98.22 - ES0
502-05.00 Check of Leakages from Inspection Holes Working Card
Edition 01H Page 2 (3)
If Then
Water leaks from the inspection hole The O-ring on the top of the liner has to be
Gas leaks from the inspection hole The sealing ring cylinder head/liner has to be
98.22 - ES0
Working Card
Check of Leakages from Inspection Holes 502-05.00
Page 3 (3) Edition 01H
If Then
Water leaks from the inspection hole Check the rotating sealing
If Then
Water leaks from the inspection hole Check the rotating sealing
If Then
Air leaks from the inspection holes The inner O-ring on the charge air cooler has to
be replaced
Water leaks from the inspection hole The O-rings on the cooling water connecting has
to be replaced
98.22 - ES0
Your Notes :
Page 1 (1) Trouble Tracing 503
Starting Failures 503.01
Page 1 (1) Edition 02H
Engine turns as soon as shut- Faults in electrical system. Check electrical parts.
off valve is opened, without
start button being activated.
Engine does not turn when start Air pressure in starting air re- Start compressors, re-charge
button is activated. ceiver too low. air receiver.
Air motor runs, pinion engages Check the air motor for broken
but does not rotate. shafting, bearing or clutch jaws,
see Working Card 513-01.30.
Faults in electrical system. Check electrical parts.
Engine turns too slowly or Worn air motor parts. Remove and disassemble the
irregularly when start button is air motor. Examine all parts
depressed. and replace any that are worn
or damaged. Use the guide-
lines for determining unserv-
iceable parts, see Working
Card 513-01.30.
Air starter works, but the drive Clutch or drive shaft broken. Dismantle the air starter and
shaft does not rotate. repair it.
00.12 - ES0
Your Notes :
Faults in Fuel Oil System 503.02
Page 1 (2) Edition 05H
L16/24 L27/38
V28/32S L21/31
Engine turns, but ignition fails. Fuel Sluggish movement of manoeuvering Lubricate and mobilize rod connections
pumps are not actuated. gear. in manoeuvering gear.
Incorrect adjustment of manoeuvering Check rod connec. Check that fuel pump
gear. index corresponds to "Adjustments after
trials" in testbed chart.
Piston in Lambda controller is actuated. Check that piston is not sticking. Check
that pressure in cylinder is relieved.
Check that the shutdown trip is not
Engine turns, but no fuel is injected Fuel oil service tank empty. Pump oil into the tank.
owing to failure in fuel system.
If Then
Air in fuel pumps. Loosen hexagon
socket screw on
fuel pumps until air
Engine runs, but does not ignite on all Air in fuel valves. Ignition fails on Vent the respective
02.40 - ES0
503.02 Faults in Fuel Oil System Description
Edition 05H Page 2 (2)
L16/24 L27/38
V28/32S L21/31
If Then
Pressure before Clean fuel filter.
pumps is too low. Check that by-pass
valve for feed pump
is not open.
Engine turns, fuel is injected, but Water in the fuel. Drain off water and repeat venting of fuel
ignition fails. pumps by loosening the hexagonal socket
screw until air disappears.
Fuel valves or nozzles defective. Change defective fuel valves, see working
card 514-01.10.
If Then
Compression Check intake and
during start too exhaust valve for
low. tight closing.
Check piston rings.
First ignitions are too violent. Engine Sluggish movement of manoeuvering Lubricate and mobilize rod connections
runs erratically. gear. and bearings in manoeuvring gear.
02.40 - ES0
Disturbances During Running 503.03
Page 1 (3)
Edition 03H
Exhaust gas temperatures Increased charging air temperature due Clean air coolers, see working card 512-01.00.
increased on all cylinders. to ineffective air coolers.
Fouling of air and gas passages. Clean air and gas passages, see working cards in section
Wrong maximum combustion pres- Check camshaft adjustment, see working card
sure. 507-01.20.
Exhaust gas temperature Fuel valve or valve nozzle defective. Overhaul fuel valve, see working card 514-01.10.
increased on one cylinder.
Leaky exhaust valves. Check the valve clearance, see working card 514-01.10
change the leaky valve and recondition the exhaust valve,
see working card 505-01.05.
Blow-by = leaky combustion chamber. Check piston rings, see working card 506-01.35.
If Then
Stopping of the The fuel pump of the cylinder con-
engine is not cerned should be put out of opera-
possible or tion by moving the index to stop
convenient. and locking it in this position.
Damaged fuel pump cam. Replace camshaft section, working card 507-01.05.
Exhaust gas temperature Decreased charging air temperature. Check the thermostatic valve in the cooling water system,
decreases on all cylinders. see working card 516-04.00.
Exhaust gas temperature Spindle in fuel valve is sticking. Change and overhaul defective fuel valve, see working
decrease on one cylinder. card 514-10.00.
Fuel pump plunger is sticking or leak- Change fuel pump plunger/barrel assembly, see working
ing. card 514-10.00.
98.19 - ES0
503.03 Disturbances During Running Description
Page 2 (3)
Edition 03H
Engine speed decreases. Pressure before fuel pumps too low. Raise fuel oil feed pump pressure to normal.
check filter, see working card 514-01.15.
Fuel valve defective. Change defective valve, see working card 514-01.10.
Water in the fuel. Drain off water from service and setting tanks. Check fuel
oil centrifuge.
Engine stops. Shut-down for overspeed. Check fuel pumps, see working card 514-10.00.
Check governor, see governor manual.
Check movement of regulating mechanism.
Shut-down for low lubricating Check pressostat, see working card 509-05.00.
oil pressure. Check lubricating oil filter, see working card 515-01.10.
Check lubricating oil pump, see working card 515-01.00.
Shut-down for high lubricating Check lub. oil flow and pressure,
oil pressure. see working card 515-01.20.
Clean lubricating oil cooler, see working card 515-06.00.
Smoky exhaust. Turbine speed lagging behind engine Clean turbine(s), see working card 512-15.00.
Air supply too low. Clean air cooler, see working card 512-01.00.
Clean air filter, see working card 512-35.00.
Clean compressor, see working card 512-05.05.
Clean turbine, see working card 512-15.00.
Fuel valves or nozzles defective. Check fuel valves, see working card 514-01.10.
Exhaust valve knocking. Adjusting screw for valve setting loose. Inspect and replace defective parts, see working card
Push rod thrust disc damaged. 508-01.00.
If Then
The cooling water Open the test cocks (if fitted
temperature for the on the discharge from
entire engine has cylinders).
risen to 90-100°C.
98.19 - ES0
Disturbances During Running 503.03
Page 3 (3) Edition 03H
Lubricating oil pressure Lubricating oil pump defective. Check lubricating oil pump, see working card 515-01.00.
Filters fouled. Clean filter, see working card 515-01.10.
If Then
The lubricating oil Stop the engine: find the
pressure drops below cause of the pressure drop
the minimum stated and remedy the defect before
in the Data sheet. restarting the engine.
98.19 - ES0
Your Notes :
Description 503.04
Page 1 (1) Ignition in Crankcase Edition 03H
During running the atmosphere in the crankcase 2) Leave the engine room. Shut doors and keep
contains the same gases (N2-O2-CO2) in the same away from them. Make ready fire-fighting equip-
proportions as in the ambient air, but an intense ment.
spray of oil drops is slung around everywhere. If
undue friction, and thus heating, arises between Warning: Do not open crankcase until 10 minutes
sliding surfaces, or heat is otherwise transmitted to after stopping the engine. When opening up, keep
the crankcase, the heated surface will cause eva- clear of possible flames. Do not use naked light and
poration of the lubricating oil splashed onto it. When do not smoke.
the oil vapours condense they form milky white oil
mist which can ignite. Such ignition may be caused 3) Cut off starting air.
by the same "hot spot" that produced the oil mist. If Set the control panel in "Blocking Mode" see
a large quantity of oil mist has developed before description 501.01.
ignition, the burning may cause considerable pres- Take off all doors on one side of the crankcase.
sure rise in the crankcase, forcing the relief valves to
open. In a few cases, presumably when the whole 4) Locate the hot spot. Powerful lamps should be
crankcase has been filled with oil mist, a subsequent employed at once (in explosion-proof fittings).
explosion has thrown off the crankcase doors and Feel over all sliding surfaces (bearings, liners,
caused fire in the engine room. pistons, roller guides, etc.).
Every precaution should therefore be taken to (A) Look for squeezed-out bearing metal and discolora-
avoid "hot spots" and (B) discover oil mist in time. tion by heat (blistered paint, burnt oil, heated steel).
It is therefore important that the lubricating oil filtra- 6) Start electrically driven lubricating oil pump
tion equipment is in perfect condition. Filter cartrid- and check oil flow from all bearings and spray
ges may not be used again if they have been pipes in crankcase while turning the engine
removed from the filter. Checking of the oil condition through at least two revolutions.
by analysis is recommended.
7) Stop and feel over. Look out for oil mist.
Oil Mist in Crankcase Especially the frictional surfaces that caused the
00.12 - ES0
Your Notes :
Trouble Shooting Guide for Centrifugal By-pass Filter 503.05
Page 1 (1) Edition 02H
Oil leakage through cover nut. Missing or damaged O-ring Replace O ring.
(see Item 158, Plate 51515).
Dirt deposit not completely removed. Clean and bring to notice of maintenance
Bushes loose or worn in tube assembly. Fit new bearing tube assembly.
98.20 - ES0
Your Notes :
Trouble Shooting for Cooling Water System 503.09
Page 1 (1)
Edition 03H
Oil or water flows out of the inspec- Worn rotating sealing. See working card 502-05.00.
tion holes.
The pump does not work after start. Pump draws in air at suction side. Check packings and pipes for tightness.
The system is not filled-up. Check the level in the expansion tank.
Pump capacity drops after normal Air leakages from shaft seal. Overhaul the shaft seal.
Fouled impeller. Clean the impeller.
Pump does not give maximum Suction valve not fully open. Open the suction valve.
Defective seals. Replace the seals.
98.20 - ES0
Your Notes :
Description 503.10
Page 1 (2) Trouble Shooting for Lubricating Oil Cooler Edition 01H
Trouble Shooting Fatigue fracture will normally necessitate replacement
of all plates and gaskets as there may be a risk of
It is necessary to replace damaged plates or gaskets. fatigue fracture in all the material.
In case of corrosion, all plates must be examined
First examine the external conditions around the carefully!
plate heat exchanger in order to localize the cause of Concerning the work to be carried out see Working
the damage. Do this very carefully. card 515-06.00.
Visible Leakage
Leakage. Too high pressure. Reduce the pressure to the correct work-
ing pressure, see page 500.30 "Operating
Data & Set Points".
Leakage. Fouled or deformed plates. Separate the plate heat exchanger and
(Phase 2) Inelastic or deformed gaskets. check if the plates are deformed or fouled.
Check that the gaskets are elastic and
non-deformed, and that the faces of the
joints are clean.
Replace deformed plates and gaskets, if
Before assembling clean all plates and
gaskets very carefully.
Assemble the plate heat exchanger and
start it up again.
Note: Even tiny impurities such as sand
grains may cause leakage.
Leakage. Defective gasket or badly corroded plate. Separate the plate heat exchanger.
(Through the drain holes of the gas- Replace defective plates and gaskets, if
kets.) any.
Assemble the plate heat exchanger and
start it up again.
98.20 - ESO
503.10 Troubleshooting for Lubricating Oil Cooler Description
Edition 01H Page 2 (2)
Non-Visible Leakage
Reduced heat transmission and/or in- Fouled plates or choked plate Separate the plate heat exchanger and
creasing pressure drop. channels. check if the plates are fouled.
Clean the plates very carefully.
Assemble the plate heat exchanger and
start it up again.
98.20 - ES0
Trouble Shooting / Electrical Failures 503.20
Page 1 (6) Edition 01H
Trouble Shooting Further, please remember to inform the software no
when ordering a new module.
This description is a trouble shooting guide for the
automation system on the diesel engine type L16/
24 and L27/38. Safety System
If the conclusion of a trouble shooting indicates that If a replacement module is needed, the software ver-
an exchange of a module is needed, please fill-in sion must be informed at ordering. Software version
the enclosed inspection report, and return the mod- number is written on the module.
ule together with the inspection report to the engine
01.38 - ES0-ny
503.20 Trouble Shooting / Electrical Failures Description
Edition 01H Page 2 (6)
Table 1.1
Engine will not start. Supply voltage polarity, or no sup- Check the supply voltage on the green diode on
Start motor is not engaged. ply voltage. 3P1. If it is alight the power supply for the PLC
modules are OK.
No software in the module. If all diodes on 3P1 and 4P1 are alight after having
switched on the power supply, the module is without
software. The module must be replaced with a
module incl. software.
Note! After switch-on of the power supply the initiali-
zation takes app. 3 sec. Please wait these seconds
before observation.
All shutdown LED are alight on the Connector is not correctly connected Check the connector J29 on the base module. No
monitoring box. on internal failure in 3P1 or failure in red LED must be alight on 3P1 or 4P1. Activate the
CPU socket. change-over switch RUN/STOP. Exchange the 3P1
Low lub. oil shutdown occurs when Damaged or wrong adjustment of Check the pick-up for correct adjustment.
normal stop is activated. the rpm pick-up. Sensing distance = app. 1 mm, (for Honeywell pick-
up the latern must be placed at 3 or 9 o‘clock)
Check that the connector is plugged correctly. Be
aware that no counternuts prevent from plugging
the connector correctly. Replace the pick-up.
Note! Diode A62.07 will be alight if actual speed is
above nominal speed. If actual speed is below, it will
be dark.
The alarm „System & Power failure“ The internal bus connection is dis- Check that the bus connection on terminals 1 + 2 is
is activated. connected or internal component OK. Check that the resistance (120R) is installed
Diode A10.01 is not alight or diode failure. correctly and OK. Check that power supply is OK.
A10.02 is not alight. (Green diode must be alight). Switch on the RUN/
STOP change-over switch. The problem could be
related to an internal component failure and the
module must be replaced. Observe that no red
diode is alight on 3P1 or 4P1.
The shutdown functions are not Wiring or sensor problem. Check the wiring for shutdown sensors.
working. Internal component failure. Replace the module.
Overspeed set point is not correct. Missing jumper or wrong software. Check that E62.10 is alight for 720 rpm engines,
and OFF for 750 rpm engines. Check the software
label on the front of the module or in the scheme.
01.38 - ES0-ny
Trouble Shooting / Electrical Failures 503.20
Page 3 (6) Edition 01H
The Monitoring System Interface to the alarm and monitoring system in the
control room is made by MODBUS or Interlink to
The monitoring system monitors shows all relevant the output module.
pressures, temperatures and rpm on the engine.
The software can be read on the label attached on
The monitoring system consists of four hardware the Base Module or by pushing the lamp test button
modules as standard and a module as option for for 3 seconds. The software version number will be
bearing temp. monitoring. The monitoring system displayed in the operation box display.
hardware and software is developed by MAN B&W.
Fig 2 describes the hardware. The software for engine type L16/24 will start with
2.xx, and the software for engine type L27/38 will
All sensors are connected to the base module and start with 3.xx, f.ex. 3.11. Please make sure that the
the Operation Box (OB), Monitor for Temp. and Pres- dip switches SW1, SW2, SW5 and SW3 are in cor-
sure Module (MTP) and Monitor for Exh. Gas Temp. rect position acc. to the plant related scheme. See
Module (MEG) are connected via interlink bus con- section 509.
01.38 - ES0-ny
503.20 Trouble Shooting / Electrical Failures Description
Edition 01H Page 4 (6)
Table 1.2
Engine will not start. Power supply is not correct, inter- Check that the power supply is correct 24 V ± 20%
Start motor is not engaged. lock activated or internal compo- on terminals J3; 132, 133.
nent failure Check that no interlocks are activated
– Turning gear not engaged
– No start failure activated
– No engine run signal
– Remote mode is activated
– No shutdown activated
– Stop valve not activated
– No lub. oil pressure
– Prelub. oil pressure is OK
Check that LED on base module is steadily green
alight. See also table 1.3
Check that wirings from terminals J20; 98, 99 are
Check the safety system (see table 1.1)
Check that the ON/OFF switch on the base module
is working properly.
Note! After having switched on the power supply,
the system initializes app. 3 seconds. Please wait
with observations until initializing is finished.
Replace the base module.
Data communication failure. EMC problem or loose connections. Check that the green LED on the base module is
alight. See also table 1.3
Check that all cable screens are connected cor-
rectly in the EMC cable glands.
Check that the data communiation cable (MODBUS)
is the twisted pair type.
No RPM indication Defect pick-up or incorrect adjust- Check the pick-up for correct adjustment.
ment. Sensing distance = app. 1 mm, (for Honeywell pick-
up the latern must be placed at 3 or 9 o‘clock)
Check that the connector is plugged correctly. Be
aware that no counternuts prevent from plugging
the connector correctly.
Replace the pick-up. For the Dr. Horn pick-up the
sensing distance must be 1-1.8 mm (the thread on
the pick-up is 1 mm)
the engine suddenly starts or stops. Two or more earth failures on the Check for earth failures on all sensors.
engine and yard installation. Special attention should be made to the exh. gas sen-
sors. Check for earth failures in the yard system. Re-
place the base module.
LED flashing green, yellow or red. Internal component failure or EMC See table 1.3. Switch the power ON/OFF.
problem. Exchange the base module.
All red diodes on the operation box No power supply or software in the Check the safety system accoding to table 1.1.
are alight. safety system.
Jet system activated under no load The band steel on the lambda arm is Adjust the band steel to app. 2-3 mm above the jet
condition and/or jet alarm activated. adjusted incorrectly. pick-up.
01.38 - ES0-ny
Trouble Shooting / Electrical Failures 503.20
Page 5 (6) Edition 01H
Cont. Table 1.2
„Frozen“ operation box, MTP and Internal software failure. See table 1.3. Switch the power supply on/off.
MEG box. Exchange the base module.
Instable behaviour of the output sig- Too high voltage on the output cir- Check that the voltage is below 48 VDC.
nals for start/stop of prelubricating cuit terminals J20, 108, 109 120 VAC or 220 VAC is not allowed.
pump. Note! The voltage must be checked in the
prelubricating pump starter panel.
Temp. indication is too high acc. to Internal component failure. Replace the base module.
calibrated values, or values are ab-
Change-over switch between LO- Internal failure in the operation box. See table 1.3 and 1.4. Replace the operation box.
CAL - REMOTE - BLOCKING is not Damaged flat cable between print
working. card and front panel.
The alarm „System & Power failure“ This alarm consists of different alarm 1) Check diode A10.01 on the safety system
is activated. possibilities module 4P1. If it is alight, it is OK. No red LED must
1) Power & system failure in the be alight on 3P1or 4P1. See also table 1.1. SUPPLY
safety system. LED and RUN LED must be alight.
2) Power supply failure to the pres- 2) Check green diode J29/J30 and fuse 2.5 AT. If
sure sensors. green diode is alight, it is OK.
3) Cable/wire failure for monitor 3) Check if any analog signals are missing. If all
sensors. signals are present, it is OK. Remember to check
4) Cable/wire failure for safety sys- also the spare exh. gas input channels. A jumper
tem sensors. must be present. See also table 1.4
5) Communication link failure. 4) Check diode A10.02. If it is alight, it is OK. If it is
6) Tacho failure. not alight, check the safety system for cable break
or loose connections.
5) Check if rpm pick-up is OK, and/or lub. oil pres-
sure is OK. If lub. oil pressure is normal, but no rpm
signal is present, the tacho alarm will be activated.
6) Check the diode on the base module to table 1.3
and table 1.4.
OB display indicates OFFLN or Cable break on data communica- See table 1.3. Check cable installation for sensor(s)
ERR-1 or fault. tion or sensor(s). and/or data communication
01.38 - ES0-ny
503.20 Trouble Shooting / Electrical Failures Description
Edition 01H Page 6 (6)
Table 1.3
Base Module LED indications
On the Base Module printed circuit board a two-coloured lamp (light diode, LED) is located , which indicates the current state of the
Base Module central processor.
Observations Description
GREEN flash One or more Interlink modules are offline (disconnected) or incorrect setup on SW2.
RED permanent light BM internal hardware error (or lockup caused by EMC disturbances).
YELLOW permanent light BM internal hardware error (or lockup caused by EMC disturbances).
RED flash BM software or hardware fault. The number of flashes indicates an internal error code which must be
reported when returning the module. (It may also be caused by EMC disturbances)
Yellow 4x flash MODBUS address error (SW1): Incorrectly set to an illegal address (0 or 255, all switched ON or OFF).
Other yellow flashes BM internal software fault. The number of flashes indicates an internal error code which must be re-
ported when returning the module. (It may also be caused by EMC disturbances)
Table 1.4
Display indications on the Operation Box (OB)
Observations Description
Ready Shown for a few seconds when the OB module is powered on, indicating that the internal selftest of the module
was successfully passed.
OFFLN The OB module is OFFLINE. There is no communication from the base module to the OB module. This message
will appear shortly when powering on the system, indicating that the base module has been reset.
FAULT Indicates that the BM module has entered failsafe mode either because of a fatal software or hardware fault.
01.38 - ES0-ny
Your Notes :
Index Specification and Treament, Lubricating Oil, Fuel
Page 1 (1) 504
Oil and Cooling Water
Lubricating Oil Specification 504.01
Page 1 (1) Edition 05H
This document is valid for the following engine types: Based on typical load profile for marine GenSet (50-
L16/24, L21/31, L23/30H, L27/38, L28/32H, V28/ 60% of rated power)
32H, V28/32S
Oil type TBN TBN TBN
For the engines, a HD-lub. oil (heavy duty) corre- (initial) (equilibrium) (min. level)
sponding to at least type CD Comercial Class D after
API service system (meets MIL-L-2104 C and D) has Gas oil 8-12 6-8 6
to be used.
Marine diesel 10-15 8-10 8
The oil should be rust and oxidation inhibited. Heavy fuel (S<1.5) 10-15 8-10 8
When selecting a lubricating oil, attention must be Heavy fuel (1.5<S<2.5) 15-20 10-14 8
paid to the fuel oil sulphur content.
Heavy fuel (2.5<S<3.5) 20-25 10-14 8
Due to generating running mode for HOLEBY's Heavy fuel (3.5<S<4.5) 20-25 10-14 8
engines, where the lub. oil consumption depends on
running time and the fuel oil consumption and follow-
ing the sulphur input to the lub. oil depends on the Based on typical load profile for stationary GenSets
load, a lower TBN-value (Total Base Number) than (50-100% of rated power)
normal for main engines is needed.
Oil type TBN TBN TBN
(initial) (equilibrium) (min. level)
Gas oil 8-12 6-8 6
Marine diesel 10-15 8-10 8
L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 Based on typical load profile for variable speed
L23/30H, L+V28/32H, V28/32S engine, pumps (10-100% of rated power)
In the long run though, the operation results are the Heavy fuel (1.5<S<2.5) 20-30 10-14 8
criteria that prove which TBN is the most economical
Heavy fuel (2.5<S<3.5) 20-30 10-14 8
one for efficient engine operation.
Heavy fuel (3.5<S<4.5) 25-30 10-14 8
01.24 - ES1
Your Notes :
Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Condition 504.03
Page 1 (2)
Edition 04H
General A more economical solution is to maintain the condi-
tion by continuous treatment. Experience has proved
During operation of trunk engines the lubricating oil that centrifuging is superior to other methods of
will be contaminated slowly by small particles origi- cleaning lubricating oils.
nating from the combustion.
The optimum cleaning effect is achieved by keeping
The burning of heavy fuels will normally increase this the lubricating oil in a state of low viscosity for a long
contamination due to the increased content of car- period in the centrifuge bowl.
bon residues and other impurities.
Low viscosity is obtained by preheating the lubricat-
Contamination of lubricating oil with water, fresh or ing oil to a temperature of 85°C - 95°C.
salt, can also take place.
Slow passage of the lubricating oil through the
A certain amount of contaminants can be kept sus- centrifugal separator is obtained by using a reduced
pended in the lubricating oil without affecting the flow rate and by operating the separator 24 hours a
lubricating properties. day, stopping only when cleaning of the bowl is
But the condition of the lubricating oil should be kept
under observation by analyzing oil samples. See When treating detergent type lubricating oil, the flow
also 504.04 "Criteria for Cleaning/Exchange of rate is usually recommended to be reduced to 15-
Lubricating Oil". 25% of the rated flow of the separator.
The engine bearings are protected by the full-flow In order to keep the amount of lubricating oil in the
lubricating oil filter built onto the engine, the filter engine in good condition, it is necessary to treat 0.3-
cartridges having a fineness of 15 micron and the 0.4 l/kw per hour.
safety filter a fineness of 60 micron.
A centrifuge for treating this amount of lubricating oil
The condition of the lubricating oil can be main- under the aforementioned derated flow conditions
tained/reestablished by exchanging the oil at fixed should have a rated capacity of 1.5-2.5 l/kw per hour,
intervals or based on analysis results. but in each case the separator manufacturer's rec-
ommendations for capacity and operating in-
structions should be followed.
Operation on Marine Diesel Oil (MDO)
For engines with cartridge-type oil filters (depth
The built-on full-flow dept filter cleans the oil thor- filters), continuous and efficient purification of the oil
oughly. For operation on MDO we recommend to in the separator is essential to ensure a long service
install a built-on centrifugal by-pass filter too. life for the cartridge filters.
02.16 - ES0 - G
504.03 Maintenance of Lubricating Oil Condition Description
Edition 04H Page 2 (2)
In that case not only must the bearings be renewed, These may be some or all of the following:
but the journals must also be polished. The corro-
siveness of the lubricating oil is either due to far - Sludge precipitation in purifier multiplies.
advanced oxidation of the oil itself (TAN) or to the
presence of inorganic acids (SAN). In both cases the - Smell of oil becomes acrid or pungent.
presence of water will multiply the effect, especially
an influx of sea water as the chloride ions act as an - Machined surfaces in crankcase become cof-
inorganic acid. fee brown with a thin layer of lacquer.
02.16 - ES0 - G
Criteria for Cleaning/Exchange of Lubricating Oil 504.04
Page 1 (2) Edition 03H
It is not possible to predict the expected life time for Limit value : < 0.5
lubricating oil, as it is not possible for the engine preferred < 0.2 (higher value is
manufacturer to know which fuel and lubricating oil permissible in a shorter period)
qualities will be used and under which operation
conditions the engine will be operated. Possible test
method : Patable test unit or gas chrom-
A replacement of lubricating oil is required when the atography (or infra red distil).
oil's identification values have changed no that the If the limit value is exceeded, a
lubricating cleaning and neutralization properties no supplementary test for chlorides
longer are sufficient. (ASTM D-878) can be made.
Possible test
method : ASTM D-445 (modified) The TBN is normally reduced gradually with the
time of operation. The influential elements are the
sulphur content in the fuel oil, the lubricating oil
2. Flash Point amount and the amount of re-filling due to normal
consumption. After a certain time of ope-ration,
Limit value : > 185° C the TBN will stabilize at a lower value, the TBN
Possible test
method : Setaflash tests (cut of point cor
relates with 204° C i ASTM D-92
96.44 - ES1
504.04 Criteria for Cleaning/Exchange of Lubricating Oil Description
Edition 03H Page 2 (2)
6. The Total Contamination (insolubles Con- Also infra red test can be used.
tent) Heptane insolubles
96.44 - ES1
Description 504.05
Page 1 (1) Lubricating Points Edition 03H
Engine system lubricating oil SAE 40 oil according to lubricating oil specification on page 504.01.
Hydraulic tools Hydraulic oil or turbine oil (with a viscosity of about SAE 20).
97.40 - ES0
Your Notes :
Lubricating Oil in Base Frame 504.06
Page 1 (1) Edition 08H
99.27 - ES1
Your Notes :
Specific Lube Oil Consumption SLOC 504.07
Page 1 (2) Edition 01H
In order to determine the engine condition, the lube In order to evaluate the correct engine SLOC, the
oil consumption needs to be recorded. To secure a following circumstances must be noticed and
uniform method to evaluate the SLOC, the following subtracted from the engine SLOC:
method should be used as guidance:
A1) Desludging interval and sludge amount from
During the routinely engine inspections the lube oil the lube oil separator (or automatic lube oil filters).
level in the base frame must be observed. The The expected lube oil content of the sludge amount
engine must be in operation or the pre-lubricating is 30%.
pump must be running during this inspection!
The following does also have an influence on the
The lube oil volume between maximum and minimum SLOC and must be considered in the SLOC
level at the dipstick is described in the Instruction evaluation:
Manual or in the Product Manual. If the lube oil level
is at the minimum, lube oil is added until the max level A2)
is reached at the dipstick. Lube oil evaporation
Lube oil leakages
The lube oil volume added, the lube oil temperature Lube oil losses at lube oil filter exchange
and the engine running hours are recorded and the
readings could be filled in the attached data sheet.
The engine maximum continuous rating (PMCR) must
The lube oil density, ρ @ 15°C must be known in always be used in order to be able to compare the
order to convert ρ to the present lube oil temperature individual measurements, and the running hours
in the base frame. The following formula is used to since the last lube oil adding must be used in the
calculate ρ: calculation. Due to inaccuracy *) at adding lube oil,
the SLOC can only be evaluated after 1,000 running
ρlube oil [kg/m3] = hours or more, where only the average values of a
number of lube oil addings are representative.
ρlube oil @15°C [kg/m3] – 0,64 * (tlube oil [°C] – 15)
If the SLOC deviates from the nominal value stated
in the Instruction Manual or in the Product Manual,
The following formula is used to calculate the SLOC: the engine cylinder condition should be inspected.
SLOC [g/kWh] =
03.14 - ES0
Specific Lube Oil Consumption SLOC 504.07
Page 2 (2) Edition 01H
Plant / Ship
Lube oil consumption
Engine type:___________________ Engine # :__________________
03.14 - ES0
Fuel Oil Specification 504.20
Page 1 (3) Edition 04H
Commercially available fuel oils with a viscosity up to The data refer to the fuel as supplied, i.e. before
700 cSt at 50° C corresponding to 55 cSt at 100° C any on-board cleaning.
can be used for MAN B&W Holeby 4-stroke medium
speed diesel engines.
Guiding Heavy Fuel Oil Specification *) May be increased to 1.010 provided adequate
cleaning equipment is installed, and modern
Based on our general service experience we have, type of centrifuges.
01.34 - ES1
504.20 Fuel Oil Specification Description
Edition 04H Page 2 (3)
As practically all fuel oil specifications including the For fuels above 180 cSt/50° C a pressurerized fuel
above standards refer to the same fuel type as oil system is necessary to avoid boiling and foaming
supplied, the fuel supplied to a ship has to be treated of the fuel.
on board before use. For running on the oil quality
mentioned above it is necessary that equipment The viscosity leaving the heaters should be 10-15
exists on board, which can treat, viz clean and cSt and approx. 12-18 cSt entering the engine. The
preheat, the fuel oil with optimum efficiency. maximum temperature of oil after preheater should
be 150° C to avoid to rapid fouling of preheater.
In B 11 00 0 "Cleaning Recommendations" our
recommendations are outlined. The preheating chart on page 3 illustrates the expect-
ed preheating temperature as function of the specific
For economical HFO operation the fuel oil condition fuel oil viscosity.
at engine inlet should be as recommended below.
particles ppm (mg/kg) max. 20
01.34 - ES1
Fuel Oil Specification 504.20
Page 3 (3) Edition 04H
Approx. viscosity
after preheater
Temperature sec.
after preheater °C Rw.
7 43
160 10 52
20 87
30 125
Approx. pumping limit
Log scales 10 15 25 35 45 55 cSt/100° C
Viscosity of fuel
This chart is based on information from oil suppliers regarding typical marine fuels with viscosity index 70-80.
Since the viscosity after the preheater is the controlling parameter, the preheating temperature may vary,
dependent on the viscosity and viscosity index of the fuel.
01.34 - ES1
Your Notes :
Fuel Oil Quality 504.25
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
The quality of a fuel oil is stated, in analysis data, in Combustion quality is the ability of the fuel oil to ignite
terms of physical and chemical properties, which are and burn in a proper way. The ignition quality,
decisive to the suitability of the fuel oil for different combustion intensity, and length and completeness
applications. For diesel engine fuels the combustion of combustion are properties influenced by the
quality, the content of impurities and the handling chemical combustion and structure of the fuel oil.
properties are the main quality criteria.
Ignition quality relates to ignition delay, i.e. the time
Since residual fuels are traded and designated elapsed between the start of injection and the start of
according to viscosity, it has become common combustion.
practice to associate viscosity with quality. This
practice can be very misleading, especially with Ignition quality is expressed by the cetane number,
modern residual fuels, as a fuel oil of low viscosity diesel index or cetane index. In all cases the higher
can often be just as bad, or even worse, than other the value, the better the ignition quality. For diesel oil
fuel oils of very high viscosity. the ignition quality is expressed by the cetane number
determined by a specified method in a standard
The quality of refinery residues is dependent on the engine running under standard conditions.
origin of the crude oil, the grade of utilization when
refining the crude oil, and the refinery technique For residual fuels the ignition quality can be expressed
used. by the diesel index or cetane index, both to be
calculated from physical properties such as the
Some of the residues used in fuel oil production are aniline point, specific gravity and mid-distillation
of a viscosity requiring visbreaking, a process which temperature. The cetane number, diesel index or
will reduce the viscosity without improving the quality cetane index of a certain fuel oil will show reasonable
at all. correlation between the numerical values.
When producing residual fuels from visbreaked, A FIA cetane number test is also good for evaluation
cracked residues and from "straight run" residues, of the combustion quality.
the final adjustment of viscosity to fulfil the
requirements of the different grades of intermediate The combustion condition of the fuel oils is normally
fuels is achieved by adding gas oil. evaluated from Conradson Carbon residue and the
asphaltene contents.
However, it must be noted that considerable reduction
of the viscosity is achieved by adding a relatively
small amount of gas oil, which will give only a minor Content of Impurities
improvement of the quality of the blend. This means
that the quality to a major extent depends on residues The content of impurities of diesel engine fuels
present in the blend. Therefore the quality also should be kept as low as possible, and harmful and
depends on the density, see 504.26. unwanted impurities should, to the greatest possible
02.16 - ESO - G
504.25 Fuel Oil Quality Description
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
Sand, rust, metal oxides and catalyst particles can The flash point is related to the volatility of the
be found as solid particles in fuel oil. amount and nature of lighter fractions in the fuel oil,
and might thus be used to estimate the propensity of
Fuel-related wear and corrosion in diesel engines gasification in non-pressurized parts of the fuel
take the form of mechanical wear and chemically system.
induced corrosion, the latter in the form of high and
low temperature corrosion. The pour point defines the temperature at which wax
crystallization will take place and prevent the fuel oil
The solid impurities and particles produced during from flowing and from being pumped.
combustion, collectively known as ash, cause
mechanical wear of engine components. Therefore, the pour point must be taken into account
when deciding the presence and capacity of heating
Especially catalyst particles, silicone and aluminium coils in bunker tanks.
oxides and silicates in the form of sand are very
abrasive. From vanadium and sodium corrosive ash
in the form of oxides, carbonates and sulphates, is Quality Fuel Oil Main Effects
created during combustion. Criteria Characteristics
02.16 - ES0 - G
Nomogram for Determination of CCAI 504.26
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
01.34 - ES1
504.26 Nomogram for Determination of CCAI Description
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
01.34 - ES1
Analysis Data 504.27
Page 1 (4) Edition 02H
Comments on Analysis Data for Fuel Oils Asphaltenes also influences the lubricating proper-
ties of the fuel oil and, in extreme cases, high
Carbon Residue asphalteness content may lead to fuel injection
pump sticking.
The carbon residue of a fuel oil indicates its coke-
forming tendency and can be used to determine the Fuel oils with a high asphalteness content will have
tendency to form deposits in the combustion cham- a tendency to form sludge, especially if the water
ber and gasways. The higher the carbon residue content is also high. The asphaltenes content of a
value, the higher the fouling tendency. fuel oil is influenced by pre-treatment. The heaviest
semi-solid asphaltenes, and asphaltenes bound to
Some changes in the combustion process, requiring water as sludge, can be separated by centrifuging.
adjustment of the maximum pressure, may also be
attributed to a high carbon residue content. The
value is measured by standardized tests, such as Diesel Index
the Conradson or Ramsbottom tests which give
similar results. Diesel index is a calculated value to determine the
ignition quality of a fuel oil. The ignition quality is
The non-vaporized residue from the carbonizing test related to the hydrocarbon composition, paraffin
consists of carbonaceous material and inorganic being of high quality, n-heptanes of moderate quality
impurities and is expressed as percentage weight of and aromatics of low quality.
the fuel sample tested. Carbon residue and
asphaltenes content generally move in parallel, both With certain exceptions the properties of the aniline
in relation to the carbon-to-hydrogen ratio, with in- point and the specific gravity reflect the hydrocarbon
creasing values for a higher ratio. composition of a fuel oil, and are therefore used in
the following simple formula as an expression of
The carbon-to-hydrogen ratio and thus also the ignition quality:
carbon residue depends on the source of the crude
oil and the type of refinery processing used. Diesel index = (aniline point °F x API gravity) x 0.01.
The effect of carbon residue is impossible to coun- The aniline point is the lowest temperature at which
teract by pre-treatment of the fuel oil, as centrifuging equal volumes of the fuel and aniline become just
only influences solid inorganic contaminants and miscible. The test relies on the fact that aromatic
hard asphalts, which are only small amounts of the hydrocarbons mix completely with aniline at com-
percentage weight called carbon residue. paratively low temperatures, whereas paraffins re-
quire considerably higher temperatures before they
are completely miscible.
A high aniline point thus indicates a highly paraffinic
Asphaltenes is defined as the part of a fuel oil sample fuel, and consequently a fuel oil of good ignition
which is insoluble in heptane. The content of quality. Similarly, a high API gravity number denotes
asphalteness is expressed as percentage weight of a low specific gravity and high paraffinicity, and
the fuel oil sample tested. again a good ignition quality.
Asphaltenes, which is aromatic, slow-burning, semi- The diesel index provides a reasonable idea of the
solid hydrocarbon compounds dispersed in the fuel ignition quality, but generally gives figures slightly
oil, has a similar effect on the combustion process to above the cetane number.
the carbon residue, the main impact being fouling of
gasways. The stability of the fuel oil is related to the Fuel oils with poor ignition quality and a low diesel
asphaltenes content. index might in particular cause problems in starting
diesel engines and running at low load.
02.16 - ES0 - G
504.27 Analysis Data Description
Edition 02H Page 2 (4)
In addition to starting difficulties, a prolonged ignition Especially if the weight ratio of sodium to vanadium
delay may give rise to alternations in the maximum exceeds 1:3, ash with a very low melting point and
pressure, leading to increased mechanical or ther- stiction temperature is formed, giving rise to high
mal load. temperature corrosion of exhaust valves and de-
posit formation in turbochargers.
Furthermore, fuel oils with poor ignition quality may
cause retarded combustion and subsequent fouling It is possible to reduce the tendency for formation of
of gasways. detrimental vanadium-sodium ash by effective cen-
trifuging, which will remove sodium salts together
with water. If a very low content of sodium is ensured,
Sulphur a relatively high vanadium content might be accept-
Sulphur is present in fuel oil, mainly as organic
compounds, the amount present being expressed
as percentage weight of an oil sample tested. If free Water
sulphur is present it may cause corrosion in the fuel
system. The main problem caused by sulphur is low The water content of fuel oil is measured by a
temperature corrosion. During combustion, sulphur standardized distillation test and is expressed as
oxides are produced in the form of gases. Since percentage volume of the sample tested. Water in
humidity is also present sulphur and sulphuric acid the fuel oil may lead to several detrimental effects on
may be formed on components in the combustion the fuel oil system, and corrosion and cavitation of
chamber and in the gasways, where the temperature fuel injection pumps and fuel valves, and cause
is below that of the dew point for sulphuric acid. fouling of exhaust systems and turbochargers.
The detrimental effect of sulphur in fuel oil is counter- Due to its content of sodium, salt water in combina-
acted by maintaining an adequate temperature of tion with vanadium contributes to the formation of
the combustion chamber components and by using low-melting corrosive ash, which attacks exhaust
alkaline lubricating oil to neutralize the sulphuric acid valves and turbochargers. When it disturbs the fuel
produced during combustion. atomization, water will lead to poor combustion,
resulting in higher heat load on the combustion
chamber components.
Vanadium and Sodium
It is possible to reduce the water content of a fuel oil
Vanadium and sodium are constituents of the ash primarily by centrifuging, and this should be done to
content. The amounts of these are measured by the widest possible extent in order to avoid the
analyzing the residue from the combustion test used detrimental effects of water in the fuel oil.
for determination of the ash content. The amount of
vanadium and sodium present is expressed in ppm,
parts per million, by weight in relation to the fuel oil Ash
sample being tested for ash content. Vanadium
derives from the crude oil itself and, being oil soluble, Ash content is a measure of the non-combustible
cannot be removed from the fuel oil by conventional material present in the fuel oil. The ash content is
pre-treatment. Sodium derives from the crude oil, determined by a combustion test and it is expressed
and also from contamination with salt water during as a percentage weight residue from complete com-
storage and transport of the fuel oil. Sodium is water- bustion of the oil sample tested.
soluble and, regardless of derivation, tends to com-
bine with the water present in the fuel oil. Ash-forming materials are present in the fuel oil as
natural components of crude oil and due to external
Owing to its water solubility, it is possible to remove contamination of the fuel oil.
or reduce the amount of sodium present in the fuel
oil. During combustion, corrosive ash is formed from
vanadium and sodium.
02.16 - ES0 - G
Analysis Data 504.27
Page 3 (4) Edition 02H
Ash-forming materials exist both as solid contami- Viscosity of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) and Marine
nants and in soluble compounds. The solid contami- Diesel Oil (MDO) are expressed in centistokes (cSt)
nants may lead to abrasive wear in the fuel injection at 40° C.
system. Ash formed during combustion may lead to
abrasive as well as corrosive wear of combustion Viscosity is an important parameter in connection
chamber components and give rise to formation of with pumping, pre-treatment and injection of fuel oil,
detrimental deposits. It is therefore essential, to the since the possibility and efficiency of these processes
greatest possible extent, to reduce the amount of to a large extent depend on adequate viscosity.
ash-forming materials by centrifuging.
Adjustment of viscosity to adequate values is possible
Solid contaminants such as sand, rust, certain metal by taking advantage of the interdependence between
oxides and catalyst fines can be removed by centri- the temperature and viscosity index of the fuel oil.
fuging, and the same goes for water-soluble salts
such as sodium. The nominal viscosity of a fuel oil is the factor
determining the preheating temperatures necessary
Some of the components included in the ash content to obtain adequate viscosity for pumping, centrifug-
have been found to be particularly harmful and are ing and injection of the fuel oil, and thus also the
therefore stated individually in the analysis data. factor determining the capacity of the preheating
equipment in the fuel oil system.
dimensioning the centrifuge size are based on the As the formula indicates, the API gravity is in inverse
fact that approx. 1/3 of the catalyst particles in terms proportion to density and specific gravity.
of weight is removed.
Density is an important parameter in the centrifuging
process, where separating water and water-dis-
Viscosity solved impurities from the fuel oil is based on the
difference in densities. If the density of the fuel oil
Basically viscosity is a measure of the internal fric- approaches that of water, centrifuging thus becomes
tion or resistance of a liquid to flow. less effective, necessitating a reduced flow rate and
therefore increased centrifuge capacity.
02.16 - ES0 - G
504.27 Analysis Data Description
Edition 02H Page 4 (4)
02.16- ES0 - G
Fuel Oil Cleaning 504.30
Page 1 (2) Edition 01H
Purification Recommendations Especially for fuels above 180 cST/50°C (1500 sec.
RW/100°F) the highest possible temperature of 98°C
Fuel oils are always contaminated and should (208°F) should be maintained in the centrifuge oil
therefore be cleaned thoroughly of solid as well as preheater.
liquid contaminants before use. The solid contami-
nants in the fuel are mainly rust, sand, dust and re- The fuel is kept in the centrifuge for as long as
finery catalysts. Liquid contaminants are mainly water, possible by adjusting the flow rate through the
i.e. either fresh water or sea water. centrifuge so that it corresponds to the amount of fuel
required by the engine without excessive re-
The impurities can cause damage to fuel injection circulating. Consequently, the centrifuge should
pumps and fuel valves, result in increased cylinder operate for 24 hours a day except during necessary
liner wear and cause the exhaust valve seats to cleaning.
deteriorate. Increased fouling of gasways and
turbocharger blends may also result from the use of Taking today's fuel qualities into consideration the
inadequately cleaned fuel oils. need to clean centrifuges ("shooting frequency")
should not be underestimated. Correct choice and
Effective cleaning can only be ensured by means of adjustment of the regulating screws and/or the gravity
a centrifuge. We recommend that the capacity of the discs are of special importance for efficient water
centrifuges installed be at least according to the removal. The centrifuge manual states the disc or
centrifuge maker's recommendations. To obtain screw adjustment which should be chosen on the
optimum cleaning it is of the utmost importance to basis of the specific gravity of the fuel.
operate the centrifuge with as low a viscosity of the
fuel oil as possible and to allow the fuel oil to remain Normal practice is to have at least two centrifuges
in the centrifuge bowl for as long as possible. available for fuel cleaning. Results from experimental
work on centrifuges, treating today's qualities of
residual fuel, have shown that the best cleaning
effect, especially as regards removal of catalyst
Cleaning of HFO by Centrifuging
fines, is achieved when the centrifuges are operated
in series, in purifier/clarifier mode.
Operating Single centrifuge as purifier.
options Two centrifuges in parallel.
Therefore series operation of centrifuges to ensure
Two centrifuges in series.
maximum safety is a fully accepted alternative to the
Optimum Operating Configurations previously recommended parallel operation, provided
the operating capacity of each individual centrifuge
Water content Parallel operation can handle the total amount of fuel required by the
below 1 % Purifier / Purifier engine, without exceeding the flow rate recommended
Normal by the centrifuge maker for the operating mode in
conditions or
Density at 15°C Series operation question.
below 0.991 Purifier + Clarifier
If the centrifuge capacity installed is on the low side,
97.40 - ES0
504.30 Fuel Oil Cleaning Description
Edition 01H Page 2 (2)
Separation Temperature
°F °C
212 100
194 90
176 80
158 70
140 60
122 50
104 40
15 25 45 75 130 cSt/80°C
97.40 - ES0
Freshwater System Treatment 504.40
Page 1 (5) Edition 02H
Protection against Corrosion in Freshwater Cleaning agents emulsified in water as well as
Cooling System slightly alkaline cleaning agents can be used for the
degreasing process, whereas ready-mixed cleaning
The engine fresh water must be carefully treated, agents which involve the risk of fire must obviously
maintained and monitored so as to avoid corrosion not be used. For descaling with acid, especially
or the formation of deposits which can result in products based on amino-sulphonic acid, citric acid,
insufficient heat transfer, it is necessary to treat the and tartaric acid are recommendable, as these acids
cooling water. MAN B&W recommend that this treat- are usually obtainable as solid substances, easily
ment is carried out according to the following proce- soluble in water, and do not emit poisonous vapours.
The cleaning agents should not be directly admixed,
but should be dissolved in water and then added to
– Clean the cooling water system. the cooling water system.
– Fill up with deionized or distilled cooling water Normally, cleaning can be executed without any
(for example from the freshwater generator) dismantling of the engine. We point out that the water
with corrosion inhibitor added. should be circulated in the engine to achieve the best
possible result.
– Carry out regular checks of the cooling water
system and the condition of the cooling water. As cleaning can cause leaks to become apparent in
poorly assembled joints or partly defective gaskets,
inspection should be carried out during the cleaning
Observance of these precautions, and correct ven- process. The acid content of the system oil should
ting of the system, will reduce service difficulties also be checked immediately after cleaning, and 24
caused by the cooling water to a minimum. hours afterwards.
Before starting the inhibition process, any existing The filling-up with cooling water and the admixture of
deposits of lime or rust, or any oil sludge, should be the inhibitor is to be carried out directly after the
removed in order to improve the heat transfer and to cleaning in order to prevent formation of rust on the
ensure uniform protection of the surface by means of cleaned surfaces.
the inhibitor.
Raw Water
The cleaning should comprise degreasing to remove
oil sludge, and descaling with acid afterwards to The formation of lime stone on cylinder liners and in
remove rust and lime deposits. cylinder heads may reduce the heat transfer, which
will result in unacceptably high temperatures in the
Ready-mixed cleaning agents, specially made for material.
00.11- ES1
504.40 Freshwater System Treatment Description
Edition 02H Page 2 (5)
If deionized or distilled water cannot be obtained, Checking of the Cooling Water System and
normal drinking water can be used in exceptional the Sooling Water during Service
cases. If so, the total hardness of the water must not
exceed 9° dH (German hardness degrees). The If the cooling water is contaminated during service,
chloride, chlorine, sulphate, and silicate contents are sludge or deposits may form. The condition of the
also to be checked. These contents should not cooling water system should therefore be regularly
exceed the following values: checked, especially if deionized or distilled water is
not used. If deposits are found in the cooling spaces,
Chloride 50 ppm (50 mg/litre) these spaces or, if necessary, the entire system
Chlorine 10 ppm (10 mg/litre) should be cleaned.
Sulphate 100 ppm (100 mg/litre)
Silicate 150 ppm (150 mg/litre) According to experience, a zinc galvanized coating
in the freshwater cooling system is often very sus-
There should be no sulphide and ammonia content. ceptible to corrosion, which results in heavy for-
Rain water must not be used, as it may be heavily mation of sludge, even if the cooling water is cor-
contaminated. rectly inhibited. The initial descaling with acid will, to
a great extent, remove the galvanized coating. Gen-
It should be noted that softening of water does not erally, therefore, we advise against the use of galva-
reduce its sulphate and chloride contents. nized piping in the freshwater cooling system.
00.11- ES1
Freshwater System Treatment 504.40
Page 3 (5) Edition 02H
A chloride content in the cooling water higher than The cooling water system must not be kept
the 50 ppm specified might, in exceptional cases be under pressure.
tolerated. However, in that case the upper limit
specified by the individual inhibitor supplier must not Check, and repair any leaks.
be exceed.
Drain the system and fill up completely with clean tap
A clear record of all measuring results should be water, in order to flush out any oil or grease from the
kept, so that the actual condition and trend of the tank.
system may be currently ascertained and evaluated.
Circulate the water for 2 hours, and drain again.
A sudden or gradual degrease in pH value, or an
increase of the sulphate content, may indicate ex-
haust gas leakage. The pH value can be increased Descaling with Acid Solution
by adding inhibtor; however, if major quantities are
necessary, the water should be replaced. Fill up with clean tap water and heat to 70-75° C.
Every third month a cooling water sample should be Dissolve the necessary dosage of acid compound in
sent ashore for laboratory analysis, in particular to a clean iron drum with hot water.
ascertain the contents of inhibtor, sulphate, and iron,
as well as the total salinity of the water. Fill the drum half up with water and slowly add the
acid compound, while stirring vigorously. Then fill
the drum up completely with hot water while conti-
Cleaning and Inhibiting Procedure nuing to stir (e.g. using a steam hose).
The engine must not be running during the cleaning Be careful - use protective spectacles and gloves.
procedure, as this may involve the risk of overhea-
ting when draining. For engines which have been treated before the trial
trip, the lowest concentration recommended by the
supplier will normally be sufficient.
For untreated engines, a higher concentration -
Use clean tap water for filling-up. The cooling water depending on the condition of the cooling system -
in the system can be used, if it does not contain will normally be necessary.
Drain some water from the system and add the acid
Heat the water to 60° C and circulate the water solution via the expansion tank.
The cooling water system must not be put under
Drain to lowest water level in expansion tank. pressure.
Add the amount of degreasing chemical specified by Keep the temperature of the water between 70° C
the supplier, preferably from the suction side of the and 75° C, and circulate it constantly. The duration
freshwater pump. of the treatment will depend on the degree of fouling.
Normally, the shortest time recommended by the
Drain to lowest water level in the expansion tank supplier will be sufficient for engines which are
directly afterwards. treated before the trial trip. For untreated engines, a
longer time must be reckoned with. Check every
Circulate the cleaning chemical for the period speci- hour, for example with pH-paper, that the acid in the
fied by the supplier. solution has not been used up.
00.11- ES1
504.40 Freshwater System Treatment Description
Edition 02H Page 4 (5)
The solubility of acids in water is often limited. Weight out the quantity of inhibitors specified by the
Therefore if, in exceptional cases, a large amount is supplier and dissolve in a clean iron drum with hot
required, descaling can be carried out in two stages water from the evaporator.
with a new solution of compound and clean water.
Normally the supplier will specify the maximum Add the solution via the expansion tank to the
solubility. system. Then fill up to normal water level with water
from the evaporator.
After completing the descaling, drain the system and
flush with water. Acid residues can be neutralized Allow the engine to run for not less than 24 hours to
with clean tap water containing 10 kg soda per ton of ensure that a stable protection of the cooling surfa-
water. Circulate the mixture for 30 minutes, then ces is formed.
drain and flush the system.
Subsequently, test the cooling water with a test kit
The cooling water system must not be put under (available from the inhibitor supplier) to ensure that
pressure. an adequate inhibitor concentration has been obtai-
Continue to flush until water used is neutral (pH
approx. 7). This should be checked every week.
00.11- ES1
Freshwater System Treatment 504.40
Page 5 (5) Edition 02H
Maker's minimum
Company Name of Inhibitor Delivery Form Recommended
The list is for guidance only and must not be The suppliers are listed in alpabetical order.
00.11- ES1
Your Notes :
Page 1 (1) Cylinder Head 505
Working card
Description 505.01
Page 1 (1) Cylinder Head and Water Jacket Edition 02H
Water Jacket The seat rings are made of heat-resistant steel. The
seating surfaces are hardened in order to minimize
The main function of this part is as liner water jacket, wear and prevent dent marks.
98.38 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Dismantling of Cylinder Unit from Engine 505-01.00
Page 1 (3) Edition 01H
Related procedure
99.03 - ES0
505-01.00 Dismantling of Cylinder Unit from Engine Working Card
Edition 01H Page 2 (3)
Preparing before dismantling 9) Disconnect the 2 clamps for locking the charge
air connections by removing the locking bolts
1) Drain off the water from the engine. for the clamps.
2) Take off the top cover. 10) Push the charge air connections, inside the
cylinder head which to be removed.
3) Take off the side covers on both sides of the
engine. 11) Turn the piston to top position.
Cylinder unit
Fixing tool
Fig 1. Push the F.W. and charge air connections inside the
cylinder heads, which are be removed.
Fig 2. Mounting of lifting and fixing tool.
99.03 - ES0
Working Card
Dismantling of Cylinder Unit from Engine 505-01.00
Page 3 (3) Edition 01H
14) Mount the fixing part, see plate 52006 item 212
Cylinder unit
for locking the connecting rod to the cylinder
99.03 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Disassembly of Cylinder Unit 505-01.01
Page 1 (3) Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
99.03 - ES0
505-01.01 Disassembly of Cylinder Unit
Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (3)
Before starting to dismantle the cylinder unit it must Removal of Cylinder Head
be placed on the grinding table.
4) Remove five allen screws pins in the cylinder
Removal of Piston and Connecting Rod
5) Remove the cylinder head by means of the
1) Remove the fixing part (please see plate 52006, lifting tool .
item 212) from the cylinder liner and connecting
99.03 - ES0
Working Card 505-01.01
Page 3 (3) Disassembly of Cylinder Unit Edition 02H
99.03 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card 505-01.05
Page 1 (3) Inspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve and Valve Guide Edition 07H
Starting position
Related procedure
03.42 - ES0
505-01.05 Inspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve and Valve Guide Working Card
Edition 07H Page 2 (3)
Or as an Alternative:
03.42 - ES0
Working Card
Page 3 (3) Inspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve and Valve Guide 505-01.05
Edition 07H
Please be aware of the different valve disk diameter
at inlet and exhaust valves.
Inlet valve : Ø57 mm
Exhaust valve : Ø54 mm
03.42 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card Reconditioning of Valve Spindle Seat 505-01.10
Page 1 (3)
and Valve Seat Ring Edition 02H
Valve spindle has been removed 505-01.05 All the hand tools and new stones are included in
the tools box for grinding machine.
Related procedure
Capacity : 1 man
98.40 - ES0
505-01.10 Reconditioning of Valve Spindle Seat Working Card
Edition 02H and Valve Seat Ring Page 2 (3)
Reconditioning of Valve Seat Ring However, when seat "S" is ground to such an extent
that recess "R" disappears, see fig 1, the valve seat
Reconditioning of valve seat rings by machining is ring must be scrapped and a new one must be
carried out by means of a grinding machine, the pilot installed, please see working card 505-01.35
spindle of which must be mounted in the valve
spindle guide. For operation of the grinding machine, This is only valid for the exhaust valve seat, the inlet
see separate instructions. valve seat has no recess due to less wear of the inlet
valve seat.
Scraping of Valve Seat Rings "A" 30° ± 0 0,1°
98.40 - ES0
Working Card Reconditioning of Valve Spindle Seat 505-01.10
Page 3 (3)
and Valve Seat Ring Edition 02H
98.40 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Valve Rotator 505-01.15
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.46 - ES0
505-01.15 Valve Rotator Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
Maintenance and Inspection of Rotocap Note: Having assembled the valve rotator in dry
condition it should be placed in clean lubricating oil
Dirt, especially in the ball pockets due to residues in for a short period of time.
the oil (abrasives, combustion products), can cause
the individual parts to become stuck, and hinder the
movement of the balls.
Dismantling of Rotocap
1) Clean the valve rotator. Please see working card 505-01.05, steps 3 to 9,
opposite direction.
2) Inspect for wear and ball impressions.
98.46 - ESO
Working Card
Replacement of Valve Guide 505-01.20
Page 1 (3) Edition 05H
Dismantling and mounting of valve guide for inlet Hammer / Lead hammer
and exhaust valve. Nitrogen (N2), or similar.
H7 reamer, 12 mm
Starting position
Related procedure
01.14 - ES0
505-01.20 Replacement of Valve Guide
Working Card
Edition 05H Page 2 (3)
01.14 - ESO
Working Card
Replacement of Valve Guide 505-01.20
Page 3 (3) Edition 05H
01.14 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Replacement of Valve Seat Ring 505-01.35
Page 1 (2) Edition 05H
Starting position
Related procedure
01.32 - ES0
505-01.35 Replacement of Valve Seat Ring Working Card
Edition 05H Page 2 (2)
When reconditioning of a valve seat ring no longer is 5) Prior to mounting of a new valve seat ring, the
possible due to dimensions exceeding the scrapping bore must be cleaned thoroughly and inspected
criteria, the seat ring has to be replaced. for marks. Marks that can hinder mounting of
the valve seat ring must be removed.
Dismounting of a valve seat ring is carried out by
means of a special extractor tool set comprising the 6) To facilitate the valve mounting of the seat ring
components, see fig 1. it must be cooled down, however, a max. of
-25° C otherwise, the O-ring can be damaged.
Coat with
loctite 648
Coat with oil
Fig 1 Extraction of valve seat ring.
1) Weld approx. 5 seconds at 3 places around the 8) Prior to mounting of the valve spindle the valve
old valve seat with electrode. seat ring must be ground, to ensure correct
centering af the valve guide and the valve seat
2) Wait 60 seconds while the seat is cooling down ring. This can be done according to working
and the shrink fit compression is relieved. card 505-01.10.
01.32 - ESO
Working Card
Inspection of Cylinder Head Cooling Water Space 505-01.45
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.38 - ES0
505-01.45 Inspection of Cylinder Head Cooling Water Space
Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
98.38 - ES0
Workinag Card
Assembly of Cylinder Unit 505-01.50
Page 1 (3) Edition 02H
Related procedure
98.47 - ES0
505-01.50 Assembly of Cylinder Unit
Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (3)
4) Fit a new sealing ring on the cylinder liner. Note: After an overhaul the cylinder liner must
always be honed and the piston must be fitted with
5) Mount two roller guides in the water jacket, see new piston rings, see Working Card 506-01.35.
Working Card 508-01.00.
9) Mount the piston guide bush around the cylin-
der unit.
Mounting of Cylinder Head
10) Lift the piston and connecting rod by means of
6) Place two new o-rings at the top of the water a suspension.
jacket and slightly lubricate with oil.
98.47 - ES0
Working Card 505-01.50
Page 3 (3) Assembly of Cylinder Unit Edition 02H
98.47 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Mounting of Cylinder Unit in Engine 505-01.55
Page 1 (4) Edition 02H
Related procedure
99.03 - ES0
505-01.55 Mounting of Cylinder Unit in Engine Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (4)
Before the cylinder unit is mounted in the engine, be 3) Make sure the crank throw is in the top posi-
sure to clean the joint faces carefully. tion.
2) Lower the cylinder unit slowly into the engine 5) Land the connecting rod on the crankshaft.
by means of a lifting tool, (plate 52005 item
038). During this the connecting rod must be guided
by hand to ensure correct approach and lan-
ding in the journal.
Fixing tool
99.03 - ES0
Working Card
Mounting of Cylinder Unit in Engine 505-01.55
Page 3 (4) Edition 02H
8) Lubricate threads and the contact face of the 13) Place the spacer ring around the nuts with a
connecting rod screws with molycote paste or slot in such a position that the tommy bar can
the like. be used.
9) Mount bolts and nuts and tighten them firmly 14) Tighten the hydraulic jacks and make sure that
with a tommy bar. the cylinder of the jacks bears firmly on the
spacer ring. Tighten up all the nuts, see
For tighting connecting rod bolts, please see description 500.40. For usage of the hydraulic
working card 506-01.25. tools, please see working card 520-01.05.
11) Fit the cylinder head nuts and make sure that
they run easily and that they bear on their Assembling of Connections
entire contact surfaces.
15) Mount the exhaust clamp between the cylinder
12) Tighten the nuts lightly with a tommy bar. head and the exhaust pipe.
99.03 - ES0
505-01.55 Mounting of Cylinder Unit in Engine Working Card
Edition 02H Page 4 (4)
18) Place new O-rings on the charge air connection 22) Bleed air from the venting screws on the charge
and push the connections into the next cylin- air cooler.
der head.
23) Bleed air from the venting screws on the engine
19) Secure the charge air connection with a clamp top, or by the flange, connection F3, venting to
and tighten the bolt on the clamp. expansion tank.
20) Mount the high pressure fuel oil pipe, please 24) Open connection G2, L.T. fresh water - outlet.
see working card 514-01.05.
25) Check for leakage.
Adjustment of Valve Clearance
The GenSet is self-ventilating. This means that it is
not necessary for the engine to vent the system 26) Adjust the valve clearance, see working card
before start. 508-01.10.
However, to avoid problems in the ship's installation, 27) Mount the side and top covers.
we recommend to ventilate. This can be done in the
following way:
99.03 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Kit for Cylinder Unit 50500-04H
02.50 - ES0
50500-04H Kit for Cylinder Unit Page 2 (2)
No Qty Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book
021 1/C Kit for cylinder unit, complete Plate 50500 Item 021
consisting of:
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
02.50 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Kit for Complete Cylinder Unit Exchange 50500-05H
02.50 - ES0
50500-05H Kit for Cylinder Unit Page 2 (2)
No Qty Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book
045 1/C Kit for cylinder unit, complete Plate 50500 Item 045
consisting of:
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
02.50 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Cylinder Head 50501-03H
00.43 - ES0
50501-03H Cylinder Head Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/I = Qty/Individual Qty/I = Qty/Individuelt
00.43 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Cylinder Head 50501-11S
03.50 - ES0
50501-11S Cylinder Head Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/I = Qty/Individual Qty/I = Qty/Individuelt
03.50 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Valve Spindles and Valve Gear 50502-03H
98.40 - ES0
50502-03H Valve Spindles and Valve Gear Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
010 1/C Rocker arm, exhaust Vippearm, udstøds, 274 2/C Valve spindle, inlet Ventilspindel, indsugn.
complete, incl. item komplet inkl. item 034,
034, 046, 058, 071, 083 046, 058, 071, 083
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
98.40 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Cylinder Head, Top Cover 50510-02H
98.41 - ES0
50510-02H Cylinder Head, Top Cover Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
98.41 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Cylinder Unit 50515-02H
01.11 - ES0
50515-02H Cylinder Unit Page 2 (2)
no Qty Designation Where to find in the engine instruction book
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
01.11 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner 506
Working card
Separation/assembly of piston and connecting rod and fitting of piston rings ....... 506-01.05 (07H)
Piston ...................................................................................................................... 506-01.10 (03H)
Connecting rod........................................................................................................ 506-01.15 (03H)
Criteria for replacement of connection rod big-end and main bearing shells ............ 506-01.16 (02)
Hydraulic tightening of connecting rod screws ....................................................... 506-01.25 (02H)
In-situ inspection of connecting rod big-end bearing .............................................. 506-01.30 (02H)
Inspection and honing of cylinder liner ................................................................... 506-01.35 (02H)
Grinding of seal face on cylinder liner and cylinder head....................................... 506-01.45 (02H)
Dismantling of piston and cylinder liner at low overhaul height.............................. 506-01.50 (02H)
Description 506.01
Page 1 (2) Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner Edition 02H
The piston, which is oil-cooled and of the composite The connecting rod is die-forged. The big-end has a
type, has a body made of nodular cast iron and a horizontal split. The connecting rod and piston are
crown made of forged deformation resistant steel. It disassembled together with the cylinder liner, thus
is fitted with 2 compression rings and 1 oil scraper ensuring a large bearing diameter and a low bearing
ring in hardened ring grooves. pressure.
By the use of compression rings with different barrel- The connecting rod has bored channels for supply-
shaped profiles and chrome-plated running sur- ing of oil from the big-end to the small-end.
faces, the piston ring pack is optimized for maximum
sealing effect and minimum wear rate. The big-end bearing is of the trimetal type coated
with a running layer.
The piston has a cooling oil space close to the piston
crown and the piston ring zone. The heat transfer, The bearing shells are of the precision type and are
and thus the cooling effect, is based on the shaker therefore to be fitted without scraping or any other
effect arising during the piston movement. The cool- kind of adaption.
ing medium is oil from the engine's lubricating oil
system. The small-end bearing is of the trimetal type and is
pressed into the connecting rod. The bush is equip-
Oil is supplied to the cooling oil space through ped with an inner circumferential groove, and a
channels from the oil grooves in the piston pin pocket for distribution of oil in the bush itself and for
bosses. Oil is drained from the cooling oil space the supply of oil to the pin bosses.
through ducts situated diametrically to the inlet chan-
98.46 - ES0
506.01 Description
Edition 02H
Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner Page 2 (2)
Cylinder Liner
98.46 - ES0
Working Card Separation/Assembly of Piston and Connecting Rod 506-01.05
Page 1 (3)
and fitting of Piston Rings Edition 07H
Starting position
Related procedure
04.21 - ES0
506-01.05 Separation/Assembly of Piston and Connecting Rod Working Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 07H and fitting of Piston Rings
1) Take out the securing ring (seeger circlips) The piston rings should only be fitted to the piston by
with the plier (Plate 52006, Item 177). Push out the use of a special tool; the socalled piston ring
the piston pin and lift the connecting rod away. opener.
3) For assembly of piston and connecting rod, The piston rings should be installed with the
see point 1, but in the opposite direction. identification mark, which is stamped into the ring
close to the ring joints, facing upwords, see fig 2.
04.21 - ES0
Working Card Separation/Assembly of Piston and Connecting Rod 506-01.05
Page 3 (3)
and fitting of Piston Rings Edition 07H
Piston Ring No 1:
marked with ident.
No "top 1464".
Piston Ring No 2:
marked with ident.
No "top 1465".
Scraper Ring:
marked with ident.
No "top 0258".
Identification marks to face upwards against the piston crown when mounted.
Note! The marking may include other figures than mentioned above, for instance trade mark and
production codes.
04.21 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Piston 506-01.10
Page 1 (3) Edition 03H
Cleaning and inspection of piston. Replacement Tools for cleaning of piston, steel brush,
of piston ring, scraper ring and control of ring scraper etc.
Starting position
Related procedure
99.33 - ES0
506-01.10 Piston Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (3)
Inspection of Piston Mounting of Piston Crown
1) Remove the piston and scraper rings. 8) Lubricate the threads and bearing surface with
"molycote-paste G-n Plus".
2) Clean the piston on the outside and on the
inside. Note: always use new bolts when assembling the
3) Inspect the piston ring and scraper ring grooves
for wear, see page 3. 9) Tighten the bolts crosswise with 20 Nm
(corresponding to 35° to 90°).
4) Apply a torque spanner to the piston bolts, 11) Tighten the bolts again with a pretighten torque
adjusted to 20 Nm. of 10 Nm.
5) Turn the torque spanner. 12) Turn the bolts 60° further.
Note: It may turn out that the bolts do not turn during 13) Check the piston bolt tension, see "check of
the test: piston bolt tension".
If Then
99.33 - ES0
Working Card
Piston 506-01.10
Page 3 (3) Edition 03H
The piston crow must be scrapped if:
Piston and oil New ring
Ring grooves.
scraper ring. grooves.
Max. wear limit.
Nominal size. Tolerances.
A) The wear limit on the testing mandrel is (mm) (mm)
exceeded, see fig 1A
Piston ring -0.035 +0.145
5 5 5.38
or 1 -0.01 +0.130
Note: At each piston overhaul: Table 1. Nominal size, new ring groove tolerance and wear
limit for ring grooves.
- The piston and the scraper ring must be
- The cylinder liner must be honed according
to the instructions.
- For position and fittings of piston rings,
please see working card 506-01.05
0.40 mm
Wear limit line.
99.33 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Connecting Rod 506-01.15
Page 1 (4) Edition 03H
Related procedure
Replacement and wearing parts
99.33 - ES0
506-01.15 Connecting Rod Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (4)
1) Clean all machined surfaces on the connecting For check of ovalness the bearing cap has to be
rod. mounted onto the big-end bore without bearing
2) Degrease the joint faces, holes and connecting
rod screws with a volatile solvent and blow dry Note: The ident. No on the connecting rod and the
with working air. bearing cap must always be the same, see fig 3.
Inspection of Connecting Rod bolts 9) Tighten the bolts with the prescribed pressure,
please see working card 506-01.25.
6) Inspect the connecting rod nuts for seizures in
the threads and pittings on the contact surfaces 10) Measure five different diameters in the groove
7) Turn the connecting rod nuts onto bottom 11) Register the measurements in the scheme
position of the bolts. "Connecting Rod Inspection". Please see page
If bolts/nuts Then
12) Calculate the maximum ovalness as the diffe-
have seizures in Renew the bolts/screws rence between biggest and smallest diameter
threads or pittings on measured.
contact surface
13) Check if maximum ovalness is exceeded,
cannot be turned onto Renew the bolts/screws please see page 500.35.
bottom position by hand
99.33 - ES0
Working Card
Connecting Rod 506-01.15
Page 3 (4) Edition 03H
99.33 - ES0
506-01.15 Connecting Rod Working Card
Edition 03H Page 4 (4)
99.33 - ES0
Working Card Criteria for Replacement of 506-01.16
Page 1 (5)
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Edition 02
Magnifier (x30).
Starting position:
Related procedure:
02.26 - ES0
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Working Card
Edition 02 Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Page 2 (5)
This paper gives information about the evaluation of Bearing Surface
the connecting rod big-end and main bearing shells
when wear appears on the running surface under Standard Miba bimetal bearings have no tin flash.
normal operating conditions.
Oil is used for protective coating.
Bearing damages caused by incorrect running con-
ditions, like In new condition the bearing has a silvery, bright
- Corrosion
- Overloading, overheating a.s.o. The running surface might become dull silvery after
only a short time of operation.
are not described in this paper.
In these cases, the bearing shells must be exchan- Criteria for bimetal bearing replacement
ged, of course, and in order to avoid further bearing
failures, the cause of the failure must be found and Actual wear can be determined by measuring wall
eliminated. thickness or via clearance measurements in
comparison to the specification for a bearing in new
New Condition
A bearing should be replaced if the wear limit, as
The running surface has a silvery, bright color, see specified by the engine manufacturer, is reached or
fig 1. can be expected to be reached during the next
period of operation.
02.26 - ES0
Working Card Criteria for Replacement of 506-01.16
Page 3 (5)
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Edition 02
Bearings to be reused 3. Damage due to foreign particles
Following pictures shows the typical running pattern Shallow scoring and / or imprints that are few in
where bearing shells are reusable. number. See fig 4.
1. Normal wear
Fig 4 Reusable
Fig 5 Reusable
Fig 3 Reusable
02.26 - ES0
506-01.16 Criteria for Replacement of Working Card
Page 4 (5)
Edition 02 Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells
Bearings to be replaced 7. Damage due to foreign particles
Following pictures shows abnormal wear or damages Many scores or multiple deep grooves and / or
that require replacement of bearing shells i.e. imprints. See fig 8 and fig 9.
investigation of reasons.
Fig 8 Replace
– deep scoring, imprints. Lining material locally smeared
Fig 6 Replace
Fig 9 Replace
– many deep imprints
Fig 7 Replace
02.26 - ES0
Working Card Criteria for Replacement of 506-01.16
Page 5 (5)
Connecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells Edition 02
8. Deep punctual cavitation 10. Fatigue rupture of the lining material
Fig 10 Replace
Fig 12 Fatigue rupture
9. Deep cavitation
Fig 11 Replace
– deep cavitation
02.26 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod Screws 506-01.25
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Hand tools
Starting position
Related procedure
99.33 - ES0
506-01.25 Hydraulic Tightening od Connecting Rod Screws Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
1) Mount the connecting rod bolts and tighten the 5) Relieve the hydraulic pressure on the tool.
nuts by hand.
6) Add the hydraulic pressure to the tool once
2) Mount the hydraulic tools, pos. 1, on both more.
connecting rod bolts.
7) Tighten the nuts again.
Be aware of the max. lifting height of the tool
and adjust the distance between the piston Note: The point 5 to 7 can be followed in order to
and the cylinder before adding pressure to the remove tensions in the bolts, if any.
tool. please see working card 520-01.05.
8) If there still is a distance and the nuts still can
3) Connect the hoses and pressure pump to the be tightened then repeat the point 5 to 7.
hydraulic tool.
9) Release the hydraulic pressure on the tool and
4) Add the prescribed hydraulic pressure, (to remove the hydraulic nuts.
both bolts simultaneously), see description
500.40, and tighten the nuts by using a handle. Note: General instruction about hydraulic tightening,
please see working card 520-01.05.
1. Hydraulic tools
99.33 - ES0
Working Card
Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod Screws 506-01.25
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Hand tools
Starting position
Related procedure
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35) Plate no Item no Qty/
Data for torque moment (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)
98.38 - ES0
506-01.25 Hydraulic Tightening od Connecting Rod Screws Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
1) Mount the connecting rod bolts and tighten the 5) Relieve the hydraulic pressure on the tool.
nuts by hand.
6) Add the hydraulic pressure to the tool once
2) Mount the hydraulic tools, pos. 1, on both more.
connecting rod bolts.
7) Tighten the nuts again.
Be aware of the max. lifting height of the tool
and adjust the distance between the piston Note: The point 5 to 7 can be followed in order to
and the cylinder before adding pressure to the remove tensions in the bolts, if any.
tool. please see working card 520-01.20.
8) If there still is a distance and the nuts still can
3) Connect the hoses and pressure pump to the be tightened then repeat the point 5 to 7.
hydraulic tool.
9) Release the hydraulic pressure on the tool and
4) Add the prescribed hydraulic pressure, (to remove the hydraulic nuts.
both bolts simultaneously), see description
500.40, and tighten the nuts by using a handle. Note: General instruction about hydraulic tightening,
please see working card 520-01.10.
98.38 - ES0
Working Card
Page 1 (3) In-situ Inspectioan of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing 506-01.30
Edition 02H
Related procedure
98.38 - ES0
506-01.30 In-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (3)
1) Turn the crankshaft into the top position. 7) Slowly turn the crankshaft clockwise until the
connecting rod is resting on the inspection
Removal of the Connecting Rod Bearing
Removal of the upper Connecting Rod
2) Loosen the hydraulic bolts by means of the Bearing Shell
hydraulic tools, please see working card 520-
01.05. 8) Mount the connecting rod on the inspection
tool by means of the connecting rod bolt and a
3) Remove the hydraulic tools. nut.
4) Remove the hydraulic nuts and the bearing Note: Make sure that only one connecting rod bolt is
cap with the lower bearing shell by hand. fit in the connecting rod before the crankshaft turns
any further.
Mounting of the Inspection Tool 9) Turn slowly the crankshaft clockwise until it is
possible to remove the upper connecting rod
5) Turn the crankshaft app. 45° clockwise allowing bearing shell.
the connecting rod bolts be removed.
10) Remove the upper connecting rod bearing
6) Mount the inspection tool acc to fig 1. shell.
98.38 - ES0
Working Card
In-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end Bearing 506-01.30
Page 3 (3) Edition 02H
Inspection of Bearing Shells 16) Turn slowly the crankshaft anti-clockwise until
it rests in the connecting rod.
11) Inspect the bearing shells, please see working
card 506-01.16. 17) Remove the inspection tool.
12) Clean carefully the joint faces, the bore and the 18) Lubricate threads and contact face of the
bearing shells. connecting rod bolts with Copaslip or the like.
14) Coat the journal with clean lubricating oil. 22) Mount the screws and tighten them by hand.
15) Remove the bolt and nut from the connecting 23) Mount the hydraulic tool and tighten the bolts
rod and inspection tool. according to working card 506-01.25.
98.38 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner 506-01.35
Page 1 (4) Edition 02H
Inspection and honing of cylinder liner with honing Drilling machine 60-180 rpm.
brush. Honing oil.
Gas oil.
Starting position
Related procedure
99.33 - ES0
506-01.35 Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (4)
While the piston is removed from the cylinder, the Renovation is made in the workshop.
latter is measured to record the wear. The measure-
ments are taken by means of an inside micrometer, Prior to honing, deposits of coke and possible wear
with measuring points at TDC-position for the upper- edges at the top of the liner must be removed by
most piston ring, halfway down, and at the bottom of scraping.
the cylinder liner, see fig 1 and page 4.
A used flame ring must be used during the honong
80-160 rpm.
99.33 -ES0
Working Card
Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner 506-01.35
page 3 (4) Edition 02H
99.33 - ES0
99.33 - ES0
Working Card
Page 4 (4)
n B
t C
A s
r B
B o
s C
C Liner
Edition 02H
Working Card
Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner 506-01.35
Page 1 (4) Edition 02H
Inspection and honing of cylinder liner with honing Drilling machine 60-180 rpm.
brush. Honing oil.
Gas oil.
Starting position
Related procedure
98.38 - ES0
506-01.35 Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (4)
While the piston is removed from the cylinder, the Renovation is made in the workshop.
latter is measured to record the wear. The measure-
ments are taken by means of an inside micrometer, Prior to honing, deposits of coke and possible wear
with measuring points at TDC-position for the upper- edges at the top of the liner must be removed by
most piston ring, halfway down, and at the bottom of scraping.
the cylinder liner, see fig 1 and page 4.
A used flame ring must be used during the honong
80-160 rpm.
98.38 -ES0
Working Card
Inspection and Honing of Cylinder Liner 506-01.35
page 3 (4) Edition 02H
98.38 - ES0
98.38 - ES0
Working Card
Page 4 (4)
n B
t C
A s
r B
B o
s C
C Liner
Edition 02H
Working Card Grinding of Seal Face on 506-01.45
Page 1 (2)
Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Head Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.38 - ES0
506-01.45 Grinding of Seal Face on Working Card
Edition 02H Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Head Page 2 (2)
3) Move back and forth the tool and lift it out from
time to time.
98.38 - ES0
Working Card Dismantling of Piston and Cylinder Liner 506-01.50
Page 1 (2) at Low Overhaul Height Edition 02H
Dismounting of cylinder unit for inspection and/or Inside micrometer (195 mm)
overhaul. Feeler gauge 0.15 - 0.20 mm
Starting position
Related procedure
99.33 - ES0
506-01.50 Dismantling of Piston and Cylinder Liner Working Card
Page 2 (2)
Edition 02H at Low Overhaul Heights
3) Mount the lifting tool on the cylinder head. 7) Lift carefully the water jacket, cylinder liner and
piston with connecting rod out of the engine
4) Lift the cylinder head and land it carefully in and land them on wooden support.
wooden support.
Note: The push rods will fall out if they are not
supported by hand.
99.33 - ES0
Working Card Dismantling of Piston and Cylinder Liner 506-01.50
Page 1 (2) at Low Overhaul Height Edition 02H
Dismounting of cylinder unit for inspection and/or Inside micrometer (195 mm)
overhaul. Feeler gauge 0.15 - 0.20 mm
Starting position
Related procedure
98.38 - ES0
506-01.50 Dismantling of Piston and Cylinder Liner Working Card
Page 2 (2)
Edition 02H at Low Overhaul Heights
3) Mount the lifting tool on the cylinder head. 7) Lift carefully the water jacket, cylinder liner and
piston with connecting rod out of the engine
4) Lift the cylinder head and land it carefully in and land them on wooden support.
wooden support.
Note: The push rods will fall out if they are not
supported by hand.
98.38 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Piston and Connecting Rod 50601-03H
98.09 - ES0
50601-03H Piston and Connecting Rod Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder. Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder.
98.09 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Cylinder Liner 50610-03H
97.07 - ES0
50610-03H Cylinder Liner Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder. Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder.
97.07 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Camshaft and Camshaft Drive 507
Working card
Description 507.01
Page 1 (1) Camshafts and Camshaft Drive Edition 02H
Camshafts and Camshaft Drive The gear wheel for driving the camshaft as well as a
gear wheel connection for the governor drive are
The inlet and exhaust valves as well as the fuel screwed on to the aftmost section.
pumps of the engine are actuated by two camshafts.
The lubricating oil pipes for the gear wheels are
Due to the two-camshaft design an optimal adjust- equipped with nozzles which are adjusted to apply
ment of the gas exchange is possible without inter- the oil at the points where the gear wheels are in
rupting the fuel injection timing. It is also possible to mesh.
adjust the fuel injection without interrupting the gas
The camshafts are located in bearing bushes which Fig 1. Twin Camshafts
are fitted in bores in the engine frame; each bearing
is replaceable and locked in position in the engine
frame by means of a locking screw.
98.45 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Check of Camshaft and Camshaft Drive 507-01.00
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Related procedure
98.09 - ES0
507-01.00 Check of Camshaft- and Camshaft Drive Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
1) Dismount the covers which give access to the 3) Check all screws, nuts and bolted connec-
gear wheels, camshaft and crankcase. tions, including locking devices everywhere in
the gear wheel housing, camshaft housing and
2) Examine all gear wheels for cracks, wear and crankcase to check that they have not worked
deformations. While turning the engine to loose. Tightening torques, please see page
enable inspection allover the circumference of 500.40.
the gear wheels.
98.09 - ES0
Working Card
Inspection and Replacement of Camshaft Bearing 507-01.05
Page 1 (3)
Edition 05H
Starting position
Related procedure
01.08 - ES0
507-01.05 Inspection and Replacement of Camshaft Bearing Working Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 05H
To Replace Camshaft Bearing for Injection Pull the disconnected sections of the camshaft
or valve camshaft so far aft that the bearing which is to be
replaced is free.
If one or several of the camshaft bearings should be
replaced, the camshaft must be wholly or partly 6) Remove the spur wheel and the bearing plate,
dismantled. see fig 1 so the camshaft can be moved toward
the generator.
Note: Before dismantling last bearing and spur gear
wheel the engine has to be turned so marks at gear 7) Push the bearing out of the bore in the engine
wheels are corresponding, please see Working frame.
Card 507-01.20. Engine must be locked in this
position. 8) Check the lubricating oil ducts to the bearing
01.08 - ES0
Working Card
Inspection and Replacement of Camshaft Bearing 507-01.05
Page 3 (3) Edition 05H
01.08 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Page 1 (4) Adjustment of Camshaft for Valve and Injection Timing 507-01.20
Edition 05H
Hand tools
Starting position
Related procedure
01.08 - ES0
507-01.20 Adjustment of Camshaft for Valve and Injection Timing Working Card
Edition 05H Page 2 (4)
Assembly of gear wheels for valve camshaft
and Injection valve camshaft, without
mounted flywheel
13 teeth
01.08 - ES0
Working Card
Page 3 (4) Adjustment of Camshaft for Valve and Injection Timing 507-01.20
Edition 05H
4) Tighten up the intermediate gearwheels. Tight- Adjustment of Fuel Injection Camshaft / In-
ening torque, please see page 500.40. jection Timing
01.08 - ES0
507-01.20 Adjustment of Camshaft for Valve and Injection Timing Working Card
Edition 05H Page 4 (4)
3) Place a lamp and a mirror in front of the holes 6) Check injection timing from step 2.
as shown in fig 4.
7) If timing of the fuel camshaft is OK, then tighten
4) Look through the pump from one side and at the bolts on the gearwheel. Tightening torque,
the same time turn the engine in its normal please see page 500.40.
directions until the plunger in the barrel cuts off
the light from the flashlight on the other side. 8) Tighten up the plugs. Tightening torque, please
see page 500.40.
Note: Check the stamp on the flywheel. This must
be according to fig 5.
Light method (E) 5.5° ± 0.5 BTDC 8.6° ± 0.5 BTDC 9.8° ± 0.5 BTDC 12.7° ± 0.5 BTDC
Flywheel circumference
mm/° (3079 : 360) 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55
01.08 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Intermediate Wheel 50701-02H
01.43 - ES0
50701-02H Intermediate Wheel Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
01.43 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Camshaft (Valve Camshaft) 50705-03H
97.48 - ES0
50705-03H Camshaft (Valve Camshaft) Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
014 1/C Camshaft part Styreakselsektion 217 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
piece 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
026 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, 229 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
038 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, 230 1/E Axial bearing disk Aksial lejesøle
5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor
242 1/E Bearing segment Lejesøle, ende
051 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, end
6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
254 1/E Spur wheel Cylindrisk tandhjul
063 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor 266 Screw Skrue
72/E 5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor
075 Bearing disk Lejesøle 86/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
1/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor 100/E 7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor
1/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor 114/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
128/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
087 Bearing disk Lejesøle
1/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor 278 Washer Skive
2/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor 70/E 5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor
84/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
099 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, 98/E 7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor
6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor 112/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
126/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
109 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor 291 Cylindrical pin Cylindrisk stift
10/E 5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor
110 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, 12/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor 14/E 7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor
16/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
122 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, 18/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor
301 1/E Bearing plate, com- Lejeplade, komplet
134 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, plete incl. item 313 inkl item 313
8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
313* 3/E Expander plug Ekspansionsprop
146 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor 325 1/E Intermediate ring, Mellemring,
only for 9L16/24 kun for 9L16/24
158 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor 337 1/E Damper, Dæmper,
only for 9L16/24 kun for 9L16/24
171 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor 349 7/E Screw, Skrue,
only for 5-8L16/24 kun for 5-8L16/24
183 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor 350 Camshaft bearing Styreakselleje
6/E 5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor
195 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, 7/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor 8/E 7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor
9/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
205 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, 10/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
661 7/E Screw, Skrue,
only for 9L16/24 kun for 9L16/24
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty./C = Qty./Cylinder Qty./C = Qty./Cylinder
97.48 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Camshaft (Injection Camshaft) 50705-04H
97.48 - ES0
50705-04H Camshaft (Injection Camshaft) Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
313* 3/E Expander plug Ekspansionsprop 541 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
337 1/E Damper, Dæmper,
only for 9L16/24 kun for 9L16/24 553 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
362 1/C Camshaft part Styreakselsektion
piece 565 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
374 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor 577 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
386 2/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle,
5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor 589 1/E Axial bearing disk Aksial lejesøle
398 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, 590 1/E Bearing segment Lejesøle, ende
6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor end
408 1/E Bearing disk, Lejesøle, 600 1/E Spur wheel, Cylindrisk tandhjul,
6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor 5-8 cyl. engine 5-8 cyl. motor
421 Bearing disk Lejesøle 612 1/E Spur wheel, Cylindrisk tandhjul,
1/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
1/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
624 1/E Bearing plate, com- Lejeplade, komplet
433 Bearing disk Lejesøle plete incl. item 313 inkl. item 313
1/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
2/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor 636 1/E Ring Ring
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty./C = Qty./Cylinder Qty./C = Qty./Cylinder
97.48 - ES0
Index Operating Gear for Inlet Valves, Exhaust Valves and
Page 1 (1) 508
Fuel Injection Pumps
Operating gear for valve and fuel injection pumps .......................................................508.01 (02H)
Working card
Description 508.01
Page 1 (1) Operating Gear for Valve and Fuel Injection Pumps Edition 02H
98.38 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Inspection of Valve Roller Guide 508-01.00
Page 1 (2) Edition 03H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.47 - ES0
508-01.00 Inspection of Valve Roller Guides Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (2)
Replacement of Roller and Shaft Pin Fig 1 Inspection of roller guide and roller.
98.47 - ES0
Working Card
Control of Valve Clearance 508-01.10
Page 1 (2)
Edition 09H
Starting position
Related procedure
03.43 - ES0
508-01.10 Control of Valve Clearance Working Card
Edition 09H Page 2 (2)
1) Turn the engine so that the roller, rests on the 2) Lift rocker arm in order to open the valves.
circular part of the cam, i.e. the inlet valves and Control that the valves start to open at the
the exhaust valves are closed. same time.
03.31 - ES0
Working Card
Safe Valve Adjustment 508-01.10
Page 1 (3) Edition 10H
Starting position:
Related procedure:
03.43 - ESO
508-01.10 Safe Valve Adjustment Working Card
Page 2 (3)
Edition 10H
03.43 - ESO
Working Card
Safe Valve Adjustment 508-01.10
Page 3 (3) Edition 10H
6) If the valve bridge is correctly adjusted there 9) Install the rocker arms and adjust the clear-
will be ink on both contact surfaces and the ink ance to specified value.
will be clearly touched on both valve spindles.
Fig.5. Control of adjustment of valve bridge. 10) Tighten the nut with torque wrench to correct
torque. Check the valve clearance once more
7) Mark the valve bridge adjusting screw and after the nut is tightend with correct torque.
locking nut clearly to indicate it has been The rocker arm adjusting screw and nut to be
correctly adjusted and tightened. Mark inlet marked clearly to indicate it is correct ad-
and exhaust differently to insure they are not justed.
03.43 - ESO
Your Notes :
Page 1 (2) Roller Guide and Push Rods 50801-02H
97.43 - ES0
50801-02H Roller Guide and Push Rods Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder. Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder.
97.43 - ES0
Index Control and Safety Systems, Automatics and
Page 1 (1) 509
Working card
Functional test and adjustment of safety, alarm and monitoring equipment .......... 509-01.00 (02H)
Function test of shutdown..........................................................................................509-01.05 (07)
Adjustment and test of analogous pressure transmitter ......................................... 509-05.03 (03H)
Adjustment and test of analogous temperature transmitter.................................... 509-05.04 (04H)
Mounting and adjustment of pick-ups on engine .................................................... 509-08.00 (01H)
Adjustment of lambda controller ............................................................................. 509-10.00 (05H)
Safety, Control and Monitoring System 509.01
Page 1 (6) Edition 11
03.33 - ES1
509.01 Safety, Control and Monitoring System Description
Edition 11 Page 2 (6)
Connection to and from the power management The sensors for monitoring and alarming are con-
system is hard wire connection. nected to the base module.
Information about the design, function and operation Apart from the electrical main connection to the
of the governor is found in the special governor alternator the ship yard only has to perform the
instruction book. following electrical connection:
The governor is mounted on the flywheel end of the – 24 VDC supply to the safety system.
engine and is driven from the camshaft via a cylindri- – Cable connection to/from power manage-
cal gear wheel and a set of bevel gears. ment system.
– 24 VDC supply to the base module.
– Modbus communication or interlink to output
Regulating Shaft module.
The governor's movements are transmitted through The vessel’s alarm and monitoring system in the
a spring-loaded pull rod to the fuel injection pump main switch board can be connected to the base
regulating shaft which is fitted along the engine. module by means of a 3-wire MODBUS communica-
tion link. For further information, please see the
description "Communication from the GenSet".
03.33 - ES1
Safety, Control and Monitoring System 509.01
Page 3 (6) Edition 11
03.33 - ES1
509.01 Safety, Control and Monitoring System Description
Edition 11 Page 4 (6)
03.33 - ES1
Safety, Control and Monitoring System 509.01
Page 5 (6) Edition 11
Fig 7 Monitoring of bearing temperature (MBT), option. Fig 8 Display for bearing temperature (BTD), option.
03.33 - ES1
509.01 Safety, Control and Monitoring System Description
Edition 11 Page 6 (6)
The output module will be delivered in a separate It is important that all alarms leads to prompt inves-
box (IP56) with the dimensions (H/L/W): 380 x 380 x tigation and remedy of the error. No alarm is insignifi-
155 mm. cant. It is therefore important that all engine crew
members are familiar with and well trained in the use
and importance of the alarm system.The most seri-
Alarm Panel (option) ous alarms are equipped with slowdown and/or
shutdown functions.
An alarm panel with 24 alarm points can be con-
nected to the system. The alarm panel can be
installed on the engine or in the engine control room, Instrumentation
see fig 7. The dimensions for the panel are (H/L/W):
144 x 96 x 35 mm. Pressure measurements are generated from the
pressure transmitters.
03.33 - ES1
Lambda Controller 509.10
Page 1 (1)
Edition 07H
Purpose If the system is activated more than 10 seconds, the
solenoid valve will be shut off and there will be a
The purpose with the lambda controller is to prevent remote signal for "jet system failure".
injection of more fuel in the combustion chamber than
can be burned during a momentary load increase. The jet system is blocked when engine speed is
This is carried out by controlling the relation between below 50 rpm.
the fuel index and the charge air pressure.
During the start procedure the jet system is used as
The Lambda controller is also used as stop cylinder. a charge air booster.
At a 50% load change the system will be activated for Fig 1 Principle drawing of lambda controller
about 3-8 seconds.
02.41 - ES0
Your Notes :
Communication from the GenSet 509.55
Page 1 (9)
Edition 07
04.05 - ES1
509.55 Communication from the GenSet
Page 2 (9)
Edition 07
The communication setup is: 9600 baud, 8 databits, The general „message frame format“ has the follow-
1 stopbit, no parity. ing outlook:
The BM MODBUS protocol accept one command [:] [SLAVE] [FCT] [DATA] [CHECKSUM] [CR] [LF]
(Function Code 03) for reading analog and digital
input values one at a time, or as a block of up to 32 – [:] 1 char. Begin of frame
inputs. – [SLAVE] 2 char. Modbus slave address
Selected on DIP-switch at BM
MODBUS is defined by the company AEG Modicon print
and the implementated protocol in the BM is de- – [FCT] 2 char. Function code
signed to observe the relevant demands in the latest – [DATA] n X 2 chars data.
protocol description from AEG Modicon: – [CHECKSUM] 2 char checksum (LRC)
– [CR] 1 char CR
„MODBUS protocol, reference guide document No – [LF] 1 char LF (end of frame)
PI-MBUS-300, Rev. G“
Notice: The MODBUS address [SLAVE] should be
Since the standard refers to specific types of hard- adjusted on the DIP-switch (SW 1) on the BM.
ware, it should be noted that all MODBUS addresses Allowed addresses are 1..254 (0 and 255 not in use).
in the list "Summary of Alarms" for the plant in Broadcast packages will not be accepted (to be
question, refers directly to the addresses as they ignored), see fig 2.
appear on the line. These addresses should thus not
be offset by one in any direction. The following function codes (FCT) is accepted:
The following chapter describes the commands in – 03H: Read n words at specific address.
the MODBUS protocol, which are implementated,
and how they work. In response to the message frame, the slave (BM)
must answer with appropriate data. If this is not
possible, a package with the most important bit in
Protocol Description FCT set to 1 will be returned, followed by an excep-
tion code, where the following is supported:
The ASCII version of the MODBUS protocol is used,
where the BM works as MODBUS slave. As this is a – 01: Illegal function
ASCII protocol, all data bytes will be converted to 2- – 02: Illegal data address
ASCII characters (hex-values). Thus, when below is – 03: Illegal data value
referred to „bytes“ or „words“, these will fill out 2 or 4 – 06: BUSY. Message rejected
characters, respectively in the protocol.
SW 1: MODBUS address
Switch no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
255 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON Not allowed
04.05 - ES1
Communication from the GenSet 509.55
Page 3 (9)
Edition 07
FCT = 03H: Read n words The following types of data format have been cho-
The master transmits an inquiry to the slave (BM) to
read a number (n) of datawords from a given ad- Digital: Consists of 1 word (register):
dress. The slave (BM) replies with the required 1 word: [0000H]=OFF
number (n) of datawords. To read a single register [FFFFH]=ON
(n) must be set to 1. To read block type register (n)
must be in the range 1...32. Integer: Consists of 1 word (register):
1 word: 12 bit signed data
Request (master): (second complement):
[DATA] = [ADR][n] [0FFFH]=100% of range
[ADR]=Word stating the address in HEX. [F000H]=-100% of range
[n]=Word stating the number of words
to be read. Notice: 12 bit data format must be used no matter
what dissolution a signal is sampled with. All mea-
Answer (slave-BM): suring values will be scaled to 12 bit signed.
MODBUS Timeout
MODBUS addressing
To prevent lock up of the protocol, ie. a breakdown
In order to be able to read from the different I/O and on the connection, a number of timeouts are to be
data areas, they have to be supplied with an „ad- built in, as specified in the MODBUS protocol speci-
dress“. fication:
In the MODBUS protocol each address refers to a MODBUS specification max. time between charac-
word or „register“. For the GenSet there are following ters in a frame: 10 ms
I/O registers:
MODBUS specification max. time between receipt of
– Block (multiple) I/O registers occupying up to frame and answer: 1 second
32 word of registers (see table 3, 4, 5 and 6).
However the implementation of the protocol in the
Block I/O registers hold up to 32 discrete I/O's placed GenSet Base Module is able to handle much smaller
at adjacent addresses, so it is possible to request timeouts (response times), which may be required in
any number of I/O's up to 32 in a single MODBUS order to obtain an acceptable worst-case I/O scan
command. Please refer to table 3, 4, 5 and 6 which time:
specifies the block I/Os registers addresses and how
the individual I/O's are situated within the „block". Base Module, max. time between characters in a
frame: 5 ms
04.05 - ES1
509.55 Description
Edition 07
Communication from the GenSet Page 4 (9)
In the tables below each signal has a importance h) "Safety system failure" consists of following
statement with following meaning: signals: Power supply failure and internal
watch dog alarm.
Required by the classification society or MAN B&W. i) "Safety sensor cable failure" means cable fail-
Recommended by MAN B&W. ure on one or more of following sensors: lub. oil
"Nice to have". pressostate PSL22, cool. water ther-mostate
TSH12, speed pick-up SE90-2 or emergency
In the tables below some signals have a remark with stop switch ZS82 (as option TSH29/27 for L27/
following meaning: 38 or LSH92 for L27/38 and L32/40)
a) Required by American Bureau of Shipping, j) "Local shutdown" only consists of the shut-
ABS. downs (PSL22, TSH, SSH81, and ZS82) in the
b) Required by Bureau Veritas, BV. safety system.
c) Required by Jugoslavenski Register & DnV. k) For L27/38, L21/31 and L32/40 the signal
d) Required by Registro Italiano Navale, RINA. ZS82, also includes high oil mist shutdown,
e) Required by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, NKK & DnV. LSH92.
f) Bureau Veritas, Lloyds Register of Shipping l) Only available for L27/38 (standard on 8 and 9
and ABS demand alarm point for low/high cyl. engine), L32/40 and L21/31 (option).
heavy fuel oil temp. Normally this is placed at m) Required by Det Norske Veritas, DnV.
yard side as an common alarm for all aux. n) For L16/24 engine type TC rpm range is 0-
engines. The signal can also be generated 80000.
from iTI40. o) Not accepted by all classification societies.
g) "Common shutdown" consists of following sig- p) For GenSets with high voltage alternators.
nals: PSL22, TSH12, SSH81 and ZS82 (as
option TSH29/27 for L27/38 or LSH92 for L27/ General) All alarm signals are already performed
38 and L32/40). Furthermore it consist also of with necessary time delay. F.ex. lub. oil level
the redundant shutdowns performed in the alarms (LAL/LAH28) includes 30 sec. alarm
Base Module. delay. Start air alarm (PAL70) includes 15 sec.
alarm delay. No further delay are needed.
Table 3 (Block scanning)
Signal Name/description Address Data format Importance Remark Meas. range
04.05 - ES1
Communication from the GenSet 509.55
Page 5 (9)
Edition 07
Cont. of table 3
Signal Name/description Address Data format Importance Remark Meas. range
iPSL22 Lub. oil inlet low pressure, stop 4042 Digital Nice to have
iTSH12 HT water outlet high temp., stop 4043 Digital Nice to have
iZS82 (LSH92) Emergency shutdown (oil mist) 4044 Digital Nice to have k)+m)
iSSH81 Overspeed stop 4045 Digital Nice to have
oZS96 Local indication 4046 Digital Nice to have
oZS97 Remote indication 4047 Digital Nice to have
oSA99 (Spare) 4048 Digital
oSS90A Engine running 4049 Digital Nice to have
iTE60-1 Exh. gas temp., cylinder 1 404A Integer 12 Bit Nice to have c) 0-800° C
iTE60-2 Exh. gas temp., cylinder 2 404B Integer 12 Bit Nice to have c) 0-800° C
iTE60-3 Exh. gas temp., cylinder 3 404C Integer 12 Bit Nice to have c) 0-800° C
iTE60-4 Exh. gas temp., cylinder 4 404D Integer 12 Bit Nice to have c) 0-800° C
iTE60-5 Exh. gas temp., cylinder 5 404E Integer 12 Bit Nice to have c) 0-800° C
iTE60-6 Exh. gas temp., cylinder 6 404F Integer 12 Bit Nice to have c) 0-800° C
iTE60-7 Exh. gas temp., cylinder 7 4050 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have c) 0-800° C
iTE60-8 Exh. gas temp., cylinder 8 4051 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have c) 0-800° C
iTE60-9 Exh. gas temp., cylinder 9 4052 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have c) 0-800° C
iTE61 Exh. gas temp. outlet TC 4053 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have d) 0-800° C
iTE62 Exhaust gas temp. inlet TC 4054 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have e) 0-800° C
iTI01 LT water temp. inlet 4055 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-200° C
iTI31 Charge air temp. 4056 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-200° C
iPI01 LT water press. inlet 4057 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-6 bar
iPI21 Lub. oil press. inlet filter 4058 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-10 bar
iPI23 Lub. oil TC press. 4059 Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-4 bar
iPI31 Charge air press. 405A Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-4 bar
oSE90 Engine RPM pickup 405B Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-1600 rpm
oSE89 TC RPM pickup 405C Integer 12 Bit Nice to have n) 0-60000 rpm
oUX95-2_Dly (Spare) 405D Digital
oSX84 Stop failure 405E Digital Nice to have
iSS86-3 Shutdown from safety system 405F Digital Nice to have j)
oPAL01 LT water press. inlet 4060 Digital Nice to have
oPAL23 Lub. oil press. TC, low 4061 Digital Nice to have
04.05 - ES1
509.55 Description
Edition 07
Communication from the GenSet Page 6 (9)
Table 5 (Block scanning)
Signal Name/description Address Data format Importance Remark Meas. range
Individual scanning
Signal Name/description Address Data format Importance Remark Meas. range
oZS57 Earth connector & diff. protection 4090 Digital Nice to have p)
04.05 - ES1
Description 509.55
Page 7 (9) Communication from the GenSet Edition 07
Table 6 (Block scanning)
Signal Name/description Address Data format Importance Remark Meas. range
Following signals are only available as option for engine type L27/38.
iTI29-1 Main bearing temp. 4005H Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-2 Main bearing temp. 4004H Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-3 Main bearing temp. 4003H Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-4 Main bearing temp. 4002H Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-5 Main bearing temp. 4006H Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-6 Main bearing temp. 4007H Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-7 Main bearing temp. 4008H Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-8 Main bearing temp. 4009H Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-9 Main bearing temp. 400AH Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-10 Main bearing temp. 400BC Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
iTI29-11 Guide bearing temp. 400CH Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-800° C
oTI29-1 Cable break 400DH Digital Nice to have
oTI29-2 Cable break 400EH Digital Nice to have
oTI29-3 Cable break 400FH Digital Nice to have
oTI29-4 Cable break 4010H Digital Nice to have
oTI29-5 Cable break 4011H Digital Nice to have
oTI29-6 Cable break 4012H Digital Nice to have
oTI29-7 Cable break 4013H Digital Nice to have
oTI29-8 Cable break 4014H Digital Nice to have
oTI29-9 Cable break 4015H Digital Nice to have
oTI29-10 Cable break 4016H Digital Nice to have
oTI29-11 Cable break 4017H Digital Nice to have
iTI27-1 Alternator bearing temp. 4018H Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-200° C
iTI INTERNT. Compensation resistor 401AH Integer 12 Bit Nice to have 0-200° C
oTSH29/27 High bearing temp. shutdown 401BH Digital Nice to have
oTSH29/27 High bearing temp. shutdown 401CH Digital Nice to have
oTSH29/27A Common alarm main bearing temp. 401DH Digital Nice to have
oTSH29/27B Common alarm main bearing temp. 401EH Digital Nice to have
oUX29/27 Common cable failure 401FH Digital Nice to have
04.05 - ES1
509.55 Description
Edition 07
Communication from the GenSet Page 8 (9)
Engine type L16/24, L21/31, L27/38 or L32/40
04.05 - ES1
Description 509.55
Page 9 (9) Communication from the GenSet Edition 07
Engine type L27/38 incl. bearing surveillance module
04.05 - ES1
Your Notes :
Working Card Functional Test and Adjustment of Safety, 509-01.00
Page 1 (2) Alarm and Monitoring Equipment Edition 02H
Function test and adjustment of safety, alarm and See "Related procedure"
monitoring equipment.
Starting position
Related procedure
Capacity : man
98.38 - ES0
509-01.00 Functional Test and Adjustment of Safety, Working Card
Edition 02H Alarm and Monitoring Equipment Page 2 (2)
Maintenance of Monitoring and Safety It is recommended that all functions are tested every
Systems three months according to the mentioned working
One of the most important parameters of preventive
work is that the alarm system, as well as the shutdown To check these functions use the working cards
and overspeed devices, are functioning 100%. mentioned under related procedure on page 1.
98.38 - ES0
Working Card
Function Test of Shutdown 509-01.05
Page 1 (3) Edition 07
Starting position
Related procedure
Capacity : 1 man
03.39 - ES0
509-01.05 Function Test of Shutdown Working Card
Edition 07 Page 2 (3)
3) Reset the overspeed shutdown on the opera- 9) Open the oil pressure valve on the pressure
tion box. block.
5) Mount the manometer/test pump on the test The functional test of the thermostat, is to be carried
valve outlet, situated right under the pressostate out according to the following procedure.
PSL 22, fig 1.
11) Take the sensor out of the pocket.
6) Close oil pressure valve, fig 1.
12) Test the sensor in a water bath, which is
7) Relieve the pressure slowly and check that the controlled by the temperature or a special
switch changes back to the pressure stated as testing device.
03.39 - ES0
Working Card
Function Test of Shutdown 509-01.05
Page 3 (3) Edition 07
Fig 3 Thermostate
Alarm System
03.39 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Adjustment and Test of Analog Pressure Transmitter 509-05.03
Page 1 (2) Edition 03H
Starting position
Related procedure
02.20 - ES0
509-05.03 Adjustment and Test of Analog Pressure Transmitter
Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (2)
02.20 - ESO
Working Card Adjustment and Test of 509-05.04
Page 1 (2) Analogous Temperature Transmitter Edition 04H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.43 - ES0
509-05.04 Adjustment and Test of Working Card
Edition 04H Analogous Temperature Transmitter Page 2 (2)
Look and design vary depending on the place of 4) Test the thermostate by submerging the sensor
measurement and manufacture. in the water bath, which is controlled by a
special testing apparatus producing a constant
Adjustment temperature.
1) Since the nickel-chrome-nickel sensor and the If the alarm plant has an instrument unit, the tempera-
PT 100 sensor cannot be adjusted the alarm ture can be read on this.
limit must be set on the alarm plant.
Otherwise the test can be carried out by seeing
Set point, see page 500.30. whether the alarm plant gives an alarm when the alarm
limit stated on page 500.30 is exceeded (if the alarm
plant is adjusted).
98.43 - ES0
Working card
Mounting and Adjustment of Pick-ups on Engine 509-08.00
Page 1 (2) Edition 01H
Hand tools
Starting position
Related procedure
Man power
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35) Plate no Item no Qty/
Data for torque moment (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)
00.12 - ES0
509-08.00 Mounting and Adjustment of Pick-ups on Engine Working card
Edition 01H Page 2 (2)
Mounting Guidance
Check of Plug
Mounting of Pick-up
Incorrect plug, see fig 4, square, black head and
The pick-up is screwed clockwise until it touches the black wire.
top of a tooth on the gear rim, please see fig 2.
00.12 - ES0
Working Card
Adjustment of Lambda Controller 509-10.00
Page 1 (2) Edition 05H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.48 - ES0
509-10.00 Working Card
Edition 05H
Adjustment of Lambda Controller Page 2 (2)
6) Adjustment completed.
9) Adjustment completed.
98.48 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Governor and Governor Drive 50901-03H
01.28 - ES0
50901-03H Governor and Governor Drive Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
082 1/E Castle nut Kronemøtrik 381 1/E Actuator, electronic Elektronisk regulator
116 1/E Governor, Woodward Regulator, Woodward 415 4/E Screw Skrue
141 1/E Shim (set 0.1 - Mellemlæg (sæt 0,1 - + item 212 require an + Item nr. 212 kræver
0.3 - 0.5 - 1.0 mm) 0,3 - 0,5 - 1,0 mm) individual matching en individuel tilpasning
(by shims) before (med mellemlæg) før
153 1/E Disc Skive mounting, contact, montering, kontakt MAN
MAN B&W, Holeby. B&W, Holeby
165 1/E Ball bearing Kugleleje
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/I = Qty/Individual Qty/I = Qty/Individuelt
01.28 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Regulating Device 50902-04H
98.45 - ES0
50902-04H Regulating Device Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
015 1/C Bearing bracket, com- Konsol, komplet inkl. 351 1/E Shaft, 8 cyl. engine Aksel, 8 cyl. motor
plete incl. bush bøsning
363 1/E Shaft, 9 cyl. engine Aksel, 9 cyl. motor
039 2/C Screw Skrue
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty./C = Qty./Cylinder Qty./C = Qty./Cylinder
98.45 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Level Switch in Oil Sump (LAL/LAH 28) 50920-02H
97.37 - ES0
50920-02H Level Switch in Oil Sump (LAL/LAH 28) Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
97.37 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Fuel Oil Leakage Alarm (LAH 42) 50925-02H
98.36 - ES0
50925-02H Fuel Oil Leakage Alarm (LAH 42) Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No. Qty Designation Benævnelse No. Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
98.36 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Terminal Box 50935-02H
97.49 - ES0
50935-02H Terminal Box Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
97.49 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Crankshaft and Main Bearings 510
Working card
Flywheel with gear rim .....................................................................................................51003-05H
Vibration damper/turning wheel .......................................................................................51004-04H
Your Notes :
Description 510.01
Page 1 (1) Crankshaft and Main Bearings Edition 02H
The crankshaft, which is a one-piece forging, is A vibration damper is mounted on the crankshaft to
suspended in underslung bearings. The main bea- limit torsional vibrations. The damper consists of a
rings are of the trimetal type, which are coated with primary and a secondary part. Between these, groups
a running layer. To attain a suitable bearing pressure of leaf spring packs are arranged, which are clamped
and vibration level the crankshaft is provided with at their outer ends.
counterweights, which are attached to th/e crank-
shaft by means of one hydraulic screws. These spring packs form, together with the primary
and secondary members, chambers which are filled
At the flywheel end the crankshaft is fitted with a gear with oil. If the exterior member vibrates in relation to
wheel which, through two intermediate wheels, the inner member, the leaf springs are bent and force
drives the camshafts. oil from one chamber into another, retarding the
relative movement of the two parts and thus dam-
Also fitted here is a coupling flange for the connec- ping the torsional vibration. In order to protect the
tion of an alternator. At the opposite end (front end) leaf springs against overloading, their deflection is
there is a gear wheel connection for lube oil and limited by buffers.
water pumps.
The elasticity is determined by careful choise of the
Lubricating oil for the main bearings is supplied leaf springs, the damping factor by the gap between
through holes drilled in the engine frame. From the primary and secondary members.
main bearings the oil passes through bores in the
crankshaft to the big-end bearings and thence
through channels in the connecting rods to lubricate
the piston pins and cool the pistons.
98.43 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Inspection of Main and Guide Bearing Shells 510-01.05
Page 1 (3) Edition 03H
Hand tools
Starting position
Allen key, 12 mm
Socket spanner, 36 mm
Lead hammer
Related procedure
99.33 - ES0
510-01.05 Inspection of Main and Guide Bearing Shells Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (3)
Preparing for Dismantling of the Main and Dismantling of the Main and Guide Bearing
Guide Bearing Cap
1) Dismount crankcase covers in front and 6) Fit the lifting handle, (Plate 52010, Item 035),
opposite the bearing concerned. so as to support the bearing cap.
2) Turn the engine until the crank is in a conven- 7) Work the main bearing cap loose from the
ient possition for carrying out the work. engine frame with a lead hammer or similar.
3) Mount the hydraulic tool and loosen the brac- 8) Lift the main bearing cap a little and unscrew
ing stud nuts, see fig 1. For operating of the the bearing stud nut.
hydraulic tool, please see working card 520-
01.05, 9) Lift out the bearing cap from the engine.
11) Fit the tool for the upper main bearing tool, for
dismantling of upper main bearing shell, in the
lubricating hole in the crankshaft and turn out
the upper bearing shell by turning the crank-
shaft, see fig 2.
Fig 1 Mount the hydraulic tool and loosen the bracing stud
99.33 - ES0
Working Card
Inspection of Main and Guide Bearing Shells 510-01.05
Page 3 (3) Edition 03H
13) Inspect the bearing shells according to work- Note: When mounting the guide bearing cap, re-
ing card 506-01.16. member to insert the two thrust washers in the guide
bearing cap.
Mounting of Main and Guide Bearing Shells Make sure that the bearing cap and bearing shells
are in the correct possition.
14) Push the upper main bearing shell as far into
possition as possible. 18) Remove the lifting tool for the bearing cap.
Note: Be sure that the shell is turned correct accord- 19) Mount the hydraulic bracing screws and tighten
ing to the locking pieces. up the first step as prescribed on page 500.40.
For use of hydraulic tools, please see working
15) Fit the tool for upper main and guide bearing in card 520-01.05.
the lubricating hole in the crankshaft and turn
in the upper bearing shell by turning the crank- 20) Tighten the nuts for the bearing cap as pre-
shaft. scribed on page 500.40.
Make sure the shell enters its correct position then 21) Tighten up the bracing screw to second step,
remove the tool for upper main and guide bearing. please see page 500.40.
16) Insert the lower bearing shell in the bearing 22) Tighten the bearings one at a time.
cap according to the locking pieces.
99.33 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Vibration Damper 510-04.00
Page 1 (3) Edition 03H
Starting position
Related procedure
Capacity : 1 man
See plate 51004
98.44 - ES0
510-04.00 Vibration Damper Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (3)
Together with every main revision of the engine the Inner Spring Ends and Groove Flanks
damper is to be inspected as well. Generally an
inspection of this kind is to be carried out every 28- Wear takes place due to lack of oil supply.
30.000 hours of service together with service and the
replacement of certain parts, which are exposed to Spring packs consisting of two conical spring blades
wear. only are clamped in the innerstar groove at their inner
spring ends, thus producing a slight preload of the
Note: Regular inspection and supervision of the springs. The allowable wear will be attained as soon
damper allows for preliminary planning and to order as the preload of the springs is not existing any more
spare parts in time. and an additional clearance of "z" mm per side
between spring ends and groove flanks occures
(totalling 2 x z mm if one side of spring end rests on
Allowable Wear groove flank), see fig 2.
Type z
D 56/49/1 0.23
D 56/50 0.18
D 50/4 0.12
98.44 - ES0
Working Card
Vibration Damper 510-04.00
Page 3 (3) Edition 03H
Circularity of Outer Member (correction)
98.44 - ES0
Your Notes :
Page 1 (2) Crankshaft 51001-03H
98.41 - ES0
51001-03H Crankshaft Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
98.41 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Flywheel with Gear Rim 51003-05H
98.48 - ES0
51003-05H Flywheel with Gear Rim Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
98.48 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Vibration Damper / Tuning Wheel 51004-04H
98.37 - ES0
51004-04H Vibration Damper / Tuning Wheel Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No. Qty Designation Benævnelse No. Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine. Qty/E = Qty/Motor.
98.37 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Engine Frame and Base Frame 511
Working card
Engine Frame and Base Frame 511.01
Page 1 (1)
Edition 02H
Engine Frame On the sides of the frame there are covers for access
to the camshafts and crankcase. Some covers are
The monobloc cast iron engine frame is designed to fitted with relief valves which will operate if oil vapours
be very rigid. All the components of the engine frame in the crankcase are ignited (for instance in the case
are held under compression stress. The frame is of a hot bearing).
designed for an ideal flow of forces from the cylinder
head down to the crankshaft and gives the outer shell
low surface vibrations. Base Frame
Two camshafts are located in the engine frame. The The engine and alternator are mounted on a rigid base
valve camshaft is located on the exhaust side in a frame. The base frame acts as a lubricating oil
very high position and the injection camshaft is reservoir for the engine. The alternator is considered
located on the service side of the engine. as an integral part during engine design. This GenSet
is flexible mounted on the foundation with rubber
The main bearings for the underslung crankshaft are elements under the base frame.
carried in heavy supports by tierods from the interme-
diate frame floor, and are secured with the bearing
caps. These are provided with side guides and held in
place by means of studs with hydraulically tightened
nuts. The main bearing is equipped with replaceable
shells which have the final tolerances.
98.41 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Functional Test of Crankcase Safety Relief Valves 511-01.00
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
Capacity : 1 man
51106 237 1/relief valve
51106 477 1/relief valve
Data 51106 524 1/relief valve
98.47 - ES0
511-01.00 Functional Test of Crankcase Safety Relief Valves Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
Functional Testing
When Painting
98.47 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Frame with Main Bearings 51101-04H
98.48 - ES0
51101-04H Frame with Main Bearings Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
098 1/E Frame, 5 cyl. engine Stativ, 5 cyl. motor 241 Main bearing shell 2/2 Hovedlejeskal 2/2
7/E 5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor
108 1/E Frame , 6 cyl. engine Stativ, 6 cyl. motor 8/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
9/E 7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor
121 1/E Frame, 7 cyl. engine Stativ, 7 cyl. motor 10/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
11/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
133 1/E Frame, 8 cyl. engine Stativ, 8 cyl. motor
253 2/E Thrust bearing ring Tryklejering
145 1/E Frame, 9 cyl. engine Stativ, 9 cyl. motor
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
98.48 - ES0
Page 1 (3) Front End Box 51103-06H
00.14 - ES0
51103-06H Front End Box Page 2 (3)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
014 1/E Front end box Front end box 349 4/E Screw Skrue
099 3/E Washer Skive 421 1/E Housing for Hus for
lub. oil separator smøreolieseparator
109 1/E Plate Plade
433 12/E Screw Skrue
110 4/E Screw Skrue
445 1/E O-ring O-ring
122 2/E Plug screw Propskrue
457 1/E Bracket for by-pass Konsol for centrifugal
134 2/E Packing ring Pakningsring centrifugal filter by-pass filter
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
00.14 - ES0
Page 3 (3) Front End Box 51103-06H
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
00.14 - ES0
Your Notes :
Page 1 (2) Covers on Frame 51106-04H
98.48 - ES0
51106-04H Covers on Frame Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
249 Screw Skrue 465 1/D Valve flap for safety Ventilklap for sikker-
103/E 5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor valve hedsventil
116/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
129/E 7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor 477 1/D O-ring O-ring
142/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
155/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor 489 1/D Compression spring Fjeder
250 Washer Skive
103/E 5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor 490 4/D Distance pipe Afstandsstykke
116/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
129/E 7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor 500 4/D Coach bolt Bolt
142/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
155/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor 512 4/D Self locking nut Selvlåsende møtrik
274 1/E O-ring O-ring 536 Self locking nut Selvlåsende møtrik
5/E 5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor
286 1/E Cover Dæksel 6/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
7/E 7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor
298 1/E O-ring O-ring 7/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
7/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor
308 1/E Cover Dæksel
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/D = Qty/Cover Qty/D = Qty/Dæksel
98.48 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Cover on Frame 51106-06H
98.48 - ES0
51106-06H Cover on Frame Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
98.48 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Base Frame 51111-02H
98.45 - ES0
51111-02H Base Frame Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
98.45 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Turbocharger System 512
Working card
Description 512.01
Page 1 (2) Turbocharger System Edition 05H
the engine room through the air filters. sure to ensure sufficient scavenging temperature for
burning HFO.
The turbocharger forces the air through the charging
air cooler to the charging air receiver. From the From the exhaust valves, the exhaust gas is led
charging air receiver the air flows to each cylinder through to the exhaust gas receiver where the
through the inlet valves. pulsatory pressure from the individual cylinders is
equalized and passed on to the turbocharger as a
constant pressure, and further to the exhaust outlet
and silencer arrangement.
99.37 - ES0S
512.01 Description
Edition 05H
Turbocharger System Page 2 (2)
99.37 - ES0S
Working Card
Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler 512-01.00
Page 1 (4) Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.09 - ES0
512-01.00 Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (4)
Lifting hole
Screw (1)
Chamber (4)
Gasket (7)
Gasket (6)
98.09 - ES0
Working Card
Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler 512-01.00
Page 3 (4) Edition 02H
98.09 - ES0
512-01.00 Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler Working Card
Edition 02H Page 4 (4)
11) Lift the air cooler by the lifting tool and push it
carefully half-way into its housing.
12) Remove the lifting tool and push the air cooler
into place.
13) Mount the screws see fig 2, pos. 1 and the Fig 4 Mounting of charging air cooler
charge air pipe, see fig 1.
98.09 - ES0
Working Card
Exhaust Pipe Compensator 512-01.10
Page 1 (2) Edition 01H
Starting position
Related procedure
97.40 - ES0
512-01.10 Exhaust Pipe Compensator Working Card
Edition 01H Page 2 (2)
97.40 - ES0
Working Card
Cleaning the Turbine, dry cleaning 512-10.00
Page 1 (2) Edition 03H
Starting position
Related procedure
97.50 - ES0
Working Card
Cleaning the Turbine, dry cleaning 512-10.00
Page 2 (2) Edition 03H
5-7 bar
1 Stop valve
2 Container
3 Valve
4 Working air
1 2 3 4
Dry cleaning Fill the container (2) with granulate. The amount
depending on the type of turbocharger;
Depending on the type of engine and turbocharger,
the arrangement of items may also differ somewhat NR12, NR14, NR15,
from that shown in the schematic. NR17, NR20 .................................. 0.3 liter
Appropriate cleaning materials are granulates from NR24, NR26 .................................. 0.4 liter
nut shells or activated charcoal of a grain size of 1
mm (max. 1.5 mm). NR29, NR34 .................................. 0.5 liter
97.50 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Charging Air Cooler 51201-06H
97.43 - ES0
51201-06H Charging Air Cooler Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/K = Qty/Cooler Qty/K = Qty/Køler
Qty./E = Qty./Engine Qty./E = Qty./Motor
97.43 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Exhaust Pipe Arrangement 51202-04H
99.09 - ES0
51202-04H Exhaust Pipe Arrangement Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
99.09 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Mounting of Turbocharger 51203-07H
99.06 - ES0
51203-07H Mounting of Turbocharger Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
99.06 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Connection Pipe 51206-02H
99.17 - ES0
51206-02H Connection Pipe Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/I = Qty/Individual Qty/I = Qty/Individuelt
99.17 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Charge Air Pipes 51230-03H
02.36 - ES0
51230-03H Charge Air Pipes Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
015 1/E Flange Flange 302 4/E Screw, 5-6 cyl. Skrue, 5-6 cyl.
7 cyl. 1000 rpm 7 cyl. 1000 rpm
027 Seal ring Tætningsring
11/E 5 cyl. engine 5 cyl. motor 326 1/E Covering sheet Dækplade
13/E 6 cyl. engine 6 cyl. motor
15/E 7 cyl. engine 7 cyl. motor 338 17/E Screw Skrue
17/E 8 cyl. engine 8 cyl. motor
19/E 9 cyl. engine 9 cyl. motor 483 1/C Screw Skrue
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty./C = Qty./Cylinder Qty./C = Qty./Cylinder
02.36 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Compressed Air System 513
Working card
Compressed Air System 513.01
Page 1 (2)
Edition 07H
The compressed air system on the engine consists of The air starter is activated electrically with a pneu-
a starting system, starting control system and safety matic 3/2-way solenoid valve. The valve can be
system. Further, the system supplies air to the jet activated manually from the starting box on the
system. engine, and it can be arranged for remote control,
manual or automatic.
The compressed air is supplied from the starting air
receivers (16-30 bar) through a reduction station, from
where compressed air is supplied to the engine.
Starting System
00.14 - ES1
513.01 Description
Edition 07H
Compressed Air System Page 2 (2)
For remote activation the starting coil is connected so Pneumatic Start Sequence
that every starting signal to the starting coil goes
through the safe start function which is connected to When the starting valve is opened, air will be supplied
the basemodule mounted on the engine. to the drive shaft housing of the air starter.
Further, the starting valve also acts as an emergency The air supply will - by activating a piston - bring the
starting valve which makes it possible to activate the drive pinion into engagement with the gear rim on the
air starter manually in case of power failure. engine flywheel.
When the pinion is fully engaged, the pilot air will flow
Safety System to, and open the main starting valve, whereby air will
be led to the air starter, which will start to turn the
As standard the engine is equipped with a pneumati- engine.
cally/mechanically stop cylinder, which starts to
operate if the safety system is activated. The system When the rpm exceeds approx. 158, at which firing
is activated electrically. has taken place, the starting valve is closed whereby
the air starter is disengaged.
Air supply must not be interrupted when the engine is
00.14 - ES1
Working Card
Air Filter 513-01.21
Page 1 (2) Edition 01H
Starting position
Related procedure
02.46 - ES0
513-01.21 Air Filter Working Card
Edition 01H Page 2 (2)
2) Remove bowl and bowl guard assembly by 8) Remove bowl and bowl assembly by turning
turning counter-clockwise. counter-clockwise.
3) Inspect bowl for damage seals and replace, if 9) Unscrew baffle by turning counter-clockwise.
10) Remove filter element and discard.
4) If bowl becomes dirty clean it by wiping the
bowl with a soft dry cloth or mild detergent. 11) Install new filter element and reassemble in
reverse order.
5) Before returning to service, insure that all
seals have been reinstalled or replaced. 12) Before returning to service, insure that all
seals have been reinstalled or replaced.
6) Reinstall bowl and bowl guard assembly and
rotate bowl guard clockwise to securely lock in 13) Reinstall bowl and bowl guard assembly and
place. Align arrow on bowl guard with arrow on filter rotate bowl guard clockwise to securely lock in
body. place. Align arrow on bowl guard with arrow on filter
02.46 - ES0
Working Card
Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter 513-01.30
Page 1 (4) Edition 03H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.48 - ES0
513-01.30 Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter
Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (4)
98.48 - ES0
Working Card
Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter 513-01.30
Page 3 (4) Edition 03H
Disassembly 11) Remove the drive housing seal (16) from the
flange cover.
Always wear eye protection when performing any
maintenance on this air starter. 12) Turn the air starter over and secure it vertically
in a fixture.
Always turn off the air supply and disconnect the air
supply before installing, removing or adjusting any Note: Use care when removing the housing cover
accessory on this air starter or before performing any bolts (12) holding the housing cover (11) to the air
maintenance on this air starter. starter. The liner (9) is spring loaded and will pro-
trude approximately one inch beyong the housing
1) Do not disassemble the air starter any further when released.
than necessary to replace worn parts.
13) To remove the housing cover, slowly loosen
2) When grasping a part in a vise, always use the four housing cover bolts while holding the
leather-covered or copper-covered vise jaws housing cover in place.
to protect the surface of the part and help
prevent distortion. This is paritcularly true of 14) Slide the liner assembly out of the housing.
threaded members.
15) Remove the return spring (8).
3) Do not remove any part which is a press fit in
or on a subassembly unless the removal of that
part is necessary for replacement or repairs. Assembly
4) Always have a complete set of seals and o- 16) Always press on the inner ring of a ball-type
rings on hand before starting any overhaul of bearing when installing the bearing on a shaft.
the air starter. Never reuse old seals or gas-
kets. 17) Always press on the outer ring of a ball-type
bearing when pressing the bearing into a bear-
5) When disassembling, always mark adjacent ing recess.
parts so the members can be located in the
same relative position when the air starter is 18) Whenever grasping an air starter or part in a
reassembled. vise, always use leather-covered or copper-
covered vise jaws. Take extra care with treaded
6) Never wash the liner assembly (9) in a solvent. parts or housings.
7) Remove the drive pinion screw (1) from the 19) Place the housing (13), front end down so that
drive shaft and remove the drive pinion (2). the return spring (8) can be placed into the
8) Remove the six flange cap screws (3) from the
housing (13). 20) Slide the liner assembly (9) into the housing.
98.48 - ES0
513-01.30 Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Air Starter
Working Card
Edition 03H Page 4 (4)
21) Attach the housing cover (11) to the housing 29) Attach the drive pinion (2) to the drive shaft
with just one housing cover bolt (12). Engage using the drive pinion screw (1) and Locktite,
only a few threads so that the housing cover tighten to 40-45 ft-lb (54-61 Nm) torque, fig 1.
can be easily rotated.
22) While pushing the liner assembly down against Test and Inspection
the return spring, rotate the housing cover over
the liner to hold it down. Warning ! When 6 bar air pressure is applied to the
air starter, the drive pinion will be rotating at 2,800
23) Tighten the housing cover cap screws to 5-6 ft- rpm and drive shaft and drive pinion will move
lb (6.7-8 Nm) torque. forward 30-32 mm. Keep face and hands away from
rotating drive pinion.
24) Press the drive housing seal (16) into the
flange cover (4) with the sealing lip pointed 30) Orientation: Mounting flange must be ori-
down. ented per the customer's order or engineering
drawing. If orientation is not specified by cus-
25) Press the front drive shaft bearing (15) into the tomer, standard orientation will be supplied.
flange cover.
31) Free speed (all models): Install air starter on
26) Fit the flange (5) onto the flange cover so that a test fixture. Apply 6 bar to the air starter
the counterbore of the flange slides over the motor. Minimum free speed is 2,800 rpm.
shoulder of the flange cover correctly.
32) Confirm overrunning of clutch: Turn the
27) Carefully slide this assembly over the drive drive pinion by hand in the direction of rotation.
shaft. Be careful not to tear the seal lip. Orient The clutch should ratchet smoothly.
the flange correctly.
33) Confirm drive rotation: Turn the drive pinion
28) Tighten the six flange cap screws (3) to 3-4 ft- by hand in the direction of rotation. The clutch
lb (4-5.4 Nm) torque. should ratchet smoothly.
98.48 - ES0
Working Card
Emergency Starting Valve 513-01.40
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.45 - ES0
513-01.40 Working Card
Edition 02H
Emergency Starting Valve Page 2 (2)
98.45 - ES0
Working Card
Check of Compressed Air Piping System 513-01.90
Page 1 (2)
Edition 03H
Starting position
Related procedure
Capacity : 1 man
02.20 - ES0
513-01.90 Check of Compressed Air Piping System Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (2)
1) Examine the piping system for leaks. 6) Move all valves and cocks in the piping
system. Lubricate valve spindles with graphite
2) Retighten all bolts and nuts in the piping or similar.
7) Connect the air supply and make a function
3) Drain the system for condensed water. This test of the emergency valve. See Descrip-
should be based on observations. tion 513.01.
5) Check manometers.
02.20 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Air Starter 51309-08H
01.32 - ES0
51309-08H Air Starter Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
014 1/S Drive pinion screw Tandhjulsskrue 349 1/S Fittings Fittings
051 1/S Front drive shaft Forreste 386 1/S Fittings Fittings
bearing drivakselleje
408 1/S Solenoid valve 3/2 Magnetventil 3/2
063 1/S Drive housing seal Tætning for drivgear
421 1/S Nipple Nippel
087 6/S Flange cap screw Dækselskrue for
flange 433 1/S Flange Flange
171 4/S Bolt for housing Bolt for motorhus- 577 1/S Nipple (T) Nippel (T)
cover dæksel
589 1/S Nipple Nippel
183 1/S Housing Motorhus
590 1/S Cu-washer Kobberskive
195 1/S Vent plug Afluftningsskrue
600 1/S Safety valve Sikkerhedsventil
217 4/S Mounting bolt Bolt for montering
612 1/S Pressure reduction Trykreduktions-
230 1/S O-ring O-ring valve ventil
242 1/E Air starter com- Startemotor kom- 624 1/S Spare parts kit for Reservedelskit for
plete, ST400 and plet, ST400 og ST400, incl. item ST400, inkl. item
RR100 RR100 014, 038, 051, 063, 014, 038, 051, 063,
087, 217, 230 (not 087, 217, 230 (ikke
254 3/S Screw Skrue shown on the front vist på forsiden)
266 3/S Washer Skive
636 1/S Spare parts kit for Reservedelskit for
278 1/S Spare parts kit for Reservedelskit for item 494, consisting item 494, indeholder
valve RR100 ventil RR100 of element, o-ring element, o-ring
291* 1/S Shaft collar Støttering 648 1/S Spare parts kit for Reservedelskit for
item 325, consisting item 325, indeholder
301 2/S Fittings Fittings of element, gasket element, pakning
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/S = Qty/Air starter Qty/S = Qty/Startemotor
01.32 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Main Stop Valve 51315-02H
99.03 - EO0
51315-02H Main Stop Valve Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No. Qty. Designation Benævnelse No. Qty. Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty./E = Qty./Engine. Antal/E = Antal/Motor.
Qty./C = Qty./Valve. Antal/V = Antal/Ventil.
99.03 - EO0
Page 1 (2) Air Filter 51321-02H
02.46 - ES0
51321-02H Air Filter Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No. Qty. Designation Benævnelse No. Qty. Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty./E = Qty./Engine. Antal/E = Antal/Motor.
02.46 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Turning Gear with Attachment 51325-02H
99.03 - ES0
51325-02H Turning Gear with Attachment Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine. Qty/E = Qty/Motor.
99.03 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Overspeed Stop Valve 51327-01H
99.03 - ES0
51327-01H Overspeed Stop Valve Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine. Qty/E = Qty/Motor.
99.03 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Arrangement of Jet System 51330-02H
99.03 - ES0
51330-02H Arrangement of Jet System Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
99.03 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Fuel Oil System 514
Working card
Description 514.01
Page 1 (2) Internal Fuel Oil System Edition 02H
Fuel Oil System The fuel injection valve is located in a valve sleeve in
the centre of the cylinder head. The opening of the
The built-on fuel oil system consists of inlet pipes for valve is controlled by the fuel oil pressure, and the
fuel oil, mechanical fuel pump units, high-pressure valve is closed by a spring.
pipes as well as return pipes for fuel oil.
The high pressure pipe which is led through a bore in
Waste oil and fuel oil leakages are led to a leakage the cylinder head is surrounded by a shielding tube.
alarm which is heated by means of the inlet fuel oil.
The shielding tube also acts as a drain channel in
order to ensure any leakage from the fuel valve and
Fuel Injection System the high pressure pipe will be drained off.
The engine is provided with one fuel injection pump The complete injection equipment including injection
unit, an injection valve, and a high pressure pipe for pumps and high pressure pipes is well enclosed
98.41 - ES0
514.01 Description
Edition 02H
Internal Fuel Oil System Page 2 (2)
Running-in Filter
98.41 - ES0
Working Card Dismounting/Mounting of 514-01.05
Page 1 (3)
Fuel Injection Pump (L'Orange) Edition 06H
Related procedure
01.08 - ES0
514-01.05 Dismounting/Mounting of Working Card
Edition 06H Fuel Injection Pump (L'Orange) Page 2 (3)
loaded lever.
Mounting of Fuel Injection Pump
The injection pumps are adjusted by the manufac- 10) Renew O-ring (pos 2, fig. 4), and coat the high-
pressure connecting threds at the pump and at
the pressure piece including the O-rings.
01.08 - ES0
Working Card Dismounting/Mounting of 514-01.05
Page 3 (3)
Fuel Injection Pump (L'Orange) Edition 06H
11) Screw the pressure pipe manually to the pres- Mounting of Fuel and Drain Pipes
sure piece.
15) Check the fuel and leakage pipes, they must
12) The correct positioning of the sealing cone not have any sharp bores on the outer circum-
from the pressure pipe has to be checked. The ference, the inner circumference must be free
sealing cone must be completely ummersed of any residuals.
into the pressure nozzle of the injection pump
(approx. 3.6 mm). The sleeve nut has to be 16) Rub the O-rings in the injection pump with
screwed manually to the pressure socket of paste for lip-type packing.
the injection pump.
17) Mount the pipes opposite order of dismantling
13) Tighten the sleeve nut at the pressure piece point 4-5.
with 65 + 5 Nm.
01.08 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card Disassembly/assembly and Repair of 514-01.06
Page 1 (4)
Fuel Injection Pump (L'Orange) Edition 06H
Related procedure
Mounting of fuel injection pump 514-01.05
01.05 - ES0
514-01.06 Disassembly/assembly and Repair of Working Card
Edition 06H Fuel Injection Pump (L'Orange) Page 2 (4)
torque), too.
01.05 - ES0
Working Card Disassembly/assembly and Repair of 514-01.06
Page 3 (4)
Fuel Injection Pump (L'Orange) Edition 06H
01.05 - ES0
514-01.06 Disassembly/assembly and Repair of Working Card
Edition 06H Fuel Injection Pump (L'Orange) Page 4 (4)
The plunger (18) is fixed in the control boring by the P3 gero cut S 102 having a viscosity of 3.5 mm2/sec
measuring pin, see fig. 3. at 20°C according to DIN 53015 is used as preser-
ving agent.
The span between the measuring sleeve and the
roller is measured by a depth micrometer. All external surfaces are primed.
The difference to the required dimension of 10 ± 0.05 The processed external surfaces are coated with
mm has to be newly adjusted by the thrust piece (21), anti-rust grease or preserved with preserving oil
if necessary. Castrol Rustilo DWX31 having a specific gravity of
820 kg/m3 at 15°C according to DIN 51757.
If the prestroke is not correct, the max firing pressure
of the mentioned cylinder will be wrong. This preservation is effective for 2 years.
01.05 - ES0
Working Card
Fuel Injection Valve (L'Orange) 514-01.10
Page 1 (5) Edition 08H
Top cover on the cylinder head and front cover on Ring and open end spanner 12 mm
the fuel injection pump has been dismounted. Ring and open end spanner 24 mm
Fuel injection pipe dismounted 514-01.05 Socket spanner 24 mm
Socket spanner 30 mm
Tools for cleaning.
Clean kerosene or gas oil.
Antiseizure product.
(Copaslip, Molykote GN Plus or similar).
Related procedure
01.44 - ES0
514-01.10 Fuel Injection Valve (L'Orange)
Working Card
Edition 08H Page 2 (5)
The fuel injection valve is the single component that 6) Loosen the nozzle nut (5). If it is jammed, then
has the greatest influence on the diesel engine heat the nozzle nut up in hot oil.
condition. Various forms of operation and quality of
fuel oil affect the overhaul intervals. In some cases 7) Remove the injector nozzle (6). Be careful that
it may be necessary to shorten the prescribed inter- the the injector needle does not fall out.
Dismounting and Cleaning
Do not damage the lapped surface.
1) Dismount the fuel injection valve from the
cylinder head by means of the special tool as 8) Dismount all other components.
shown in fig 1.
9) All parts must be cleaned with kerosene or gas
2) Mount the fuel injection valve on the pressure oil and a hard brush (not a steel brush).
testing pump.
10) Clean the nozzle holes of charred coke by
Note: Utmost cleanliness and care are required means of the supplied special drill please see
during the disassembly of fuel injection valve. plate 52014 with holder.
3) Loosen the nut, see fig 2, pos 2. 11) Clean carefully the injector body by placing
these in a cleaning liquid and then blow through
4) Then release the pressure spring (3). the parts with dry air.
Fig 1 Tool for dismounting of fuel injection valve. Fig 2 Fuel injection valve.
01.44 - ES0
Working Card
Fuel Injection Valve (L'Orange) 514-01.10
Page 3 (5) Edition 08H
12) Nozzles are matched by lapping and are there- d. Tighten torque for lock nut (2): 100 Nm.
fore only interchangeable as units.
13) The injector needle, which has been previ- Pressure Testing of Fuel Injection Valve
ously cleaned, wetted by test oil P3 gero cut S
102 or diesel fuel and inserted into nozzle 19) The most effective checking of the fuel injec-
body, is pulled out to approx. one third of its tion valves is obtained through pressure test-
sliding surface. At an almost vertical position, ing, preferably carried out after each overhaul
the injector needle must quickly slide onto the and also in case of irregularities in operation.
tight seat by its deadweight. This check-up has The pressure testing is carried out in the fol-
to be carried out for three almost uniformly lowing way by means of the pressure testing
distributed turning position of the needle. apparatus supplied.
14) If the holes are oval worn, which is checked by 20) Mount the fuel injection valve in the test tool
means of a magnifying glass, the nozzle must again. The bracket to be in such a position that
be scrapped. the nozzle of the injector is pointing down-
15) The best way, however, to check if the holes
are worn out is to control the flow rate of the 21) To flush off possibly existing dirt particles in the
nozzle which, in general, only can be made at fuel system of the injection valve, it is recom-
the manufacturer's works on a special test mended to pump through fuel several times,
stand. while the released pressure spring (3) of the
nozzle holder is increase pressure by means
16) Every effort to refurbish will result in alterations of the lever on the test pump, and adjust the
of these values and malfunction of the nozzle. opening pressure to 450 bar, by the adjusting
If heavy abrasion symptoms, respectively dam- screw (1), see fig. 2, then tighten lock nut (2)
ages are observed at the visual inspection of and check opening pressure again.
the parts, the parts in question must be re-
placed. 22) The fuel injection valve shall properly spray at
a pumping frequency of approx. 1 to 2 strokes/
second, do not expect chattering. The fuel
Reassembling (MDO) must be atomized by uniform jets. After
the jets are cut off, no fuel (MDO) drop shall fall
17) When all parts have been overhauled, found in down from the bottom of the spraying ball
good order and carefully cleaned, assemble during 10 seconds when the injector nozzle is
the fuel injection valve again. vertically placed. Do not expect a nozzle tip
with more than 1000 running hours to perform
18) When assembling the fuel injection valve, pro- like a new nozzle in the test pump.
ceed in the opposite order compared to the
disassembly. Pay attention to the following: 23) All connecting and attached points of the fuel
injection valve must not leak during this check-
01.44 - ES0
514-01.10 Fuel Injection Valve (L'Orange) Working Card
Edition 08H Page 4 (5)
If the injector nozzle is deformed by the tightening of 25) Coat the O-rings at the injection valve with
the nozzle nut (5), the injector needle will be jammed graphite paste.
in the nozzle body. Then fuel will be leaving the spray
holes as not or only partially atomized straight jet 26) The injection valve has to be inserted into the
only. Tightening torque for nozzle nut (5) 120 Nm. cylinder head. Care for the alignment of the
high-pressure cone connection. The alignment
of the injection valve is ensured by tightening
the pressure piece before tightening the injec-
tion valve.
01.44 - ES0
Working Card
Fuel Injection Valve (L'Orange) 514-01.10
Page 5 (5) Edition 08H
30) When the pressure piece has been tightened, 32) Screw the pressure pipe manually to the pres-
the fixing flange for the injection valve must be sure piece.
plugged on. The washers and nuts have to be
attached or screwed on. The injection valve is 33) The correct positioning of the sealing cone
pressed to the sealed seat by an alternate from the pressure pipe has to be checked at
tightening of the nuts. The nuts shall be tight- the pump. The sealing cone must be com-
ened with 9 Nm and with use of antiseizure pletely ummersed into the pressure nozzle of
products. the injection pump (approx. 3.6 mm). The
sleeve nut has to be screwed manually to the
pressure socket of the injection pump.
Assembly of the Pressure Pipe
34) Tighten the sleeve nut at the pressure piece
31) Renew O-ring (pos 2, fig. 4), and coat the high- with 65 + 5 Nm.
pressure connecting threds at the pump and at
the pressure piece including the O-rings. 35) Tighten the sleeve nut at the connecting socket
of the pump with 65 + 5 Nm.
01.44 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Check of Fuel Oil Piping System 514-01.90
Page 1 (2) Edition 04H
Hand tools
Check of fuel oil piping system.
Starting position
Engine is running.
Related procedure
01.08 - ES0
514-01.90 Check of Fuel Oil Piping System Working Card
Edition 04H Page 2 (2)
3) Retighten all bolts, nuts and plugs in the piping If the above instructions are not followed carefully,
system. Especially does all high pressure parts there is a risk of oil leakage that can result in
have to be tightened correctly. Please, see dangerous vaporised fuel emission into the engine
working cards in section 514 "Fuel Oil system". room.
01.08 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Fuel Injection Pump (L'Orange) 51401-07H
01.08 - ES0
51401-07H Fuel Injection Pump (L'Orange) Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
014 1/P Roller guide, com- Rullestyr, komplet inkl. 457* 1/P O-ring O-ring
plete incl. item 026, item 026, 038, 051, 063
038, 051, 063 469* 1/P O-ring O-ring
205* 1/P Piston spring plate Stempelfjederplade 793 1/P Screw plug Propskrue
229 1/P Pump casing Pumpehus 803* 1/P Seal ring Tætningsring
230 1/P Connecting socket Forbindelsesstykke 815 1/P Pump spring com- Pumpefjeder kom-
complete incl. valve komplet, inkl. ventil- plete, incl. item 205, plet, inkl. item 205, 278,
cones, springs and spindler, fjedre og item 278, 291 291
item 158, 457, 577 158, 457, 577
827 /I Loctite 0577 Loctite 0577
242 1/P Buffer bolt Bolt
839 1/P Seal kit for fuel in- Pakningssæt for
254 1/P Control rack Reguleringsstang jection pump, incl. brændselspumpe,
item110, 158, 457, inkl. item 110, 158,
266 1/P Regulating sleeve Reguleringsbøsning 469, 482, 697, 707, 457, 469, 482, 697,
incl. clamping sleeve inkl. 756, 768, 781, 803, 707, 756, 768, 781,
984 803, 984
278* 1/P Spring plate Fjederplade
984 1/P O-ring O-ring
291* 1/P Pump spring Pumpefjeder
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/P = Qty/Pump Qty/P = Qty/Pumpe
01.08 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Fuel Injection Valve (L'Orange) 51402-08H
00.48 - ES0
51402-08H Fuel Injection Valve (L'Orange) Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
Qty/V = Qty/Valve Qty/V = Qty/Ventil
00.48 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Fuel Injection Pipe (L'Orange) 51404-07H
00.48 - ES0
51404-07H Fuel Injection Pipe (L'Orange) Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty./Engine Qty/E = Qty./Motor
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
00.48 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Safety Filter 51415-03
03.18 - EO0
51415-03 Safety Filter Page 2 (2)
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty./E = Qty./Engine Qty./E = Qty./Engine
Qty./F = Qty./Filter Qty./F = Qty./Filter
03.18 - EO0
Page 1 (2) Fuel Oil Arrangement 51430-03H
99.33 - ES0
51430-03H Fuel Oil Arrangement Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
120 1/E Pipe, drain Rør, dræn 406 1/E Pipe clamp Rørholder
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
99.33 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Fuel Injection Pump Connections (L'Orange) 51435-03H
51435-03H Fuel Injection Pump Connections (L'Orange) Page 2 (2)
Item Item
Qty Designation Qty Designation
No No
021 5/C Screw
045 1/C O-ring
057 1/C Spring pin
069 Insert pipe
8/E 5 cyl. engine
10/E 6 cyl. engine
12/E 7 cyl. engine
14/E 8 cyl. engine
16/E 9 cyl. engine
070 4/C Retaining ring
082 Insert pipe
4/E 5 cyl. engine
5/E 6 cyl. engine
6/E 7 cyl. engine
7/E 8 cyl. engine
8/E 9 cyl. engine
094 2/C Retaining ring
104 2/E Plug
116 1/E Plug
141 1/E Screw
153 1/E Cover plate
165 2/E Screw
177 2/E Stud
189 1/E Connecting socket
190 2/E Nut
200 2/E O-ring
212 1/E O-ring
224 2/E Connecting pipe
236 1/E Connecting pipe
Page 1 (1) Lubricating Oil System 515
Working card
Description 515.01
Page 1 (2) Internal Lubricating Oil System Edition 04H
All moving parts of the engine are lubricated with oil 1 - Turbocharger.
circulating under pressure. 2 - Main bearings, big-end bearing etc.
3 - Camshaft drive.
4 - Governor drive.
System Flow
5 - Rocker arms.
The lubricating oil pump draws oil from the oil sump 6 - Camshaft.
and pushes the oil through the cooler and filter to the
main lubricating oil bore, from where the oil is distri- ad 1) For priming and during operation the turbo-
buted to various lubricating points. From the lubricating charger is connected to the lub. oil circuit of the
points the oil returns by gravity to the oil sump.The oil engine. The oil serves for bearing lubrication
pressure is controlled by an adjustable spring-loaded and also for dissipation of heat.
relief valve built into the system.
ad 2) Lubricating oil for the main bearings is sup-
98.50 - ES0
515.01 Description
Edition 04H
Internal Lubricating Oil System Page 2 (2)
Channels have been bored into the connecting Lubricating Oil Cooler
rods for supply of oil from the big-end bearings
to the small-end bearings, which has an inner The lubricating oil cooler is of the plate type. The
circumferential groove, and a pocket for distri- cooler is mounted on the front-end box.
bution of oil in the bush itself. For supply of oil
to the pin bosses and the piston cooling.
Thermostatic Valve
From the front main bearings channels have
been bored in the crankshaft for lubricating of The thermostatic valve is a fully automatic 3-way
the pump drive. valve with thermostatic elements set at fixed tem-
ad 3) The camshaft drive gear wheels are being
lubricated via the oil-mist principle. Oil-mist is
being generated by oil, which is led out from the Lubricating Oil Filter
bearing in the intermediate wheels.
The lubricating oil filter is a full-flow depth filter of the
ad 4) From bores in the engine frame the governor duplex paper cartridge type, with a fineness of 10-15
drive is being pressure lubricated. microns, and a safety filter with a fineness of 60
ad 5) The lubricating oil to the rocker arms is led
through bores in the engine frame to each
cylinder head. The oil continues through bores Pre-lubricating
in the cylinder head to lubricate the rocker arms
and valve bridges. Further, lub oil is led to the The engine is equipped with an electric-driven prelub.
movable parts in need of lubrication. pump mounted parallel to the main pump. The pump
is arranged for automatic operation, ensuring stand-
ad 6) Lubrication to the fuel pump is supplied via still of the prelubricating pump when the engine is
the fuel camshaft bearing. running, and running during engine stand-still in stand-
by position by the engine control system.
98.50 - ES0
Working Card
Lubricating Oil Pump 515-01.00
Page 1 (3) Edition 03H
Disassembly, overhaul and assembly of lubrica- Feeler gauge 0.1 mm, min length 40-50 cm
ting oil pump Feeler gauge 0.3 mm, min length 40-50 cm
Feeler gauge 0.35 mm, min length 40-50 cm
Starting position
Related procedure
98.47 - ES0
515-01.00 Lubricating Oil Pump Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (3)
For access to the lubricating oil pump it is necessary 8) Change the O-rings on the pump.
to remove the lubricating oil cooler. Please see
worcking card 515-06.00. 9) Mount the pump by the bolts and tighten these
according to description 500.40.
Dismounting 10) Re-new the O-rings for oil and water connections
to the lub. oil cooler.
1) Remove the bolts which are holding the lub. oil
pump. 11) Mount the lub. oil cooler to the frame plate.
3) Remove the bolt (1) and the spur wheel (2), see
fig 1.
4) Remove the bolt (3) and the cover (4), see fig 1.
Take out the pinion spindles (5) and clean all parts in
gas oil and with a hard bush, (never use a steel bush).
The parts are blown clean with working air.
Note: check that the oil pump can run easily when the
pump is assembled.
98.47 - ES0
Working Card
Lubricating Oil Pump 515-01.00
Page 3 (3) Edition 03H
A min. 0.1 mm
max. 0.3 mm
If Then
98.47 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Prelubricating Pump 515-01.05
Page 1 (4) Edition 03H
Dismantling, replacement of the mechanical seals Ring and open end spanner, 13 mm.
and assembly of prelubricating pump. Ring and open end spanner, 15 mm.
Socket spanner, 15 mm.
Adjustable spanner.
Screw driver.
Lubricating light oil and grease.
Starting position Vessels for cleaning.
Related procedure
98.47 - ES0
515-01.05 Working Card
Edition 03H Prelubricating Pump Page 2 (4)
Periodic Overhauls 2) Shut off the suction to the pump and block the
electric motor starting button.
Periodic overhauls for the purpose of avoiding func-
tional trouble are not normally necessary for the 3) Loosen the screws which hold the motor and
prelubricating pumps. When properly used, there is pump together and lift away the motor.
very little wear on the pump screws.
4) Remove the front end cover of the pump (1). Do
If oils and other liquids with abrasive properties are not damage the joint (2) between front end cover
pumped periodic overhauls may nevertheless be and pump body.
carried out so that worn parts can be replaced in good
time. The intervals between such overhauls are 5) Press the stationary seal with o-ring (27 and 23)
determined by experience in each individual case. see fig. 2, out of the front cover.
21 rotor (17). Due to the rubber bellows (25) fig. 2,
20 the necessary press-off power may be
comparatively big.
19 18 17 16 15 14 13
98.47 - ES0
Working Card
Prelubricating Pump 515-01.05
Page 3 (4) Edition 03H
12) Insert the power rotor in the pump casing (3). Note: Do not let the pump run for more than one
minute without working.
13) Wipe over the outside of the stationary seat with
its o-ring gasket (27 and 23) with light oil and
press the seat into the front cover. Maintenance
14) Mount the front cover (1) to the pump casing (3) The seal is self-adjusting and requires no subsequent
making sure not to forget the joint (2) which seal tightening.
between the pump casing and the front cover.
If copious leakage occurs, this is the usual sign of
15) Screw the set screw (20) into the power rotor far wear, which may be due to such causes as incautious
enough to be guided into the keyway in the starting, dirty oil, poor alignment or running without oil.
motor shaft.
98.47 - ES0
515-01.05 Prelubricating Pump Working Card
Edition 03H Page 4 (4)
As soon as the pump has started to work normally, the Direction rotation
by-pass valve must be set by means of a pressure
gauge at the required pressure. When the pump is ready to be started, check that the
dive motor rotates in the correct direction as indicated
Set the by-pass valve, with the screw (10) fig 1, on the on the pump by briefly switching it on and by watching
end cover of the pump body. Turning to the right the fan impeller of the electric motor.
increases the opening pressure. Do not set the valve
at pressures higher than necessary. Note: Do not check the direction of rotation without
prior filling the pump with oil.
This pressure setting should be maintained while the
pump is in operation.
98.47 - ES0
Working Card
Lubricating Oil Filter 515-01.10
Page 1 (3) Edition 02H
Hand tools
Replacement of paper filter element(s).
Cleaning of safety filter and filter housing. Open-end ring spanner, 19"
Allen key, 6 mm
Allen key, 10 mm
Starting position
Related procedure
Replacement and wearing parts
Working time : 1 hour
Capacity : 1 man Plate no Item no Qty. /
98.45 - ES0
515-01.10 Working Card
Edition 02H
Lubricating Oil Filter Page 2 (3)
Please note: Never open the filter while it is in use. Note: Our filter elements are of the disposable type.
The filter to be cleaned must be out of operation. Always change to new original filter.
3) Wait 2 minutes.
5) Wait 20 minutes
98.45 - ES0
Working Card
Lubricating Oil Filter 515-01.10
Page 3 (3) Edition 02H
98.45 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Lubricating Oil, Thermostatic Valve 515-01.20
Page 1 (2) Edition 03H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.47 - ES0
515-01.20 Lubricating Oil, Thermostatic Valve Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (2)
The thermostatic valve cannot be adjusted and 10) Place the element in a bucket of water -12° C
under normal working conditions maintenance is not below the nominal rating and stir the water
required. However, in some cases it is necessary to vigorously with the element for 5 minutes (the
replace the element. sliding valve should not be off its seat).
98.47 -ES0
Working Card
Check of Lubricating Oil Piping System 515-01.90
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Starting position
Engine is running.
Related procedure
98.41 - ES0
515-01.90 Check of Lubricating Oil Piping System Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
98.41 - ES0
Working Card
Lubricating Oil Cooler 515-06.00
Page 1 (5) Edition 03H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.43 - ES0
515-06.00 Lubricating Oil Cooler Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (5)
98.43 - ES0
Working Card
Lubricating Oil Cooler 515-06.00
Page 3 (5) Edition 03H
Oil and fats are removed by using a water emulsify- Replacement of Plates and Gaskets
ing oil solvent, e.g. BP-system cleaner.
Organic and greasy coatings are removed by using
sodium hydroxide (NaOH): The plates are marked with material codes and
reference numbers at each end, plus codes for non-
- max. concentration 1.5% glued gaskets, if any, and stamped with letters V
(1.5% concentration corresponds to 3.75 l and H at either end (fig 1).
30% NaOH per 100 l water).
- max. temperature 85o C. When facing the gasket, the plate is designated as a
left plate, when letter V turns upwards - and as a right
Stone and lime/calcareous deposits are removed by plate when letter H turns upwards. Inlets and outlets
using nitric acid (HNO3): of the V-plates are taking place through the corner
holes Nos 1 and 4. Inlets and outlets of the H-plates
- max. concentration 1.5% take place through corner holes Nos 2 and 3.
(1.5% concentration corresponds to 1.75 l
62% HNO3 per 100 l water).
- max. temperature 65o C. Replacement of Plates
Note: The nitric acid has an important constructive Before mounting a spare plate in the plate stack,
effect on the protective film of stainless steel. please make sure that the spare plate is identical
with the faulty one.
Control of Cleaning Fluid Concentrations Note: The same corner holes must be opened and
letters V and H must be placed properly.
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution is titrated with
0.1 n hydro-chloric acid (HCI) with methyl orange or
methyl red as an indicator. Replacement of Glued Gaskets
Nitric acid (HNO3) solution is titrated with 0.1 n On Plate 51506 stated are gasket and glue quantity.
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) with phenolphtalin as an
indicator. Please use a degreasing agent on the new gaskets.
The concentration of the cleaning fluid in % can be The first plate after the end cover and the connector
calculated from the titration result with of the follow- grid must have gaskets in all grooves. The gaskets
ing formula: must be cut according to the existing gaskets.
98.43 - ES0
515-06.00 Lubricating Oil Cooler Working Card
Edition 03H Page 4 (5)
Cleaning of New Gaskets and Plates The plates with the gaskets are mounted in the frame
which is lightly clamped. In the case of using rubber
New gaskets and gasket grooves of the plates are grooves, they are assembled to the minimum mea-
cleaned with a cloth moistened with degreasing sure stated on the engine sign plus 0.2 mm per plate.
agent. The glued surfaces must be absolutely clean
- without finger prints etc. Heat up the plate heat exchanger to 90-100° C by
means of water or steam.
Please use our cleaning fluid, which conforms to
suppliers recommendations. Please note:
98.43 - ES0
Working Card
Lubricating Oil Cooler 515-06.00
Page 5 (5) Edition 03H
Cyl x
5 82.5 mm
6 86.3 mm
7 100.0 mm
8 117.3 mm
9 131.1 mm
Fig 3 Measuring x
98.43 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card 515-15.00
Page 1 (3) Centrifugal Bypass Filter Edition 03H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.47 - ES0
515-15.00 Centrifugal Bypass Filter Working Card
Edition 03H Page 2 (3 )
Cleaning Procedure 5) Remove stand tube (075) and clean.
98.47 - ES0
Working Card 515-15.00
Page 3 (3 ) Centrifugal Bypass Filter Edition 03H
To Check Bearing Clearances Spindle top journal diameter 14.98 mm Min.
Spindle bottom journal diameter 21.63 mm Min.
This is most easily done by applying a dial gauge to Top bearing bore diameter 15.06 mm Max.
the outside of the rotor opposite each bearing in turn Bottom bearing bore diameter 21.69 mm Max.
and measuring the total play thus:
The spindle and body assembly and the rotor bearing
14) Apply dial gauge and measure play. tube assembly are factory assembled items and
should only be replaced with complete assemblies.
15) Turn rotor 90° and repeat measurement.
98.47 - ES0
Your Notes :
Page 1 (2) Lubricating Oil Pump 51501-06H
98.48 - ES0
51501-06H Lubricating Oil Pump Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/P = Qty/Pump Qty/P = Qty/Pumpe
98.48 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Lubricating Oil Filter 51502-04H
99.06 - ES0
51502-04H Lubricating Oil Filter Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
99.06 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Prelubricating Pump 51504-04H
99.07 - ES0
51504-04H Prelubricating Pump Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
014 1/P Front cover Fordæksel 516 1/E Ball bearing, rear Kugleleje, bagside
026 1/P Joint Pakning 528 1/E Ball bearing, front Kugleleje, forside
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/P = Qty/Pump Qty/P = Qty/Pumpe
99.07 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Lubricating Oil Cooler 51506-03H
98.12 - ES0
51506-03H Lubricating Oil Cooler Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/K = Qty/Cooler Qty/K = Qty/Køler
Qty/I = Qty/Individual Qty/I = Qty/Individuelt
98.12 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Centrifugal By-pass Filter 51515-02H
97.47 - ES0
51515-02H Centrifugal By-pass Filter Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
014 1/F Body , complete incl. Sokkel, komplet inkl. 301 1/F Cover nut fixing kit, Dækselmøtrikskit, inde-
item 026, 038, 051, 063, item 026, 038, 051, 063, consisting of item 134, holdende item 134, 146,
075, 087, 099, 109 075, 087, 099, 109 146, 158, 171 158, 171
026 1/F Valve body Ventilsokkel 313 1/F Valve kit, consisting of Ventilkit, indeholdende
item 026, 038, 051, 063, item 026, 038, 051, 063,
038 1/F Valve handle Ventilhåndtag 075, 087 075, 087
051 1/F Nyloc nut Møtrik 325 1/F Seals kit, consisting of Tætningskit, indehold-
item 087, 099, 109, 158, ende item 087, 099, 109,
063 1/F Valve adaptor Ventiladapter 242 158, 242
075 1/F Valve stop Ventilstop 337 1/E Centrifugal by-pass fil- Centrifugal by-pass fil-
ter, complete as ter, komplet som vist på
087 1/F Valve seal Ventiltætning shown on front page forsiden
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/F = Qty/Filter Qty/F = Qty/Filter
97.47 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Prelubricating Oil Arrangement 51535-02H
00.14 - ES0
51535-02H Prelubricating Oil Arrangement Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
00.14 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Cooling Water System 516
Working card
Description 516.01
Page 1 (1) Internal Cooling Water System Edition 04H
Cooling Water System
Thermostatic Valves
99.03 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Check of Cooling Water System 516-01.90
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Starting position
Engine is running.
Related procedure
98.41 - ES0
516-01.90 Check of Cooling Water System Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
Checks to be Carried Out 4) Check the condition of the outermost of the two
O-rings (which make up the tightening between
1) Examine the cooling water connections for the water jacket and the combustion space) by
leaks. means of the inspection holes in the cylinder
2) Check flexible connections for leaks.
Concerning check of the fresh water condition, see
It is important that the flexible connections are free section 504.
from paint and grease and in healthy condition.
98.41 - ES0
Working Card
Cooling Water, Thermostatic Valve 516-04.00
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.41 - ES0
516-04.00 Cooling Water, Thermostatic Valve Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
The thermostatic valves cannot be adjusted and 5) Remount a new element (4) by wriggling it
under normal conditions maintenance is not re- somewhat over side.
quired. However, in some cases it is necessary to
clean or replace elements. 6) Mount lock ring (2) in the recees.
98.41 - ES0
Working Card
HT and LT Water Pumps 516-10.00
Page 1 (2) Edition 01H
Starting position
Related procedure
Capacity : 1 man
51610 010 4/E
51610 022 2/E
Data 51610 095 2/E
51610 250 1/E
Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)
Data for torque moment (Page 500.40)
Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)
98.41 - ES0
516-10.00 HT and LT Water Pumps Working Card
Edition 01H Page 2 (2)
After the cooling water thermostat casing is removed Inspection of the Pump
the cooling water pumps can be dismounted.
6) Inspect the shaft for seizures after removing
1) Remove the screws (1), see fig. 1 and pull out the shaft seal and bearings, also inspect the
the pump by means of the spring bolts. impeller for pittings and caviations. Clean all
parts carefully.
9) Fit the spur wheel (4) and washer (3) with the
screw (2) and tight it according to page 500.40.
10) Fit carefully the slide ring joint (10), then fit the
washer (8) and the impeller (9) and tight the nut
(7) according to page 500.40.
11) Mount the cover (6) with the screw (5) and tight
them according to page 500.40.
5) Take out the lock ring (11), then pull out the
shaft (12) with bearings (13) and (14) and the
shaft seal (15).
98.41 - ES0
Page 1 (2) High- and Low Temperature Fresh Water Pumps 51610-03H
97.51 - ES0
51610-03H High- and Low Temperature Fresh Water Pumps Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty./P = Qty./Pump Qty./P = Qty./Pumpe
Qty./I = Qty./Individual Qty./I = Qty./Individuelt
97.51 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Cooling Water Connections 51630-02H
98.45 - ES0
51630-02H Cooling Water Connections Page 2 (2)
Item Item
no Qty Designation Benævnelse no Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/E = Qty/Engine Qty/E = Qty/Motor
Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder Qty/C = Qty/Cylinder
98.45 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Special Equipment 517
Your Notes :
Page 1 (1) Alternator 518
Your Notes :
Page 1 (1) Specific Plant Information 519
Working card
Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets 519.03
Page 1 (2) Edition 03H
Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets 1) The support between the bottom flange of the
conical mounting and the foundation is made
On resiliently mounted generating sets, the diesel with a loose steel shim. This steel shim is
engine and the alternator are placed on a common adjusted to an exact measurement (min. 75
rigid base frame mounted on the ship's/machine mm) for each conical mounting.
house's foundation by means of resilient supports,
Conical type. 2) The support can also be made by means of two
steel shims, at the top a loose steel shim of at
All connections from the generating set to the external least 75 mm and below a steel shim of at least
systems should be equipped with flexible connec- 10 mm which are adjusted for each conical
tions and pipes. Gangway etc. must not be welded to mounting and then welded to the foundation.
the external part of the installation.
Resilient Support
99.44 - ES1
519.03 Resilient Mounting of Generating Sets
Edition 03H Page 2 (2)
3) Finally, the support can be made by means of Adjustment of Engine and Alternator on
chockfast. It is necessary to use two steel Base Frame
shims, the top steel shim should be loose and
have a minimum thickness of 75 mm and the The resiliently mounted generating set is normally
bottom steel shim should be cast in chockfast delivered from the factory with engine and alternator
with a thickness of at least 10 mm. mounted on the common base frame. Eventhough the
engine and alternator have been adjusted by the
Irrespective of the method of support, the 75 mm steel factory with the alternator rotor placed correctly in the
shim is necessary to facilitate a possible future stator and the crankshaft bend of the engine is within
replacement of the conical mountings, which are the prescribed tolerances.
always replaced in pairs.
99.44 - ES1
Working card
Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets 519-03.00
Page 1 (4) Edition 24
Mounting and adjustment instruction for new Ring and open-end spanner, 19 mm
GenSet and adjustment instruction for existing Ring and open-end spanner, 24 mm
plants. Ring and open-end spanner, 41 mm
Feeler gauge, 1-2 mm
Measurement tool
Hydraulic jack (if necessary)
Starting position
Related procedure
03.50 - ES1
519-03.00 Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets Working card
Edition 24 Page 2 (4)
Mounting and Adjustment Instructions for 5) Position the jacking bolt with a through-going
New Generating Sets (Method 1) of minimum 75 mm.
Make Ready for Adjustment of Conical Ele- 6) Lower the generating set until it rests com-
ments pletely on the foundation.
If the conical elements have not been mounted by 7) Check that all the jacking bolts have full con-
the factory, they must be mounted on the prepared tact with the foundation.
brackets on the base frame. In case they have been
mounted by the factory, please start with item 4. 8) Loosen the nut (7).
1) Remove nut (7) and ring (6) from the conical 9) Turn all the internal buffers by applying a
element. spanner to the hexagon (S = 19) to check that
they can move freely.
2) Fit the conical element to the bracket on the
suspended equipment by means of fixing the
central buffer (2), the ring (6) and nut (7). If all internal buffers Then
3) Tighten the nut (7) by hand and simultane- Can move freely Let conical elements set-
ously block the central buffer (2) by applying a tle for 48 hours.
spanner to the hexagon (S = 19) on the top of
the central buffer (2). Cannot be moved Turn the jacking bolts
freely clockwise to release the
4) Position the four jacking bolts in the tapped internal buffer.
holes (8) in the bottom flange.
03.50 - ES1
Working card
Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets 519-03.00
Page 3 (4) Edition 24
Adjustment of Conical Elements after 48
Hours Settling Drill the mounting holes in the steel shim according
to the conical base casting dimensions.
After the conical elements have been deflected
under static load for 48 hours, the loaded height (H1)
see fig 1, should be measured and compared to the Mounting of the Completed Steel Shim
recommended loaded height.
13) Turn the internal buffer anticlockwise until it
10) Care must be taken, during levelling of the contacts the base casting to secure the loaded
installation, to ensure that individual mount- height of each conical element.
ings are not overloaded. The variation in laden
height should not exceed 2 mm and should 14) Lift the generating set with crane or hydraulic
ideally be less. The laden height can be meas- jack.
ured between top and base casting at H, on
two sides (see fig 1). 15) Remove all the jacking bolts.
obtain the highest possible accuracy during (2), see fig 1, does not touch the steel shim or
preparation. foundation.
03.50 - ES1
519-03.00 Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets Working card
Page 4 (4)
Edition 24
Mounting of Conical Elements on the Foun- or
b) Drill the mounting holes in the foundation by
23) Drill four mounting holes in the foundation for means of the drilling pattern from the installa-
each conical element, either tion drawing.
a) Mark the positions of the mounting holes on The drilling has to be done on beforehand and
the foundation through the conical element. the set must be aligned with the foundation
holes before the work starts to avoid further
(Re)move the set completely so that the mark- removal of the set.
ings can be reached by drilling with conven-
tional tools. 24) Fix the conical element and the steel shim to
the foundation with four bolts.
Place the set on its former position by aligning
it with the drilled holes. Note! After completion of all works the buffer clear-
ance must be checked, see points 19, 20, 21 and 22.
03.50 - ES1
Working card
Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets 519-03.00
Page 1 (4) Edition 25
Mounting and adjustment instruction for new Ring and open-end spanner, 19 mm
GenSet and adjustment instruction for existing Ring and open-end spanner, 24 mm
plants. Ring and open-end spanner, 41 mm
Feeler gauge, 1-2 mm
Measurement tool
Hydraulic jack (if necessary)
Starting position
Related procedure
03.50 - ES1
519-03.00 Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets Working card
Edition 25 Page 2 (4)
Mounting and Adjustment Instructions for A 75 mm supporting steel shim, complete with holes
New Generating Sets (Method 2) for four jacking bolts and mounting holes drilled
according to conical base casting dimensions, is
Make Ready for Adjustment of Conical Ele- required.
4) Position the supporting steel shim as per fig 1
If the conical elements have not been mounted by and locate the conical element by means of
the factory, they must be mounted on the prepared dowel pins.
brackets on the base frame. In case they have been
mounted by the factory, please start with item 4. 5) Position the jacking bolts in the tapped holes in
the supporting steel shim as per fig 1.
1) Remove nut (7) and ring (6) from the conical
element. 6) Position the jacking bolts with a through-going
of minimum 10 mm, see fig 1.
2) Fit the conical element to the bracket on the
suspended equipment by means of fixing the 7) Lowed generating set until it rests completely
central buffer (2), the ring (6) and nut (7). on the foundation.
3) Tighten the nut (7) by hand and simultane- 8) Check that all jacking bolts have full contact
ously block the central buffer (2) by applying a with the foundation.
spanner to the hexagon (S = 19) on the top of
the central buffer (2). 9) Loosen the nut (7).
03.50 - ES1
Working card
Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets 519-03.00
Page 3 (4) Edition 25
If all internal buffers Then Measuring of Steel Shim
Can move freely Let conical elements set- 12) Measure the steel shim on several points to
tle for 48 hours. obtain the highest possible accuracy during
Cannot be moved Turn the three jacking
freely bolts in the supporting
steel shim clockwise, or Fabricating Steel Shim
anticlockwise to release
the internal buffer. 13) Make sure that the minimum height of the steel
shim is 10 mm to secure the future replace-
ment of the supporting steel shim.
Adjustment of Conical Elements after 48
Hours Settling Drill the mounting holes in the steel shim according
to the conical base casting dimensions.
After the conical elements have been deflected
under static load for 48 hours, the loaded height (H1)
see fig 1, should be measured and compared to the Mounting of the Completed Steel Shim
recommended loaded height.
14) Lift the generating set 1 mm totally be means
11) Care must be taken, during levelling of the of the three jacking bolts.
installation, to ensure that individual mount-
ings are not overloaded. The variation in laden 15) Position each completed steel shim.
height should not exceed 2 mm and should
ideally be less. The laden height can be meas- 16) Re-lower the generating set by means of the
ured between top and base casting at H, on three jacking bolts until it rests completely in
two sides (see fig 1). itself.
H1 + H2 + H3 ----- HN
Ex: Average = Number of conical elements Adjustment of Internal Buffer
Difference does not ex- The height of the steel 19) Turn the internal buffer two full turns clockwise
ceed 2 mm shim can be measured. (downwards) and check with a feeler gauge
between the base casting of the conical ele-
ment and the steel shim that the internal buffer
The difference between the two sides of the conical (2), see fig 1, does not touch the steel shim or
mounting should not be more than 0.5 mm. foundation.
03.50 - ES1
519-03.00 Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets Working card
Edition 25 Page 4 (4)
Mounting of Conical Elements on the Foun- or
b) Drill the mounting holes in the foundation by
21) Remove the dowel pins. means of the drilling pattern from the installa-
tion drawing.
22) Drill four mounting holes in the foundation for
each conical element, either The drilling has to be done on beforehand and
the set must be aligned with the foundation
a) Mark the positions of the mounting holes on holes before the work starts to avoid further
the foundation through the conical element. removal of the set.
(Re)move the set completely so that the mark- 23) Fix the conical element and the supporting
ings can be reached by drilling with conven- steel shim/steel shim to the foundation with
tional tools. four bolts.
Place the set on its former position by aligning 24) Weld the lowest steel shim to the foundation.
it with the drilled holes.
Note! After completion of all works, the buffer clear-
ance must be checked, see points 17, 18, 19
and 20.
03.50 - ES1
Working card
Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets 519-03.00
Page 1 (4) Edition 26
Mounting and adjustment instruction for new Ring and open-end spanner, 19 mm
GenSet and adjustment instruction for existing Ring and open-end spanner, 24 mm
plants. Ring and open-end spanner, 41 mm
Feeler gauge, 1-2 mm
Measurement tool
Hydraulic jack (if necessary)
Starting position
Related procedure
03.50 - ES0
519-03.00 Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets Working card
Edition 26 Page 2 (4)
Mounting and Adjustment Instructions for A 75 mm supporting steel shim, complete with tapped
New Generating Sets (Method 3) holes for three jacking bolts, four mounting holes and
four tapped holes, drilled according to the conical
Make Ready for Adjustment of Conical Ele- base casting dimension, is required see fig 1.
4) Position the supporting steel shim as per fig 1
If the conical elements have not been mounted by and locate the conical element by means of
the factory, they must be mounted on the prepared four hold-down bolts.
brackets on the base frame. In case they have been
mounted by the factory, please start with item 4. 5) Position the jacking bolts in the tapped holes in
the supporting steel shim as per fig 1.
1) Remove nut (7) and ring (6) from the conical
element. 6) Position the jacking bolts with a through-going
of minimum 10 mm plus permitted thickness,
2) Fit the conical element to the bracket on the as specified from the chockfast supplier, see
suspended equipment by means of fixing the fig 1.
central buffer (2), the ring (6) and nut (7).
7) Lowed the generating set until it rests com-
3) Tighten the nut (7) by hand and simultane- pletely on the foundation.
ously block the central buffer (2) by applying a
spanner to the hexagon (S = 19) on the top of 8) Check that all jacking bolts have full contact
the central buffer (2). with the foundation.
03.50 - ES1
Working card 519-03.00
Page 3 (4) Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets Edition 26
If all internal buffers Then Measuring of Steel Shim and Chockfast
Can move freely Let conical elements set- 10) The steel shim should be at least 10 mm heigh.
tle for 48 hours.
Check the minimum permitted thickness of
Cannot be moved Turn the three jacking chockfast for the load and surface of this appli-
freely bolts in the supporting cation with chockfast supplier.
steel shim clockwise, or
anticlockwise and
slacken the four hold- Fabricating Steel Shim
down bolts to release the
internal buffer. Make sure that the minimum height of the steel shim
is 10 mm to secure a future replacement of the
supporting steel shim.
Adjustment of Conical Element after 48 Hours
Settling 11) Drill the mounting holes in the steel shim
according to the mounting holes in the sup-
After the conical elements have been deflected porting steel shim.
under static load for 48 hours, the loaded height (H1)
see fig 1, should be measured and compared to the
recommended loaded height. Adjustment of Internal Buffer
9) Care must be taken, during levelling of the 12) Turn the internal buffer clockwise (downwards)
installation, to ensure that individual mount- until it makes contact with the steel shim or
ings are not overloaded. The variation in laden foundation.
height should not exceed 2 mm and should
ideally be less. The laden height can be meas- 13) Turn the internal buffer anticlockwise (upwards)
ured between top and base casting at H, on until it obtains contact with the base casting.
two sides (see fig 1).
This must be four full turns.
H1 + H2 + H3 ----- HN
Ex: Average = Number of conical elements 14) Turn the internal buffer two full turns clockwise
(downwards) and check with a feeler gauge
between the base casting of the conical ele-
If Then ment and the steel shim that the internal buffer
(2), see fig 1, does not touch the steel shim or
Difference exceeds Level the conical element foundation.
2 mm. by adjusting the jacking
bolts - commencing with 15) Tighten the nut (7) with a torque of 300 Nm and
the conical element with blocking the internal buffer (2) with a spanner
03.50 - ES1
519-03.00 Fitting Instructions for Resilient Mounting of GenSets Working card
Edition 26 Page 4 (4)
a) Mark the positions of the mounting holes on or
the foundation through the supporting steel
shim. b) Drill the mounting holes in the foundation by
means of the drilling pattern.
(Re)move the set completely so that the mark-
ings can be reached by drilling with conven- The drilling has to be done on beforehand and
tional tools. the set must be aligned with the foundation
holes before the work starts to avoid further
Place the set on its former position by aligning removal of the set.
it with the drilled holes.
Make sure that the mounting bolts are isolated from
the chockfast.
03.50 - ES1
Working card
Replacement of Conicals 519-03.05
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Starting position
Safety precautions.
Related procedure
98.41 - ES0
519-03.05 Replacement of Conicals Working card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
Replacement of Conicals
1) Loosen all the holding down-bolts for the conicals 3) Lift the GenSet until the steel shim can be
in one side. removed. This will give enough space for
removing damaged conical.
2) Mount a jack under the base frame, see fig 1.
4) Mount the GenSet conical.
One pair
98.41 - ES0
Working Card
Maintenance of Conicals 519-03.10
Page 1 (2) Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
98.41 - ES0
519-03.10 Maintenance of Conicals Working Card
Edition 02H Page 2 (2)
Visual Check Result of Clearance Check
If Then
1. Nut
2. Internal buffer
3. Conical base casting
4. Steel shim
Fig 1 Conical
98.41 - ES0S
Page 1 (2) Flexible External Connections 51902-04H
Fig. Designation Connection
99.09 - ES0
51902-04H Flexible External Connections Page 2 (2)
Fig. Designation Connection
99.09 - ES0
Page 1 (2) Conical Element 51903-02H
97.49 - ES0
51903-02H Conical Element Page 2 (2)
Item Item
No Qty Designation Benævnelse No Qty Designation Benævnelse
When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. Ved bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.
* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.
Qty/M = Qty/Conical mounting. Qty/M = Qty/Conical montering.
97.49 - ES0
Page 1 (1) Tools 520
Working card
Working Card 520-01.05
Page 1 (7) Function of the Hydraulic Tools Edition 02H
Starting position
Related procedure
99.43 - ES0
520-01.05 Working Card
Edition 02H Function of the Hydraulic Tools Page 2 (7)
Function of the Bolt Tensioning Device 8. The operation and handling of the device are to
be carried out by expert staff only.
In order to achieve an optimal result with one or
several devices, some rules have to be considered. 9. The given max. operation pressure is not to be
We expressly point out that a conscientious handling exceeded in any case and is to be watched at
of the device as well as the accessories is of highest the manometer of the pressure generator dur-
importance. To ignore these rules or separate hints ing the complete tensioning or loosening pro-
means danger to life or danger of injuries! See Safety cedure. When having achieved the given pres-
Hints. sure, stop the pressurization immediately.
3. All assembly parts are to be handled in corre- 13. Never hold or transport the device by using the
spondence to the working cards only. A change high-pressure hoses.
in the procedure or another operation of the
device is not allowed. 14. An incorrect working manometer that doesn´t
show the right pressure leads to overstressing
4. Make sure that the components to be tensioned of the parts and to an incorrect bolt connection.
do not exceed the admissible strain. Apart from damaged parts an incorrect bolt
connection can also cause conditions that are
5. In order to use the device, the thread has to be danger to life. Therefore take care that the
sufficiently exceeding in order to avoid that the manometer shows the right value or the
turn of a thread cracks, see item 4. tensioning force is checked in an other way (for
example by using a master manometer).
6. During the pressurization the people involved Tensioning forces can be checked for example
have to remain in an appropriate distance. by measuring the linear deformation. Dam-
Staying in direction towards the bolt axis is aged manometers have to be exchanged im-
forbidden. mediately.
99.43 - ES0
Working Card 520-01.05
Page 3 (7) Function of the Hydraulic Tools Edition 02H
Working Hints
99.43 - ES0
520-01.05 Working Card
Edition 02H
Function of the Hydraulic Tools Page 4 (7)
- By drawing the hose with a manual force of If necessary, turn back the device, but make sure
about 100 N make sure that the connection is that the max. admissible stroke of the device is not
correctly barred. exceeded. Beside that, it has to be ensured that the
cylinder and the support sleeve remain centrically
- For decoupling the high-pressure hose in a towards each other (consider centering shoulder).
pressureless condition, first pull back the cou-
pling socket and then take off the hose. Having made all hydraulic connections correctly,
see fig. 2, start the pressurization for the tensioning
procedure. If the necessary pressure is achieved
stop pressurization. The inducted force causes the
bolt to extend or an edging of the components to be
tensioned so that the main nut is lifted from the
flange. Screw it back to the flange, see fig. 3. Check
by help of a feeler gauge leaf whether the main nut
really fits tight to the flange. After that, bleed hydrau-
lic pressure. Now the connection is tensioned.
Fig. 2. Coupling of the high-pressure hoses.
Having brought the piston to its zero position, see fig.
4, the hydraulic hoses can be decoupled. In order to
Hoses with fast-lock coupling sockets avoid, also prevent impurities, it is advisable to close coupling
when uncoupled, that oil runs out. When the hoses sockets and coupling nipples at once by protecting
get heated, there can be an inside pressure in the caps. The device can be unscrewed from the bolt.
uncoupled condition making a coupling impossible.
By loosening one screw connection (see fig. 2) the
pressure can be bleeded
Þ Always consider the safety and working
Screw the device until the support sleeve or the Hint: The adjusted slit measure may never exceed
support cylinder fits exactly to the flange. The piston the admissible stroke of the device! Furthermore,
of the device must be at its zero position. Further- take care that the window for the adjusting rod are
more, take care that the hydraulic connector and the well accessible.
window for the adjusting rod is well accessible. Having made all hydraulic connections correctly,
see fig. 2, start the pressurization.
99.43 - ES0
Working Card 520-01.05
Page 5 (7) Function of the Hydraulic Tools Edition 02H
Having turned back the main nut, the pressure can Hint: Never screw the main nut back until it fits to the
be bled. The bolt connection is loosened. Before piston since the device can be tensioned in
unscrewing the device, bring the piston back to its itself.
zero position, see fig. 4. After that, the hydraulic
hoses can be decoupled. In order to prevent impuri-
ties, it is advisable to close coupling sockets and Adjustment and Turn Back of the Main Nut
coupling nipples at once by protecting caps. The
device can be unscrewed from the bolt. During the pressurization of the device, the bolt is
being extended by the tensioning force and the
Make sure that no operational forces (e.g. components are being edged. The result is that the
inner pressure) affect the components to be main nut does no longer fit to the flange.
loosened since only part of the bolts take over
these forces and thus the bolts, which are not Having achieved the necessary pressure, adjust the
yet loosened, might be overburdened. main nut - when tensioning - until it fits to the flange
again before bleeding the pressure, see Tensioning
The pressure when the main nut can be loos- Procedure. When loosening the bolts, turn back the
ened may never exceed the tensioning pres- main nut after the pressurization according to the
sure by help of which the connection was bolt and component deformations, (see Loosening
tensioned! Should it not be possible to loosen Procedure.
the main nut when reaching the original
tensioning pressure interrupt the pressuriza-
Always consider the safety and working hints!
The main nut is equipped with several radial bores
where the adjusting rod can be put in. The main nut
is accessible through the window in the support
99.43 - ES0
520-01.05 Function of the Hydraulic Tools
Working Card
Edition 02H Page 6 (7)
99.43 - ES0
Working Card 520-01.05
Page 7 (7) Function of the Hydraulic Tools Edition 02H
a) Storage
99.43 - ES0
Your Notes :
Working Card
Application of Hydraulic Tools 520-01.06
Page 1 (4) Edition 06H
Starting position
Related procedure
01.35 - ES0
520-01.06 Application of Hydraulic Tools Working Card
Edition 06H Page 2 (4)
01.35 - ES0
Working Card
Application of Hydraulic Tools 520-01.06
Page 3 (4) Edition 06H
01.35 - ES0
520-01.06 Working Card
Edition 06H
Application of Hydraulic Tools Page 4 (4)
01.35 - ES0
Working Card
Hand Lever Pump 520-01.07
Page 1 (4) Edition 01H
Starting position
Related procedure
99.43 - ES0
520-01.07 Hand Lever Pump Working Card
Edition 01H Page 2 (4)
Warning: The hand lever pump is not equipped with Initial Start-up and Venting
a pressure relief valve.
Never use the pump without a mounted manometer. In general and venting
Always pay attention to the given pressure of the
connected pressure consumers. Do never exceed Please make sure that all parts of the pump, especially
this pressure or the max. pressure of the hand lever the manometer and the pressure port, are in a
pump. perfect condition. Defect parts are to be exchanged
against new ones immediately.
Important: Except for hydraulic oil, never use different
liquids such as petrol, water, diesel oil, alcohol or Turn the carrying handle with counter-clockwise
brake liquid, since these can lead to damages or rotation out of his fixing. Then turn it into the hand
even to destruction of the pump and/or the parts lever of the pump against the stopping face.
connected with it. Choose a place of assembling and
operation where the pump can always stand safe Attention: If the carrying handle is not srewed-in into
and firm on a horizontal plain. There should always the hand lever, it can cause injuries while using the
be sufficient space for operating the pump. i pump.
Never handle the pump lever with oiled hands and
never use hand lever extensions. Never expose the Open the oil filler cap and check the oil level. If
pump to great heat, fire or extreme coldness, since neccessary, fill up the tank with hydraulic oil according
this leads to damages or even destruction. Protect to IS0 VG 32. Never overfill the tank. Close the oil
the pump from falling objects and avoid hard blows filler cap.
or pushes. Open the tank breather with the square wrench
(included in the scope of supply) by about one turn.
Attention - Danger to life Now loosen the breather screw at the pump (see
Check the manometer of the pump for the needed drawing) with an allen key SW 2,5 by about one turn.
hydraulic pressure, given by an authorized person, Close the depressurization valve tightly. Now pump
not to be exceeded. Make sure that the pressure you at the hand lever until oil flows out of the breather
want to generate is also admissible for all connection screw bladder-free. Only then are you allowed to
parts. close the breather screw. The pump is now vented
and ready for operation.
All pressure connections and connecting elements
have to be clean and undamaged. High-pressure After each operation and for the transport, close the
connections from the pump to the tools have to be tank breather in order to avoid the hydraulic oil’s
established correctly prior to any pressurization. running out.
Disregard leads to danger to life. Please see working
card 520-01.06.
Attention - Danger on injuries
Loads being lifted by the pump may never be held by - Open the tank breather with the square wrench
the pump valves alone. Use additional non-return
99.43 - ES0
Working Card
Hand Lever Pump 520-01.07
Page 3 (4) Edition 01H
- Pump at the hand lever until the wanted pres- Attention: Inside of the adjusting screw is another
sure is achieved. Check the pressurization at grub screw with inner hexagon (wrench size 4 mm)
the manometer and take care of possible to limit the stroke of the change-over piston inside of
leakages. the pump block. It is absolutely necessary, to screw
out the grub screw approx. 2 times before turning the
Remark: The pump is with two stages. The change adjusting screw!
from the first stage to the second stage happens
automatical at a system pressure of about 30 bar. The regulation of the adjusting screw follows gradually
in approx. 10° - steps. After everv adjusting step the
Attention: The pump is not equipped with an internal grub screw is to screw in until it fits closely and
pressure relief valve. The use of a manometer and approx. a l/4 turn to loosen.
the control of the system pressure during
pressurization is indispensable. Check by carefully pumping if the change-over pres-
sure wanted has been reached. If necessary, repeat
Attention: Do not stand directly over the moving line the procedure as described above.
of the pump lever. Under arising circumstances the
lever can “hit back”. To avoid accidents stand
sideways the pump.
99.43 - ES0
520-01.07 Hand Lever Pump Working Card
Edition 01H Page 4 (4)
99.43 - ES0